daily dispatch (richmond, va).(richmond, va) 1880-01-08. · trujrsday.january8, 1880. f-ast...

TrUJRSDAY.JANUARY 8, 1880. F-AST Ct.KVKl.AXP, > CTTAIIOOA COI NTV, OHIO. \ Jaoitarv h. 18S0. J Attora Dispatch: At a ********** »<- tour valuable pop* allow mo a small space in vonr next hal* -having bought a plew ut "land within ton mlle* of Richmond, In Ilenrieo county -to sk some of your cor¬ respondents to he kind enough to attar* the Nil-Will question* ! First. WfcH * UM oustom or rule when land is let on slime-*. Ita **t*Bl finding »eed ard labor, tho owner paving taxc*!- Second. What ls Ibo basis ti|t-on which real rstatc ia charged. Is thc price for which lt wa* sold considered UM rettl value, and ai»< s*< d accordingly? ., ,, A Third. What taxes is land liable to pay, ¦nd when due! Anv information on tho above will-oblige A* BRUM Fa rh kr. Wo answer thc second and thli\l ques¬ tions. Land ta as* uta once in toa yealt at what the asac^-ot** consider its etna value. Tlie Su'-e tax la 50 cents on Ml of pro¬ perty. Thc cMin»y ls -sometime* more but generally fofl than the Slrttc tax. Taxes are assesed li of February Isl und payable before November 80th. OJBmmpaOwtB in Ms* Month. H-V'-m lix* inncl*.4".**iiiitv (\tl«!*-.i 1.4-ittr In New Or- It-fl-MTIftie-.j Tlie health of Hie country tal bern vry pood. Crops are -good. The season could not have boen helter fer gathering then. Flices Iisy«- been retininetative, (-xpeii-t¦* were amati,*tmt tow debts to pav, and . very* body at peace sn<l bearing nothing but good¬ will toward** his nejglit-or. Our town anti -vicinity hive boen bigfilr favored. Tlie talNMoM year we have had for a long t ime. The tall cotton crop natte that we tatt gatticrcd in many jean. Olll people went regularly to hard work, and !)c_;in to HM right at Hie beginning of the year. Old und yettUg, MM und women, -*fI ft lt the MMWf of doing something, of making sonni hi mr, and behold thc result! Jl cm no loiici-i be sail! our land* are MOTH out, our l:ibor-s\*tt in is demoralized, cli- iii .t4 » have chanced, nor any mme of these ¦KUM Ix- urged for not Making big crop*. The result of Iiii* year's inti stn, patience, 0*00110my. and perseverance lias convinced tts that fortunes ira yet In store for Hie frugil farmers of this eoootry. Many, niunv tatra ot land tall brought ¦ bale of cotton.(lie general a vt Tige is largc- |] over a hnlf-bali* jier acre. It only in cdt d Jn-t that sort of determination to do that tal tatOfM ;'ll thi> good foitune to our |M-oii1e. Our land*-, as readily ll lo foi mi r time*-, yield up their wealth tottan Uta lilt them with vim and coiistaiiev, and tin -> tire rich and varied in their products. This year's crop lin-; put our people itaad. and Will enable them to diversily theil crops, it iifi-ded 1 little Independence rad fit.dom Toni tin* oppreaslon of dobl to atait them in this linc, bul once in the way tin v arc then on thc Hire road to lUCCeM. MaeB preparation i- being made to ia \('<-i tables for the emly western mai kel. Our people arc going into the strawbeny, lie.in, and Irish potato liii-'in--. Tl lick patches are being prepared all around in this neighborhood. All this good fortune to om* plotters bal tad ki good effect ibo upon our town. Mer¬ chants are doing i I irger rad better boalnest this season than ITI r before. They laid in ra; l.cr I larger stock than usual lo the fall, but thought 11 raffle!) ol for thc trade, whik in fact they have sold out, ordered Mill mid sold out, and DOW ITI selling t he foin t!: itock to a lively trade. Nome More Chronology. I Detroit Kite I're-w.J Puring the year Ju.-t duned and inept over st Yeral things boppened which Will lHV«r ta mentioned in the dictionary ni encyclopedia, but should be renumbered bj the public all flic MOM. Thc nombi r of men who pulled theil guns toward llieni l>> the inu/./.'e \v;is about fifty. One trial will satisfy you that it ncvei falk. Kighlccn hundred nnd seventy-nine wm :t good year for Ita fool who polotl unload¬ ed revolver* nt his aunt and other folks. lit maivigcd to keel over about twenty vic'nn--, and is "real sorry" f«>r it. He wouldn't tan done lt for nothing, von know. Iudinir the dead yeal eleven paragraph- ers got off Jokes on ibe motber-In-liw, rad then softly sli|i|H'd into their last resting- place beneath thc willows. It ll well. No¬ body has tel ini-sed tin m. The number of orators who in IsTs begin tlieir-sr-eechi'S W)th .. Fellow-citizens of this .glorious country" was eighty-Are; the number in.1879 was only eighty .four. Let us be thankful for small favors and have hopes for the future. The kerosene Mil showed a decided falling nfl in activity, only seventeen females har- gild tip Ihe Ure. Of the one hundred mid lifty-two tame* holderi WhOiborrowed shot-gun* and timk dead aim at that "infernal c:it,'' three hit tin* cit, and tb*,* remainder knocked over sundi hoys and other live itOCfc, and are now Wondering howonearth they could possibly liave done if. Kightccn Ininti md and seventy-nine was i) -/nod year for deaf persons to go vi-it in*.-. Thirty-four of them took the railroad-track to save distance. The day express wm 011 time. TIk Jast year w/_ also noticed for thc number of persons who took 14 quiet smoke Kftef going to bed. fell ;islecj>, and passed Into a better land at the expense of in-or- hdi-i-co)»panics. A .day pipe and a cent's .worth of tobacco ive ali the outtit needed. Tlie number of kinv-heartcd people who went out hunt mg, tm-tonk a frieinl for a Wild turki* . fo\. or gtizzly bear, and pep- pered him .Lad. WM fourteen, with Rhode Island ti. Uar fiom. Beery one of them felt bad enough io city: but nUstlkn will liiippt-n tn.nil familit s. Thc sea - erpent w:is st en only nine times during 1S71». This may lafuenec some pil¬ lions to believe that lie is gradually dying out and will soon taOODC «.>;..tinct, butthATC is tm danger of it.not willi the pr.se'il brand oi sea-caj.taiiis. The number ot motin ia who left ral-poi- ?ton and othet mutti dom Where tin chil¬ dren could get mt them wm twenty-one. This ls a deeiihse over thc p.rettttt J ear. ind In the dim futiirc WOOMfctaJ any poe* fcibly realize the fi*-! that children, pata, rat*, cockroaches, sud tints are IMCeptlble to the same Influence*. During 187(1 only two households t»i-t<>..k the hired girl tor a bu-rglar and popped her dead. There i-4 MOMQ-Ueutly no demand fora national convention of hired girls to discuss the <jues»ion : .. Miall we wear bul¬ let-proof cornets and demand more wages ? " Tbe niiinU-r of men who suddenly and »n> -i4-ri4.n-.ly disappeared during 187i» wa-» very large, and tbe number who turned up after a turec-day*' drunk was perfertly amazing, and the returns are still coming in by every mail. Eighteen hundred and seventy-nine pro¬ duced no improvement in drawing teeth j no consolation for the man who has to have bis bair cut; no better method for break¬ ing in new limit*; no new route for embez- ilcrs to get into Canada ; no way of getting along on tbe street-cars except to .-tami .up; and no new way of getting back small loans. Considering as a whole, she wasn't anything extra ot a year, even for bad weather._ Sloppy weather up this way ls referred to aa slush. Down in Philadelphia they cali it kludge. In ltichmond tbey talk about mop¬ py streets. And yet we are all brothers.. Jt-We tress. Did anybody ever he:ir of ?.sludge" in Philadelphia beforet.Vhila- delphia Bulletin. Or "moppy" tn Richmondf According to tbe Syracuse Herald, in Scotland every man "who can afford it" geta drunk on New*Year's day. Here some get drunk who can't afford li..Buffalo Ex- forest. Doctor: "You munt drink claret to build up your system." Patient: "Ob, don't Mk me to do that. Doctor; I a.'o a wine »erthrat; 1 know how lt's made." na»MMMnnnnjnn--mi^^^^"7'1 - Cxnea^riitlon la Fl-mroo* As a fair example of the curiosity of sta¬ tistic, say* Spafford, the congressional librarian, " take the army of »erniiwhea lt cmssed the Hellespont lo Invade "recce Herodotus gives it aa 1,700,000 toot, 100,000 belie, and ftl7,000 naval lom.total, 2,31 .,* 000; nnd add* that this was swollen by tne, attendants to ft.800.000; and all this to I .. ride a country which in no age Know._ t0 history eonliimd over l,fWO.«ioo In Mn\x. ant*. Another favorite mvth of t»«' ,ror1.i*a(s is the story of that famous AU xandhan library of 700,000 vt-luin- *, 1 ,-urned bv UH Caliph Omar, A. P. 64(k with a rhetorical dilemma In bi. mouth, unfortunately for Ibis '.ilghlv dramatic »«le no two writers are atreed as to Mic circumstances, extept as to the sintrle tact that lhere was a library at Alexandria, and Ital lt ceased to cxt*i in Hie seventh century. To ask a modern inquirer to be¬ lieve that 700,000 tK.oks wen gathered in ont body 800 years before the invention of printing, while the largest library in thc world, four centuries after thc multiplici- tion of books by priuting l-egan, contained less than 100,Ooo volume*, is altogether too grett a stretch of credulity. Kven in re- pnrting ttii' s./.e nf modern lit>r:ir-i*--. exag¬ geration hold- sway. The library of George IV., inherit'd by "that graceless ignoramus from n heck nolhlWlng fainer, and pre¬ sented to the British nation with o-ttenia- tious liberality only after ta had failed to sell it to Uussja, was Mid in thc puli- licalion-t of thc llttM to contain ibonl lia.- 000 volumes. But an aelu.d enumeration winn the books were lodged in thc King's Library, tit thc British Museum, where they han ever ifece remained, showed that lhere were univ 10.860 volumts. being little Mon than half thc reported number. .Many libraries, public and private, are equally t.verestiin.icd. lt is so much easier to gut ss than to count, and tin Hern teat ol arithmetic is too seldom applied, notwith¬ standing the friet fbat lOn.noo voliitniK can ea-ily be counted in a day by two or three persons, and so on tn thc same proportion. Heit, as in the statistics of population, the same proverb holds good.thal the on- known ls alwin s Hie DMgnlfieenf. mid on thc surface of thc globe we inhabit thc 00- explored country is alwayi Ihe ino-t inar- rellOUl sine.- lin- wei hi began. Her lin.*:. M.- lins not Omni her liar si yet: Tin- .-..i.i.11 da-fa prllde bj: Tiley 1.1 ill,.' BO -.rrn-v-. tn l'.r_rt. Nor :iu> t'.iii-e IO lill). N" l.t-irl fur lu r'I. v.lieu made Tin- po* -Inn ne Minmi' ira liilnif: l-tiharme'l flu- walks, and iiiiiilt.-..ye.|. ghi lia. nm toiiii.I lit 1 killi*-. Wpm Mai 'i' lr tin.-- -.mi theirpoMt Sin- :ui ii. in Mora away. Tin ana mast bc ot d tr rent moaM she mri .-ir- -lu- « III '.'.- v 11,..1. ii i> ...j-1.1 ii'.ii-.r- and in laud*, Rica in m rarer ililli**. Tl'l'-l hy God atone, he st:in Iv Win.ni she will own lui* km;'. I'.nt when lie 6MB-S, tonie be Will, st rons to mppori. ami -muni, Willi aappllcauou that iball lill, Ibr -uni ii .'¦ .1 command, si" 'ii |i':i"t lei band in bia, and take \\ bat'er thi- world may brina, Proud ami content* tl for bia tate. Whoa** -he hell crowned bet km-.'. [Il'iriit r's Batar, Charles Limb remarked of one of his critic*. " The more I think of him, the tal 1 think of bin." iou 1:1; VI. 170R BENT OH LEASE, TU Efl* F-PLENDIU PTO RI". <*. nu r lt. \ m li .in.ll__ \i <iii street*, ow sad for nany rears occupied ny M1--1-. Tin.m.'- i*. Price A t*.'. as » Wry gooda bouse. Tats ls '.neel the b-tnlfome and lanita) tlotese.it M.iin itreat. sad 1- Hied up wlib nbelriuir. e.iniiiei-. Af. The i>¦-.inuit I- an elegant one. Im ntopertj will be rinted fora reaaonable price, in, .I ie I-.'-*..- Im. Riven 1 Sill'liv ol' Anni. Apply to ltoill CRT ll. I.YM'. j-, h-1 w 11. I'_ Main alreei. 1/OI1 UK-NT. THK SECOND ANDf- l Tlili.'l) Kl.oi'lts t iii. 1 ni ul -lie.li t.ri-vii DWELLING No. 411 uoiih Elgblb street, adloin* los uei connecting witb Mts. Doral's boarding boure. Referenceaexcb-tnircd. App'vto ja 811_CHA ¥VI\. STAPLES A (tl. I\\Vi:i.laIaN(iS FOR RENT. <**> \... us t.-i-t Prank Un alreet, «ih ten ro ins. Ko '_17 tut Main street, uiih niue rooms. \n '_**5 -.'.nh Sei'.il'l sii-iet (W'tvi-rly I'l.ir ). xvi li *-*lx nioiiis. N<>. 107 r. ii h Second street, with dahl room*. No. IPS ' n-i 4 .irv itreel, with four rooms. N».*_l if. tn*-) Broad linet, wi betabtrooqia. -mai.j. DWELLING in Kidney mb* /. "li<'-, milli f-.ur r.oin-. HWKI.I.IM. "ii Poptor itreel neut- Chesapeike ami t Kiln raiin ad, DWELLINOorer Mrs. Waltoe's, Broadaad Tblrd stn Ms. STORES. LARGI STORK corner of Coy and Twelfth -.trett (ItlHekmiir's nlnee). STORK tm Tenth street adjoin in,- Pani Baraa* lulu's. STORE No. (si'3 Mala street, between i- it-luli ami Ninth all etta. STORE on Math side ol Broad batween Third sad Koiirili mreet 1. STORE nu Goreraor street between Mala -1<«*>«1 Franklin. STORE on Cary sinai tex' to Tivoli Saloon. in .-iii-nti .11 lo Un* sbove, we bare **M\l,L DW&LL1NG8 sad stokk-* tu rations parti "S» il., eitv. GRURR8 -v WILLIAM*.. ja-rt JMKiat_ 1J»OH RENT, THAT DESIRABLE** Sililii: AM) DWELLING al nm ll.e.-i-l __i e.iiinr of st. Jota'i anti (mills atrcett, mltable for a reinii iiii-ine-.-. Tin- bone baa Jual befn painted and inn in perfect repair. Anniv t" JulIN I. I.eD'ilN. Real Estate Agent, Ja -fleodt-ll Rank hui) I-"I. \. nih -itrteU. I?OU MIST, FIVE ROOMS. WI Tl I/ft* KITCHEN ATTACHED. Iti dwella* :4t ____ ihe in rthwi-t corner ol Franklin ...el Sixth --tret t>. Heiu \er\ rcaaonablc. Applj n JOHN I. GOODIN. Real Estate Am nt. Ja tl-.It_Dink ami Kiev, .iii vie, (-. ^H)R REM', THAT DESIRABLE.» AM) WELL-LOCATED RESlDhNi I; ii l__ ibe -.unit asl ecru, r of 4"*si\ ami Ninth atre-ets. c in laminar ulm- tooma, N-i.!. 1 kitchen. The lexi-e bal reeenily lieeii painted .uni nut In j.-.m.I r. pair. l;. ut very low. Apply to John t GOODIN, Real Estate tgi nt, Ja rt-St Hank and Eleventh streets. ttTAHLE FOR RUNT OR SALK.ff** O The prnperlv OB (.nvernnr Street next (OKS HM Wtiio hiiihlfTI';. Ai.nlv to TltuMAs DUKE, In.. Illili^*_Xo. !?