d the voronoi diagram

7/23/2015 (the teeming void): Uniform Diversity: SpaceFilling and the Voronoi diagram http://teemingvoid.blogspot.in/2010/08/uniformdiversityspacefillingand.html 1/6 friday, august 13, 2010 UNIFORM DIVERSITY: SPACEFILLING AND THE VORONOI DIAGRAM This post is a short excerpt from a paper recently published in Architectural Theory Review 15(2) a special issue on architecture and geometry with lots of good (Australian) stuff. My paper (pdf) is a critical look at spacefilling geometry in generative design. It touches on several things already blogged the Water Cube and ideal foams, and some generative projects that use selflimiting growth. This excerpt looks at the Voronoi diagram as a spacefilling process. The Voronoi diagram has become a ubiquitous motif in recent generative architecture and design. It, too, can be usefully read as a spacefilling model. In formal terms, a Voronoi diagram is a way of dividing up space into regions so that, for a given set of sites within that space, each region contains all points in the space that are closer to one site than any other. The result is also foamlike, but as a model the Voronoi diagram has attributes quite different to the ideal Kelvin or Weaire Phelan foams. Firstly, while the formal model is again based on a strict set of conditions (in this case proximity) it works with an arbitrary input — the given sites — rather than defining a regular structure. The Voronoi is thus a procedural (THE TEEMING VOID) A blog by Mitchell Whitelaw: generative art and design, data aesthetics, digital materiality; theory, criticism and practice. ME & MINE mitchell whitelaw the visible archive more writing @ flickr @ twitter LINKS blprnt city of sound dataisnature design playgrounds generatorx light matters nervous system serial consign LABELS 3D ADVERTISING AESTHETICS AI ARCHITECTURE ARRAYS ART ART HISTORY ARTIFICIAL LIFE ARTIST AUDIOVISUAL AUSTRALIA AVANTGARDE BIOLOGY BOOKS CANBERRA CELLULAR AUTOMATA CENSUS CHINA CINEMA CLIMATECHANGE CODE COMPUTATION CONFERENCE CRITIQUE CYBERNETICS DATA DATAESTHETICS DIGITAL DESIGN DVD EDUCATION EMBODIMENT EMERGENCE ENVIRONMENT EXHIBITION FABRICATION GAMING GENERATIVE ART GENERATIVE DESIGN GLITCH GROWTH HARDWARE HERITAGE INFORMATION INFRAMEDIA INTERVIEW JEWELRY KIDS LANDSCAPE LIVECODING MATERIALITY MDD META MODELS MORPHOGENESIS MOTION GRAPHICS MULTIPLICITY MUSIC NATURE NEOBAROQUE NETWORKS NEUROAESTHETICS OPENSOURCE PERCEPTION PERFORMANCE PHILOSOPHY PHOTOGRAPHY PRESENCE PROCESSING PROJECTIONMAPPING PROJECTS PROTOCOMPUTING READINGS RESEARCH REVIEW SCIENCE SCREEN SCREENSAVER SOCIAL SOFTWARE SOFTWARE ART SOUND 0 More Next Blog» Create Blog Sign In

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Page 1: d the Voronoi Diagram

7/23/2015 (the teeming void): Uniform Diversity: Space­Filling and the Voronoi diagram

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friday, august 13, 2010

UNIFORM DIVERSITY: SPACE­FILLINGAND THE VORONOI DIAGRAMThis post is a short excerpt from a paper recently published inArchitectural Theory Review 15(2) ­ a special issue on architecture andgeometry with lots of good (Australian) stuff. My paper (pdf) is a criticallook at space­filling geometry in generative design. It touches on severalthings already blogged ­ the Water Cube and ideal foams, and somegenerative projects that use self­limiting growth. This excerpt looks at theVoronoi diagram as a space­filling process.

The Voronoi diagram has become a ubiquitous motif in recent generativearchitecture and design. It, too, can be usefully read as a space­fillingmodel. In formal terms, a Voronoi diagram is a way of dividing up spaceinto regions so that, for a given set of sites within that space, each regioncontains all points in the space that are closer to one site than any other.The result is also foam­like, but as a model the Voronoi diagram hasattributes quite different to the ideal Kelvin or Weaire Phelan foams.

