danneker cv summer 2016

Danneker CV 1 John Joseph Danneker An experienced academic librarian focused on administration, user services, marketing, and user/space interaction in libraries; and with research interests in library services for undergraduate students, leadership, and liberal arts education Education Master of Science in Library Science The Catholic University of America, Washington, DC Master of Arts in Musicology Thesis: Is a Picture Worth a Thousand Words? Anti-Chinese Sentiment in Early 20 th Century Sheet Music University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI Bachelor of Music in Music History, summa cum laude Bucknell University, Lewisburg, PA Library Experience The University Libraries University of Washington (UW), Seattle, Washington o Director (Associate Librarian) Odegaard Undergraduate Library Sept 2014-present Providing mentorship, vision, and oversight in leading a library staff of 50 (10 librarians, 10 professional staff, 30 graduate and undergraduate student assistants) in carrying out the undergraduate-focused mission of Odegaard. Serving as administrative department head and collaborating with staff to set strategic direction of programs and services. Serving as the primary advocate for Libraries’ programs and services affecting undergraduate students, and keeping abreast of the latest local and global developments in undergraduate education, research, and technology to help drive strategic initiatives. Ensuring excellence in access, course reserves, collection development, reference, and instructional services; and directing assessment of the programs and facilities of Odegaard to ensure they are meeting the needs of users. Leading and encouraging collaborations with core building and campus partners, including the Writing and Research Center (College of Arts and Sciences), UW IT’s Learning Technologies and Classroom Technologies divisions, Housing and Food Services, Undergraduate Academic Affairs, and the Center for Teaching and Learning. Identifying new academic and co-curricular partnership opportunities to enhance services that contribute to undergraduate success. Serving as a core member of the Research and Learning Services division of the Libraries and contributing to the discussions and planning around Libraries-wide issues and services. UW Libraries Committees and Task Forces Strategic Planning Team – member, 2015- Collaborating with colleagues to set overall strategic tone and directions of the Libraries. Working to operationalize initiatives outlined in the Libraries 2015-17 strategic plan, including serving as a liaison to units with projects falling within the Engagement and Community focus area

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John Joseph Danneker

An experienced academic librarian focused on administration, user services, marketing, and user/space interaction in libraries; and with research interests in library services for undergraduate students, leadership, and liberal arts education


Master of Science in Library Science The Catholic University of America, Washington, DC

Master of Arts in Musicology Thesis: Is a Picture Worth a Thousand Words? Anti-Chinese Sentiment in Early 20th Century Sheet Music University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI

Bachelor of Music in Music History, summa cum laude Bucknell University, Lewisburg, PA

Library Experience

The University Libraries University of Washington (UW), Seattle, Washington

o Director (Associate Librarian) – Odegaard Undergraduate Library – Sept 2014-present Providing mentorship, vision, and oversight in leading a library staff of 50 (10 librarians, 10 professional staff, 30 graduate and undergraduate student assistants) in carrying out the undergraduate-focused mission of Odegaard. Serving as administrative department head and collaborating with staff to set strategic direction of programs and services. Serving as the primary advocate for Libraries’ programs and services affecting undergraduate students, and keeping abreast of the latest local and global developments in undergraduate education, research, and technology to help drive strategic initiatives. Ensuring excellence in access, course reserves, collection development, reference, and instructional services; and directing assessment of the programs and facilities of Odegaard to ensure they are meeting the needs of users. Leading and encouraging collaborations with core building and campus partners, including the Writing and Research Center (College of Arts and Sciences), UW IT’s Learning Technologies and Classroom Technologies divisions, Housing and Food Services, Undergraduate Academic Affairs, and the Center for Teaching and Learning. Identifying new academic and co-curricular partnership opportunities to enhance services that contribute to undergraduate success. Serving as a core member of the Research and Learning Services division of the Libraries and contributing to the discussions and planning around Libraries-wide issues and services.

