daily r to want pages of tfiesfobe usad those of ah the ... · lost axi>roi;xi>. cow lost—...

THE SAINT PAUL. .DAILY GLOBE: SATURDAY/ MORNING, MAY 7, 1892. r TO Want pages of tfie Sfobe Usad Those of AH the Other s Combined I MTITATIOAS «:ll I If I l>. " Mali Bi D— -WANTKI! Suwimii on salary or X* commission to Candle the New Patent Chemical Ink-Eiasiiig mil: the greatest j jelling novelty t\cr pi di:eed; erases ink i iborcrphly in tno Etcci.di>; no abrasion of ji)fr:Hi ioHI ier<em ;nt t: cneavent's tales amounted to £4 SI :n us days; another i;: 11: mo hems: we v i.r.lcr.eerereeticpeu- cml uj*cm Ineach state end territory. For terms nnd full particulars nddretsTheMon- . ice EiaserMfg. Co.. la Cross* Wis. X4. BAND LKADKR— ?-.'.> a month for two -* lesson* a week and double share for ' engagements. Address F. 11. Wade, 7 West First m . Duluth. BA XiIKK wauled at 500 Broadway. A. J. Piilauek. BAKBKK wanted for Saturday at 294 East Seventh st lIAKBKIi wanted at 621 Selby ay. BAItUEK— Wanted, a first-class barber at 551 Kice st __ BAKBKK wanted for Saturdays; guarantee good pay, at 261 East Seventh st BARBKR «ranted at 368 East Seventh St.; steady Job to rightman. J. Fallow. BLACKSMITH Wanted, a first-class man on wagon work. Xeal Jolius & Co.. Lake City. M;ii:i. 800K X \\ anted.au experienced -D bookkeeper. Address, with reference, 31. B. T.. Globe. BOY— boy about fifteen years old for office work; most be well recom- mended: answer in own handwriting. Ad- dress Type. Globe. BOY— Wanted, an errand boy: must come recommended. Miuuesota Type Foundry Ciunpauy. IJI II t- K 1 want an nil-round butcher -T) and Rood saucaire maker: German pre- ferred. Apply or write J. F. Brown, Pros- eott, \\ is. C.\ KI'K>'TKI{ Wanted, a good carpenter; most be single, sober and industrious. City hospital. r^OLLHCTOir— reliable and en- V>' etgetic man as collector and solicitor in the city; will yield a salary of $15 per week. Apply any morning this week from Sto 9 o'clock. Room 28, bebntte Building, corner East Seventh and Jackson sis. COOPERS— Wanted, six experienced but- ter tub makers: steady wort to the right men. James Kennedy, 343 Pierce St., Minne- apolis. I"\ETKCTiVK wanted in every town in XJ United States; extensive experience not required; send for particulars. Universal Detective Agency, Box Km. L'hieasio. 111. I \RL'G CLEKK (Scandinavian) wanted XJ who is registered in Wisconsin; must have first-class recommendations. Charles Dawsou. Xoyes Bros. a: Cutler. ENGINKKIJS AM) FJKKMKNJ to pro- cure licenses, should pet copy of •\u25a0Ste- vhenson's Illustrated Practical Test;" con- tains latest examinations: bymail. SI: agents .\u25a0wanted. Walter G. Kraft," publisher, 70 La Salle st. Chicago. HOSTLKK— Wanted, a man to take care of a horse and do chores. Dr. Pearce, 301 Jackson. MACHINERY MAX— Wanted, an expe- rienced man capable of running a shaper and other woodworking machinery; state experience and wages wanted. Meal Johns <fc Co.. Lake City. Minn. MAN with push wanted in each city aud town to introduce the fastest selling Lonsehold article onrecord. Over a million sold in Philadelphia. Will .pay competent person S4 per day. Address with stamp. W. 11. Williamson, 44 N. Fourth st., Philadelphia, Pa. . nORTKK wanted at hotel .Arlington, -I Seven corners. EELIABLE PAKTY WANTED TO TAKE CHANGE OF GLOVE BUSI- NESS; NONE BUT EXPERIENCED PARTY SEED ADDRESS V 14:!, GLOBE. SALESMEN Wanted, two or three more first-class salesmen to handle the best line of installment goods in the Northwest. Call or write W. A. Edwards, 7 to 11Sixth st south, Minneapolis, Minn.;Sl West Third St., St. Paul. Minn. SALESMAN Wanted, an experienced dry eotras traveling salesman for Wis- consin and Southern ..Minnesota. Address, \u25a0with references. 8 US. Globe. SALESMAN— Wanted, city salesman, ex- perienced in sewing machines, organs or . books; must know the city and be a hustler; sood salary and commission; all replies con- fidential; [..Address I) i;>. Globe. SALESMAN— Do you think you can sell pianos? I want a city salesman that can bustle; good salary and commission; all re- plies confidential. Address C 14", Globe. SALESMAN— good, experienced retail furniture man ; alsogood,smart boy, sixteen to eighteen years old, who is willing to start at small salary and work up; apply at ' ©nee. Western Business Agency, 512-513 New York Life building. SOLICITOR— Wcnted. fire insurance so- licitor; must be energetic and of good address. Apply in writing, giving recom- mendations, L14", Globe. SOLICITOUS— Men ot energy and tact to solicit for Bankers' Life Association of t»t Paul. Salary or guarantee as preferred. Address C. E. Secor. M. Paul Minn. OTABLE BOY wanted. 389 Selby ay. TEAMS— Wanted. 50 teams on McMeuemy st. H. C. Huebner. contractor. WANTED— We ant three more men In ** our city department; good pay; steady employment. The Singer Mauatacturiug Company, 40 East Third st. i \ ' ANTED young men to handle * V the best selling book iv the market; ?-f> ' ;per week to good men; call or write; do not miss this opportunity. North Siar Publish- ing Company, 741 Lumber Exchange, Minne- apolis, Minn. WE "WANT ,n general agent in each city, town and county; write forcirculars and price list. United States Manufacturing Company, No.15 Central ay., Minneapolis, Minn. lost axi> roi;xi>. COW lost— On April 30, one red cow; she is a low. heavy-build, with white bind feet: is fat and gives fifteen quarts of milk per day. Return to or address A. B. Baker, 752 Prior ay., St. Paul, and receive re- ward. O<J STOLEN— My red Irish setter, Biff; any one detaining the same after this notice will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. T. Salisbury. A I CH AND CHAIN LOST— Ladies' »» gold watch and black chain, between Seventh and Chestnut street depot Finder please return to 222 Chestnut st and receive reward. MAKE LOST—Strayed from No. 5 Crocus hill. Thursday night, a dark bay mare, •with harness on. Finder please notify D. M.. /Bobbins. DYE WlHtliS. . .KUuiirA, N. W. Steam Dye Works office, US Robert st. Ryan block \u25a0works, '\u25a0\u25a0 and '7 Indiana nv. JAMISON * CO., New YorK Steam Dye Works: ladies" and gents' clothing a spe- cialty. 14 West Sixth st. T t ,VHI.KkT & Ml>iK!,, Minnesota IV Steam Dye Works. 244 East Seventh. O.<>Aii>lAlll.\<». a>HE CENTRAL CLOAK COMPANY, JL 100 East Third sL. are prepared to make to order Jackets, coats, capes or cape new- markets in latest shapes. Fur garments made er remode,ted inbest furrierstyie; fur linings especially. - - \u25a0 \u25a0 . LOBE WANTS \u25a0.kEvkb failof {;<»«>» KKSSTfj TO OtliA^liiEi To exchange— What hate you to ex- change for fine meerschaum pipe ? Ad- dress Q 14-.'. Globe. STOKES ASP FIXTURES. f|p||H3li \u25a0 BILLIARD AND POOL TABLES AND BILLIARD SUPPLIES: WHrerooms. 405 and 407; Office and Factory. 411 and 413 Fifth \u25a0 avenue south, Minneapolis, Minn. SITUATIONS OFFERED. Females* A— LADI K»; don"t buy your switches until A yon pel Mrs. M. Franklin's prices on all hair goods; largest stock iv city. ais Waba- slia st. COOK— Wanted, a plain cook, second girl i and vduiii: nirl to assist incare of chil- dren; in private family. 107 Colonnade. COOK— Wanted, a competent cook. Apply J to Mrs. Lime K.Stone, •_'."> Summit ay., between 0 and 11 a. m. : reference* reqniredi COOK— Wanted, cook in private family to go to White Bear Lake; good waxes. 212 McHoal st. . \u25a0_\u25a0 COOK— Wanted, a good woman cook. Ap- ply to 651 Laurel ay. W. .1. Gunning.' COOK— Good cook wanted at 113 Nina ay. ; good wages: no washing. DISH WASH Kit— wanted to wash dishes. 443 Robert st. \u25a0 \u25a0 : DRESSMAKER— Wanted, first-class waisthands. at 423 Wabasha. Room 2. FREE SITUATIONS FOR GIRLS I Larpenteur'sUeliableEmployment Office: 51 West Exchange. NearSt.Josep'h's Hospital. GOOD WAGKH guaranteed to ladies will- ing to do wri!in>;lor me at their homes. Address in own handwriting, with stamped envelope. Miss Edna L. Sinythe. South Beud, Ind. ' \u25a0 OYERNESS— Wanted, a uur&erv govern- vX ess; must be well recommended. Apply Saturday or Monday, between It) and 12, to Mrs. John Wright The Aberdeen. IJOUSEWORK— GirI wanted for general II housework. Call at corner Niii'liand Exchange sts. - HOUSEWORK— Girl wanted at 093 Mar- shall ay; only two in family. HOUSEWORK— Wanted at once, good girl for general housework. Sl4 Fair- mount ay. HOUSEWORK— A girl for general house- work : family of two. 115 Summit ay. IT WORK—Girl or woman for gen- 0. eral housework; $15 per mouth. 501 Ada bt. \u25a0 TIOITSKWORK—Young girl tor light 11 houseworK ; work easy. 'J54 Louis st. HOUSEWORK— A girl for general house- work pay good wages. 4>!> Dayton are. HOUSEWORK— Wanted, girl for general ilhousework; private family. Inquire at 158 Charles st. : ' ' HOUSEWOKKEK on farm in North Da- kota; S5 weekly. Douglass' Intelligence,- --35 East Seventh. HOUSEWORK— Wanted, girl for general housework; 344 Fuller st. HOUSEWORK— Good girl for general ll Housework; familyoi three. 272 Ful- ler st. . I WILLpay. ladies a salary of $10 per week 1. to work for me in their localityat home; light work; good pay for part time: write, with stamp. Mrs. H. B. Farriugton, Box 702, Chicago. 111. KITCHEN GlßL— Wanted, a girl for IV kitchen work. 105 East Eighth st MRS. CAMILLA AVERY, . SOUTH Bend, Ind , Box pays §18 a week to ladies for writing, etc., at home. Reply with \u25a0 stamped envelope. \u25a0jyr URSE— Wanted, uurse at 491 Ashland ay. V IK E GIRL wanted. Mrs. J. li. West, . 1^ f.'.*4Goodrich ay. SALESLADIES— Wanted, salesladies for O city of St. Paul. Call at No. 311 Lumber Exchange Building. SECOND GIRL A good second girl wanted at S3! Cedar st. WANTED— A few ladies to compile lists, address circulars, etc., at home: per- manent, if engaged. Address, with stamp, own handwriting. Housekeepers' Weekly, Philadelphia, Pa. - *^A GIRLS wanted to learn to finish &*J fur coats; also two girls to operate seal machine, and six finishers to work on small furs and fine garments. Apply to Mr. Penschuck, Foreman at McKibbius it Co.'s, 3Ti) Sibley st ' BUSINESS CIIArVOES. miscellaneous. I -VOCK PROPERTY FOR SALE—Bids DOCK be received oy the St.. Paul Bids will he received t>y the St. Paul <V- Pa- cific Coal company for the purchase of their dock property, situated on Connor's Point West Superior. Wis. ; a full description of this property willbe given to interested par- ties on application at the company's office. Manhattan Building, St. Paul: allbids must be tendered by 12 o clock, noon. May 11, 1892. St. Paul & Pacific Coal Company. OK SALE CHEAP OUK GLOVE FOX SALE CHEAP OUK GLOVE STOCK AND GOOD WILL; DOING PROFITABLE BUSINESS; CHEAP RENT. ADDRESS T. W. GOETZ, POsTOFFICE. ST. PAUL. FOR SALE— A nice restaurant one block from Milwaukee depot; 24ti Fourth aye. south. George Bahn, Minneapolis. " FOR SALE- -Hotel Warwick on easy pay- ments; doing good business; owner has other business to attend to. 206 Washington " ay. south. Minneapolis. FOR SALE— Meat market on Tower ay.. West Superior, Wis.: first-class location; complete fixtures: bargain if taken at once. William M. Nichols, 2.6 Breuuig Block, West Superior. Wis. FOR KENT— Hotel and boarqinp; house, 40 rooms; steam heat; good chance. C. W. Clark. 70 German American Bank. HE NEW IDEA SAMPLE ROOM JL property, stocK, fixtures for sale or lease Apply 112 North Main. SMllwaier. Minn. To druggists— small, well selected, nearly new stock of drugs and fixtures for sale at New Brighton; established, nicely paying business; stock, etc., about ?BJO. . Noyes Bros. &Cutler, St Paul. C*l F\ FOR choice California fruit land. 'DltJ Address Box 2279. city. LOBE \A/ANTS AINIXG " \u25a0 KKKLY NEVER FAILOF GOOD HESII/TS rEitSO^AI^. Gt.OK(ii; SWEENEY can learn some- thing of interest by sending his address home. : MRS. KATE HOSKINS, psychometric reader and trance medium, 225V2 West Seventh st. MADAME TEITSWORTH Reliable Business Clairvoyant, Test Medium: 29 years' experience. 509 Waoasha si. .No sign. MADAME INA WALKER, life reader, gives resume of past, present ana fut- ure; ladies, 50 cents; gentlemen. SI; corre- spondence promptly answered. Parlors, No. G4O Wabasha. MRS. M.A. TCSSEY. S3 East Eiuhth St. I'L Magnetic and massage treatment for nervous diseases, paralytic and rheumatism; also Turkish baths: hours. o a. in. to s d. m. W Rs. BELL, fortuneteller. 175, corner JtL Grove and Jackson sts. DEKSONAi Ladies and gentlemen desir- X ing to correspond with the opposite sex, address with stamp Columbia Club, Lock Box No. 425, Chicago. 111. \u25a0 TttIKKK is a call here for John Scully J. from me pension office. Washington, and we do not know of his whereabouts; we suppose he is in the pineries in this state or Wisconsin. Wisconsin papers please copy. Any person knowinghim or liiswiiereabonts, please address John Ward, Maple. Late, Wright County. Minn. MI'SICAB,'. PIANO TUNElC—Address S. E. Crutchelt, Box 492, Postollice, St. Paul; price, $1.50; references. STATE OF MINNESOTA. COUNTY OF Ramsey— ss. Probate Court In tne matter of the estate of Sarah E. Proa!, deceased On reading and filingthe petition of Mary P. Saunders,oi said county, representing that Sarah E. Proal has lately died intestate, a resident and inhabitant of the County of Ramsey and State of Minnesota, leaving goods, chattels and estate within this county, and praying that administration, of said es- tale be to Edward N. Sar.nders granted: Itis ordered. That said petiiion be heard at a special term of this court, to be held at the Court Mouse, in the City of St. Paul, on Monday, the 23d day of May,lK)2, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, and that notice of such hearing be gi«eu to all persons interested, by publishing this order at least once in each .week for three" 1 successive weeks prior to said day of hearing, in the St. Paul Daily Globe, a dully newspaper printed and published in said county. Dated at St. Paul, this 29th day of April, 1592. : " ' -~-- :\u25a0>; ?5 By the Court: JOD.N B. OLIVIER, ' [l. s.j Judge of Probate. C. D. &T. D. O'Bkiex. Attorneys. SITirATIOWS WANTKD. ' Male. ARTIST— Freehand portrait artist would like a suitable position; can give refer- ence. Address X 3 1 .', Globe. APPRENTICE— A bo? eighteen years old, with two years' experience in the print- ing business, would like a position iv a job oflicn. Address 1' 14H. Globe. A STEADY ANDSOBER YOUNG MAN A would like position of some kind In city: l can furnish references. Address A. T., Mer- rinin Park: Diamond Block. , BARTENDER- Situation l.v one who has \u25a0D six years' experience satisfaction: hotel work: can give good reference. Ad- dress X 142, Globe. . _j" BOYS FOR PLACES, places for boys; employment bureau for poor boys, tree. Newsboys' Club Room. 313 Wabasha st. ;opeu from 11 to Vi a. in., and from ? to 9 p. m. BOOKKEEPER— Wanted, set of books to keep evenings: good reference. T146, Globe. ' DOORKEEPER holding excellent testi- JLJ mouials desires position in mercantile or commission house; good writer and quick at figures. A 142, Globe. .'