>_(, Kr.-iiii.liii -ii.I. F^oR RENT, BRICK DWELLING gi No. 411 nnrih Seveinh stree!. I. lue. u__L vi u-iiaii iiu.i ci.'.r. To a rood tenant rentren i"«. Ain.lv ni-kt OuOIt oral No. 1700 Ma naiiret. dt-IS-lm_H. ASlll lt. OF F I CK 8 FOR RLN I- TWO-fl LARGE.WELL-LIGHTI O.and WELL-EI VEVTILATMl) ROOMS, 011 brat door, orer Yan- e..* bookstall. No, 111. Main -tn-ei. snltablefoi laarfcra or dentlats. Apply atittapafcA ofllce. au 7 ll 'KO.I .'in.lil.VVHUll ,'. OLIOAY GOODS] NEW GOODS! .NOT-MlN-t-i VLB OV TBAAHY.EVERYTHING Of THK l.ATK-T DEHOBIb. mt, VI.A( Hl-ft: VAsr.s.t OLOGRI METS, tc; DI "XUDUi: UttNAMl-M*. At V, CB VtiKLK VASKK, BOUQUET-HOLDERS, ftc. 1 I; 1 DIHCSMf POOQCICT* am! 1-i.uWKIt- VtiaMl-, TERI TiAN I asms, ORNAMENT!, Ac; UKI vj >r_l<) QSMAMRNTI,ftl.; IIOUKM'IAN RARES, OOLOOMI sKTs,_t.; ( ll l\ KS * VASKrv AC.; JAPAN! *t »OXt-4,TK.*U"8.Ac; M\.lui lt 'A.ta I"**- «ie.ii:ii;. .il hali d-nu. r pricea ER] NOR »^ PHUUM BERNER*, TEA-, an TOILED Mitt HARLBMRtl AWawBe-DlbBAWM < OFTER!, UARLEOlnN U^A-uad DR_a_RT*8E 19, jai'anm:d (111 Ri IE! min I Tl fWI tits. The alKiviArc nW** *!¦*" fo«" laSparttno. Ra 11 j Ml he formed nf tl^ farter*. *»f> con*, ami KM-. K.ij. TAiL-oiMOH Malaatia*st lt. C. SiTTo*.'. *s %p»*ta*iu ... H OLIDAY CTILVA GOOD8. lill LATEST NOVEL TIE* IN THF. WAY OF GLASS AJIO'JWTTERT. AMKEH CRAfRLI (iLA.**; , ELORENTINE tJLAss-.ji.ly a few piece* lu thi, (KKK (.i-As-i.-ihicli tonk th* Keaiiuiu oT«r the I*. .1;. ii.l ii : HAMLEOl'IN. A. 1). COFFEES «»d DUSLKT SETS: KKlXI I'LA'l ES-lvurv iititlv-j. Mnethtnif nt-*; |iEii)ltATEI» DINNER SETS-: tink*, pattern; i ll \MHEi: sEiS-Minltiii-vgrlel v ot pa'.tcrua; TEA SETS-all J..Iee- ai,.j ntylwi. Will have o|#m**J "" the *9th INSTANT the larjte»t axaort nient of Wt lltt'E .-TER .DRESDEN, ANO LONGWY WAKE ever exiiltn t**l. and en¬ tirely new 'ie-.l_n>. GEOItOE lilli--' »N, JU.. de 81207 Mi" -tr-.,--. APPLE BRANDY, RUM, FRENCH IIRANDIES. COOKING-WINE, GELATINE, RYE WHISKEYS, CAR--GOODI, aud a W4-1I-4U U cted atoek nf CHOICE GROCERIES for the holidays. For aa'e br (kll-lui JOHN M. HIGGINS, i ^J^^J*t*Ut^^^^t^^^i. Bf poindexter A tctptmr. rMt tsmBtt Arrntean-l -vnciloueeM, 1200 Main al reel. FiaoOTom 1*1*1 of the 1'F.r- VjsiiNAL PROPERTY Of THE LATE B«R- RORA RUCIIBKB, AT HIS LATE Bl^mKN^K- Kf»WTIIfcA**T CORNER BROAD AM FIFTH RTKEKTS lUP-STAIIIM.- HT .^""'¦"V,\r{ "j.] (.t mm «PI tell f.v iiir.ii ,i...a HM i:""l».V"t.Ja"i- u *r% r"b. st 1<V tfcMtck A, M.. Hu.* follow I nie pro- r*erly a* ohtroe: ....,..- «i cl-t« 2 NKW III.MK WAI-Nd ( HAMIL II bKTS to "Uipl-trt: I MAlltXiO'.V VV,Vl'I»IJOKI. , SECTS NKW DINING-ROOM CHAIRS (of tu- per1..r qu.'l'yl. CARPET*. MATTING. RTOVE*. r.M Lt mik INT. -OL AgSKS, "SOFAS. Mil NC.F--.Ac. I * \i- Cash. PolXDIIXTRR i Tl-PPFR. ',n, AaetMustri. RI AI. I-HTATK AT Pilli ATI. SAM.. liv Pnindfi.fr A lui!', r. Real KM a ie Aeent* sad Aw iiouetrra, 111 | Mr.ln sired. IABG1 RICK~TOBAOU0 FA<-flT* J TORY at (turban*, I'ltUylvania ronni***- BLI Hire.' -i..m<-: t!ir.<- lem of ground: iw.ionthou***.; s'ai.'c: and well of water. IUe Btati r.-.iHiia for Jn8-f*Od8t ' ^ l''< INDI XTF.K A Tt'PPKIt. WE II A VF FOB BALE I'KIVATKI.Y ti.,- roflowlns KK.M. ESTATE: '.">.' FEET RIVER-FRONT (old "iiirtr refinery) In R-y«?J.**-j ll ri Kl -an Franklin oatwe-nKerond and nnr.i atreeta; TW*. KUALL iil.'lt K DWELLINGS, t-talit rooms radi. will, all ¦ met i, luipno. ir,, i.i*. Um north tide of t .-irv Niwi.n Ma* ii-, i* aa -I Bom- df-re itrreta, 'i sam !>. ".nt i".r -I.-i'.t*. CAMPBELL A WHO ILCRAFT, Sj r,Am IK'* Main "T.. t M KIAL BISTATE AfiLNTS. (>m:y loankd uroNcrrroR sururbas beal estate (lil tol I.A I KK.Vl.s. RIAL ESTATE lt kn tko 001 AND BERTI COLLECTED. ADVA nc:*:¦. maui: <>N RESTS. HOUSES WI i>. BUILT, and BEPAIBED, ii^.n small monthly laalalm nt". HUNDRKDs eiK FARMS PUR BALE. Anarrlor Virginia Land Gntdt. i,Km:*.i. te. CRAWFORD, *a8*i- .1 -ttn I'i.'.*. lio.K -tn .1. J ulIN H. GODDIN, BEAL ESTA! I. .O' NT, AUCTIONEER, ANT) NOTE-BROKER. Haying rented tba otlces Ho 1106 f.i-t Mstn ctreet, I offer myaervlrne lo mv frlende and inc public aenerally, uromlMns thal aoy bnai^ioa en¬ trusted t-> my care aimil have my per* nal and promi i n!. ni on. Re ate "Li privi.t. ly ii 'l by nu,-ii ,ii. hou c rented, rent* collect. .1 and prompt returni marie. Loan* ueaotlatetl on real *-t.t. and collateral*. Commercial paper bought nod Mild. Deed* drawn, Ac. JOHN M.GODDIN. In* iim'inii. .l.t..., rj z. 1880_Ja 3-flt 1880 CHAFFIN, 8TAPLE8 ft < <).. ¦-<< 1880 V^ I-"" 1880 BEAI. ESTATE AGENTS, SS |>8I AUCTIONEI Itt*, ."-" logo e*-i> I-*"11 1880 LO A S BROKER*, -" 1880 NO. 1 NORTH TENTH 811tEi:T, l!*^1 RICHMOND, VA. 1880 la 1.0*12*_ firE TAKE THIrt METHOD OF BE- il TURNING THANK? lo onr friend*snd ihi public in K.-ncrii for iii-ir v. rv liberal i*n ,.,:,. nfldence beatowed Upon ii- In the patA, aud 1* ectftllly ri 1, .1 .-..ir'lrru oir-i- "!' Iii- We sive our uriel era mal attention lo BELLING, RENTING, AND EXCHANGING REAL E81 ATE, In tbe elly and rorre-undlrur cnunth . Oar char**-** ar i" ke< pins wi. h ihe i un-. Cad andi -i- ii- iref. re maklni for thc Inc .mu.? year. ( ll KW NI Nt; i Iii >-l". Rt al Eaistc A-'.-.. *. and Vir Hoi de25-Sw N....". ii'-iti Tenili atreel. W \ * I ¦¦* WANTED, SUFI 1:1:1.1:-* from PILES, FI-8UKE, and Kl-I fl. A to renu inber thal Dr. W-K. KM ITU. of Ral I.re. will he I Itlcbmoud s.v'l f l:l» AV MORNING.J muary fm- reniali Ins tin, ,| c.-. u ki- i:. 1119 Main -tr- I, np Curoa willmot * knife, lIsa<ute, **au*llc," or any painful |." LADH H atti nd al ihi lr rc :. deuce* Sari fketonr referencea given ll r -. J:i8-4:»_ WANTED, A i.'OLORED BOY TO !><> .,1 NI RAL WORK 1BOU 1 ll! ll«.l>!.. Mu»t come well rccommcnrled. Apnlj lo ALI X VNI.l.i; VV ERST. Ja 8-11* corner Third snd Broad ret-in. TIT A-NT ED, A SUI A'u7T\ j 5 y a t\ VIM. HAN of experience i*. j i:rocery. ot -ii,,*--' art. Beal referenre furnished, a- j:, B*8f_ KEV EN LY. j rkr ; o '.'. tt'AN 'ED, A BETI I -1:1 > COLORED y\ NURSE. Mnst come well recommended. Ap- 11, ia vv. (,. *"i (ii< i.s. :.i A. V. Btokei .*. t ...'-, Thirteenth atrect, .hfi 21"_ \\rAMi:i). A SEHVAN'T TO CLEAN fl Hui's!: AND SEW (German or li!-ii pte- lerrtd). Apply at No. 810 ea« Cia) treet. _IJ.7--2H_ Dir ANTED, BOARDERS TO OCCUPY T> A FURNISHED FRONT ROeiM. Brut floor, In a di sirai.lv located bouae .ni Grace -n..t. Ad- dre » W. K. .1.. .In 7-3! curt' ("artier No. 10. W~~ANTKD. 1»V A FAKmT.ROF LI Fid- LtlNG Xl'l ." IM KN ("K. it HITUATION HANAG KR. He nudernlanda ihe can of tot k and thc repair of r.-irmlo-* Implement*. ulldlu-r. Ac. 'r w*-u!d accepl h altuatlon as manafrer of labor ii am 1 in lin- ri tv. a Koodacco'tiniant.i.I peraonal a*!* 111 -s. anil *cood ref* rencva. Without In. nmbrauce. Address ¦.FARMER," Ju (i-.-u* No 17'2'J Main afreel. Rlchmoud. A YOUNO MAN, WHO <AN GIVE J\ THE BIRT CITY ANDCOUNTRY REI i:- KNCE.de.in to M VICK HIM>ELI PROKK HAT IN SOME BUSINESS.and to thal ead v i.i word for an employer wltboul reuiunerailon. Andrew " EARNEST NE88." j-i c, si« care <*f Din ¦¦'¦'¦ thee. W A N TE D, TO LIND SEVERAL THOUSAND DOLLARS ON CITY REAL ESTATE IS* ANY AMOUNT! DE8IBZO. CHA BO RS BATI8FAC1 ORY. J. THOMPSON BROWN, ia 6-10t HIS Main -'ic!. WAN I Kl), A MAN EXPERIENCED IT In the management and care of Hock and dalry business. vi-*>. a WoM.N ri- HOUSE¬ KEEPER ;in 1 nndentandlnn fowl-ral-ln*/. Ad- draw FARM, Richmond post-office, with rcfen nee. j 1.'Mw*_ 1NYANT ALI* TO CALL WHO CAN t ace iii.i large itock of CHRISTMAS OOeiDs, ron*i*lln« **i" china. i,i,\-. 1 vm.: .1 1- l.ll.V. PI.ATED.WARE. TIN-WARE, WOOD* KN-WARE, JAPANESE (JOO*»s. teal li. II. IF ALL vi I -. <\e9 48fl :"¦" WOODCAND 4'U\l TMJECHASKBa WANTED EOR BEST J SPLINT COAL. REST ANTHRA< 11 Ki "Al liKsj KORK-T IMM ard OAK H'tMlD. BKS1 ( I vir.i.lti.ANl) COAL, REST WKST VIRGINIA BTE *vi COAL. B. P. I v HROl'. ¦ta IS _m v* nliciitii ~ir.-<-1. at <li:iiv-liri.lyc. ttOAL AND WOOD..Flrat-clflM AN* 1 Tl 11: A < nfc, all Omeo, um tl H010 84.79 pei lon. Beal SPLINT and CLOVER IHI.Lofail klndu, *:i.:.t..*-i *4..".U. ;in*l *4.7n. SftFI I'OKI all k:n.|s Of KN".INK lull, 1'INI *u.| OAR Wi .till from fl .".11 t" *4.;.n pei.rd. t«r.l*rs im.i«iHly lille! tn.in-lill, i- yard. Ilrond rtnei, be¬ tween Suvtnlli anl H-rlrlii. *.r 1900 e arv .tr*.-i. <!. 1 X_<". tl. I'AtiK. 3 B. hawes.... isru ANi. Cart, AMTHRACITK < OALI COALBURG SPLINT COAL I >TKAM ( OALSI OOH WOOD, IfMf and sawcl: FUKL t* KVKItY MBCRIPTIOS. S. ll. I! wv I:-. Kijefuee-nth mut (ury .sti.-ue. Order* by telephone or ott,'rrj," procemttt ottomdon to. mr a pOAL SOLD HY Wi;i(.IIT._I hsvs In v./ my yard. Twenty-a^t r-tr.. t between Main j and Franklin. 1.0(>o lona ANTHRACITE COAL, all slz.-., and !>e*4t|ualltr.a.i.l will be MM for (*a*.li .v-i!i.ai.ii> .-ni I*. tMiuifi.t. PINK and OAK WOOD »-l.l l'n.m #3.50 le fi-tOB«r eoret llratfch yard n Kteenlh and Carriuetoii r-tttets. E. P, MURPHY, ti*' ,1(l-eod_No. j Twenty-first .tm-t. VITIKT BOBIBT8, BEVENTEENTB ft rmi ("art. M reels, dealer lu beat rjtUtttl AN- TIIR1CITK '("(.Al. of Ml fit*:*: HAST IlANK BPI.INT COAL: CLOVER lill.I. anti VII!.!.... TH I AM LUM Panel BAIL. Alaa. CUMBERLAND COAL if,' Hie .-ar-ro e>r lu small loll to Mill pur- (.baat-rs. OAK aud PINE WnoM. WHIT Re IRE RT-., Sa*rt**sleanth and C4rv Mreeta. Order* by Telephone ur oiiierwl*.- proinj.tly at* tended 10._ct l:i-fiiii PU. CABBINUTON. . DEALER IN EAST.RANK RPLItfT COAL, ANIIIRACITF. COAlv.all »l/*a; SMITH- and ENGINE-COAL, LtiNO or BLOCK vv.»(.!>. My mat'/ili.i -lucp.na ht\ Ml Vi* WOOD 1.. ii- 11 re Iv fret, of knoU. Offlc*-«: 1719 Cary aad corner Jeffer-fcn ant* Broad .tre-n.. omer* by tclrpnone, itUenn,, or otheri*-** ai^evit* lr Ulled. M 27 -tJ^jmmTuMwdawgtU, *actt°?°*J' No. 10 Governor Awtbtsi *»*> »,r"u ci AI F OF FIRS1 t iTUi FIJBN ITU RE, SVfsi: HANI, ^X(ELf,KNT CAItlE.,. ,1,-nrr «**. al-ovei "' V'J ". .Ty- FURNITURE H>*,o'clnel.. all of hu ELhGANi wvmmnt mm, 1 anpRlOlf RO-EWOOD CASE 7*-o<TA VE 1 'jmvn.i. ,,Car.l.*l a. one of tne MM tootra* 1 ^iK'viM-rrVn'MVNTEL-MtRRORS, hand- K,^;'A.o;:ir,ci.AM.iER. .«d dirirr* 2 ,JlrtMSOLIDPRSE\TOOD PABLO! BUIT8- Fx.,'u",lt,'LACE.. IIRTAIR* CORNICE, and IjJlSo^eOAK HALI. ^\'T?- .f.,,. . .,.<,. Th« rtuaiben are ruratafcfdl «-».pLe_eMV"l ! v* v sive HOBAWOOO. WALNU [."4*4Hfh.an. -I I is. locetber »Rd KINE HAIRM *»T1 REMEd, BEDDING. BOLSTER*, P IL I. rt- ff*J,_Wfton P-rii'-uuraiieiiti'ii *- catted to lae BO -Ey . h hi SI ll', a'IU-. v< ry niavlve and Laud "«..'*. ImvIii,- C""t *'{!<i';li- DlNTN'ii RO'iM Hill l--f.ui.-l 1 very -.ret tT OA K-.M A lt III. E-T«>}' Rt- F FETI OAK DINING-ROOM aa i LIBKAR1 l< IIAIIts \\ ALNUT Ex'l ENSION-TABLRi WALNUT REFRIGERATOR, wilt WATER* i I ti ll b V ll,,,-, m WIRE* sad 'lOU.E.cl.'.T'ls: CHINA sll.\ l.i:-l'l. VU D. and ..LA-t-N ARE. l laraeOAK Kiln:lt;Ki:a I K: OIL-) Lt-.IH. FENDl IW-ITO*! E9: _____ 1 WAI.NIT UH'H E-Dh.-h. and LErihL- ritl->-. AC. Al. , Tlie Minl'iirc nelli? Of the bast 'fiOity and IO gnat a varteiv as io rentier a proper description inu-o.it'it*. iii.- n-i'iiace trUI bo mr-.wu apea oa Vt i-.DM.-DA V. 14tli l'l-lai.t. Ir-.ui IO A.M. lol I*. M to eiiai.lt* Hie pu'die IO make StOoroafn ex- anili allon. -it. lal attention ii called lo Hi MM. HM PO l- Hve. iKiiMs: C.mh. JAS. MACDOUGALL, Auctione. r. E. B. Cooa, ¦__lili?,,_iyL:_Ja g Tint-ut'd Bt ... Thompson Brown, Real EStaMAfSBl and Ane'Ilo'itcr, ll lt aaa! MaaiattaM. ITOUSTEES* SALE OF FOUR HOUSES 1 AND LO] ON WEB! CART STREET. WEST OF I ililti:*! -li:, li -Kv rirtae of two deed*. ol'llll-t. CX'-eUHd liv ( liar..- Ko.tl and n Kw. (lie Orallo Hartman. tRraat. and Browo, trustee*. Ac, dan-'! lld Novetn'.i r. 1S77. and recorded la Ibo HtChtnOBd Chancery I oiut. D. H. Ill A. p. 1741 .¦iel lie- -.. .:. 1 lo Meanie*) and Taiinali, ti ll -'. dated 18U) March, 1678,and ne mled lu ibe Rich¬ mond Ciancvry Oonrt, D. ls. USB, !¦.._._.¦.. lose* rare certain obllmitloiM, and wbeiea-i Default lias !.- .n read.. ann benia required -.«lo io bj the bi ne* lie-Sili-. are «ili -'I', on the i-rdni '-. "ii MON* DAY. .linn, iv 19, 1880, at 4 O'Clock I'. M.. Ol'* PROPERTY described In both deeds as before re* '..rr. .1 IO. Said properly fronts 68 feet on then rthMdeef| Cary -lreft, :iiid inn. back between i-arallel lines lie.' to i.n .ill. v IO ie-: wide There I- ¦_ii--i» .aid 1.1 I HIM 1*. Il"l -Es Iii-,,ti:.,-'-n tar- - r, et, and noe la ther ar. The property l- ten -l ..> ^.... tenant'. 1 be lum-ei will bc ¦ li separately If de* -in.i. Tabus: By content «*>r ail part las. ono I'minli east): balance al four,right,ant! twelve luontba,In- I n.i. -i ad'le,I, ami - cured ny -t deed "t tiu-t. II. C. (.. H IRTMAN, .ll i.Ii -ii.v.r-. .1. THOMPSON BROWN, 1 ru*tee Qr t d< d. .1. A. MKANLEY, W. ll. TALMAS. im ih- ecanddeed. .1. Thom rs on Bhown. Am Hoiiet-r._ja 8 r.y. J. iii mp on Brown, Real Estate A*reo1 and Auctioneer, lilli casi Main -tr. et. rpBUSI FES1 S.\LE OF F B a M E .1 DWELLING ON VENABLE STREET BE- i u i.i-.n ROBE AND 1 W i: S TT-ril I ll .- KEI is. M> 1428..Bl virtue of a deed of trust from lt. T. Wo.,..;; io u-e undcr-d-px-d nun. doted Cli Anyu.l, 1 h18, and r corded In ihe Blt mond t liaiie. r\ ( ... ii h. ii i ia R, -., . -_-*i, to -. e u re 11'it.iU bond iii. rein i peel Ht d. and wheres*) .1 fault haa li ti matle. and I ina required -.. ;.. .i«. nv ihe lieut lie i nv. we -aili«.,- i. on tue nremlae*, nn -\|l IIDA1 . .1 .tu.- ii v 17. l.-.-.i. SI 4 .-.¦.leek P. IL. l.e id.A'. ESTATE de cribed lu taldilead. os i'.ilui\-i "Thal 1-.. ..i land In Ibe cltj of R|eb- :. -.-I with In.prorementa I hereon, bel hr boase 128 Venable sireeL Hald lot front» 30 feel on the m.. :n -nie of Vtnaiii -in i. between Rote and Twentr-fl -ii -ti<.-. :n'. 1 rnuibacli between {Aral- - .-.*. i t i.i a,, alley *^n reel wide." li hms : Catii it-1" . spciisi - oi iale and i '.7.".. 