UW Libraries Committees and Task Forces Strategic Planning Team – member, 2015- Collaborating with colleagues to set overall strategic tone and directions of the Libraries. Working to operationalize initiatives outlined in the Libraries 2015-17 strategic plan, including serving as a liaison to units with projects falling within the Engagement and Community focus area

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Open Educational Resources (OER) Steering Committee – co-chair, 2015- Co-leading the efforts of this cross-divisional group who are serving as the primary advocates for OER across the Seattle campus, including planning outreach and events geared toward awareness-raising among library colleagues and faculty partners surrounding open textbooks and other open resources Odegaard Library “Design Thinking” Team – member, 2015- Participating in this Libraries’ Assessment and Metrics Team subgroup experimenting with Design Thinking as a qualitative methodology to gather data and craft responsive changes in services and spaces in a rapid, iterative fashion Facilities Master Plan Steering Committee – member, 2015- Serving as a voice representing the space needs and concerns of undergraduates as the Office of the University Architect and consultants create a 20-year master plan for the Libraries’ buildings on the Seattle campus Associated Librarians of the University of Washington – member, 2014- Regularly attending meetings and participating in discussions in the governing body of professional librarians at UW Organizational Review Initiative Task Force – member, 2015 Served as a member on the team that completed a comprehensive review of the UW Libraries’ organizational structures, including leading several departmental meetings and cross-departmental discussions to gather feedback from all parts of the organization, which ultimately led to new alignments of staffing and resources Search Advisory Committee for the Director of UW Tacoma Library – member, 2015 Served as a member on the bi-campus committee that selected a new library Director for the UW Tacoma campus

UW University Service – Committees and Partnerships International/Multilingual Student Academic Support Working Group – member, 2016- Serving as a Libraries representative on this UW Arts and Sciences initiative investigating the academic support needs of I/M students on campus, considering existing structures, and crafting suggestions for faculty and support professionals Husky 100 Steering Committee – member, 2015- Serving as team member on this tri-campus initiative that recognizes 100 students annually for their passion and leadership in contributing to their communities through their Husky Experience in and out of the classroom Husky Leadership Initiative Serving as a mentor and facilitator for undergraduates exploring leadership theory and practice, and developing their own leadership potential through this cross-university initiative

Mentor, 2015-

U Lead, We Lead event: attendee (2014) and group discussion leader (2015- )

Spring Celebration of Service and Leadership: student presentation reviewer, 2015- Learning Spaces Special Interest Group (ad hoc) – member, 2014- Working with colleagues from several UW partners (including Classroom Technologies and Events, Learning Technologies, and Offices of Planning and Architecture) to explore learning space conversations nationally and make recommendations on local applications of best practices for future classrooms renovation and informal learning spaces on the Seattle campus April Admitted Students’ Visits – participant, 2015 Organized and participated in Libraries outreach tabling during the annual spring visits for UW admitted students

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The University Libraries The George Washington University (GW), Washington, DC

o Director (Librarian II) – Eckles Memorial Library – Oct 2010-Aug 2014 o Library Manager III – Eckles Memorial Library – Oct 2005-Sept 2010

Collaborated with colleagues in University Libraries administration and with Eckles staff to set the strategic direction and the tone of services and library operations, ensuring responsiveness to both the strategic plan of the university and the needs of the mostly-undergraduate Mount Vernon Campus. Managed and/or participated in circulation, reserves, reference, user instruction, collections management, outreach, building operations and renovation activities. Managed personnel matters and payroll for 15-18 total permanent staff and student assistants. Assessed budgeting and annual expenditures and enacted changes in accounts based on changing needs of library users and campus constituencies. Represented Eckles in campus senior staff meetings and numerous libraries- and university-wide committees, leading collaborative initiatives with both campus academic services and student life staff. Assisted in creation/maintenance of a fundraising plan for the Eckles building and participated in alumni events and donor tours for development purposes.

o Library Manager I (Circulation desk unit) – Gelman Library – Dec 2001-Oct 2005 Directly managed 5 permanent and 8-10 student employees in all assignments at the circulation/reserves service desk, including hiring, training, performance assessment, and scheduling duties. Participated in direct customer service transactions and online correspondence with patrons, various library partners and university departments.