\u25a0'\u25a0'.' BOOKKEEPING- Wanted, set of bonks to keep evenings; good references. AdJ dress TI4U. Globe. BOOKKEEPER— Good bookkeeper wants position; had charge of the books of newspaper two years: good references. Ad-' dress G. i-. Williams. Fargo. N. I). BOOKKEEPER— Ayoung lady, who has a good education and writes an excel- lent rapid baud, wants respectable position as assistant bookkeeper, cashier or copyist. : G 148, Globe. '_ BOOKKEEPER holding excellent testi- \u25a0D monials desires position in mercantile or commission house: good writer and quick at figures. Address A 142, Globe. DOORKEEPER Situation wanted by 13 young man as assistant bookkeeper, stenographer or any office work: good pen- man: references : experience. Address 050,' Globe, Minneapolis. DOORKEEPER— Amarried man. who is \u25a0D thoroughly conversant with every detail in keeping books desires a position. Address X 145. alobe . DOORKEEPER holding excellent testi- \u25a0D moniais desires position in mercantile or commission house: good writer and quick at figures. J. S., 190 East Fourteenth st. DOORKEEPER— Wanted, set of book? 13 to keep evenings: good references. BLACKSMITH A young man, Dane. i J would like a position as blacksmith in a shop: has six years' experience, but can't talk English. Address U 141. Globe. BUTLER Wanted, by young colored man, situation as butler Inprivate family, in or out of the city; Catholic family pre- ferred; best reference. Address B 52.G10be. /CARRIAGE PAINTER— A first-class v> carriage painter wants place: good striper and* finisher and a quick workman; best reference given; no objection to out of town. T 140. Globe. ' CLERK— Position wanted as clerk in store: good references. Address at once, 364 Rosabel st.. corner Fifth. St Paul. nLEKK- a position in office as v> clerk and stenographer by a young man of eighteen. Address Z 150. Globe. pLERK wanted in the evening by v> a young man engaged during the day; clerking or bookkeeping preferred. Address M 146. Globe. pLEKK- wanted as clerk in v wholesale or retail store; good refer- ences. Address at once C. I. S., 364 Rosabel st. corner Fifth. Globe Hotel, St. Paul. CiLERK An experienced clerk and book- V^ keeper, who speaks several languages, wants a permanent situation; salary not the important consideration. Address A. M. J., Lock Box 1024, Stillwater. Minn. f lOACHMAN-Wanted, a position as \J coachman in or near Minneapolis': have had long experience.and first-class reference. Address D75, Globe. Minneapolis. . pOACHMAM -Wanted, by a steady young : v> man. position as coachman in private family; first-class references. Address N146, Globe. - \u25a0 •\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0•\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0!; C COMPOSITOR— man desires posi- '" v-' tlon in printing office: four years' ex- perience; newspaper or oookwork preferred; wages reasonable. Address J. F. Kay, \u25a0 302 Col Dome st. \u25a0_••-.. : .- ••.•..\u25a0•' ! /COLLECTOR Young "man ; would like v^ position collecting or clerk; is well ac, quaiuted in city; can furnish references. Address C 145. Globe. DRUGGIST— Ph. G., five years' experi- ence, : registered in Minnesota, wants position; good reference. Address V 142, Globe. . .; T^NGINKER— Wan ted. position by licensed -Li engineer: best of references. .A. EL An- drews. 68 Summit ay. \u25a0 ' .•'.\u25a0 ENGINEEK— Si;uation wanted by a sta- -Ci tionary engineer. Address V 149, Globe. EMPLOYMENT- Wanted, work iv gen- Hi eral store or hotel by a young man twenty years of age: can speaK English and Scandinavian. Address at once, N. P. W., 364 Rosabel st., corner Fifth st., St. Paul, Minn. I73IPLOYEMENT— A young man would \u25a0Lj like situation for any kiud of inside work. Address X 141, Globe. EMPLOYMENT wanted by a man not Xj afraid of work; fair penman and quick at figures: living wages; references. Ad- dress O 140. Globe. FA WORK wanted by a sober, steady, single man. Address A. 8., 43 East An- napolis st. St Paul, Minn. . < FIREMAN— A first-class firman would like position; bestj^city reference.. Ad- dress 150 Dale st. NURSK Man wants a situation as nurse -i for sick; experience twenty years; best references, from doctors and hospitals. Call 587 Lafnrett* ay.. city. VI ALE NUUSE would like employment: !»J city references. Call 670 East Fifth st. MUSICIAN— Young man playing brass and string, competent bookkeeper and office man, wants position in live Western town. . FFICE WORK- Wanted, a position by young man in office, or as salesman: good bookkeeper; have had experience in lumber and produce business; salary no oD- ject. Address B 149. Globe. < OFFICE WORK— man. lately from college, would like a situation in lawyer's office. E 149, Globe. PRINTER— Job and newspaper comoos- JT - nor wants steady sit: sober and indus- ; trious ; eight years' experience: first-class recommendations aud samples of work on application: don't write unless you mean business. F. A. i'odgin, Greene, 10. PROOF READER— situation by -IT an experienced proofreader and com- positor; first class references furnished ifde- sired. - Address P. D.. Globe, Minneapolis. SALESMAN, ten years in the wholesale trade, wants position with some good bouse; unexceptionable references as to character, ability and responsibility. Address D 141, Globe. SITUATION wanted by a young man to do any kind ofinside work; good refer- ences. Address Q, 145. Globe. SITUATION wanted by a young man to -do any kind ofinside work; writes a fair band: has some knowledge of bookkeeping; speaks three languages; good references. J 143. Glore. QTENOGRAPHt-K and office man; live *J years" experience: moderate salary to Ftflrt. Address X140. Globe. STENOGRAPHER having six years'ex- perience in railroad work desires a posi- tion. Address S 144. Globe. STENOGRAPHER- Position wanted by O vouii!! mau as stenographer and type- writer: rapid and correct: will work for small wages. V147, Globe. TRAVELING MAN, experienced, is X open for engagement; wholesale liquors or cigars preferred; references. Address £. B. Ross. Pauly House. Minneapolis. '\u25a0pAlLOß— Custom cutter and practical X tailor: fifteen years ex parience at cutting: would like to make an engagement withgood house. -Address P 146. Globe. yoUXGMAN—Situation wanted by youug JL man of inside work, heavy or light no objection; good hand on horses; first-class reference. Address X 146. Globe. . YOUNG MAN lately from college would like a situation in a lawyer's office. Ad- qress E 149. Globe. ; YOUNG MAN withgood business educa- JL tion wants a position in office. V 147, Globe. : WAJXTEiDr.TO REST. ROOMS— Wanted to rent, three or four ' rooms near corner Jackson and Syca- more sts. Address \V141, Globe. . : : " SITUATIONS WAITED. " *;?'•. *'».:-- <, ;r Females* ,-; y , i; j. - \u25a0 ; \u25a0 ; BOOKKEEPER— A young lady would like position as bookkeeper; \u25a0 I'L 115,. Globe. 2_. pOMI'ANION-A German lady of*Kreat Ay refinement wants position as ladyijMNHu- PHnion. or to glvo daily instructions Id tier*, man; first-class references. Address M 147, Globe. . -^--- \u25a0 DRESSMAKING wanted by two vM"i>, \u25a0 LJ \u25a0diced dressmakers; willgo out ill f*i«»t lies or sew at homj; perfect fit guaranteed. Call or address;fll2 Albemarle at., nenflttitift- t DItUGCJIST— Ph. G., five years' experi- ence, registered in Minnesota, wants po- sition; good .reference. Address,. V 142, •Glob*.'-;- \u25a0'•\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0 •'\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0 '"• : " ? 'y :i EMPLOYMENT —Wanted,", by. t a, yoiiu'g lady, with reliable city recommendation, a position, with chance of : advaneotnent; position- more object than wages. Address M US. Globe. \u25a0\u25a0:• -.\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0* < \u25a0 \u25a0 •\u25a0• ! "-•\u25a0» HOUSEKEEPER— Wanted, position as IJ. housekeeper. Address V1411, Globe HOUSEWORK— A Danish girl , («ett(«t four years old wants a place in priyate. family to do general housework. Address or call6-J3 York at. T. C'hristensen. \u25a0 ' :' ''" ' HOUSEWORK— A Danish .girl, twenty- four years old, wants a place in private family to do geucral'll(itt3C-vybrt^. Address or call 623 York m. P. Christeiisen." 1\u25a0 . LADIES in need of help can find same -Li by calling on Mrs. lierryweather, 543 \Vabnsha st. ' ''\u0084'„'". \'Z .' ,' f AUNDRKSS— WauIed, by a young lady, Lj work in laundry. 2CVj Phaleu Creek. NURSE— An experienced nurse desires care of an invalid, at home or ! abroad; references furnished on application. Address (i 144, Globe. ... ". ' ',: "\u25a0".;\u25a0 :.;•."" NURSE— Wanted, position as ladies' nurse, ' Mrs. Bogue, 565 Dayton ay.- ' \u25a0 . ; >: ) OFFICE WORK Young lady desires position iv office, or addressing cnvel- lopes; good penman. "Silk East Fifthst., Room 11. \u25a0 ' '•'\u25a0\u25a0 ; OFFICE WORK— by lady, em- ployment in office: experience, tour years in bookkeeping and general office work.; Address L 143. Globe. \u25a0\u25a0=\u25a0»-. \u25a0 :•\u25a0-: rvFFICE WORK— Young lady v who lives \J at home wants position either in doctor's office, clerking or copyist. 361) Aurora ay. : . .: OFFIC ii WORK— A young 1 lady would like a position in an office. L 'Address J. J.. Globe. ••- .;\u25a0 \u25a0'•••.-'• '-'.^ ;' : ; ' SALESLADY— Position wanted as sales- O lady or housekeeper by bright, active i young lady. Address L149, Globe. » .. : OECOND WORK Young - lady. wants ; , O situation where she can have a few hours' leave three times a week; second work preferred. Address C 138. Globe. ; . . SEWING— like children's or plain ' sewing to do at home; prices reasonable. Address V14S. Globe. \u25a0 -- . SCRUBBING- .Wanted, "scrubbing. washT . ing, housecleaning, or auy kind of day ; work. Call 233 East Seventh st, room 9. . .: SICK NURSE— Wanted- by experienced ; lady, position as sick ijurse;' good ref- erences. -Address 566 St.. Anthony nv. \u25a0'\u0084 . STENOGRAPH Wanted, a position M as stenographer and typewriter at $9 or 510 per week; have had : two years' experi- ence. M.L. W.. No. 059 Portland ay. ''\u25a0'\u25a0' OTENOGRAPHEIt— Wanted, position by O com potent and experienced stenographer; best of refernees furnished : moderate salary. M. A. R.. 218 Nelson. - T: . STENOGRAPHER wants a position for a 0 few hours each day; can furnish best', of references. . Address J 145. Globe. } ; ~,X--~ STENOGKAPHEK-Sjiuation waiHedby O experienced stenographer; salary'St) peV week in permanent position; good cjty ref- erences. Address L i 46. Globe. -\u25a0 : OTEN<)GKAPHEK— Lady stenographer, O several - years experience, desired posi- tion: can furnish machine. T 143, Globe, aac STENOGRAPHER and typewriter by a competent •young- lady. Apply80,x254p. St Paul. \u25a0• , \u25a0\u25a0/:\u25a0 }f. . ;/ y. i i ;:',:. OTiOJS'OGUAPHEU J " .Vind ; typewriter C 5 wishes 'situation ; railroad wort ; pre- ferred; has had four years' expeiieuce, and can give goQd,, -references. Address N f 149, Globe.. y -,-":\u25a0". .', i STENOGRAPH E«— Wanted, position as stenographer and 1 typewriter: four- years' experience; good referenc'tej conutry pre- : erred. -V14:>, Globe. .:•\u25a0''• '-.:\u25a0\u25a0- STENOtrRAPHItK 'desires* a position: O willwork for small wages. Address .Un 149, Globe. ; •\u25a0..\-.-y--M . : '' STENOGRAPHER— wanted by experienced stenographer; goed refer- ences; salary," per week in permanent po- sition. Address L.146. Globe STENOGRAPHER— position by O experienced lady stenographer; willing to work formoderate salaro; can give refer- ences. M107, Globe. WASHING A lady would like some washing and ironing to do at home. 119 Granite st. . : : \u25a0 - WASHING-Wanted, by a Swedish girl, . washing or ironing or housecleaning by the day. Call at t'JJ Randolph st. St. Paul. .;".•'\u25a0 .\u25a0\u25a0,..\u25a0 WASHING— A lady would like some washing and ironing to do at home; rough-dried, 25 cents per dozen. 119 Gran- ite st. \u25a0• f\» ASHING—Want to go out washing and VV housecleaniug. Mrs. Loff, 244 Four- teenth^ \u25a0 \u25a0 •\u25a0' r_ WASHING wanted at 456 East Sixth st. ; rough-dried clothes 25 cents per dozen ; called for. , . -. . .. . \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 WASHING, scrubbing, housecleaning, >V or any kind of day's work wanted. Cnll 233 East Seventh, Room 0. ; >•-. WASHING (lone. 50 cents dozen; uni- form suits made up to order and any oilier suits. J. F. Peterson, 306 West Seventh st, comer Ramsey. "\u25a0 . \u25a0 -, %1, ASH OMAN— A woman wants to do washing oiid house-leaning. In- quire for Mrs. Mary Wilandcr,' 67o. Wells st. - : HORSES Al\l> carriages. FOR SALE— horse, six : years old:' weighs 1,400. Inquire at 441 Michigan :iv. FOR SALE— Delivery team weight 2,100;. this is a bargain. Inquire at 506 St. Peter st. \u25a0 . •\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0••-. \u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0!_ FOR SALE CHEAP Carriage team : time will be given responsible parties. For fur,h?r particulars inquire Patterson Bros., Sehutte Building, corner Seventh and Jackson sts. . FOR SALE A well-matched -span of Welsh ponies, with one or two carriages and harness. Inquire at Allen's Livery Stable. Sixth st. \u25a0\u25a0••-•\u25a0- -. FOR SALE— A good Western saddle; also open buggy, by Jay Douglass, Merriam Park. ; .: FOR SALE Team of horses six years old; ' 2,800 pounds. City Milk Company, 552 Robert st. ... .. ; ";,,:.' PASTURE your horses and cow* alt P. 1 J. \u25a0 Keough's. corner Mainline and ottoa\>s\M SADDLE HORSE— For sale.'a stylish single-foot saddle horse. luquine Ab- bey's b'.able.«, Seven Corners. v. *; f \ ;os! WANIhD- Horses to board; first-clas'^f pasture and spring water; twelvf mile* from town on bank of Minnesota riven Call 552 Robert st. ! _ *Il>CFJ.I-ASE«II S. j/( CASH, Contractor and Builder. 933 East >• Third St. Ksiincates given on all feints of buildings: all kinds of job and.repnfr work done, and screens: mail comrar6_ica- tions will receive prompt attention. '] j F.iR LEASK—MIDDLEBROOK GRAN" ite Quarries; Middlebrook. Mo., operated the past ten years by the Svenitc UMngte company, ofllissourt, will be leased &>r leu, years from.June 10th. ISO*! They afle] llvo largest and finest quarries in the West, !co',Mr- laiuing the well-known red granite so exten- sively used in many of the finest buildings, monuments, bridges, etc.. in the. country. Sealed proposals will be received and opened litneon, on June Ist next.foi a ten year lease of the properly. .This company reserves the right to reject auy and nil bids. You are cordially inviicd to inspect the property. IRON MOUNTAIN CO.. Day Building, St. Louis, Mo. *-' ' \u25a0• PRIVATE HOSPITAL. -SCHOOL OF Midwifery— Mrs.H. Sienzol.* ! s Martin st' I v / WA3TfcJ> TO BUY. . \u25a0 DESK— Wanted,' roll top desk, city map, seal, letterpress: must be cheap. Z 142, Globe. ; " : »'--\u25a0\u25a0: FORGE Want to buy second-hand port- -. able forge. 552 Robert bt. . .•- . : •\u25a0:-.' pURXITURK-Wnut to buy second-hand 1 furniture and loves: highest price paid. ' At Ihe New EitglHn.l Kur.iiture CoQuauv, :Ss> nud 191 West seventh st r "\u25a0 FOB KENT. ' ; TIIE.JAniES di BATFIIAM : lt< it ti A^eiM-j. OWNKISS' ACMCIVTB FOR CARE OF PKOPKUTV-MONTHLY LIST PUB- LISHED. 