daily newsletter e no469_6!5!2014

2014/5/6 -NO. (469) PAGE 3 Washington grants recognition to Coalition Jarba .. New offices provide diplomatic platforms for Syrians Akbik .. U.S. recognitions launches communication between the two countries Mustafa .. Saudi Arabia pledged qualitative weapons PAGE 2 PAGE 2 Opposition explodes Syrian army’s Check- point in Marat Noman Opposition gives two days ultimatum to uncover Nima’s fate PAGE 3

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  • 2014/5/6 -NO. (469)

    PAGE 3

    Washington grants recognition to CoalitionJarba .. New offices provide diplomatic platforms for Syrians

    Akbik .. U.S. recognitions launches communication

    between the two countries

    Mustafa .. Saudi Arabia pledged

    qualitative weapons

    PAGE 2

    PAGE 2Opposition explodes Syrian armys Check-point in Marat Noman

    Opposition gives two days ultimatum to

    uncover Nimas fate

    PAGE 3

  • Page NO.2The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 (469( 2014/5/6

    State Department spokes-woman Marie Harf said the representative offices of the coalition would now be considered a deplomatic

    Syrian Opposition Spokes-man Monzer Akbik, said, We appreciate U.S. support for Coalition in the struggle for freedom and democracy. believing that this recogni-tion is a start for new diplo-matic relations between Syr-ians and Americans.

    FSA bombed the most im-portant military checkpoint for Syrian army in Marat Noman in Idlib countryside

    after weeks of planning. It is worthy to mention that this military checkpoint consists of four blocks. FSA also tar-geted the fertilizer check-point with mortar shells, op-position sources reported.

    In a statement, head of the National Coalition for Syr-ian Revolutionary and Op-position Forces Ahmad Jarba said , This is an im-portant step in the path to-ward a new Syria, recog-nition on the international stage, and relations with Syrian nationals in the US, Jarba said. The new status provides a diplomatic plat-form for the Coalition to represent the interests of the Syrian people at all levels.

    Washington grants recognition to CoalitionAkbik .. U.S. recogni-tions provides commu-nication between the

    two countries

    Opposition explodes Syrian armys Check-point in Marat Noman

    Jarba .. New offices provide diplomatic plat-forms for Syrians

    mission under U.S. law, and announced plans for a $27 million increase in non-lethal assistance to opposi-tion fighters.

  • Page NO.3The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 (469( 2014/5/6

    ISIL attacks Kurdish headquarters

    Al-Nusra controls Sobha .. ISIL executes 35

    Opposition gives two days ultimatum to un-

    cover Nimas fate

    Mustafa .. Saudi Arabia pledged qualitative weapons

    ISIL militant attacked Ain Arab area in northern Alep-po and were able to control important military points for Kurdish protection units after fierce clashes. In the same context, Islamic Front ejected ISIL militants from villages in Manbej in Alep-

    Severe clashes continue between Al-Nusra Front militants and ISIls in Deir ez-Zour countryside, where al-Nusra was able to control Sobha village.In another context ISIL executed more than 35 of Al-Nusra militants and other Islamic bri-gades in Deir ez-Zour countryside.Unof-ficial media source reported that ISIls chief Abo Osama al-Iraqi issued an order to implement a ceasefire in Al-Hasakah and wait for new instructions from ISIL leadership on how to deal with Al-Nusra. This decision, however, was annulled when Al-Nusra militants attacked Ekadat village that was controlled by ISIL what led to fierce battles leaving ISIls chief Amer Rafdan and his brother Fayez Rafdan dead.

    po countryside. Opposi-tion source reported.Severe

    25 opposition brigades and battalions gave Al-Nusra Front a two days ultimatum to uncover Colonel Ahmed Nimas fate and the other kidnapped members. This came after Al-Nusra released a pilot colonel Aysar Khatba.

    Asaad Mustafa, the defense minister in Syrias interim govern-ment, said that Saudi Arabia promised to help FSA in communi-cating with the West in order to get qualitative weapons, adding FSA needs advanced weap-ons and anti-aircrafts, to be able to stand against the aircraft force of Syrian army.

    clashes erupted between Syrian army and opposition fighters near Justice Palace of Aleppo and in Allera-moun region.In another con-text, militants recaptured the electricity power station what led to cut off electric-ity from the entire city.