GW University Libraries Committees and Task Forces

Assessment Committee – member, 2012-14 (chaired in 2014) Collaborated with colleagues in libraries and across university in serving as a coordinating body for library assessment activities and maintaining awareness of assessment trends in research libraries

Council of Librarians – member, 2010-14 Regularly attended/coordinated meetings and related professional development opportunities of the governing body of professional librarians in the University Libraries

Elected to serve as Vice-chair and Chair of Council, 2012-14

Elected to and served on Codes and Bylaws Committee, 2011-12

Elected to and served on Council’s advisory group to the GW University Librarian search committee, 2012

Eckles Prize Committee – member, 2007-14 (chaired in 2008, 2013-14) Participated in the multi-departmental committee that read submissions and awarded the annual Eckles Prize for Freshman Research Excellence, which recognizes outstanding achievements in library research as shown in final projects and research reflection essays

Strategic Planning Committee – member, 2006-14

Collaborated with colleagues throughout the academic year to determine organizational vision and set and amend goals for the University Libraries’ long-term strategic plan

Led the “Education” goal group in discussions and authoring of strategic initiatives to align with GW’s new university strategic plan during the spring 2013 semester

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Virginia Science & Technology Campus Library Task Force – chair, 2014 Worked with a group of librarians and staff to scan the academic environment and assess local needs to recommend future directions and strategies for library services and staffing on the Northern Virginia branch campus of GW

Gelman Library Renovation & Assessment Task Force – member, 2011-13 Worked to plan aspects of prototyping for spaces and services (particularly public services components), and engaged with ongoing planning/implementation of assessments as the university’s main research library completed a major renovation of two floors, including the creation of a collaborative commons and digital lab

Training and Professional Development Task Force – member, 2011-12 Participated in a group of librarians and staff charged with examining skills sets, performing needs assessments, and making recommendations for funding of training and ongoing professional development for all staff of the university libraries

Ames E-classroom Project Team – member, 2010-12 Served as library co-chair in collaborating with external departments (Academic Affairs, Academic Technologies, and building project directors) to build and outfit space, train staff and assess usage of a library instruction e-classroom and associated embedded librarian office created as part of a major renovation of the Ames Academic Building on the GW-Mount Vernon Campus

Diversity Committee – member, 2005-10 Assisted in planning and execution of special events, exhibits and programming celebrating the cultural and individual diversity of library staff and university community

Web Design Team – member, 2003-09 Assisted with planning, creation and usability testing of several iterations of the library system homepage and website

Staff Management Group – member, 2001-08 (chaired in 2006) Participated in cross-divisional sharing of staff management goals, strategies, and techniques

GW University Service – Committees and Partnerships

Senior Staff Group of the Mount Vernon Campus – member, 2006-14 Participated in regular meetings with campus Associate Provost and other campus senior management in planning and executing mission of the campus from both academic and student life perspectives

University Writing and Research Conference – panel moderator, 2011-14 Moderated panels in this semesterly forum for the public presentation and discussion of undergraduate student research and writing

Vamos a GW – tour coordinator, 2012-14 Collaborated with the service learning Spanish class that brought DC Public Schools students (many of whom were from primary Spanish-speaking households) to experience university life and led sessions discussing the importance of libraries and information both to their current education and their success at universities

Guide to Personal Success Program – guide/mentor, 2008-13 Served as a mentor to groups of first-year students to assist them in acclimating to the college experience and life in DC

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Career Investigations for Transitioning Youth (C.I.T.Y.) Program – site visit coordinator, spring 2012 and 2013 Worked with students in the GW School of Education to plan and coordinate a site visit for youth with developmental/learning disabilities to increase their awareness of varieties of jobs within libraries and information fields

Pre-College Program, Office of Summer Programs – library co-coordinator, summer 2011 and 2012 Coordinated volunteer efforts of the Education and Instruction Group to support the library instruction and research session needs of this program for academically-advanced high school students attending courses at GW

Joint Committee of Faculty and Students – member ex officio, 2004-06

Served as a contributing staff member on this cross-campus information sharing group

Mills Music Library The University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI

o Graduate student reference assistant & Gifts coordinator – Sept 1998–Dec 2000 Assisted patrons with all reference inquiries and answered directional questions about collections and facility, requiring extensive knowledge of databases and music resources in all digital and print formats. Acknowledged, assessed, and copy-cataloged donated gifts of music materials.

Ellen Clarke Bertrand Library Bucknell University, Lewisburg, PA

o Student library monitor/Circulation assistant – Sept 1995–July 1998 Monitored status of building during evening and weekend hours to ensure safety of users and facility in absence of permanent staff members. Assisted patrons with all circulation/reserves inquiries. Trained new student colleagues on all functions of circulation and reserves assignments.

