d20 better mousetrap games encounters on hael volume 1

Encounters on A d20 expansion for the world of HAEL Fully Psihammer compatible UNIQUE CREATURES, ENCOUNTERS & ADVENTURE HOOKS REQUIRES ‘Welcome to HAEL’ AND THE ‘Psihammer’ RULES. HAEL vol.1

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d20 Better Mousetrap Games Encounters on HAEL Volume 1


  • Encounters on

    A d20 expansion for the world of HAEL Fully Psihammer compatible


    REQUIRES Welcome to HAEL AND THE Psihammer RULES.

    HAEL vol.1

  • Encounters on

    HAEL #1Proudly, yet humbly, brought to you by the good folk at...

  • Encounters on

    hael vol.1By Patrick Taylor

    Requires the use of Dungeons & Dragons Third Edition Core Rulebooks v3.5 published by

    Wizards of the Coast Inc. under version 1.0a of the Open Gaming License found at www.wizards.

    com/d20/. Also requires Welcome to HAEL and the Psihammer rules, also available from Better

    Mousetrap Games.

    Open game content may only be used under and in the terms of the Open Gaming License. Dungeons

    & Dragons and Wizards of the Coast Inc. are registered Trademarks of Wizards of the Coast

    Inc. and are used with permission. The D20 System and the D20 System Logo are Trademarks

    owned by Wizards of the Coast Inc. and are used under the terms of the System Reference

    Document, the D20 System Trademark License, and the D20 System Trademark Logo Guide.

    ADDITIONAL CREDITSEditing and Production: Patrick Taylor

    Cover Illustration: Randy Nunley

    Interior Illustrations: Patrick Taylor

    Cover and Interior Page Design: Patrick Taylor

    Playtesters: Paul Angel, Grant Chapman, Bo Kuklick, Alexander Kuklick, Luke Strotz

    Visit PsiHammer for further gaming material;

    and Karmatech for corporate information.

    OPEN GAME LICENSEDesignated Open Game Content: Encounters on HAEL vol.1 is published under the terms of the

    Open Gaming License and the d20 System Trademark License. All game mechanics are designated

    Open Game Content. You can use this material in your own works, as long as you follow the

    conditions of the Open Game License. You can copy the material to your website or even put it in a

    book that you publish and sell.

    Designated Product Identity: The following are designated Product Identity in accordance with

    section 1(e) of the Open Game License, included at the end of this document: the HAEL name;

    the Psihammer name; all original names of places, feats, psifacts, races, and characters; the

    following terms as used to describe psychic powers - Forcer, Sixsenser, Energetic, Shifter,

    Flametrees, Octopsi, Crones, and Hel`armir`cev`dev, the graphic design and trade dress of this

    document. Please request a license if you intend to re-use any Product Identity.

    This book is protected under international copyright law. Contents Copyright 2005 Patrick

    Taylor. First edition, October 2005.

    All descriptive text including stories, characters, background, proper names and the depictions

    of HAEL and of psychic feats are Copyright Patrick Taylor and may not be reproduced.

    Illustrations, artwork and cartography are Copyright Patrick Taylor. All Rights Reserved.

    Psihammer logo is a Trademark of Patrick Taylor.

    This book is a work of fiction; any resemblance to actual people, organizations, places or events

    is purely coincidental. Copies of the material herein are intended solely for your personal,

    noncommercial use, and only if you preserve any copyright, trademark, or other notices contained

    in or associated with them. You may not distribute such copies to others for a charge or other

    consideration without prior written consent of the owner of the materials except for review

    purposes only.

    Patrick Taylor

    Unit 4, 15 Boyle St

    Balgowlah, NSW.

    Australia. 2093 ABOUT THE AUTHORNow committed to world peace and the preservation of his sanity, Patrick Taylor is a Kafka-esque literary dwarf who writes cool new RPG material in order to convince the massess that there is life outside WotC and that he is cool. He is currently scratching the surface of his next project - an apocalyptic vision of tourist destinations in the future, as well as pushing NON-d20 material, and is now even further along the track of creating the ultimate RPG rules system. Stay tuned!

  • Encounters on HAEL vol.1

    ContentsTHE OCTOPSI 1

    Backdrop 1

    Appearance 1

    Psihammer abilities 1

    Octopsi 2

    Adventure Pitch 2

    Alternative 1 2

    Alternative 2 3

    Alternative 3 3


    Backdrop 3

    Behaviour 3

    Psihammer abilities 3

    Flametree 4

    Encounter Oasis Ambush! 4

    Map Legend 4

    Flametree tactics 4


    Backdrop 5

    Behaviour 5

    Psihammer abilities 6

    Hel 6

    Armir 6

    Cez 6

    Dev 6

    Magnetic Elemental 6

    Adventure Hook 7

    Alternative 1 7

    Alternative 2 7

    Alternative 3 7


    Backdrop 7

    First Impressions 8

    Dark Secrets 9

    Psihammer abilities 9

    The Crones 9

    The Cave of the Crones 9


    Backdrop 11

    Desh 11

    The Betrayal 11

    Psihammer abilities 12

    Desh Blaq 12

    Adventure Pitch 12

    Alternative 1 12

    Alternative 2 13

    Alternative 3 13


    OPEN GAME LICENSE Version 1.0a 15

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    THE OCTOPSIBackdropOctopsi are grotesque aquatic creatures, descended from a highly intelligent Octopus species that evolved the ability to dominate living creatures and use them as hosts.

