daniels cut the budget whiv it'' cabrera and (ihrcuon ......the only protests agam--t the action...

7 2 44 ThE SUN, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1916. the effect Unit lie li.nl archied In call Count ion llcrnstotfT to tusk on the Utouinl thai the latter had circulated false lltilucsslnns us In t lie meaning of the Ann I It .) n dlsn inutnetit propositi tn the lliilrnlo Allies tho Irritation in the Ih'li.iitini nt uga.nst the Ambassador had l.ot lessened inatetlall.i. - Chief of Hut One Time, and Then inn .iiimiiiieirnuoii inn io i'iuiuhb i oiitlili-n- t l:il negotiations If (Icnimtiy noes hot reccdo friini lu-- r picsent position. Illnmliiv 1n lleriiorll. Vrlonds nr Heirrtury UinsliiR art! still frilling to lav at the door of Count von Ilrntelotlf all Maine Tor any false Imp- rest-Inn which (lerninriy nmy have (tot us tn the Intentions "f thr AmerlcRii Sovernmcnt nt tho 1li the illwirmK-niei- it pinposnls were sent ti the Ihitente rowers. I It was stilled y mai otnu von llertirlorff Haunt Hwleitineu D.nilelx from $i:t.iii0,iini to i l.ot li lieeii led to titiderstutid, inn Teutonic di .'l.iratlon wen- - published, that the Pulled StateK was not prepared III the event of a i ejection of the Ameri- can itinwnlH by the Allies to renounce the principle of International that merchant ships are entitled to arm for defence. REPLY SOON. Arllmi on I he IVIrolUe'n l'rninlril. U WxellisuTiiS, I'eb. SI. Secretary IrfiiiflnK lecelM-i- l word y fr"in I'eiitUld at Vienna that the irply of the Austrian tlovemmeut to thn American dem.Mid fop an eMilanatlon nf the KUhmaiinc attack last December on the American ml tank eteamer I'etm-lit- e will le.idi WarlutiRton In the next few iho". I'endlmr Iti- - teielpt nlllciN of the State Departmctit decline to tate whether or not mli.ie.iihr I'enlleld In an way what the nature of tho reil would be. The leply 1h however, to lead to further e triliei' Auctrla voluntarily npoloc..i " for the attack. The IVtfoliie w.w uttackej lu eastern 5trdltcrraneaii u.iteiK uhde en route fiom Alexandria to l'hiladelhla. TIioukIi llyliiK the nnilran llac and huvlni! tho Ameriian color promlnentl painted on her wile", the ven.d waK middenly ap. prnached .!!( tn by an Autrlan ulioii Hied a wnrnltiR shot ncroK the bow. of the 1'etrollte to itoi her AccordliiB to aflld.ivlt from Capt. Thontp-o- n of the I'etiollte and mnilicr- - of the clew, the tanker "us Immcliately hauled to. but ileeplte till." the Mibmai ne lontiuued tltliiK. Due hhell iilened the tanker and nerltiunly wouitiled one of the crew The submarine commander, on coin- - 'tiB up with the I'etrolite, demanded of Cant Thoiiipon that the latter ehould ell hint ptiiv'uloite. When till demand viu refused the Austrian sent a party nf boattlerfi on the 1'etrollte to hrliiR off what provlfK'its wire needed, meantime hnldlni: on board the subinarlne one of the 1'etrollte e .rew a h hostHRe, GERM A SS InDIGNA N T. Anierleiili lliipoltlou li rit I Rout l'iille rone the IVnplr. Xeki.is. la Ainslerduni. Keb. 21. Burprih.' niid iiidik'tiatioti are prevalent In (iertnaiiy as . result of the report that the I'nlted Slate- - l Mrnily nppooed t the new policy of fJermauy that armed merchantmen aie to be treated a. war- ships. Cnolllcial H ports stated that Secre- tary LanltiK bad Informed Amtiassailor von Kernslorff that n month's nntlrc of Oermany'. Intention would be ronsldered eiiftlcient to snfeKiiard neutral IntereBtn. That the Cnlted States would approve of the Herman policy. It was irenerallj" believed, bud been indicated by Secre- tary l.ausiiiK. The general opinion amonir Herman,! who have followed the submarine con- troversies Is that the United States hv refusing to accede to the new merchant hip poUfy Is trylnit to take from Ger- many mi ffcctle weapon aRalnst hsr enemies. Tho death of Otto Weddlxen and the crew of the 9. which was sunk an armed Hrltlsh merchantman. Is ued a nn anrument and Justification for th( new policy. It was pointed out that had Weddlnen not followed the "humane" methods he anil hi. crew would he alive. Struiic resentment of th opposition of tho united States to the new German ea policy Is voiced by some of the news- - paiers. The Colocne, 7a;re says: "Why should we await the wlhes of the i'nlted Rtates and postpone another submarine war? The I'nlted States Is only serving Jlrltlsh Interchip If It arraln wants to open negotiation on the memorandum Tho time for fiction has come. After that the diplomats may write and talk nnd negotiate for n hundred years about the submarine war as much a they like." SEES A FOR U. S, Paris Editor nj Germany I Ter-- r I It eW4epajBJflu a nt r r . Special fitlilr Dfptltrh to Tne Scf, TAnis, Keb. 21. Auiruste Gauvaln, Mttnr of the Journal ir Drbalt, In an editorial on tho reported tehfdon between Secretary Latmltitf and Amb.1ss.1dor von Bernstorff, says: fair other "The United States has n unique op portunity to increasi) ner moral stanulni; absolutely without risk. she la not afraid of Germany, who la terrified by hr. Tho I'nlted State may consecrate principles of the greatest Importance to humanity and civilization without the atUhtcst dauber to herself." INQUIRY INTO BRITISH ACT. lavratlcallon of strnmrr Chlaa'a lliililup Ordered. WAKUl.vnToV. 21, tnstructloiiB were sent to-d- to the American Min- ister at Pekln and tho American Consul at Shanghai to rill details, obtain- able concerning the action of tho tirltlsh warship which held up the American steamer China nf the China Mall Kteam-hhl- p Linn and took off thirty-eig- pas- senger.. On the tnsls of the Information which If received the stale Department will demand of tho HrltVh flovernment an Immcdlnte, surrender nf those taken from the ship In view of the fart that this l the tnlrd time that tirltlsh or Krem h warships have boarded American steamers and seized person. on hoard It Is thought probable, that the protest will be exceptionally vigorous In tone. This ilnverninent ha taken the posi tion previously that American vessels aro not subject to action of this kind regardless of tne nationality of the pas senger. tney may le carrying. FRANCIS MAY GET WAR POST. Hencbcs WAsn .xfiTov, Fob 21,' Iiiih iledded not to appoint Secretary of tho Inter or Lane or Secietary of Agrl- - nilturn Houston lo the War portfolio.! Thin means that he probably will select a Secretary of War from outside Ills Cabinet. Man) believe thai uvld It Francis, cx.iiovernor of .Missouri, who In Wnshitiglnn to. night, has an e. reiieni nance nr tlie place. He pas ail appointment In mnfer with President Wilson to morrow In tegard to the lo liusshi. ll was learned ilia' Mr Francis has not de- clined ihn pot. but bis friends were not pr'i'.in.l 10 s'iy wli.il h,. outcome, of hi conference with President Wilson would be. The conference b d to reports that Mr Francis wan under consideration for See. 7Ur' of .w,'f h "w ilt uf his reject- - ... ..... ...nneauiurnnin. DANIELS CUT $11,000,000 R. H. MACY & GO. WIN I KITCHENER'S DEER 'U.S. GETS NEWS OF FROM NAVY AERO BUDGET BIG TRADEMARK SUIT! AT CANADIAN FEAST 'BRITISH IMPORT LAW whIV" Consulted Service AUSTRIAN CHANCE Pared Estimate Committee Hears Turks Lost Erzerum for Lack of Single Aeroplane. WasIIINiitos, I'eb ('apt. .lnill. UrlKlol of (he I'nlted Hmte navy told the House Naval Committee y that the estimate he picp.utd for the ex- pansion of the aerial sell-h- of the navy hail been cut liy older of .cietaiy , and nan , law by OHll.UUO. Included In Cait. ! oilitlnal eKtlmati ere pruvlsloim for two air- craft nhlp, designed for the tl anopoitii- - tlon of aeroplane, npalr pattx and ma- - ' chlniry In conjunction ltb the lleet Three ehlp were to cot $3.itn0.nrt each. Hecetury Is I see Ins . ,. ' ih "tl n clear to approve lowed to lie captured for I'apt llrtstol made an argument for I of aeroplane." of J20.0mi.tni0 for aerial uaft lie urged ln!" ' ""jm!lu',u" ., ... .. i . ... that In p.issltiK on th liroKramuie live ear biillditic submitted li ,"'"'"'"' tianlel piup.iiiloiiali, apiopilatlons should tie made for aircraft, which uoutd Involve an appropriation of about tlM.OCO.OdO. I, UIMt Mfu Needed. lie told the lommlttee that the navy needed elulity-tw- o aeroplanes, five illrltfi-blc- s and foity-on- e k te balloon In to the eiUlHiieut, Capt l;rl-t- recommeiiiltsl aiithorUatloiw for li'u aeroplanes. Ilfteen kite balloons and fif dlrltilbles to operated as patroK of th Capt. IIiIhIoI also said that Comrress tird should aiilhoilze the puri liai-.- - of forty -- six aeroplanes for the use of the iiaxal mllltla. lie estlmatiHl that with Ihe' machines he recommended the n.ny would nearly I.2U0 men to operate them. It was biouRht out at the hearing ' that Capt HrlMol was consulted on milt one occasion, when Sicrelaiy Daniels tut down the estlmati s for aircraft Dr. Charles D. Walcott of the Na-- , llonal AdvNory tln.it d of Aeronautic a body created by the lat Coneress. also apiieared before the committee. He unred the lommltte" to recommend an additional npproprlat on of which would enable the board to com- plete Its work In the development of Ihe science of aeronautics. "Kven If the army were equipped with inn I would not consider that It anvwliere near ailenu.itely outfitted." said Dr Walcott. lu the course of a Reneial iliscu!ou of air- craft for mll'tary purposes. "How tpiirkly can ne obt.un the necessary. to advance this scienre?" Dr Walcotl wa asked, "How can e aet the tnf i mallon that will lilllie this service to the he cht of eltlclency0 To whom shall we apply"" (me of the otijit ls oi me am :so board I to llnd the rluht men." repiie.t the wltnew. DEMOCRATS TRY TO HUNGRY MARSHALS SHAMEFACE ROOT QUIT APPAM IN HUFF Sppk t IMovc 11 rnnilli'i i' twoon ('urea nnd ISolirimn to Discrcilil Him. STONE MKIMTIKS IMIAKI) u.i. 21 Willi He ap parent purpose of V",," . its i n of a parallel of cae In the hwnllowltig UP of Colea b .lap.it .I.nlrman of th" l'ore'gn r.,.lllee. Introdliced 0 reo- - iutiont-layfeMuesl- ingthe Pre-Mc- n, tn transmit to tin- - Senaie u - ""' ' the latt.r , in.i-- , spondence deC!: c.nt,r Ft u.i ". sl-'- ch In New- York criticising the Administration th're has a still hum ior " might be used as a basi for attacking foreign pob'cy of the ll'.oseve -- ministration, during a !''' " Hoot was Secretary of Slate !he ft.ib-llshme- of a Japanese piote. titrate mer as an Incident of the war of l0t-0r- . has to serve the n ltl between of The treaty State, Corea provide th.it. "'.r liW Powers deal unjustly or W , with cither (Joverniu.nt. the other their good nfflces, on being of the case, to bring about an amicable arrangement, showing their friendly feeling." The only protests agam-- t the action I'.r.tcl St lies ap- pear of Japan made to the to have come from a orean. Mi. Yueng-Tcbe- delgnnled as spir al en- - knot credentials, to whom Senator " " " i... 1.1 1'inr. Hoot wrote on i'c- - "It I to be that th- - olll.lal communications from the Japanese c,v. otbclal ciiiimiml-catlon- s tne ernment agree from the Coreau iim rnuieiit. nd are quite Inconsistent with Miur In- formation. "If however, the dltllculiy of inmp'i-In- - with your wishes were we should be met by the fu. t that on February 2. l'Jnt. and on August tt r.he Corean liovernment onclu.bd with' the Jaiianene (ioverninent treaties which are not now In any iespect Im- peached or uuestloned. by which Corea gave to Japan such extensive emitiol nffalra and put hen-el- f so .om-plete- under the protection of the of Japan aw t" icmb r lmposlhle the application of the treaty with the United Statin above UOted, "The above mentioned tieal.e t.e. tween Japan and Corea appear to he of such a character :.i- - to in con- trol foreign lelallnns of Colea mid to make the latest tpaty of Noi ember 1", 19'ir., which Is now called Into ipies-tlo- but a slliht arivaiue upon the relatloiiH of lontrol previously exlatuig Thehe editions of control nmount to a complete, bir to an Inter ference by the t.'nlled Sl-il- ts under th treaty of 18S3," j It I apparent that the Administration Is cooperating Senator Stone In mi effort to dig up something linn .an he used In combating the Hoot speech. The unusual steps that inn beluK talon audi I .I.a ..1 1. t.r.c,i t.a 1,1 ..i..i rn t Inn M tlml ill.. I, .tint. I nlilllll for Conference1 U v. .,..1. 