d p,''m., uponblitter requested •....

VEa, APRIL. 2 ^| « "Miff lateW«»i£ t*H '' ana brathciv ' . **-' »- Victor Wec^ ftn , '* " returned ^ m e .» « th* winter i t t F l '**r and ««» ^ f>1> *:7* ** i£j^* Placid *£* «» ^ E, &t W V »J •wletor of The % nitef ^ ,,v *»fia £ram an ^ '?".*»« vn*ter*ent « { « ? *sd Oe»«rat Hospital..^. *T'*4di*ig *k ' and drive Sibilated hen drive ted car at ind yon*H ts, to y©% ining Aow aey-Back- •s on yotsr ff&ngg for and Mil I FS 11 if iij| Open **• ~-^J Edgar A. Guest}' j>n<« w:ts 1. ate)Willi ***? C>een £rl|li, ** *!»•• or P*0< itbdttt on* thought that night • _ • •"-- Perhaps in agony I'd 4ki :/ M xt rotmd: about »*>»««»' *"**|| Terrors thai Walt to ttW|fci flat, ' :' -. ' .. . solemn doctor warning •(«•« "You're much sao'«id.|jr^ like that!'* ' -- -Sifel;^- • ••• ^^ •- - m&-t*- ... . ;.-vffc- naje Was_ I trod yottthle, -- stogo' 1 - " " ; ;f>^ And bartered strength tor **4j it now rve reaehed twit oM.age ^ When all exertion'_! must »0n the s i a e U « « .now t Creaky of Joint'*na'i fat*. mdemned to ht&X ..th*' say: "You're much, too'Old for like thaW"' X'.X--- xr.k all tnfr. enemy warship*. .- iev k«?£t eft' gosling, "Htyr <rJ the ShOrC -SOWSe, ,'**!*" *• >retic&Hy -swnfc" •Th* t arel" signaled back -the. mnsandet, "getting tending- es overside; "3**rt2$f* after hfrj tmpleteiy wiped ©lit* thehivaw •inured t&e island - --• •• * # J^Vt-IS may seam jScEBtty.' * * * ! [" rt-oi. -wsiirfi*** -if* eff Mm . ^.haJt'B Ifcil*ie *»'iia»3P«tt: n't quite suaicleatl 0t mUt «<• Usag - IstaziA iftafieM* t - F «.fori-t' s decision 3&iK»|Iy *** So whatever tm witftiwe ^ * r J •-vvolian w&r F*3?«f' -R^ 1 ? ^ ^ ' esn't du 'to 'take l : r"|«ja o«KwW* •* * %•., i«f j>'y w»T retard 4J» -wli^ls «.i 5ustr%- for -laefc to^O^ta fc^* .U.r r.partw«»t S»M« , , SS! nanuaJ wwUerr/ - ^ «^„ .n*-i. thov say it *i»-J*S5 - .rowiej. iwfi'Vitalto^ W«* //• i-r.^.e Kiieu. 'ii«.ti!rei -"** . ^ fca a mas 'tQT -tfi# « o « f t W , ti^ivd Jbeyciid TIKE i-r.^.e sheU. 'at,tlr6 Wt A-PRIL-.33, 193S PLATTSBURGH DAILY PRESS i PAOEWi personal J ention (RQUSESPOINT THEEAJ it- hi". 16?' v. IT .^i'Cn of Xqtv* Yorlj I* '"rae time With . i i'iaru was a .i : 'lat.taU'ut-R'h y e s - •i. she city yester- lC»<;iir of \\ v 6St vv^st chazy visit"! ; rttNburgh yester-f I Alex OGDENSBIRG POLICE F1WF MINSTRF1 ^TflnC ^IIRVFY SHOW GIVEN BY LOSS SET AT $8,000 Khapp. of Mooers -.> who X'iaited i * «•»»•»«<..•. ixte<i business in ; Effifient Work by 3Flireinoi» Sgaircg ;r-. ! 6t West Chazy" 'stpril.iy. f Hiis.ir StU paiss- !us panehta Ih, T i - Ogdeneb^cg police are IjoWlng aft automobile securea from Clauao fcowis ot tKo Wlliys-Knjglit Over- land do., o fn vrarthlcss check foe $300 ©£» feroij by a man who gtivo his nara« s. Wolfe. An Osaonsiirtirs wia»t eliiima hp hot^eht tit© cap In gooil faith tsom Wolfe jwwi thcro is qbite a ques- tion Invalveil m to whether his title is not perfectly fegsl ana va- lid. - ! Wowkm- BuiltUiifiy on mm Street fKcs:' 1 " " > ~;n;;i.nac ••'•••. ^\lrs I-iaRe vislt- E. J. Iven« D I-Jim.' ;B ;- te- "•*'• L-dav knsu..:.'-. I Son. ij -111 .1-- I John I •CI 'fw.r raiss-1-.. \'3i A:I Jaim-s fem'p.'•''•'. w: N . ^ kEJte V',s fetors: E 11'.. tSpeeiat to the FKSSSSJ ROUSES PT., April Si.***BSi- eient %vork by the Hotiiiea;. 3Polttt 1 fire department Bavefl State i/.'ibeth and Asnea street's rows wooden hulldinss yesterflay afternoon, when flames swept the store of Ales: LauMrie, .h.unpt^in Vattey {&alxig damage of over $S,000 to : the *e?k-eim. - hulMini? atid stock. The loss Is! . k who was taken 'mostly eovereia "by insurance* :n Vaiiey Hospital I milllp Bernard, who \ym fctaiia- ii.M-:kja-w r e c e n t l y , |ins across the street, saw a thin tVis imme in Ri|garispiral of smoke curllns; from the iitiyri is favorable, iroof of the store building about i:.): of Mooers was{3» 45 F -' *£. WW across ana ii';. 's local callers, ^eW Mrs. t,aun€rle and her son, •v .of Oaay%'«le ^ a s s J E ? mtina * ! - in 'town yesterday.' Edmund opened the iloor leaa- ii «ld T, W. Day^ns from the store into the side :« nurrtbered araotoe Jstairwas-. Flames leaped Into his .••.rKjpoopte h e r e yes* UPONBliTTER REQUESTED i ' .. To Assure American Farm- er a Fair Profit Large Crowd at Perform- ance Last Night LOCAL PEW5 ATTEN0 Date 20 Ind'lK Tu^tlay ...... 111.M Monday .,-,.[.<. 11S.$8 %v«k Ago .... H».«l High 1825 . . . , * 128.10 £ Low 1925 . . , . . 1H.J1 t TotJtl »rtoek» i>352,*00* 50 Rails 9y.04 100.31 99J3 104.68 $0.13 SEEK 12 CENT TARIFF Eftt&t pt I«we«xe WottW ISmA Towaril Gfiieml Tmrm Vtdn- I>nrity 9 'Xliey Argao i st:erda>:'s locaJ call«5r» « ««•!-. i > f Beekmantown. WASH1XGTON*. Ai»rit St.—Re- prefentatlves of American butter produeers appeared today Before the Turin* Commliwlon to urge an increase In the tarlit on butter I..