12. ..uni ihe Lit .ni'*' "'. H 1.1 rm- si will be aiinoiinu-d .ii !. bi the irai lor or irosti II. < . t. ll UM MAN, ) .Ul.Il - BTRAI -. /Ti .1. I IIOMI'dON URiiWN.) J. Thomp os miowx, Am loneer. lu 8 By J. Tboiap'on Brown, i: al Es*ati a.-rn, 11171 Mm, -uni. rpRUSTEES' SALK OF TWO-8TORY 1 i-:;*M: DWELLING-KOUR l:<i"M-AND KIT) HEN.ttJM .-l\i ll ITREET. N AV 1 ll 11.1. - i'.v rlriueof ailee ul trusl from .'¦ bu I'erklniand wife io lin- undi iljtned, ii ii-.e. -..I in .: --ii Nov.-. - b--r« 1877 ind recorded la the Richm mdChanct rv l url. D. d-l'.'.i * 111 A. l-ii-.'! 211. 10 CUM I f r- t ,i-i bond, :.u whereat default bat been made, aud i.i ina r- Quiredaoto .. by ihe lum-fl. iai j, we aili Kelt, on the le.ii.t- on lli:-H\V. J .in-nrv ll. Ig80, i.i 4', I*. M.. Ibe Bf AL ESTAT I de cribed ;n ii.-- s-.lid deed '.r ii* i-' si foll n i: ..! bal Ll »T ni LAND frontlns B-l reel on ihe ».. .ideol Sixth -ii.e. north 'i n.ii.i ne.i. uni, i'WO-iSTORY i i: vme D\\ t LL] SO -v,11. lom- rooms, sad kitchen with two rm ¦ ."' iM--: i .. ii i lot m if salt iud He :. d tbe bal bee on such ti nu- ai will be announced vt ile ii\ the t--r.n.nu* or ii hi H.t .ti. ll in \| \s. JU II - -IIIAI -. .1. riiii.Mi'.-uN BROWN, I ll .1. TiliiMl'stiN IHtfiwX. Aiieiloii'er. J-i s By J. I le.in,. . n Hr..nu, Real Estate Agent. llllaaal Mila Kieeta T E E 8 ' SALE OF A TWO* FRAME DWELLING CONTAIN¬ ING -l\ ROOM* ON SEVENTH STREET. N IV- HILL. BETWEEN I'REBTON AND BATES STREET!*..Br vlrtu« of a deed of trust ii,.in Joalah Crump to the undertlgntd iru tees, dated i7di January, l-7.s. and recordnl in Hm Richmond.han i > Court. D B. lilt,', p. 144, to lecur. a certain bond therein described, and wbere> .- di Tiiiit Iii- been mane, and being required -.. to do hy the benelciary, wewin ell. on (ht di un SATURDAY, J-.nuary 17. 1 *_80. at 3 o'clock, tb KIAL EbTAI I '..-. -ill.. 'I i-i deeil a- fol¬ low!: That LOT Of LAND lu the city of Rich¬ mond "u th<- we Ide of *- renth itre< bet wei 11 I're.-ion and Bates streets, fiontin-: Dfiecn feel ind tunnlns back between parallel In - -_-4 r<. 1 t.. au allei -.-.!. iii en reel wide, with EHAME DWELL- INO th re m. li:;Ms: »;,-!i :i- n, 1 gpen '¦- "t ale ind#S69. ii el ibe bala un* "ii -iieh terms ¦¦ will bc auuoun i.i .-.ale by thc iranmr <>r tru-n H. ( JI .1. ¦I. THOMI'S-iN liUtiWN*. Au.-tloiu-.r_li I- ByOrubtMl WllBaau, Real Estate Agents aod Auctioneer*, Eleventh street between Main snd Hank. rpei sti:i>" salTTof a VER_ val. 1 LIABLE l.\ M IN HURRY COUNTY, "N vmi.- BIVI !:. Al ami ION ll) rlrtue ol ¦ deed of tru-t to the und. r-ivied from i:> -..« t D. lard ana William Dillard, nu ... .dated L'eeem- li IO. 1876. andr* corded in ile- clerk 'a offlee ..1 Hie ( *, univ Court Ol -il n y e. aili' \ . we w iii e '.\ ii tilt m. iii Sum C"lltl loll te, "ll III -DA V..I a li u- sry87.1880(thal i"*it.*.' court-day).al Ho' lock .M.. :i non ion of itu- real estate conveyed in laid deed.to wit: Thi EARMkn wn a- RlpM.'o, lylne ..:, both -id.-- ol --.-- ii.'- I'oint road, conialnlns -IX III N HID A NH TWENTY-ONE AND I ll lit. K- t-'.ll.TIi- ACRES; 121 balance In oak aud pinewood. The DWELLING. widen la n*..' miles from Dillard**) wharf. I one; contains ereu lar-te rooms, wph w|.k balls ¦nd airy mm un belo-a and abore stain. It I- twt i -ie art white maible mann ls In tl Itu-, lt i-fow:, ,| iviiIh im. ii id i- hiv, odie- ,i. The eiit-ii mi.!:. ii- ia*.- nop I ban ample foi tbe place, sad are In good repair. The od n idiiiiiy iiiinroi.-j. iiini ahoaad in marl ol reri Bne qualliy. There i- a unan \ of rord-woo-i ;i!,.| mu.-ii line iiiui-ei for ship buddina and othei pur* pone*. 'I i.i: m- : Hy c mi ''ii- - i. fi ur' li .a li: bil one and two yean for neaotiabie t---;- t; per ceut. n.i- n -* addi d, .eur. d bj ¦ di ed of trust. A i. al "i the rei* ny ran le al iheof tbe auctioneers. ROBERT ll. JONE*-*, Ju., BAMI 1.1. bTEVl NS. i raines. i.i7i i:i;s .t. Williams. Am loneen. M8-ll.ll.ll-t i s_ I.IVEMY AAD MALL'S MA lt 1.1 N. HEADQOARTKRfl K.I7 TllK SALE OP BOBOMi Mt I BB, ' \RRIAGE8, BUOQIISi AND WAQOX1 AT Al'CTION AT UCBMOaO BAZAAR, 1438 AND 1440 FRANKLIN STREET, RU HMOND. VA. Tliesuix tsBmt tiar. niteit up in connection frith bis exleiisl ve ItlblW one of 'l.e BXMI ( UM PL ITE ANDCO^VENIENT BAZAARS o lu-found i n tills eouiilry; add havlii-c every fa¬ cility for tin* aeeoiniiio.laiioii or st->ck, n-ajie-.-ti'ully SoUclts e.iu.-i_. 1 mulls ol' lIORSKft. MUUM, AND VKHH II s of every kin-1, |iroim-iu-f that ill Work. Itt..toa .lentil to him iliad have every alteiitluii, and tn* lum- promptly in ade. Libkkal CASU skDVANCtS made when mi ul red THK ( ARhlAliE IMf PARTMENT embraees eonilKtunt nm of alasoat every rariely o -.ehleli-n for pleasure -ind work-puriMiaes, m* also HARNESS of everv o **-*-crl pl ina. AM artlelea in Hr dei-artmeiit will be sold at lowest wholesale tiiaiiufaalurers' prices, and In no in-sunce will any -I.-*, uiion from suth prloe.* be made. Parties wi-li- Iuj/ topurrlia.se will nnd lt to their Interest iv ex¬ amine ititi stock of vehicle*, dc. My STABLES are uaw, of LAHCR CAPACITY, and afford every con veulenee i-*r drovers. Parties uVslrlua io purchase for their awn tue or tbe trade will Hud a larfe stork to select ii.-in. At- noa SAj>rs everv WEDNESDAY aad tAT- t'RDAYat 10 o'clock A. M. _ JOHN B. DAVIS, Proprietor. E. R. Cooa. Auctioneer. C. i. AiaUCN, Maitster. mi IT rr B V > 1 STORY lir.imi'1 or 11 u i.'. H un sj in, / ll I.ll - MllAI -. >Tru lt.- I. THOMI*SON BROWN.) AtTCTI-RIf RALEM.Fntnro Bayi. | By J. Thompson lirown. Real Eatate A." nt aud Auctioneer, Ul" Main a!reel. rfiBU8TR9 .sauTof FOUR HTtirK 1 STORES. WITH DWELLINGS AKOVR.CRR. TR Al,I.Y LOt'ATED. BEING ON FOURTEENTH STREKT RETWMCN MAIN ANO Ki!ANKI IS ""IK11-, ANO OPPOSITE Till". EXCHANGE Hull.I..-tty \lr ii" ol' a .I.. .I of timi frnni (tentl* mia ll*rn* tt lo Mie HBderalaood trftoteea,elated 'J7ili v.nciii!*..r, 187^. anl nw-ord.*.' In Iii.- derk'- ..tl!.-., or Ki* iiuii. ml Clian.'i-rv Cou ri. ll. ll. ll "I II.. BtWC IBO. t" Berrara a eertalo Deco* tabl aoi( for int um ..f M.OOC ihcieln mfiitlciK'i. ;ii..l -.luria, dofanll ha*. b«'cn n'a.lf In Ike uavtncnt f said noi**, nn.l LeliiK n quired mi to rio, vve -.linii tell. *.n thc bretni. "i ¦-. .ii I WI ARV" CM ll, al lS'o'elOCk M.. the fol. t-awlng PROPERTY, deacrlhed lu "aH *i... <i a*. r.,|. l*iws:'*Ai| that lot of lam), nilli all tu*- Improve. iiif ut thereon, lu lin- city of Rtehmc-nd.oa iii-* weat lin.-of K.r.ii ici-utii strn-. .in,i bounded aa f< Commenetnir on -ralf] wet lino nf Faorteanifa itrroi flo f.t-t lo inches souiii of Franklin .-tn-.-t: thence niniiii.i'-'.liiiiw.irdiv ind frontlai* thereon 79 feet, and ru*.iiln-; ft.irK txtwrep f. irnil. I linea BO ff( i«I. ir Lott Rda, B, 3. ,-iii*i 4. im*! tu*. Mme r.-.l eatate deviled io the mM Mewirnbi Barnett by will of P. A. Prlodle.*- The Imnr venn nts on (Ll pro- iM-rty e..n-1-t of THREE f* MA I.I. BRICK MTORI --. willi .lwfill. i*« al*ovr. .-.ii.l ONE *.TONE-FRON THREE-STORY BRR K BTORE, adjoining WU* liniu ifnir Ricinr'l ..ii,.K-<|. Tbe atore will be hi separately, ah ext (.'-111*1.-.1 i.y (*eK>**t-ptf1o-f ten¬ tata. li.tMs: Ca ii u lo u ea of rate and to nov oft ,i h. .tc amounting lo84.000. with Inf real there¬ on fruin ld 7 li dav of November, l>"7'.i. t.. tale. s|i.,ui.i ** maenl of all parttea be oMal led bt the day of .al.', wc will ion-( nt to ibe lenna bein** thangi il io OW fourth ca li: ...Iiiu-i- in *.(*<. twelve, rm elabtri niii uu.i iii 0 r cent int. reaf. ecun <1 br deed of tn -i. J. II. MONTAGUE, L. E. BROWN. 'Ira ¦" .i. it*i"'i-..)\ r.nowv, Vuetl -ti- er. j. >". Ry Clullln. Stipli-. I ( ".. Real tetttht Audits ami AnettOtaeeitS N". l north Teiuii.tr*'. t. ClOlf MISSIONER'S RALE OP A VALU* / ARI.K FARM CONTAINING 827 ACRES, i)\ "lill" CRAIGTON ROAD A Uni "I KUI! Mills FROM THU CITY OF RICHMOND, HY AUCTION.Bj vii-ut- ..i a decree ot tbe < tiaucer* (nun <>i" lite city of Hu lim..ni. Iii the cauaeaof Tn*.mp "" ''". Redford and nix., ami Roberta, n, tru .;.-... '¦«.. Rr..wu :ni.i ni... entered on tbe lG'h day of October. 1"-t11. ihe andVralftne-et, (...milli- loner tli- rebv appointed, will aell lu tr-nt ol [Ipi rico county rourt-Jiouee. <>n MONDAY.-Inn* lian 18. 1880. ai Vi o'clock M. (that tudor court* rtav). tim V.vl.i'lii.K TRACT OF LAND called Il AVi't.i: i"." situated .... the CrauTton remo four iiiiic. from tlc- t itv of Rlchmoud. and formerl) *,. ned in .!. ll. Connell, Btu.,containing by recent -Turvey 827 ACRt 8.one half of which la one river bottom, and ihe remainder well adi pie o" totrut-k In-.- Tne FARM liln a aood state of cultivation. Tue DWELLING ls commodious nnd comfort, able, bavins been repaired and partly built in Hie i.i-t few yean, lt ls tlejranth situated In a altady yard near the public road. 'Hi*- out-bulldlnjr* are ne nan usually found on t farm of Ibis klud, an i:i -rood condlt'on. lillis: Whllatthe decree (-""escribe* one Ihlrd ea h. and tbe balance lu twoequal aeml-antiual In* iialmeuD, willi Intcres' added, for ni ll b and tin- mic retained until thc whole ol Ihe pur- (.iiii-.-iii'-i.cv la paid and :. conveyance ot dereel bv the Court, yd Ihi.tomb i.' haa antborlty to ni-, r tlc-t-i :u it'll should -..- Qt on ibe day of sate Iii. willina- to iee a mai. ul" tli» prop il.,-,. \ *oa the auctioneer*. Mf-wra, Chaffin, 8tapie» A c.. HENRY v\. ItoRSON. s.|n ii ( ominI giout r. (ii \ir tv. Si \i*i.i- ,v. Co., Aucil o', .i-. ile j*-t**3iaw3w.tt.ltda By Robert H. I. Ri al I. tate Ajreni and Auctl meer, 1218 Miiii ititi t. rpRUSTEE'S SALE~AT PUBl IC AH - I riONOF A LOT OF LAND SITUATED ON III sol ill V-I" < *>! \ !! OF I Wi NTY* I I'.ll I ll VNI" \I *"i 'RI I- 1-,' "NI VIN I Ni, I-',.". FEET CN TWENTY-KIGH'IH -*II'"IT VNI. RI N-.lM, BACK (»N tl (-TREET |32 ll.I I.- Iai <-.\.. mi..ti .-I' a rertaln dee. of Irusi da'ed lctli of M-,v. i.s?7. '.. Hu* iin.'erttfrnetl, lee. iud .luiy rt-corded in Hie cleik's office of tbe Kichm md Ch ¦»!¦. rt Court. In fl ll k i 1" i .. p jc j lu. i will (.Bi i- i, r ale, upon rtn pn ml*. -. on WEDNESDAY the 14th dav of January, ll., .-it 4 ..Vi ck P. M bein* reqalrt-d otodo by the lu neild ni.- mi.I. r sahl .!.-..I. .!- ftuli ha li marie ni -li" p-ivme.it ul ile- ic.- ccured I iii- PROP! RI V abo o ileacriheel. 1 he li from .-ii 'I **dit\ -i i-fhe h tre t, aud will vcr] prob b!j i..* -..'.- Ivld d to Milt pureba i¦-. The trade-) in ttie vicinity b-t»c all lie-en llxctL Aa tbe lois win certainly be old, bidder may attend with ihal a surance. Ihle offer an unu ual pp r inn!'v for peron- of limited mcatia to cutea Inn:.lin. it. TiiiMs: Wbllsl Hie *lee*d retinlrea ca h libera term*. will rn abtv bc ti ale. ii i, HENRY «.. CANNON, Tri i:\ Ri bi tt I'.. I mi-. I!*ni i: tate Anent and v ..¦. 1212 Main street RUCTION SALETwITHOUT LIMIT iV iH RI SF.H\ ','. OF TH VT LARGK ',\ i- STORi FRAME I.vvi i.l.lNi,. n.i B01. SITU- Al ED i'N I HE NOR! HE \*l t ..UNI.I: "t I vv i.NI V -!.:!(.li I ll AND ( KAY STREETS VNI. IWo FRAME STORES ADJOINING, FRON'IING ON CLAY MTHKEr, NtW». ",( I AND BOB, WI ill DWELLING OVf-R SAMK. NOW (»¦ < I I'll li I'.V UR. EDWARD CANNON VNI. vii;. v\ T. WOODY..R: Iwi'l'ili lol ii;.* i he |.r. in. ¦.>.«.ii WED* ni SDAY Hie 1 itu dav of Jiiiuai 880, al t o'clock (*r liiiuietllntely ufier Hi"-al. r Ihi "I h. ii velfrhlh aud alaireel ). the PRoPERTI lllOV( d' II'.."!. W Iii. ll I- ll Hil ol about «:'."iii pt r annum. be ¦.; nroi omparatlvel) a«w.and Ibe >Tui:i> ar.n*l.i- .-ri .! u yu k! st. re pr |a-rti f.'bn ch Hill. Each im* ii I.vvi-1.1.IN of ..'--ii' three oi four ;. Tuc DWELLING ai ti"' corner of TweuttM liri 'li itn c. utalus aboul li ven room*, and ls in good repair; witer, A cou tl..- preml« -. s, i. i.i .-..;.-i lion ol tl; wi li I nu lo Invest In p i\ Ina propt rtv luv lt( *l t*. i'-!- - ite. Tl.i: M. 'im il.,i.I e.i-h ii ¦',,!!,.- al four, ciabt, .iinl twelve mouth*, neiiotlal.le notes, G per ."..ii liiterti tad li d, and -* cur bv tm-! di d ROBERT P.. LYNE, l,i (>_v B] -Ino. I.i iu«hton, Jr.. Auction 016 Main street. rpitUSTEE'S -\\~l~ OF STOI Iv OF 1 l'..>n|s. SHOF.H, I.I Cl III I.'-VI VI MINIs. 1 Wii->T"i:V BUILDING ON Ll Ashil OROl NM. .',. .. Vi vii I h IN.. Ko li nate ;i ,!<c! **i ti ii-t fr -tu KV '.". Dn rn and wife,. in ihe t I*.di.-i iv . ouri of Hie i-lfvol ni .ir I. I hall -'ll al auction. r*n FRIDAY the 9Hi Iminnt. al Iii o'clock, at Ihe (.tote of W. IL I.rew, N. '.i 3 Mi .¦¦¦.'¦ all ol I. HAND-MADE ROOT**, GAITER**, and SHOES. i'm:,., a full e of reg la* of i*e.-i a TWO HOWE mid ONE VV ,v\-1 III;! vi. LEA* IHER M \' HINES, BOLE-CCTTINO and KOLE-MOULDING viv- HINES. Mini M vivi.i:>" TOOLS, LASTS, FURNISHING (,' Mi s. A e.' nf s| i-i- Rion I'.!, vi KING lc; ll..! -II!.>l.l» 1 li.Ni 1I Rt. VI.so. vi I ". ... I', m.. lin V, 0*STORY FRAME RI ll.!.! Ni; No, 10 Ni rr-ii tree*, between Main and Franklin. Thbi bulb Ina, with store below uni resl- ,i. .-. a .ve, li bulli on .! tn um nu ri rental t*l ll 7H. which may tie l«*a r..i\.-.i-. !i location for -i small bualue sis nicol Mie'iie-i lu tbe Ity. ill: M- Al ile. .in. LANI, -ii KN. i. .!\.i. I. I. VI rll l**N. .ll'.. All.-, j..ii', t. i'.v Ihivenport A Morrl-., Auctioneer!, l)-..-k sir--* t. Rb iitu.i-,.1. V ,. ( 1ARGO OF Ul«» COFFEE AT IUC- I MN. (in UF.8DAT, January 20lii, we will ai ll at auc¬ tion, within our warehouse, nu Dock niiiii-in_-.it ll o'clock, the canto ol ',n Francis John, -tired from Rio de Janeiro, coual ina ol 3.00 n: V\ ( RoP GREEN RIO oFFEE. DAVENPORT .<. M. »i:i:ls. -. Richmond. Ya. Bj \V. God Un. Real Eatate Auctlom er, r rmr of Raak and I levi nth tiree'-. TRUSTEE'S SALE~"oF BEAUTIFUL I LOT, vv li ll "I VM. < Ol T*GE*i lilli.: "V ON I HE SOU I ll LINE OF LEIGH WEI V*. El N NORTON AND KINNEY STHEhT**.-As trustee in a certain de. I of trnsi In.tn vir. /. I.. Tralnham, nearI na date lim .lune. I *- 7 7. duty recorried In Richmond t iiaucerj court. I shall In exi pell al publl** mi. Hon, pn ru; ..ii Till l:*«l> WY!..