    Octopsi aack creatures that enter the water, and burrows a hole through the victims skull. Once the skull is breached the Octopi inserts two specialised tentacles into the brain cavity and wraps them around the brain and spinal column. Doing this grants an Octopsi complete physical control over the victim - people who have been successfully rescued from Octopsi tell of how they were fully aware of everything that was going on around them - but were unable to stop themselves from acting.

    Part of the symbiosis with a victim includes using the hosts bodily uids to provide a portable breathing atmosphere for the aquatic monster. In return, Octopi can supply oxygen to the brain and vital organs of a host when underwater.

    AppearanceOctopsi look like normal octopus in the water. They are covered with a moled grey-brown esh that can change colour to evade predators, and they have a span of about 5 feet across the tips of the tentacles.

    The eyes of the monster are jet black, and move and watch its surroundings with an obvious awareness and intelligence. Underneath the head-sack is a mouth and a beak. Unlike normal octopus teeth that look like a birds beak, the beak of an Octopsi is tri-fold and twisted into a corkscrew shape, allowing it to bore holes in the skull of its victims. This

    corkscrew-beak is one of the only ways to identify an Octopsi in the wild.

    When aached to a host on land and Octopsi drapes itself over the victims head, and keeps its tentacles withdrawn and inconspicuous until it aacks. Octopsi are intelligent enough to try and disguise themselves, and will wear hats, scarves, even wigs, in an aempt to hide their presence. Although this disguise is not good enough to evade close scrutiny, it does allow the symbionts to pass as normal from a distance or in darkness.

    Psihammer abilitiesAll Octopsi psychic abilities have zero range, and function through contact with the monsters tentacles. Octopsi communicate with each other using the Speaking feat - touching tentacles caressing each other. When they are in agreement they are gentle and careful of each other, but if Octopsi disagree they pull and tear at each other, even trying to rip each other o their host bodies. Watching Octopsi communicate can be an unnerving experience, and at the GMs discretion low level characters should have to make WIL saves or be

  • Encounters on HAEL vol.1

    mesmerised and act as if stunned for 1d4 rounds. As already mentioned the Octopsi aempts to capture a host body by boring into the skull and inserting its tentacles doing so requires a successful aack with both a tentacle and a bite aack on the same target in the same round. Once it does this it uses its Control feat to take command of the host. Because of the reduced range of this feat Octopsi can apply it with greater eectiveness than normal.

    Lone Octopsi can be bad news, but when they work together (and they are social creatures) they can join tentacles and form a Concert, using the Psihammer feat of the same name. They must use this ability through their tentacles, and the largest Concert they can form is a group of 9 - one Octopsi in the middle with eight around the edges. The only time they will aempt this is when trying to force an extremely strong and resistant mind to do something against its will.

    OctopsiSmall Monster (Amphibious)Hit Dice: 2d8 (9 hp) Initiative: +3Speed: 20 ., swim 30 . AC: 16 (+1 size, +3 Dex, +2 natural) touch 14, at-footed 13 Base Aack/Grapple: +1/+2 Aack: Tentacles +5 melee (0)Full Aack: Tentacles +5 melee (0) and Bite +0 melee (special*)Space/Reach: 5 . by 5 . Special Aacks: -Special Qualities: Ink cloud, Jet, Low-light visionSaves: Fortitude +3, Reex +6, Will +1 Abilities: Str 12, Dex 16, Con 11, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 6 Skills: Escape artist +13, Hide +6, Move Silently +5, Search +5, Swim +6, Climb +3Feats: Speaking (CL 6, range touch), Control (CL 12, touch*), Concert (CL 12, touch), Weapon nesseEnvironment: Temperate aquaticOrganization: Pack (2d6)Challenge Rating: 3Alignment: Neutral Evil Advancement: none

    Ink Cloud (Ex): An Octopsi can emit a cloud of jet-black ink 10 feet high by 10 feet wide by 10 feet long once per minute as a free action. The cloud provides total concealment, which the Octopsi normally uses to escape a losing ght. All vision within the cloud is obscured.

    Jet (Ex): An Octopsi can jet backward once per round as a full-round action, at a speed of 200 feet. It must move in a straight line, but does not provoke aacks of opportunity while jeing.