-:! face, fli'ivlng him Ifticte. He was unable to dose the door again. The lire flepartm^at was num* monedl Chief Petcir S*«uin led ghftn QC "West tliaisyilrts foree to the attack,, several imports Asserting Utat foreign butler pro ilucers are aMe to aell their pro «lneta in this country at 'a urlee lower than th« American producer can aWont, they arjfwtd for an ad- vance in dot?'' from IS to 12 cent* a Dound undtr the flexible provi- •h\amtitth»» turllf w.M« siwure tlt« American farmer a fair profit. Th© effect of art torreaisrt tnrlff on tot- ter, It was* cwntended), would tend towaril general farm 1 uruxnerity. >Whlle the butter liro^ueerlft a«l* u~|nexs nere yesterday j lines of hose were ' «j , »ickly laJd jT'S D. Gilbert or EUett [from hyatants, one stream eon visited her© yester- '•'!•': of Attona was in .11.K t time yesterday, * :<. « a reenter spent the mi visions relatives* xrest Burroughs of vtiH in ft. of Chazy aumhered r.iiy's local faualnesa stantly played on the side of the buiiatas over an adjoining roof, to joreveat the fire from spreading: while others were directed at the are inside. • - . " Meanwhile Mr. l^undrie ar* i*ive<l on the mam uiwJ immediate- ly set to worfc to cover uj> » 30 town yest«r-1 gallon terrel of oil and another of kerosene... N"c!grhl*ora ran in 'and helped <trag out stoek, Chief of Police 3. €L Safeourht and the state troopers, lea h$ Bcrgt. Georgt" Con- :nmtctt their chief npnetiHon at •n i,f ^>oini traesaeted t way, ke»t back the crowd* xaxCt yesterday, BINGHAM T O N . N. 1.> April 21. I-A«:«mniH:.e« of Citizens *|)OUSDr- tbe. fcrthcouiins; ohsorvaneo of rat'iPHi -.1. here faced a ieriotwl air. Ifiiunatio saia last night ho present comem from Denmark, Comic Play and Other Short Act« l*teom Au&lmm at f b\m Hall j People from all over the etmnty were drawn to Peru law night to wltnew the opening ninth?* ner" formanee wlilch was .staged at iA* Town Hall hy the Peru Granprem, who pleased a full house with * comic t>l;ty and a minstrel, »how, The performance will he repeated toni«ht. A- comic play "First Aid to Cu» t»Id", urranKed by a few of th» griUijjerH and rehearsed under the direction of M'w». II. I* ytafford, wait l!r«t presented and mm well received by the audience* Between the play anil the Mins- trel*, two *lwrt act* were siven, Tom Fitcpatrlck displayed his abi- lities with H ji»?>,*inK act and"James Felio and Denton Severance «nv«i an excellent danclnp Mketch which drew much iiypluuMe, ifw*. JJevir- ance and Slris. Clark pleaded their audience with a duet selection. The grangers scored a irreat hit with the mln»treli«. An end men, Walter Severance of. JPeru «nd aiu-dun Hmlth 4? Pl«tt*bnr«h prov*4 to be. excellent funmakerf, and many of their $akt* wtr* »t the rx&*nn* of ,w«ie of l'eru"« inpwpuiar citixenk In th« circle were Mr. and Mr*. Albert Clark, Mr, and Mrn ? John JF, r»own«. Mr, and itm Walter 1'hllHpn, Sim. John Clark, MM. JTamei* M.tnnljr, Mr», Felio, Mm. Walter Severance, William Wright, and lttiM ( CLirk. U E< Allen w»» Interlocutor, The orchestra, cnnilstttHl of »rr», Walter Mtalford, piano, lt«v. l*ru- Jjttreventcd them front Jiamperlngjthey declared! thjlr $r«ut«it cuii*;d«m, Sw, «ei»#liti(tii, Mta Buth H»e. iteemiyn. Tho kitchen n«d rear part of the apartment occupied by Harry 'King uttftj^m mm damaged by^flre ami Pmoke," K3ESW YORK, April, 21,—Stock price* brokn sharply today under nettve iieUlng for both iiccounti. test. WtiHStfr Tork' Ch>~«55 .•, '••" t & M., Bernbar'd Levltow'a rau« itlc. . 8 ip, M„ Financial Hevtew, / 8; 10 P. M., N 4 T, II, Alt Col- lege; "Electrical Engineering;" Frofe*«or J", P.Arnold... iftjjjfi 1 1*. M.,.^Wtmtoister Mixed Quartet. 8! 45 P. M.> Tim«'Question con- Standard industrial* and rails, fell back Sjt to nearly ^four points, while several high priced •peoial- tl«i which have Been under pool aponsorahip dropped * to 12* 1-8 pointi, Trading wan In broader volume, the day'n Bale* runntofc well over one »nd one quarter million shares. Wall Street found plenty of ex- cuse* to explain the Helling. These Included th* apparent inability of •peculators for the advance to at- tract a, public following on the re- cent upiwln*, leading to th* tem- porary auspeiurion of pool opera- tions in *ev*r*l isaues; lower me- tal, and grain prices; the marking; up of the call money rat* to 4 1-2 per cent and the growing uncer- tainty over the buaine** outlook ,for the spring and summer. Erratic fluctuation* of V, 8, Cast Iron Pipe, which was ham- mered down more than IS point* to. a new 1*2* low at 114 J-4, as compared with a high of 250 ear- lier In th* year, was one" of the (Jay's future*. Universal Pipe common and preferred al*o at- 9:*0" P . M.„ Westminister Mixed Quartet, 9x15 P. M., American Newspaper PuWlshew* AwocWtoii uinnw, Speakers: Artltur O^. Staples, Mrs. I. Jewel Brown; Rube Goldberg: -and es>CrOvernor lx>wdeh. 10:80 P, M„ Billy Wynee'a Or^ chestra. / . « •. ,/ - *••'•••' " ,ri * * , .• . WStAF—Xew. 1fark-'-C«y-^*ea « P, M., Waldorf-Astoria dinner music. I P. X.» Synagogue services., 7:*0 P. M„ "Jewebry." lAWrence S, Mayers..""".' "" 7:40 P, H., UnUed State* Marine Band. 9 P, X., "Ipana Hour." 10 P, M., Royal Symphony Or- chestra. ''• ' II to 12 P. M„ "Lldo-Tenlce Or- chestra'.. 