Library Instruction Activities

o University Writing 1020 (required first-year writing & research course) The George Washington University

“The Political Brain” – 3 sections per semester – Spring 2012-Fall 2012, Spring 2014

“Songs and Texts: Writing about Music” – 3 sections per semester – Fall 2010-Spring 2014

“Frankenstorms, Politics and Media” – 3 sections – Fall 2013

“Writing about Video Games” – 1 section – Spring 2013

“Communicating Climate Change” – 3 sections per semester – Fall 2009-Fall 2011

Partnered with course professors Michael Svoboda, Matthew Riley and Devin Proctor in teaching 2-4 library instruction sessions per course section (covering developing research topics, general research strategies,

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researching in library and internet resources, GW library procedures, and source evaluation) and served as ongoing research librarian for students enrolled in the courses

o The Interior Architecture and Design Program The George Washington University

Led research sessions for MFA students approaching their capstone design projects – Summer 2013

Led library orientation session for new MFA students – Fall 2011

Professional Affiliations & (Selected) Professional Development

o American Library Association (ALA) member – 2006-present Attended annual national conferences in 2007, 2010, 2013-15

Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) member – 2007-present

Attended all biennial conferences beginning in 2009

Library Leadership and Management Association (LLAMA) member – 2007-present

Serving on the Assessment Section Services Committee, 2016-18

Served on the Using Measurement Data for Library Planning and Assessment Committee of the Measurement, Assessment, and Evaluation Section, 2014-16

Served on the Continuing Education Committee of the Fund Raising and Financial Development Section, 2012-14

Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgendered Round Table (GLBTRT) member – 2007-present kj

o District of Columbia Library Association (DCLA) member – 2008-10, 2013-14

Served on the Student Financial Assistance Committee, which read applications and awarded scholarships to DC-area MLS program students – 2013-14 lkll

o The School of Library and Information Science Alumni Board – 2009-12 The Catholic University of America

Elected as director (2009); subsequently served as vice president (2010), president (2011), and immediate-past president (2012)

Worked with School on general recruitment initiatives, fundraising, and service activities involving alumni in the DC region and nationwide

Led board through the planning and execution of events to celebrate “A Century of Knowledge, Service and Discovery”, commemorating the centennial of library science courses at Catholic University (http://slis.cua.edu/centennial/)

o Participant in the Learning Spaces Collaboratory, focused on planning the future of undergraduate learning

spaces (http://www.pkallsc.org/)

Participant in the national roundtable round-up, Washington, DC, June 2016

Host/participant for the Pacific NW regional roundtable of architects, planners, and librarians, Odegaard

Library, Seattle, WA, April 2016

o Participated in the Social Justice in Libraries un-conference, Seattle, WA, April 2016

o Attended the Open Education Conference as co-chair of UW’s OER group, Vancouver, BC, November 2015

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o Participated in Faculty Fellows, an intensive learning and interactive teaching experience for new faculty and

librarians facilitated by the UW Center for Teaching and Learning, Seattle, WA, September 2015

o Selected for and participated in the Faculty Field Tour, a guided tour around the state of Washington for new UW

faculty and librarians, June 2015

o Attended Freedom, Responsibility, E-Publishing, and Building New Cultural-Intellectual Publics, a

talk by Eileen Joy, director of punctum books, Washington, DC, October 2013

o Attended Addressing the Text: Reflections on Shakespeare, Digital Access, and Libraries, a talk by Dr. Michael Witmore,

director of the Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington, DC, September 2013

o Participated in a training session on utilizing empathy in library settings as a member of the Education and

Instruction Group of the GW libraries, Washington DC, August 2013

o Attended a training session on working with Deaf patrons by Disability Support Services of GW,

December 2012

o Attended a session on learning spaces renovation planning/assessment featuring Joan Lippincott,

Associate Executive Director of the Coalition for Networked Information (CNI), Washington, DC, April 2012

o As a member of GW’s Council of Librarians, contributed to a brainstorming discussion with Maureen

Sullivan, president-elect of ALA, about the future directions of ALA, Washington, DC, November 2011

o Attended Data Curation Profiles & Libraries, a presentation by Scott Brandt of Purdue University’s Distributed

Data Curation Center, Washington DC, October 2011

o Attended Data Management Plans and other Data Services, a presentation by Wendy Mann of George Mason