    Skills: An Octopsi can change colours, giving it a +4 racial bonus on Hide checks. An Octopsi also can squeeze and contort its body, giving it a +10 racial bonus on Escape Artist checks. An Octopsi has a +8 racial bonus on any Swim check to perform some special action or avoid a hazard. It can always choose to take 10 on a Swim check, even if distracted or endangered. It can use the run action while swimming, provided it swims in a straight line.

    Adventure PitchEast of Glowbane lies a quiet shing village called Redweed, that has suered from a local curse placed upon it by a Kirene druid, as revenge for Dominion aacks on Kirene vessels. The village is cursed to suer ill-luck every four years, and indeed every four years whole families can unexpectedly disappear in the middle of the night. The water grows darker and cooler, and sometimes bodies are discovered oating in the sea with holes bored into their skulls, and strange folk have been seen travelling about in the dark! The fourth-year has nearly come around again, and Chamberlain of Redweed has posted a reward for the capture of the Kirene druid who placed this curse.

    Alternative 1A Kirene druid called Cuvin lost friends to a Dominion aack on their pirate vessel, and every four years - when the wind and tides have taken his ship around the entire continent again - he returns to take his revenge by o-loading a hatchery of Octopsi that he picks up from a secret location.

    The Daeorc naval commander who led the Dominion aack has survived Cuvins revenge so far, and each time Cuvin returns to the area he visits the village to make sure that the Commander is still around before dumping more Octopsi on the village. Cuvin might be captured in the village, and if he is he will try and trick his captors into going onto his boat where the Octopsi are waiting...

    Alternative 2Every four years the water temperature lowers and packs of wandering Octopsi naturally make their way into the area. There is no curse, just a

  • PAGE 3

    misunderstanding of what is really happening. Travelling Kirene avoid the village at this time, even though they know they are not responsible, just to avoid the Daeorcs wrath. Local Kirene who have made Redweed their home can be unlawfully aacked in their homes at night by enraged Daeorcs. The Octopsi enjoy stirring up this sort of trouble of course, because it keeps the Daeorcs from realising the truth - and several Daeorc rabble-rousers are actually victims of the Octopsi...

    Alternative 3A master Yaena Storyteller has worked out a way to employ his Warpack feat on packs of Octopsi, using a special underwater musical instrument. The aacks on the village are actually eld-tests to determine who well the Octopsi can be controlled, and if they are successful the Dominion will suer many more such curses in the future. The Storyteller controlling the Octopsi pack is safe from their aacks as long as his musical instrument, a horn-like device, is submerged and working - but if it is damaged the Octopsi are likely to take their revenge out on their would-be controller...

    FLAMETREESBackdropFlametrees are desert plants that grow up to ten feet high. They have spindly branches that reach up toward the sky and are covered by a dense and brous bark. At the base of a Flametree is an innocuous cavity in the trunk (Spot: DC 25) which ickers with a tiny ame that is protected from the winds. This ame acts as a pilot-light which the tree uses to ignite its sap. Beneath the ground the Flametree has a huge bulbous sack that retains moisture and oils, and which is covered with reactive root bres that function as a primitive nervous system.

    When the Flametree detects movement on the surface, the nervous centre contracts and spays an oily mist into the air, and more of the oil runs out of holes in the plants upper branches. Using its pilot-light the Flametree can ignite this explosive aerated mixture.

    BehaviourOne Flametree on its own is not dangerous, but a real threat emerges when they grow together. A stand of eight or more Flametrees can form a mass-mind to coordinate their behaviour if they are close enough for their roots to interact (20 apart for a mature tree). Records exist of Flametree stands that have lured prey towards them using their pilot-lights, and then encircled the victims with a wall of re and cooked them to death. The roasted carcasses are usually dragged underground by the plants roots, where any treasure the Flametrees has gathered can be found buried. Only non-combustible items survive the re and burial.

    Psihammer abilitiesAlthough primitive, Flametree mass-minds have a natural anity for the Projecting feat. They use their own ames, from which their thick bark protects them, to roast encircled creatures in a ery blaze.

  • Encounters on HAEL vol.1

    FlametreeMedium PlantHit Dice: 2d8 + 6 (15hp) Initiative: +0Speed: -AC: 4 (+4 natural) touch 0, at-footed 4Base Aack/Grapple: +1/-Aack: -Full Aack: -Space/Reach: 5 . by 5 . Special Aacks: -Special Qualities: Tremorsense (60), Immune to re damage eects. Immune to charm and mind control eects, DR 4/slashing weapons, Flame, Mass-mindSaves: Fortitude + 6, Reex +0, Will +2 Abilities: Str 14, Dex -, Con 16, Int 2 (Mass-mind 12), Wis 11, Cha 9Skills: -Feats: Projecting (CL 3, 40 ., max.2d6 damage, Mass-mind only)Environment: DesertOrganization: Grove (1 - 12)Challenge Rating: 2Alignment: NeutralAdvancement: 3 - 4 HD (Huge)

    Projection (Su): The same as the Psihammer feat of the same name, except that when using the feat alll members of the Flametree stand extend their roots from the ground, waving them about, and reaching out toward the target of the feat (Spot DC:15).