1...11 - l'l .""II- - n ' ' .li.fl" n U 11114111' that the I toot speech has had a .. . ., . I effect 011 ihe Administration anniii i,..,i... 11,,.. i. i.t ami inai ine iiec.-.- i'j I ' nieut I lecngnlxcil liy his advisers. f 111 lull the Picsiilent and TO M0RGENTHAU. llajor'" loniiolllee IVilconics m. linasndor lo lo-iln- i, The romin'ltee "f etiins uppninicil bv .M'lyot .Mliihcl to recene II. on) Mnr. gemhaii Amb.iss'iiloi 1.1 Tinhev, wlio urrhes fs morning on ihe VIII.. will meet shoitly uffi r J o lo t. at the Harge (itll.e ami 111..111I dnwn the on coast guaiil culler M111-bnit- Mr Moigemhaii wll be talon off Ui slilp nt mid biouglii to pier A, where 11 leciptlon will tenileied In hi honor at the offli e of Dock Com- missioner It A. C, Smith, 1? i At point Iteptrsentatlie Callaway i of Tox.i. a little n.iv tiicinhei, wan ,uoued In- ;i suggestion made by Dr. Wnlcotl that the Thirty-fourt- h division of the Turkish army had fallen Into a ltttr.!ati tra at Kizerum beoaujo of the link of aire aft. ' t ii me i lira ii.iu nan jum one plane they chum avoided till tiap, aid Dr. Vi'.ilciitt. Mi Callaway ob.nried that he thought it remarkable, to iay the lenM, "that the luperx fhould play up a thing like tli.it on the vciy mornliiK tli.it the naval committee was coins to meet and ion-sl.l- the subject of at roplanc. ' Haul. coul way nf- - this Item tlicttiilies lack simply fur the benefit . Secretary tleet need $r..nnn. . the been been purioe IS3 thus with give Jap with damaging lrea( Tiirli Fieileiik buy the hate lll'll t llir((l HHlli I I 'lir .hi y ' ,f. ... A over her The denounced The .njuncllon wll'. htand the 'iewsuieis, ctitlchlliK ac- - ni:.ilnt u- -e a tl ailemai k. will .... .i. .it.... ...i.t. u.i....u .,. .......MM ' . " . .. ,,,, H13 o national defeiue. I'Var on the part of official i hat secrets lonnected the navy mluhl com" into the tMissecsioii of for-- 1 ..il... 1, m ......miI . ml . of ..di..rii..in..iii ..rlL-lii..ll- v ' ''V the were upet. the ' by the Service fomm'sslon fliidlm.' c.iiiill.late lo examinations I , ,. ,u the .it.senie of Intent to appoimmcui 10 u lacancy in tne teen be draiiKht'im loom aeroplanes wa Information Its Al this and over be this Vork Nay M I'oi'flnn llrniiulilsionn. A'ioidins to the oriRin.il iltiulais by the coannlsioit the examln itlons wert not to In- - limited to citizen of tne Cnil.d States, aithoush heretofore such limitations hIu.i.ns had existed. It wa explained (hat the exception wa. made in this particular cae fur the leasoii that the yard officials wile pai'lliiilaily anxious to ap- pointed a foteimui who had h(en work- ing temporal ily around the yard and h. was an exceptionally Rood drafts- man. The man. It was stated, applied for 1 ill., ns.up papers, but had not fully ipialitted the law reitilre iom'tl-tu- e . X .1 mill itlons for such It was ttioimlr that b littltiK down the bars th- - man ti .Uestiou. fiom hi fimlliar-- i with t nnrk. have no 'il iMstftB, and could then be appointed When tri tnattir i.ime to th ntten-t.o- n of Secietary Daniel he at otu-- pro- test.. I 011 the Kroiind that It be a dans, roil pieerdent to permit forelners 10 .null' th. lans of the navy. II.. ii..in in ted Unit the oriirinal advertlse- - new elusion the fh'ef . fonii.eiui.in 10 (In- - and n .... .1 Iv..,a . l.icnl. Hitu IHtln't V nt 'Kin itiitl Ntilititly 'I'lKiiiirlit to lMM lllllPI' Moil. ASKS FU HATA XKW OX comernltig surmounted prevlou.s GREET ijiiaraiitltie Von I'.lge ik. V , I'eb lli.k'uaii and the foimer Hlltlsh 111: Siiprenu .. M.o.es , (lf m to the of The sworn in a" special Culled s liepiity Marshal, were put aboard the lessel Saturday, following proceed-- ' ing 111st. tiito.i i. tin- - African ste tm I Navigation i'o npaii, her former oatier, to seiiire possessliui of the ship from' La vit Hans llerg and his prUe crew The) weie not given any food and little hhelter, Lieut. Iterg saying the) weie on boir.l without hl consent and were unwelioine The (wo men imc ashore to and de- cide. I not to go back. I States .Marshal Saunders he. itred the unices of two other men. The) were promised relief in twelve Food was furnished bv the ' .M.uh.il GERMANY PROTESTS. Old Prussian les (Hie 'I'rutiin I'rlres t)lniii. Wisiii.M.T'iN, I'eb 21. Priiiz vm HatfeUlt. . oiiiii.nr of the (! rm in li- mine, f.i the Slate In 111. ill against the presence of Fluted Mi Marshals board t.ie hip Appani at .S'ewisui New., V.i. Actu.g 011 the Polk of the State I "'p. il tin. lit conferred with "ffUi.ils of I'.e ivpartinent of Jm-- 1 lo Irani whither s nun otlwr means 1011I1I be of keeping the icssel lu the jurisdiction the court at Norfolk, w no ileputles to U w Itbilr iwn. Although the 'rean treaties of ,11111! l2l. upon (iermany relies in her contention that the Appam nidi asluin at the American n't is a pilze, provide (ier- - man pi..s In American are not subject i,i legal pro. esse I'tlnj. von llatzfel.lt, il was learned, uieielv hiseit h.s piotest on tin. ground that the , ''' f dcpiillcH ftlctlon aboard th" icssel t Is expected If by it ... ,...,. ., , ,, , f) 111. nlc the i. piitmci to get ihe case out of the linn, Is nf in hut ll Is probable ihm tl. ,. paitiiient will 10 do what it ha hitheiio a led. namely, announce lis decision between (Ionian anil Hlltlsh hums loneernlng the proper disposition 01 snip PiiiiX ion HaUI'ddt ,.ft for Norfolk to l.b ut llerg. com- mand' r of the licrinari prize crew MERCHANTS FOR DEFENCE. Issocliilloo llpcns llilpniun Heller Irioy 11 ml Vni.i. Tin' .Mi rch.iiils Ahsoclatloii . om.. ,0111 for picpiuciliicss and has begun a ' riiinpalgn couimeiclal orgaul.u-- 1 Mi nis tlnoiiglioiii tlie In support of a I'logiMnini" of adequate 11.1 (1111 ile. T 1. action follows the leporl lo, Ho asMi' iathiirs commitiee, com- - 1.0-c- il of 1111 M llaldwln, rhalrnint ' Stephen I'ariell). II. llieli.iiil-io- : u. er Loins M .I11sej1l1th.il, in g, neral, chailes Hoc and II, Spen- - ( IT The a- - o. ois Hi. of ,1 n.iii whi.h Mull hi second on the At. I.il.ll.' and Hi "I on the Pacific . crc'i- - ol rigiilat of 27.i,in ;iiii,niiii men the crenlion o' con- - t m of fiom .(ifi.nno in l.nnn,. mil mid tin use of the National lilu.ird as auxiliary to th coast defence foicoa. Siipicilic Court Aciiit New, M'liinit'' hhinor Sliari-i- l ly iU)()i AiiilnisMidiir I'lttfc It'' s Ytn'k Firm of rnfairncss in Uiisinrss Methods. DA 31 AttlCS AUK WOODSWOMAX IN FILMS' MAIH'II I I'eh II Tin; Supienie Ti. .,.i,on et before member Cmrt dealt wlta to Important e,i.es ( (l ,, t'amp an the entree of jto-il.i- y lnvolvliiB aliesatlun of unfair 1)pr fuiteenth nnmi.il dinner at the1 trade. Hotel Actor laM tiluhl wac ehlson In- - of the cae w.i. of the It. II. ' ,1 !. It came from the Scotland pre- -' .lac f.-- Co. of New York aRalti.'t the H,,tv,,4 f ,,,! Kitchener, "K. of K." Nntaetne llnlery Company of l'hlla- - hitii.'lf It. oti n trooji ilili rctnrnhiK Id.'lphla. Tl'e M i. y 111 in won a ul)8tan- - to Canadu. to a friend In tin llal vletmy and not a revcrs.il of the libcree or the Cnlted States Circuit Court lo' Appeal, awarded an In-- I Junction and damases The Supreme Court, speaking thioush .liiml. e Holmes, a. ipiltted It. II Macy Co .if lntriitloii.il unfair trade Te.tin member then methods. their the of but i.. bejr navy with .1n.ii'iimhly lountry "Itontex" emiiioie.l the Macy applii-i- l .iomhj Dainai:ivi .'iHiuded the Philadelphia Hon i.uh. court below bshed Civil coiitt thote had b.en for take for New noleil navy lane place would would .cret men, of for .1 ON which In- - A; .o. to o mislead t'le tia.b theie i mil. I Philadelphia ttadfl name "Notaeme conlllct upnti n.rurs will. ertiielv different harkstnund iiii.nl.nl border of th mi'kr. be no re- - col er The film .1 or 111,11 k " Toe n.ih not the '1 weie but on the or oin to WahqoekohllnK bnmbo Atoropod." Tin roitrt .1 of ii.p .1 II Iterniir, fact the same printer, who ti,P Caii.iillnn expmier. who ha liackKrotmd the turned two use of I ami a Canudlan mountain lacking "extensive II the Itoekles Imagination" and had the wotds, the Canadian Campers sTiounds their own let wa the tlci' the it was shaied a fact icy not and Including eighty the suit was fr Camp of brought. The two did not compete trade. In the he- - . ie. th Wolf l!ro Companv of Cincinnati v the llatnlltoii-Iliow- n Shoe Cotnii.iny of St. Loul. Ju !lf.o.niin In of the Cincinnati dim on account of lr.fi Ingeuieit the of the former' "Anur'e.m Hrl on women" 4 St icd the name "American Lad,' whkh wa held to be a simtilit of t'n marl: of the Cincin nati tlrm mark. In reichlng lt con- - m.'itt be teialled and one" l"iied I the coiim divided, .III. infra native irarn ,lu'lce Herman that pr.e (ieimon he court event with milium cicallini that attlrmed Prv.inter hoMir.g th the of Appal the an 11 a and descriptive" not a subject rrgit the Patent Ottl. e .lil'tce Plttie) the opinion of the remainder of the hnldliig j the word wue properly registrable. polar mice, or bo'll In or In It It If of Lou. Van that name and In thit lie that the Cincinnati tlltn bid a awarded damages on the ground nf practices, holding that the in. 11k was not legNtrable the rompativ was entitled to Hit business It Up it mil that the St II' III had persist! il in the ue of the name "An.enc.ui the of was to deceive and nils-lea- d The me ordered a decree holding mark and affirm- ing the Judgment. The rn.e has been before the court for the once r a tei- - tloiarl to a dei of the lliinser ilrm e ourt. Irclleiitalh th. said J ,.,,. ,,,,,, ,..fllVill K,,int vsrij Appaui Hnrarl did 1101 go the Stati guests. rat n'teil lo.rs Trent plot, sled part. Stat' puty on protest Counsellor woiiiii I'lianie KSH which may seek Unite that imrts pics. lemlcl ,.,. MkP, l.i b.ne ine ainong felic Willi J '.1111110111 lui'iui III. the ainiv from a cental in) men, tne had when .,d lieil used ti.it fiom been also until Shoe used Th tlrm en i s Clteuit (5tl" ctmit wlnle mark, unfair built hefote review iion from ran and did tot pieilule the comt at a sub-- . ii;er.t mi.' fiom pa -- sing up tin .V. V. FIRM l.oldlii ei'iieil nf I ni'ss b) Trade llosril. Feb. 21 -- The I'eilelal in c s.fti'd it - tlit for- mal coinplaiiii to.il i) 11 t th" "unfair competition" -- ectlon of rhe ,ul creat- ing ci.iuiniMon It is illtiM'teil against a N'i'W York tlrm the commission stati nianiifactute mer. rled ' thread, but sell it as "sewing llk " The tlim has thirty da) In to appear nnd cause why an should not U. out. red In th" commission re'iu'r.tiE it to from branding th" pri'ilie t a K '" In the complaint It leclte.i "that be. cause of the method of com. petition, t i wit, the c of the said false or tr ule and the I' su'ting de. option of purchasers and conumei. ttianufai tiircr or oilier en-- 1 gaged the 01 "i sale of gen- - ' ti m silk hi inter't.ii' tnm'rre, have beit, or ate iijurcd In I heir nnd business" The llr-- agiiust whi. h tin couiplalnt directed 's HohPn rtro , of miiti'ifactiiiers of brand sew ing Tlie .omplaint 'on protest tll'd w.th tin- "ininlsslou I by iniiuufactiners of tbie.nl ' Hearing on the subject will be by ihe commission lu INCOME TAX FURTHER UPHELD. ' gnpreine lllposes of 1 111 111 1 Ing: I'roceilnre, I V To:.'