- I ri, .I.inu ll -. P. vi the fon .rivi ESTATE. Ihe Brr>t frontlnn 81 feet on Int outh >i.:* ... Leigh street, rurnlna back C't! feet, lirtvlui.- thereon ii si i NEW FRAMED DWELLING coutalnlug four room a. wit "t %.I wa er, hand .nu front ..ni ; eki -I w ri. tl wera; the aeeond fronting on a conilnuation nf Catharine srreel 27 feet, running 1 feef, with a MEW COI I v..h lben on .n- talnlng tw.* roo lin runt will be enough In cash to def penaes of ante and to pat ;t two notes pasl due, amounting io Boil; <m :* cretllt a-1 *c:*(i until tin- lilli Jiu.e. 1*-Hn; and :i- !" HM ri- 1.1 li*-. ..ri SUCH tet ma aa may be annonueatl .it .be time of «hv j ihe wbo*e credit navmeats to heat lutereal and bete* tiirt-.l l*v a il.-c-l ol' inisi. \V. <.n|»l»IN. Ja '> TrnatetB. Rv .L Thotapaoo Brown, Real Eatate Agent au*l Auctioneer, ilia Main «tKet. Tillr»TBBfV BAUTOF VERT VALU* 1 ABLE IRON-FRONT BTORE t>N M-.IN STREET i'.KlVVKKN lui RI KI NIH AND FlF- Hi nih HTREETa, NO. liri-- Rv rtrtw of two dents **f trust.one execnt*..! hv H.'iuv (.iin-t an.! wu".Abram Ganai, iruaier.dated :elst December, 1878. and recorded in Richmond I'bareery Court, li. R. 11:1 H. page ft'.'4. ami thc Second bj llenrv i.iiu-t la tin*. Mlllblrwr. trtist.1-, tauad loth viav. 1 H7i*. and tt -r.-le.l lu Ri. lim.m.I ( liaiirerv ourt, H. B. 114C, nw SOS, Hm iii-' dead loaeeor*cer* lalo ii- les tin i* In ininti.*ue.|. ttie .<i'..n*l *|i e.! -i eora crtrllton of said Gonai* and wberena default lia-ii.. ii uiii'ie and being required ao t«> do bi ibe bene il.-ury, we will .eli. on m.- n .insist.., n rl;|. liU.Jiiiuni 16. D-t-n.at 18 o'clock M., tbe pro*. petti abave mentlonad, wblcfc waa conveyed bi ibe tw.. deefis of trust ainiv.- .pe- iii.-.!, and which pro- |H-rIy rn,nt- ZO ft et on I lie south side of Malu -'i- * 1 between Fonrteenth ami Fifteeuih street**, an.l rani luck at rif*btangle* between mu-allel linea lu4 ii. t el im lies toan alley lu rear. The store in No. 141.'! f.l-l VlulU Illili. The prop- rt) is well known to all. being OCeapled by Mr. Il .Hr* (.linet. Sm-ti an oppottnnltl for In* v. -tm* ni 1. ..el.]..in oflrie.l. Tiie .lore ts atimlrahly arraiia.-.l.new. bas al! convenieiii-vs : larife. <ti % eel* lar. The op-staira I* arranxed for a dwi lllnj, an-l l, Compit-iw In all lia details. Ttl-,Ms : Ry MMMl ti all pani** concerned,cash ¦ \.-. i*i as t*> ?»,ttl'. t't>*'; which twelve momba time will be ftlveu, lutereat ..1.1**1. aud for wblcb si't'ttqueut rea.'v-aj. auy '*« ol.Uine.1. AURAM Ol'NsT, Trustee *lr»i deed: GUs. MILLHMRR. Truarec iccoud >!¦ *¦-'. J. TUOMrsox BK0WN, Auctioneer. te 6 _ArfTION MALEM.rnlnrc Oaya. Itv Robert B. Lyne Real Estate ARenl and A "et;.,ur. r, Itll MalnstreeL (lOlllfreSIO-IBBS'SALIOF A VALU- J ABLK TRACT Of LAND IN IIANiVKR COU STY. THREE Sill Kft PROM AND -ul TH ii-'... . . »; ¦. mr. i i.r.iier.-, i .. i. .\ -.-..'-. ('ilNIY. UN TUESDAY THK lfl-iil DAY UK .I \Nl \RV. IMO. AT 1 i i'l I.tu K P. M.-In imr- iii nee <.f I .t, i-r'-e Of Hie Cir -tilt Court of llenrleo Collin V. enter* d "tl Ul' 1 7 ll di | ol D< rtiii'-tr. 187ft. lu -ult I' S. lierl.Mid rai. N.-lli.r.and (lier, lu pet d- Iff. we shall proci e'l tn-ell, lip..n dav and Bt boar named, inion the pr-*-ml ju*. HM alx.ve d-"r ribed LA ND, of which Hi' late Qeor-rc fc NeUwrlaad du d -ei/i ii iimi pome*-.. i. 'i ii., laini i- half cleared. and remain'ter ld |OOd "ak ind J. In- ll in',er : Ilk- mi th** iii ul ti e .ii"iy road leading from (treen i>t> sta* tnm tu Horn vinrin - brMgt, ov.-r Little t iv. r. The lui pr" v.-me nt- ar-- ordinary, com-lstlinr ufa SMALL Ul IME DWELLINO.Ac; the wills (rood ind Um Hint, r i .linallie, li- lui* in aecei-sil.le lo Ile I In-*. il uni duo ralhoad. I KUM-: Ind- r .1. ere.' will t*" one fifth COOKj Ililli dei ii ..ii ¦ er. .lt of »lx. twelve. . lu' I. tee ll. a iel tweui v-i'"*ir months, sn. -.i ti uajroii i'.'c not. *. -Ix per relit. Inti real .-ui*|e<f. md title rtiitin r| until all of the I'lin-iia-'-nnii'-, i p. ii. iind s coartraaca kt ot* tiered hy Hie court. JAMES ¥. NETHERLAND, THOMAS W.l'i Min RTON. Commit lon) n. RonrttT B. l.YNH, Auetloneer._Ji'_ By frank .1. S.iini.-on. Beal Bal.le Air. nt, AaoUoaeer. and Votary PabMe. oraor Hull sad Ninth matti. M.itiehe-ter. Va. pOMM I STONER'S SALE OF LAND U IN ( Hi:.-i ERPIKLD COUNTY..In pana* ..nire of a deens nf the < Irenti Conn of Cluster* n.M roomy. In ihe ehano rv call styled R ll. Elk 't rr. William O. Eionrnor, entered al Hi Mar tera), l B79. 1 will -e.: at public suction, on MONDAY the 12th day of Jan nary, 1880, tx tween Hie bo-trsol IS o'clock M. and 2 o'clock P. M .In froBl ol Chea- t.-rll. Idiounly c .url-hoii-e. a TRACT Ot LAND nteniloocdla acid decree, containing l-l'.) A) RES, more or leas, shoal fonneea mile- from Mandie-- ter fronting oa ihe Goode's-Brldc-e rood, ond ad- Joins John T. Clay, Ryland Snelllnr*. and the Bowles tract. There are bo bolldlagann die laud. bat lt ls well «'...'..I and watered, sad might bc modi i.Illtle lai-'ii Tamil < sahiHB-clenl lo payexnenaM ofsnli ai-.I -a'e the Li'a ne.- up-n I ere III of .-ne. I ilirea vin*-, the purchaser lo execute his bonita, beal j ii-r ti *..].'-i rrom day of sale, and tl le retatne<l nulli illof tin-piirelia.--.-uii.il'\ Iii. Im .-n full.-paid, t.i "Kt.I. M \-"N. da- 7*11 Special ( ¦.nilnl--|. in r. $25,000 FINANCIAL. TO LOAN. ?25,000. > We have the sb ive ninonn 7.. | .au -i I'M H- MONDCITY REAL ESTATE (firstmortgage) lu um i" snit. Our charges for negotiating wIP t* rea nuable. t HANK D. IIII.I. at 4 O.. Real Esta Rroki rs and Vui lion' -. .i 5-1 w 1 ins M.'ii: JOTICE.TO T ll !¦: HOLDERS OF HIE 8 ITU CEN r. HUM 3 ..t* nu: ( li's" PEAKE WI) DllIO RAILW iV t OMPANY. ClIESAPRAKB AMD OHIO RAILWAY I '-Ml'WV. J i. r -i 'Mi Vt< K-I'Rl -nt--. 1. '. Rl-fHMOMD. Die- nil. r 18, 1870. J Th) t hi -mt ABE \M> (Hilo ll Ml \V IV COMPANY will, on and after ibe i-i DAI Ol JANCARY. 1880. upon their pre entatl-wi at the ...lie nf th ump nu. In Me' div td RI ff all of theil* !* Pl R i i- NT. RONDA Intetest on said b.ls will be flopped aa of that I big notice i Inti ndod tocovi r;») i u.- om ti B prr cent, bond -»lven by the Virginia Ce.ntr.*il ( ompjui and il. i--u- d i-v ile peake and Ohio Raflwa] Companj iii lien of 8 per c ut. li -nd- eui ri in! re-l. li m Ired bi the liol.li i¦¦ of di-- bon la. thei pany a iii 11\- 'le iii du- .-ii i-i "t lal ni te n: j yeal tl pei nt. nun li ie- ni ney I lind- i.i. sehauce foi Hu lr li mis *.i i"r. UTI.1.1 WI- i Hil KU WI- de 19-181 *' ¦. -I Vice-En ni. nt HOTELS AND HO A ICOIM'-IIOI SIS. / 1ARROLLTON HOI EL, BALTIMORE, t ) LIGHT. ANO ISERM VN - M.' I -. Il M.: |. MOl I xiii. -Rates ndueed to #3 aud #'_.< .1 iv. e. ni ding to Kxirat li n .<..- r-. i. -'li-, and d mill i.im /-. *i he most convi leal au I Ul *- the ell i. Elevator runt continuously to Boor All line- of ell j i'ii-- nisei .... i....I i. P. VV. i DI.I si \'.. Uinagi i. RAI i WORK, Mn.'tol it IO, 187P. tic l-l OKIVTKM Kt. Of N I'LA Ml IjiOH NEW i)H;i\.-i Dominion BP am- it'i-m 'ni WYANOKE. Ca|S tin Corni, I III DAY.-I .nun*. Dil 1 u'elock I'. M. * bl received n I2t nek M. lading algnt varileu *.- .* di ipatoh to , l*i lal - ¦!. .ri Kor I'¬ la. VV. ALLEN A CO., ". j 7-ilt Comnanv'i Wharf. Rix yi v., i jj i \ -i illili viej- CltMl'ANY.-J J A M K *-*--ll l V E R I. I >,' K , l*. i e. NORFOLK, PORTSMOUTH. AMI Ml REGULAR LANDING NJAMISBIYU ¦' '. '.I . IT POBTBMOl III WITH 1 HE BAT-LINK, /il' BALTIMORE. PHILADELPHIA. NEW YORK. AND Bl TON. Thc nut rad elegant iteamer abifi., < apian y.t i.iri.i :i> ic irrj lag the <\i-T\ MONDAY. W EDNES|)AY,a id PRIDAY, \. M. . ?._'.!. r ne I . I Kare (<¦ llaltltnore. H I Q . 9 03 Fare to St ¦¦. Yorl . I I - 'i.,... 15 Ol M :: , i I oa board lb un tr. ti ugh. ived dally for Norfolk P Wa ii. v i.i.-I all mdii .- on 'I ..i river; Wa-.hlnrt.iii. D. < >f V Irvin!.. and rt L. B. TAI M. ¦: :. ii 1 109 Main -li'. nd Ro. ki I. W. Mt r-UMin k. A ..-ni. N*..rr..i|.. rXLV DOMINION STEAMSHIP.* I / COMPANY. Std ron nkw york Thi . IVION. WVAS i- :il> XD-VY al lilah vi., r. ¦:'-... rel? tow, and wer« built pr. ly fm *u. BUoni - sim i nc i land it Ph r 37. N 7.,..i ul Hi ten ir.--. 7. - i||i n ming Pier43. M I 1 ..et. .freignufor polnti beyond Kaw York Ibm c ¦n except ai tua t ». ¦> ribla Care m N w Y'.rk.lli" lS'.'»rjiirt, ft. ia IB. Vor fm tl:tr Information ap'ily to li., y. w. ai I - \ v CO., Arentj, j PH J ! HU ll'^ww&tt m.. i-i . . iarttaL. SHIP LI> PHILAOI I ill \, F \I.'. RIVER \nd 111E 1* A- \ i \ ALI. l.'l\ M. I nilli-: 1 IMEb AWI- RK. nUI i tni's. Icarlng Phlta - . ry T CK- I ' lil It 4HAY, an-! » Vt RDA1. and I: every TCESDA1. 1*1:11' ,* :.¦'; bia 17,v. r. OTU \ IMI r KI.'vi N 1 DI I'M; I77A I ft. Vu ivni received dally n nt. .'. o'clock I*. M. i \ *.,! - W. M. i AUB,l K, General Hoe' ern laeat, Richmond. Va. WI .i.IAM P.I I.YD* a i h.. (.¦ '¦¦ ..rr«, N" 12 Ponth Wturif., I'tiiiift-tlpi.'a. 1)1(1!-!' ^!l. IfOBK RlVEBAia___j tiwi, .o- m-k mm: ir.Si'r iT \ll RI .AN I- AND MINKItS I lt lNai*OR1 V HHS ( u.MI'ANY, Tn lagh-frelgbl route between Richmond (Va. hu r.o-iou. Prov ld* ure. and all Sew t nglaadt Ulai -Lim.- ra leave u t -1 Pt dvi, v \.. U KDNK-OAV and - il I'KinV .* 1 2 Dot aectlng wuii i rn ii. fr. .in RICHMOND. m.vim. r. arrlvi il WEBl POINT oneaehTUEB- -\\ md PR1DAY. i' -. iblpmeuti from Boatoa ria Boaton rai .'io.., .i nt. Railroad tia \t>-t Point Va. il. i. OOUOLAB, BapcrlBtCBdeM. V.D.Gaoaaa. General kgeat. ap 3 RAIMtOtll IIMA. an iiMnsD. rtttno a potomac tt. k. Kn BMOHD. Vi.. Not) ml-r 7. 1879. i pOMMENCINU NOVEMBER 8, 1879, \J tralukaa thia road will run aa r..llow»: VOKTN mn nd. 6:1- A. SI., nuvea l.yrd-streai au'-lon Au ly (ex. ti't Minda)-i : due at W.i :. 1:10 P. M.; lUltlmore, 3:05 P. M.: Pbthulelphla,0:O< P. M.: Ni rn \..r», P. M 5:du P. M., le&vea B)rd-Street amtlon dal v; tnt .1 ll. blnjnon. 9:28 P. V Ballimore, 1 l:*_.*. P. M.: Philadelphia, l _.'> A.M.; N--* York, t'At A. M. 4:00 P. M., A) ( tiVMiitlATIoN THAIN f-r luiietloii. leavea Broad-Btrecl itaUoa dalJy leacent Bat dari). ¦outb ¦ooinx IC.IQ P. M., arrive* a! Hyr.i"-ir»ei autior daliy ieaee|.t Hu ada] a. Leavea Maw York, 1:19 A. M.; Phlla - l|.niit. 11:48 A M.; Baltimore. 8:4" I'. M. j Waabligf. toe tt.20 P. M. 11:40 A. M., arrive* at Hvrd-Str«-.i -.tailor da'.lv. 1.4-avea NVw Wk, 10:t)l P. M.; I'lill- ad.-lnlii... 1:TT) A. M.: Haltlinore, I.-'.A A. V ; lVatti.nvla.il. 7:00 A. M. 6:43 A. 31.. ACCOMMODATION TRAi> arrival al Brnad-Mreat atailoii lai'v (eaoapt Sundays). C. A. I A 1 LOK. -General Ticket Aa«ui C. T. D. Minn. Ueaeial Baparlataadeut. uo 10 MA If.KO AW I.IM.s ** * "ff-K ?St^^Bp ri tr' " ~t& +o'$'Affot Rl'ilNOSD, Y<JUK RlVK.e A* *r in ., CIJEmLEOKTft.MN*-"'""*^- ( TAKINi, EmN T -IARUARY «, |ea , S F\-e«iKN.,r.R TR AI NA BlBO P. M. I.'"iv.- Ri hm- i-l rta) . .in <.*..,i telina ar w p Tl K.I.Will li |,A1 PRDAY viii, lu*.', on th«- y,,ra rivera more. THROUttM FRBIGHT i:.-vin-. .I.sn v. m.i I .v.- RteBmoo 10:<J0 A. M. $'!t" i.e..eel aieamera r ni;, ,. -,,,, s, .:' "lt EMDAY, ... I,';;* ¦mi Rsi.v, i,ii'. .;. with *i. .in-- ra I MONDA V. v.i UNI slit FRIDAY; with ne* fridayI " r*A*-HEN(.l lt I I'V!\ 10:00 A. M. Arrive at tl I ~!.VV III i, trow wiih THROUGH 1 REIGH1 R viv.. S-69 P. M.I \rrlve ai ir., v r. vi * * | ;, with > ' \..rk. Provl p No transfer of fr ooufberti p-.i.r' . an.l VV- I- ' Careful handling .*. .'i d - truaranlee-l. . T'orouirh bt!!s ct larilnr. with piars lanes) to all northera tad wear, F< r ir formatian, apply ;<i ott . T***tnty*lblrd and Iv,, k stret ta. Ki nel_H.T. DOUGLAS <*,,,, k imonn v. ¦-. ms Baili sdi ontottt / *0MMKNVIN(, BUNDAY, i \j I860, tr*1.is *ix thiateott wRl ru il LXAVf* KICltVt.iSI. lt rn. 18*00 M., THROI <.ll MAIL >'*.>". et , and vtkci (via cl ¦lt i*-..t.vilk "v .. Ma v.. m i OMMOD \ I !.". ueeil. .. pei I for U " *...i , an\ "tr-.':- 4:10 P. M. A< ( OMMODA11 N TR \l\ iii * » . it Pei I , |m \ -I I SI l.SAVE fl. ' .. \. '., IRo ill MAI r . . . :. v;., te (ii i»'.. * ii i; A! !. i!! v: eat nburc i * r X l' t' I \ vi. md 4 t. St. a i r. D.I :. pu ROAD . <>Mi" NI. KU N DA Y. ' i. il ir Va I v. A rr: tv a! ll Xi. \ i. *.. I* 11 i 1:17 J" ".' I l*. v| Anl*. N.< . lt s. . Arrtvt at . 12:S7 \ V' t V! 1 Il 1 it Atlanta,(ia. I ll::i K . rt 7 V N ( v '¦'. tl neut. i M i.i uidl M (. 1111 <,- point* Vick A' -.-. i 1:4*4 I\ M.au-lfJ V. M T rat ii .,.- \ - ¦. 11 y, I'ralns i n North ' ro' w iHi \ * I' ti Train N . .mun i-. \ <* Va.. N ( \\ wi> vii i.i; s| nii \ i. no\ vj | !". ll -. Dan. I * G«i rion,. ( bari- ti"¦- bore.'.. Ii I ta I .'i Ki Kau <«ln I ll t' il tn**r '. *. lay. v VI - '.. '.' t V. vi v. vi I'i ".' VI. I" I 17 I'. l 7 r s 1 J P. ¦ 9 MS I' 11.-ii' p. « M i '¦' 8 li r ¦¦¦ il ISP tt \ M li i v. vt v vi v vi :, ; \ .. i, M M . i v vi .. "I VI v I .*. A. M V V! M.". V. I K 9.15 A. G P. Il A. I M. P. M i * t .-r Roi m>. HUI Min «rr!\.sat Rlclirii.ii.l u:;y.\- .. I --.-,.l.v lt...... - ' itu arrtrea at Richmond <la at. v.Vt., V tallou train idno »-. I: Jolly except Minite at. ' .*¦ ?. Mixes! train Icavea Ma ¦*.¦'* v Uk.li .* pa -. .*'. r- at Lord, . . * M r*li fl uti VA*»hlu4l'*u. » >. Rl.-liuion.lat ">:«( P. v: A a li VIralnta I Lynchburg, Daovlik .and Attain N* Railroad au" iln.leavlntai 5:10 F vi ll ,..u.,e, u with 1 I MU >'"l .',lIJ ' ' . ora sn '.' ¦' , eoe Beeta with Wiles rv lr..a . ¦> tmiH, lenvlor* M S'lB F M. for li ...nu.-..- » Uh Valley railroad train. lea - 11:11 v. vi. Harper*a lon- K ronueel .»!!'. stiajfJ foi i I* .-,...-. with c. f. s. ,i..i p. p. mee*. r Portauioutb *u.t t lui luuaU. , i, ,.leeta with betoto VaRaj railroad tea N .1 vv . il ,.. ti with all itu**a .liv ik>"«c '", ''". v NotlhwaH, and Itesitlsweat. vv vi *. Dil > v Kmrlnaei aad shsiwrl*.***' e,,NW*r K. HtiWAMu. Irlaatnl Yctceccrn .Il.lvK koowt._" " Bo.iK AND JOB Wt»KK N-A^"; KCUTSD silks DlBFATth *MaBBU*» BOORI.