    Mass-mind (Ex): When a stand of Flametrees contains at least eight (8) Flametrees that are in root contact, a mass-mind with increased intelligence is formed. The mass-mind is able to use the Projecting feat, and each Flametree that is part of the mind is able to make a single aack once per round using Projecting.

    Flame (Ex): By excreting ammable oil each Flametree is able to generate 5d6 worth of re damage per day, up to a maximum of 2d6 per round.

    The Oasis Ambush!The Oasis Ambush is a combat and problem solving encounter set at an oasis in one of the deserts of Hael. While travelling through the desert the intrepid adventurers/explorers will seek rest and water at a typical oasis, unknowing that a grove of Flametrees has reached critical size and formed a mass-mind, with the intent of ambushing creatures

    that come to drink at the water hole. Also at the oasis is a travelling dried-goods merchant who is glad to share his re with fellow travellers. The merchant is transporting a load of smoked meat and sh, which also aracts the Flametrees and gives them an incentive to aack.

    Map LegendMap Symbol Meaning

    Water hole

    Merchants camp

    Palm trees. If they catch on re they will remain alight for 10 + 3d6 rounds, with an intensity of 2d6 heat damage. The Flametrees will use them as a re source.


    Grass tussocks. If they catch on re they will remain alight for 5 + 1d6 rounds and burn with an intensity of 1d6 re damage. They can also be used as a re source.

  • PAGE 5

    Flametree tacticsThe Flamtrees will wait until their victims have seled down for the night - the howls of wild Haegars and Crooners will dri in and out on the air. The Flametrees will launch a coordinated aack - trying to herd the PCs towards the centre of the Oasis. Palm trees will be set alight aer taking a total of 6 points of re damage, and the grass tussocks will catch on re aer taking 3 points. Both of these will remain alight for a certain period, providing the Flametrees with fuel for their aacks. If the mass-mind can be eliminated, by killing enough Flametrees to break the last remaining 8-tree link, then the Projecting aacks will cease.

    Buried at the base of the oldest and most central Flametrees is any available treasure - the GM should use such things as magical items and weapons, and melted coins for treasure.

    NB: A full copy of the Oasis Ambush map should arrive as a seperate image le with this download.

    HEL`ARMIR`CEZ`DEVBackdropThe creation known as Hel`Armir`Ces`Dev is a combination of many dierent entities...

    Hel is the name of a magical great helm, granted sentience and the ability to control the minds of others.

    Armir is the self-given name of an intelligent suit of platemail with the power to control and direct energy.

    Cez is the name of a sentient right-handed magical ghting gauntlet, also known as a Cestus, enchanted with a ery magical blade.

    Dev is a le-handed gauntlet with a magical buckler, also a sentient magical item.

    Hel`Armir`Cez`Dev was created for a Daeorc baron who was inept at combat, providing him sentient equipment to guide him around the baleed, even taking control of his body if required.

    The articer who created the items never imagined that the Helm, being sentient and fairly intelligent, would seek to take control of its own destiny - aer all it was just a helm! However, one day the helm used its ability to take control of all the other items, and commanded the armour to capture a Magnetic

    Elemental from the wizards laboratory to power the armour and provide locomotion. Taking control of the right and le gauntlet proved even easier, as neither were highly intelligent. Having gained full control of its destiny, Hel and the other equipment escaped and ed from their creator. The baron sent warriors aer the eeing magical items, but the helm proved too clever and it eluded its trackers (aided by the fact that they moved by ying).

    Since escaping, the helm has sought out the best ghters it can nd. It is wary of clerics, and fears that one day it will nd one powerful enough to exert dominance over it. When it nds a great ghter the helm leaves itself and the other equipment where the warrior will stumble over it, and waits to be put on. Because the items are not cursed, just belligerent, a reveal curse spell wont show any danger.

    BehaviourOnce donned, the helm will start out helping the chosen warrior to defeat as many monsters and foes as it can - that is what it was created to do and nothing has changed in that department as far as

  • Encounters on HAEL vol.1

    the helm is concerned. Unfortunately the helm has an egotistical streak, and will eventually push its wearer into ghting more and more impossible odds.

    Over time the helm has taken up with and goen killed, some of the best gladiators and monster hunters who ever existed. What made them so great was the magical items... and it was also what nally got them killed!

    If the helm senses that a warrior is becoming too powerful to control, it will wait until a chance presents itself, and the helm and all the other equipment will make an escape - just like they escaped from their original owner. Sightings of a shambling, humming, spark lled suit of armour spread across the countryside when this happens, and opportunistic adventurers who decide to check out such reports can get drawn into more than they bargained for.