145 EAST FOURTH ST. iioiue*. A— WE lIKNT HOUSES, STOKES. OP- FICKS. TAKE CIIARuKOF RENTED ' PROPERTY. TAYLOR'SRENTING AUEN-: . CV. GLOBE BUILDING. v :> : ., i DO YOU WANT STOKE, house or rooms? No'charges fora list of just what you want' Owners' agents. Schratu's Rent- . ing Agency. Manhattan Building. HOUSK— Furnished house, eight rooms, fill modern improvements, for the sum- mer, at «7 College ay. west: rent reasonable to Die right- parties. Inquire at Herrill & Owens'. 30 East .Fourth. - \u25a0 , . HOUSK— For rent, one of the finest houses- •'\u25a0in lower town: corner, south and east- 'facing.uino roonis.nll modern improvements, ' one block, from Lafayette street curs, live ; minutes' walk from Seventh st. cable, with or. without stable; the stable is first-class: water, gas, room for -man, 1 box stalls, etc.; house and stable, $40 per month; without stable, 835. . Inquire at Merrill & Owens' Renting Agency, Globe building, or 237 Vir- giujjiay., , ... ' ; H.OVSK«i;Wo)l>furiiishe<l house on Summit -«V.'- to let for summer months: well, shaded; terms, $50 per month. Address 111. Globe. HOUSKS— reut. ?8 Park place, ten i rooms; steam heat. 93 Park mace, seven rooms. J. B. West, M West Third st. - HOUSE For summer. to family with no small children, furnished house on Sum- mit nv. ; all modern improvements, large grounds, shade trees, etc.: rent moderate. Uush B. Wheeler, No. 301 Pioneer Press. OUSK—At : Merriani Park—Eight-room home; modern improvements; near school, 1 churches, electric and steam cars: facing park. J. W. Shepard, 94 East Fourth st. ' OUHK—For rent, house 660 Wabasha st. ; eight rooms and bath; all modern im- provements. E. R. Bryant. Globe. H OUSK—New house, 836 Westminster; : all modern improvements, also furnace. ' Apply607 Westminster. •\u25a0 . OUSK— Five-roomed house, cement eel- : lllar; one block from car line; Congress, near Ohio. Inquire Richard Price, 169 West Fourth St. ' . . _ , HOUSE— For rent, on Crocus hill, my furnished residence complete, 0n.3 year. . "Charles A.Moore. ' HOUSK— For rent.a seven-room house.No. 087 lelehart, cheap. . Apply to John G. Hearu, 4U15 New York Life building. HOUSE— For rent, seven-room house, No. 706 St. Peter st. S lO per month: mod- ern conveniences. George L. Heudricksou, 51East Fourth. , ' . ' . HOUSE 401 East Eighth st for rent; all modern improvements: in good re- pair; $33.00 Dcr month. Apply D.Bergman, 357 Jackson. -. . \u25a0 ' ' v - : HOUSES— -houses, with all modern improvements; one suitable for two small families. Canada and University. ' BO US X— For rent, nine-room house with all modern improvements. £t7 Selby ay. Inquire at 240 Dayton ay. \u25a0\u0084"\u25a0':-\u25a0 OUSE— 747 St. Peter fet— Ten minutes' HOUSK— 747 St. Peter bt— Ten minutes' walk from courthouse; city water; cheap. •\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0-.\u25a0- .. HOUSE To a good, careful tenant, a Eeven-room, house, with bath, nicely furnished, from May 15 for the summer months. X. P. J., Globe. .. . . . HOUSK— Five-room house and barn, or without, SIS; near Seven. corners. Es- terley. 4 Mnnnheimer Block. ." . ANNING'S itKNTINU AGENCY— MANNING'S KKMTIN4J AIiKXCY- Davidson Block. cor.- 4th and Jackson Sts.— Houses.stores. flats to rent: care ofprop- erty for owners and non-residents a specialty. SHE OliK list of houses, stores, steam- heated apartments, offices or rooms. J. .W._Shepard, 94. East Fourth. \u25a0;\u25a0.-.\u25a0 . : 'T'ENKM.KNT—For ' rent, a;' tenement in X . brick block: fourteen lnrpe, sunny, light rooms, ailiu cJ&gant condition ; large yards and sheds: south-facing; ten minutes' walk from merchants' hotel; rent only 835 per month. Inquire at Merrill & On ens' ."lteii ting Agency or. 227. Virginianv. ..." H K" ST. : I'AILTlttlST COM I'ANV. \u0084 Endicott building, has a number of houses in different parts of the city for rent; : also a very nice five-room llati/ii large store on East Sixth st. near Wabn'shai'some good front second-floor offices on East Third st , .and a summer cottage nt Spring Park club. Lake Minnetonka.' We have some nice, small houses that can be bought on. monthly payments; ;no cash' down. .' . \u25a0 ' , £OQ AN ASHLAND AV.-First-class \jA*j houses, with nil modern improve- ments; laundries -with stone tubs, gas fixt- res, etc. Apply 6^7. Ashland ay: IlouNe-Snl)nrl>aii. AT B.VI.I) KAGLU LAKE- Six-room cottages beautifully situated. -••Edwin A. Warren. 400SiDley st. COTTAGE— Five-room cottage, at Bald Eagle lake. -Apply to Charies E. Nel- son, 210 East Fourth st. _\u25a0 LAKE KKONT, well furnished house of nine rooms. P. O. 415, White Bear. Minn. o KENT—Birch Lodge. Dellwood. White Bear Lake;, furnished' and enlarged. Ingersoil, 27 Kast Third st. '"'.'. Rooms. A— UOTfcK-HKUNSWICit, for gent'.e- --• men only; fifty modern steam-healed rooms by day, week or month, . , A T WASHINGTON AVENUEIIOTUL, A 224 Washington ay. south, .Minneapolis, newly furnished rooms by the day, week or month. ._. i__ !_^__ BOABD— Front parlor and other pleasant rooms, with board; modern improve- miiiits. 26 College ay., west. ' CEDAR ST., 522— Comfortably furnished ' front alcove room : nil modern conven- iences; table boarders accommodated. CKHAK ST., 6M9—Nicely furnished rooms / nt reasonable rules. \u25a0 r?Li;VKNTH ST., Ti EAST—For rent, y-A- furnished front room with alcove; also adjoining room: all conveniences. iMICTII ST., 254."WEST— For rent, nicely /'\u25a0• furnished rooms, with use oi bath and private family. t'orner Smith ay. '-.."\u25a0 IGL.KHAKT ST., 3.7—For reut, four nice ~1 rooms. \u25a0 \u25a0 LYTi, TEKKACE— Ccdnr—For rent, one front parlor, first lloor.with or with- out board. IV 1 NTH. 317 EAST— Broadway— li Large front room, $10; private family; gentlemen only. PLEAS ANT AV., 177— For rent, pleasant rooms, furnished or unfurnished, with or without board; within fifty feet of cable line. PLEASANT AY., Furnished front L room for rent to two gentlemen; all .'modem conveniences. i RICK ST.. 251— Corner of College—One - lar?e, nicely furnished trout room; gas. bath: private family. -\u25a0 P>O()MS- Pleasant rooms for light house- \.- keeping; call nt SOS West Third. ROOMS— room suite.large.airy, well lighted. Inquire ground floor, 167 West Fourth st - \u25a0 \u25a0-\u25a0 - .- \u25a0 - .\u25a0- Rooms— For rent, three or five rooms; city water, and cellar. Call or address For^sL : \u25a0• : ST. E PETEII ST.. 671—Corner Tilton—Fur- O nislied or unfurnished rooms, with or without board. \u25a0- \u25a0 - .. - -\u25a0 BT. PKTEII »T., l)7i— Corner 'i'ilton—Fur- O nished or unfurnished rooms, with or without board. ' - *\u25a0 * Sr. I'ETEIIST., 834—For rent two fur- nished rooms: private family. SUMMIT AY.. 43—Corner St. Peter St.— t" For rent, three newly furnished rooms, with gas; use ofbath; references exchanged; gentlemen 0n1y. .'.;.'. .".' \u0084 \u25a0 \ . TILTON. Nt>. r>— For rent, three unfur- nished rooms, suitable, for light house- keeping; use of bath. .. " ABASH A ST.—Corner Tenth St. .Next VV Door to Drug Store Furnished looms for rent. \u25a0\u25a0-•-- -...\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 '/ ; ...Stores. \**T(>UK for rent in tho .Melz Block on La- ; O fayette nv.; good location for grocery. lmjlll.Hl at butcher shop, next door. \u25a0•\u25a0 - ; j Bti H f fli ' \u25a0 ft . BAKKK snot* for rent witn oven, iv the Melz Block, "Lafayette nv. Inquire next door. .-.\u25a0\u25a0•..-.\u25a0.--' \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'.' -' \u25a0\u25a0• \u25a0\u25a0••\u25a0 FOX KENT— The Crosby Homestead— ) ncrts: good building, rhirge barn and. lirst-cla>s spring water; a splendid place for (3nir>, Mock range and horse-training esub- lishment. .C. \u25a0 W. " Younjjuian, 117 East •Founnst. -- •v--.-'; -;•/\u25a0,; FORREST. Flat*. \u25a0\u25a0 FLAT— For' rent five-room flat 183 West- ern ay. Dayton and Selby; $16.00. FLAT— Steam-heated flat, seven rooms, all modern conveniences, gas range fixtures, etc.: very central and in a quiet neighborhood; five"squares from Ryan hotel; references required. Inquire V. Kult, 440 Walmslia st. \u25a0 __^ FLAT— Five rooms and bath : all conven- iences: clean and respectable; to pri- vate- families only. Inquire Room 10, 151)' West Seventh «t. ' \u25a0. PLATS For rent. five and seven-room A flats; hot and cold w<iter. steam heat: five minutes from Pioneer Press building; rent reasonable. Apply at. Middletou & Dougau. 330 Robert. OIK-ROOM apartments with bath and T city water. J. W. Shepurd. W Eas Fourth . \u25a0\u25a0-..- FBUkmOMMm RSI. NEWPORT & SON, INVEST roent Bankers, lean money on Ira 'roved properly in bt Paul and Minneap- olis at (i ier -cent "on or before." Offices.' New Pioneer Press Building. St Paul, aud * Reeve Building. Minneapolis. 'V-"'ri- A —MONEY TO LOAJNU.l . A\ -IIONKYTOLOAAOA «'. ; x\. Pianos^ Horses, .\v,~ : . Carriages, wagons. Household furnitures Diamonds, watches, ;\u25a0; "•'.-•:' '; Warehouse receipts. Mortgage notes, and Commercial - paper bought or taken as col- \u25a0 lateral. Property to remain In your. ownpos- session. Our rates are aud always have been the lowest. Partial payment received at any- time and interest reduced iv proportion. Your own time for layment All business confidential. - Private parlors for ladies. Call or address Minnesota Mortgage Loan Com- pany. Room 13-14, First National Bank Building, corner Fourth aud Jackson sts<. —DO YOU WA«T TO BORROW money at a lower rate than you can i t.rrow through any other agency? The American Mortgage LoanCompany, Room 7, First National bank building,corner Fourth and Jackson Ms., will let vju have any- amount. £10, f2i», $25. J4P, $75. $100 ot f2OO— in fact, any Mint you wish—on your cold, watch, diamonds, household furniture; - horse, buggy, piano, carriage, etc., at a lower late iaan you ran possibly get it elsewhere. Goods, can remain in your possession, and yon can pay a part any time you want i>nd top interest. Business privato and con- dential. You ran have jour own time 'a paring up principal. ... .' _.*;*... t-. BANK STOCKS a specialty; bonds, com- JR . mercial paper, mortgages, securities bought and sold." Geo. W. Jenks, Investment Banker, Minn. Loan &Ttust BJdg., Mpls. .. BEFORE you borrow money or renew loans see The State Savings' Bank, Ger- tnania Life Insurance company's buildhi<r, - corner Fourth and Minnesota sts. : this bank loans at moderate rates and charges no com- mission. . "" ' Borrow 0 pet cent on vacant or im- proved city real estate. C. W. Young- man. 117 East Fourth st. . CHEAP Sums to sun. All privileges. MONEY \u0084 Close 24 hours. :.•\u25a0, TO ROTHSCHILD & THURSTON LOAN Pioneer Press Building. DO I Loans on furniture, pianos, dia- I monds,watches,sealskin sacques, Igoods in storage, etc.. etc. Goods . YOU I remain hi your possession. No j publicity. Lowest possible rates. I Loans can be repaid byinstall- - NEED I ments. thus reducing principal I and interest. 303 Jackson, cor- ner Tnird. Room 4. ; ' Private MONEY? room for ladies. FOR MONEY at low rates on lots or im- proved property: see H. Caldwell,: Ger- mania Life Building. IF YOUare wanting a Joan on your norses, furniture, watches, diamonds, or anything of value, be sure. aud go to . the old reliable, square-dealing loan otlice of J. L. Strauch, ' Room H', Globe Building. You can get no Letter terms, lower rates or easier return pay- ments elsewhere. Private rooms. Remember the place. \u25a0 > I AKGEAMOUNT* of money to loan on JLi improved property at dper cent. Smith, Parker iV Oilman. New Life Building. MONEY TO LOAN on vacant or im- proved city property in sums to suit, at (i, 7 and 8 per cent; no delay. D. H.-Michaud, 101 Cast Fourth st. . \u25a0-. ] .--: . ...-. MONEY .. OiOAS without, delay. :rom $10 upward, on furniture, horses, jew- ' elry, etc. ; time checks, notes and isscond iea'l estate mortgages bought. .Minnesota Loan Co.. 117, East .Fourth Kt. /'.' MOJiKV LOANED on life insurance pol- icies: or bought. L. P. Van Norman, tlGuaranty Loan Building, Minneapolis. - - 1- V-A-T-E- Money loaned on diamonds, watches, pianos, furniture or goods iv storage at lowest rates, and small monthly return payments; notes and mortgages bought; most private loan rooms in the city.\u25a0\u25a0 Ohio Investment Com- pany, la:.' Globe Building: take elevator. \u25a0 HE GERMANIA LAND COMPANY buys, sells mortgages, loans money at curr;ut rates. W. P.W esttall,sec. ; E. J. Dar- ragh. treas. :.'3 and 24 Globe Building. rpHE SAVINGS BANK OF ST. ACL, J- corner Fifth and Jackson sts., always has money to loan at t\ 7 and 8 per cent and charges no commission.- " WHEELEK&tHOWELL control large VV sums of money for investment in any legitimate enterprise." 301 Pioneer Press Bidg. \'Jt/ F. MOKITZ. 02-i I'IOiHKKKPRESS VV •" Building Mortgage loans made promptly; U' 7 aud 3 per cent -.mortgages bought * ; WHEELKR &HOWELL loanmoney at current rates. 3 )l Pioneer Press bldg. 6 PER CENT MONEY to loan on St Paul and Minneapolis improved real estate: any sum: no delay; 7 and ß per cent on un- improved: gilt edge mortgages 6. 7 and 8 per cent for sale. E. M. aud R. L, Ware, 303 Pioneer Press building. CONTRACT WORK—VEWER OX CON GRESS AND BIDWELL STREETS— Office of the Board of Public Works. City of. St. Paul, Minn., Apr.l 28, LSo.'.— Seated bids will be received by the Board of Public Works in and for the corporation of the City of St Paul, Minnesota, at their office in said city, until 12 m. on the 10th clay ofMay, A.D. 189 I .', for constructing a sewer on Congress street, from Charlton street to Bidwell street, aud on Bidwell street, from Congress street to Isabel street, in said city, said sewering to be done under 'one contract, according to plaus aud specifications on file in the office of said Board. , A bond with at least two (2) sureties, in a sum of at least twenty (20) per cent, or a certified check on a bank of St. Paul in a sum *f. at least ten . (10) per cent of the gross amount bid, must accompany each bid. Said check ' shall be made " payable to the Clerk of said Board. ' \u25a0 The said Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. '•'"• . •\u25a0•••:-\u25a0•• : : •• :" ' . R. L. GORMAN, President. . Official: J. T. Kebkbk. \u25a0 . ! . Clerk Board of Public Works. ; "* •" ' a|>r2o-10t [Health Is Wealth. ; Dr. E. C. West; Nekve and Brain- Treat went, a guaranteed specific to? Hysteric Dizziness. \u25a0 ziness. Convulsions, fits. Nervous Neuralgia Headache. Nervous Prostration caused oy the use of alcohol or tobacco, Wakef uhi ess, Men- tal Depression, Softening of the Brain re- sulting in insanity and leading to misery, de- cay and death. Premature Old Age, Barren- ness, Loss of Power in either sex, Involun- tary Losses and Spermatorrhoea, caused by overexertion of the brain, seli-abuso or over- indulgence. Each box contains one month's I treatment. - $1 a box, or six boxes .for S\ sent :by mail prepaid. ' We guarantee six boxes to cure any case. With each order for six boxes, accompanied withS"\ we send the purchaser our written guarantee to refund ' the money it it does not effect a cure.' Guar- antees issued onl.- by W. K. Collier, successor to nippier & Collier, druggists, Seveuth and Sihlev sts.. St. Paul. Minn. LOST SymrenisJOU BnforoTallrc. i F.