. Fell 21 The last of the objections against enn-- 1 stiliitloiial.lv of Ihe In. oine tax law were (leiriiany invoke the trend- - ih., -- ...,.1 nw:.v when the Jus coin t that ihe call be llbflled tire tool, up the few iftniluing tases her lliitish owneis, ,p.,ilcl when Hie main cases were I ntll this is was said ti. iiiioii tccenlK the the for has I ti.in the for the esiei Hie A majority of the i.ises passed nil Iniolieil ol pi oci sin i as Hie .0 Hon of !nige Hros. of Ilctioit, who to enjoin tlie Hon of tax b) nut in the IHntrk't of Columbia ami lost Piiilnhly inil Inn of the cases il of was the one invilvlin; lax Imposed upon Hi" of milling iocs valldil) of tl iiaclmcnt. because' the tax' on the profits of a rnuie re-- j the ph).lcal of and was a rout t held that even under the cotiten-- l tlon of this-- f iittaiklng the law Hie be STOCK TAX VALID. Supreme i ourt Sustains In Fori oolt ( use. Wasiiimitos. I'cIi 21 - A Kansas statute a gin. 111. lie, fianchlse. tax on cm Ions on Ihe capital was h"d lo b" In an oplnloji '. .liiitlie wlui TIi" tax was re'Mril jiy Hie Kansas City Foil and Meinphls Hallioad, on a lux had laid. II was held that Ih" tax was equally oil il foielgn the mid tho ji Flint Its cayllal U, cmplujcd In tho 3lcn anil Women Who llavo Lived in Wilds. FPSKT cmniHai, the the Ainimmii nine. ,.e "" " ; who was to (iccompan ra have no dellnlte oils Irauiuhes to .New v..i, it... ,,... ,1... ' -- t thl wa by from , Ilff opinion dh): mums tne tnat iiruin - . at Iiik at the liilllillnK was : 1IK to control fieicht rates on i. liu not i il.'il articles liy enoiiuh to attend saw to t,P of of Ii ihiii the wim 11 was on the menu as "Verldeer Venison, with llrnseN de Karl Kltcheiiei. ' The Canadian Cinnp. a society of men aii.d of have tu.led with blR K.'iine and bin fish In remoter of the well as In Canada, always fent on prodlslrs al tb 'hamiuet Ad- - 1:0 .H'tual iniral I'earys The, trooi.s sea ..niiui!- - uk.i. len's mountain cat these are oino of the of ears. M lid Hoar too. .'llldltlou to tile Last ener Mills. .11. there were "puree of wild ' wlilch Is wild boar soun ' trade- - Is frsh water frost tlh. hrouuht from found as Cant designed the Just or for mark years in had to the woid Justice Holm'. loaM of florid from W Allen's b.uk- - In other bioiiKht food, but they rourt Astnr chefs cook the M ilru did know of by men mark after .111 the Canadian fltms favor of fade mark shoes "Atnei foi ration lent luwc court, ilerylug lalll trade trade while bad under laiuis plait, uh.r.i Supn th" trade valid )eais ,111111 Coiii't flled Couit merits found merits Urns, nfitr I'l'iteral Tiade "otn ml. the which (o'ton whlili show order desist aforesaid afore-- , hr.ind descr ptloii inut'.ictin-- ' trade is , "Lion silk" based sill' Ciinrl Cnses isiiini iaied will to.ilav. Chief holds vessel ... n.issed y qii'stiotis dure, ml-le- i the the resting latest the iinninc ihe value the' proper!) prrpcrty tax. would Mule llonil llliinsllig poral based stock lalid Scott which 2,..iiu la'cn valid when lniMised to .Stale. described .Meat as The tnatm.tte:, Introduced liy Ir (I, Curtl, president of the oclety, was Slephi'ti 1actK-k- . novelist and humorist. alo profeor of political at Mclilll Cnlverslty. M0ntre.1l. Ills admbslon that he was "proud to I", a Canadian, at till btniigh! responsive applaue. M s Wild I.. tolit het -- torv In In Dominion celled at Stale .... ... ....... liltlutt l:io- - basy they iihoi-ure- c I ... friend ine ioveinio.ii. Tn.il.ic iirrlwil (Jttawa while iimmuoi vithi.iirli was tedllc dinner he K iroods bulky venison there. de Shoot' Tents women, many whom parts world an- nua: I'rlnce rhino, viand former iiiclit, Uitih- - eahlier. Lake which matter ,rctl( bv Itallln Land, sheep ranch made alike. found by women. other Couit effect Court loaer t'ireiiil done, ilured y extent tiroKen Ih'Iiiix llutler euinoinv Itrowti of camping alone for ten )rar In the wllderne near Hudson It.l) Her lieai- - ' est neighbors tin were mite away wen- - Indian- - She started prospecting lor health and l I'll her 1 1 gold. j "I have been Introduced." she said. : not the iiai"i. wood to make I furniture, I went to CM. to from doctors and FREE I found health Hone Tent Zero lluis. to-a- I I 11 .none 111 H it'll; at from 10 10 t'.u dcgiees below neio I must admit that In th mornings I sighed a man to build tire" On screen pictures were throw 11 proving among other thlirgs that Mr. I Iron n, all by herself packed on her shoulders an eighteen foot cidar canoe nttier speakele were guest of honoi. W. II S. I)er of llerln'rt J. Lang, who has been exploring; the Congo for the American Mueuni nf History: Capt. Hernler. L. O. Armstrong, one of Drgmlrets of the Canadian Camp . It. M W c. Snyder, tin )ears tnls'ionary In Africa, and Thornton Httimops. who ha a fishery 011 Kadlik W Lampion read a poem and J ! '!l!c of Montreal recited seme of Iirutnniond's Frenrh-Cana- - lll.lll VC'SC The "iPtleg1ll.liei glle'h Nel- son forinerlv ite Ch.irne d Affams Mexi.o ci ) Cot. Ildinutid Maili'iir. spe.-'a- l dele, sa'e "f tie- - Mexican Fiileration oi' Labor . .1,1111. . 1' Chipui. Mr lOttipiiiion n Africa . John Finery McLean, pres' .lent of ttif Canadian Club of New V01K .Iil"l" Aceie.l'i. coiiiiti1s"iotier of the Mexican ilnveinnient and l.'eilt. ilenige Fntmoiis. an authority on AIakan Indian. HYDRO-AEROPLANE- S Trrnsiir) I hnl 'I'liej tre Vessels. The Tre-.imr- ) I'eji irtment ha Hied that s are "es. sels'- - within the ttieaniiig of that term used in sub-se- t Hsiis and of para- graph .1 of sei t t of tin- - tariff net nt ;.:! In a. cordiitii e with thin rul- ing iompne for f,f the I'nlted State navv contllute ar- - oiittlt mid are entitled I" fr ntri a" such This decision s Ihe of an impiiry from the Colic, tm of CiiMntu.n II ti.t.'ti. who unf uil'crt.iiii whellier or tint to lav tlic-- e .omp.ue.'s for dntv Tlie Hepaitirent turtlier rubs tint aero, planes other than .ne not ileenieil to b" "vessels" within ne "T said proiision In the law. GUADALOUPE CHEERS T. R. The I olonel I. nods I'rniice nod nll for Dominic 11. PoiT-t-PlTI:- Huadaloiipe, Feb 21 American Col lioosevelt arrhed here esieiil.iv and met delegation Including the Cnvcrnnr and othet high orllcials Mr ami Hoo-exe- lt weie nenm-nanle- d their hotel by military escort. Fiom liiillilings along IN 'nine (lag and hunting weie dHplavi nnd tne pilllll lined street Were (llli with natlie anxious to get a glimpse of one time Plisnlellt of I'tillnl Slates. Thev cheered themselves hoarse shouting "Vila ' illnnci foi .Mr lto"seve,t giien ' 1,11 nlgllt The Hoi nor an nildiess of welcome told hi n how glad the people of the Isliitnl wire lo see I1I111 He rc- -' to Mr Itooi-- elt as "a fiicuil of France and an advocate of all laws of ci lllzati'in " to ist was .li to the piuspeilti of tlie Cnlted Stiles and Counsel who fought III" law li.'lil mat ii""s. iii. u ...(.icnieil Hie Mtmnget cat.e against Mr Itooscic't In hi actual tax lawful. lliiglit-s- , Ileni's time," the ferriil said that It was pot it burden op Inter-- 1 Slate ii i m ' ' "iiii'.iii.v ol In Soiiii, .11 i .... .. ... .s ii,. SITllIT in II ,1 Mis to d (t !' A el ill A 11. tit' tei'h the lilstiu) of Frances dealing with her colonists: in the West Indies, on this island and Mis lioosevelt left here at midnight last night for Mnmlnlci. USE U. SrSHLPS. llirce 01 iinse lesseis been sel.etl 011 Hie tll.lt owning them I (lei 1 controlled, has infiii'iiicd Ibc Pcpartmeut that all three of the s dps, since they were luiic been used by the llnirrniucnt to transport supplies, Tho State liepartmrnt pro- test! In thr cs. strii'tions-Itoo- in for -- May Make M unit ions. KFFKt'TIVK ATTACKED. Washington. Keb. -- Magazines and other contalnltiK mote than hIMeen p.iRrs. tobacco, wood pulp and other bulky articles are nroblbited fnini .iiinoitation into unit oilier uiimltiK ltli Mnaloa. Sonora ,,.,... ....i.,.,u new huahu.i. tnaklliK speeches In inoclamatloii, the text of which was te- - Department Government, well il..,, ..ti.r the importations 300 Philadelphia. W.lSMIVC.Tr.V, KANSAS iiiii,. rhalnctei The text of AmPassanor Page's calilecrani containing the proc lamation follows "The following dated i:., prohibiting Importation of: paper making maleilals, paper, tobacco, I furniture. Hoods, stones nnd slates into. the Cnlted Kingdom, was published lu the London foselfr nf that date and sets forth that bv section IS of cusionis lonsollilatlon act. I17B. It Is provided that Importation of arni. ammunition. gunpowder or an other goods may be. iirnliiliii.il bv inoclamatloii, and that It 1:1, Tn - up of a a In the I , in ,i hs w Pio, l exnoilleiit that importation bit" th I surrounded by the Catrauza I n. Kingdom of certain goods of 11 (n. hi men de-- 1 bulky har.e ter should be prohibited. fe.tted n airanr.a troops noil 1 "As from and the of the city Chihuahua as March It'll'., subject as pro-- ; i.s last aeiorillni: lo new vid d. Ihe importation the fluted brought to Pa-- o y by Amen- - of goods ii i.hii li I said that Villa hereby via. . ' the foices of lieu. Cnvazosnt Cul-- , " All material for mamifa. tiiie on with Sim men of paper. Including pulp, cspait'i dime back (.'hlhurfhua city.. griiss unit nnd cotton lags. p.iier nnd ciirilboaiil (Including strawboard, pasteboatd. mllll" I and pulp- - board ), and niaiiufai tutes of Jiaper and anlhoard. "'All tieriodical exceeding Ixtceii In length Impoited than n single lliioiigh the pOhl. "'Tobacco unnianuf.iclurid and it ilncliidlng cigars and clgai-eltes- l. " 'Cilllillllie woods, haul wood and lelieeis. " 'Stones and slate. " 'Proililcd. aln.t. and Is Is beieby declared that lu this prociama i, no h.ill .mnlv to any good of speeltliil which ny .Unwed Samuel "Till ma but I'm more than the prohibition- - woodswoman was b-- and neurasthenic of get awa) the best gold Canada TRADE POPULAR, jeier produced my for the the Philadelphia; the Pr. 1'Shaughttes-i- i the DEFINED. llepiirlinetit Ju- -t Ion s of equipment, h)din-aeiopl,m- rt tlie iiiiug was by (he was the ill.! Mr BRITISH tile publications ptmlainntlon, ilr-- t publications pioclania'lon proclamation ire ImnotttiJ t"" hi' lias i:i-- c ikocii B'artric of in of lb llms a'id will .v.. - . v,. .1,1, In the Senate w.ek. ptovisioii an,. ; States .1. , 1. .it.,. ,1... member of sen'rtf It 01 impnri "tones) a 'o. a star mire. j mine LESS J 'lie a a Island were Cinti-- . and tai'ff .1 mil. teiieweil Mrmrlmlpr hamtier ll I side ... In.. fur r I'tll.tl ...fir ...