    Psihammer abilitiesHel - the helm has the ability to use the Control feat (CL 9, 10 radius, 3 targets). Because it can only Control three targets at any time, the helm has to keep all the pieces of equipment appeased at all times, so that it can relinquish domination of one or more of them in order to dominate their wearer.

    Armir - this platemail is able to use Projecting continually At present this ability is used to hold a Magnetic Elemental inside the armour. When Projected, the Magnetic Elemental drags metallic items along aer it, allowing the whole menagerie of items to move of its free will.

    Cez - this cestus has no Psihammer abilities, it is a sentient magical weapon.

    Dev - Dev has the power to create an Eect-Field which is typically used to provide DR3 Damage Reduction. How Dev expends the Eect Field points is up to the item itself, although Dev can be persuaded to use it for a particular skill bonus if the wearer succeeds on an opposed Diplomacy roll.

    Hel Magical helm +1 AC Telepathic, Neutral - Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 14 60 Darkvision/hearing, Diplomacy +14 Control (CL 9, 10 . radius, 3 creatures)

    Armir Magical Platemail +1 Empathic, Lawful Neutral - Int 4, Wis 10, Cha 8 30 Darkvision/hearing Projecting (CL 1, 20 . radius, max.1d6 damage)

    Cez Magical Cestus +2 (Flaming, Flaming burst) 1d6+1d6+2, crit 19-20/x2 +1d10 (re) Empathic, Neutral - Int 5, Wis 4, Cha 3 30 Darkvision/hearing

    Dev Magical shield +1 Empathic, Chaotic Neutral - Int 6, Wis 8, Cha 6 30 Darkvision/hearing, Diplomacy +7 Eect Field (CL 9)

    Magnetic ElementalSmall Elemental (Magnetism, Extraplanar)Hit Dice: 2d8 (9hp) Initiative: +7Speed: Fly 80 . (perfect)AC: 17 (+1 size, +3 Dex, +3 natural) touch 14, at-footed 14Base Aack/Grapple: +1/-3 Aack: Slam +15 melee (1d4 - metal wearing creatures only)Full Aack: Slam +15 melee (1d4 - metal wearing creatures only)Space/Reach: 5 . by 5 . Special Aacks: none Special Qualities: Darkvision 60, elemental traits, MagnetismSaves: Fortitude + 0, Reex +6, Will +0 Abilities: Str 10, Dex 17, Con 10, Int 4, Wis 11, Cha 11 Skills: Hide +2, Spot +3Feats: Flyby aack, Improved Initiative, Weapon nesseEnvironment: Any Organization: Solitary Challenge Rating: 1Alignment: NeutralAdvancement: 3 HD (Medium)

    Magnetism (Su): The elemental is able to move any metallic objects it is in contact with, as if it were a Small sized creature carrying the items. Using this method it can carry all of Hel`arma`cez`dev at 15 . per round as a full move - of course it will only do so when Hel commands Armir it make it do so.

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    Adventure HookIf one of the adventurers is a ghter of at least moderate skill they will nd themselves challenged to a duel by a powerful Barbarian who took oence at a minor or non-existent breach of etiquee. The warrior will give the condemned man a day or two to sweat over their fate - before demanding that they turn up to a duel at sunrise.

    Alternative 1The Barbarian is a good ghter, made beer because they were found by Hel`Armir`Cez`Dev, but the magical helm has grown weary of the Barbarians continual boasting. If the duel goes ahead Hel will try and get him killed, by taking direct control of him and making him miss aacks or not dodge hits, and by ordering Dev to protect his opponent with its Eect Field, etc. Hel` has picked the PC to be its next champion, for as long as they last...

    Alternative 2The Barbarian is as good as he says he is, and the PC may well die if they ght, but the strangest thing will occur... The PC will stumble across the magical equipment on the way to the ght - perhaps it will turn up being wielded by a vastly inferior foe who can be easily beaten. A mystery, but then again what PC looks a gi horse in the mouth? Hel` has seen the Barbarian and thinks that they would be too hard to control, while the weaker PC might oer more opportunities and be more easily manipulated, provided they can survive the duel...

    Alternative 3The Barbarian does not know it, but his most trusted retainer is Hel`s current wearer, and the Barbarian himself is being inuenced into instigating these crazy duels more and more oen - and he doesnt understand why! One of the PCs might realise what Hel` is and try to warn the Barbarian , but if they do so Hel` will aack to try and prevent the secret from geing out. Hel` will also command the other items, and the warrior, to aack the interfering PCs...

    THE CRONES OF THE SCREAMING RANGESBackdropIn cave on the frost-bound border of the Screaming Ranges live three oracles with the ability to recall the past and catch glimpses of the future. Legends say that the (human?) Crones can be bargained with to reveal the secrets of the past, but that the price they exact can be high!

    The Crones are Yish, Resh, and Hizt, and although the are independent, they are in fact three heads of a hydra-like creature, and they are joined below their elongated waists to a slug-like body that moves around on thick stumpy legs.