-> rlt-i \u25a0i^ M " l '"' AflerTaklnc. BKXOSKRVB. the is tat Turkish K«m<ydj\ cures Nervous lVl>ilitv,U'akeruin.-ps. VitalExhaustion, Dizziness, Headache, Nervous Prostration, Losses, Loss Manhooil. KvilDream::. |]«|iHiim ami all wasting diseases, caused by over-exertion of tho brain,self-abu.« orover-indulfrcnce which ultimate- ly lead to consmmptuJrv inmnifynmlMiifMo. Put tipin condensed form to carry in tho pocket. Price . ! (1per box. or a complete treatment of «ix boxea . with * Written Cuarontee forts. Sent post- paitl in plain p.ifknue to any address. Circulars , tree In plain envelope. Address .\u25a0\u25a0;, .•' . International Medical Association. \u25a0 - •«<» i, _, Street, Chlen^o, 111 TOM SALE IN ST. PAUL,MINN., BT L. Muaisettur. Cor. Wabas:u» aud ila Sts \u25a0 KEAfi ESTATE FOR MALE.. ,.\u25a0 ; \u25a0. Suburban. CHOICE STOCK OR DAIRYFARM for sale or rent of120 acres. 90 of which are broken and ready for cultivation, for eblr: located midway between the Twin Cities, near the state fair grounds; hasa half- mile-track, anice lake, cross- fenced and pad- docked, and the entire farm is surrounded by a board fence: the farm has 'ail necessary buildingsin fine condition, including good •eight-room house, barn for forty head of horses, nice carriage and storehouse; also a windmill and ice bouse, as well as some choice stock, including fine-bred horses. Ap- ply to W. L. McGrath. 146 East Third st. WANTED— Estate— A few tracts of laud in Western Minnesota and East- ern Dakota for cash wild land preferred. Address, with description of land. S. Over- ire. 515 Guaranty Building, Minneapolis. Jtli»cellane«>ui*. FOR SALE—IOO xeet on Summit ay., 60 feet -East Seventh, west of Arcade. Apply C. H. Schnittger. 328 Bast Seventh st. FOR SALE— A handsome brown stone house of eleven large rooms on Summit ay.. at a price lower than can be named for many frame bouses on less desirable streets. This house is offered for less than it could be duplicated for, and for less than cost to present owner, who bought it for less than cost to builder. It is practically new. and is therefore not onlyofmodern style and fin- ish, but is. inside and out entirely creditable to one of the finest avenues iv the world. \u25a0Steam beat, two baths, large butler's pantry, speaking tubes, electric \u25a0 bells, open grates, cedar closets, gas fixtures, oak screens, club stable. If not sold will be rented. | The iium- Per is 593. N. C. Thrall. FOR SALE—I have a large list ofhouses and vacant lots tor sale on easy terms. and to trade for other property: I have farms for sale on easy terms, or for trade, ranging I in urices from $3uO to $3..00 0;a -large list of stock farms, with stock and farm machinery, in lowa. Wisconsin, Minnesota. Tennessee. Missouri and Indiana. 5, 10, 15 and 20-acre garden lots for sale or rent; houses, stores and oiilces to rent. '£id Robert st, room 9, J. H. Alorong. ' W HEELER & HO WELL.real estate; list » V bargains with them. Pioneer Press Bldg. Ok FEET on St. Peter St., 39,500: eighty *->O feet from Rice st. : S-',500 cash, bal- ; ance five years on or before, 7 per cent; lot i 25x100. Room 420, Pioneer Press Building. FOR KALE. I ALTO— For sale, a first-class alto, bell up- right, Higham make, almost: new, with box. Address A. , Freita?, Merriam Park, Diamond Block. BIRDS— Just received, Japan robins, all- -JJ yellow German canaries, nonpareils, in- digoos and others. 117 Iglehart st. DOG— A full-blooded English setter for sale, or trade for a light horse and busrgy. Call at the Albion. Selby and Western. POB SALE— Beautiful diamonds for half C their value; a few line pieces that have been forfeited by virtue of chattel mortgage, consisting of the following: . One pair of diamond eardrops weighing 5 enrats, blue-white and perfect gems; cost 5800, for 8450. \u25a0 \u25a0 -'\u25a0" A diamond stud weighing I carat, perfect stone; while and brilliant: cost SIOO, for SSO. One diamond ring, 1-carat stone.extra fine; cost 8125, for $60. -. , A set of three diamond dress studs for $75. worth double the amount. .-.f A %-carat diamond stud, first-class stone, > for $35. \u25a0 One pair diamond eardrops, fashionably mounted," weighing 3 carats; nicely cut, per- fectly proportioned, white and brilliant; CostS37s, for 8190. \u25a0.-. \u25a0> .'. Another pair diamond eardrops weighing - 2 carats. $1)0. A 3 carat diamond stud, a perfect gem, cost i 8500. for 8280. A eemleman's diamond ring, diamond ! weighs 2 carats, as tine a stone as you ever j saw, for fS-'OO, that never cost less than 8500. , These goods willhe sent to responsible par- ; ties living out of the city C. O. D. by express, ; with privilege of examination, j ... American Mortgage Loan Company, Room 7, First National Bank Building, Corner Fourth and Jackson sts., St Paul. -'.-. PUKMTUBK- For sale, the furniture of S. a five-room flat: everything modem and in use only for a short time; to be sold at a sacrifice. Address L 147, Globe. GUITAR New Bruno guitar for : sale cheap. Box 168. Fairehild, Wis. SHADE TREES-For sale, 1.000 elm and white ash shade trees, grown from seed iv nursery; thrifty and proper size for trans- planting; willbe sold cheap, li.O. Strong, ;iO:>Vg Jackson. \u25a0 -.. -.- " ,• •\u25a0 - \u25a0\u25a0; .-.- i -:..'.; STORE A.KI> BAR FIXTURES NEW AND SECOND-HAND SALOON 1^ fixtures, ice boxes, mirrors, pool and billiard tables, counters and shelving. 21b Washington ay. north, Minneapolis. PERSONAL. ARRIVAL EXTRAORDINARYI AS- A tonlshing Revelation: Free Tests: Free Tests:: Free Tests!!! Dr. H. Elmer Hall, late of New York, the prince trance clairvoyant, astrologer, palmist, and dead trance medium, seer of past, present and future; bom with veil and power from birth of revealing every hidden mystery. Positively no imposition. Advice on bustness. love, marriage, specula- tion, divorce, and all affairs of life. Dr. H. 'Elmer Hall is a seventh son; born witha double veil; tells your entire life—past, pres- ent and future— in a dead trance; has the power of any two claitvoyants yon ever met. In tests he tells your mother's full name be- fore marriage, the names of all your family, their ages and description, the name and business of your present husband, the name of your next, if you are to have one; the name of the young man who now calls ou you; all your future willbe told or written in an honest, clear, plain manner in a dead trance. Mothers should know the success of their husbands and children: young ladies should know everything about their sweetheart or intended hus- band. Do not keep company, , marry or go into business until you know all. The doctor is the only one in the world who can tell, you the full name of your future husband or wife, with age and date of mar- riage, and tells whether the one you love is true or false. The doctor, by . his advice, brings good luck, reunites the separated, causes speedy marriages, removes ail family troubles and estrangements", has no equal in charm making, and makes no charge until work is finished. Will give a free test to those wishing a sitting. P. S. Persons wish- ing to win the love or affection of any person should procure Dr. Hall's wonderful magic belt, guaranteed to bring health, love, justice, protection, wealth, friendship and success. He truthfully reveals your past and future life. Hundreds of clairvoyants, mediums and fortune tellers may have visited this city, but none can equal this medium, for be reads your fate by a wonderful power. Busi- ness strictly private and confidential. Pri- vate parlor at 147 East Seventh st. St Paul. Send stamp for one of Dr. Hall's mammoth pictorial circulars,- with portrait ot himself and life among the wild men of India. K. B.—Thinis the doctor's first visit. f& /E3'. These tiny Capsules arc wipe - !f^?^H rior to Balsn,'m of Co- --^ _^a|lm paibfl.'Cubebs-- and In- \ixxt*m\ if aY \ jectlon*. 1 hey cure in WlUs I &M 1 48 hours the same dis- .V*—^ £~\^ ca^es without any incouven- i ience. Sold by alldrnggiatN Alien SAI^E I *. Kavanagh &Johnson, Auction- eers. LKAIUMi WALK OF HOUSEHOLD Furniture— The store. No. 210 East Sev- onUi street, must be vacated in- MonJav; con- sequently we will sell at public auction on Saturday, May 7, at 10 a. m., at -the above place, all the furniture, etc., consisting of bedroom suits, parlor suits, refrigerators, gasoline stoves, ex. tables, center tables, side- boards, easy chairs, rockers', glassware, Rog- ers' knives, forks and (spoons: dishes of all kinds, wardrobes, hat racks, etc., and an ele- gant lot of bodyBrussels and ingrain carpet*. These goods must be sold Saturday, even if they don't bring ten cents oil the dollar, and the goods are first-class. Kavanagh & John son. Auctioneers. and East Sixth st. EOABD OFFERED. BOARD— Room and board. 8:150 per week ; a regular 25-ceut meal for 15 cents. 354 Minnesota street. - i. \u0084• \u25a0 OARU-W College Ay. West— Nicely fur- nisi;ed rooms with good board; also table board; terms reasonable. BOARD— pleasant "furnished rooms with . board at 227 East Tenth st. . . . BOARD— Nicely furnished room with board: bouse modern: use of parlor and piano. 50 Tilton st. . BOAKD— Furnished front alcove room, also front parlor; good table board. 31 East Tenth st. \u25a0 - T. DENNIS HOTEL.; .1. F. Malouey, pro- prietor: 418 and 4:50 Minnesota st.; best dollar-a day house in the city. rpHK NOKWOOD, 1891* East Eighth St.. ' -L' Between Jackson and Furnished rooms with board. 54.50 and $5 per week; table board: transient SI oer day. B«ARI> WA3TEI*. BO AKD—Wanted, room and board for two; must be reasonable: state price and location. Address V145, Globe. INSTRUCTION. TliK POPULAR.SCHOOL—THE Miss A J. D. Hess Shorthand school has the best Corp of teachers in the Northwest; sixty-live pupils enrolled: in session the year round. A RK YOU GOING ABROAD?—A series xl of personally conducted parties Vill leave New York April 20, May 18. July 6 and 29, all traveling expenses included, nrst-clnss. Norway, Sweden and Russia tour leaves June 9 on "Augusta Victoria." Send for pro- grammes. E. M. Jenkins, 257 Broadway, N. Y. ALWAYS ON TIME. Ticket Offices—ls9 East Third street, St Paul; 13 Nicollet House Block, Minneapolis and Union Depots in St. Paul, Minneapoli and Stiilwater. ('Daily. . tExeept Sundays tExcept Monday. sSunday only. dExcept Saturday. > .'\u25a0 .- ';: ~~'.\u0094 Leave Arrive . Through Trains. SI. Paul. St. Paul.. Chicago "Daylight"Ex. *7:55 am t9:sspm Chicago Local Express. +s:lspm *1 HX) pm Chicago VestibuleLlm'd *S :05 pm t7 :25 m West Superior I t.>.3sam t3:oopm andDu1utk. ......... f *.o:4opm -*s:soam Ashland, Hurley ....I +9 :35 am *3:oopm Bayfield&Washbnrnf *10:25Dm \u26668:50 am St Joseph &Kansas City *7:35 am t7:A>ani Omaha &Kansas City *7:55pm *7:35 am Sioux City Local *735pm +6:52pm I'ipestone& Sioux Falls. +7: ij am t3:s2pm Shakopee &Mankato. . . T5 ;C0 pm tl0:l0a m Tracy, Wattown&Pierre c! 7:33 pm i7:3sam NORTHERN PACIFIC THE DINING CAS LIVE ToFars->, »Vii*jiipezi iSploim, Butts ... .: - aii(it!)9 l*acitle Xoj-liiwe»t. \u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0•• - "\u25a0-. . - "i \ PauL Dining Cars on \u25a0 Winnipeg :aDd ; '\u25a0' . \u25a0 Pacific Coast 'f rains. Oj _^.. ! Lv. Ax. Pacific Express, daily for' Fargo. " Jamestown. .-Livingston, Buite, Helena, Missoula, Spokane, Se ~ : '-- • att'.e, Tacoma, Olympia audi 9:00 12:15 Portland.;. .... ' a.m. m. Pacific Mail,daily, for Fargo, Bis- •\u25a0 marck, Livingston. .Bozeman, .. ; •• Helena, Butte, Missouia, Spo- kane, Tacoma, Seattle, Olympia 4:15 6:23 and Portland \u0084..:... p.m. p.m. Brainefd Local, daily except Sun- .-. ; days, for Auoka. St. Cloud, Lit- 5:35 10:3} tie Falls and Brainerd.. p.m. a. -a. Dakota and Manitoba Express, daily, for Fergus Falls, Wahpe- .- .":. ton, Grand Forks. Grat ton. Win- nipeg, Moorhead, Fargo and' 8:90 7:11 Jamestown... "..;..... p.m. a.m. - Dakota Kxpreu dees nut run west o.* Fargo on Sunday. Pullman Sleepers dally between St. Punt an I GrsimlFcrks,Gra ton, Fergus Falls. Wah- peton nndFargo. Pullman First-Class and Tour- ist Sleepers And Free Colonist Sleepers are run »a through Pacific Coast Yrains. a E. STOVE. CUT Ticket Agent, 162 East ThirdStreet, St. P.xil. G. F, McXEILL.City Ticket Ase:it.U Nicollet Hou3a Block. Mltineapols, Mine WISCONSIN CENTRAL LINES. Trains leave for Chicago and iuterinediata points dPil". Minneapolis, 12:45 p. m.; (3:23 p. m. :t. P .:i!. 1:3O p. m.: 7:15 p.m. Ar- rive St. fa j! daily, »z4fi a. m.; 3:45 p. m. Minneapolis. ii'lJa. m. and 4:15 r f>. m. Great Northern Railway Line City Offices, 19.") East Third St.. St. Paul. 300 Kicollet Ay.. Minneapolis. \u25a0 Union Depots, both Cities.' : ~'-~\'i : leave. ! St. Paul Union Depot. AERrvB. a7:4op ml JMontiina Express.... a6:ssam a6:3Qi>m ...JWiuuipeg Express. ..;a~:15 a in bS:O."> am Wiilmar. Brown's Valley b6:30 pm bS:3O am Fers». Falls, Grand Forks b6:10 p m :30 pm ...Osseo and St. Cloud... 011:55 am b3:3opm ...Anoka and Willmar.;. blO:ssam h'ii'Mpmi.. Excelsior. Hutchinsou.. :55am \u25a0 . . - EASTEKN MINNESOTA. - bl:ospm ..Dulnth. W. Superior*.. !b7:oo pm a— Daily: b—ex. Sunday. *Butfet Parlor Cars on trains to Dulnth and West- Superior. j iDiuius Cars, Palace Sleepers and Free Col- onist Sleeping Can. \u25a0\u25a0:,:\u25a0: '- Minneapolis, St. Paul &SauitSte.Marießjf \u25a0 CITY I Mplis. Guaranty Bids,, TICKET OFFICES f bt Paul, 185 E :;dst. >i^ M'tl-BostonExlvStPaul(A)3.-"i> pm; M'tl-lJostouExlvMpls(A) •HF^^WSw 7:35 pm: Wisconsin Div.lv Mpli SjMgAsgJ (B) Mam; Minn. Div. lvMiuue- Mi^rriißat'Olis (13) S:fi am; (B)4:"')p. 0 lifJnW nl: * L roix Fallsa& lv stPaul JSgjSSSSEI A, daily from Union station : B, mm except Sunday from Union sta- icn;C, except Sunday, from Broadway sta- icii, St. Paul. Cliloazo, ."Ullwanken A- St. Pail H 'i ran s lP.ive.St. P..ul Union Depot i.a otlows: Vac Wiuona, LaCrosse, Milwaukee, Chicago, B, 7:35 i. iii.;A,2:45 p.m. ;A, 6:55 p.ni; A, 8 p.m., MasouCity, bt. l.«uis, K.iusi.s City. A, 9:16 a. m.;C, 7:15 p. m. Dubuque &Rock Island, B. 7:35 :c in.: C 7:15 p. in. Aberdeen, Mitchell, A, 6:15 p. m. Culm.ir, Daren- jcrt, 8,9:16 a. id. Austin A; Way, A. » :15a. m.: \ 4:25 p. m.;C, 7:15 om. Aberdeen Way, 1:, 6M i ci.:lled Wing A Rochester, B, 7:Ssa.m; C,2:45p. ra. A means daily; B, ex. Sunday; C, ex. S.iturli/ For urtlierinormalionseeCjiupany'gtliuet^bUs Ticket Olticea. 176 &i3l ThirdSb mill UnionU.'.va, i«gi3MßMUHi>iw*juag*ftTn nil icnDUIA fflSf^lO CALIFORNIA The most comforu |f|B7BKv«HKHbIe way to rcacu Call . \u0084 _^^^J^^^S^^Ef l) mi«. is via Chicago ? .-'• :Vr- '^ \~U%£WBfs. 0T Kansas City, t'rom wßwWiniilWwliiSßgy which points throng tsiE run without change. For tales and fur- (her information apply to S. M. OSGOOU Gen. AgU, or W. M. WOODWARD, Tarv. Agt., }s<iuarauty Loan Building, Minuet olis Mian. . . . \u25a0.:\u25a0•<.' Chicago, Burlington &Nortliern Rail r] 3 1 Leaves for Chicago, St. Louis and down- river points, 7:5U a. m.-, arrives from samo points. li:lt) p. m.aaily.. except Sunday. .', Leaves for Chicago -and St. Louis. 7:3') p. m.; arrives from same points, 7:33 a. vi. daily (Chicago, St. Paul & K.CityBy. trains leave V>> uiiioiidepot 'i:.sa. m. ex. Sunday. 7:3! p. m. aaily; arrr:tua, m..Uaily, 10 p.m. ex Sun