9J. M„ Qeorgo Sladdea's Or* ehestr«. - . ,. •', . 8 ti 5 P, "to. Frank iSimmer, tenor, •-. .t0t : 'p»;k rt <5eorere'Maade»-8 Or- .ehcHti-a, ' '' , ;.• I..;__ . Iff P. M., Wayne mfam&g-Qr* '-'chestra, ,•.,.'. '.---• •' /l&s'd p* M it . 1 'Eoot for Ru»e. M Widir--PhUade1phu>-«#5 ?;$& p , J p "P^eam t>adity." ,S ae\ ^J**aaetfstA Eve»tV t , «{lft V* M„ Travel talj«f. 18 P. 3£„ Daneert Orchestra, "JOjap p, t& n Banee orchestra, WOO—-PhiladelplJlR—508 im P,''M., teteft! mm* mm- tt>€ Band. : '.-•-'.*-*.-.'--''-. . ^,P^SI. t "ipana Hour,"* ' *0j63tP, M., Spanish program. " lOl^O P.M., Uance n^uslc, - WjBM«»BostoiB-M l Sl0 e;#0, P, Ml, Big Brothers Club* ?J16 P. Jff„ Victoria Trio, j S P t . M., Traveler Orehei,tra. . *t ' 8;f5 P. M*» ii. 33. "Coh(?ift*^*iJtjsf* eale.^ . . •• 5 P.H., ©BlottoJDaitee Orchebtr* 10 P.- MH Raymond Coon," Paul Bmgm pianists, '".. S 'W»!g-.Sp^ttgfieia» mm^-SfS 6 P. %i. t ILeo Ks3fs«ia» finsentblSir , .• t;$0 P. M* Course,in .French., ; S:15 P; If., Concert by artists, $m V, M. t Original ^Phree Mu«- keeters. ' " "" ; - s " .'- ' ' •-" ;: ' ^ Sill E. K.. Hithlasd ©fee club,' * 10:05 I>, -3BL, Paulino Taylor k W6t t «HSehenect«dr-'480 6J30 P. M-l Progra3» tor chil- dren. '• •• '-' : ' '..'••'.":'•' .._ 6r4l» -P. M.» Adventure" story, - f P.'ft, Strand Theatre Or- chestra. . ..-'..'' , WGR—Buffalo—3i» im p* M;,, Children** Week," 9-10 M „ Concert. 10 P . Xf„ Cantor keVjtte, songs* 10:30 P. W, National Tauaeville Exchange concert. 11 P. M;, l-opez's dance ausle. #ja0 P. M., "Spots ^orta.'* ' ?t30-9 5L f ^ntted,$tatfs Mar- ine Sand. . ' 9-10 P^ > 1 , Weteome t^'Wash- ington baseball team,. » 3.0-11 P. si,, Isaacs music. A phere, which are .in tips midst of J PtaturtM «<f t h e entertainment, fother thin the end men*« select-. n their beat butter proouehij? season i.ini.pht when" It" fcce«rnei ,AVant< ' a ia «*spw-ss thanks to the fat the time t»rthe worst season f«*|Ions, were'a, duet by XV, and Xr*. t M.ss iHrrlot Piweiter « ^ nwn iml 3lU ««•»«"• who hsd the American farmer, ensbllttHE.J. J. Itowns, a mon«lo»tu* by Mi* """ them to sell their butter here at I Walter **ever»nc«, a sextet, and their lo*'^'j^ce-irhfn-lh*r'»sn«r|l*oloii by Mm Albert' ; C7ar*i'*Ho*« can producerto.paying the nml-jCI.trk knd James Fellu, *mum in the manufacture of hi.«. j Many people from Plattsburgh wire hi attendance at last nfehn show. ;& sfh.M.i 'sophotnorttr. had 'hp ^ItcpObH-f nin;.-i>0 by party of the sihool .in the Joralty contest. The "Republi- K3" are in the majority and Miss forester's; election is assured, if stfd she wilj act as mayor of •"j-citA- d u r i n g the observahrvand \ l $s ni;i serve. «ndcr herein the ^&>\ii, other elective offices. aided him in his time of stress. He ,haa moved to the "oia "«a1oon'buKd» \itig on. State Itreet and will con- tinue operations then*. "* T ': A new ordinance regulating the saio milk SOCJ* into cntect. in Watertown Stay 'flr»t,' Only pro- duct from cattle t that have been tubcreulta tested wtii be permitted , to bo sold. Ut us take care of your House* \ 3>r, -Sarlow 'G*'Former ofTfa jtertovm has recclvoa notice of his jbeip,c; eommisslon-eil v& -Jioutenant ? colonel of the United States atcdi- cal Corp^ Orgra»I»ed Reserves, When y«pi iaro in a hurry or any o'ffier timf» get your tarfiertisR done at "Vick*8. "i'ottr 'trade apprc- vlttico. Open* day ! «md «Wrt» . Tick's .Time Barber tehop, Victor Etoor, rrop.i Ferut 1ST. ir# [Some articles you need: AMMONIA Scouring PcW SOAP CHIPS A man may be dawn but he'fr 'aevcr out .^alfation Army drive. All thfe week.—Adv, Scrub Brushes Floor Brushe* Dustiess Mops Floor Mopg Brooms • -•.•••^N**^*•**••* •'»*•*.*'*>*•••-*•'#•*•**#**••* SCOOTERS The Famous' ' «i>f t rtz 'C*ri>irAK"»> $5. toj$6.S0 Ut&mw******* Ai it MARSHALL Pyers & Belden KOTICB »TO VE&BVUOS& Your Loud Speaker Will Reach FwAer 4 SIMPLE, practical, **38swiw to your ques- tion, .'"How can I get radio on Wuj porclt with*. out moviog everytWupr?" is our new De Luxe Es- tension toxd; in 25 foot leugtiis* connection on each end* ' - *»* , H* of 25 feet. -5-T lllli TolMbrry It r cheaper now that it wU !b ktcr on. Po It Wore you pi«k< >uur lawn, bfore yon ^e»r «p $om yar^ We navft a stock oi and 79, off t l-l and 4 1-2 points, rtapectlvely. Xmwell Motor* B. which touch- ed 19 7-1 last week,.collapsed to- Say to ** l-i or 7 1-8'point*.be- low tost night's CIOM. Mack Trucks •old ten points below it* high of hurt week, closing at 14f 1-1 for * net loe* of f f.* on the day. Commercial Solvent A and B broke It 1-2 and 10 fi.t points to »• l-Z ami 11? 