Firstly, while the formal model is again based on a strict set of conditions(in this case proximity) it works with an arbitrary input — the given sites —rather than defining a regular structure. The Voronoi is thus a procedural

(THE TEEMING VOID)A blog by Mitchell Whitelaw: generative art

and design, data aesthetics, digitalmateriality; theory, criticism and practice.

ME & MINEmitchell whitelaw

the visible archivemore writing

@ flickr@ twitter


city of sounddataisnature

design playgroundsgenerator­xlight matters

nervous systemserial consign















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geometric structure in a way that the ideal foams are not: its structureemerges through the application of a specific process or algorithm to agiven set of inputs. In this way, the specific spatial relations betweenneighbouring cells depend on, and emerge locally from, the given spatialrelations of the specified sites. This trait also gives the Voronoi model a kindof malleability; sites can be added, removed, or moved, and the spatialstructure readily adapts

Again we can read off the attributes of the Voronoi as a model in this way. Itis multiplicitous, but in a different way to the grid­like uniformity of thefoam models. In this case, the multiplicity can, in fact, be irregular: the sitescan be positioned anywhere within a given space. However, this does notamount to much, in terms of heterogeneity: while the sites can bepositioned arbitrarily, the procedure, and the relation between sites that itencodes, is entirely uniform. Each site, taken as a formal entity, is identicalto every other; this is a kind of uniform diversity. Like the foam models, theVoronoi diagram treats space as indefinite and extensive: it can go onforever; its only practical limit being the computational resources requiredto calculate the diagram. The model itself has no way of defining an edge orbound. Finally, the variability of the Voronoi can be phrased another way,as arbitrariness; in other words, that there is no inherent reason for a givensite to be where it is. There is nothing internal to the model that cangenerate that differentiation.

In Marc Newson's Voronoi Shelf, for example (above), we see acharacteristically organic variety: a range of cell sizes and shapes, different

wall thicknesses, all in an agreeable state of harmony. The form gives an

impression of inherent logic. It is as if the harmony of the relationships

between the cell sites assures us that there must be a reason for them to be

as they are. This is unsurprising, given our familiarity with, and aesthetic

attunement to, naturally occurring structures that resemble these cells. The

visual signature carries an association of organic logic: but in formal fact

the cell sites are arbitrary, that is to say, designed. There is no necessary

relation of one to another, only (we can but assume) a designer's choice,




RECENT COMMENTSralf baecker commented on after screenarray aesthetics and: “On the opposite

there are a lot of installations, that play withperception and space, that are…”

douro20 commented on this is data arguingwith data baby: “The CG visuals in thesecommercials were produced using actual

data, processed with software…”

Anonymous commented on this is dataarguing with data baby: “I think you have allmissed the point. The commercial is about

the cutting edge technology that…”

Anonymous commented on interview withpaul prudence for neural: “About narrative

in generative art i rememberedEYJAFJALLAJÖKULL by Joanie

Lemercier. Where process…”

Daniel commented on dynamic designthree systems: “This logo concept is verysimilar to Sagmeister's Casa da Musica

idea from 2008. A dynamic…”

HEY!Interested in all this, and want to take it

further? I'm recruiting research students ­Honours, Masters or PhD.

NOTEDOwen Hatherley on the South Bank Centre,

Brutalism and 'Fun'"From working class participation to ... kidult

tourism" ­ Brutalism and Fun in modernLondon ht @cityofsound

MuseumofModernArt/collection · GitHubRT @technelily: Data nerds rejoice!

@MuseumModernArt releases object data onGitHub

john thackara on Twitter: "A­Team ofclimate & resilience scientists warn of multi­

system "synchronous failure"http://t.co/q5QW53F5yK"

Compelling (& scary) macro­systems view.Crises spread fast in a more connected, less

diverse world.

Mitchell Whitelaw on Twitter: "... also struckby Wolseley's use of formal processes anddata vis. Mark­making as a literal tracing of

complexity http://t.co/v7yZc1CRyY"... also struck by Wolseley's use of formalprocesses and data vis. Mark­making as a

literal tracing of complexity

Untitled (http://theconversation.com/john­wolseley­artist­emerges­as­a­lyrical­poet­

and­a­prophet­41500)Sasha Grishin on John Wolseley's "anti­

humanist" landscapes, artist as collaboratorwithin a matrix of living systems

Mitchell Whitelaw on Twitter: "JohnWolseley show at NGV is jaw­dropping.