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Page 1: DAILY r TO Want pages of tfieSfobe Usad Those of AH the ... · lost axi>roi;xi>. COW lost— On April30, one red cow; she is a low. heavy-build, with white bind feet: is fat


TO Want pages of tfieSfobe Usad Those of AH the Other s Combined IMTITATIOAS «:llIIfIl>."



Suwimii on salary orX* commission to Candle the New PatentChemical Ink-Eiasiiig mil: the greatest jjelling novelty t\cr pidi:eed; erases inkiiborcrphly in tno Etcci.di>; no abrasion ofji)fr:HiioHI ier<em ;nt t: cneavent'stales amounted to £4SI :nus days; anotheri;:11: mo hems: we vi.r.lcr.eerereeticpeu-cml uj*cm Ineach state end territory. Forterms nnd full particulars nddretsTheMon-. ice EiaserMfg. Co.. la Cross* Wis. X4.

BANDLKADKR—?-.'.> a month for two-* lesson* a week and double share for


engagements. Address F. 11. Wade, 7 WestFirst m.Duluth.

BAXiIKKwauled at 500 Broadway. A. J.Piilauek.

BAKBKKwanted for Saturday at 294 EastSeventh st

lIAKBKIiwanted at 621 Selby ay.

BAItUEK—Wanted, a first-class barber at551 Kice st __

BAKBKKwanted forSaturdays; guaranteegood pay, at 261 East Seventh st

BARBKR «ranted at 368 East Seventh St.;steady Job to rightman. J. Fallow.

BLACKSMITH— Wanted, a first-class

man on wagon work. Xeal Jolius &Co.. Lake City. M;ii:i.

800K X \\ anted.au experienced-D bookkeeper. Address, with reference,31. B. T.. Globe.

BOY— boy about fifteen years oldfor office work; most be well recom-

mended: answer inown handwriting. Ad-dress Type. Globe. •BOY— Wanted, an errand boy: must come

recommended. Miuuesota Type FoundryCiunpauy.


1 want an nil-round butcher-T) and Rood saucaire maker: German pre-ferred. Apply or write J. F.Brown, Pros-eott, \\ is.

C.\ KI'K>'TKI{—Wanted, a good carpenter;

most be single, sober and industrious.City hospital.

r^OLLHCTOir— reliable and en-V>' etgetic man as collector and solicitor inthe city; willyielda salary of$15 per week.Apply any morning this week from Sto 9o'clock. Room 28, bebntte Building,cornerEast Seventh and Jackson sis.

COOPERS— Wanted, six experienced but-ter tub makers: steady wort to the right

men. James Kennedy, 343 Pierce St., Minne-apolis.

I"\ETKCTiVKwanted in every town inXJ United States; extensive experience notrequired; send for particulars. UniversalDetective Agency, Box Km. L'hieasio. 111.

I\RL'G CLEKK (Scandinavian) wantedXJ who is registered in Wisconsin; musthave first-class recommendations. CharlesDawsou. Xoyes Bros. a: Cutler.

ENGINKKIJS AM)FJKKMKNJ to pro-cure licenses, should pet copy of •\u25a0Ste-

vhenson's Illustrated Practical Test;" con-tains latest examinations: bymail. SI: agents

.\u25a0wanted. Walter G. Kraft," publisher, 70 LaSalle st. Chicago.

HOSTLKK— Wanted, a man to take careof ahorse and do chores. Dr.Pearce,


MACHINERY MAX—Wanted, an expe-rienced man capable of running a

shaper and other woodworking machinery;state experience and wages wanted. MealJohns <fc Co.. Lake City. Minn.

MAN with push wanted in each city audtown to introduce the fastest selling

Lonsehold article onrecord. Over amillionsold in Philadelphia. Will.pay competentperson S4 per day. Address with stamp. W.11. Williamson, 44 N.Fourth st., Philadelphia,Pa. .nORTKK wanted at hotel .Arlington,-I Seven corners.




Wanted, two or three morefirst-class salesmen to handle the best

line of installment goods in the Northwest.Call or write W. A.Edwards, 7 to 11Sixthstsouth, Minneapolis, Minn.;Sl West Third St.,St. Paul. Minn.


Wanted, an experienceddry eotras traveling salesman for Wis-

consin and Southern ..Minnesota. Address,\u25a0with references. 8 US. Globe.

SALESMAN—Wanted, city salesman, ex-• perienced in sewing machines, organs or. books; must know the cityand be a hustler;

sood salary and commission; all replies con-fidential; [..Address I)i;>. Globe.

SALESMAN—Do you think you can sellpianos? Iwant a city salesman that can

bustle; good salary and commission; all re-plies confidential. Address C 14", Globe.

SALESMAN— good, experiencedretail furniture man ;alsogood,smart boy,

sixteen to eighteen years old, who is willingto start at small salary and work up; apply at'©nee. Western Business Agency, 512-513New York Lifebuilding.

SOLICITOR— Wcnted. fire insurance so-licitor; must be energetic and ofgood

address. Apply in writing, giving recom-mendations, L14", Globe.

SOLICITOUS— Men ot energy and tact tosolicit for Bankers' Life Association of

t»t Paul. Salary or guarantee as preferred.Address C. E. Secor. M. Paul Minn.OTABLEBOY wanted. 389 Selby ay.

TEAMS—Wanted. 50 teams on McMeuemyst. H. C. Huebner. contractor.

WANTED—We ant three more men In** our city department; good pay; steadyemployment. The Singer MauatacturiugCompany, 40 East Third st.


—young men to handle*V the best selling book iv the market; ?-f>'

;per week to good men; call or write; do notmiss this opportunity. North Siar Publish-ing Company, 741 Lumber Exchange, Minne-apolis, Minn.

WE "WANT,ngeneral agent in each city,town and county; write forcirculars

and price list. United States ManufacturingCompany, No.15 Central ay., Minneapolis,Minn.

lost axi> roi;xi>.

COW lost—On April30, one red cow;she is a low. heavy-build, with white

bind feet: is fat and gives fifteen quarts ofmilk per day. Return to or address A. B.Baker, 752 Prior ay., St. Paul, and receive re-ward. •

O<J STOLEN— Myred Irish setter, Biff;any one detaining the same after this

notice willbe prosecuted to the full extentof the law. T.Salisbury.

AICH AND CHAIN LOST—Ladies'»» gold watch and black chain, between

Seventh and Chestnut street depot Finderplease return to 222 Chestnut st and receivereward.

MAKELOST—Strayed from No. 5Crocushill.Thursday night,a dark bay mare,

•with harness on. Finder please notifyD.M../Bobbins.

DYEWlHtliS.. .KUuiirA,N. W. Steam Dye Works• office, US Robert st. Ryan block\u25a0works, '\u25a0\u25a0 and '7 Indiana nv.

JAMISON*CO., New YorK Steam Dye

Works: ladies" and gents' clothinga spe-cialty. 14 West Sixth st.

Tt,VHI.KkT & Ml>iK!,, MinnesotaIV Steam Dye Works. 244 East Seventh.


a>HE CENTRAL CLOAK COMPANY,JL 100 East Third sL.are prepared to maketo order Jackets, coats, capes or cape new-markets inlatest shapes. Fur garments madeer remode,ted inbest furrierstyie; furliningsespecially.

- -\u25a0 \u25a0

. LOBE WANTS\u25a0.kEvkb failof {;<»«>» KKSSTfj

TO OtliA^liiEiTo exchange— What hate you to ex-

change for finemeerschaum pipe ? Ad-dress Q 14-.'. Globe.



BILLIARDSUPPLIES: WHrerooms. 405 and407; Office and Factory. 411 and 413 Fifth

\u25a0 avenue south, Minneapolis, Minn.



A—LADIK»;don"t buyyour switches untilA yon pel Mrs. M. Franklin's prices on allhair goods; largest stock iv city. ais Waba-slia st.

COOK— Wanted, a plain cook, second girliand vduiii:nirl to assist incare of chil-

dren; in private family. 107 Colonnade.

COOK— Wanted, a competent cook. ApplyJ to Mrs. Lime K.Stone, •_'."> Summit ay.,

between 0 and 11 a. m.:reference* reqniredi

COOK— Wanted, cook in private family togo to White Bear Lake; good waxes. 212

McHoal st. . \u25a0_\u25a0

COOK— Wanted, a good woman cook. Ap-ply to 651 Laurel ay. W. .1. Gunning.'

COOK—Good cook wanted at 113 Nina ay.;good wages: no washing.

DISHWASH Kit— wanted to washdishes. 443 Robert st. \u25a0

\u25a0 :

DRESSMAKER— Wanted, first-classwaisthands. at 423 Wabasha. Room 2.


ILarpenteur'sUeliableEmployment Office:51West Exchange. NearSt.Josep'h's Hospital.

GOOD WAGKH guaranteed to ladies will-ing todo wri!in>;lor me at their homes.

Address inown handwriting, with stampedenvelope. Miss Edna L.Sinythe. South Beud,Ind.


OYERNESS— Wanted, a uur&erv govern-vX ess; must be well recommended. ApplySaturday or Monday, between It) and 12, toMrs. John Wright The Aberdeen.

IJOUSEWORK— GirIwanted for generalIIhousework. Call at corner Niii'liandExchange sts. -

HOUSEWORK— Girl wanted at 093 Mar-shall ay; onlytwo in family.

HOUSEWORK— Wanted at once, goodgirl forgeneral housework. Sl4 Fair-

mount ay.

HOUSEWORK— Agirlforgeneral house-work:family of two. 115 Summit ay.

IT WORK—Girlor woman for gen-0. eral housework; $15 per mouth. 501Ada bt. \u25a0

TIOITSKWORK—Young girl tor light11 houseworK ;work easy. 'J54 Louis st.

HOUSEWORK— A girlfor general house-work pay good wages. 4>!> Dayton are.

HOUSEWORK— Wanted, girl for generalilhousework; private family. Inquire at158 Charles st. : ' '

HOUSEWOKKEK on farmin North Da-kota; S5 weekly. Douglass' Intelligence,-

--35 East Seventh.

HOUSEWORK— Wanted, girlfor generalhousework; 344 Fuller st.

HOUSEWORK— Good girl for generalll Housework; familyoi three. 272 Ful-ler st. .IWILLpay. ladies a salary of $10 per week1. to work for me in their localityat home;light work; good pay for part time: write,with stamp. Mrs. H.B. Farriugton, Box 702,Chicago. 111.

KITCHEN GlßL—Wanted, a girl forIV kitchen work. 105 East Eighth st

MRS. CAMILLA AVERY,.SOUTHBend, Ind ,Box pays §18 a week to

ladies for writing,etc., at home. Reply with \u25a0

stamped envelope.

\u25a0jyrURSE— Wanted, uurse at 491Ashland ay.

VIK•E GIRL wanted. Mrs. J. li.West, .1^ f.'.*4Goodrich ay.

SALESLADIES— Wanted, salesladies forO city of St. Paul. Call at No. 311 LumberExchange Building.


A good second girlwanted at S3! Cedar st.

WANTED—A few ladies to compile lists,address circulars, etc., at home: per-

manent, if engaged. Address, with stamp,own handwriting. Housekeepers' Weekly,Philadelphia, Pa.


*^A GIRLS wanted to learn to finish&*J fur coats; also two girls to operateseal machine, and six finishers to work onsmall furs and fine garments. Apply to Mr.Penschuck, Foreman at McKibbius itCo.'s,3Ti) Sibley st



miscellaneous.I-VOCK PROPERTY FOR SALE—BidsDOCK be received oy the St.. Paul

Bidswillhe received t>y the St. Paul <V- Pa-

cific Coal company for the purchase of theirdock property, situated on Connor's PointWest Superior. Wis.; a full description ofthis property willbe given to interested par-ties onapplication at the company's office.Manhattan Building,St. Paul: allbids mustbe tendered by 12 o clock, noon. May 11, 1892.St. Paul &Pacific Coal Company.





FOR SALE— A nice restaurant one blockfrom Milwaukee depot; 24ti Fourth aye.

south. George Bahn, Minneapolis. "

FOR SALE--Hotel Warwick on easy pay-ments; doing good business; owner has

other business to attend to. 206 Washington"

ay. south. Minneapolis.

FOR SALE—Meat market on Tower ay..West Superior, Wis.: first-class location;

complete fixtures: bargain if taken at once.William M. Nichols, 2.6 Breuuig Block,West Superior. Wis. •

FOR KENT—Hotel and boarqinp; house,40 rooms; steam heat; good chance.

C. W. Clark. 70 German American Bank.HE NEW IDEA SAMPLE ROOM

JL property, stocK, fixtures for sale or leaseApply112 North Main. SMllwaier. Minn.

To druggists— small, well selected,nearly new stock of drugs and fixtures

for sale at New Brighton; established, nicelypaying business; stock, etc., about ?BJO. .Noyes Bros. &Cutler, St Paul.

C*lF\ FOR choice California fruit land.'DltJ Address Box 2279. city.



rEitSO^AI^.Gt.OK(ii; SWEENEY can learn some-

thing ofinterest by sending his addresshome. :

MRS. KATE HOSKINS, psychometricreader and trance medium, 225V2 West

Seventh st. •


ReliableBusiness Clairvoyant, Test Medium: 29

years' experience. 509 Waoasha si..No sign.

MADAMEINA WALKER,life reader,gives resume of past, present ana fut-

ure; ladies, 50 cents; gentlemen. SI; corre-spondence promptly answered. Parlors, No.G4O Wabasha.

MRS. M.A.TCSSEY. S3 East Eiuhth St.I'L Magnetic and massage treatment fornervous diseases, paralytic and rheumatism;also Turkish baths: hours. o a. in. to s d. m.

W Rs. BELL, fortuneteller. 175, cornerJtL Grove and Jackson sts.

DEKSONAi Ladies and gentlemen desir-X ing to correspond with the opposite sex,address with stamp Columbia Club, Lock BoxNo.425, Chicago. 111. \u25a0

TttIKKK is a call here forJohn ScullyJ. from me pension office. Washington,

and we do not know of his whereabouts; wesuppose he is in the pineries in this state orWisconsin. Wisconsin papers please copy.Anyperson knowinghim or liiswiiereabonts,please address John Ward, Maple. Late,Wright County. Minn.


PIANO TUNElC—Address S. E. Crutchelt,Box492, Postollice, St. Paul; price, $1.50;


STATE OF MINNESOTA. COUNTY OFRamsey— ss. Probate Court

In tne matter of the estate of Sarah E.Proa!, deceasedOn reading and filingthe petitionof Mary

P. Saunders,oi said county, representing thatSarah E. Proal has lately died intestate, aresident and inhabitant of the County ofRamsey and State of Minnesota, leavinggoods, chattels and estate within this county,and praying that administration, of said es-tale be toEdward N.Sar.nders granted:Itis ordered. That said petiiion be heard

at a special term of this court, to be held atthe Court Mouse, in the City of St. Paul, onMonday, the 23d day of May,lK)2, at 10 o'clockin the forenoon, and that notice of suchhearing be gi«eu to all persons interested,by publishing this order at least once ineach .week for three"1successive weeksprior to said day of hearing, in the St. PaulDaily Globe, a dully newspaper printedand published in said county.

Dated at St. Paul, this 29th day of April,1592. :"' -~--

:\u25a0>; ?5By the Court: JOD.N B. OLIVIER,'[l.s.j Judge of Probate.C. D.&T. D.O'Bkiex. Attorneys.



ARTIST—Freehand portrait artist wouldlike a suitable position; can give refer-

ence. Address X 31.', Globe.

APPRENTICE— Abo? eighteen years old,withtwo years' experience in the print-

ingbusiness, would likea position iv a joboflicn. Address 1' 14H. Globe.

A STEADY ANDSOBER YOUNGMANA would like position of some kindIncity:lcan furnish references. Address A. T., Mer-rinin Park: Diamond Block. ,

BARTENDER- Situation l.v one who has\u25a0D six years' experience satisfaction:hotel work: can give good reference. Ad-dress X142, Globe. . _j"

BOYS FOR PLACES, places for boys;employment bureau for poor boys, tree.

Newsboys' Club Room. 313 Wabasha st. ;opeufrom 11 to Via. in., and from? to 9p. m.

BOOKKEEPER— Wanted, set of booksto keep evenings: good reference. T146,

Globe.• • '

DOORKEEPER holding excellent testi-JLJ mouials desires position inmercantileor commission house; good writer and quickat figures. A 142, Globe. .'\u25a0'\u25a0'.'

BOOKKEEPING- Wanted, set of bonksto keep evenings; good references. AdJ

dress TI4U.Globe.

BOOKKEEPER— Good bookkeeper wantsposition; had charge of the books of

newspaper two years: good references. Ad-'dress G. i-. Williams. Fargo. N.I).