1»8» respectivsly, or nearly TI points below the yesur'*-hia-luR. Other outstanding wttk spot* in ths Industrial list included Allied ChsmioaJ, Allies- cern wast tho axav.tn>k competitloEr Hunter and Urn, Hbjnur,' violins, i £b*\mwt*, American Can, Ameri- of butter producers of Kew Xeal«ml|Mr. «rlwlmun, martdulin, UonaW 14 *" I * « « l W i , AmeWcwt »«m*- tamtKtlfa, Argentina, and other ^wic, drums, Hettur lavage, *«» Tobaeco and International Pa- countries In the southern hemin-; ilute. Victim S»v,HKe« cornet, ' *•«"» «11 olf * points or more. Selling of V. ».'Steel common, which dropped 2 l-« poinU to 114 1-f. was In further reOecUon oi Chairman 0*ry*« remarks to stockholder* concerning - the cor- poration's dividend peltry, settfmr at rest rumor* of it Possthi* aunrl- button or part of the undivided •urpJtif* Rs^is also were in free supply, Frisco common, Southern Railway, Southern Pacific Delaware and Hudson, l*ekaw«n»s, Pittsburgh mn Went virfiam m a * m oth- er* yielding two point* or more, common and preferred. Baltimore and "Ohio preferred, snd Omahfc preferred broke through their previous l|g$' low 'price*, JffiW YORK, April 21,—Bond price* 'held steady today although reactionary tendencies cropped out in several sections of the list and fi»ve the market £ spotty appear- ance. French bona* again lost grouna but domestic corporatlou Issues generally made moderate, progress. Pennsylvania general f j-g*# ana Kortolkapa WesterA ijssue* were conspicuously strong, presumably In anticipation of the lease oil the Virginia Railway to Norfolk and Weiitern, which wa» announced late in the day ? A one point rise in /Atchison general is redected the trend of Investment ran liens, while St. Paul^ and Chicago and Alton issues, which were uriaer selling pressure yesterday, recov*- ered their .balance ^toaay, BAFHST CHURCH: At the request of many people the main auditorium of the Baptist Br. I*, T. Reed Mrill deliver a lec- ture Thursday evening utfc<j0in Church on the subjest? "Why Bap- tists inimeHie? - 9?hC* lectori will be driven for the instruction and edification of the members of the Church but* the pubUOj are cordially invited. The seats are free ana an Intelligent fllscpssion of this guestion in pro* mised,. . /•''.• At *he conclusion of the lecture tb* ordinance of baptism will be administered. -i WOR-—Xewark—405 •• - «:4S P. X., Caruso Concert En-{ semble. . * ***«^ 7;S0 P. M., Vincent l*opes Or- chestra. * P. X., "Topic* Oftt«Dsy," Ulned new lew prices at II 7-8.'Spencer Armstrong. 1:1S P, M., Talk, Bsdqa ltork. I i:l*. P. M., VertchAmp String Quartet 9 P, X„ Dinner to Oentrdo Ma- chado, President-elect of Cuba. 11 F, II,; Ciro'a Orchestra, > Of* , WAAX—Xewark-^ggS mi-V.'Un Phil lunch's »5tt<Ml4Wl* , 8:15 P. M., Esther Pomick, sop- rano. 8: »0 P, X., Albeit E. Bonn, »'««aio.» 8:45 P . I t, Allda Rltman, sop- rano. WJAR—Providence—30« 1*0$ P, X., Studio prograwuv *7;S0-i0i30 P , Jf,, Program from tXfVAV * WKtAJf.t - KDKA—Pittsburgb--30» , 6:15 P. ffl* Binner ; concert. * 1:m P*'»L. Children's period. tilS P. M, r Couraein geology. o u„ siitz hour of music, t ;,, im&ftm *AliK;'-TO»II5HT Syrstcuse representatives of th« American Bducatiohal Food Coun« ctt have made arrangements with stiation WFBI<, wa*e length atsa netfeter, on-the Onondaga B-otel, Sy- r«icus^ ?», ¥.* to put i&eir health ecfueational talks NOU the air on 'Jifia 22nd?ana 2«tb, at f:*0 P. M. EWem Btaadard tlpte, " •iimimnsftrni'i' iiiiuuiiiiiiiiiiiiinniiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiuiiiuiiuuininiiinmimimniuuiminii f K£i£i iJ^blKUvIitfri -^ IHlS t WeeK Miss Marjorie E. Daytott ol jpennison Mfg. Co., will in- ': struct the ladies of Pfettsfcttr^h and vicinity in maJdng^ fancy and useful articles from Dennkoa Crefie Paper, ! NEW LAMP SHADES PAPEI DECORATING CANDLES ' ' ' ' ' Aftentooag 2 ^ 0 t o 4t3&. .<. <v\,..- ;.<•<• ARNOIdTS Bte WW& . . $ M Clinton Street ', ; ,.':.;" *<*•« . %* * * ~ -. - ?A v j 0, g'-nume tre r h mined, ifee <^e^esfc «ml pet teat ttmt. -T«|- ^a...»#A^ < & »\ ^ * ' - - S- *':"-v "% J'4 ^.w. v- \ ; ''/'* X" * %' " i ^ :5 S?%. ^?|w****ii*«*a^ ^"> |.^ J*J. EL , ~*Vi £3 Road Feat CBmaies Hotewtu Recent. Road R,un jR0ve*te Ability - to Go 25,000 Miles Without . *.M«|«jIlejp!ide.' Store at 29 Clinton St, " Plioiieie^ WNtWhwl', j Mrs, John F, podge, widow of ono of tho : founders of Bodge r>" Alfred Q. Wilson, business man of Detroit, and deacon in the First ^Presbyterian church,, where she heads 'the miesjonary society*'; The heirs of John Dodge will divide about f?o,0»0,000. 1921 Developments nij I,, III iniiMin'T * Achievement of* Endurat»co Kee- ord Comes on T«» of Great Style Siicoese ' 3STew Toick to JRto Orana© .tJescription' of a.par* of the 25,- OOo mile Franklin test ear as pub- 'Thmed in the Expre^ of £a» An- tonio; Tesas, where much of this sreat- mileage was piled^up, sounds the following note;. "Ip^agine a veritable njtlafee on wheels-^-a cus- tom featured FranMin ©if striking beauty and ^richly appointed ip every - detail—being slaramed^dver the roads all the way frotn"Kew England to tho.