University, Washington, DC, September 2011

o Attended Instruction @ Your Library, an afternoon of presentations discussing library instruction practices

among partner libraries of the Washington Research Library Consortium, Washington, DC, July 2011

Professional Presentations and Invited Engagements

o “Assessment by Design: A Design Thinking Project at the University of Washington Libraries,” a co-

authored presentation. At the Library Assessment Conference, Arlington, VA, November 2016

o Invited presentation discussing the programming of Odegaard Library’s renovated learning spaces, at Designing

Libraries V, Calgary, AL, September 2016

o “Blurring the Lines: Encouraging Undergraduate Student Success through Partnerships,” a co-

authored presentation. At the ACRL Washington-Oregon joint conference, Pack Forest, WA, October 2015

( http://tinyurl.com/pq2nbmc )

o “US Undergraduate Libraries and Odegaard Library: A Brief History, and Teaching & Learning

Partnerships,” a co-authored presentation for a visiting cohort of library and university professionals from Korea’s

Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU), Seattle, WA, July 2015

o “Odegaard Library: An Update on Services and Assessment,” a co-authored presentation and tour for the

UW Faculty Council on University Libraries. Seattle, WA, April 2015

o “Life in Balance? The Role of Libraries in Changing University Ecosystems,” roundtable discussion co-

leader. At the Association of College and Research Libraries biennial conference, Portland, OR, March 2015

o “Faculty (and Graduate Student) Outreach through University-wide Collaboration,” a co-authored

presentation. At Bridging the Spectrum: A Symposium on Scholarship and Practice in Library and Information

Science, Washington, DC, January 2014 (http://lis.cua.edu/res/docs/danneker1.pdf )

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o “Libraries as Service Providers in a Diverse Society,” as guest lecturer and class discussion leader for the

Information Sources and Services class of the Catholic University LIS, Fall 2013

o “Creating an Embedded E-Classroom: A Library & Campus Partnership,” a poster presentation. At the

ALA Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, June 2013 (full presentation at http://tinyurl.com/koacqnd )

o “Current Trends in Undergraduate Libraries,” as a guest panelist for the Information Sources and Services class

of the Catholic University SLIS, Spring 2013

o “Creating an Embedded Library Instruction E-Classroom: A Campus Partnership,” a poster presentation.

At Bridging the Spectrum: A Symposium on Scholarship and Practice in Library and Information Science, Washington,

DC, February 2013


o “Marketing Masters,” a presentation and workshop for the Washington Research Library Consortium highlighting

Eckles Library’s efforts in outreach and marketing, January 2013

o Academic Libraries mentor at a Career Development Knowledge Café, sponsored by the District of Columbia

Special Libraries’ Association, November 2012

o “Trends in Information Services for Undergraduate Students,” as a guest panelist for the Information

Sources and Services class of the Catholic University SLIS, Summer 2012

o “Our Students, Our Strength: Answering a Library Management Challenge by Implementing a New

Staffing Model,” a co-authored poster presentation. At Bridging the Spectrum: A Symposium on Scholarship and

Practice in Library and Information Science, Washington, DC, January 2012


o “Managing and Thriving in Academic Libraries,” as a guest panelist for the Library Management and

Leadership class of the Catholic University SLIS, Fall 2011

o Consultant to the GW LGBT Resource Center as they explored lending policies and cataloging options for their

in-house library collection, Summer 2011

o “Future of Information in Academic Libraries,” as a guest participant in a knowledge café discussion for the

Information Sources and Services class of the Catholic University SLIS, Summer 2011

o “Academic Libraries” mentor at a speed mentoring and networking event sponsored by the District of Columbia

Special Libraries’ Association, Washington, DC, May 2011

o “Academic Libraries,” as a guest panelist for the Libraries and Information in Society class of the Catholic

University SLIS, Spring 2011

o “Making Outreach a Part of Your Marketing Plan,” a co-authored presentation and workshop for librarians of

the District of Columbia Public School system, Martin Luther King Library, Washington DC, May 2011.

o “Outreach as Part of a Successful Marketing Plan: A Case Study,” a co-authored presentation. At Bridging

the Spectrum: A Symposium on Scholarship and Practice in Library and Information Science, Washington, DC,

February 2011 (http://slis.cua.edu/res/docs/danneker.pdf)

o “Life as a Young Manager in Academic Libraries,” as a guest panelist for the Library Management and