    Glimpsing the true nature of the Crones (which they try to hide) requires the viewer to make a WIL save (DC:25) or be incapacitated with horror for 1d4 rounds. The Crones can also use this to their advantage, and will reveal their full body if they are aacked.

  • Encounters on HAEL vol.1

    Despite their monstrous appearance the Crones are vegetarians, and will not eat esh of any kind or drink milk. In their cave is an enormous larder of mushrooms and fungi that grows prolically. Some of the fungi are light-producing and provide enough illumination to let a person see where they are going, but providing 50% Concealment. The light is also strong enough to prevent Darkvision being used in the cave.

    When asked to use their abilities to reveal the past the Crones rst demand that the person making the request pay them - roughly 1,000 gold per year back in time. Viewing the future is more expensive, of less practical value, and should have a player-specic cost associated with it.

    Aer they have scryed into the past, the Crones then demand that one living creature (animal, monster, or humanoid) be given to them as a sacrice before they relate what they saw, and only the leader of the Concert (usually Resh) saw the vision.

    If the visitor has no pack animal or sacricial victim handy, the Crones will tell them that a tribe of Ein lies several miles deeper into the Screaming Ranges, and any living Ein will do as an oering. However, if the visitor promises to go and capture an Ein

    they must leave at least one friend or team-member behind as a guarantee of their return. Failure or unwillingness to leave an oering, or declining to leave someone as a guarantee, will provoke the wrath of the Crones who will aack, unless they feel outmatched. The fate of an oering is detailed below (see Dark Secrets).

    First ImpressionsIf a visitor manages to nd and enter the cave of the Crones, they will encounter three old hags siing around a pied iron cauldron in which they stir a thin stew made of fungi and mosses.

    Allow the visitor half a dozen rounds to interact with the Crones - before swily winding time back to the point when the visitor rst entered the cave and saw them by the cauldron.

    What has just happened? The answer is that at least one of the Crones is always glimpsing the future, to make sure that they are never caught with their guard down. The Crones can now act with a clear understanding of the visitors intentions.

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    Dark SecretsThe fungi that the Crones live on require fertiliser, and in the arid, frost-hardened foothills of the Ranges the best source of nutrients comes from ground esh. Any oering le behind by a visitor will be ground to a pulp by a stone mortar (probably aer having its throat slashed and blood collected), and the same fate will befall anyone who incurs the wrath of the Crones. At any one time the Crones may be holding captives within their caves... until they need more fertiliser...

    Psihammer abilitiesAlone, each Crone can use Recall to look back 2 years into the past. When two of them join in Concert they can look back about 8 years, and with three of them in Concert they can look back 30 years! Because Recall is centred on the location of the viewer, they use their cauldron as a scrying device to Recall the events of distant places. They also use Vision to continually peer into the future to make sure they are not ambushed by unwelcome visitors.

    The CronesLarge Monster (singlular)Hit Dice: 18d8 (136hp) Initiative: -1Speed: 30 . (*special)AC: 11 (+3 natural, -1 Dex, -1 size) touch 8, at-footed 12 Base Aack/Grapple: +5/+16Aack: Slam +5 melee (2d6), or 3 Claws +5 melee (1d4)Full Aack: Slam +5 melee (2d6) plus 3 Claws +5 melee (1d4)Space/Reach: 10 . by 10 . Special Aacks: noneSpecial Qualities: noneSaves: Fortitude +9, Reex +7, Will +11Abilities: Str 12, Dex 8, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 16, Cha 14 Skills: Disguise +8, Search +4, Sense motive +11, Spot +4, Survival +6, Knowledge (Wilderbs) +6Feats: Recall (CL 18, 8 years w/t Concert), Vision (CL 18, 5 rounds, no need to rest), ConcertEnvironment: The Screaming RangesOrganization: UniqueChallenge Rating: 8Alignment: Neutral Evil Advancement: none

    Movement: The body of the three joined Crones obeys all three at once, so if the Crones are distracted or confused the body will have trouble moving. Each Crone can direct the body 10 in its desired direction. Each 10 is ploed in order of Yish (le Crone), Resh (right) and Hist (central). Only when eeing a powerful foe, or aacking a single target, can the Crones coordinate well enough to all move in exactly the same direction. The Crones vent o streams of cussing and name calling as they ght each other for control of the body.

    The Cave of the Crones1. Cauldron and Crones

    2. Wolverine den, used as guards for the rest of the cave. The animals will howl if they detect any intruders, causing the Crones to expel any visitors and come investigate. Typically there are 2d6 Wolverines present.

    3. Cavern centre - full illumination - no Concealment. Surrounded by and under clumps of huge fungi, is a huge blood soaked mortar and pestle, complete with encrusted dried blood and bone and tooth fragments

    3a. Cavern side - 75% Concealment. In the area is a mating-pair of two Crooners, which will start singing if they encounter a Call-en PC.