-.- . ,.'. . nv .sir..if HtnttcU Tnr Si LovtsiV. Feb. 21 The question if aliai'iloniug fne trade after tlie war In famr of 11 foim of protective tar'ff I to an Inireaslng ex- tent Much importance i atta hed to tlie piocecd ngs in tbl connection of Pie I'hainbtr of Cottitucri of Manchester, which Is the home of flee trade The chamber, numbering about l.wi er men. Im Jut been polled on the qui Minn whether the niemoran-ililt- n bv the chamber's dlrictor ileirc- - i.itlng th inslderitton of free trade id pres. nt should refcired lin k to thi m. Thee wrre nx vote ill favor "f fur- ther consideration of the memorandum bv the ilitcrtnr and .1. Mi.li fin th. - on derat. .in tii.. Hes again' BONES SPLICED STEEL. I nrnettle I'lnol "oru Tells of Opernllons. ir William Nell Sherman, t lilt sin genu of lb" Caitnme Conipati) of told the Medical Associa- tion of the ilieater City of New York,' tnectliig in the A' idem) of Medicine lat ' nigbl. of Ihe n niarkable sitci es b" has had III mating oinpoiiml fiacturcs with steel plates and tap sctews ited lis ase of such luokeii In which 'operations weie performed by the lug into the broken parts of vanadium plat.s. none of which ieul!cl In ibalh and all except one of whi.h re. sillied tq a union "f 111" fiactutcs It Sheim declared that I'r Murphy Chicago. Ibc noted surgeon and bone autlii.lit). would hale to ihatigc inithods lie made this statement telling of a New broker who w.if MsU mg tlie '"al in gte plant otic da) 11 Ile was felled 111 HO explos'nti The tu siiifeti.l ,1 . ' . I fr i. lure which I'r Slid man treated with tic stiel plate and set A pelf' 'I union did not at first and H Miliph) ofi'hii .igoaihiscillii.. grafting, the setting in of a hone splint. was not Iiowciir. because the New Vork broker wa too bus) and '..iter the boil's fottiicil a pel f. ct fiiiu Itonal union This was construed by Mr. Slier-ma- n as a potent example nf ihe value of In methods against tho-- e of Mr .Miliph). FOR AVIATION CORPS INQUIRY. scoiile 0111111 Nice oc Hciorl the Itoliliison llesiilnlliiti, AsitiMiToN Feb A favorahM tepott on the Knhnisnii resolution g foi an investigation the art'i) aviation wa otileied lo-d- bv the Senate ''onunittee The I esntutloii was amenilcil lo provide Ilia' Hie inqllll) be made li) Iwn lllclllliers of III" Sell. Ill' . i .11 in ami tlllee nf the House acting as a siili. i "iinnittec and to appropriate )n,nrtu f.,r expenses It is pinbable lli.it ih" resolution will be passed III" Sdiaie with opposition and thai giiixanie 'It be tal.cn of the fa. that War tuiestlgatloii has been otdeie.l liy acting Seitctary S'ott. The Senate conuiiillee gave its alien. in tool. i) to tlie drifliiiK of a hill pi incleasc tlie eslalillsliment along Hie lines of the measure Introilm eij liy Setialoi I'hainbeilain This ih unite r- -; stood t" lu .ii'i nlil.llii e with tile pro- - posal of the Anil) War College, made in l'.i2 imly Ihe general phases the campaign h.tie been conslilercd The 'detail me being woiUcd out Three cs.cl, TrniiHpiirl sl'Pll ARMQRY "UNVEILING III ille or ITolcsl. "", WaHIIIS.II.in. 21 Mesplle a-- ! surances to the contrary, the llrltish an-- , smoUer HOAX. Mil llrulnient Pro nun need. ltlcs. according lo lnforiii.il l.n In tliot , Fi , 21 cc. gtoteports possession Slat" Mep irlincnl, me ,,, ,,,.nl; n, National Uuanl and contlnu.i to make n,e of American lis- - ,,, j, ,,, .,,so ,n , ,Mln held under Hntlsh 01111 n, ,f,.. iit iinieil'ng of a i.ibirei girl ceilings. (,, 11,,. I'oui leeiilli Hesimeul Armorv, Waller S. Meld, for the iminUlvn ilov Whllnian' wi. TraiisatlanllP Steiinishlp ' . .o,i ,,, th, mclibut wtuch tool; nl ground null-pan- y ma , llrltish hai made copies f.tl-- l in follow, Milltnri iltetillon tlie smol.ci' it 111 the itoernnr instriicie.l Majoi-iie- ii O'liyan and Adjt -- Hen Slot. .shut v to investigate The icmiiI was eeiit in (he lii'iilglil Wlilh the 1IJ11l.111l.1 ieneral would not make .''intents known It is nudeislooil that the unveiling proves, was a on thn tooklM of the 40,000 INDIANS OFFER TO JOIN CARRANZISTAS Cabrera and (Ihrcuon to Tour I Stales Troops (iinirtl ' Tower Plants. l,nitil tiihlr Dnputt. lo St , Mi:tni Cm, "Jl Minister of I War I'es.iulra ibclates that Iii.ihmi annul Oaxacjin Indians, who had risen iiKiilnst the iiilmlulstratloii. have offered to sill ninlcr. The mattei I beriR taken official!). .Minister I'Viainc tabreia. with '!en ObtcKon, are to st.u; on Mur oi t.e illffeient States of the lepulillc, lie- - Kunland under aiid i half the Canaiiza AdmllilttatIon, Carran7.a beintf too buy to enter all teiri-tot- The tlamways l.sht and p.mei sttlke still threateiiltiK iilid trnop.i ai d overdue ,, raiuaoieni Naturil .1 m t.fiu i r lie prlnrlp.il power plant cituatid a! Wecaxa, as the union had oiibied ihe Wecaxa uolkeis to stilke lilul dai'l.ive i was feared Is the unnlvi ts.tl o' "i" death of Madeio and Pino Samcr. ami the day I.I be nbherwil by official moutnliiK All stoics and offiies wtll be closed VILLA DEFEATS CARRANZISTAS. Wins Insli IVItli lien. imiiis Near hlliiinllim CIO. Keb i'l - Instead of bemg force of ted Krancleo Villa band of ( after day of u,-- t 0' tat" hereinafter Kralny Into III Kingdom the following attached prohibited, Jesus the huilacblc Kllday and wood Cnvnzos to linen wood other- wise fiages nothing takes wood Canada there tides royal llrltlllll. being illscuesed b" Pltt.sbii.u. bones 'steel of of comiinttec, icgular be of Feb sets attoiney risiuncnts CiiMtuor I'Vb and Cav.no '"T llcriera. military '')' ''. ' ? mil at out a la.ge ,.i ti i.i.ii iiolltlcal come into contact with the outlawed so far as could be learned. ATTACK LANSING S LIST. N timber lletlnis In lleilfii WisuiXiiTov. I'eb. l.nruer. I i"ir Fall of New Mexico aft- -r Kheeklng up tin. fiat 1 furtiisliisl by Lii ilog on r of Arneiicans in Mex- - ,,iio tile 1.1't nn" 'll'S nei'eve dlvrrtiati- - ,.n i...i.nlf 1' tin o II..II!-.- - .. t,i,, ,.,. .oar.l Cell!' ..I. .j.fe iccrnt BY s f Slid screw. after wh' w Tin done. n cups .. Joint little w a o A ,nNv, the g in.c ,, .1 It hoax I' prop. VJ the billi-- wunili Senator Fall 'i of slxty-feve- n Aiiiericans killed In that period who not njiorted by Mr. Lansing. In add tlon be has nam". of I.Muetican killed on the American Imr-- I der b) Mexican bullets who ate nol lotted in the Laiim'r data. MRS. GWATHMEY GETS DIVORCE Ileeelies nn Ibsolnle lleiiree In lltlll. Tel. TUIINTV (INK AfSTiN. Tex F. li -- t -- Mi- i (iwath ei wis st n.te.l x de tee of ihsolute djiie'i'.. f'..n ti. I'd. T'"llp' (111 itllllei .if New Votk. by Judge A S. lu t"o Ml. Irlit Court. Mrs. llwathui'y na'ti" wa In P.M3 lu into diiorce suit In New-Yor- of Mi. Ablsail H ineock lllslmp. Vt that lime Mrs Hwathmey entered a denial of all made agalut her M's (Iw nth ne) wi lie d lug'-.te- o' t.ie late Iteiioen I: I5.imi. once Chief .liisii.e of the Sup) fine Court of this Stati Cider the M iiw.it'-- ' 'iiei gi-i- I2r.0"0 "-- !ici 'iiislia.nl a j a poition of his realli holdings iilwatlini is a wll ow . itton of New v.. ' of nf tn 1. 10 THE "Spencer Heater" feeds automatically, and maintains a steady, even heat from 10 to 12 hours without at- tention. It requirei coal-in- g but once a day, and burns the cheap of Anthracite. See your architect. i'i;.M t.it m:Tt.n si N. T. Office, lilt Park rf. rm king or mtzwinift V FORM PEACE LEAGUE BRANCH HERE TO-DA- Y lh'li'iiiit' Fi'olii All OvtM' State Will ClionM- - rci'iniiiit'iii Offici'ix. M"le lo. Hi all pal Is of ' ike pail III a bundled ie1eg,ue fi.cn the .'tat' lite expert''! iiiiiferetice to le held at the Hotel Manhattan i) for ihe pir-pnv- f of oi .nanl.llig a New York Stale liri.1i- !l "f the l.e icue to Unforre I'e.l. tln-- e State urati. hes sevrrtl of which bale forirad it l h'ped that .resiiie cm be brought '.' bear on local political orgilil.ati'iM fuitherlng tile enilsof the league had .Via men , '""I" " Hen. Luis . omniaii.l-- 1 '"' , ' ' 1." Chihuahua, sen. force ' to adopt Pl.itiK i.v 1,. 1, viit,. ....iieaih a m thief TO I'nll ttiiprli-ii- n S'crelai) iiuriil.f Ull'l.l are iiicnt llllsh Fisher accusations derr.e sizes Thfoimli already been lheieb Its platfotm iidvocatlng the alms of the league lesolutlou calling the leagiiv object to tilt- - attention of the Itepre "f N'ew Yoik State In Con-gii- will probably be passed al meetliiK The executiie coilllll ll ire of the t.n piitary N'ew York otgaiiu.itloii ennslt of William .1. Schleffelln. clialrtnai .lame M. let Is, lieorge W. IlurltHh, Chillies Stewait Pavl-o- n. Melvll I'ewsy, Ml. hael H. liflsioll. Ih. John II I'lnlev Kdward W Hatch. Ihigene It Outer-l.r'dg- .Iiidi.e Alton II. Parker and W . . bin c Sanger, permanent oflleet v (It ho .hos'n to. ilny Addresses will br mails by .limes M the or ' '''' nf tln Ite.l, Ittoniey-ileiiet- ...imi.ioi.s j,r .,sllu- - l.st 121 A'tien-'th- e l ulled K,.r f . ... 1.. 11... t..n ... Ilnslnn wim w.ts fi Ihe I staked l.it.g's Holes im II. .11 I." f v 1 ( I t He I bis Volt, ..1,1 .1 s ( 21 liy I I t ,,,, uo- - 1 .. e I I , Finds K I. )ears, ha a t I the fleiVii ilapie .1 ' I . ought the f ii kei r a .. t s I I .(.OIW..1 fnr tii.. I'nite.l Sf..les hrfnre ths lliigu." T11I111111I in the north Ulantle tNhi'iles arli.tratlon. md Talrott Will-:r- n ile-i- of the Pulitzer School nf Journalism LAMAR. "THE WOLF." APPEALS. 1.1.1 1I11 -- .npri-nii i onrf to Hol4 I p .Mil Msillilsle. WisitiMJTON, Fen. 21. Pavid Lim.tr ai'.ateil before the Supreme Court in-- I day tn a'l iffoit to delay trie jir.so' ti nee t .at ha been Imposed on bun of a Federal statute by n :i n.it. ng a Fedetal officer In an Jt- - ti ii.pt to il fr md I . 111 ir s. lapst nio'e wa to appia' "1 j the Supreme Court through hi attorney A. L. Hverett of New York, for bale "1 I tile a motion for a writ of mardaM'j' llltecteil tn tile three Federal Judges n ' sat In hl cae in the southern d.tr of New Yi'tk, n quiring them to r -- state Ins wr't of error which had hen d.sm ssnl in that rourt. The Judge-- 1 aga.:it whom Lamar seeks the url nt i mandamus arc Co, Ward a'd Itodce- - ' It th. Supreme Court should de- -) th l. tet motion interposed on be' alf of ILainir icxt Monday it would seem 't'.i' ll's legal tesource" bad about ceeti ex. ,a se, and that lie would hii to ;i to prlon f. ' ( J. - Ti I'll: U..,KK. ' c.i 'L'. fn Conserve your estate Choose an 'efficient trustee A wise course would he to appoint t lie Hanker? Trust Company as executor ami trustee tit your estate. The Company's permanence i assured; its experience in handling trust busi- ness is broad ; its very existence depends upon the faithful performance of its duties: its highly specialized service costs no more than the uncertain service of an individual. An ortiici will br nlml to 1 outer with ou. i( inn telephone 8000 Rector or call at H Wall Strrel. BANKERS TRUST COMPANY Rfsoi-rcf- s Ovfr $'.'50,000,000 mm illiliii IP3

