danube transnational programme – opportunities for cooperation bucharest 15.10.2015

Danube Transnational Programme opportunities for cooperation Bucharest 15.10.2015

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Danube Transnational Programme – opportunities for cooperation


Page 2: Danube Transnational Programme – opportunities for cooperation Bucharest 15.10.2015


• Background information

• Mission and Programme Area

• Budget and Expected Results

• Examples of indicative actions

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DTP thematic portofolio and mission

DTP opportunities for cooperation

• Contribute to a higher degree of territorial cohesion• Act as policy driver towards positive change• Develop policy frameworks, tools, services and concrete pilot investments

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DPT opportunities for cooperation

Geographical eligibility: Danube region:14 countries – 114 million inhabitants

9 EU MS: DE*, AT, SK, SI, CZ, HU, RO, BG, HR


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DTP opportunities for cooperation

Available funds

ERDF = 202,095,405 Euro IPA = 19,829,192 Euro ENI = tbd__________________________________

Total budget262,989,839 Euro

85% EU support15% national co-financing

1st CfP: 40% = 83.5 M euro ERDF - 76 M euro

IPA - 7.5 M euro

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DTP opportunities for cooperation

DTP mission

DTP supports the policy integration in the Danube area below the EU-level and above the national level in specific fields of action. Transnational projects should therefore influence national/ regional/ local policies (“policy drivers”).

DTP fosters transnational cooperation tackling major issues with a view to ensure territorial integration and to create the conditions for competitiveness and economic growth in the region.

DTP supports coordination at regional level to improve strategic management in complementarity with EUSDR targets and actions.

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DTP opportunities for cooperation

Key principles

DTP supports projects with real transnational character and strong result-oriented approach. Transnational relevance of the topic Delivery of concrete, measurable and durable outputs in

response to identified challenges Quality of the partnership Efficiency in terms of mobilised resources Integrated territorial approach Contribution to sustainable development Reducing administrative burden for applicants

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Target GroupLegal Status:• regional and national public institutions/authorities• bodies governed by public law• EGTCs• international organizations and private bodies

Thematic scope:• sectorial and regional development agencies, • networks, clusters and associations, • research and development institutions, • universities with research facilities, • business support organisation • NGOs, • private enterprises including SME

DTP opportunities for cooperation

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DTP opportunities for cooperation

Private bodies whose main scope of activity consists of PM, communication, financial monitoring or other activities with supporting character CANNOT be involved as PP but may be subcontracted, if needed, following the public procurement rules.

Lead Partner: • Partner form an EU MS (ERDF)• Cannot be changed between the 1st and 2nd step• Cannot be a private enterprise• Private enterprises form IPA countries are not

eligible under the 1st call

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Needs and challanges for cooperation

• insufficient transnational cooperation on institutional level in order to fully enhance the research and innovation potentials of the region

• creation of a stimulating environment for research and innovation activities is dependent on promoting adequate policies

• modest flow of info and knowledge between regions of the programme area is enlarging the differences in research and innovation activities

• SMEs capability to adapt to innovation needs to be supported by strengthening the transfer of information and encouraging the quadruple helix approach

• need to develop skills in order to make possible the generation and use of the results of research and innovation activities

DTP opportunities for cooperation

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DTP opportunities for cooperation

Types of actions to be financed:

Development of transnational strategies, action plans, policy frameworks and recommendations

Development of management, coordination, monitoring and reporting tools and services

Preparation of investments to be subsequently financed through other sources*

Pilot activities of testing and demonstration nature Training and capacity building (learning interactions) Information, dissemination and publicity measures

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DTP opportunities for cooperation

Expected results:

• Improved strategic frameworks and cooperation to build up excellent research infrastructure

• More effective collaborative research & innovation activities between enterprises, R&D centres, education and higher education and the public sector

• Improved coordination and developed practical solutions for cluster policies and transnational cluster cooperation for innovation development

• Improved strategic frameworks and developed practical solutions to tackle bottleneck factors that hinder the innovation in SMEs

• Improved policies and practical solutions for entrepreneurial culture and learning

• Improved systems for institutional learning and building capacities of public administration to better cope with innovation processes

• Improved environment, skills and competences to advance social innovation and social services

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DTP opportunities for cooperation


• focusing on purely academic cooperation or research activities

• aiming at mere networking and exchange of experience

• not demonstrating the translation of outputs arising from “soft” actions into concrete and sustainable results


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DTP opportunities for cooperation

Timeframe: Programming period: 2014 – 2020

First Call for Proposals• Launched 23 September 2015• 2-step procedure: EoI and AF• Deadline 1st step: 3 November 2015, 15:00 CET• Deadline 2nd step: mid May 2016• Contracting: October – December 2016

Max. duration of projects in 1st CfP: 30 months

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Thank you

Marius Valentin Niculae

Project Officer

Danube Transnational Programme

Tel: +36 1 896 1967

[email protected]
