daniel 4 kingdoms from daniel chapter 2 prespective

Dreams Of The King From Daniel Chap 2 Destiny of the World

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Daniel 4 kingdoms from Daniel Chapter 2 prespective


Page 1: Daniel 4 kingdoms from  Daniel Chapter 2 prespective

Dreams Of The King From Daniel Chap 2

Destiny of the World

Page 2: Daniel 4 kingdoms from  Daniel Chapter 2 prespective

Head – ver 37 – 38

Shoulders – ver 39

Tummy – ver 39

Legs – ver 40

Toes – ver 41 - 43

God’s Kingdom – ver 44-45

The Interpretation

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Comparison between Dan 2 & 7

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Page 5: Daniel 4 kingdoms from  Daniel Chapter 2 prespective

Dan 7 : 6 - Leopard / 4 wings in its back / 4 heads and dominion was given to it.

Leopard = Belly & Thigh of Image = Greeks

We will start with the Greek Kingdom

Leopard - Alexander the great. Because of this speed in conquering nations he is seen as Leopard. He started at 22 and by 32 he was the emperor of all known civilized world.

4 wings – Extreme swift movement. As such leopard is fast, 4 wings denote the lightning speed. Alexander started his conquest with 30000 troops but conquered armies of millions.

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Selucus - Syria, Babylon, Median

Ptolemy – Egypt, Cyprus

Eastern Roman Empire

Casander – Macedonia, Thrace

Lysimachus – Northern Lands beyond Greece

Western Roman Empire

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Daniel 7 : 23 – The forth beast shall devour the whole earth and tread it down and break it into pieces.

In Revelation John speaks about 7 Kingdoms

Rev 17 : 10 “ There are 7 kings, 5 are fallen , 6th one is ( one is ) and the other ( 7th ) is not yet come , when he comes , he must continue a short space”

There have been 6 world empires till now Mesopotimian Egyptian ChandelianMedo- PersianGreekRoman

Revived Roman ( prophetic )

And Daniel 7 : 7,8,9 - makes it clear that the Roman Kingdom was the last kingdom before the establishment of God’s Kingdom. This made it possible for people to look forward for the revival of the Old Roman Empire. And exactly as prophesized European Union was formed in 1958.

The Revived Roman Empire

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The Two Empires Today

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Western Roman Empire

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Dan 2 : 40,42 , 9 : 26, 27. Dan 7 : 23, 24 & Rev 17

Became European Union As We Know

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The y Are The Controllers of Money

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Most often referred to as the Babylon of Revelation becos Rome committed fornication with saints Made the inhabitants of earth drink her spiritual

wickedness Scarlet color beast Has seven heads – which are seven mountains – Rome Decked with Gold and ornaments Drunk with the blood of saints ( ver 6 – also referred in Rev

13 : 7) Blood of Martyrs of Jesus

The Roman Catholics

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The blood drinking continues

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Against the Jews

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The Scarlet Woman

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The Eastern Roman Empire

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The Reformation

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A Shame Today

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Selucus - Syria, Babylon, Median

Ptolemy – Egypt, Cyprus

Eastern Roman Empire

Casander – Macedonia, Thrace

Lysimachus – Northern Lands beyond Greece

Western Roman Empire

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A Great False Religion began in A.D 638

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Islam means submission to the will of Allah

Attributes of Islam : Denial of the deity of Jesus Christ - I John 2 : 22 Rejects the idea of atonement of sins – yet a Martyr first

blood drop washes his sins and it intercedes 70 people in his family

Their Antichrist is our Christ, our antichrist is their christ Their christ will begin by establishing a 7 year covenant

with Israel which is done by our antichrist

What is Islam ?

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Some of 99 names of Allah in Koran are Al Mutha’kabar – The most proud one

Akka’dhar – The one who causes afflictionAl’ Muvich – The one who causes deathAl’ Maggerr – The great deceiver

Y’um Kuruna Y’um Kurula’hou ul allha ho kayrul magrene – Allah plotteth, Allah is the greatest of all plotters.

Allah is the other form of worship of bel the moon god. Author Jeffery

Isa 46 : 1

Who is Allah

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Every single nation marked of selective judgment before the wholesome renovation of earth by fire is Muslim

The confederacy against Israel – all muslim nations – Psm 83

Psm 83 : 11 - Zebah, and as Zalmunna – Judges 8 : 21

Missing Links in Bible

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Assyrian Isa 10:5,24, 14:25, 19:23, 23:13, 30:31, 31:3, 52:4, Ezkl 31:3, Hos 5:13,

From Dan 11 : 36, 37 , 38 – 39 :

He Shall do according to His Will, Not honor the desire of women

Magnify himself above all gods - Will not regard the God of his fathers - And Magnify himself - in his position - he shall honour another god, god of war – A God His fathers knew not

This shall he do in his fortifications with this strange god, whom he will follow and spread

42:43 - muslim nations will be at his steps

Dan 8 :23 – fierce king – understanding dark secrets Dan 7 : 25 – he will balspheme and change the times

Interesting Facts about Antichrist in Prophecy :

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The Two Beasts of Rev 13 : 1 & 11

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The Bride comes back to rule Rev 22:17

Rev 22 : 15 & 21:8 - fearful, unbelieving, filthy, dogs, sorcerers, whoremongers, murderers, idolaters, liars are not a part of it

He that ready Rev 22 : 11Rev 16 : 15He that keeps his garments from

sin & Jude 1 : 23