    3b. Cavern side - 75% Concealment. A Clockwork Sensor hangs from the wall on this side of the cave. Anyone touching it must make a Dex save (DC 20) or jar it into action for a single round, which will bring the Crones running!

    4. Yishs sanctuary. There are archaic runes on the walls. If asked about them, Yish will reveal that she drags the others along here so that she can aempt to prophesy with the runes and that the runes predict that a great war is coming to Hael!

    5. Reshs sanctuary. A small library of books containing pressed and dried Wilderbs, with instructions for their use. Anyone spending several hours to read the notes gains +2 Knowledge (Wilderbs).

    6. Hists sanctuary. A primitive planetarium, showing the stars as they were around four years ago. Allows anyone who succeeds in an Astrology roll (DC 15), to use the Recall feat as far back as four years as long as they remain in this cave.

  • Encounters on HAEL vol.1

    7. Polar Bear nest. Three female Polar Bears use this part of the cave for birthing and escaping from the cold. They tolerate the presence of the Crones, but will aack anyone else on sight.

    NB: A full map of the Cave of the Crones is included as a seperate image le with this download.

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    THE UNKNOWN ASSASSINBackdropAlthough most Kirene have assimilated very well into either the Daeorc Dominion or the Yaena Empire, because of their close ties with the land a great number of them are Call-en and nd it dicult to nd peace in the middle of civilisation. For Kirene the problem is exacerbated by their association with Druids, and the continued aacks by Kirene pirates against registered shipping. Indiscrete or impolite Kirene are simply unwelcome in many cities.

    DeshDesh Blaq is a Kirene born in the middle of the Shiing Sea, aboard a Kirene four-masted ship that was raiding merchant vessels around Crossplains, and he didnt set foot on solid ground until almost a year aer his birth. Unusual gis had been noted in the child and he was handed over to the Druids of the Airthcaller tribe for training. Druidic training progressed extremely well, and Desh was admied to the inner circles of the Druids within only a few years. At the same time his Call-en gis were recognised and encouraged, and he became a beacon of success within Kirene society.

    When Deshs reputation had reached the Kirene in the cities, the Druids decided to send him as an ambassador for the Call-en, the Druids, and all Kirene, to the centre of the Dominion in Blackrock. The Daeorcs received Desh cautiously, but politely, and acknowledged his leers of note from the Airthcaller tribe and the Druids. He was provided with residence in a high tower, where he could observe the passage of Sulos around the airth and maintain his connection with nature. Once a week Desh had an audience with the Sovereign, where he presented grievances and oers of trade and alliance from those he represented. Despite missing the wilderness, Desh found his function in life tolerable, and not without its rewards.

    The BetrayalIn the year DOM:826 the rst contact was made with the Nuclarine, who had begun aacking outposts and taking slaves. Desh received continual reports of Nuclarine movements from the Druids,

    and he oered to share this information with the Dominion on the proviso that the Dominion protect Kirene selements, hunting areas, and Druidic sites. Unfortunately at the same time the Nuclarine were advancing on Glowbane, the traditional induction of new Druids was taking place at a Kirene ceremonial site that lay outside the city. Faced with having to direct his troops as eectively as possible, the Sovereign ordered all available soldiers to defend Glowbane, and le the Kirene vulnerable.

    Most of the Kirene, not yet fully trained Druids, perished that day, and Desh learned the hard way that the Daeorcs could only be trusted to help the Kirene so far. Aer that they were on their own. Desh visited the Sovereign on their next scheduled visit and informed him that he would return to the Druids and inform them of the Sovereigns actions.

    Acting rashly, the Sovereign commanded his guards to imprison Desh, intending that he should cool his heels before he could create a ri between the Dominion and the Kirene.

    Unsure of his captors intentions, Desh took his chances as he passed underneath a portcullis - using his Call-en powers to undo the locking latch and

  • Encounters on HAEL vol.1

    bring it down upon his would-be gaolers. While doing this he was seen, and although he changed shape and escaped from the palace, word of his aack had reached the Sovereign. Desperate to prevent the renegade ambassador from reporting to the Druids, the Sovereign issued a death sentence on Desh, although his troops were never able to nd or apprehend the Kirene.

    Fleeing the Dominion, Desh lured a squadron of Daeorc Straeder cavalry across the border into the Empire, where they were ambushed and aacked by a Yaena Warpack. Revealing himself to the Warpack commander, Desh realised that the Kirene might have more in common with the Yeana, despite the arrogant nature of the later, than with the Daeorcs. Against his original orders the travelled to Furbrea, and presented himself to the Emperor.

    Desh struck a deal with the Emperor. In return for the Empire ignoring Kirene pirate activity, and directing the Nuclarine away from the Druids, Desh would deliver, and continue to gather intelligence against the Dominion. Before the deal was struck the Emperor made a demand, that one day Desh would help him to kill a powerful enemy. Desh reluctantly agreed to such an open-ended deal, and before long the Emperor called the marker in. The target was none other that the Daeorc who had tried to imprison and kill Desh - Sovereign Eiger II. Desh was the informant who led the Nuclarine right to the Sovereign.

