daily writings

Day One ▪Parents- had sat down and read with me when I was younger and really made reading interesting to young me. ▪12 th grade AP literature teacher- She really opened up my eyes up to all the different forms of literature rather than just the forms that I had previously interested me. She also showed me how to write essays much more effectively. Day Two My special place was in second grade, there was a reader’s corner in my class. The corner had these bright blue bean bag chairs in which the act of sitting in and reading within excited me every day. During the day I longed for my teacher to release from the act of normal class and allow me to simply fall into a soft chair and read. Day Three The infamous school book fairs were always looked forward to, not just for the missed class but for the hundreds of books and cool toys that would come with it. My experiences were always positive and a lot of the books in my house that have been passed

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Post on 30-Jan-2016




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Page 1: Daily Writings

Day One

▪Parents- had sat down and read with me when I was younger and really made reading

interesting to young me.

▪12th grade AP literature teacher- She really opened up my eyes up to all the different forms of

literature rather than just the forms that I had previously interested me. She also showed me how

to write essays much more effectively.

Day Two

My special place was in second grade, there was a reader’s corner in my class. The corner

had these bright blue bean bag chairs in which the act of sitting in and reading within excited me

every day. During the day I longed for my teacher to release from the act of normal class and

allow me to simply fall into a soft chair and read.

Day Three

The infamous school book fairs were always looked forward to, not just for the missed

class but for the hundreds of books and cool toys that would come with it. My experiences were

always positive and a lot of the books in my house that have been passed down to my younger

sister are made up of the books I purchased at book fairs. I had always loved fiction especially

historical fiction.

Day Four

My favorite childhood author/book was easily Mary Osborne’s The Magic Tree House.

These books were so special because they incorporated the childish adventures all children

wanted to have, as well as historical features that I loved. This book is most likely why I have

grown to love he books that I love now.

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Day Five

My first experience with a computer had been with my mom’s home laptop when I was

in elementary school. I didn’t use PowerPoint until I reached middle school and took a computer

class in 6th grade. Computers of course would go on to be required for a lot of my work after that


Day Six

I had felt a connection with Lily’s love of Shakespeare. I also developed a love with

reading Shakespearian plays that stems from the 12th grade literature class. However I differ from

Lily in that I wouldn’t be able to journal as she does because I don’t really have the patience for


Day Seven

I remember the cold and bitter weather in France when I was in my great grandfather’s

seemingly endless back yard. My brother and I were running around fighting with plastic swords

as if we were French soldiers from the days of the Musketeers. As we enjoyed this game we

stumbled upon my Great Grandfathers uniform. I was shocked as a 7 year old with no

understanding of war to see this faded blue uniform which was disheveled and had scars of war

with stiches throughout and buttons missing. Over the cabinet which the uniform there was a

rifle obviously old shown by the nicked wood and faded brown.

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Day Eight

I’ve found that my ancestry actually jumps between France and Germany since my

family lived on the border. I find this interesting because prior to this discovery I had believed I

was only French and American so to stumble upon this and learn of this ancestry was


Day Nine

A special food that my family makes that I always look forward to my mom making for

us is crepes. Although crepes aren’t that complicated of a dish to make, you need a special crepe

pan. Most of the ingredients are the same as pancakes so ingredients are not hard to come by.

After they’re done being made we would put sugar or Nutella inside of them.

Day Ten

The quote by Neal Armstrong speaks the most to me. It’s the idea that although we might

not know it then we should explore the idea. It’s especially insightful coming from the first man

to have walked on the moon.

Day Eleven

It would’ve been helpful if I could’ve used an online family tree rather than just having to

my research through my parents and my grandparents. Especially with them being in France

made the research aspect more difficult.

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Day Twelve

Creating error free work is rightly an important goal that almost all people strive for.

However, I do not believe that people can really create a hundred percent error free work. It’s

just statistically impossible for another human to judge a work and say that it’s perfect in every

way, I think simply because everyone has a different idea of perfect.

Day Thirteen

Personally, when I conduct research I do my initial research on Wikipedia pages, then I

use the information that I’ve gotten from Wikipedia to find academic sources that match the

information that I was given. I never rely on only one source for my information.

Day Fourteen

I very much care about the terrorist attack in Paris. Since I have half my family living in Paris

such as my uncle and my cousins. I was very much worried for their sakes about the safety.

Other than the obvious that the attack was a huge unnecessary loss of innocent lives; I believe

everyone should care about the attack since what happened in France has shown the evil of ISIS

and although it might’ve been in France, the next time it could be closer to home and that needs

to worry everyone.

Day Fifteen

I had to make a tough decision when trying to decide whether or not to stick it out with

my major. It was a very hard decision because it’s one that could affect the rest of my life and

my future. My decision was that I would stick with my major. I’m still waiting and looking to

see if I will be happy with my final decision.

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