d20 modern - weapon cards


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Page 1: D20 Modern - Weapon Cards
Page 2: D20 Modern - Weapon Cards

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BERETTA 92F (9MM AUTOLOADER)Ballistic 40 ft. S 15 box

Small 3 lb. 16 Lic (+1)

2d6 20

BERETTA 93R (9MM MACHINE PISTOL)Ballistic 30 ft. S, A 20 box

Med. 3 lb. 18 Res (+2)

2d6 20

COLT DOUBLE EAGLE (10MM AUTOLOADER)Ballistic 30 ft. S 9 box

Small 3 lb. 16 Lic (+1)

2d6 20

COLT M1911 (.45 AUTOLOADER)Ballistic 30 ft. S 7 box

Small 3 lb. 15 Lic (+1)

2d6 20

Page 3: D20 Modern - Weapon Cards

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Ballistic 40 ft. S 6 cyl.

Med. 3 lb. 15 Lic (+1)

2d6 20

DERRINGER (.45)Ballistic 10 ft. Single 2 int.

Tiny 1 lb. 14 Lic (+1)

2d6 20

DESERT EAGLE (.50AE AUTOLOADER)Ballistic 40 ft. S 9 box

Med. 4 lb. 18 Lic (+1)

2d8 20


Ballistic 30 ft. S 17 box

Small 2 lb. 18 Lic (+1)

2d6 20

Mastercraft Weapon

Mastercraft Weapon

Page 4: D20 Modern - Weapon Cards

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Ballistic 40 ft. S 15 box

Small 3 lb. 18 Lic (+1)

2d6 20

MAC INGRAM M10 (.45 MACHINE PISTOL)Ballistic 40 ft. S, A 30 box

Med. 6 lb. 15 Res (+2)

2d6 20

PATHFINDER (.22 REVOLVER)Ballistic 20 ft. S 6 cyl.

Tiny 1 lb. 14 Lic (+1)

2d4 20

RUGER SERVICE SIX (.385 REVOLVER)Ballistic 30 ft. S 6 cyl.

Small 2 lb. 14 Lic (+1)

2d6 20

Mastercraft Weapon

Page 5: D20 Modern - Weapon Cards

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S&W M29 (.44 MAGNUM REVOLVER)Ballistic 30 ft. S 6 cyl.

Med. 3 lb. 15 Lic (+1)

2d8 20

SITES M9 (9MM AUTOLOADER)Ballistic 30 ft. S 8 box

Tiny 2 lb. 15 Lic (+1)

2d6 20

SKORPION (.32 MACHINE PISTOL)Ballistic 40 ft. S, A 20 box

Med. 4 lb. 17 Res (+2)

2d4 20

TEC-9 (9MM MACHINE PISTOL)Ballistic 40 ft. S or A 32 box

Med 4 lb. 14 Res (+2)

2d6 20

Page 6: D20 Modern - Weapon Cards

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WALTHER PPK (.32 AUTOLOADER)Ballistic 30 ft. S 7 box

Small 1 lb. 15 Lic (+1)

2d4 20

AKM/AK-47 (7.62MMR ASSAULT RIFLE)Ballistic 70 ft. S, A 30 box

Large 10 lb. 15 Res (+2)

2d8 20

BERETTA M3P (12-GAUGE SHOTGUN)Ballistic 30 ft. S 5 box

Large 9 lb. 16 Lic (+1)

2d8 20

BARRETT LIGHT FIFTY (.50 SNIPER RIFLE)Ballistic 120 ft. S 11 box.

Huge 35 lb. 22 Lic (+1)

2d12 20

Page 7: D20 Modern - Weapon Cards

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BROWNING BPS (10-GAUGE SHOTGUN)Ballistic 30 ft. S 5 int.