BOOKKEEPER— Ayoung lady, who hasa good education and writes an excel-

lent rapid baud, wants respectable positionas assistant bookkeeper, cashier or copyist. :G 148, Globe. '_

BOOKKEEPER holding excellent testi-\u25a0D monials desires position in mercantileor commission house: good writer and quickat figures. Address A 142, Globe.DOORKEEPER

—Situation wanted by

13 young man as assistant bookkeeper,stenographer or any office work: good pen-man: references :experience. Address 050,'Globe, Minneapolis.

DOORKEEPER— Amarried man. who is\u25a0D thoroughly conversant with every detailin keeping books desires a position. AddressX 145. alobe .DOORKEEPER holding excellent testi-\u25a0D moniais desires position in mercantileor commission house: good writer and quickat figures. J. S., 190 East Fourteenth st.

DOORKEEPER— Wanted, set of book?13 to keep evenings: good references.


A young man, Dane.iJ would like a position as blacksmith in ashop: has six years' experience, but can'ttalk English. Address U 141. Globe.

BUTLER Wanted, by young colored man,situation as butler Inprivate family,in

or out of the city; Catholic family pre-ferred; best reference. Address B 52.G10be.

/CARRIAGE PAINTER— A first-classv> carriage painter wants place: goodstriper and* finisher and a quick workman;best reference given; no objection toout oftown. T140. Globe. '

CLERK— Position wanted asclerk in store:good references. Address at once, 364

Rosabel st.. corner Fifth. St Paul.nLEKK- a position in office asv> clerk and stenographer by a young manofeighteen. Address Z 150. Globe.


wanted in the evening byv> a young man engaged during the day;clerking or bookkeeping preferred. AddressM146. Globe.

pLEKK- wanted as clerk inv wholesale or retail store; good refer-ences. Address at once C. I.S., 364 Rosabelst. corner Fifth. Globe Hotel, St. Paul.


An experienced clerk and book-V^ keeper, who speaks several languages,wants a permanent situation; salary not theimportant consideration. Address A.M. J.,Lock Box 1024, Stillwater. Minn.flOACHMAN-Wanted, a position as\J coachman inornear Minneapolis': havehad longexperience.and first-class reference.Address D75, Globe. Minneapolis. .pOACHMAM-Wanted, by a steady young :v> man. position as coachman in privatefamily; first-class references. Address N146,Globe.



\u25a0 \u25a0•\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0!;

CCOMPOSITOR— man desires posi-'"

v-' tlon in printing office: four years' ex-perience; newspaper or oookwork preferred;wages reasonable. Address J. F. Kay, \u25a0 302ColDome st. \u25a0_••-.. :.- ••.•..\u25a0•' !


Young "man ;would likev^ position collecting or clerk; is wellac,quaiuted in city; can furnish references.Address C 145. Globe.

DRUGGIST— Ph. G., five years' experi-• ence,:registered in Minnesota, wants

position; good reference. Address V 142,Globe. . .;

T^NGINKER— Wan ted.position bylicensed-Li engineer: best of references. .A. EL An-drews. 68 Summit ay. •



ENGINEEK— Si;uation wanted by a sta--Ci tionary engineer. Address V 149, Globe.EMPLOYMENT-Wanted, work iv gen-Hi eral store or hotel by a young mantwenty years of age: can speaK English andScandinavian. Address at once, N. P. W.,364 Rosabel st., corner Fifth st., St. Paul,Minn.

I73IPLOYEMENT—Ayoung man would\u25a0Lj like situation for any kiud of insidework. Address X 141, Globe.

EMPLOYMENT wanted by a man notXj afraid of work; fairpenman and quickat figures: livingwages; references. Ad-dress O 140. Globe.

FA WORK wanted by a sober, steady,single man. Address A.8., 43 East An-

napolis st. St Paul, Minn.. <

FIREMAN— A first-class firman wouldlikeposition; bestj^city reference.. Ad-

dress 150 Dale st.


Man wants a situation as nurse-i for sick;experience twenty years; bestreferences, from doctors and hospitals. Call587 Lafnrett* ay.. city.

VIALE NUUSE would likeemployment:!»J city references. Call 670 East Fifth st.

MUSICIAN—Young man playing brassand string, competent bookkeeper and

office man, wants position inlive Westerntown. . •

FFICE WORK-Wanted, a position byyoung man in office, or as salesman:

good bookkeeper; have had experience inlumber and produce business; salary no oD-ject. Address B 149. Globe. <

OFFICE WORK— man. latelyfrom college, would likea situation in

lawyer's office. E 149, Globe.

PRINTER— Job and newspaper comoos-JT

-nor wants steady sit: sober and indus-;trious ; eight years' experience: first-class

recommendations aud samples of work onapplication: don't write unless you meanbusiness. F. A. i'odgin, Greene, 10.

PROOF READER— situation by-IT an experienced proofreader and com-positor; first class references furnished ifde-sired.

-Address P. D.. Globe, Minneapolis.

SALESMAN, ten years in the wholesaletrade, wants position with some good

bouse; unexceptionable references as tocharacter, abilityand responsibility. AddressD141, Globe.

SITUATION wanted by a young man todo any kind ofinside work; good refer-

ences. Address Q, 145. Globe.

SITUATION wanted by a young man to-do any kind ofinside work; writes a fair

band: has some knowledge of bookkeeping;speaks three languages; good references. J143. Glore.

QTENOGRAPHt-K and office man; live*J years" experience: moderate salary toFtflrt. Address X140. Globe.

STENOGRAPHER having six years'ex-perience inrailroad work desires a posi-

tion. Address S 144. Globe.

STENOGRAPHER- Position wanted byO vouii!! mau as stenographer and type-writer: rapid and correct: will work forsmall wages. V147, Globe.

TRAVELING MAN, experienced, isX open for engagement; wholesale liquorsor cigars preferred; references. Address £.B. Ross. Pauly House. Minneapolis.

'\u25a0pAlLOß— Custom cutter and practicalX tailor: fifteen years ex parience at cutting:would like tomake an engagement withgoodhouse. -Address P 146. Globe.

yoUXGMAN—Situation wanted by youugJL man of inside work, heavy or light no

objection; good hand on horses; first-classreference. Address X 146. Globe. • .

YOUNG MAN lately from college would• like a situation ina lawyer's office. Ad-qress E 149. Globe. ;

YOUNGMAN withgood business educa-JL tion wants a position in office. V147,

Globe. :


ROOMS— Wanted to rent, three or four'rooms near corner Jackson and Syca-

more sts. Address \V141, Globe. . : :


*;?'•. *'».:-- <, ;r Females* ,-;y ,i;j.-

\u25a0 ;\u25a0 ;

BOOKKEEPER— A young lady wouldlike position as bookkeeper; \u25a0 I'L115,.

Globe. 2_.pOMI'ANION-A German lady of*KreatAy refinement wants position as ladyijMNHu-

PHnion. or to glvodaily instructions Id tier*,

man; first-class references. Address M 147,Globe. . -^--- \u25a0

DRESSMAKING wanted by two vM"i>,\u25a0

LJ \u25a0diced dressmakers; willgo out illf*i«»tlies or sew at homj; perfect fit guaranteed.Call or address;fll2 Albemarle at., nenflttitift- t

DItUGCJIST— Ph. G., five years' experi-ence, registered in Minnesota, wants po-

sition; good .reference. Address,. V 142,•Glob*.'-;- \u25a0'•\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0 •'\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0

'"• :" ? 'y:i

EMPLOYMENT —Wanted,", by.ta,yoiiu'glady, withreliable city recommendation,

a position, with chance of: advaneotnent;position- more object than wages. AddressM US. Globe. \u25a0\u25a0:• -.\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0* < \u25a0 \u25a0 •\u25a0• !"-•\u25a0»

HOUSEKEEPER— Wanted, position asIJ. housekeeper. Address V1411, Globe

HOUSEWORK— A Danish girl, («ett(«tfour years old wants a place in priyate.

family to do general housework. Address orcall6-J3 Yorkat. T. C'hristensen. \u25a0

':'''" '

HOUSEWORK— A Danish .girl, twenty-four years old, wants a place in private

family todo geucral'll(itt3C-vybrt^. Address orcall 623 York m. P. Christeiisen." 1\u25a0

.LADIES in need ofhelpcan find same-Li by calling on Mrs. lierryweather, 543\Vabnsha st.

' ''\u0084'„'". \'Z .' ,'

f AUNDRKSS— WauIed, by a young lady,Lj work in laundry. 2CVj Phaleu Creek.

NURSE— An experienced nurse desirescare ofan invalid, at home or!abroad;

references furnished onapplication. Address(i144, Globe. ... ".

'',:"\u25a0".;\u25a0 :.;•.""

NURSE— Wanted, position as ladies' nurse,'

Mrs. Bogue, 565 Dayton ay.-'

\u25a0 .; >: )


Young lady desiresposition iv office, or addressing cnvel-

lopes; good penman. "Silk East Fifthst.,Room 11. \u25a0

• ' '•'\u25a0\u25a0 ;

OFFICE WORK— by lady, em-ployment in office: experience, tour

years in bookkeeping and general office work.;Address L 143. Globe. \u25a0\u25a0=\u25a0»-. \u25a0 :•\u25a0-:

rvFFICE WORK— Young lady vwho lives\J at home wants position either in doctor'soffice, clerkingor copyist. 361) Aurora ay.:. .:

OFFIC iiWORK— A•young 1 lady wouldlike a position in an office. L'Address J.

J.. Globe. ••-.;\u25a0 \u25a0'•••.-'• '-'.^ ;' : ;


SALESLADY—Position wanted as sales-O lady or housekeeper by bright, active iyoung lady. Address L149, Globe. » .. :


Young - lady.wants ;,O situation where she can have a fewhours' leave three times a week; secondwork preferred. Address C 138. Globe. ;. .

SEWING— like children's or plain'

sewing to do at home; prices reasonable.Address V14S. Globe. \u25a0


SCRUBBING- .Wanted, "scrubbing. washT .ing,housecleaning, or auy kind of• day ;

work. Call 233 East Seventh st, room 9. . .:

SICK NURSE— Wanted- by experienced ;•lady, position as sick ijurse;' good ref-

erences. -Address 566 St.. Anthonynv. \u25a0'\u0084 .STENOGRAPH Wanted, a positionM as stenographer and typewriter at $9 or510 per week; have had :two years' experi-ence. M.L. W.. No. 059 Portland ay. ''\u25a0'\u25a0'

OTENOGRAPHEIt— Wanted, position byO com potent and experienced stenographer;best of refernees furnished :moderate salary.M. A. R.. 218 Nelson.

-T: .

STENOGRAPHER wants a position fora0 few hours each day; can furnish best', ofreferences. . Address J 145. Globe. } ;~,X--~

STENOGKAPHEK-Sjiuation waiHedbyO experienced stenographer; salary'St) peVweek in permanent position; good cjty ref-erences. Address Li46. Globe. -\u25a0 :

OTEN<)GKAPHEK— Lady stenographer,O several

-years experience, desired posi-

tion: can furnish machine. T143, Globe, aac

STENOGRAPHER and typewriter by acompetent •young- lady. Apply80,x254p.

St Paul. \u25a0• , \u25a0\u25a0/:\u25a0 }f.. ;/ y. ii ;:',:.


; typewriterC 5wishes 'situation ; railroad wort;pre-ferred; has had four years' expeiieuce, andcan give goQd,, -references. Address Nf 149,Globe.. y -,-":\u25a0". .', i

STENOGRAPH E«— Wanted, position asstenographer and1typewriter: four- years'

experience; good referenc'tej conutry pre-: erred. -V14:>, Globe. .:•\u25a0''• '-.:\u25a0\u25a0-

STENOtrRAPHItK 'desires* a position:O willwork for small wages. Address .Un149, Globe. ; •\u25a0..\-.-y--M . : ''

STENOGRAPHER— wanted byexperienced stenographer; goed refer-

ences; salary," per week in permanent po-sition. Address L.146. Globe

STENOGRAPHER— position byO experienced lady stenographer; willingto work formoderate salaro; can give refer-ences. M107, Globe.


A lady would like somewashing and ironing to do at home.

119 Granite st. • .: : \u25a0• -

WASHING-Wanted, by a Swedish girl,. washing or ironing or housecleaning

by the day. Call at t'JJ Randolph st. St.Paul. .;".•'\u25a0 .\u25a0\u25a0,..\u25a0

WASHING—A lady would like somewashing and ironingto do at home;

rough-dried, 25 cents per dozen. 119 Gran-ite st. \u25a0•

f\» ASHING—Want to go out washing andVV housecleaniug. Mrs. Loff, 244 Four-teenth^ \u25a0

\u25a0•\u25a0' r_

WASHING wanted at 456 East Sixth st.;rough-dried clothes 25 cents per dozen ;

called for. ,. -. .. .. \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0

WASHING, scrubbing, housecleaning,>V or any kind of day's work wanted.

Cnll 233 East Seventh, Room 0. ; >•-.

WASHING (lone. 50 cents dozen; uni-form suits made up to order and any

oilier suits. J. F. Peterson, 306 West Seventhst, comer Ramsey. "\u25a0 . \u25a0 -,

%1, ASH OMAN—A woman wants toV» do washing oiid house-leaning. In-

quire forMrs. Mary Wilandcr,' 67o. Wells st.-:

HORSES Al\l>carriages.

FOR SALE— horse, six:years old:'weighs 1,400. Inquire at 441 Michigan :iv.

FOR SALE— Delivery team weight 2,100;.this isa bargain. Inquire at 506 St.

Peter st.\u25a0 . •

•\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0••-. \u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0!_


Carriage team:time willbe given responsible parties.

For fur,h?r particulars inquire PattersonBros., Sehutte Building,corner Seventh andJackson sts. .FOR SALE

—A well-matched -span of

Welsh ponies, with one or two carriagesand harness. Inquire at Allen's LiveryStable. Sixthst. \u25a0\u25a0••-•\u25a0- -. •

FOR SALE— Agood Western saddle; alsoopen buggy, byJay Douglass, Merriam

Park. ;.:


Team of horses six years old;'

2,800 pounds. City Milk Company, 552Robert st. ... .. ; ";,,:.'

PASTURE your horses and cow* alt P.1J. \u25a0

Keough's. corner Mainline and ottoa\>s\M

SADDLE HORSE— For sale.'a stylishsingle-foot saddle horse. luquine Ab-

bey's b'.able.«, Seven Corners. v. *;f \ ;os!

WANIhD-Horses to board; first-clas'^fpasture and spring water; twelvfmile*from town on bank of Minnesota riven Call552 Robert st. ! _

*Il>CFJ.I-ASE«II S. j/(CASH, Contractor and Builder. 933 East>• Third St. Ksiincates givenon all feintsof buildings: all kinds of job and.repnfrwork done, and screens: mail comrar6_ica-tions willreceive prompt attention. '] j

F.iR LEASK—MIDDLEBROOK GRAN"ite Quarries; Middlebrook. Mo., operated

the past ten years by the Svenitc UMngtecompany, ofllissourt, willbe leased &>r leu,years from.June 10th. ISO*! They afle] llvolargest and finest quarries in the West, !co',Mr-laiuing the well-known red granite so exten-sively used inmany of the finest buildings,monuments, bridges, etc.. in the. country.Sealed proposals willbe received and openedlitneon, onJune Ist next.foi a ten year leaseof the properly. .This company reserves theright to reject auy and nil bids. You arecordially inviicdto inspect the property.IRON MOUNTAINCO.. Day Building, St.

Louis, Mo. *-''\u25a0•

PRIVATE HOSPITAL.-SCHOOL OFMidwifery—Mrs.H. Sienzol.* !s Martinst'

I v / WA3TfcJ> TO BUY. . \u25a0

DESK— Wanted,' roll top desk, city map,seal, letterpress: must be cheap. Z 142,

Globe. ; " : »'--\u25a0\u25a0:


Want to buy second-hand port--. able forge. 552 Robert bt. . .•- . :•\u25a0:-.'

pURXITURK-Wnut tobuy second-hand1furniture and loves: highest price paid.


At Ihe New EitglHn.l Kur.iiture CoQuauv,:Ss> nud 191 West seventh st r "\u25a0


TIIE.JAniES di BATFIIAM :lt< itti A^eiM-j.





DO YOU WANT STOKE, house orrooms? No'charges fora list of just what

you want' Owners' agents. Schratu's Rent- .ingAgency. Manhattan Building.

HOUSK— Furnished house, eight rooms,• fillmodern improvements, for the sum-mer, at «7 College ay. west: rent reasonableto Die right-parties. Inquire at Herrill &Owens'. 30 East .Fourth. • -

\u25a0, .

HOUSK—For rent, one of the finest houses-•'\u25a0in lower town: corner, south and east-

'facing.uino roonis.nll modern improvements, 'one block, from Lafayette street curs, live ;minutes' walk from Seventh st. cable, withor.without stable; the stable is first-class:water, gas, room for -man,1box stalls, etc.;house and stable, $40 per month; withoutstable, • 835.. Inquire at Merrill & Owens'Renting Agency, Globe building, or 237 Vir-giujjiay., , ... '


H.OVSK«i;Wo)l>furiiishe<l house onSummit-«V.'- to let for summer months: well,

shaded; terms, $50 per month. Address C£111. Globe.