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  • 72 44 ThE SUN, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1916.

    the effect Unit lie li.nl archied In callCount ion llcrnstotfT to tusk on theUtouinl thai the latter had circulatedfalse lltilucsslnns us In t lie meaning ofthe Ann I It .) n dlsn inutnetit propositi tnthe lliilrnlo Allies tho Irritation in theIh'li.iitini nt uga.nst the Ambassador hadl.ot lessened inatetlall.i. -

    Chief of Hut One Time, and Theninn .iiimiiiieirnuoii inn io i'iuiuhbi oiitlili-n- t l:il negotiations If (Icnimtiy noeshot reccdo friini lu-- r picsent position.

    Illnmliiv 1n lleriiorll.Vrlonds nr Heirrtury UinsliiR art! still

    frilling to lav at the door of Count vonIlrntelotlf all Maine Tor any false Imp-rest-Inn which (lerninriy nmy have (totus tn the Intentions "f thr AmerlcRiiSovernmcnt nt tho 1li the illwirmK-niei- it

    pinposnls were sent ti the Ihitenterowers. I

    It was stilled y mai otnu vonllertirlorff Haunt Hwleitineu D.nilelx from $i:t.iii0,iini to il.ot li lieeii led to titiderstutid, innTeutonic di .'l.iratlon wen- - published,that the Pulled StateK was not preparedIII the event of a i ejection of the Ameri-can itinwnlH by the Allies to renouncethe principle of International thatmerchant ships are entitled to arm fordefence.


    Arllmi on I he IVIrolUe'nl'rninlril.


    WxellisuTiiS, I'eb. SI. SecretaryIrfiiiflnK lecelM-i- l word y fr"in

    I'eiitUld at Vienna that theirply of the Austrian tlovemmeut to thnAmerican dem.Mid fop an eMilanatlonnf the KUhmaiinc attack last Decemberon the American ml tank eteamer I'etm-lit- e

    will le.idi WarlutiRton In the nextfew iho".

    I'endlmr Iti- - teielpt nlllciN of theState Departmctit decline to tatewhether or not mli.ie.iihr I'enlleld

    In an way what the nature oftho reil would be. The leply 1h

    however, to lead to furthere triliei' Auctrla voluntarily

    npoloc..i " for the attack.The IVtfoliie w.w uttackej lu eastern

    5trdltcrraneaii u.iteiK uhde en routefiom Alexandria to l'hiladelhla. TIioukIillyliiK the nnilran llac and huvlni! thoAmeriian color promlnentl painted onher wile", the ven.d waK middenly ap.prnached .!!( tn by an Autrlan

    ulioii Hied a wnrnltiR shotncroK the bow. of the 1'etrollte toitoi her

    AccordliiB to aflld.ivlt from Capt.Thontp-o- n of the I'etiollte andmnilicr- - of the clew, the tanker "usImmcliately hauled to. but ileeplte till."the Mibmai ne lontiuued tltliiK. Duehhell iilened the tanker and nerltiunlywouitiled one of the crew

    The submarine commander, on coin- -'tiB up with the I'etrolite, demanded ofCant Thoiiipon that the latter ehouldell hint ptiiv'uloite. When till demand

    viu refused the Austrian sent a partynf boattlerfi on the 1'etrollte to hrliiR offwhat provlfK'its wire needed, meantimehnldlni: on board the subinarlne one ofthe 1'etrollte e .rew a h hostHRe,

    GERM A SS InDIGNA N T.Anierleiili lliipoltlou li rit I

    Rout l'iille rone the IVnplr.Xeki.is. la Ainslerduni. Keb. 21.

    Burprih.' niid iiidik'tiatioti are prevalentIn (iertnaiiy as . result of the report thatthe I'nlted Slate- - l Mrnily nppooed tthe new policy of fJermauy that armedmerchantmen aie to be treated a. war-ships.

    Cnolllcial H ports stated that Secre-tary LanltiK bad Informed Amtiassailorvon Kernslorff that n month's nntlrc ofOermany'. Intention would be ronslderedeiiftlcient to snfeKiiard neutral IntereBtn.That the Cnlted States would approveof the Herman policy. It was irenerallj"believed, bud been indicated by Secre-tary l.ausiiiK.

    The general opinion amonir Herman,!who have followed the submarine con-troversies Is that the United States hvrefusing to accede to the new merchanthip poUfy Is trylnit to take from Ger-

    many mi ffcctle weapon aRalnst hsrenemies.

    Tho death of Otto Weddlxen and thecrew of the 9. which was sunk anarmed Hrltlsh merchantman. Is ued ann anrument and Justification for th(new policy. It was pointed out that hadWeddlnen not followed the "humane"methods he anil hi. crew would he alive.

    Struiic resentment of th opposition oftho united States to the new German

    ea policy Is voiced by some of the news- -paiers.

    The Colocne, 7a;re says: "Whyshould we await the wlhes of the i'nltedRtates and postpone another submarinewar? The I'nlted States Is only servingJlrltlsh Interchip If It arraln wants toopen negotiation on the memorandumTho time for fiction has come. Afterthat the diplomats may write and talknnd negotiate for n hundred years aboutthe submarine war as much a theylike."

    SEES A FOR U. S,

    Paris Editor nj Germany I Ter-- rI It eW4epajBJflu a n t rr .

    Special fitlilr Dfptltrh to Tne Scf,TAnis, Keb. 21. Auiruste Gauvaln,

    Mttnr of the Journal ir Drbalt, In aneditorial on tho reported tehfdon betweenSecretary Latmltitf and Amb.1ss.1dor vonBernstorff, says:



    "The United States has n unique opportunity to increasi) ner moral stanulni;absolutely without risk. she la notafraid of Germany, who la terrified byhr. Tho I'nlted State may consecrateprinciples of the greatest Importance tohumanity and civilization without theatUhtcst dauber to herself."


    lavratlcallon of strnmrr Chlaa'alliililup Ordered.

    WAKUl.vnToV. 21, tnstructloiiBwere sent to-d- to the American Min-ister at Pekln and tho American Consulat Shanghai to rill details, obtain-able concerning the action of tho tirltlshwarship which held up the Americansteamer China nf the China Mall Kteam-hhl- p

    Linn and took off thirty-eig- pas-senger..

    On the tnsls of the Information whichIf received the stale Department willdemand of tho HrltVh flovernment anImmcdlnte, surrender nf those taken fromthe ship In view of the fart that thisl the tnlrd time that tirltlsh or Krem hwarships have boarded Americansteamers and seized person. on hoard ItIs thought probable, that the protest willbe exceptionally vigorous In tone.

    This ilnverninent ha taken the position previously that American vesselsaro not subject to action of this kindregardless of tne nationality of the passenger. tney may le carrying.



    WAsn .xfiTov, Fob 21,'

    Iiiih iledded not to appoint Secretary oftho Inter or Lane or Secietary of Agrl- -nilturn Houston lo the War portfolio.!Thin means that he probably will selecta Secretary of War from outside IllsCabinet. Man) believe thai uvld ItFrancis, cx.iiovernor of .Missouri, who

    In Wnshitiglnn to. night, has an e.reiieni nance nr tlie place. He pas ailappointment In mnfer with PresidentWilson to morrow In tegard to the

    lo liusshi. ll was learnedilia' Mr Francis has not de-

    clined ihn pot. but bis friends were notpr'i'.in.l 10 s'iy wli.il h,. outcome, of hiconference with President Wilson wouldbe.

    The conference b d to reports that MrFrancis wan under consideration for See.7Ur' of .w,'f h "w ilt uf his reject- -... ..... ...nneauiurnnin.


    whIV" Consulted Service



    Pared Estimate Committee Hears Turks LostErzerum for Lack of Single Aeroplane.

    WasIIINiitos, I'eb ('apt. .lnill.UrlKlol of (he I'nlted Hmte navy toldthe House Naval Committee y thatthe estimate he picp.utd for the ex-pansion of the aerial sell-h- of the navyhail been cut liy older of .cietaiy ,

    and nan ,




    Included In Cait. ! oilitlnaleKtlmati ere pruvlsloim for two air-craft nhlp, designed for the tl anopoitii- -tlon of aeroplane, npalr pattx and ma- -


    chlniry In conjunction ltb the lleetThree ehlp were to cot $3.itn0.nrt each.Hecetury Is I see Ins . ,. ' ih "tl nclear to approve lowed to lie captured for

    I'apt llrtstol made an argument for I of aeroplane." ofJ20.0mi.tni0 for aerial uaft lie urged ln!" ' ""jm!lu',u" ., ... .. i . ...that In p.issltiK on thliroKramuie

    live ear biillditicsubmitted li ,"'"'"'"'

    tianlel piup.iiiloiiali, apiopilatlonsshould tie made for aircraft, which uoutdInvolve an appropriation of abouttlM.OCO.OdO.

    I, UIMt Mfu Needed.lie told the lommlttee that the navy

    needed elulity-tw- o aeroplanes, five illrltfi-blc- sand foity-on- e k te balloon In

    to the eiUlHiieut, Capt l;rl-t-recommeiiiltsl aiithorUatloiw for li'u

    aeroplanes. Ilfteen kite balloons and fifdlrltilbles to operated as patroK of th

    Capt. IIiIhIoI also said that Comrress tirdshould aiilhoilze the puri liai-.- - of forty --six aeroplanes for the use of the iiaxalmllltla. lie estlmatiHl that with Ihe'machines he recommended the n.nywould nearly I.2U0 men to operatethem.

    It was biouRht out at the hearing 'that Capt HrlMol was consulted on miltone occasion, when Sicrelaiy Danielstut down the estlmati s for aircraft

    Dr. Charles D. Walcott of the Na-- ,llonal AdvNory tln.it d of Aeronautic abody created by the lat Coneress. alsoapiieared before the committee. Heunred the lommltte" to recommend anadditional npproprlat on ofwhich would enable the board to com-plete Its work In the development of Ihescience of aeronautics.

    "Kven If the army were equipped withinn I would not considerthat It anvwliere near ailenu.itelyoutfitted." said Dr Walcott. lu thecourse of a Reneial iliscu!ou of air-craft for mll'tary purposes.

    "How tpiirkly can ne obt.un thenecessary. to advance thisscienre?" Dr Walcotl wa asked, "Howcan e aet the tnf i mallon that willlilllie this service to the he cht ofeltlclency0 To whom shall we apply""

    (me of the otijit ls oi me am :soboard I to llnd the rluht men." repiie.tthe wltnew.