Leadership class of the Catholic University SLIS, Fall 2010

o Consultant to an MFA student in the GW Interior Design department completing her final Graduate Design project

by creating a digitally-focused public library and community center, Summer and Fall 2009

o “Libraries as Place,” a guest presentation to an Environmental Analysis and Design class, the Interior Architecture

and Design Program of GW, Spring 2009

o Consultant to students for a class competition to design library spaces in the Studio Design: Institutional class in the

Interior Architecture and Design Program of GW, Fall 2008

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o Belanger et al. (2017). “How do I ‘Do’ College? Understanding the Transfer Student Experience at the University of

Washington.” Reference Services Review 45.1

o Danneker, John and Amanda Hornby. “Leading from Unexpected Places: The Undergraduate Library in the Research

University.” Library Leadership and Management Special Issue: Contemporary Library Leadership: A Holistic View

(publication info forthcoming)

o Chapter contribution: “Advice from the Sages: Four Library Directors on What Makes a Librarian Interview Great.”

In O’Hanlon, Robin. (2016). Ace the Interview, Land the Librarian Job. Santa Barbara, CA: Libraries Unlimited.

o Danneker, John. (2011). “Panacea or double-edged sword? The challenging world of development and fundraising in

today’s academic library.” Library Leadership and Management 25.1


o Profiled in Mount Vernon Today, the alumnae quarterly of the historic Mount Vernon College of Washington, DC,

in an article entitled “Enhancing the Eckles Experience.”


Awards and Recognition

o The Robert A Chernak “Spark a Life” Award for Staff Member of the Year nominee – GW Excellence in Student Life Awards, 2014

o Authored the nomination resulting in an Eckles Library student assistant being named GW’s sole Student Employee of the Year (from more than forty nominees) – GW Excellence in Student Life Awards, 2013

o Excellence in Collaboration Award nominee, as a member of the Education and Instruction Group of the University Libraries – GW Service Excellence Awards, 2011

o Staff Choice Award nominee (personal recognition) – GW Service Excellence Awards, 2010 o Departmental Service Excellence Award nominee, Eckles Library – GW Service Excellence Awards, 2010 o Rated as one of the top five of all University services, Eckles Library – GW Service Excellence Survey, 2009 o Departmental Service Excellence Award winner, Eckles Library – GW Service Excellence Awards, 2009 o One of two recipients of the DCLA Ruth Fine Scholarship for the 2008-’09 academic year during MLS program o Outstanding Contributor to Customer Service nominee, as a member of the circulation desk staff – GW

University Libraries Awards, 2002 o Outstanding First Year Employee nominee – GW University Libraries Awards, 2002 o Phi Beta Kappa national honor society inductee – Bucknell University, 1998

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Professional References

University of Washington o Ms. Lizabeth (Betsy) Wilson

Dean of University Libraries and Vice Provost for Digital Initiatives, University of Washington Libraries Allen Library, Box 532900, Seattle WA, 98195 [email protected], 206-543-1763

o Ms. Cynthia Fugate

Senior Associate Dean, University of Washington Libraries Allen Library, Box 532900, Seattle WA, 98195 [email protected], 206-221-0541

o Mr. Nate McKee Director of Learning Technologies, University of Washington Information Technologies Odegaard Library, Box 353080, Seattle WA, 98195 [email protected], 206-616-7219

The George Washington University

o Ms. Debbie Bezanson Senior Research Librarian, GW University Libraries (former Associate University Librarian for Research and User Services) Gelman Library, 2130 H St NW, Washington DC, 20052 [email protected], 202-994-6924

o Dr. Rachelle Heller

Associate Provost for Academic Affairs, GW University-Mount Vernon Campus Academic Building, 2100 Foxhall Road NW, Washington DC, 20007 [email protected], 202-242-6698

o Dr. Michael Svoboda Assistant Professor of Writing, GW University Writing Program Ames Hall, 2100 Foxhall Road NW, Washington DC, 20007 [email protected], 202-242-6595

o Dr. Gale Etschmaier Dean of Libraries and Information Access, San Diego State University 5500 Campanile Dr, San Diego, CA 92115 [email protected], 619-594-1643 (former Associate University Librarian for Public Services, GW University Libraries)

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