HOUSKS— reut. ?8 Park place, teni rooms; steam heat. 93 Park mace, seven

rooms. J. B. West, M West Third st.-


For summer. to family with nosmall children, furnished house on Sum-

mit nv.;all modern improvements, largegrounds, shade trees, etc.: rent moderate.Uush B. Wheeler, No. 301 Pioneer Press.

OUSK—At:Merriani Park— Eight-roomhome; modern improvements; near

school, 1 churches, electric and steam cars:facing park. J. W. Shepard, 94 EastFourth st.

' •

OUHK—For rent, house 660 Wabasha st. ;eight rooms and bath; all modern im-

provements. E. R. Bryant. Globe.

HOUSK—New house, 836 Westminster; :all modern improvements, also furnace. '

Apply607 Westminster. •\u25a0 .OUSK—Five-roomed house, cement eel- :

lllar; one block from car line; Congress,near Ohio. Inquire Richard Price, 169 WestFourth St.

' . . _ ,

HOUSE— For rent, on Crocus hill, myfurnished residence complete, 0n.3 year. .

"Charles A.Moore.'

HOUSK—For rent.a seven-room house.No.087 lelehart, cheap. . Applyto John G.

Hearu, 4U15 New York Life building.

HOUSE— For rent, seven-room house, No.706 St. Peter st.SlO per month: mod-

ern conveniences. George L.Heudricksou,51East Fourth. , '. ' .HOUSE 401 East Eighth st for rent;

all modern improvements: ingood re-pair; $33.00 Dcr month. Apply D.Bergman,357 Jackson. -. • . \u25a0

' 'v


HOUSES— -houses, with all modernimprovements; one suitable for two

small families. Canada and University.'

BOUS X—For rent, nine-room house withall modern improvements. £t7 Selby ay.

Inquire at 240 Dayton ay. \u25a0\u0084"\u25a0':-\u25a0OUSE— 747 St. Peter fet—Ten minutes'HOUSK— 747 St. Peter bt—Ten minutes'

walk from courthouse; city water;cheap. •\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0-.\u25a0- ..


To a good, careful tenant, aEeven-room, house, with bath, nicely

furnished, from May 15 for the summermonths. X. P. J., Globe. .. . . .HOUSK—Five-room house and barn, or

without, SIS; near Seven. corners. Es-terley. 4 Mnnnheimer Block. .".

ANNING'S itKNTINU AGENCY—MANNING'S KKMTIN4J AIiKXCY-Davidson Block. • cor.- 4th and Jackson

Sts.— Houses.stores. flats to rent: care ofprop-erty for owners and non-residents a specialty.

SHE OliK list of houses, stores, steam-heated apartments, offices or rooms. J.

.W._Shepard, 94.East Fourth. \u25a0;\u25a0.-.\u25a0 . :

'T'ENKM.KNT—For'rent, a;' tenement in

X . brick block: fourteen lnrpe, sunny, lightrooms, ailiucJ&gant condition ;large yardsand sheds: south-facing; ten minutes' walkfrom merchants' hotel; rent only 835 permonth. Inquire at Merrill&Onens' ."lteiitingAgency or.227. Virginianv. ..."

HK"ST.:I'AILTlttlST COMI'ANV.\u0084 Endicott building, has a number of

houses in different parts of the city for rent; :also a very nice five-room llati/ii large storeon East Sixth st. near Wabn'shai'some goodfront second-floor offices on East Third st ,

.and a summer cottage nt Spring Park club.Lake Minnetonka.' We have some nice,small houses that can be bought on.monthlypayments; ;no cash' down. .' . \u25a0


£OQ AN ASHLAND AV.-First-class\jA*jhouses, with nil modern improve-ments; laundries -with stone tubs, gas fixt-

res, etc. Apply6^7. Ashland ay:


AT B.VI.I) KAGLU LAKE-Six-roomcottages beautifullysituated. -••Edwin A.

Warren. 400SiDley st.

COTTAGE—Five-room cottage, at BaldEagle lake. -Applyto Charies E. Nel-

son, 210 East Fourth st. _\u25a0

LAKEKKONT, well furnished house ofnine rooms. P. O. 415, White Bear. Minn.o KENT—Birch Lodge. Dellwood. White

Bear Lake;, furnished' and enlarged.Ingersoil, 27 Kast Third st. '"'.'.


A—UOTfcK-HKUNSWICit, for gent'.e---• men only; fifty modern steam-healedrooms by day, week or month, . ,

A T WASHINGTONAVENUEIIOTUL,A 224 Washington ay. south, .Minneapolis,newly furnished rooms by the day, week ormonth. ._. i__!_^__

BOABD—Front parlor and other pleasantrooms, with board; modern improve-

miiiits. 26 College ay., west.'

CEDAR ST., 522—Comfortably furnished'front alcove room :nil modern conven-

iences; table boarders accommodated.

CKHAK ST., 6M9—Nicely furnished rooms/ nt reasonable rules. \u25a0

r?Li;VKNTH ST., Ti EAST—For rent,

y-A- furnished front room with alcove; alsoadjoining room: allconveniences.

iMICTIIST., 254."WEST— For rent, nicely/'\u25a0• furnished rooms, with use oibath and

private family. t'orner Smith ay. '-.."\u25a0

IGL.KHAKT ST., 3.7—For reut, four nice~1 rooms. \u25a0


LYTi, TEKKACE— Ccdnr— For rent,

one front parlor, first lloor.with or with-out board.

IV1NTH. 317 EAST— Broadway—liLarge front room, $10; private family;gentlemen only.

PLEAS ANTAV.,177— For rent, pleasantrooms, furnished or unfurnished, with

or without board; within fifty feet of cableline.

PLEASANT AY., Furnished frontL room for rent to two gentlemen; all

.'modem conveniences.i

RICK ST.. 251—Corner of College— One-lar?e, nicely furnished trout room; gas.

bath: private family. -\u25a0

P>O()MS- Pleasant rooms for light house-\.-keeping; call ntSOS West Third.

ROOMS— room suite.large.airy, welllighted. Inquire ground floor, 167 West

Fourth st •-

\u25a0 \u25a0-\u25a0

-.- \u25a0

- •.\u25a0-

Rooms— For rent, three or five rooms;city water, and cellar. Call or address

For^sL : \u25a0• :

ST. EPETEII ST.. 671— Corner Tilton—Fur-O nislied or unfurnished rooms, with orwithout board. \u25a0- \u25a0

- .. --\u25a0

BT. PKTEII»T., l)7i—Corner 'i'ilton—Fur-O nished or unfurnished rooms, with orwithout board.

' -*\u25a0 *

Sr. I'ETEIIST., 834—For rent two fur-nished rooms: private family.

SUMMIT AY..43—Corner St. Peter St.—t"For rent, three newly furnished rooms,

with gas; use ofbath; references exchanged;gentlemen 0n1y..'.;.'. .".' \u0084

\u25a0 \ .

TILTON. Nt>. r>—For rent, three unfur-nished rooms, suitable, for light house-

keeping; use of bath. . . "

ABASHA ST.—Corner Tenth St..NextVV Door to Drug Store—

Furnished loomsfor rent. \u25a0\u25a0-•-- -...\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 '/

; ...Stores.\**T(>UK for rent in tho .Melz Block on La-;O fayette nv.; good location for grocery.lmjlll.Hlat butcher shop, nextdoor. \u25a0•\u25a0


jBtiHffli' •

\u25a0 ft .

BAKKKsnot* for rent witn oven, iv theMelz Block,"Lafayette nv. Inquire next

door. .-.\u25a0\u25a0•..-.\u25a0.--' \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'.' • -' \u25a0\u25a0••


FOX KENT—The Crosby Homestead— )

ncrts: good building,rhirge barn and.lirst-cla>s spring water; a splendid place for(3nir>, Mock range and horse-training esub-lishment. .C. \u25a0 W. "Younjjuian, 117 East•Founnst.

--•v--.-'; -;•/\u25a0,;

FORREST.• Flat*. \u25a0\u25a0

FLAT—For' rent five-room flat 183 West-ernay.Dayton and Selby; $16.00.

FLAT—Steam-heated flat, seven rooms,all modern conveniences, gas range

fixtures, etc.:very central and in a quietneighborhood; five"squares from Ryan hotel;references required. Inquire V. Kult, 440Walmslia st. \u25a0


FLAT—Five rooms and bath:all conven-iences: clean and respectable; to pri-

vate- families only. Inquire Room 10, 151)'West Seventh «t.



For rent. five and seven-roomA flats;hot and cold w<iter. steam heat:fiveminutes from Pioneer Press building;rent reasonable. Apply at. Middletou &Dougau. 330 Robert.

OIK-ROOMapartments with bath andT city water. J. W. Shepurd. W EasFourth . \u25a0\u25a0-..-


RSI. NEWPORT & SON, INVEST• roent Bankers, lean money on Ira'roved properly in bt Paul and Minneap-olis at (i ier -cent "onor before." Offices.'New Pioneer Press Building. St Paul, aud


Reeve Building.Minneapolis. 'V-"'ri-A —MONEY TOLOAJNU.l .A\ -IIONKYTOLOAAOA

«'. ;• x\. Pianos^Horses, .\v,~ :.Carriages, wagons.Household furnituresDiamonds, watches, ;\u25a0; "•'.-•:' ';Warehouse receipts.Mortgage notes, andCommercial

-paper bought or taken as col- \u25a0

lateral. Property to remain Inyour. ownpos-session. Our rates are aud always have beenthe lowest. Partial payment received at any-time and interest reduced iv proportion.Your own time for layment All businessconfidential. - Private parlors forladies. Callor address Minnesota Mortgage Loan Com-pany. Room 13-14, First National BankBuilding,corner Fourth aud Jackson sts<.

—DO YOU WA«T TO BORROWmoney at a lower rate than you can

it.rrow through any other agency? TheAmerican Mortgage LoanCompany, Room 7,First National bank building,corner Fourthand Jackson Ms., will let vju have any-amount. £10, f2i», $25. J4P, $75. $100 otf2OO—in fact, any Mint you wish—on yourcold, watch, diamonds, household furniture;

-horse, buggy, piano, carriage, etc., at a lowerlate iaan youran possibly get it elsewhere.Goods, can remain in your possession, andyon can pay a part any time you want i>ndtop interest. Business privato and con-

dential. You ranhave jour own time 'aparing up principal. ... .' _.*;*...t-.

BANK STOCKS a specialty; bonds, com-JR . mercial paper, mortgages, securitiesbought and sold." Geo. W. Jenks, InvestmentBanker, Minn.Loan &Ttust BJdg., Mpls...

BEFORE you borrow money or renewloans see The State Savings' Bank, Ger-

tnania Life Insurance company's buildhi<r, -corner Fourth and Minnesota sts. :this bankloans at moderate rates and charges no com-mission. . ""'

Borrow 0 pet cent on vacant or im-proved city real estate. C. W. Young-

man. 117 East Fourth st. .CHEAP Sums tosun.

Allprivileges.MONEY \u0084 Close 24 hours. :.•\u25a0,TO ROTHSCHILD & THURSTONLOAN Pioneer Press Building.

DO ILoans on furniture, pianos, dia-Imonds,watches,sealskin sacques,Igoods in storage, etc.. etc. Goods .

YOU Iremain hi your possession. Nojpublicity. Lowest possible rates.

ILoans can be repaid byinstall--NEED Iments. thus reducing principal

Iand interest. 303 Jackson, cor-ner Tnird. Room 4. ;

' PrivateMONEY? room for ladies.

FOR MONEY at low rates on lots or im-proved property: see H.Caldwell,: Ger-

mania Life Building.

IFYOUare wanting a Joan on your norses,furniture, watches, diamonds, or anything

of value, be sure. aud go to. the old reliable,square-dealing loan otlice of J. L. Strauch,


Room H',Globe Building. You can get noLetter terms, lower rates or easier return pay-ments elsewhere. Private rooms. Rememberthe place. •

\u25a0 >IAKGEAMOUNT*of money to loan onJLi improved property at dper cent. Smith,Parker iV Oilman. New LifeBuilding.

MONEY TO LOAN on vacant or im-proved cityproperty in sums to suit, at

(i, 7 and 8 per cent; no delay. D. H.-Michaud,101 Cast Fourth st. . \u25a0-.

] .--: . ...-.MONEY .. OiOAS without, delay. :rom

• $10 upward, on furniture, horses, jew-'

elry, etc. ;time checks, notes and isscondiea'l estate mortgages bought. .MinnesotaLoan Co.. 117, East .Fourth Kt. /'.' •

MOJiKVLOANED on life insurance pol-icies: or bought. L. P. Van Norman,

tlGuaranty Loan Building,Minneapolis.- -1- V-A-T-E-

Money loaned on diamonds, watches, pianos,furniture or goods ivstorage at lowest rates,and small monthly return payments; notesand mortgages bought; most private loanrooms in the city.\u25a0\u25a0 Ohio Investment Com-pany, la:.' Globe Building: take elevator. \u25a0

HE GERMANIA LAND COMPANYbuys, sells mortgages, loans money at

curr;ut rates. W. P.W esttall,sec. ;E. J. Dar-ragh. treas. :.'3 and 24 Globe Building.

rpHE SAVINGS BANK OF ST. I»ACL,J- corner Fifth and Jackson sts.,always has

money to loan at t\ 7 and 8 per cent andcharges no commission.-


WHEELEK&tHOWELL control largeVV sums of money for investment in any

legitimate enterprise." 301 Pioneer Press Bidg.

\'Jt/ F. MOKITZ.02-i I'IOiHKKKPRESSVV •" Building

—Mortgage loans made

promptly; U'7 aud3 per cent -.mortgagesbought • *


WHEELKR &HOWELL loanmoney atcurrent rates. 3 )lPioneer Press bldg.

6 PER CENT MONEY to loan on St Pauland Minneapolis improved real estate:

any sum: no delay; 7and ß per cent on un-improved: giltedge mortgages 6. 7 and 8 percent for sale. E. M. aud R. L, Ware, 303Pioneer Press building. •


Office of the Board of Public Works. City of.St. Paul, Minn.,Apr.l 28, LSo.'.— Seated bidswillbe received by the Board of Public Worksin and for the corporation of the City ofStPaul, Minnesota, at their office in said city,until 12 m. on the 10th clay ofMay, A.D.189I.',for constructing a sewer on Congress street,from Charlton street to Bidwell street, audon Bidwell street, from Congress street toIsabel street, in said city, said sewering tobe done under 'one contract, according toplaus aud specifications on file in the officeof said Board., A bond with at least two (2) sureties, in asum of at least twenty (20) per cent, or acertified check on a bank of St. Paul in asum *f.at least ten .(10) per cent of thegross amount bid, must accompany each bid.Said check

'shall be made"payable to the

Clerk of said Board.'


The said Board reserves the right to rejectany and all bids. '•'"• • .•\u25a0•••:-\u25a0•• :: •• :"

'. R.L.GORMAN,President. .Official: J. T. Kebkbk. \u25a0 .

! . Clerk Board of Public Works.;

"*•" ' a|>r2o-10t

[Health Is Wealth.; Dr. E. C. West; Nekve and Brain- Treatwent, a guaranteed specific to? Hysteric Dizziness.

\u25a0 ziness. Convulsions, fits. Nervous NeuralgiaHeadache. Nervous Prostration caused oy theuse ofalcohol or tobacco, Wakef uhiess, Men-tal Depression, Softening of the Brain re-sulting in insanity and leading to misery, de-cay and death. Premature Old Age, Barren-ness, Loss ofPower in either sex, Involun-tary Losses and Spermatorrhoea, caused byoverexertion of the brain, seli-abuso or over-indulgence. Each box contains one month'sItreatment.

-$1 a box, or six boxes .for S\

sent :by mail prepaid.'

We guarantee sixboxes to cure any case. With each order forsix boxes, accompanied withS"\ wesend thepurchaser our written guarantee to refund'the money itit does not effect a cure.' Guar-antees issued onl.- by W. K.Collier,successorto nippier &Collier, druggists, Seveuth andSihlev sts.. St. Paul. Minn.

LOST SymrenisJOU

BnforoTallrc. iF.-> rlt-i\u25a0i^M"l'"'AflerTaklnc.

BKXOSKRVB.theis tat Turkish K«m<ydj\ curesNervous lVl>ilitv,U'akeruin.-ps. VitalExhaustion,Dizziness, Headache, Nervous Prostration, Losses,Loss Manhooil. KvilDream::. |]«|iHiim ami allwasting diseases, caused by over-exertion of thobrain,self-abu.« orover-indulfrcnce whichultimate-lylead to consmmptuJrv inmnifynmlMiifMo. Puttipincondensed form to carry intho pocket. Price .!(1per box. or a complete treatment of «ixboxea .with* Written Cuarontee forts. Sent post-paitl in plain p.ifknue to any address. Circulars ,tree In plain envelope. Address .\u25a0\u25a0;, .•' .