    Sppk t IMovc 11 rnnilli'i i'twoon ('urea nnd ISolirimn

    to Discrcilil Him.


    u.i. 21 Willi He apparent purpose of V",," . itsi nofa parallel of caeIn the hwnllowltig UP of Colea b .lap.it

    .I.nlrman of th" l'ore'gnr.,.lllee. Introdliced 0 reo- -


    Pre-Mc- n, tn

    transmit to tin- - Senaie u - ""' 'the latt.r ,in.i-- ,spondencedeC!: c.nt,r Ft u.i ". sl-'- ch In New-York criticising the Administration th'rehas a still hum ior "might be used as a basi for attacking

    foreign pob'cy of the ll'.oseve--

    ministration, during a !''' "Hoot was Secretary of Slate !he


    of a Japanese piote. titrate meras an Incident of thewar of l0t-0r- . has

    to serve the n ltlbetweenofThe treatyState, Corea provide th.it. "'.r liWPowers deal unjustly or W ,with cither (Joverniu.nt. the other

    their good nfflces, on beingof the case, to bring about an

    amicable arrangement, showing

    their friendly feeling."The only protests agam-- t the actionI'.r.tcl St lies ap-

    pearof Japan made to the

    to have come from a orean. Mi.Yueng-Tcbe- delgnnled as spir al en- -

    knot credentials, to whom Senator" "" i... 1.1 1'inr.Hoot wrote on i'c- -

    "It I to be that th- - olll.lalcommunications from the Japanese c,v.

    otbclal ciiiimiml-catlon- stneernment agreefrom the Coreau iim rnuieiit.

    nd are quite Inconsistent with MiurIn-

    formation."If however, the dltllculiy of inmp'i-In-


    with your wishes werewe should be met by the fu. t that onFebruary 2. l'Jnt. and on Augusttt r.he Corean liovernment onclu.bdwith' the Jaiianene (ioverninent treatieswhich are not now In any iespect Im-peached or uuestloned. by which Coreagave to Japan such extensive emitiol

    nffalra and put hen-el- f so .om-plete-under the protection of the

    of Japan aw t" icmb rlmposlhle the application of the

    treaty with the United Statin aboveUOted,"The above mentioned tieal.e t.e.

    tween Japan and Corea appear to he ofsuch a character :.i- - to in con-trol foreign lelallnns of Colea midto make the latest tpaty of Noi ember1", 19'ir., which Is now called Into ipies-tlo-

    but a slliht arivaiue upon therelatloiiH of lontrol previously exlatuigThehe editions of controlnmount to a complete, bir to an Interference by the t.'nlled Sl-il- ts under thtreaty of 18S3," j

    It I apparent that the AdministrationIs cooperating Senator Stone In mieffort to dig up something linn .an heused In combating the Hoot speech. Theunusual steps that inn beluK talon audi

    I .I.a ..1 1. t.r.c,i t.a 1,1 ..i..i rn t Inn M tlml ill.. I, .tint.I nlilllll for Conference1 U v. .,..1. 1...11 -l'l .""II- - n ' ' .li.fl" n U11114111' that the I toot speech has had a

    .. . ., . I effect 011 ihe Administrationanniii i,..,i... 11,,.. i. i.t ami inai ine iiec.-.- i'j



    nieut I lecngnlxcil liyhis advisers.

    f 111 lullthe Picsiilent and


    llajor'" loniiolllee IVilconics m.linasndor lo lo-iln- i,

    The romin'ltee "f etiins uppninicilbv .M'lyot .Mliihcl to recene II. on) Mnr.gemhaii Amb.iss'iiloi 1.1 Tinhev, wliourrhes fs morning on iheVIII.. will meet shoitly uffi r J o lo t.at the Harge (itll.e ami 111..111I dnwnthe on coast guaiil culler M111-bnit-

    Mr Moigemhaii wll be talon off Uislilp nt mid biouglii to pierA, where 11 leciptlon will tenileiedIn hi honor at the offli e of Dock Com-missioner It A. C, Smith,



    At point Iteptrsentatlie Callaway iof Tox.i. a little n.iv tiicinhei, wan,uoued In- ;i suggestion made by Dr.Wnlcotl that the Thirty-fourt- h divisionof the Turkish army had fallen Intoa ltttr.!ati tra at Kizerum beoaujo ofthe link of aire aft. ''

    t ii me i lira ii.iu nan jum oneplane they chum avoided till tiap,aid Dr. Vi'.ilciitt.

    Mi Callaway ob.nried that he thoughtit remarkable, to iay the lenM, "that theluperx fhould play up a thing like tli.iton the vciy mornliiK tli.it the navalcommittee was coins to meet and ion-sl.l-

    the subject of at roplanc. '

    Haul. coul way nf--this Item tlicttiilies lack

    simply fur the benefit













    give Jap





    buy the


    lll'll t llir((l HHlli I I 'lir .hiy ' ,f. ...


    over her

    The denounced The .njuncllon wll'. htandthe 'iewsuieis, ctitlchlliK ac- - ni:.ilnt u- -e a tl ailemai k. will.... .i. .it.... ...i.t. u.i....u.,. .......MM ' . " . .. ,,,,H13 o national defeiue.

    I'Var on the part of officiali hat secrets lonnected the navymluhl com" into the tMissecsioii of for-- 1..il... 1, m ......miI . ml .

    of ..di..rii..in..iii ..rlL-lii..ll-v ' ''V the were upet. the'by the Service fomm'sslon fliidlm.'c.iiiill.late lo examinations I , ,. ,u the .it.senie of Intent to

    appoimmcui 10 u lacancy in tneteen be draiiKht'im loom










    Vork Nay

    M I'oi'flnn llrniiulilsionn.A'ioidins to the oriRin.il iltiulais

    by the coannlsioit the examln itlonswert not to In- - limited to citizen of tneCnil.d States, aithoush heretofore suchlimitations hIu.i.ns had existed. It waexplained (hat the exceptionwa. made in this particular cae furthe leasoii that the yard officialswile pai'lliiilaily anxious to ap-pointed a foteimui who had h(en work-ing temporal ily around the yard and

    h. was an exceptionally Rood drafts-man.

    The man. It was stated, applied for1 ill., ns.up papers, but had not fullyipialitted the law reitilre iom'tl-tu- e

    . X .1 mill itlons for such It wasttioimlr that b littltiK down the barsth- - man ti .Uestiou. fiom hi fimlliar-- i

    with t nnrk. have no'il iMstftB, and could then be

    appointedWhen tri tnattir i.ime to th ntten-t.o- n

    of Secietary Daniel he at otu-- pro-test.. I 011 the Kroiind that It be adans, roil pieerdent to permit forelners10 .null' th. lans of the navy.II.. ii..in in ted Unit the oriirinal advertlse- -

    new elusion the fh'ef. fonii.eiui.in 10 (In- - and

    n .... .1 Iv..,a .

    l.icnl. Hitu IHtln't V nt 'Kinitiitl Ntilititly 'I'lKiiiirlit to

    lMM lllllPI' Moil.








    ik. V , I'eblli.k'uaii and

    the foimer Hlltlsh 111:Siiprenu.. M.o.es , (lf

    m to the ofThe sworn in a" special Culled

    s liepiity Marshal, were put aboardthe lessel Saturday, following proceed-- 'ing 111st. tiito.i i. tin- - African ste tm INavigation i'o npaii, her former oatier,to seiiire possessliui of the ship from'La vit Hans llerg and his prUecrew

    The) weie not given any food andlittle hhelter, Lieut. Iterg sayingthe) weie on boir.l without hl consentand were unwelioine The (women imc ashore to and de-cide. I not to go back.

    I States .Marshal Saunders he.itred the unices of two other men.

    The) were promised relief in twelveFood was furnished bv the

    ' .M.uh.il

    GERMANY PROTESTS.Old Prussian les (Hie 'I'rutiin

    I'rlres t)lniii.Wisiii.M.T'iN, I'eb 21. Priiiz vm

    HatfeUlt. . oiiiii.nr of the (! rm in li-mine, f.i the Slate In111. ill against the presence ofFluted Mi Marshals boardt.ie hip Appani at .S'ewisui New.,V.i. Actu.g 011 thePolk of the State I "'p. il tin. lit conferredwith "ffUi.ils of I'.e ivpartinent of Jm-- 1

    lo Irani whither s nun otlwr means1011I1I be of keeping the icssel luthe jurisdiction the court at Norfolk,w no ileputles to Uw Itbilr iwn.

    Although the 'rean treaties of,11111! l2l. upon (iermany relies in

    her contention that the Appamnidi asluin at the American n'tis a pilze, provide (ier- -man pi..s In American are notsubject i,i legal pro. esse I'tlnj. vonllatzfel.lt, il was learned, uieielv hiseith.s piotest on tin. ground that the

    , ''' f dcpiillcHftlctlon aboard th" icssel t Is expected



    ... ,...,. ., , ,, , f)111. nlc the i. piitmci to get ihecase out of the linn, Is nf inhut ll Is probable ihm tl. ,.paitiiient will 10 do what it ha

    hitheiio a led. namely, announce lisdecision between (Ionian anil Hlltlsh

    hums loneernlng the proper disposition01 snip

    PiiiiX ion HaUI'ddt ,.ft forNorfolk to l.b ut llerg. com-mand' r of the licrinari prize crew


    Issocliilloo llpcns llilpniunHeller Irioy 11 ml Vni.i.

    Tin' .Mi rch.iiils Ahsoclatloii . om..,0111 for picpiuciliicss and has begun a' riiinpalgn couimeiclal orgaul.u-- 1Mi nis tlnoiiglioiii tlie In supportof a I'logiMnini" of adequate 11.1 (1111 ile.

    T 1. action follows the leporl lo, HoasMi' iathiirs commitiee, com- -1.0-c- il of 1111 M llaldwln, rhalrnint 'Stephen I'ariell). II. llieli.iiil-io- : u.er Loins M .I11sej1l1th.il, in g, neral,chailes Hoc and II, Spen- -( IT

    The a- - o. ois Hi. of,1 n.iii whi.h Mull hi second on the At.I.il.ll.' and Hi "I on the Pacific . crc'i- -

    ol rigiilat of 27.i,in;iiii,niiii men the crenlion o' con- -

    t m of fiom .(ifi.nno in l.nnn,.mil mid tin use of the National

    lilu.ird as auxiliary to th coast defencefoicoa.

    Siipicilic Court Aciiit New, M'liinit'' hhinor Sliari-i- l ly iU)()i AiiilnisMidiir I'lttfc It'' sYtn'k Firm of rnfairncss

    in Uiisinrss Methods.


    I'eh II Tin; Supienie Ti. .,.i,on et before memberCmrt dealt wlta to Important e,i.es ( (l ,, t'amp an the entree of

    jto-il.i-y lnvolvliiB aliesatlun of unfair 1)pr fuiteenth nnmi.il dinner at the1

    trade. Hotel Actor laM tiluhl wac ehlson In- -

    of the cae w.i. of the It. II. ' ,1 !. It came from the Scotland pre- -'.lac f.-- Co. of New York aRalti.'t the H,,tv,,4 f ,,,! Kitchener, "K. of K."Nntaetne llnlery Company of l'hlla- - hitii.'lf It. oti n trooji ilili rctnrnhiK

    Id.'lphla. Tl'e M i. y 111 in won a ul)8tan- - to Canadu. to a friend In tinllal vletmy and not a revcrs.il of the

    libcree or the Cnlted States Circuit Courtlo' Appeal, awarded an In-- IJunction and damases

    The Supreme Court, speaking thioush.liiml. e Holmes, a. ipiltted It. II Macy

    Co .if lntriitloii.il unfair tradeTe.tin member then methods.

    their the of buti.. bejr




    "Itontex" emiiioie.l the Macyapplii-i- l .iomhj

    Dainai:ivi .'iHiuded the PhiladelphiaHon i.uh. court belowbshed Civil coiitt thote had b.enfor take for














    In- - A; .o.to


    mislead t'le tia.b theie i mil. I

    Philadelphia ttadflname "Notaeme conlllct

    upnti n.rurs will.ertiielv different harkstnund

    iiii.nl.nl border of thmi'kr.

    be no re- -

    col erThe film .1

    or 111,11 k " Toen.ih not the '1 weie

    but on theor oin to WahqoekohllnK bnmbo Atoropod."

    Tin roitrt .1 of ii.p .1 II Iterniir,fact the same printer, who ti,P Caii.iillnn expmier. who ha

    liackKrotmd the turned twouse of I ami a Canudlan mountain

    lacking "extensive II the ItoeklesImagination" and had the wotds, the Canadian CamperssTiounds their own let

    wa the tlci' the it was shaieda fact icy not and Including eightythe suit was fr Camp ofbrought. The two did not compete

    trade.In the he- - . ie. th Wolf l!ro

    Companv of Cincinnati v the llatnlltoii-Iliow- nShoe Cotnii.iny of St. Loul. Ju

    !lf.o.niin Inof the Cincinnati dim on account oflr.fi Ingeuieit the of theformer' "Anur'e.m Hrl onwomen" 4

    St icd the name"American Lad,' whkh wa held to bea simtilit of t'n marl: of the Cincinnati tlrm mark. In reichlng lt con- -

    m.'itt be teialled and one" l"iied I the coiim divided, .III.infra native irarn ,lu'lce












    Prv.inter hoMir.gth the of Appal

    the an 11 aand descriptive" not a

    subject rrgit the PatentOttl. e .lil'tce Plttie) the opinionof the remainder of the hnldliig

    j the word wue properly registrable.

    polar mice, or


    In or In

    It It






    thitlie that

    the Cincinnati tlltn bid aawarded damages on the ground

    nf practices, holding thatthe in. 11k was not legNtrable the

    rompativ was entitled to Hit business ItUp it mil that the St

    II' III had persist! il in the ue ofthe name "An.enc.ui the

    of was to deceive and nils-lea- d

    The me ordered a decreeholding mark and affirm-ing the Judgment. The rn.e has beenbefore the court for the

    once r a tei- -tloiarl to a dei of the

    lliinser ilrm e ourt.Irclleiitalh th. saidJ ,.,,. ,,,,,, ,..fllVill K,,int vsrij

    Appaui Hnrarl did 1101 go the






    plot, sled part.