|tlo Grande valley at, an average pace of nearly 400 miles dally—aU for tho purpose of proving automobile stamina." TICKETS FO|t «*KATHX1SEN»* Tickets for * ! Kothfeen" are oix sale In-Plattsburgh at "the folkvw- iajS> JStoi?ess ^Jverlfetli*^; Pharmacyv fhe Mt-Hite Shop, W. & la«uea HJteheoek'g iPharmaey, and Seem,- er*. Tho.5toro AJhead.. -Ticket*.may: be had out of town at Mar«ha*8 Pharmaey, Peru; Geo, N.Rjrewef, Brothers; Inc., Is engaged? io mar- Stonfe'aTDrtig Store, Keesevnl^rMr. Torrence,i Bank of Ausable, Au- sable Forks; Bs* J,. Xawley, ^liza- bethtbwn? R, 3f, Nlchoie, »antfe- moraj I^abounty & stone, West Chasry; John Beekman, Chassy? A, R. Atwood, Champlaln, and W, W, Cooper» Houses Polnt^-adv, ' tiansmission service brake reached the stage of requiring renewal. I<eft Sa» Antonio in March, * Most of the mileage was pilea up through continuous njght and day driving over circuitous routes sa North Carolina and Texas. The car used was tlie first of the new stylo Sedans to leave the F r a a k l m fac«* tory. - N By the tlmo" the .testing party were ?eady to return to Qie faci toxy at Syracuse, so much Interest In the performance, of the ear had been ^aroused, particularly in Franklin dealer circles, that^ it -was arranged- to make extended stopa at Franklin dealerships along tho route, Houston, New Orleans, Haven, factory SlervicO . Engineer Shreveport, Mttie Rock, Memphis* who .-accompanied the test car.' 8 *' ^ppfs, Chicago, Indianapolis*. "We bucked snowdrifts in RBW] Cleveland and Buffalo were among York and' nearby statesr in l a t e ! «»*• «***» visited, and everywhere January," he said, »'More snow, *& |'*" lw motorists availea them^ so tain, was encountered in" >faxy* seffyos of the opportunity to tesij land, white "Virginia was crossed the car * foBowing, a, t e a clay rain that lefjtf Plattsburgh- Motor gales Co.? the'road a sea Of mjud, 'Wo p^J-'tocaiFnwkliii dealer who has been uir. chains and wane-wed throuflirf llowin ^ oli>s ^ ihe pw»s*«w oc mud'that rose above the running I tbe FrankUn test car, s t a t e s t&afc bpard* day after dayv Further deserlptioa of the win- tertime road conditions purposely encountered 4s furnished by C . 1325 is proving alyear'or achieve^ meats for the Franirlln'Automobile Company, factory at Syracuse, 3ST. T?„ announcing recenl^v the. com- pletion^ of .one of. the most re-. nfarkdble endurance ,*uns ipanotor car history. The!reliability feitt, said to' establUsh. a new high mark' In carefree n\otori.ng»j oon»e3 at ^ time when Franklin's ..fetyie pres- iige Is resulting in orders far ex- ceeding the factory's production capacity;., April (order?, for int stance, are 21 per? cent JUt excess. of norma! capacity, and.3&y or- ders aro 35% ahead. tii», reliability teat which ecm- isialied of a ss.eop; mite, 1 so day- cruise over the most adversei roads available .In Southern states, with- out requiring a single major repair or replacement, isr proving fully. „„« w ^—,„ ^ —~^ .„ « t - ^^- t a s s-i-Hstylng: t<b Fjyi.Tilrlfn. factory j -or chassis at the end of tlife'naiie^] style car vy&s aia.de exoouttm m my other pliaso of J sum, we reived many reaufests $k' ^e' W b tndr.sreat ±SLSS success. faa4much, ctenaOnsbcations from interested •''The strain, on xnotor, chassis and. bofly throughout the. wjioie mileage -vvjia- tlxe Worst W-js- cbiila impose for the purpose ef seeing how much gaff the car could stapjl. Certainly, J 2S^O00 m i l e s of this test is piore destructive tban'twide as much mileage in ordinary ownfer tes'.s such' as this is the haekhone of BTanklih merchandisiiig, beins particularly instructive to thoso motorists who aro stepping up to a quality jnotPPing level lor ipie first! time. ^ F»n at Filling Stations The long sun Was not without ltd amusing angles, one of them be-* use. f We didn^t have to service the ' ing the fact that thenar was dis-i * car.once.ln a.major way thrQUgji- guised inasniuch as the test was out the test, and when we couldn't commenced before public an-t ~jund a sqiueak or rattle in the bo^y_j nouneemeni of Franklin's, new. ,as a propouneed franklin mev* chanoising advantage is«sald to re- sult* '•.'•'' " -- - - .- '. By way of explanattone, Bales- manager S. SI. Ackermah, w says, "Franklin has. b^en idvertlsed as the lowest-price i car ! per mile mader . this jperfformanee; proves the point, and enables u.s to show njotorlsts that true economy should be reckoned on a mileage toasts ovejp.a long period of ownership motorists who had read about the performance. Baually noteworthy jm the engine? the. carbon has never beep removed, yet it is cap- able of doing 60 m. p. h. and pull- ing'the test hills tackled by only those driving the most powerful automobiles*' Mr, Haven states that the first set of tires averaged over 15,000 miles, and, that just prior to com- pletion of the 25,000 miles the The eat" Wt;e aficticiousname-s plate at tlie topi. <?£ t&& <:on.veiit^ tional typo radiator, and to fmn th«r eoinplete. the aisgttiise a, m.ot^ ometer supplanted the customary ornamental Jion which is a dia-< tihguishlng mark of the Franklin* It became necessary far the Frank-* Hn qrew to use considerable strat- egy in order to prevent willing; attendants at filling stations fronx unscrewing the motor meter, pre^t paratory to pouring water Into the* air-cooled motor, ... . ^