Epic, urgent, moving ­ art for theanthropocene. http://t.co/rmnlgVPa3u

http://t.co/F8NNDthR8T"John Wolseley show at NGV is jaw­dropping.

Epic, urgent, moving ­ art for theanthropocene.

John Wolseley | NGVJohn Wolseley show at NGV is jaw­dropping.

Epic, urgent, moving ­ art for theanthropocene.

Change placemark icon ­ Fusion Tables

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7/23/2015 (the teeming void): Uniform Diversity: Space­Filling and the Voronoi diagram

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which is concealed by an appearance, much as the surface of the Water

Cube conceals the regularity of its foam model.

Conversely, some designers directly address the arbitrary input to the

Voronoi diagram, treating it as an opportunity and exploiting the

malleability of the model. As Dimitris Gourdoukis writes, "the problem of

deciding on the initial set of points is, I think, one of the most interesting in

relation to voronoi diagrams." In Gourdoukis' Algorithmic Body project(above), the locations of the Voronoi sites are specified by a second

generative system, a cellular automaton; here the Voronoi acts as a

geometric filter, interpreting and interpolating one set of spatial data into

another. In Marc Fornes' POLYTOP, the designer proposes a mass­customised product in which customers can design the point cloud that

drives the Voronoi geometry; here a problem of arbitrary choice is turned

into a feature, towards uniqueness and specificity.


Help@miriamkp this should help

(404) http://t.co/0163VajLU3>RT @davpope: Talk to the hand, CEFC <mycartoon in today's @canberratimes | gallery ;

David Pope on Twitter: "Talk to the hand,CEFC <my cartoon in today's

@canberratimes | galleryhttp://t.co/0163VajLU3>>http://t.co/snK79BlJtk"

RT @davpope: Talk to the hand, CEFC <mycartoon in today's @canberratimes | gallery ;

Does Earth have a shadow biosphere? –Sarah Scoles – Aeon

Searching for a shadow biosphere ­ "life aswe don't know it"

Email­a­Tree Service Doesn't Go AsPlanned in the Best Possible Way ­ The

AtlanticRT @Yvesi: The trees in Melbourne have

email addresses, and they're gettingthousands of messages @gregmore


#Deepdream is blowing my mind —Medium

Lucid piece from @memotv on #deepdream ­it's the system, not the trippy aesthetic that is

most interesting

Mitchell Whitelaw on Twitter:"@tomschofield @MegaloPrint we were

printing t shirts with the kidshttp://t.co/diWdxyVdSP"

@tomschofield @MegaloPrint we wereprinting t shirts with the kids

Mitchell Whitelaw on Twitter: "Fruits of ourmorning at @MegaloPrint ­ enjoyed themethodical hands­on process v much

http://t.co/tJfYPqYt9h"Fruits of our morning at @MegaloPrint ­

enjoyed the methodical hands­on process vmuch

Mitchell Whitelaw on Twitter: "School holsscreen printing today at @MegaloPrint.

http://t.co/l0ifYWqWtU"School hols screen printing today at


Mario Klingemann on Twitter: "#deepdreamhas a great future in texture generation.Object class biasing in bvlc_googlenet:


RT @quasimondo: #deepdream has a greatfuture in texture generation. Object class

biasing in bvlc_googlenet:

Flickr ­ Photo Sharing!RT @quasimondo: #deepdream has a great

future in texture generation. Object classbiasing in bvlc_googlenet:

Schedule | Beyond the Digitized SlideLibrary

Doing digital art history ­ great lookingworkshop happening at UCLA right now

#doingdah15 post #dh2015

The Conversation on Twitter: "The"nightmarish" images of Google's

Inceptionism project. http://t.co/BEa1j3rcGyhttp://t.co/UkEwEOf4P5"

On the flaws and insights offered by#deepdream via @conversationEdu

Untitled (http://theconversation.com/what­the­dog­fish­and­camel­bird­can­tell­us­

about­how­our­brains­work­43904)On the flaws and insights offered by#deepdream via @conversationEdu

Greg Borenstein on Twitter: "It’s telling thatthere’s more concrete interest in

#deepdream, a purposeless creative tool,than every other Deep Learning result thus

far."Some reflective debate to go with your#deepdream eye candy in this thread

Home ­ Society for One­Place Studies@PplPlaceStories more place­based work

that might be relevant

Flickr ­ Photo Sharing!.@kcimc does #deepdream x Jonathan

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adam said...

