daftar pustaka

DAFTAR PUSTAKA 1. Prawirohardjo S, Hanifa W. Ilmu Kebidanan, edisi IV. Jakarta: Yayasan Bina Pustaka Sarwono Prawiroharjo, 2010; 10:130-136 2. Thomas EJ. The aetiology and phatogenesis of fibroids. In : Shaw RW. eds. Advences in reproduktive endocrinology uterine fibroids. England – New Jersey : The Phartenon Publishing Group, 1992 ; 1 – 8 3. Baziad A. Pengobatan medikamentosa mioma uteri dengan analog GnRH. Dalam : Endokrinologi ginekologi edisi kedua. Jakarta : Media Aesculapius FKUI, 2003:; 151 - 156 4. Sivecney G.Mc, Shaw RW. Attempts at medical treatment of uterine fibroids. In : R.W. Shaw, eds. Advences in reproductive endocrinology uterine fibroids. England – New Jersey : The Phartenon Publishing Group, 1992 ; 95 – 101 5. Friedman AJ, Rein MS, Murugan R, Pandian, Barbieri RL.Fasting serum growth hormone and insulin_like growth factor – I and –II concentrations in women with leiomyomata uteri treated with leuprolide acetate or placebo. Fertility and Sterility, 1990 ; 53 : 250 – 253 6. Crow J. Uterine febroids : Histological features. In : Shaw RW, eds. Advances in reproductive endocrinology

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1. Prawirohardjo S, Hanifa W. Ilmu Kebidanan, edisi IV. Jakarta: Yayasan Bina

Pustaka Sarwono Prawiroharjo, 2010; 10:130-136

2. Thomas EJ. The aetiology and phatogenesis of fibroids. In : Shaw RW. eds.

Advences in reproduktive endocrinology uterine fibroids. England – New Jersey :

The Phartenon Publishing Group, 1992 ; 1 – 8

3. Baziad A. Pengobatan medikamentosa mioma uteri dengan analog GnRH.

Dalam : Endokrinologi ginekologi edisi kedua. Jakarta : Media Aesculapius

FKUI, 2003:; 151 - 156

4. Sivecney G.Mc, Shaw RW. Attempts at medical treatment of uterine fibroids. In :

R.W. Shaw, eds. Advences in reproductive endocrinology uterine fibroids.

England – New Jersey : The Phartenon Publishing Group, 1992 ; 95 – 101

5. Friedman AJ, Rein MS, Murugan R, Pandian, Barbieri RL.Fasting serum growth

hormone and insulin_like growth factor – I and –II concentrations in women with

leiomyomata uteri treated with leuprolide acetate or placebo. Fertility and

Sterility, 1990 ; 53 : 250 – 253

6. Crow J. Uterine febroids : Histological features. In : Shaw RW, eds. Advances in

reproductive endocrinology uterine febroids. England – New Jersey : The

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