Large 11 lb. 16 Lic (+1)

2d10 20

HK G3 (7.62MM ASSAULT RIFLE)Ballistic 90 ft. S, A 20 box

Large 11 lb. 19 Res (+2)

2d10 20


Ballistic 50 ft. S, A 30 box

Large 7 lb. 20 Res (+2)

2d6 20

HK MP5K (9MM SUBMACHINE GUN)Ballistic 40 ft. S, A 15 box

Med. 5 lb. 19 Res (+2)

2d6 20

Mastercraft Weapon

Page 8: D20 Modern - Weapon Cards

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Ballistic 90 ft. S 5 box

Large 16 lb. 22 Lic (+1)

2d10 20

M16A2 (5.56MM ASSAULT RIFLE)Ballistic 80 ft. S, A 30 box

Large 8 lb. 16 Res (+2)

2d8 20

M4 CARBINE (5.56MM ASSAULT RIFLE)Ballistic 60 ft. S, A 30 box

Large 7 lb. 16 Res (+2)

2d8 20

MOSSBERG (12-GAUGE SHOTGUN)Ballistic 30 ft. S 6 int.

Large 7 lb. 15 Lic (+1)

2d8 20

Mastercraft Weapon

Page 9: D20 Modern - Weapon Cards

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Ballistic 80 ft. Single 5 int.

Large 8 lb. 17 Lic (+1)

2d10 20

SAWED-OFF SHOTGUN (12-GAUGE)Ballistic 10 ft. S 2 int.

Med. 4 lb. 15 Lic (+1)

2d8 20

STEYR AUG (5.56MM ASSAULT RIFLE)Ballistic 80 ft. S, A 30 box

Large 9 lb. 19 Res (+2)

2d8 20

UZI (9MM SUBMACHINE GUN)Ballistic 40 ft. S, A 20 box

Large 8 lb. 18 Res (+2)

2d6 20

Page 10: D20 Modern - Weapon Cards

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M-60 (MEDIUM MACHINE GUN)Ballistic 100 ft. A Linked

Huge 22 lb. 21 Mil (+3)

2d8 20

M2HB (HEAVY MACHINE GUN)Ballistic 110 ft. A Linked

Huge 75 lb. 22 Mil (+3)

2d12 20

M72A3 LAW (ROCKET LAUNCHER)- 150 ft. 1 1 int.

Large 5 lb. 15 Mil(+3)

10d6 -

M79 (GRENADE LAUNCHER) - 70 ft. 1 1 int.

Large 7 lb. 14 Mil (+3)

Varies -

Page 11: D20 Modern - Weapon Cards

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Page 12: D20 Modern - Weapon Cards

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Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.

d20 System Reference Document Copyright 2000-2004, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Rich Baker, Andy Collins,David Noonan, Rich Redman, and Bruce R. Cordell, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.

Modern System Reference Document Copyright 2002, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Bill Slavicsek, Jeff Grubb, Rich Redman, Charles Ryan, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Richard Baker, Peter Adkison, Bruce R. Cordell, John Tynes, Andy Collins, and JD Wiker.

Weapon Cards Copyright 2006, Michael Todd.



Michael ToddLayout and Graphics

‘d20 System’ and the ‘d20 System’ logo are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and are used according to the terms of the d20 System License version 6.0. A copy of this License can be found at www.wizards.com/d20.

d20 Modern and Wizards of the Coast are trademarks of Wiz-ards of the Coast, Inc. in the United States and other countries and are used with permission.

Weapon Cards is TM and © 2004 Michael Todd. All Rights Reserved. The Big Finger Games logo is a trademark owned by Michael Todd.

The original purchaser of this electronic product may print copies for his own personal use only. This document is a work of fiction. Any similarity to actual people, organizations, places, or events is purely coincidental.

“Oh no, Bring the Glock 17, yeah, that’s my favorite...” -Tim, Spaced (1999)

This ebook contains a series of cards designed to be printed and cut out. These cards contain stats for the firearms that appear in the Modern SRD.

Also included is a page of blank cards. These can be filled in with statistics for any additional ranged weapons. These cards have blank text fields, so new text can be entered by clicking on the appropriate field.