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Post on 27-May-2019




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VEa, APRIL. 2 ^ |

« "Mif f la teW« » i £ t * H '' ana bra thc iv ' . * * - ' » - Victor W e c ^ ftn, '* " re turned ^ m e .» «

t h * winter i t t F l „

'**r and « « » ^f>1> * : 7 * ** i£j^* Placid *£*

«» ^ E, & t W V » J •wletor of T h e % n i t e f ^

, , v *»f ia £ram a n ^ '?".*»« vn*ter*ent « { « ? *sd Oe»«rat H o s p i t a l . . ^ .



' and drive Sibi la ted hen drive ted car a t ind yon*H ts, to y © %

in ing A o w aey-Back-•s o n y o t s r ff&ngg for


M i l I FS 11 if i i j |

O p e n

* * • ~-^J

Edgar A. Guest}'

j>n<« w:ts 1. ate)Willi ***?

C>een £rl|li, * * *!»•• or

P*0< itbdttt on* thought that

n i g h t • _ • •"--

Perhaps in agony I'd 4ki:/M xt rotmd: a b o u t »*>»««»' * " * * | |

Terrors t h a i Walt to t tW|fc i flat, ' :' -. ' .. .

solemn doc tor warning •(«•« "You're m u c h sao '«id. | j r^

like that! '* ' -- -Sifel;^-• ••• ^ ^ •- - m&-t*-

. . . . ;.-vffc-naje Was_ I t r o d yottthle, • -- stogo'1 - " " ; ;f>^ And bar te red strength tor **4j

it now r v e reaehed twit o M . a g e ^

When a l l exertion'_! must »0n t h e s i a e U « « .now t Creaky of J o i n t ' * n a ' i

fat*. mdemned t o ht&X . .th*'

say: •

"You ' re much , too'Old for like thaW"' X'.X---

xr.k all tnfr. enemy warship*. .-iev • k«?£t eft' gosling, "Htyr

<rJ the ShOrC -SOWSe, ,'**!*" *• >retic&Hy -swnfc" •Th* t are l" signaled back -the. • mnsandet, "getting tending-es overside; "3**rt2$f* • after hfrj tmpleteiy wiped ©lit* thehivaw •inured t&e is land - --•

•• * #

J^Vt-IS may seam jScEBtty.' * * * ! [" rt-oi. -wsiirfi*** -if* effMm

. ^.haJt'B Ifcil*ie *»'iia»3P«tt:

n't quite suaicleatl 0t mUt «<• Usag - IstaziA iftafieM* t- F «.fori-t' s decision 3&iK»|Iy ***

So whatever tm witftiwe ^ * r J •-vvolian w&r F*3?«f' -R^1? ^ ^ ' esn't du 'to 'take l:r"|«ja o«KwW*

• * * % • . ,

i«f j>'y w»T retard 4J» -wli^ls «.i 5ustr%- for -laefc c£ to^O^ta fc^*

.U.r r . p a r t w « » t S » M « , ' £ , S S !

nanuaJ wwUerr/ - ^ «^„ .n*-i. thov say it *i»-J*S5

- . r o w i e j . iwfi'Vitalto^ W«*

/ / •

i-r. .e Kiieu. 'ii«.ti!rei -"** . ^ fca

a mas 'tQT -tfi# «o« f tW ,

ti^ivd Jbeyciid TIKE i-r. .e sheU. 'at,tlr6


personal J e n t i o n (RQUSESPOINT

T H E E A J it-hi".




.^i'Cn of Xqtv* Yorlj I* ' " rae time With

. i i'iaru was a .i:'lat.taU'ut-R'h yes-

•i. she city yester-lC»<;iir of \ \ v 6St

vv st chazy visit"! ; rttNburgh yester-f





LOSS SET AT $8,000 Khapp. of Mooers

-.> who X'iaited i * «•»»•»«<..•. ixte<i business in ; Effifient Work by 3Flireinoi» Sgaircg

;r-.!6t West Chazy"


f Hiis.ir StU paiss-

!us panehta Ih, Ti -

Ogdeneb^cg police are IjoWlng aft automobile securea from Clauao fcowis ot tKo Wlliys-Knjglit Over­land do. , o fn vrarthlcss check foe $300 ©£» feroij by a man who gtivo his nara« n» s. Wolfe.

An Osaonsiirtirs wia»t eliiima hp hot^eht tit© cap In gooil faith tsom Wolfe jwwi thcro is qbite a ques­tion Invalveil m t o • whether his ti t le is not perfectly fegsl a n a va ­lid. - !