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Page 1: Daily Dispatch (Richmond, Va).(Richmond, VA) 1880-01-08. · TrUJRSDAY.JANUARY8, 1880. F-AST Ct.KVKl.AXP,> CTTAIIOOA COINTV, OHIO. Jaoitarv h. 18S0. J Attora Dispatch: At a *****



CTTAIIOOA COI NTV, OHIO. \Jaoitarv h. 18S0. J

Attora Dispatch: At a ********** »<-

tour valuable pop* allow mo a small space

in vonr next hal* -having bought a plewut "land within ton mlle* of Richmond, In

Ilenrieo county -to sk some of your cor¬

respondents to he kind enough to attar*

the Nil-Will question* !

First. WfcH * UM oustom or rule whenland is let on slime-*. Ita **t*Bl finding»eed ard labor, tho owner paving taxc*!-

Second. What ls Ibo basis ti|t-on which

real rstatc ia charged. Is thc price for

which lt wa* sold considered UM rettl value,

and ai»< s*< d accordingly? ., ,, A

Third. What taxes is land liable to pay,¦nd when due!Anv information on tho above will-oblige

A* BRUM Farh kr.

Wo answer thc second and thli\l ques¬tions. Land ta as* uta once in toa yealt at

what the asac^-ot** consider its etna value.

Tlie Su'-e tax la 50 cents on Ml of pro¬

perty. Thc cMin»y ls -sometime* more but

generally fofl than the Slrttc tax. Taxesare assesed li of February Isl und payablebefore November 80th.

OJBmmpaOwtB in Ms* Month.H-V'-m lix* inncl*.4".**iiiitv (\tl«!*-.i 1.4-ittr In New Or-

It-fl-MTIftie-.jTlie health of Hie country tal bern vry

pood. Crops are -good. The season couldnot have boen helter fer gathering then.Flices Iisy«- been retininetative, (-xpeii-t¦*were amati,*tmt tow debts to pav, and . very*body at peace sn<l bearing nothing but good¬will toward** his nejglit-or.Our town anti -vicinity hive boen bigfilr

favored. Tlie talNMoM year we have had

for a long t ime. The tall cotton crop nattethat we tatt gatticrcd in many jean. Olllpeople went regularly to hard work, and!)c_;in to HM right at Hie beginning of theyear. Old und yettUg, MM und women, -*fIft lt the MMWf of doing something, ofmaking sonni hi mr, and behold thc result!Jl cm no loiici-i be sail! our land* are MOTHout, our l:ibor-s\*tt in is demoralized, cli-iii .t4 » have chanced, nor any mme of these¦KUM Ix- urged for not Making bigcrop*. The result of Iiii* year's inti stn,

patience, 0*00110my. and perseverance liasconvinced tts that fortunes ira yet In storefor Hie frugil farmers of this eoootry.Many, niunv tatra ot land tall brought ¦bale of cotton.(lie general a vtTige is largc-|] over a hnlf-bali* jier acre. It only in cdt dJn-t that sort of determination to dothat tal tatOfM ;'ll thi> good foitune toour |M-oii1e. Our land*-, as readily ll lofoi mi r time*-, yield up their wealth tottanUta lilt them with vim and coiistaiiev, andtin -> tire rich and varied in their products.This year's crop lin-; put our people itaad.

and Will enable them to diversily theilcrops, it iifi-ded 1 little Independence radfit.dom Toni tin* oppreaslon of dobl toatait them in this linc, bul once in the waytin v arc then on thc Hire road to lUCCeM.MaeB preparation i- being made to ia

\('<-i tables for the emly western mai kel.Our people arc going into the strawbeny,lie.in, and Irish potato liii-'in--. Tl lickpatches are being prepared all around inthis neighborhood.

All this good fortune to om* plotters baltad kigood effect iboupon our town. Mer¬chants are doing i I irgerrad better boalnestthis season than ITI r before. They laid inra; l.cr I larger stock than usual lo the fall,but thought 11 raffle!) ol for thc trade, whikin fact they have sold out, ordered Millmid sold out, and DOW ITI selling t he foin t!:itock to a lively trade.

Nome More Chronology.I Detroit Kite I're-w.J

Puring the year Ju.-t duned and ineptover st Yeral things boppened which WilllHV«r ta mentioned in the dictionary ni

encyclopedia, but should be renumbered bjthe public all flic MOM.Thc nombi r of men who pulled theil

guns toward llieni l>> the inu/./.'e \v;is aboutfifty. One trial will satisfy you that it ncveifalk.

Kighlccn hundred nnd seventy-nine wm:t good year for Ita fool who polotl unload¬ed revolver* nt his aunt and other folks. litmaivigcd to keel over about twenty vic'nn--,and is "real sorry" f«>r it. He wouldn'ttan done lt for nothing, von know.

Iudinir the dead yeal eleven paragraph-ers got off Jokes on ibe motber-In-liw, radthen softly sli|i|H'd into their last resting-place beneath thc willows. It ll well. No¬body has tel ini-sed tinm.The number of orators who in IsTs begin

tlieir-sr-eechi'S W)th .. Fellow-citizens of this.glorious country" was eighty-Are; thenumber in.1879 was only eighty.four. Letus be thankful for small favors and havehopes for the future.The kerosene Milshowed a decided falling

nfl in activity, only seventeen females har-gild tip Ihe Ure.

Of the one hundred mid lifty-two tame*holderi WhOiborrowed shot-gun* and timkdead aim at that "infernal c:it,'' three hittin* cit, and tb*,* remainder knocked over

sundi hoys and other live itOCfc, and are now

Wondering howonearth they could possiblyliave done if.

Kightccn Ininti md and seventy-nine wasi) -/nod year for deaf persons to go vi-it in*.-.Thirty-four of them took the railroad-trackto save distance. The day express wm 011

time.TIk Jast year w/_ also noticed for thc

number of persons who took 14 quiet smokeKftef going to bed. fell ;islecj>, and passedInto a better land at the expense of in-or-

hdi-i-co)»panics. A .day pipe and a cent's.worth of tobacco ive ali the outtit needed.

Tlie number of kinv-heartcd people whowent out hunt mg, tm-tonk a frieinl for a

Wild turki* . fo\. or gtizzly bear, and pep-pered him .Lad. WM fourteen, with RhodeIsland ti. Uar fiom. Beery one of themfelt bad enough io city: but nUstlkn willliiippt-n tn.nil familit s.Thc sea - erpent w:is st en only nine times

during 1S71». This may lafuenec some pil¬lions to believe that lie is gradually dyingout and will soon taOODC «.>;..tinct, butthATCis tm danger of it.not willi the pr.se'ilbrand oi sea-caj.taiiis.The number ot motin ia who left ral-poi-

?ton and othet mutti dom Where tin chil¬dren could get mt them wm twenty-one.This ls a deeiihse over thc p.rettttt J ear.ind In the dim futiirc WOOMfctaJ any poe*fcibly realize the fi*-! that children, pata,rat*, cockroaches, sud tints are IMCeptlbleto the same Influence*.During 187(1 only two households t»i-t<>..k

the hired girl tor a bu-rglar and popped herdead. There i-4 MOMQ-Ueutly no demandfora national convention of hired girls todiscuss the <jues»ion : .. Miall we wear bul¬let-proof cornets and demand more wages ? "

Tbe niiinU-r of men who suddenly and»n> -i4-ri4.n-.ly disappeared during 187i» wa-»

very large, and tbe number who turned upafter a turec-day*' drunk was perfertlyamazing, and the returns are still coming inby every mail.Eighteen hundred and seventy-nine pro¬

duced no improvement in drawing teeth jno consolation for the man who has to havebis bair cut; no better method for break¬ing in new limit*; no new route for embez-ilcrs to get into Canada ; no way of gettingalong on tbe street-cars except to .-tami

.up; and no new way of getting back smallloans. Considering as a whole, she wasn'tanything extra ot a year, even for bad

weather._Sloppy weather up this way ls referred to

aa slush. Down in Philadelphia they cali itkludge. In ltichmond tbey talk about mop¬py streets. And yet we are all brothers..Jt-We tress. Did anybody ever he:ir of

?.sludge" in Philadelphia beforet.Vhila-delphia Bulletin.Or "moppy" tn RichmondfAccording to tbe Syracuse Herald, in

Scotland every man "who can afford it"geta drunk on New*Year's day. Here some

get drunk who can't afford li..Buffalo Ex-forest.

Doctor: "You munt drink claret to buildup your system." Patient: "Ob, don'tMk me to do that. Doctor; I a.'o a wine»erthrat; 1 know how lt's made."

na»MMMnnnnjnn--mi^^^^"7'1 -

Cxnea^riitlon la Fl-mroo*As a fair example of the curiosity of sta¬

tistic, say* Spafford, the congressionallibrarian, " take the army of »erniiwhealt cmssed the Hellespont lo Invade "recce

Herodotus gives it aa 1,700,000 toot, 100,000belie, and ftl7,000 naval lom.total, 2,31 .,*

000; nnd add* that this was swollen by tne,attendants to ft.800.000; and all this to I ..

ride a country which in no age Know._ t0history eonliimd over l,fWO.«ioo In Mn\x.ant*. Another favorite mvth of t»«' ,ror1.i*a(sis the story of that famous AU xandhanlibrary of 700,000 vt-luin- *, 1 ,-urned bvUH Caliph Omar, A. P. 64(k witha rhetorical dilemma In bi. mouth,unfortunately for Ibis '.ilghlv dramatic»«le no two writers are atreed as toMic circumstances, extept as to the sintrletact that lhere was a library at Alexandria,and Ital lt ceased to cxt*i in Hie seventhcentury. To ask a modern inquirer to be¬

lieve that 700,000 tK.oks wen gathered inont body 800 years before the invention ofprinting, while the largest library in thcworld, four centuries after thc multiplici-tion of books by priuting l-egan, containedless than 100,Ooo volume*, is altogether too

grett a stretch of credulity. Kven in re-

pnrting ttii' s./.e nf modern lit>r:ir-i*--. exag¬geration hold- sway. The library of GeorgeIV., inherit'd by "that graceless ignoramusfrom n heck nolhlWlng fainer, and pre¬sented to the British nation with o-ttenia-

tious liberality only after ta had failedto sell it to Uussja, was Mid in thc puli-licalion-t of thc llttM to contain ibonl lia.-000 volumes. But an aelu.d enumerationwinn the books were lodged in thc King'sLibrary, tit thc British Museum, where

they han ever ifece remained, showed thatlhere were univ 10.860 volumts. being littleMon than half thc reported number. .Manylibraries, public and private, are equallyt.verestiin.icd. lt is so much easier to

gut ss than to count, and tin Hern teat olarithmetic is too seldom applied, notwith¬standing the friet fbat lOn.noo voliitniK can

ea-ily be counted in a day by two or threepersons, and so on tn thc same proportion.Heit, as in the statistics of population, thesame proverb holds good.thal the on-known ls alwin s Hie DMgnlfieenf. mid on

thc surface of thc globe we inhabit thc 00-

explored country is alwayi Ihe ino-t inar-

rellOUl sine.- lin- wei hi began.

Her lin.*:.M.- lins not Omni her liar si yet:Tin- .-..i.i.11 da-fa prllde bj:

Tiley 1.1 ill,.' BO -.rrn-v-. tn l'.r_rt.Nor :iu> t'.iii-e IO lill).

N" l.t-irl fur lu r'I. v.lieu madeTin- po* -Inn ne Minmi' ira liilnif:

l-tiharme'l flu- walks, and iiiiiilt.-..ye.|.ghi lia. nm toiiii.I lit 1 killi*-.

Wpm Mai 'i' lr tin.-- -.mi theirpoMtSin- :ui ii. in Mora away.

Tin ana mast bc ot d tr rent moaMshe mri .-ir- -lu- « III '.'.- v

11,..1. ii i> ...j-1.1 ii'.ii-.r- and in laud*,Rica in m rarer ililli**.

Tl'l'-l hy God atone, he st:in IvWin.ni she will own lui* km;'.

I'.nt when lie 6MB-S, a« tonie be Will,strons to mppori. ami -muni,

Willi aappllcauou that iball lill,Ibr -uni ii .'¦ .1 command,

si" 'ii |i':i"t lei band in bia, and take\\ bat'er thi- world may brina,

Proud ami content* tl for bia tate.Whoa** -he hell crowned bet km-.'.

[Il'iriit r's Batar,

Charles Limb remarked of one of hiscritic*. " The more I think of him, the tal1 think of bin."

iou 1:1; VI.

170R BENT OH LEASE, TUEfl*F-PLENDIU PTO RI". <*. nu r lt. \ m li .in.ll__

\i <iii street*, ow sad for nany rears occupied nyM1--1-. Tin.m.'- i*. Price A t*.'. as » Wry goodabouse. Tats ls '.neel the b-tnlfome and lanita)tlotese.it M.iin itreat. sad 1- Hied up wlib nbelriuir.e.iniiiei-. Af. The i>¦-.inuit I- an elegant one.

Im ntopertj will be rinted fora reaaonable price,in, .I ie I-.'-*..- Im. Riven 1 Sill'liv ol' Anni.Apply to ltoillCRT ll. I.YM'.j-, h-1 w 11. I'_ Main alreei.

1/OI1 UK-NT. THK SECOND ANDf-l Tlili.'l) Kl.oi'lts t iii. 1 ni ul -lie.li t.ri-viiDWELLING No. 411 uoiih Elgblb street, adloin*los uei connecting witb Mts. Doral's boardingboure. Referenceaexcb-tnircd. App'vtoja 811_CHA ¥VI\. STAPLES A (tl.

I\\Vi:i.laIaN(iS FOR RENT. <**>

\... us t.-i-t PrankUn alreet, «ih ten ro ins.Ko '_17 tut Main street, uiih niue rooms.\n '_**5 -.'.nh Sei'.il'l sii-iet (W'tvi-rly I'l.ir ).

xvi li *-*lx nioiiis.N<>. 107 r. ii h Second street, with dahl room*.No. IPS ' n-i 4 .irv itreel, with four rooms.N».*_l if. tn*-) Broad linet, wi betabtrooqia.-mai.j. DWELLING in Kidney mb* /. "li<'-,

milli f-.ur r.oin-.HWKI.I.IM. "ii Poptor itreel neut- Chesapeike

ami t Kiln raiin ad,DWELLINOorer Mrs.Waltoe's,BroadaadTblrd

stn Ms. STORES.LARGI STORK corner of Coy and Twelfth

-.trett (ItlHekmiir's nlnee).STORK tm Tenth street adjoin in,- Pani Baraa*

lulu's.STORE No. (si'3 Mala street, between i- it-luli ami

Ninth all etta.STORE on Math side ol Broad batween Third sad

Koiirili mreet 1.STORE nu Goreraor street between Mala -1<«*>«1

Franklin.STORE on Cary sinai tex' to Tivoli Saloon.in .-iii-nti .11 lo Un* sbove, we bare **M\l,L

DW&LL1NG8 sad stokk-* tu rations parti "S»il., eitv. GRURR8 -v WILLIAM*..


Sililii: AM) DWELLING al nm ll.e.-i-l __ie.iiinr of st. Jota'i anti (mills atrcett, mltable fora reinii iiii-ine-.-. Tin- bone baa Jual befn paintedand inn in perfect repair. Anniv t"

JulIN I. I.eD'ilN.Real Estate Agent,

Ja -fleodt-ll Rank hui) I-"I. \. nih -itrteU.

I?OU MIST, FIVE ROOMS. WI Tl I/ft*KITCHEN ATTACHED. Iti dwella* :4t ____

ihe in rthwi-t corner ol Franklin ...el Sixth --tret t>.Heiu \er\ rcaaonablc. Applj n

JOHN I. GOODIN.Real Estate Am nt.

