dan fleming testimonials

Amanda MacVittie I really wanted to start working out more regularly, but on my own I always found excuses not to go. I really loved when we ended our workout sessions with the foam roller. My reservations were all about my own insecurity of being in the gym. Now I feel much more confident when I enter the gym. I have a base of exercises I can do, I know how much weight my body can take, and how to complete the exercise with correct form. I enjoy going to the gym, and I love leaving feeling like I’m taking care of myself. You took the time to model the exercise, explain which muscle groups the exercise was working, and you watched to make sure I was always using proper form. I also appreciated the way you changed up what we did each time so that it felt new and challenging. I never felt bored. I’d be happy to talk with anyone who is “on the fence” and tell him or her how much I loved working with you for 24 sessions! Katie Frank I needed to lose some weight and needed some motivation to go to the gym. Because I had been training with Jerry for a while I was apprehensive to start working with another trainer. But after the first workout I realized you were a great trainer and that I could really benefit from working with you. Muscle tone and learning new exercises to switch up my workouts were my two biggest accomplishments. You have a great personality and make working out not miserable. Working with a trainer like you that is motivating and personable really makes you work harder, thus getting the results you wanted (or that I wanted). Also, switching up the workouts kept me from burning

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Post on 11-Apr-2017




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Page 1: dan fleming testimonials

Amanda MacVittie

I really wanted to start working out more regularly, but on my own I always found excuses not to go. I really loved when we ended our workout sessions with the foam roller.

My reservations were all about my own insecurity of being in the gym. Now I feel much more confident when I enter the gym. I have a base of exercises I can do, I know how much weight my body can take, and how to complete the exercise with correct form. I enjoy going to the gym, and I love leaving feeling like I’m taking care of myself.

You took the time to model the exercise, explain which muscle groups the exercise was working, and you watched to make sure I was always using proper form. I also appreciated the way you changed up what we did each time so that it felt new and challenging. I never felt bored.

I’d be happy to talk with anyone who is “on the fence” and tell him or her how much I loved working with you for 24 sessions!

Katie Frank

I needed to lose some weight and needed some motivation to go to the gym. Because I had been training with Jerry for a while I was apprehensive to start working with another trainer. But after the first workout I realized you were a great trainer and that I could really benefit from working with you.

Muscle tone and learning new exercises to switch up my workouts were my two biggest accomplishments. You have a great personality and make working out not miserable. Working with a trainer like you that is motivating and personable really makes you work harder, thus getting the results you wanted (or that I wanted). Also, switching up the workouts kept me from burning out. I would definitely recommend for people to work with you.