Wowkm- BuiltUiifiy on mm Street

fKcs:'1" "


~;n;;i.nac ••'•••. ^ \ l r s

I-iaRe visl t-E. J . Iven«



; B ;-

te- "•*'•


knsu..:.'-. I Son. ij

-111 .1--

I John I •CI 'fw.r


\'3i A:I Jaim-s


w: N . kEJte V'',s fetors:

E 11'..

tSpeeiat to t h e FKSSSSJ

ROUSES PT., April Si.***BSi-eient %vork by t h e Hotiiiea;. 3Polttt

1 fire depar tment Bavefl State i/.'ibeth and Asnea street 's rows o£ wooden hulldinss

yesterflay afternoon, when flames swept the s tore of Ales: LauMr ie ,

. h .unp t^ in Vattey {&alxig damage of over $S,000 to : the *e?k-eim. - hulMini? atid stock. T h e loss I s !

. k who was taken 'mostly eovereia "by insurance* :n Vaiiey Hospital I milllp Bernard, who \ym fctaiia-ii.M-:kja-w recently, | i n s across t h e street, saw a th in

tVis imme i n Ri |ga r i sp i ra l of smoke curllns; from the • iitiyri is favorable, iroof of the store building about i:.): of Mooers was{3»4 5 F - ' *£. M® WW across a n a ii';. 's local callers, ^eW Mrs. t ,aun€rle and h e r son,

•v .of Oaay%'«le ^ a s s J E ? m t i n a * ! - in ' town yesterday. ' Edmund opened t he iloor leaa-

ii « l d T, W. D a y ^ n s from t h e s tore into t he side :« nurrtbered araotoe Jstairwas-. F lames leaped Into h i s

.••.rKjpoopte h e r e yes*


i ' .. To Assure American Farm­

er a Fair Profit

Large Crowd at Perform­ance Last Night


D a t e 20 Ind'lK T u ^ t l a y . . . . . . 111.M Monday .,-,.[.<. 11S.$8 %v«k Ago . . . . H » . « l High 1825 . . . , * 128.10 £

Low 1925 . . , . . 1H . J1 t TotJtl »rtoek» i>352,*00*

50 Rails 9y.04

100.31 9 9 J 3

104.68 $0.13

SEEK 12 CENT TARIFF Eftt&t pt I«we«xe WottW ISmA

Towaril Gfiieml Tmrm Vtdn-I>nrity9 'Xliey Argao i

st:erda>:'s locaJ call«5r» « ««•!-. i > f Beekmantown.

WASH1XGTON*. Ai»rit St .—Re-prefentatlves of American but ter

produeers appeared today Before

the Turin* Commliwlon to urge an

increase In the tar l i t on but te r


face, fli'ivlng him Ifticte. He was unable to d o s e t he door again.

The lire flepartm^at was num* monedl Chief Petcir S*«uin led

ghftn QC "West tliaisyilrts foree to the attack,, several imports Asserting Utat foreign butler pro

ilucers are aMe to aell their pro «lneta in this country at 'a urlee lower than th« American producer

can aWont, they arjfwtd for a n a d ­

vance in dot?'' from IS t o 12 cent*

a Dound u n d t r the flexible provi-•h\am tit th»» turllf w.M« siwure tlt« American farmer a fair profit. Th© effect of art torreaisrt tnrlff on tot­ter, It was* cwntended), would tend towaril general farm1 uruxnerity. >Whlle the butter liro^ueerlft a«l*

u~|nexs nere yesterday j l ines of hose were ' «j,»ickly laJd jT'S D. Gilbert or EUett [from hyatants, one stream eon

visited her© yes ter -

'•'!•': of Attona was in .11..K t t ime yesterday, * :<. « a reenter spent t he mi v i s ions relatives*

xrest Burroughs of vtiH in

ft. of Chazy aumhered r.iiy's local faualnesa

stantly played on the side of t he buiiatas over an adjoining roof, to joreveat t he fire from spreading: while o thers were directed a t t he are inside. • - . "

Meanwhile Mr. l^undrie ar* i*ive<l on the mam uiwJ immediate­ly set to worfc to cover uj> » 30

town yest«r-1 gallon terrel of oil and another of kerosene... N"c!grhl*ora r an in ' and helped <trag out stoek, Chief of Police 3. €L Safeourht and the s ta te

troopers, lea h$ Bcrgt. Georgt" Con- :nmtctt their chief npnetiHon at •n i,f ^>oini t raesae ted t way , ke»t back t h e crowd* xaxCt


BINGHAM TON. N. 1.> A p r i l 2 1 . I-A«:«mniH:.e« of Ci t izens *|)OUSDr-

tbe. fcrthcouiins; ohsorvaneo of

rat'iPHi -.1.

here faced a ieriotwl air. Ifiiunatio saia last night ho

present comem from Denmark,

Comic Play and Other Short Act«

l*teom Au&lmm at f b\m Hal l j

People from all over the etmnty were drawn to Peru law night to wltnew the opening ninth?* ner" formanee wlilch was .staged a t iA* Town Hall hy the Peru Granprem, who pleased a full house wi th * comic t>l;ty and a minstrel, »how, The performance will he repeated toni«ht.

A- comic play "Fi rs t Aid to Cu» t»Id", urranKed by a few of th» griUijjerH and rehearsed under t he direction of M'w». II . I* ytafford, wait l!r«t presented and mm well received by the audience*

Between the play anil t h e Mins­trel*, two *lwrt act* were siven, Tom Fitcpatrlck displayed his abi­lities with H ji»?>,*inK ac t and"James Felio a n d Denton Severance «nv«i an excellent danclnp Mketch which drew much iiypluuMe, ifw*. JJevir-ance and Slris. Clark pleaded their audience with a duet selection.