Ja tl-.It_Dink ami Kiev, .iii vie, (-.


ibe -.unit asl ecru, r of 4"*si\ ami Ninth atre-ets. c inlaminar ulm- tooma, N-i.!. 1 kitchen. The lexi-e balreeenily lieeii painted .uni nut In j.-.m.I r. pair. l;. utvery low. Apply to John t GOODIN,

Real Estate tgi nt,Ja rt-St Hank and Eleventh streets.

ttTAHLE FOR RUNT OR SALK.ff**O The prnperlv OB (.nvernnr Street next (OKSHM Wtiio hiiihlfTI';. Ai.nlv to

TltuMAs DUKE, In..

Illili^*_Xo. !?>_(, Kr.-iiii.liii -ii.I.

F^oR RENT, BRICK DWELLINGgiNo. 411 nnrih Seveinh stree!. I. lue. u__L

vi u-iiaii iiu.i ci.'.r. To a rood tenant rentren i"«.Ain.lv ni-kt OuOIt oral No. 1700 Ma naiiret.dt-IS-lm_H. ASlll lt.


VEVTILATMl) ROOMS, 011 brat door, orer Yan-e..* bookstall. No, 111. Main -tn-ei. snltablefoilaarfcra or dentlats. Apply atittapafcA ofllce.

au 7

ll'KO.I .'in.lil.VVHUll ,'.



mt, VI.A( Hl-ft: VAsr.s.t OLOGRI METS, tc;DI "XUDUi: UttNAMl-M*. At V,


VtiaMl-,TERI TiAN I asms, ORNAMENT!, Ac;UKI vj >r_l<) QSMAMRNTI,ftl.;IIOUKM'IAN RARES, OOLOOMI sKTs,_t.;( ll l\ KS * VASKrv AC.;JAPAN! *t »OXt-4,TK.*U"8.Ac;M\.lui lt 'A.ta I"**- «ie.ii:ii;. .il hali d-nu. r priceaER] NOR »^ PHUUM BERNER*, TEA-, an

TOILED MittHARLBMRtl AWawBe-DlbBAWM < OFTER!,UARLEOlnN U^A-uad DR_a_RT*8E 19,jai'anm:d (111 RiIE!min ITlfWI

tits.The alKiviArc nW** *!¦*" fo«" laSparttno. Ra 11 j

Ml he formed nf tl^ farter*. *»f> con*, ami KM-.

K.ij. TAiL-oiMOH Malaatia*stlt. C. SiTTo*.'. *s %p»*ta*iu ...




ELORENTINE tJLAss-.ji.ly a few piece* lu thi,

(KKK (.i-As-i.-ihicli tonk th* Keaiiuiu oT«r theI*. .1;. ii.l ii :


KKlXI I'LA'l ES-lvurv iititlv-j. Mnethtnif nt-*;|iEii)ltATEI» DINNER SETS-: tink*, pattern;i ll \MHEi: sEiS-Minltiii-vgrlel v ot pa'.tcrua;TEA SETS-all J..Iee- ai,.j ntylwi.Will have o|#m**J "" the *9th INSTANT the

larjte»t axaort nient of Wt lltt'E .-TER .DRESDEN,ANO LONGWY WAKE ever exiiltn t**l. and en¬

tirely new 'ie-.l_n>. GEOItOE lilli--' »N, JU..de 81207 Mi" -tr-.,--.


aud a W4-1I-4U U cted atoek nfCHOICE GROCERIES for the holidays.

For aa'e br(kll-lui JOHN M. HIGGINS, i

^J^^J*t*Ut^^^^t^^^i.Bf poindexter A tctptmr.

rMt tsmBtt Arrntean-l -vnciloueeM,1200 Main al reel.

FiaoOTom 1*1*1 of the 1'F.r-VjsiiNAL PROPERTY Of THE LATE B«R-RORA RUCIIBKB, AT HIS LATE Bl^mKN^K-Kf»WTIIfcA**T CORNER BROAD AM FIFTHRTKEKTS lUP-STAIIIM.- HT .^""'¦"V,\r{"j.](.t mm «PI tell f.v iiir.ii ,i...a HM i:""l».V"t.Ja"i-u *r% r"b. st 1<V tfcMtck A, M.. Hu.* follow I nie pro-

r*erly a* ohtroe: ....,..- «i cl-t«2 NKW III.MK WAI-Nd ( HAMIL II bKTS

to "Uipl-trt:I MAlltXiO'.V VV,Vl'I»IJOKI. ,


per1..r qu.'l'yl.CARPET*. MATTING. RTOVE*. r.MLt mik INT. -OLAgSKS, "SOFAS. Mil NC.F--.Ac.

I * \i- Cash. PolXDIIXTRR i Tl-PPFR.',n,AaetMustri.


liv Pnindfi.fr A lui!', r.

Real KM aie Aeent* sad Aw iiouetrra,

111 | Mr.ln sired.

IABG1 RICK~TOBAOU0 FA<-flT*J TORY at (turban*, I'ltUylvania ronni***- BLI

Hire.' -i..m<-: t!ir.<- lem of ground: iw.ionthou***.;s'ai.'c: and well of water. IUe Btati r.-.iHiia for

Jn8-f*Od8t' ^ l''< INDI XTF.K A Tt'PPKIt.


RIVER-FRONT (old "iiirtr refinery) In R-y«?J.**-jll ri Kl -an Franklin oatwe-nKerond and nnr.iatreeta; TW*. KUALL iil.'lt K DWELLINGS,t-talit rooms radi. will, all ¦ met i, luipno. ir,, i.i*.

Um north tide of t .-irv Niwi.n Ma* ii-, i* aa -I Bom-df-re itrreta,

'i sam !>. ".nt i".r -I.-i'.t*.CAMPBELL A WHO ILCRAFT,

Sj r,Am IK'* Main "T.. t


(>m:y loankd

uroNcrrroR sururbas beal estate(lil tol I.A I KK.Vl.s.


ADVA nc:*:¦. maui: <>N RESTS.

HOUSES WI i>. BUILT, and BEPAIBED,ii^.n small monthly laalalm nt".


Anarrlor Virginia Land Gntdt.i,Km:*.i. te. CRAWFORD,

*a8*i- .1 -ttn I'i.'.*. lio.K -tn .1.


AUCTIONEER, ANT) NOTE-BROKER.Haying rented tba otlces Ho 1106 f.i-t Mstn

ctreet, I offer myaervlrne lo mv frlende and inc

public aenerally, uromlMns thal aoy bnai^ioa en¬

trusted t-> my care aimil have my per* nal andpromi i n!. ni on. Re ate "Li privi.t. ly ii 'l bynu,-ii ,ii. hou c rented, rent* collect. .1 andprompt returni marie. Loan* ueaotlatetl on real*-t.t. and collateral*. Commercial paper boughtnod Mild. Deed* drawn, Ac. JOHN M.GODDIN.

In* iim'inii. .l.t..., rj z. 1880_Ja 3-flt

1880 CHAFFIN, 8TAPLE8 ft < <).. ¦-<<

1880 V^ I-""1880 BEAI. ESTATE AGENTS, SS|>8I AUCTIONEI Itt*, ."-"

logoe*-i> I-*"11

1880 LO A S BROKER*, -"

1880 NO. 1 NORTH TENTH 811tEi:T, l!*^1RICHMOND, VA. 1880

la 1.0*12*_firE TAKE THIrt METHOD OF BE-il TURNING THANK? lo onr friend*snd ihi

public in K.-ncrii for iii-ir v. rv liberal i*n,.,:,. nfldence beatowed Upon ii- In the patA, aud1* ectftllly ri 1, .1 .-..ir'lrru oir-i- "!' Iii-Wesive our uriel era mal attention lo


In tbe elly and rorre-undlrur cnunth . Oar char**-**ar i" ke< pins wi. h ihe i un-.

Cad andi -i- ii- iref. re maklnifor thc Inc .mu.? year.

( ll KW NI Nt; i Iii >-l".Rt al Eaistc A-'.-.. *. and Vir Hoi

de25-Sw N....". ii'-iti Tenili atreel.

W \ * I ¦¦*

WANTED, SUFI 1:1:1.1:-* from PILES,FI-8UKE, and Kl-I fl. A to renu inber thal

Dr. W-K. KM ITU. of Ral I.re. will he I Itlcbmouds.v'l f l:l»AV MORNING.J muary fm- reniali Instin, ,| c.-. u ki- i:. 1119 Main -tr- I, npCuroa willmot * knife, lIsa<ute, **au*llc," or anypainful |." .¦ LADH H atti nd al ihi lr rc :.

deuce* Sari fketonr referenceagiven ll r -.

J:i8-4:»_WANTED, A i.'OLORED BOY TO !><>

.,1 NI RAL WORK 1BOU 1 ll! ll«.l>!..Mu»t come well rccommcnrled. Apnlj lo

ALI X VNI.l.i; VV ERST.Ja 8-11* corner Third snd Broad ret-in.

TITA-NTED, A SUI A'u7T\ j 5y at\ VIM. HAN of experience i*. j i:rocery.

ot -ii,,*--' art. Beal referenre furnished, a-

j:, B*8f_ KEVEN LY. j rkr ; o '.'.

tt'AN 'ED, A BETI I -1:1 > COLOREDy\ NURSE. Mnst come well recommended. Ap-

11, ia vv. (,. *"i (ii< i.s.:.i A. V. Btokei .*. t ...'-, Thirteenth atrect,

.hfi 21"_\\rAMi:i). A SEHVAN'T TO CLEANfl Hui's!: AND SEW (German or li!-ii pte-

lerrtd). Apply at No. 810 ea« Cia) treet._IJ.7--2H_


In a di sirai.lv located bouae .ni Grace -n..t. Ad-dre »W. K. .1..

.In 7-3! curt' ("artier No. 10.


HANAGKR. He nudernlanda ihe can of tot k andthc repair of r.-irmlo-* Implement*. ulldlu-r. Ac. 'rw*-u!d accepl h altuatlon as manafrer of laborii am 1 in lin- ri tv. a Koodacco'tiniant.i.I peraonala*!* 111 -s. anil *cood ref* rencva. Without In. nmbrauce.Address ¦.FARMER,"Ju (i-.-u* No 17'2'J Main afreel. Rlchmoud.A YOUNO MAN, WHO <AN GIVEJ\ THE BIRT CITY ANDCOUNTRY REI i:-KNCE.de.in to M VICK HIM>ELI PROKK HATIN SOME BUSINESS.and to thal ead v i.i wordfor an employer wltboul reuiunerailon. Andrew

" EARNESTNE88."j-i c, si« care <*f Din ¦¦'¦'¦ thee.





ia6-10t HIS Main -'ic!.

WAN I Kl), A MAN EXPERIENCEDIT In the management and care of Hock and

dalry business. vi-*>. a WoM.N ri- HOUSE¬KEEPER ;in 1 nndentandlnn fowl-ral-ln*/. Ad-draw FARM, Richmond post-office, with rcfen nee.


t ace iii.i large itock of CHRISTMAS OOeiDs,ron*i*lln« **i" china. i,i,\-. 1 vm.: .1 1-


li. II. IFALL vi I -.

<\e9 48fl :"¦"



¦ta IS _m v* nliciitii ~ir.-<-1. at <li:iiv-liri.lyc.

ttOAL AND WOOD..Flrat-clflM AN*1 Tl 11: A < nfc, all Omeo, um tl H010 84.79 pei

lon. Beal SPLINT and CLOVER IHI.Lofail klndu,*:i.:.t..*-i *4..".U. ;in*l *4.7n. SftFI I'OKIall k:n.|s Of KN".INK lull, 1'INI *u.| OARWi .till from fl .".11 t" *4.;.n pei.rd. t«r.l*rsim.i«iHly lille! tn.in-lill, i- yard. Ilrond rtnei, be¬tween Suvtnlli anl H-rlrlii. *.r 1900 e arv .tr*.-i.

<!. 1 X_<". tl. I'AtiK.

3 B. hawes.... isru ANi. Cart,




S. ll. I! wv I:-.Kijefuee-nth mut (ury .sti.-ue.

Order* by telephone or ott,'rrj,"procemttt ottomdon to. mr a

pOAL SOLD HY Wi;i(.IIT._I hsvs Inv./ my yard. Twenty-a^t r-tr.. t between Main

j and Franklin. 1.0(>o lona ANTHRACITE COAL,all slz.-., and !>e*4t|ualltr.a.i.l will be MM for (*a*.li.v-i!i.ai.ii> .-ni I*. tMiuifi.t. PINK and OAK WOOD»-l.l l'n.m #3.50 le fi-tOB«r eoret llratfch yardn Kteenlh and Carriuetoii r-tttets.

E. P, MURPHY,ti*' ,1(l-eod_No. j Twenty-first .tm-t.

VITIKT BOBIBT8, BEVENTEENTBft rmi ("art. M reels, dealer lu beat rjtUtttl AN-

TIIR1CITK '("(.Al. of Ml fit*:*: HAST IlANKBPI.INT COAL: CLOVER lill.I. anti VII!.!....TH IAM LUMPanel BAIL. Alaa.CUMBERLANDCOAL if,' Hie .-ar-ro e>r lu small loll to Mill pur-(.baat-rs. OAK aud PINE WnoM.

WHIT Re IRE RT-.,Sa*rt**sleanth and C4rv Mreeta.

Order* by Telephone ur oiiierwl*.- proinj.tly at*tended 10._ct l:i-fiiii



My mat'/ili.i -lucp.na ht\ Ml Vi* WOOD 1.. ii-11 reIv fret, of knoU.

Offlc*-«: 1719 Cary aad corner Jeffer-fcn ant*Broad .tre-n..omer* by tclrpnone, itUenn,, or otheri*-** ai^evit*

lr Ulled. M 27

-tJ^jmmTuMwdawgtU, *actt°?°*J'No. 10 Governor Awtbtsi *»*> »,r"u


,1,-nrr «**. al-ovei "' V'J ". .Ty- FURNITUREH>*,o'clnel.. all of hu ELhGANi wvmmnt mm,

1 anpRlOlf RO-EWOOD CASE 7*-o<TA VE1 'jmvn.i. ,,Car.l.*l a. one of tne MM tootra*

1 ^iK'viM-rrVn'MVNTEL-MtRRORS, hand-

K,^;'A.o;:ir,ci.AM.iER. .«d dirirr*


Fx.,'u",lt,'LACE.. IIRTAIR* CORNICE, and

IjJlSo^eOAK HALI. ^\'T?- .f.,,. . .,.<,.Th« rtuaiben are ruratafcfdl «-».pLe_eMV"l ! v* v

sive HOBAWOOO. WALNU [."4*4Hfh.an.-I I is. locetber »Rd KINE HAIRM *»T1 REMEd,BEDDING. BOLSTER*, PIL I. rt- ff*J,_WftonP-rii'-uuraiieiiti'ii *- catted to lae BO -Ey . h hi

SI ll', a'IU-. v< ry niavlve and Laud "«..'*. ImvIii,-C""t *'{!<i';li- DlNTN'ii RO'iM Hill l--f.ui.-l1 very -.ret tT OA K-.M A lt III. E-T«>}' Rt- F FETIOAK DINING-ROOM aa i LIBKAR1 l< IIAIIts


i I ti ll b Vll,,,-, m WIRE* sad 'lOU.E.cl.'.T'ls:CHINA sll.\ l.i:-l'l. VU D. and ..LA-t-N ARE.l laraeOAK Kiln:lt;Ki:a I K:OIL-) Lt-.IH. FENDl IW-ITO*! E9: _____

1 WAI.NIT UH'H E-Dh.-h. and LErihL-ritl->-. AC. Al. ,

Tlie Minl'iirc nelli? Of the bast 'fiOity and IO

gnat a varteiv as io rentier a proper descriptioninu-o.it'it*. iii.- n-i'iiace trUI bo mr-.wu apea oa

Vt i-.DM.-DA V. 14tli l'l-lai.t. Ir-.ui IO A.M. lolI*. M to eiiai.lt* Hie pu'die IO make StOoroafn ex-

anili allon.-it. lal attention ii called lo Hi MM. HM PO l-

Hve.iKiiMs: C.mh.

JAS. MACDOUGALL, Auctione. r.

E. B. Cooa, ¦__lili?,,_iyL:_Ja g Tint-ut'd

Bt ... Thompson Brown,Real EStaMAfSBl and Ane'Ilo'itcr,

ll lt aaa! MaaiattaM.

ITOUSTEES* SALE OF FOUR HOUSES1 AND LO] ON WEB! CART STREET. WESTOF I ililti:*! -li:, li -Kv rirtae of two deed*.ol'llll-t. CX'-eUHd liv ( liar..- Ko.tl and n Kw. (lie

Orallo Hartman. tRraat. and Browo, trustee*. Ac,dan-'! lld Novetn'.i r. 1S77. and recorded la IboHtChtnOBd Chancery I oiut. D. H. Ill A. p. 1741.¦iel lie- -.. .:. 1 lo Meanie*) and Taiinali, ti ll -'.

dated 18U) March, 1678,and ne mled lu ibe Rich¬mond Ciancvry Oonrt, D. ls. USB, !¦.._._.¦.. lose*rare certain obllmitloiM, and wbeiea-i Default lias!.- .n read.. ann benia required -.«lo io bj the bi ne*

lie-Sili-. are «ili -'I', on the i-rdni '-. "ii MON*DAY. .linn, iv 19, 1880, at 4 O'Clock I'. M.. Ol'*PROPERTY described In both deeds as before re*'..rr. .1 IO.Said properly fronts 68 feet on then rthMdeef|

Cary -lreft, :iiid inn. back between i-arallel lineslie.' to i.n .ill. v IO ie-: wide There I- ¦_ii--i».aid 1.1 I HIM 1*. Il"l -Es Iii-,,ti:.,-'-n tar- - r, et,and noe la ther ar. The property l- ten -l ..> ^....

tenant'. 1 be lum-ei will bc ¦ li separately If de*-in.i.Tabus: By content «*>r ail partlas. ono I'minli

east): balance al four,right,ant! twelve luontba,In- In.i. -i ad'le,I, ami - cured ny -t deed "t tiu-t.

II. C. (.. H IRTMAN,.ll i.Ii -ii.v.r-..1. THOMPSON BROWN,

1 ru*tee Qr t d< d..1. A. MKANLEY,W. ll. TALMAS.

im ih- ecanddeed..1. Thom rson Bhown. Am Hoiiet-r._ja 8

r.y. J. iii mp on Brown,Real Estate A*reo1 and Auctioneer,

lilli casi Main -tr. et.


.- KEI is. M> 1428..Bl virtue of a deed of trustfrom lt. T. Wo.,..;; io u-e undcr-d-px-d nun.doted Cli Anyu.l, 1 h18, and r corded In ihe Bltmond t liaiie. r\ ( ... ii h. ii i ia R, -., . -_-*i, to-. e u re 11'it.iU bond iii. rein ipeel Ht d. and wheres*).1 fault haa li ti matle. and I ina required -.. ;.. .i«.nv ihe lieut lie i nv. we -aili«.,- i. on tue nremlae*, nn-\|l IIDA1 . .1 .tu.- ii v 17. l.-.-.i. SI 4 .-.¦.leek P.IL. l.e id.A'. ESTATE de cribed lu taldilead. osi'.ilui\-i "Thal 1-.. ..i land In Ibe cltj of R|eb-:. -.-I with In.prorementa Ihereon, belhr boase

128 Venable sireeL Hald lot front» 30 feel onthe m.. :n -nie of Vtnaiii -in i. between Rote andTwentr-fl -ii -ti<.-. :n'. 1 rnuibacli between {Aral-

- .-.*. i t i.i a,, alley *^n reel wide."li hms : Catii it-1" . spciisi - oi iale and i '.7.".. 12.