International Medical Association.\u25a0

- •«<»—i,_, Street, Chlen^o, 111

TOM SALE INST. PAUL,MINN.,BTL.Muaisettur. Cor. Wabas:u» aud ilaSts \u25a0


\u25a0 ;\u25a0. Suburban.•

CHOICE STOCK ORDAIRYFARMfor sale or rent of120 acres. 90 of which

are broken and ready for cultivation, foreblr: located midway between the TwinCities, near the state fairgrounds; hasa half-mile-track, anice lake, cross- fenced and pad-docked, and the entire farmis surrounded bya board fence: the farm has 'ail necessarybuildingsin fine condition, including good

•eight-room house, barn for forty head ofhorses, nice carriage and storehouse; also awindmill and ice bouse, as well as somechoice stock, including fine-bred horses. Ap-ply to W. L.McGrath. 146 East Third st.

WANTED— Estate— A few tracts oflaud in Western Minnesota and East-

ern Dakota for cash wild land preferred.Address, with description of land. S. Over-

ire. 515 Guaranty Building,Minneapolis.


FOR SALE—IOOxeet onSummit ay.,60 feet-East Seventh, west of Arcade. Apply

C. H.Schnittger. 328 Bast Seventh st.

FOR SALE—A handsome brown stonehouse of eleven large rooms on Summit

ay.. at a price lower than can be named formany frame bouses on less desirable streets.This house is offered for less than it couldbe duplicated for, and for less than cost topresent owner, who bought it for less thancost tobuilder. It is practically new. and istherefore not onlyofmodern style and fin-ish, but is. inside and out entirely creditableto one of the finest avenues iv the world.

\u25a0Steam beat, two baths, large butler's pantry,speaking tubes, electric \u25a0 bells, open grates,cedar closets, gas fixtures, oak screens, clubstable. Ifnot sold willbe rented. | The iium-Per is 593. N. C. Thrall.

FOR SALE—Ihave a large list ofhousesand vacant lots tor sale on easy terms.

and to trade for other property:Ihave farmsfor sale on easy terms, or for trade, ranging Iinurices from $3uO to $3..00 0;a-large list ofstock farms, with stock and farm machinery,in lowa. Wisconsin, Minnesota. Tennessee.Missouri and Indiana. 5, 10, 15 and 20-acregarden lots for sale or rent;houses, storesand oiilces to rent. '£id Robert st, room 9,J. H.Alorong. '

WHEELER &HOWELL.real estate; list»V bargains with them. Pioneer Press Bldg.

Ok FEET on St. Peter St., 39,500: eighty*->O feet from Rice st.:S-',500 cash, bal- ;ance five years on or before, 7 per cent; lot i25x100. Room 420, Pioneer Press Building.


ALTO—For sale, a first-class alto, bellup-right, Higham make, almost: new,

with box. Address A. ,Freita?, MerriamPark, Diamond Block.

BIRDS— Just received, Japan robins, all--JJ yellowGerman canaries, nonpareils, in-digoos and others. 117 Iglehart st.

DOG—A full-blooded English setter forsale, or trade for a light horse and busrgy.

Call at the Albion. Selby and Western.

POB SALE—Beautiful diamonds for halfC their value; a few line pieces that have

been forfeited by virtue of chattel mortgage,consisting of the following: .

One pair of diamond eardrops weighing 5enrats, blue-white and perfect gems; cost5800, for8450. \u25a0 \u25a0 -'\u25a0"

Adiamond stud weighing Icarat, perfectstone; while and brilliant: cost SIOO, for SSO.

One diamond ring,1-carat stone.extra fine;cost 8125, for$60.-. ,

Aset of three diamond dress studs for $75.worth double the amount. .-.f

A %-carat diamond stud, first-class stone, >for $35.

\u25a0 One pair diamond eardrops, fashionablymounted," weighing 3 carats; nicely cut, per-fectly proportioned, white and brilliant;CostS37s, for 8190. \u25a0.-. \u25a0>.'. Another pair diamond eardrops weighing-2carats. $1)0.

A3carat diamond stud, a perfect gem, cost i8500. for 8280.

A eemleman's diamond ring, diamond !weighs 2 carats, as tine a stone as you ever jsaw, for fS-'OO, that never cost less than 8500. ,These goods willhe sent to responsible par- ;ties livingout of the city C. O. D. by express, ;with privilege ofexamination, j... American Mortgage Loan Company, Room7, First National Bank Building, CornerFourth and Jackson sts., St Paul. -'.-.PUKMTUBK-For sale, the furniture ofS. a five-room flat: everything modem andin use only for a short time; to be sold at asacrifice. Address L 147, Globe.


New Bruno guitar for :salecheap. Box 168. Fairehild, Wis.

SHADE TREES-For sale, 1.000 elm andwhite ash shade trees, grown from seed

iv nursery; thriftyand proper size for trans-planting; willbe sold cheap, li.O. Strong,

;iO:>Vg Jackson. \u25a0 -.. -.-",••\u25a0

-\u25a0\u25a0; .-.- i -:..'.;


NEW AND SECOND-HAND SALOON1^ fixtures, ice boxes, mirrors, pool andbilliard tables, counters and shelving. 21bWashington ay. north, Minneapolis.

PERSONAL.ARRIVAL EXTRAORDINARYIAS-A tonlshing Revelation: Free Tests: Free

Tests:: Free Tests!!! Dr.H. Elmer Hall,lateof New York, the prince trance clairvoyant,astrologer, palmist, and dead trance medium,seer ofpast, present and future; bom withveiland power from birth of revealing everyhidden mystery. Positively no imposition.Advice on bustness. love, marriage, specula-tion, divorce, and all affairs of life. Dr. H.

'Elmer Hall is a seventh son; born withadouble veil; tells your entire life—past, pres-ent and future—in a dead trance; has thepower of any two claitvoyants yonever met.Intests he tells your mother's full name be-fore marriage, the names of all your family,their ages and description, the name andbusiness ofyour present husband, the nameof your next, if you are to have one; thename of the young man who now calls ouyou;all your future willbe told or written inan honest, clear, plain manner ina deadtrance. Mothers should know the success oftheir husbands and children: youngladies should know everything abouttheir sweetheart or intended hus-band. Do not keep company, , marryor go into business until you know all.The doctor is the only one in the world whocan tell, you the full name of your futurehusband or wife, with age and date of mar-riage, and tells whether the one you love istrue or false. The doctor, by.his advice,brings good luck, reunites the separated,causes speedy marriages, removes ail familytroubles and estrangements", has no equal incharm making, and makes no charge untilwork is finished. Will give a free test tothose wishinga sitting. P. S.

—Persons wish-

ing to win the loveor affection ofany personshould procure Dr. Hall's wonderful magicbelt, guaranteed tobring health, love, justice,protection, wealth, friendship and success.He truthfullyreveals your past and futurelife. Hundreds of clairvoyants, mediumsand fortune tellers may have visited thiscity,but none can equal this medium, for bereads your fate by a wonderful power. Busi-ness strictly private and confidential. Pri-vate parlor at 147 East Seventh st. St Paul.Send stamp for one of Dr. Hall's mammothpictorial circulars,- with portrait ot himselfand life among the wild men of India. K.B.—Thinis the doctor's first visit.

f&/E3'. These tiny Capsules arc wipe-

!f^?^H rior to Balsn,'m of Co- --^_^a|lm paibfl.'Cubebs-- and In- \ixxt*m\ifaY\ jectlon*. 1hey cure in WlUsI

&M1 48 hours the same dis- .V*—^£~\^ ca^es without any incouven-

i ience. Sold by alldrnggiatN

Alien SAI^EI*.

Kavanagh &Johnson, Auction-eers.

LKAIUMi WALK OF HOUSEHOLDFurniture— The store. No. 210 East Sev-

onUi street, must be vacated in-MonJav; con-sequently we will sell at public auction onSaturday, May 7, at 10 a. m., at -the aboveplace, all the furniture, etc., consisting ofbedroom suits, parlor suits, refrigerators,gasoline stoves, ex. tables, center tables, side-boards, easy chairs, rockers', glassware, Rog-ers' knives, forks and (spoons: dishes of allkinds, wardrobes, hat racks, etc., and an ele-gant lot of bodyBrussels and ingrain carpet*.These goods must be sold Saturday, even ifthey don't bring ten cents oil the dollar, andthe goods are first-class. Kavanagh &Johnson. Auctioneers. and East Sixthst.


BOARD—Room and board. 8:150per week;a regular 25-ceut meal for 15 cents. 354

Minnesota street.-

i. \u0084• \u25a0

OARU-W College Ay. West— Nicely fur-nisi;ed rooms with good board; also

table board; terms reasonable.

BOARD—pleasant "furnished rooms with. board at 227 East Tenth st. .. .BOARD— Nicely furnished room with

board: bouse modern: use ofparlor andpiano. 50 Tilton st. .BOAKD—Furnished front alcove room,

also front parlor; good table board. 31East Tenth st. \u25a0

-T. DENNISHOTEL.; .1. F.Malouey, pro-

prietor: 418 and 4:50 Minnesota st.; bestdollar-a day house in the city.

rpHK NOKWOOD, 1891* East Eighth St..'-L' Between Jackson and Furnishedrooms with board. 54.50 and $5 per week;table board: transient SI oer day.


BOAKD—Wanted, room and board fortwo; must be reasonable: state price

and location. Address V145, Globe.


TliKPOPULAR.SCHOOL—THE MissA J. D.Hess Shorthand school has the best

Corp of teachers in the Northwest; sixty-livepupils enrolled: in session the year round.

A RK YOUGOING ABROAD?—Aseriesxl of personally conducted parties Villleave New York April20, May18. July 6 and29, alltraveling expenses included, nrst-clnss.Norway, Sweden and Russia tour leaves June9 on "Augusta Victoria." Send for pro-grammes. E. M.Jenkins, 257Broadway, N.Y.

ALWAYS ON TIME.Ticket Offices—ls9 East Third street, St

Paul; 13 Nicollet House Block, Minneapolisand Union Depots in St. Paul, Minneapoliand Stiilwater. ('Daily.. tExeept SundaystExcept Monday. sSunday only. dExceptSaturday. > .'\u25a0 .- ';: ~~'.\u0094

Leave Arrive.Through Trains. SI. Paul. St.Paul..

Chicago "Daylight"Ex. *7:55am t9:sspmChicago Local Express. +s:lspm *1HX)pmChicago VestibuleLlm'd *S:05 pm t7:25 mWest Superior I t.>.3sam t3:oopm

andDu1utk.......... f *.o:4opm -*s:soamAshland, Hurley ....I +9 :35 am *3:oopm

Bayfield&Washbnrnf *10:25Dm \u26668:50 amSt Joseph &Kansas City *7:35 am t7:A>aniOmaha &Kansas City *7:55pm *7:35amSioux City Local *735pm +6:52pmI'ipestone& Sioux Falls. +7:ijam t3:s2pmShakopee &Mankato... T5;C0 pmtl0:l0a mTracy, Wattown&Pierre c!7:33 pm i7:3sam


ToFars->, »Vii*jiipeziiSploim, Butts... .:- aii(it!)9 l*acitle Xoj-liiwe»t.


"\u25a0-. .-"i \ PauL

Dining Cars on \u25a0 Winnipeg :aDd; '\u25a0' .\u25a0 Pacific Coast 'frains. Oj_^.. !Lv. Ax.

Pacific Express, daily for'Fargo."

Jamestown. .-Livingston, • Buite,Helena, Missoula, Spokane, Se

~:'-- •

att'.e, Tacoma, Olympia audi 9:00 12:15Portland.;. .... '

a.m. m.Pacific Mail,daily, for Fargo, Bis- •\u25a0

marck, Livingston. .Bozeman, .. ;••Helena, Butte, Missouia, Spo-kane, Tacoma, Seattle, Olympia 4:15 6:23and Portland \u0084..:... p.m. p.m.

Brainefd Local, daily except Sun- .-. ;days, for Auoka. St. Cloud, Lit- 5:35 10:3}tie Falls and Brainerd.. p.m. a.-a.

Dakota and Manitoba Express,daily, for Fergus Falls, Wahpe- .-.":.ton, Grand Forks. Grat ton. Win-nipeg, Moorhead, Fargo and' 8:90 7:11Jamestown... "..;..... p.m. a.m.-Dakota Kxpreu dees nut run west o.* Fargo on

Sunday.• Pullman Sleepers dally between St. Punt an IGrsimlFcrks,Gra ton, Fergus Falls. Wah-peton nndFargo. Pullman First-Class and Tour-ist Sleepers And Free Colonist Sleepers are run»athrough Pacific Coast Yrains. a E. STOVE. CUTTicket Agent, 162 East ThirdStreet, St. P.xil. G.F, McXEILL.City Ticket Ase:it.U Nicollet Hou3aBlock. Mltineapols, Mine

WISCONSIN CENTRAL LINES.Trains leave for Chicago and iuterinediata

points dPil". Minneapolis, 12:45 p. m.; (3:23p.m. :t.P .:i!. 1:3O p.m.:7:15 p.m. Ar-rive St. fa j!daily, »z4fi a. m.;3:45 p. m.Minneapolis. ii'lJa.m. and 4:15rf>. m.

Great Northern Railway LineCity Offices,

19.")East Third St.. St. Paul.300 Kicollet Ay..Minneapolis. \u25a0

Union Depots, both Cities.' :~'-~\'i:leave. ! St. Paul Union Depot. AERrvB.

a7:4op ml JMontiina Express.... a6:ssama6:3Qi>m ...JWiuuipeg Express. ..;a~:15 a inbS:O."> a m Wiilmar. Brown's Valley b6:30 pmbS:3O a m Fers». Falls, Grand Forks b6:10 pm

:30 pm ...Osseo and St. Cloud... 011:55 amb3:3opm ...Anoka and Willmar.;. blO:ssamh'ii'Mpmi..Excelsior. Hutchinsou.. :55am


-bl:ospm ..Dulnth. W. Superior*.. !b7:oo pm

a—Daily: b—ex. Sunday. *Butfet ParlorCars on trains to Dulnth and West- Superior. jiDiuius Cars, Palace Sleepers and Free Col-onist Sleeping Can. \u25a0\u25a0:,:\u25a0:

'- •

Minneapolis, St. Paul &SauitSte.Marießjf\u25a0

CITY IMplis. Guaranty Bids,,TICKET OFFICES f bt Paul, 185 E :;dst.

>i^ M'tl-BostonExlvStPaul(A)3.-"i>pm; M'tl-lJostouExlvMpls(A)

•HF^^WSw 7:35 pm: Wisconsin Div.lvMpliSjMgAsgJ (B) Mam; Minn. Div. lvMiuue-Mi^rriißat'Olis (13) S:fi am; (B)4:"')p.

0 lifJnW nl:*

L roix Fallsa& lvstPaul

JSgjSSSSEI A,daily from Union station :B,mm except Sunday from Union sta-icn;C, except Sunday, from Broadway sta-icii, St. Paul.

Cliloazo, ."Ullwanken A- St. Pail H'iran s lP.ive.St. P..ul Union Depot i.a otlows: Vac

Wiuona, LaCrosse, Milwaukee, Chicago, B, 7:35 i.iii.;A,2:45p.m. ;A,6:55 p.ni;A,8p.m., MasouCity,bt. l.«uis, K.iusi.s City. A,9:16 a. m.;C, 7:15 p. m.Dubuque &Rock Island, B. 7:35 :c in.:C 7:15 p. in.Aberdeen, Mitchell, A,6:15 p. m. Culm.ir, Daren-jcrt,8,9:16 a. id. Austin A;Way, A. »:15a. m.: \4:25 p. m.;C, 7:15 om. Aberdeen Way, 1:, 6Mici.:lled Wing A Rochester, B, 7:Ssa.m; C,2:45p. ra.

A means daily; B,ex. Sunday; C, ex. S.iturli/For urtlierinormalionseeCjiupany'gtliuet^bUsTicket Olticea. 176 &i3lThirdSb mill UnionU.'.va,

i«gi3MßMUHi>iw*juag*ftTn nilicnDUIAfflSf^lOCALIFORNIAThe most comforu

|f|B7BKv«HKHbIe way to rcacu Call.\u0084 _^^^J^^^S^^Ef l)mi«. is viaChicago

? .-'•:Vr-'^\~U%£WBfs. 0T Kansas City, t'rom

wßwWiniilWwliiSßgywhich points throngtsiE run without change. For tales and fur-(her information apply to S. M. OSGOOUGen. AgU, or W. M. WOODWARD, Tarv.Agt., }s<iuarauty Loan Building,Minuetolis Mian. . . . \u25a0.:\u25a0•<.'

Chicago, Burlington &Nortliern Rail r]3 1Leaves for Chicago, St. Louis and down-

river points, 7:5U a. m.-, arrives from samopoints. li:lt)p. m.aaily..except Sunday.

.', Leaves for Chicago -and St. Louis. 7:3')p.m.;arrives fromsame points, 7:33 a. vi. daily

(Chicago, St. Paul &K.CityBy. trains leaveV>> uiiioiidepot 'i:.sa. m. ex. Sunday. 7:3! p.m. aaily; arrr:tua, m..Uaily,10 p.m.ex Sun