    Stat' puty on

    protest Counsellor

    woiiiii I'lianie


    may seekUnite


    pics.lemlcl ,.,.









    lui'iui III.

    theainiv from

    acental in)















    Th tlrm


    i s






    hefotereview iion


    ran and did tot pieilule the comt at asub-- . ii;er.t mi.' fiom pa -- sing up tin

    .V. V. FIRM

    l.oldlii ei'iieil nf Ini'ss b) Trade llosril.

    Feb. 21 -- The I'eilelalin c s.fti'd it - tlit for-

    mal coinplaiiii to.il i) 11 t th" "unfaircompetition" -- ectlon of rhe ,ul creat-ing ci.iuiniMon It is illtiM'teil againsta N'i'W York tlrm the commissionstati nianiifactute mer. rled

    ' thread, but sell it as "sewing llk "The tlim has thirty da) In

    to appear nnd cause why anshould not U. out. red In th" commissionre'iu'r.tiE it to from branding th"pri'ilie t a K '"

    In the complaint It leclte.i "that be.cause of the method of com.petition, t i wit, the c of thesaid false or tr ule andthe I' su'ting de. option of purchasers andconumei. ttianufai tiircr or oilier en-- 1gaged the 01 "i sale of gen- -

    'ti m silk hi inter't.ii' tnm'rre,have beit, or ate iijurcd In I heirnnd business"

    The llr-- agiiust whi. h tin couiplalntdirected 's HohPn rtro , of

    miiti'ifactiiiers of brandsew ing Tlie .omplaint

    'on protest tll'd w.th tin- "ininlsslouI by iniiuufactiners of tbie.nl' Hearing on the subject will be

    by ihe commission lu


    ' gnpreine lllposes of1 111 111 1 Ing: I'roceilnre,

    I V To:.'. Fell 21 The last ofthe objections against enn-- 1stiliitloiial.lv of Ihe In. oine tax law were(leiriiany invoke the trend-- ih., --...,.1 nw:.v when the Jus

    coin t that ihe call be llbflled tire tool, up the few iftniluing tasesher lliitish owneis, ,p.,ilcl when Hie main cases wereI ntll this is was said ti. iiiioii tccenlK











    A majority of the i.ises passed nilIniolieil ol pi oci

    sin i as Hie .0 Hon of !nige Hros. ofIlctioit, who to enjoin tlie

    Hon of tax b) nut in the IHntrk'tof Columbia ami lost Piiilnhlyinil Inn of the cases il

    of was the one invilvlin; laxImposed upon Hi" of milling


    valldil) of tl iiaclmcnt. because'the tax' on the profits of a rnuie re-- j

    the ph).lcal ofand was a

    rout t held that even under the cotiten-- ltlon of this-- f iittaiklng the law Hie



    Supreme i ourt Sustains InFori oolt ( use.

    Wasiiimitos. I'cIi 21 - A Kansasstatute a gin. 111. lie, fianchlse.tax on cm Ions on Ihe capital

    was h"d lo b" Inan oplnloji '. .liiitlie wlui

    TIi" tax was re'Mril jiy Hie KansasCity Foil and Meinphls Hallioad,on a lux had laid.II was held that Ih" tax was equally

    oil il foielgnthe mid tho ji

    Flint Its cayllal U, cmplujcd Intho

    3lcn anil Women Who llavoLived in Wilds.



    thethe Ainimmii nine. ,.e "" " ;who was to (iccompan ra have no dellnlte

    oils Irauiuhes to .New v..i, it... ,,... ,1...' --tthl wa by from , Ilff opinion dh):

    mums tne tnat iiruin - . atIiik at the liilllillnK was : 1IK to control fieicht rates oni. liu not i il.'il articles liyenoiiuh to attend saw to t,P of ofIi ihiii the wim 11 was

    on the menu as "VerldeerVenison, with llrnseN de

    Karl Kltcheiiei. 'The Canadian Cinnp. a society of men

    aii.d of have tu.ledwith blR K.'iine and bin fish In remoter

    of the well as In Canada,always fent on prodlslrs al tb

    'hamiuet Ad- -

    1:0 .H'tual iniral I'earys



    sea ..niiui!- - uk.i.len's mountain cat these are oino ofthe of ears.

    M lid Hoar too..'llldltlou to tileLast

    ener Mills. .11. there were "puree of wild' wlilch Is wild boar soun '

    trade- -Is frsh water frost tlh. hrouuht from

    found as Cantdesigned the Just

    or for mark years inhad to the woid Justice Holm'. loaM of

    florid from W Allen'sb.uk- - In other

    bioiiKht food, but theyrourt Astnr chefs cook

    the M ilru did know of by menmark after .111 the Canadian



    of fade mark



    foi rationlent

    luwc court, ileryluglalll trade


    bad underlaiuis


    Supnth" trade valid

    )eais ,111111Coiii't flled





    Urns, nfitrI'l'iteral

    Tiade "otnml.



    whlilishow order


    aforesaidafore-- ,

    hr.ind descr ptloii

    inut'.ictin-- '



    "Lionsilk" based


    Ciinrl Cnses


    will to.ilav. Chiefholds vessel ...


    y qii'stiotis dure,

    ml-le- ithe

    theresting latest



    value the'proper!) prrpcrty tax.



    llliinslligporal based

    stock lalid

    Scottwhich 2,..iiu la'cn

    valid when lniMisedto


    described .Meat


    The tnatm.tte:, Introduced liy Ir (I,Curtl, president of the oclety,

    was Slephi'ti 1actK-k- . novelistand humorist. alo profeor of political

    at Mclilll Cnlverslty. M0ntre.1l.Ills admbslon that he was "proud toI", a Canadian, at tillbtniigh! responsive applaue.

    M s Wild I.. tolit het -- torv

    In In

    Dominion celled at Stale.... ... ....... liltlutt l:io- -basy they iihoi-ure- cI ...

    friendine ioveinio.ii. Tn.il.ic iirrlwil

    (Jttawa while iimmuoivithi.iirli was tedllc

    dinner he K iroods bulkyvenison there.

    de Shoot'Tents

    women, many whom

    parts worldan-

    nua: I'rlnce rhino,

    viand former

    iiiclit, Uitih- -

    eahlier. Lakewhich

    matter ,rctl( bv

    Itallln Land,sheep


    alike.found by














    Itrowtiof camping alone for ten )rar In thewllderne near Hudson It.l) Her lieai- - '

    est neighbors tin were mite awaywen- - Indian- - She started prospectinglor health and l I'll her 1 1 gold. j

    "I have been Introduced." she said. :

    not the iiai"i.wood to make I furniture,

    I went to CM.to from doctors and

    FREEI found health

    Hone Tent Zero lluis.


    I I 11 .none 111 H it'll;at from 10 10 t'.u dcgiees below neioI must admit that In th mornings Isighed a man to build tire"

    On screen pictures were throw 11proving among other thlirgs that Mr.I Iron n, all by herself packed on hershoulders an eighteen foot cidar canoe

    nttier speakele were guest ofhonoi. W. II S. I)er ofllerln'rt J. Lang, who has been exploring;the Congo for the American Mueuni nf

    History: Capt. Hernler. L. O.Armstrong, one of Drgmlrets of theCanadian Camp . It. M W c. Snyder,tin )ears tnls'ionary In Africa, andThornton Httimops. who ha a fishery 011Kadlik W Lampion read apoem and J ! '!l!c of Montreal recitedseme of Iirutnniond's Frenrh-Cana- -lll.lll VC'SC

    The "iPtleg1ll.liei glle'h Nel-son forinerlv

    ite Ch.irne d Affams Mexi.o ci )Cot. Ildinutid Maili'iir. spe.-'a- l dele,sa'e "f tie-- Mexican Fiileration oi' Labor ..1,1111. . 1' Chipui. Mr lOttipiiiionn Africa . John Finery McLean, pres'

    .lent of ttif Canadian Club of New V01K

    .Iil"l" Aceie.l'i. coiiiiti1s"iotier of theMexican ilnveinnient and l.'eilt. ilenigeFntmoiis. an authority on AIakanIndian.


    Trrnsiir) I hnl'I'liej tre Vessels.

    The Tre-.imr- ) I'eji irtment haHied that s are "es.

    sels'-- within the ttieaniiig of that term

    used in sub-se- t Hsiis and of para-graph .1 of sei t t of tin- - tariff netnt ;.:! In a. cordiitii e with thin rul-ing iompne for f,fthe I'nlted State navv contllute ar- -

    oiittlt mid areentitled I" fr ntri a" such

    This decision s Ihe of animpiiry from the Colic, tm of CiiMntu.nII ti.t.'ti. who unf uil'crt.iiii whellieror tint to lav tlic--e .omp.ue.'s for dntvTlie Hepaitirent turtlier rubs tint aero,planes other than .nenot ileenieil to b" "vessels" withinne "T said proiision In thelaw.


    The I olonel I. nods I'rniice nodnll for Dominic 11.

    PoiT-t-PlTI:- Huadaloiipe, Feb 21


    Col lioosevelt arrhed here esieiil.ivand met delegation Includingthe Cnvcrnnr and othet high orllcials

    Mr ami Hoo-exe- lt weie nenm-nanle- dtheir hotel by military

    escort. Fiom liiillilings along IN 'nine(lag and hunting weie dHplavi nndtne pilllll lined street Were (llli withnatlie anxious to get a glimpse ofone time Plisnlellt of I'tillnl Slates.Thev cheered themselves hoarse shouting"Vila

    ' illnnci foi .Mr lto"seve,t giien' 1,11 nlgllt The Hoi nor an nildiess

    of welcome told hi n how glad the peopleof the Isliitnl wire lo see I1I111 He rc- -'

    to Mr Itooi-- elt as "a fiicuil ofFrance and an advocate of all lawsof ci lllzati'in " to ist was .li tothe piuspeilti of tlie Cnlted Stiles and

    Counsel who fought III" law li.'lil mat ii""s. iii.u ...(.icnieil Hie Mtmnget cat.e against Mr Itooscic't In hi



    lliiglit-s- ,





    said that It was pot it burden op Inter-- 1Slate ii i m ' ' "iiii'.iii.v




    i .... ..









    el ill




    tei'hthe lilstiu) of Frances dealing with hercolonists: in the West Indies,

    on this islandand Mis lioosevelt left here at

    midnight last night for Mnmlnlci.


    llirce 01 iinse lesseisbeen sel.etl 011 Hie tll.lt

    owning them I (lei 1 controlled,has infiii'iiicd Ibc Pcpartmeut that allthree of the s dps, since they were

    luiic been used by thellnirrniucnt to transport supplies,

    Tho State liepartmrnt pro-test! In thr cs.

    strii'tions-Itoo- in


    -- May MakeM unit ions.



    Washington. Keb. -- Magazinesand other contalnltiK mote

    than hIMeen p.iRrs. tobacco, wood pulp

    and other bulky articles are nroblbitedfnini .iiinoitation into unit oilier uiimltiK ltli Mnaloa. Sonora,,.,... ....i.,.,u new huahu.i. tnaklliK speeches Ininoclamatloii, the text of which was te- -



    well il..,, ..ti.rthe importations





    rhalnctei The text of AmPassanorPage's calilecrani containing the proclamation follows

    "The following datedi:., prohibiting Importation of:

    paper making maleilals, paper, tobacco, Ifurniture. Hoods, stones nnd slates into.the Cnlted Kingdom, was published luthe London foselfr nf that date andsets forth that bv section IS of cusionislonsollilatlon act. I17B. It Is providedthat Importation of arni. ammunition.gunpowder or an other goods may be.iirnliiliii.il bv inoclamatloii, and that It 1:1,




    a In








    Pio,l exnoilleiit that importation bit" th I surrounded by the CatrauzaI n. Kingdom of certain goods of 11 (n. hi men de-- 1bulky har.e ter should be prohibited. fe.tted n airanr.a troops noil 1

    "As from and the of the city Chihuahua asMarch It'll'., subject as pro-- ; i.s last aeiorillni: lo newvid d. Ihe importation the fluted brought to Pa-- o y by Amen- -

    of goods ii i.hii li I said that Villahereby via. . ' the foices of lieu. Cnvazosnt Cul-- ,

    " All material for mamifa. tiiie on with Sim menof paper. Including pulp, cspait'i dime back (.'hlhurfhua city..griiss unit nnd cotton lags. p.iiernnd ciirilboaiil (Including strawboard,pasteboatd. mllll" I and pulp- -board ), and niaiiufai tutes of Jiaper andanlhoard."'All tieriodical exceeding

    Ixtceii In length Impoitedthan n single lliioiigh the

    pOhl."'Tobacco unnianuf.iclurid and it

    ilncliidlng cigars and clgai-eltes- l.

    " 'Cilllillllie woods, haul wood andlelieeis.