..uni ihe Lit .ni'*' "'. H 1.1 rm- si will be aiinoiinu-d

.ii !. bi the irai lor or irostiII. < . t. ll UM MAN, ).Ul.Il - BTRAI -. /Ti.1. I IIOMI'dON URiiWN.)

J. Thomp os miowx, Am loneer. lu 8

By J.Tboiap'on Brown, i: al Es*ati a.-rn,11171 Mm, -uni.

rpRUSTEES' SALK OF TWO-8TORY1 i-:;*M: DWELLING-KOUR l:<i"M-ANDKIT) HEN.ttJM .-l\i ll ITREET. NAV 1 ll 11.1. -i'.v rlriueof ailee ul trusl from .'¦ bu I'erklniandwife io lin- undi iljtned, ii ii-.e. -..I in .: --ii Nov.-. -

b--r« 1877 ind recorded la the Richm mdChanct rvl url. D. d-l'.'.i * 111 A. l-ii-.'! 211. 10 CUM I f r-

t ,i-i bond, :.u whereat default bat been made, audi.i ina r- Quiredaoto .. by ihe lum-fl. iai j, we ailiKelt, on the le.ii.t- on lli:-H\V. J .in-nrv ll.Ig80, i.i 4', I*. M.. Ibe Bf AL ESTAT I de cribed;n ii.-- s-.lid deed '.r ii* i-' si foll n i: ..! bal Ll »T niLAND frontlns B-l reel on ihe ».. .ideol Sixth-ii.e. north 'i n.ii.i ne.i. uni, i'WO-iSTORYi i: vme D\\ t LL] SO -v,11. lom- rooms, sadkitchen with two rm ¦ ."'

iM--: i .. ii i lot m if salt iud He :.d tbe bal bee on such ti nu- ai will be announced

vt ile ii\ the t--r.n.nu* or ii hiH.t .ti. ll in \| \s.JU II - -IIIAI -.

.1. riiii.Mi'.-uN BROWN,I ll

.1. TiliiMl'stiN IHtfiwX. Aiieiloii'er. J-i s

By J. I le.in,. . n Hr..nu,Real Estate Agent.

llllaaal Mila Kieeta


ING -l\ ROOM* ON SEVENTH STREET.N IV- HILL. BETWEEN I'REBTON ANDBATES STREET!*..Br vlrtu« of a deed of trustii,.in Joalah Crump to the undertlgntd iru tees,dated i7di January, l-7.s. and recordnl in HmRichmond.han i > Court. D B. lilt,', p. 144, tolecur. a certain bond therein described, and wbere>.- di Tiiiit Iii- been mane, and being required -.. todo hy the benelciary, wewin ell. on (ht diun SATURDAY, J-.nuary 17. 1 *_80. at 3 o'clock,tb KIAL EbTAI I '..-. -ill.. 'I i-i deeil a- fol¬low!: That LOT Of LAND lu the city of Rich¬mond "u th<- we Ide of *- renth itre< bet wei 11

I're.-ion and Bates streets, fiontin-: Dfiecn feel indtunnlns back between parallel In - -_-4 r<. 1 t.. auallei -.-.!. iiien reel wide, with EHAME DWELL-INO th re m.li:;Ms: »;,-!i :i- n, 1 gpen '¦- "t ale ind#S69.

ii el ibe bala un* "ii -iieh terms ¦¦ will bc auuouni.i .-.ale by thc iranmr <>r tru-n

H. (JI.1.

¦I. THOMI'S-iN liUtiWN*. Au.-tloiu-.r_li I-

ByOrubtMl WllBaau,Real Estate Agents aod Auctioneer*,

Eleventh street between Main snd Hank.

rpei sti:i>" salTTof a VER_ val.1 LIABLE l.\ M IN HURRY COUNTY, "Nvmi.- BIVI !:. Al ami ION ll) rlrtue ol ¦

deed of tru-t to the und. r-ivied from i:> -..« t

D. lard ana William Dillard, nu ... .dated L'eeem-li IO. 1876. andr* corded in ile- clerk 'a offlee ..1Hie ( *, univ Court Ol -il n y e. aili' \ . we w iii e '.\ii tilt m. iii Sum C"lltl loll te, "ll III -DA V..I a li u-

sry87.1880(thal i"*it.*.' court-day).al Ho' lock.M.. :i non ion of itu- real estate conveyed in laiddeed.to wit: Thi EARMkn wn a- RlpM.'o, lylne..:, both -id.-- ol --.-- ii.'- I'oint road, conialnlns -IXIII N HID A NH TWENTY-ONE AND I ll lit. K-t-'.ll.TIi- ACRES; 121balance In oak aud pinewood. The DWELLING.widen la n*..' miles from Dillard**) wharf. Ione; contains ereu lar-te rooms, wph w|.k balls¦nd airy mm un belo-a and abore stain. It I- twt

i -ie art white maible mann ls In tlItu-, lt i-fow:, ,| iviiIh im. ii id i- hiv, odie- ,i.

The eiit-iimi.!:. ii- ia*.- nop Iban ample foi tbeplace, sad are In good repair. The od nidiiiiiy iiiinroi.-j. iiini ahoaad in marl ol reri Bnequalliy. There i- a unan \ of rord-woo-i ;i!,.|mu.-ii line iiiui-ei for ship buddina and othei pur*pone*.

'I i.i: m- : Hy c mi ''ii- - i. fi ur' li .a li: bilone and two yean for neaotiabie t---;- t; per ceut.n.i- n -* addi d, .eur. d bj ¦ di ed of trust.A i. al "i the rei* ny ran le al iheof

tbe auctioneers. ROBERT ll. JONE*-*, Ju.,BAMI 1.1. bTEVl NS.

i raines.i.i7i i:i;s .t. Williams. Am loneen.M8-ll.ll.ll-t i s_I.IVEMY AAD MALL'S MA lt 1.1 N.






Tliesuix tsBmt tiar. niteit up in connection frithbis exleiisl ve ItlblW one of 'l.e BXMI

( UMPLITE ANDCO^VENIENT BAZAARSo lu-found i n tills eouiilry; add havlii-c every fa¬cility for tin* aeeoiniiio.laiioii or st->ck, n-ajie-.-ti'ullySoUclts e.iu.-i_. 1 mulls ol'

lIORSKft. MUUM, AND VKHH II sof every kin-1, |iroim-iu-f that ill Work. Itt..toa.lentil to him iliad have every alteiitluii, and tn*lum- promptly in ade.Libkkal CASU skDVANCtS made when mi ulred

THK ( ARhlAliE IMfPARTMENTembraees eonilKtunt nm of alasoat every rariely o-.ehleli-n for pleasure -ind work-puriMiaes, m* alsoHARNESS of everv o **-*-crl plina. AM artlelea inHr dei-artmeiit will be sold at lowest wholesaletiiaiiufaalurers' prices, and In no in-sunce will any-I.-*, uiion from suth prloe.* be made. Parties wi-li-Iuj/ topurrlia.se will nnd lt to their Interest iv ex¬amine ititi stock of vehicle*, dc.My STABLES are uaw, of LAHCR CAPACITY,

and afford every con veulenee i-*r drovers.Parties uVslrlua io purchase for their awn tue or

tbe trade will Hud a larfe stork to select ii.-in.At- noa SAj>rs everv WEDNESDAY aad tAT-

t'RDAYat 10 o'clock A. M._

JOHN B. DAVIS, Proprietor.E. R. Cooa. Auctioneer.C. i. AiaUCN, Maitster. mi IT

rr B V >1 STORY

lir.imi'1 or 11 u

i.'. '¦ H un sj in, /ll I.ll - MllAI -. >Tru lt.-I. THOMI*SON BROWN.)

AtTCTI-RIf RALEM.Fntnro Bayi. |By J. Thompson lirown.

Real Eatate A." nt aud Auctioneer,Ul" Main a!reel.

rfiBU8TR9 .sauTof FOUR HTtirK1 STORES.WITH DWELLINGS AKOVR.CRR.TR Al,I.Y LOt'ATED. BEING ON FOURTEENTHSTREKT RETWMCN MAIN ANO Ki!ANKI IS""IK11-, ANO OPPOSITE Till". EXCHANGEHull.I..-tty \lr ii" ol' a .I.. .I of timi frnni (tentl*mia ll*rn* tt lo Mie HBderalaood trftoteea,elated 'J7iliv.nciii!*..r, 187^. anl nw-ord.*.' In Iii.- derk'- ..tl!.-.,or Ki* iiuii.ml Clian.'i-rv Cou ri. ll. ll. ll "I II.. BtWCIBO. t" Berrara a eertalo Deco* tabl aoi( for int um..f M.OOC ihcieln mfiitlciK'i. ;ii..l -.luria, dofanllha*. b«'cn n'a.lf In Ike uavtncnt f said noi**, nn.lLeliiK n quired mi to rio, vve -.linii tell. *.n thc bretni."i ¦-. .ii I WI ARV" CM ll, al lS'o'elOCk M.. the fol.t-awlng PROPERTY, deacrlhed lu "aH *i... <i a*. r.,|.l*iws:'*Ai| that lot of lam), nilli all tu*- Improve.iiif ut thereon, lu lin- city of Rtehmc-nd.oa iii-* weatlin.-of K.r.ii ici-utii strn-. .in,i bounded aa f<Commenetnir on -ralf] wet lino nf Faorteanifa itrroiflo f.t-t lo inches souiii of Franklin .-tn-.-t: thenceniniiii.i'-'.liiiiw.irdiv ind frontlai* thereon 79 feet,and ru*.iiln-; ft.irK txtwrep f. irnil. I linea BO ff(i«I. ir Lott Rda, B, 3. ,-iii*i 4. im*! tu*. Mme r.-.leatate deviled io the mM Mewirnbi Barnett by willof P. A. Prlodle.*- The Imnr venn nts on (Ll pro-iM-rty e..n-1-t ofTHREE f*MA I.I. BRICK MTORI --.

willi .lwfill. i*« al*ovr. .-.ii.l ONE *.TONE-FRONTHREE-STORY BRR K BTORE, adjoining WU*liniu ifnir Ricinr'l ..ii,.K-<|. Tbe atore will be hiseparately, ah ext (.'-111*1.-.1 i.y (*eK>**t-ptf1o-f ten¬tata.

li.tMs: Ca ii u lo m» u ea of rate and to novoft ,i h. .tc amounting lo84.000. with Inf real there¬on fruin ld 7 li dav of November, l>"7'.i. t.. tale.s|i.,ui.i ** maenl of all parttea be oMal led bt the dayof .al.', wc will ion-( nt to ibe lenna bein** thangi ilio OW fourth ca li: ...Iiiu-i- in *.(*<. twelve, rm

elabtri niii uu.i iii 0 \» r cent int. reaf. ecun <1 brdeed of tn -i. J. II. MONTAGUE,

L. E. BROWN.'Ira ¦"

.i. it*i"'i-..)\ r.nowv, Vuetl -ti- er. j. >".

Ry Clullln. Stipli-. I ( "..

Real tetttht Audits ami AnettOtaeeitSN". l north Teiuii.tr*'. t.


i)\ "lill" CRAIGTON ROAD A Uni "I KUI!Mills FROM THU CITY OF RICHMOND, HYAUCTION.Bj vii-ut- ..i a decree ot tbe < tiaucer*(nun <>i" lite city of Hu lim..ni. Iii the cauaeaofTn*.mp "" ''". Redford and nix., ami Roberta, n,

tru .;.-... '¦«.. Rr..wu :ni.i ni... entered on tbe lG'hday of October. 1"-t11. ihe andVralftne-et,(...milli- loner tli- rebv appointed, will aell lu tr-nt

ol [Ipi rico county rourt-Jiouee. <>n MONDAY.-Inn*lian 18. 1880. ai Vi o'clock M. (that tudor court*rtav). tim V.vl.i'lii.K TRACT OF LAND called

Il AVi't.i: i"." situated .... the CrauTton remo fouriiiiic. from tlc- t itv of Rlchmoud. and formerl)*,. ned in .!. ll. Connell, Btu.,containing by recent-Turvey 827 ACRt 8.one half of which la one riverbottom, and ihe remainder well adi pie o" totrut-kIn-.- Tne FARM liln a aood state of cultivation.Tue DWELLING ls commodious nnd comfort,able, bavins been repaired and partly built in Hiei.i-t few yean, lt ls tlejranth situated In a altadyyard near the public road. 'Hi*- out-bulldlnjr* arene nan usually found on t farm of Ibis klud,

an i:i -rood condlt'on.lillis: Whllatthe decree (-""escribe* one Ihlrd

ea h. and tbe balance lu twoequal aeml-antiual In*iialmeuD, willi Intcres' added, for ni -¦ ll band tin- mic retained until thc whole ol Ihe pur-(.iiii-.-iii'-i.cv la paid and :. conveyance ot dereel bvthe Court, yd Ihi.tomb i.' haa antborlty toni-, r tlc-t-i :u it'll should -..- Qt on ibe day ofsate

Iii. willina- to iee a mai. ul" tli» propil.,-,. \ *oa the auctioneer*. Mf-wra, Chaffin,8tapie» A c.. HENRY v\. ItoRSON.

s.|n ii ( omin I giout r.(ii \ir tv. Si \i*i.i- ,v. Co., Aucil o', .i-.

ile j*-t**3iaw3w.tt.ltdaBy Robert H. I.

Ri al I. tate Ajreni and Auctl meer,1218 Miiii ititi t.


I riONOF A LOT OF LAND SITUATED ONIII sol ill V-I" < *>! \ !! OF I Wi NTY*

I I'.ll I ll VNI" \I *"i 'RI I- 1-,' "NI VIN I Ni, I-',.".FEET CN TWENTY-KIGH'IH -*II'"IT VNI.RI N-.lM, BACK (»N tl (-TREET |32 ll.I I.-Iai <-.\.. mi..ti .-I' a rertaln dee. of Irusi da'edlctli of M-,v. i.s?7. '.. Hu* iin.'erttfrnetl,lee. iud .luiy rt-corded in Hie cleik's office of tbeKichm md Ch ¦»!¦. rt Court. In fl ll k i 1" i ..

p jc j lu. i will (.Bi i- i, r ale, upon rtn pn ml*. -.

on WEDNESDAY the 14th dav of January, ll.,.-it 4 ..Vi ck P. M bein* reqalrt-d otodo by thelu neild ni.- mi.I. r sahl .!.-..I. .!- ftuli ha limarie ni -li" p-ivme.it ul ile- ic.- ccured Iiii- PROP! RI V abo o ileacriheel. 1 he li

from .-ii 'I **dit\ -i i-fhe h tre t, audwill vcr] prob b!j i..* -..'.- Ivld d to Milt pureba i¦-.

The trade-) in ttie vicinity b-t»c all lie-en llxctL Aatbe lois win certainly be old, bidder may attendwith ihal a surance. Ihle offer an unu ual pp rinn!'v for peron- of limited mcatia to cuteaInn:.lin. it.TiiiMs: Wbllsl Hie *lee*d retinlrea ca h

libera term*. will rn abtv bc ti ale.ii i, HENRY «.. CANNON, Tri

i:\ Ri bi tt I'.. I mi-.

I!*ni i: tate Anent and v ..¦.

1212 Main street


STORi FRAME I.vvi i.l.lNi,. n.i B01. SITU-Al ED i'N I HE NOR! HE \*l t ..UNI.I: "tI vv i.NI V -!.:!(.li I ll AND ( KAY STREETSVNI. IWo FRAME STORES ADJOINING,FRON'IING ON CLAY MTHKEr, NtW». ",( I ANDBOB, WI ill DWELLING OVf-R SAMK. NOW(»¦ < I I'll li I'.V UR. EDWARD CANNON VNI.vii;. v\ T. WOODY..R:Iwi'l'ili lol ii;.* ihe |.r. in. ¦.>.«.ii WED*ni SDAY Hie 1 itu dav of Jiiiuai 880, al to'clock (*r liiiuietllntely ufier Hi"-al. r Ihi

"I h. ii velfrhlh aud alaireel ). the PRoPERTIlllOV( d' II'.."!. W Iii. ll I- ll '¦ Hil olabout «:'."iii pt r annum. be ¦.; nroiomparatlvel) a«w.and Ibe >Tui:i> ar.n*l.i-

.-ri .! u yu k! st. re pr |a-rti f.'bn ch Hill.Each im* ii I.vvi-1.1.IN of ..'--ii' three oi four

;. Tuc DWELLING ai ti"' cornerof TweuttM liri 'li itn c. utalus aboul li venroom*, and ls in good repair; witer, Acou tl..-

preml« -.

s, i. i.i .-..;.-i lion ol tl; wi li I nu lo Invest Inp i\ Ina propt rtv luv lt( *l t*. i'-!- - ite.

Tl.i: M. 'im il.,i.I e.i-h ii ¦',,!!,.- al four, ciabt,.iinl twelve mouth*, neiiotlal.le notes, G per ."..iiliiterti tad li d, and -* cur bv tm-! di d

ROBERT P.. LYNE,l,i (>_v

B] -Ino. I.i iu«hton, Jr.. Auction016 Main street.

rpitUSTEE'S -\\~l~ OF STOI Iv OF1 l'..>n|s. SHOF.H, I.I Cl III I.'-VI VI MINIs.

1Wii->T"i:V BUILDING ON Ll AshilOROl NM. .',. .. Vi vii I h IN.. Ko li nate;i ,!<c! **i ti ii-t fr -tu KV '.". Dn rn and wife,.

in ihe t I*.di.-i iv . ouri of Hie i-lfvolni .ir I. I hall -'ll al auction. r*n FRIDAY the 9HiIminnt. al Iii o'clock, at Ihe (.tote of W. IL I.rew,N. '.i 3 Mi .¦¦¦.'¦ all ol I.

HAND-MADE ROOT**, GAITER**, and SHOES.i'm:,., a full e of reg la* of i*e.-i

aTWO HOWE mid ONE VV ,v\-1 III;! vi. LEA*



(,' Mi s.

A e.' nf s| i-i- Rion I'.!, vi KING lc;ll..! -II!.>l.l» 1 li.Ni 1 I Rt.

VI.so.vi I ". ... I', m.. lin V, 0*STORY FRAME

RI ll.!.! Ni; No, 10 Ni rr-ii tree*, between Main andFranklin. Thbi bulb Ina, with store below uni resl-,i. .-. a .ve, li bulli on '¦ .! tn umnu ri rental t*l ll 7H. which may tie l«*ar..i\.-.i-. !i location for -i small bualue sis nicolMie'iie-i lu tbe Ity.

ill: M- Al ile..in. LANI, -ii KN. i.

.!\.i. I. I. VI rll l**N. .ll'.. All.-, j..ii', t.

i'.v Ihivenport A Morrl-., Auctioneer!,l)-..-k sir--* t. Rb iitu.i-,.1. V ,.


(in UF.8DAT, January 20lii, we will ai ll at auc¬tion, within our warehouse, nu Dockniiiii-in_-.it ll o'clock, the canto ol ',n FrancisJohn, -tired from Rio de Janeiro, coual ina ol3.00 n: V\ ( RoP GREEN RIO oFFEE.