I love Voronoi diagrams. I while back I was playing around with them to try andcompress an image into a set of points and colours using only a genetic algorithm.I never got very far with it but had some fun and sent a patch to the maintainer ofMath::Geometry::Voronoi which got applied. I forgot to patch the docs though soI'm not listed as an author. This mostly came about after I saw the hill climbmethod applied to a bunch of translucent triangles to generate an approximationof the Mona Lisa.

I should dig my code out again and see if I can make it do something interesting.

1:57 pm




McCabe because obviously why not


the­forgotten)RT @wragge: As promised, my #dh2015

keynote, ‘Unremembering the forgotten’, isnow on my blog:

The Poetics of the Archive.@tomschofield demos "search by shape" in

@BloodaxeArchive super fun #dh2015

Mitchell Whitelaw on Twitter:".@tomschofield discussing research

through design, DH and the@BloodaxeArchive project #dh2015

http://t.co/xO2tKKH59d".@tomschofield discussing research through

design, DH and the @BloodaxeArchiveproject #dh2015

EVAA 2016 | Electronic Visualisation andthe Arts Australasia

#dh2015 folks a quick ad: join us March2016 for the first Electronic Visualisation and

the Arts Australasia

Mike Jones on Twitter: "@mtchl great ­how about we round up a few people (if any

are interested) and meet outside theBoilerhouse at 5:15pm?"

Non­conf­dinner splinter group lets go#dh2015

Home ­ Deepening Histories of PlaceProject ­ ANU

@PplPlaceStories this looks relevant for you

Data Revisualization.@benmschmidt we don't need blurry bar

charts (Drucker) but can expose assumptionswith data revis #dh2015


ml).@feraldata on Japanese conception of

robots recalls Machiko Kusahara's work onanimism and automata eg #dh2015

Mike Tyka on Twitter: "Ok, folks: The codefrom our #inceptionism neural network postis now on github: https://t.co/pESzdoDfh4

http://t.co/NI99JYsMhr"RT @mtyka: Ok, folks: The code from our

#inceptionism neural network post is now ongithub:

google/deepdream · GitHubRT @mtyka: Ok, folks: The code from our

#inceptionism neural network post is now ongithub:

HOLO on Twitter: "5. @mtchl and illustratorEva Hillreiner succinctly speculate on

randomness in various scientifichypotheses. http://t.co/KdsVrKPtgt"

My upcoming bit in @HOLOmagazine #2

DH2015: Modelling the (Inter)nationalPrintmaking Networks of Early Modern

Europe ­ Matthew Lincoln@beneb fascinating work on early modern

printmaking networks from @matthewdlincoln#dh2015

AVinDH SIG | Special Interest GroupAudioVisual material in Digital Humanties

Into audiovisual DH material? There's a SIGfor that #dh2015

DH2015 Conference Abstracts ­ DigitalHumanities Research Group

RT @perkinsy: If you are following #dh2015remotely have a look at abstracts for

sessions being tweeted here:

Succession ­ DH2015 presentation ­Google Slides

Sorry correct link for my Succession slides#dh2015

Scripting Reading Motions | The MIT Press@jaumetet interesting recommendation from

some writers for your Crossreads work:



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Generative Heritage ­ notes on SuccessionProto­Computing ­ an Interview with Ralf

BaeckerFiguring Data (Datascape Catalog Essay)

Local Colour: Smaller World NetworkAn Interview with Paul Prudence (for

Neural 40)After the Screen: Array Aesthetics and

TransmaterialityDynamic Design ­ Three Systems

Uniform Diversity: Space­Filling and theVoronoi diagramMeasuring Cup

This is Data? Arguing with Data BabycommonsExplorer

Data Walks ­ a #climatedata proposalReadings in Digital Design

Right Here, Right Now ­ HC Gilje'sNetworks of Specificity

Weather Bracelet ­ 3D Printed Data­Jewelry

Tiny SketchingLandscape, Slow Data and Self­Revelation

Transduction, Transmateriality, andExpanded Computing

Master of Digital Design / Grow Your OwnLogotype

Watching the Street (Navigator) /citySCENE

JCSMR CurlsFabricated Growth Forms (Processing to

Ponoko)Watching the Street

Dorkbot CBR at Manuka CCASSynesthesia and Cross­Modality in

Contemporary Audiovisuals

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