    " 'Stones and slate." 'Proililcd. aln.t. and Is Is beieby

    declared that lu this prociamai, no h.ill .mnlv to any good of

    speeltliil whichny

    .Unwed Samuel

    "Till mabut I'm more than the prohibition-


    woodswoman was b-- andneurasthenic of

    get awa)the best gold Canada TRADE POPULAR,

    jeier produced my

    for the




    1'Shaughttes-i- i




    Ju- -t



    of equipment,

    h)din-aeiopl,m- rt


    was by










    ilr-- t




    ire ImnotttiJ t"" hi' lias i:i-- c ikocii B'artricof in of lb llms a'id will.v.. - . v,.

    .1,1, In the Senate w.ek.ptovisioii an,. ; States .1., 1. .it.,. ,1... member of sen'rtf

    It 01 impnri "tones)a 'o.a star

    mire. jmine LESS













    Mrmrlmlpr hamtier llI side ... In.. furr

    I'tll.tl ...fir ...-.- . ,.'. . nv

    .sir..if HtnttcU Tnr SiLovtsiV. Feb. 21 The question if

    aliai'iloniug fne trade after tlie warIn famr of 11 foim of protective tar'ffI to an Inireaslng ex-tent

    Much importance i atta hed to tliepiocecd ngs in tbl connection of PieI'hainbtr of Cottitucri of Manchester,which Is the home of flee trade Thechamber, numbering about l.wi er

    men. Im Jut been polled on thequi Minn whether the niemoran-ililt- n

    bv the chamber's dlrictor ileirc- -i.itlng th inslderitton of free tradeid pres. nt should refcired lin k tothi m.

    Thee wrre nx vote ill favor "f fur-ther consideration of the memorandumbv the ilitcrtnr and .1.Mi.li fin th. - on derat. .in


    Hes again'



    nrnettle I'lnol "oru Tells ofOpernllons.

    ir William Nell Sherman, t liltsin genu of lb" Caitnme Conipati)of told the Medical Associa-tion of the ilieater City of New York,'tnectliig in the A' idem) of Medicine lat

    ' nigbl. of Ihe n niarkable sitci es b" hashad III mating oinpoiiml fiacturcs withsteel plates and tap sctews itedlis ase of such luokeii In which

    'operations weie performed by thelug into the broken parts of vanadium

    plat.s. none of which ieul!cl Inibalh and all except one of whi.h re.sillied tq a union "f 111" fiactutcs

    It Sheim declared that I'r MurphyChicago. Ibc noted surgeon and bone

    autlii.lit). would hale to ihatigcinithods lie made this statementtelling of a New broker who w.ifMsU mg tlie '"al in gte plant otic da) 11Ile was felled 111 HO explos'nti Thetu siiifeti.l ,1 . ' . I fr i. lurewhich I'r Slid man treated with tic stielplate and set

    A pelf' 'I union did not at firstand H Miliph) ofi'hii .igoaihiscillii..grafting, the setting in of a hone splint.

    was not Iiowciir. because theNew Vork broker wa too bus) and '..iterthe boil's fottiicil a pel f. ct fiiiu Itonalunion This was construed by Mr. Slier-ma- n

    as a potent example nf ihe value ofIn methods against tho-- e of Mr .Miliph).


    scoiile 0111111 Nice oc Hciorlthe Itoliliison llesiilnlliiti,

    AsitiMiToN Feb A favorahMtepott on the Knhnisnii resolution g

    foi an investigation the art'i)aviation wa otileied lo-d- bvthe Senate ''onunittee TheI esntutloii was amenilcil lo provide Ilia'Hie inqllll) be made li) Iwn lllclllliers ofIII" Sell. Ill' . i .11 in ami tlllee nf theHouse acting as a siili.i "iinnittec and to appropriate )n,nrtu f.,rexpenses

    It is pinbable lli.it ih" resolution willbe passed III" Sdiaie withopposition and thai giiixanie 'Itbe tal.cn of the fa. that War

    tuiestlgatloii has been otdeie.lliy acting Seitctary S'ott.

    The Senate conuiiillee gave its alien.in tool. i) to tlie drifliiiK of a hill pi

    incleasc tlie eslalillsliment alongHie lines of the measure Introilm eij liySetialoi I'hainbeilain This ih unite r- -;stood t" lu .ii'i nlil.llii e with tile pro- -posal of the Anil) War College, madein l'.i2 imly Ihe general phases thecampaign h.tie been conslilercd The

    'detail me being woiUcd out

    Three cs.cl, TrniiHpiirl sl'Pll ARMQRY "UNVEILINGIII ille or ITolcsl. "",WaHIIIS.II.in. 21 Mesplle a-- !

    surances to the contrary, the llrltish an-- , smoUer


    Mil llrulnientPro nun need.

    ltlcs. according lo lnforiii.il l.n Intliot , Fi , 21 cc. gtoteportspossession Slat" Mep irlincnl, me ,,, ,,,.nl; n, National Uuanl andcontlnu.i to make n,e of American lis- - ,,, j, ,,, .,,so ,n , ,Mln

    held under Hntlsh 01111 n, ,f,.. iit iinieil'ng of a i.ibirei girlceilings. (,, 11,,. I'oui leeiilli Hesimeul Armorv,

    Waller S. Meld, for the iminUlvn ilov Whllnian' wi.TraiisatlanllP Steiinishlp ' . .o,i ,,, th, mclibut wtuch tool; nl

    ground null-pan- yma



    hai made


    f.tl-- l





    tlie smol.ci' it 111 the itoernnrinstriicie.l Majoi-iie- ii O'liyan and Adjt --Hen Slot. .shut v to investigate

    The icmiiI was eeiit in (helii'iilglil Wlilh the 1IJ11l.111l.1 ieneralwould not make .''intents known It isnudeislooil that the unveiling proves,was a on thn tooklM of the

    40,000 INDIANS OFFER


    Cabrera and (Ihrcuon to Tour I

    Stales Troops (iinirtl'

    Tower Plants.

    l,nitil tiihlr Dnputt. lo St, Mi:tni Cm, "Jl Minister ofI War I'es.iulra ibclates that Iii.ihmiannul Oaxacjin Indians, who had riseniiKiilnst the iiilmlulstratloii. have offeredto sill ninlcr. The mattei I beriR taken

    official!)..Minister I'Viainc tabreia. with

    '!en ObtcKon, are to st.u; on Mur oit.e illffeient States of the lepulillc, lie- -


    aiid ihalf

    the Canaiiza AdmllilttatIon, Carran7.abeintf too buy to enter all teiri-tot-

    The tlamways l.sht and p.meisttlke still threateiiltiK iilid trnop.i ai d






    t.fiu i r

    lieprlnrlp.il power plant cituatid a!Wecaxa, as the union had oiibied iheWecaxa uolkeis to stilke lilul dai'l.ive

    i was fearedIs the unnlvi ts.tl o' "i"

    death of Madeio and Pino Samcr. amithe day I.I be nbherwil by officialmoutnliiK All stoics and offiies wtllbe closed


    Wins Insli IVItli lien. imiiisNear hlliiinllim CIO.

    Keb i'l - Instead of bemgforce of

    ted Krancleo Villaband of (

    after day of u,-- t 0' tat"hereinafter KralnyInto III

    Kingdom the following attachedprohibited, Jesus

    the huilacblc Kllday andwood Cnvnzos to












    being illscuesed


















    Cav.no '"Tllcriera. military '')' ''. ' ?

    mil at out a la.ge,.i ti i.i.ii iiolltlcal

    come into contact with the outlawedso far as could be learned.


    N timberlletlnis In lleilfii

    WisuiXiiTov. I'eb.l.nruer.

    I i"ir Fallof New Mexico aft- -r Kheeklng up tin.fiat 1 furtiisliisl by Lii ilog on

    r of Arneiicans in Mex- -

    ,,iio tile 1.1't nn" 'll'S nei'evedlvrrtiati- -,.n i...i.nlf 1' tin o

    II..II!-.- - .. t,i,, ,.,..oar.l

    Cell!' ..I.










    Tin done.









    gin.c ,,







    the billi--wunili

    Senator Fall 'i of slxty-feve- nAiiiericans killed In that period

    who not njiorted by Mr. Lansing.In add tlon be has nam". of

    I.Muetican killed on the American Imr-- Ider b) Mexican bullets who ate nol

    lotted in the Laiim'r data.


    Ileeelies nn Ibsolnle lleiiree Inlltlll. Tel.

    TUIINTV (INKAfSTiN. Tex F. li -- t -- Mi- i

    (iwath ei wis st n.te.l xde tee of ihsolute djiie'i'.. f'..n ti.

    I'd. T'"llp' (111 itllllei .if NewVotk. by Judge A S. lu t"o Ml.Irlit Court.

    Mrs. llwathui'y na'ti" wa In P.M3lu into diiorce suit In New-Yor-

    of Mi. Ablsail H ineock lllslmp.Vt that lime Mrs Hwathmey entered

    a denial of all made agaluther

    M's (Iw nth ne) wi lie d lug'-.te- o't.ie late Iteiioen I: I5.imi. once Chief.liisii.e of the Sup) fine Court of thisStati Cider the M iiw.it'-- ''iiei gi-i- I2r.0"0 "-- !ici 'iiislia.nl a

    j a poition of his realli holdingsiilwatlini is a wll ow . itton

    of New v.. '



    tn 1.


    THE "SpencerHeater" feeds

    automatically, andmaintains a steady,even heat from 10 to12 hours without at-tention. It requirei coal-in- g

    but once a day, andburns the cheap ofAnthracite. See your architect.

    i'i;.M t.it m:Tt.nsi N. T. Office, lilt Park rf.

    rm king or mtzwiniftV



    lh'li'iiiit' Fi'olii All OvtM' StateWill ClionM- - rci'iniiiit'iii


    M"le lo. Hiall pal Is of

    ' ike pail III

    a bundled ie1eg,ue fi.cnthe .'tat' lite expert''!

    iiiiiferetice to le held atthe Hotel Manhattan i) for ihe pir-pnv- f

    of oi .nanl.llig a New York Staleliri.1i- !l "f the l.e icue to Unforre I'e.l.

    tln-- e State urati. hes sevrrtlof which bale forirad it lh'ped that .resiiie cm be brought '.'bear on local political orgilil.ati'iM

    fuitherlng tile enilsof the leaguehad .Via men , '""I" "

    Hen. Luis . omniaii.l-- 1 '"' , '' 1."

    Chihuahua, sen. force ' to adopt Pl.itiKi.v 1,. 1, viit,. ....iieaih a m



    I'nll ttiiprli-ii- n









    Thfoimlialready been


    Its platfotm iidvocatlng the alms of theleague lesolutlou calling the leagiivobject to tilt- - attention of the Itepre

    "f N'ew Yoik State In Con-gii-will probably be passed al

    meetliiKThe executiie coilllll ll ire of the t.n

    piitary N'ew York otgaiiu.itloii ennsltof William .1. Schleffelln. clialrtnai.lame M. let Is, lieorge W. IlurltHh,Chillies Stewait Pavl-o- n. Melvll I'ewsy,Ml. hael H. liflsioll. Ih. John II I'lnlevKdward W Hatch. Ihigene It Outer-l.r'dg-

    .Iiidi.e Alton II. Parker and W . .bin c Sanger, permanent oflleet v (Itho .hos'n to. ilny

    Addresses will br mails by .limes Mthe or ' '''' nftln Ite.l, Ittoniey-ileiiet-...imi.ioi.s j,r .,sllu- - l.st 121 A'tien-'th- e l ulled K,.r f

    . ... 1.. 11... t..n ... Ilnslnn wim w.ts fi Ihe

    I staked



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    )ears, ha a t

    I the fleiVii

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    .ought the

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    I .(.OIW..1 fnr tii.. I'nite.l Sf..les hrfnre thslliigu." T11I111111I in the north UlantletNhi'iles arli.tratlon. md Talrott Will-:r- n

    ile-i- of the Pulitzer School nfJournalism


    1.1.1 1I11 --.npri-nii i onrf to Hol4I p .Mil Msillilsle.

    WisitiMJTON, Fen. 21. Pavid Lim.trai'.ateil before the Supreme Court in-- Iday tn a'l iffoit to delay trie jir.so'ti nee t .at ha been Imposed on bun

    of a Federal statute by n:i n.it. ng a Fedetal officer In an Jt- -ti ii.pt to il fr md

    I . 111 ir s. lapst nio'e wa to appia' "1j the Supreme Court through hi attorney

    A. L. Hverett of New York, for bale "1I tile a motion for a writ of mardaM'j'llltecteil tn tile three Federal Judges n

    ' sat In hl cae in the southern d.trof New Yi'tk, n quiring them to r --state Ins wr't of error which had hend.sm ssnl in that rourt. The Judge-- 1aga.:it whom Lamar seeks the url nt

    i mandamus arc Co, Ward a'd Itodce- -'It th. Supreme Court should de- -) th

    l. tet motion interposed on be' alf ofILainir icxt Monday it would seem 't'.i'

    ll's legal tesource" bad about ceeti ex.,a se, and that lie would hii to ;i

    to prlon

    f. ' ( J.

    - Ti I'll: U..,KK. ' c.i



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