DAVENPORT .<. M. »i:i:ls.-. Richmond. Ya.

Bj \V. God Un.Real Eatate Auctlom er,

r rmr of Raak and I levi nth tiree'-.


NORTON AND KINNEY STHEhT**.-As trusteein a certain de. I of trnsi In.tn vir. /. I.. Tralnham,near Ina date lim .lune. I *- 7 7. duty recorried InRichmond t iiaucerj court. I shall In exi

pell al publl** mi. Hon,pn ru; ..ii Till l:*«l> WY!..- I ri, .I.inu ll

-. P. vi the fon .rivi ESTATE.Ihe Brr>t frontlnn 81 feet on Int outh >i.:* ... Leighstreet, rurnlna back C't! feet, lirtvlui.- thereon ii

si i NEW FRAMED DWELLING coutalnlugfour room a. wit "t %.I wa er, hand .nu front..ni ; eki -I w ri. tl wera; the aeeond fronting on aconilnuation nf Catharine srreel 27 feet, running

1 feef, with a MEW COI I v..h lben on <¦ .n-

talnlng tw.* roolin runt will beenough In cash to def

penaes of ante and to pat ;t two notes pasl due,amounting io Boil; <m :* cretllt a-1 *c:*(i until tin-lilli Jiu.e. 1*-Hn; and :i- !" HM ri- 1.1 li*-. ..ri SUCHtetmaaamay be annonueatl .it .be time of «hv j ihewbo*e credit navmeats to heat lutereal and bete*tiirt-.l l*v a il.-c-l ol' inisi. \V. <.n|»l»IN.

Ja '>TrnatetB.Rv .L Thotapaoo Brown,

Real Eatate Agent au*l Auctioneer,ilia Main «tKet.

Tillr»TBBfV BAUTOF VERT VALU*1 ABLE IRON-FRONT BTORE t>N M-.INSTREET i'.KlVVKKN lui RI KI NIH AND FlF-Hi nih HTREETa, NO. liri-- Rv rtrtw of twodents **f trust.one execnt*..! hv H.'iuv (.iin-t an.!wu".Abram Ganai, iruaier.dated :elst December,1878. and recorded in Richmond I'bareery Court,li. R. 11:1 H. page ft'.'4. ami thc Second bj llenrvi.iiu-t la tin*. Mlllblrwr. trtist.1-, tauad loth viav.1 H7i*. and tt -r.-le.l lu Ri. lim.m.I ( liaiirerv ourt,H. B. 114C, nw SOS, Hm iii-' dead loaeeor*cer*lalo ii- les tin i* In ininti.*ue.|. ttie .<i'..n*l *|i e.! -i

eora crtrllton of said Gonai* and wberena defaultlia-ii.. ii uiii'ie and being required ao t«> do bi ibebene il.-ury, we will .eli. on m.- n .insist.., n rl;|.liU.Jiiiuni 16. D-t-n.at 18 o'clock M., tbe pro*.petti abave mentlonad, wblcfc waa conveyed bi ibetw.. deefis of trust ainiv.- .pe- iii.-.!, and which pro-|H-rIy rn,nt- ZO ft et on I lie south side of Malu -'i- * 1

between Fonrteenth ami Fifteeuih street**, an.l raniluck at rif*btangle* between mu-allel linea lu4 ii. tel im lies toan alley lu rear. The store in No. 141.'!f.l-l VlulU Illili.The prop- rt) is well known to all. being OCeapled

by Mr. Il .Hr* (.linet. Sm-ti an oppottnnltl for In*v. -tm* ni 1. ..el.]..in oflrie.l. Tiie .lore ts atimlrahlyarraiia.-.l.new. bas al! convenieiii-vs : larife. <ti % eel*lar. The op-staira I* arranxed for a dwi lllnj, an-l l,Compit-iw In all lia details.Ttl-,Ms : Ry MMMl ti all pani** concerned,cash

¦ \.-. i*i as t*> ?»,ttl'. t't>*'; which twelve mombatime will be ftlveu, lutereat ..1.1**1. aud for wblcbsi't'ttqueut rea.'v-aj. auy '*« ol.Uine.1.

AURAM Ol'NsT,Trustee *lr»i deed:

GUs. MILLHMRR.Truarec iccoud >!¦ *¦-'.

J. TUOMrsox BK0WN, Auctioneer. te 6

_ArfTION MALEM.rnlnrc Oaya.Itv Robert B. Lyne

Real Estate ARenl and A "et;.,ur. r,

Itll MalnstreeL



ii-'... . . »; ¦. mr. i i.r.iier.-, i .. i. .\ -.-..'-.

('ilNIY. UN TUESDAY THK lfl-iil DAY UK.I \Nl \RV. IMO. AT 1 i i'l I.tu K P. M.-In imr-iii nee <.f I .t, i-r'-e Of Hie Cir -tilt Court of llenrleo

Collin V. enter* d "tl Ul' 1 7 ll di | ol D< rtiii'-tr. 187ft.lu -ult I' S. lierl.Mid rai. N.-lli.r.and (lier, lu pet d-Iff. we shall proci e'l tn-ell, lip..n dav and Bt boarnamed, inion the pr-*-ml ju*. HM alx.ve d-"r ribedLAND, of which Hi' late Qeor-rc fc NeUwrlaaddu d -ei/i ii iimi pome*-.. i. 'i ii., laini i- half cleared.and remain'ter ld |OOd "ak ind J. In- ll in',er : Ilk- mith** iii ul ti e .ii"iy road leading from (treen i>t> sta*tnm tu Horn vinrin - brMgt, ov.-r Little t iv. r. Thelui pr" v.-me nt- ar-- ordinary, com-lstlinr ufa SMALLUl IME DWELLINO.Ac; the wills (rood ind UmHint, r i .linallie, li- lui* in aecei-sil.le lo Ile I In-*.

il uni duo ralhoad.I KUM-: Ind- r .1. ere.' will t*" one fifth COOKj

Ililli dei ii ..ii ¦ er. .lt of »lx. twelve. . lu' I. tee ll. a ieltweui v-i'"*ir months, sn. -.i ti uajroii i'.'c not. *. -Ix perrelit. Inti real .-ui*|e<f. md title rtiitin r| until all ofthe I'lin-iia-'-nnii'-, i p. ii. iind s coartraaca kt ot*tiered hy Hie court.


Commit lon) n.RonrttT B. l.YNH, Auetloneer._Ji'_

By frank .1. S.iini.-on.Beal Bal.le Air. nt, AaoUoaeer. and Votary PabMe.

oraor Hull sad Ninth matti.M.itiehe-ter. Va.

pOMM ISTONER'S SALE OF LANDU IN ( Hi:.-i ERPIKLD COUNTY..In pana*..nire of a deens nf the < Irenti Conn of Cluster*n.M roomy. In ihe ehano rv call styled R ll. Elk 't

rr. William O. Eionrnor, entered al Hi Mar tera),l B79. 1 will -e.: at public suction, on MONDAY the12th day of Jannary, 1880, tx tween Hie bo-trsolIS o'clock M. and 2 o'clock P. M .In froBl ol Chea-t.-rll. Idiounly c .url-hoii-e. a TRACT Ot LANDnteniloocdla acid decree, containing l-l'.) A) RES,more or leas, shoal fonneea mile- from Mandie--ter fronting oa ihe Goode's-Brldc-e rood, ond ad-Joins John T. Clay, Ryland Snelllnr*. and theBowles tract. There are bo bolldlagann die laud.bat lt ls well «'...'..I and watered, sad might bcmodi i.Illtle lai-'iiTamil < sahiHB-clenl lo payexnenaM ofsnli

ai-.I -a'e the Li'a ne.- up-n I ere III of .-ne. I

ilirea vin*-, the purchaser lo execute his bonita,beal j ii-r ti *..].'-i rrom day of sale, and tl le retatne<lnulli illof tin-piirelia.--.-uii.il'\ Iii. Im .-n full.-paid,

t.i "Kt.I. M \-"N.da- 7*11Special ( ¦.nilnl--|. in r.

$25,000FINANCIAL.TO LOAN. ?25,000.


We have the sb ive ninonn 7.. | .au -i I'M H-MONDCITY REAL ESTATE (firstmortgage) luum i" snit.Our charges for negotiating wIP t* rea nuable.

t HANK D. IIII.I. at 4 O..Real Esta Rroki rs and Vui lion' -.

.i 5-1 w 1 ins M.'ii:


..t* nu:( li's" PEAKE WI) DllIO RAILW iV


ClIESAPRAKB AMDOHIO RAILWAY I '-Ml'WV. Ji. r -i 'Mi Vt< K-I'Rl -nt--. 1. '.

Rl-fHMOMD. Die- nil. r 18, 1870. J

Th) t hi -mt ABE \M> (Hilo ll Ml \V IVCOMPANY will, on and after ibe i-i DAI OlJANCARY. 1880. upon their pre entatl-wi at the...lie nf th ump nu. In Me' div td RIff all of theil* !* Pl R i i- NT. RONDAIntetest on said b.ls will be flopped aa of that

I big notice i Inti ndod tocovi r;») i u.- om tiB prr cent, bond -»lven by the Virginia Ce.ntr.*il

( ompjui and il. i--u- d i-v ilepeake and Ohio Raflwa] Companj iii lien of 8 perc ut. li -nd- eui ri in! re-l.

li m Ired bi the liol.li i¦¦ of di-- bon la. theipany a iii 11\- 'le iii du- .-ii i-i "t lal ni

te n: j yeal tl pei nt. nun li ie- ni ney Ilind- i.i. sehauce foi Hu lr li mis *.i i"r.

UTI.1.1 WI- i Hil KU WI-de 19-181 *' ¦. -I Vice-En ni. nt


/ 1ARROLLTON HOI EL, BALTIMORE,t ) LIGHT. ANO ISERM VN - M.' I -. Il M.: |.MOl I xiii. -Rates ndueed to #3 aud #'_.<.1 iv. e. ni ding to Kxirat li n .<..-

r-. i. -'li-, and d mill i.im/-. *i he most convi leal au I Ul *-

the ell i. Elevator runt continuously toBoor All line- of ell j i'ii-- nisei ....

i....I i. P. VV. i DI.I si \'.. Uinagi i.

RAI i WORK, Mn.'tol it IO, 187P. tic l-l


IjiOH NEW i)H;i\.-iDominion BP am- it'i-m

'ni WYANOKE. Ca|S tin Corni,I III DAY.-I .nun*. Dil .¦ 1 u'elock I'. M. *

bl received n I2t nek M.lading algnt

varileu *.- .* di ipatoh to ,

l*i lal - ¦!..ri

Kor I'¬la. VV. ALLEN A CO., ".

j 7-ilt Comnanv'i Wharf. Rix

yi v., i jj i \ -i illili viej-

CltMl'ANY.-JJ A M K *-*--ll l V E R I. I >,' K ,

l*. i e.





Thc nut rad elegant iteamer abifi., < apiany.t i.iri.i :i> ic irrj lag the


. ?._'.!.r ne I . IKare (<¦ llaltltnore. H I Q

. 9 03Fare to St ¦¦. Yorl . I I -

'i.,... 15 Ol*¦ M

:: , i I oa board lb un tr. tiugh.ived dally for Norfolk P

Waii. v i.i.-I allmdii .- on 'I ..i river; Wa-.hlnrt.iii. D. <

>f V Irvin!.. and rt

L. B. TAI M. ¦: :. ii

1 109 Main -li'. nd Ro. kiI. W. Mt r-UMin k. A ..-ni. N*..rr..i|..



i- :il> XD-VY al lilah vi., r.¦:'-... rel? tow, and wer« built

pr. ly fm

*u. BUoni -

sim i nc i land it Ph r 37. N7.,..i ul Hi ten ir.--. 7. - i||i n mingPier43. M I1 ..et.

.freignufor polnti beyond Kaw York Ibm c¦n except ai tua t ».

¦>ribla Care m N w Y'.rk.lli" lS'.'»rjiirt, ft. ia

IB.Vor fm tl:tr Information ap'ily to

li., y. w. ai I - \ v CO., Arentj,j

PH J ! HU ll'^ww&ttm.. i-i . . iarttaL.

SHIP LI> PHILAOI I ill \, F \I.'.RIVER \nd 111E 1* A- \ i \ ALI. l.'l\ M.I nilli-: 1 IMEb AWI- RK. nUI


tni's. Icarlng Phlta - . ry T CK- I ' "¦lil It 4HAY, an-! » Vt RDA1. and I:

every TCESDA1. 1*1:11',* :¦ :.¦'; bia

17,v. r.

OTU \ IMI r KI.'vi N 1 DI I'M;I77A I ft.

Vu ivni received dally n nt. .'. o'clock I*. M.i \ *.,! - W. M. i AUB,l K,

General Hoe' ern laeat, Richmond. Va.WI .i.IAM P.I I.YD* a i h..

(.¦ '¦¦ ..rr«,N" 12 Ponth Wturif., I'tiiiift-tlpi.'a.

1)1(1!-!' ^!l. IfOBK RlVEBAia___jtiwi, .o- m-k mm: ir.Si'r iT\ll RI .AN I- AND MINKItS I lt lNai*OR1 V

HHS ( u.MI'ANY,Tn lagh-frelgbl route between Richmond (Va.

hu r.o-iou. Provld* ure. and all Sew t nglaadt Ulai-Lim.- ra leave u t -1 Pt dvi, v \..

U KDNK-OAV and - il I'KinV .* 1 2 Dotaectlng wuii i rn ii. fr. .in RICHMOND.m.vim. r. arrlvi il WEBl POINT oneaehTUEB--\\ md PR1DAY.i' -. iblpmeuti from Boatoa ria Boaton rai

.'io.., .i nt. Railroad tia \t>-t Point Va.il. i. OOUOLAB, BapcrlBtCBdeM.

V.D.Gaoaaa. General kgeat. ap 3


an iiMnsD. rtttno a potomac tt. k.Kn BMOHD. Vi.. Not) ml-r 7. 1879. i

pOMMENCINU NOVEMBER 8, 1879,\J tralukaa thia road will run aa r..llow»:

VOKTN mn nd.6:1- A. SI., nuvea l.yrd-streai au'-lon Au ly (ex.

ti't Minda)-i : due at W.i :.1:10 P. M.; lUltlmore, 3:05 P. M.:Pbthulelphla,0:O< P. M.: Ni rn \..r»,

P. M5:du P. M., le&vea B)rd-Street amtlon dal v; tnt

.1 ll. blnjnon. 9:28 P. V Ballimore,1 l:*_.*. P. M.: Philadelphia, l _.'> A.M.;N--* York, t'At A. M.

4:00 P. M., A) ( tiVMiitlATIoN THAIN f-rluiietloii. leavea Broad-Btrecl itaUoadalJy leacent Bat dari).

¦outb ¦ooinxIC.IQ P. M., arrive* a! Hyr.i"-ir»ei autior daliy

ieaee|.t Hu ada] a. Leavea Maw York,1:19 A. M.; Phlla - l|.niit. 11:48 AM.; Baltimore. 8:4" I'. M. j Waabligf.toe tt.20 P. M.

11:40 A. M., arrive* at Hvrd-Str«-.i -.tailor da'.lv.1.4-avea NVw Wk, 10:t)l P. M.; I'lill-

ad.-lnlii... 1:TT) A. M.: Haltlinore,I.-'.A A. V ; lVatti.nvla.il. 7:00 A. M.

6:43 A. 31.. ACCOMMODATION TRAi> arrivalal Brnad-Mreat atailoii lai'v (eaoaptSundays). C. A. I A 1 LOK.

-General Ticket Aa«uiC. T. D. Minn. Ueaeial Baparlataadeut.

uo 10


** * "ff-K ?St^^Bp ri tr' " ~t& +o'$'AffotRl'ilNOSD, Y<JUK RlVK.e A* *r in .,

CIJEmLEOKTft.MN*-"'""*^- (TAKINi, EmN T -IARUARY «, |ea ,S

F\-e«iKN.,r.R TRAINABlBO P. M. I.'"iv.- Ri hm- i-l rta) .

.in <.*..,i telina ar w pTl K.I.Will li |,A1PRDAY viii,lu*.', on th«- y,,ra riveramore.

THROUttM FRBIGHT i:.-vin-..I.sn v. m.i I .v.- RteBmoo

10:<J0 A. M. $'!t" i.e..eelaieamera r ni;, ,. -,,,, s, .:'"lt EMDAY, ... I,';;*¦mi Rsi.v, i,ii'. .;.with *i. .in-- ra IMONDA V. v.i UNI slitFRIDAY; with ne*

fridayI "

r*A*-HEN(.l lt I I'V!\10:00 A. M. Arrive at tl

I ~!.VV III i,trow wiih

THROUGH 1 REIGH1 R viv..S-69 P. M.I \rrlve ai ir., v

r. vi * * | ;,with >


\..rk. Provl pNo transfer of fr

ooufberti p-.i.r' .

an.l VV- I- '

Careful handling .*. .'i d -

truaranlee-l. .

T'orouirh bt!!s ct larilnr. with piarslanes) to all northera tad wear,

F< r ir formatian, apply ;<i ott .

T***tnty*lblrd and Iv,, k stret ta. Kinel_H.T. DOUGLAS <*,,,,

k imonn v. ¦-. msBaili sdi ontottt

/ *0MMKNVIN(, BUNDAY, i\j I860, tr*1.is *ix thiateott wRl ru il

LXAVf* KICltVt.iSI. lt rn.

18*00 M., THROI <.ll MAIL >'*.>". et ,

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v.. m i OMMOD \ I !.".ueeil. .. pei

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t .-r Roi m>.

HUI Min «rr!\.sat Rlclirii.ii.l u:;y.\-.. I --.-,.l.v lt...... - '

itu arrtrea at Richmond <laat. v.Vt.,

V tallou train idno »-. I:Jolly except Minite at.

' .*¦ ?.Mixes! train Icavea Ma ¦*.¦'* v

Uk.li .* pa -. .*'. r- at Lord, . . *

M r*li fl uti VA*»hlu4l'*u. »>.

Rl.-liuion.lat ">:«( P. v:A a li VIralnta I

Lynchburg, Daovlik .and Attain N*

Railroad au"iln.leavlntai 5:10 F vi

ll ,..u.,e, u with 1 I MU >'"l .',lIJ '

' . ora sn '.' ¦'

, eoe Beeta with Wiles rv lr..a . ¦>

tmiH, lenvlor* M S'lB F M. forli ...nu.-..- » Uh Valley railroad train. lea -

11:11 v. vi. Harper*a lon-K ronueel .»!!'. stiajfJ foi iI* .-,...-. with c. f. s. ,i..i p. p. mee*. r

Portauioutb *u.t t lui luuaU. ,i, ,.leeta with betoto VaRaj railroad tea

N .1 vv .

il ,.. ti with all itu**a .liv ik>"«c '", ''". v

NotlhwaH, and Itesitlsweat. vv vi *. Dil > v

Kmrlnaei aad shsiwrl*.***'e,,NW*r K. HtiWAMu. Irlaatnl Yctceccrn

.Il.lvK koowt._" "

Bo.iK AND JOB Wt»KK N-A^";KCUTSD silks DlBFATth *MaBBU*»