    Aer the slaying of the Sovereign the Emperor kept his word - many Kirene were warned away from areas where the Nuclarine were active - even risking Yaena lives to do so (although the humans and halings suered all the more). Desh respected the Sovereign for honouring his word, and became his deadly right hand. He remains a near invisible Call-en assassin who insinuates himself close to his victim, and aacks when they least expect it.

    Psihammer abilitiesApart form the ability to Mimic other creatures, providing almost perfect cover, Desh is also a virtuoso of the Forcing feats, which he combines with his ability as an Assassin. If he is within Forcing range of his victim he will aempt to use any weapon handy, even liing the victims weapon with Sleigh of Hand if he has to, to make an assassination death-aack. With his Precision feat he can use combat and melee feats at range with Forcing.

    Desh BlaqDesh Blaq, Male Kirene, Druid 8, Rogue 4, Assassin 4; CR 16; Medium 4-armed Humanoid; HP 147; Init +8 (+4 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative); Spd 30; AC 21 (atfooted 17, touch 18), Kirene Tri-dart +13 (1 + Wilderb, 20/x2), Nuclarine Spinner +13/+8/+3 (2d8+3+11, 20/x3, Range 40 increments); AL: CN; Fort +10, Ref +12, Will +9; Str 12, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 15, Wis 13, Cha 15

    Skills: Climb +8, Concentration +7, Disguise +6, Forgery +11, Sleight of hand +11, Knowledge (Wilderbs) +7, Ride +4, Sense Motive +7, Spot +5, Survival +9, Swim +4

    Feats: Improve (+32hp included), Mimic (Daeorcs, Yaena, Humans), Eect-Field (DR 5/-, plus various), Sphere (range 800, 75 diameter, 16d3), Forcing (55 radius, 32 STR pool), Precision, Clash, Nature sense, Wild empathy, Woodland stride, Trackless step, Resist natures lure, Wildshape (Taeyna, Straeder) 3x per day, Sneak aack +4d6, Uncanny dodge, Evasion, Trap sense, Trap nding, Death aack, Resist poison +3

    Possessions: Yaena bale-armour +2, Ring of Protection +2, Gloves of Swimming/Climbing, Potion of Neutralize Poison, A selection of Wilderbs (Teelish DC 10/25, varies), (Burro DC 15, paralysis), Yaslin (DC 25, -2 actions/AC)

    Adventure PitchA Daeorc noble has been inspecting his holdings, leaving a trail of missing persons and rumours of murder in his wake. His strange activities may become of interest to the PCs if they learn that he will be, or has, visited people they know.

    Alternative 1The Daeorc noble is the next target of the Kirene assassin Desh Blaq, who has been following him around and trying to insinuate himself into the nobles retinue, by knocking o and disguising himself as servants, hosts, or anyone he thinks the noble might have cause to visit. All this death is making the noble extremely nervous, and he is becoming paranoid and even harder to kill. If Desh assassinates someone the PCs know they will have a dicult and potentially dangerous time if they investigate what happened...

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    Alternative 2The Kirene assassin Desh Blaq has already killed the Daeorc noble in question - and replaced him through Mimicry. Now the noble travels around his lands inspecting his vassals, and using his titles to gain access to anyone the Yaena Emperor has decided should be eliminated. If the PCs are known as powerful gures, or they have moved against the Yaena Empire in the past, they might be extended an invitation to a hunt by this noble Daeorc...

    Alternative 3 The real Desh Blaq is currently far away, trying to gain access to Duke Rhus Takari who is now the self-proclaimed Sovereign of the Dominion, but only Desh knows that... The travelling Daeorc noble has heard rumours of the Kirene assassin and has employed a clan of Karakrus monks as bodyguards. The Daeorc monks, true to their ideals, have decided to defend the noble by going on the oensive. In truth, they are the ones who have done all the killing, and have slain anyone who they thought was suspicious and was trying to gain undue access to the noble. The fact that this is the normal state of aairs in politics is not recognised by their primitive orcish ideology, and they have been covering their tracks by making it look like the work of an assassin. Woe betides any PC who asks the noble for an audience...

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    Welcome to HAELThe world where the Orcs won the war!

    PsihammerThe alternate psychic rules for d20 that started it all...

  • Encounters on HAEL vol.1


    800 years of peace... broken.

    Daerorcs, descendants of the Orcs, rule the Dominion of the north.

    Yaena, children of the Gnolls, control the civilisation of the south.

    Outlaw Humans, Kirene druids, and Halings outriders live in the wastelands in-between.

    ...From the sky come two groups of strangers, bringing their war with them!

    And now, building on the story...

    Encounters on HAEL vol.1