The grangers scored a irreat hi t with t he mln»treli«. An end men, Walter Severance of. JPeru «nd

aiu-dun Hmlth 4? Pl«tt*bnr«h prov*4 to be. excellent funmakerf, and many of their $akt* wtr* »t t he rx&*nn* of , w « i e of l'eru"« inpwpuiar citixenk

In th« circle were Mr. and Mr*. Albert Clark, Mr, and Mrn? J ohn JF, r»own«. Mr, and itm Wal ter 1'hllHpn, Sim. J o h n Clark, M M . JTamei* M.tnnljr, Mr», Felio, Mm. Walter Severance, William Wright, and lttiM(CLirk. U E< Allen w»» Interlocutor,

The orchestra, cnnilstttHl of »rr», Walter Mtalford, piano, lt«v. l*ru-

Jjttreventcd them front Jiamperlngjthey declared! thjlr $r«ut«it cuii*;d«m, Sw, «ei»#liti(tii, Mta Buth H»e. iteemiyn.

Tho kitchen n«d rear part of the apartment occupied by Harry 'King uttftj^m mm damaged by^flre ami Pmoke,"

K3ESW YORK, April, 21,—Stock price* brokn sharply today under nettve iieUlng for both iiccounti. test.

• WtiHStfr Tork ' C h > ~ « 5 5 .•, '••" t & M., Bernbar'd Levltow'a rau«

itlc. .

8 ip, M„ Financial Hevtew, / 8; 10 P. M., N4 T, II, Alt Col­

lege; "Electrical Engineering;" Frofe*«or J", P .Arno ld . . .

iftjjjfi11*. M. , . ^Wtmto i s te r Mixed Quartet .

8! 45 P . M.> Tim«'Question con-

Standard industrial* and rai ls , fell

back Sjt to nearly four points, while several h igh priced •peoial-tl«i which have Been under pool aponsorahip dropped * to 12* 1-8 pointi, Trading wan In broader volume, the day'n Bale* runntofc well over one »nd one quarter million shares .

Wall Street found plenty of ex­cuse* to explain the Helling. These Included th* apparent inability of •peculators for the advance to a t ­tract a, public following on t h e r e ­cent upiwln*, leading to th* t em­porary auspeiurion of pool opera­tions in *ev*r*l isaues; lower me­tal, and grain prices; the marking; u p of the call money ra t* t o 4 1-2 per cent and t h e growing uncer­tainty over the buaine** outlook ,for the spring and summer.

Errat ic fluctuation* of V, 8, Cast I ron Pipe, which was ham­mered down more than IS point* to. a new 1*2* low a t 114 J-4, a s compared with a high of 250 ear­lier In th* year, was one" of t he (Jay's fu tu re* . Universal Pipe common and preferred al*o a t -

9:*0" P . M.„ Westminister Mixed Quartet,

9x15 P . M., American Newspaper

PuWlshew* AwocWtoii uinnw, Speakers: Artltur O . Staples, Mrs. I. Jewel Brown; Rube Goldberg: -and es>CrOvernor lx>wdeh.

10:80 P , M„ Billy Wynee'a Or^ chestra.

/ . « • • .

, / - *••'•••' " , r i * * , .•

. WStAF—Xew. 1fark-'-C«y-^*ea « P , M., Waldorf-Astoria dinner

music. I P . X.» Synagogue services., 7:*0 P . M„ "Jewebry." lAWrence

S, M a y e r s . . " " " . ' "" 7:40 P , H., UnUed State* Marine

Band. 9 P , X., " Ipana Hour ." 10 P , M., Royal Symphony Or ­

chestra . ''• ' I I to 12 P . M„ "Lldo-Tenlce Or­


9 J . M„ Qeorgo Sladdea's Or* ehestr«. - . • ,. •', .

8 ti 5 P, "to. Frank iSimmer, tenor, •-. .t0t : 'p»;krt <5eorere'Maade»-8 Or-.ehcHti-a, • ' ' ' , ;.• I..;__ .

Iff P . M., Wayne mfam&g-Qr* '-'chestra, • , • . , . ' . '.---• •'

/l&s'd p* Mit.1'Eoot for Ru»e.M

Widir--PhUade1phu>-«#5 • ?;$& p , J p " P ^ e a m t>adity." • ,S ae\ ^J**aaetfstA E v e » t V t

, «{lft V* M„ Travel talj«f. 18 P . 3£„ Daneert Orchestra,

"JOjap p, t&n Banee orchestra,


im P,''M., teteft! mm* mm-tt>€ Band. : '.-•-'.*-*.-.'--''-. . ^ , P ^ S I . t " i pana Hour,"* '

*0j63tP, M., Spanish program. " lOl^O P . M . , Uance n^uslc, -

WjBM«»BostoiB-MlSl0 e;#0, P , Ml, Big Brothers Club* ?J16 P . Jff„ Victoria Trio, j S P t. M., Traveler Orehei,tra. . *t

' 8;f5 P. M*» ii. 33. "Coh(?ift* *iJtjsf* eale. . . ••

5 P.H., ©BlottoJDaitee Orchebtr* 10 P.- MH Raymond Coon," Paul

Bmgm pianists, ' " . . S

'W»!g-.Sp^ttgfieia» mm^-SfS 6 P . %i.t ILeo Ks3fs«ia» finsentblSir

, .• t;$0 P. M* Course,in .French., ; S:15 P ; If., Concert by ar t is ts , $m V, M.t Original ^Phree Mu«-

keeters. ' " "" ;-s" .'- ' ' •-";: ' ^ Sill E. K.. Hithlasd ©fee club,' * 10:05 I>, -3BL, Paul ino Taylor

kW6tt«HSehenect«dr-'480 6 J 3 0 P . M-l Progra3» t o r chi l ­

dren. '• •• '-' : ' '..'••'.":'•' .._ 6r4l» -P. M.» Adventure" story, -

f P . ' f t , S t rand Thea t re Or­chestra. • . • . . - ' . . ' '

, WGR—Buffalo—3i» im p* M;,, Children** Week," 9-10 p» M„ Concert. 10 P. Xf„ Cantor keVjtte, songs* 10:30 P. W, National Tauaeville

Exchange concert. 11 P. M;, l-opez's dance ausle.

#ja0 P . M., "Spots o» ^ o r t a . ' * ' ?t30-9 P» 5L f ^n t t ed ,$ t a t f s Mar­

ine Sand. . ' 9-10 P^ >1 , Weteome t^'Wash-

ington baseball team,. » 3.0-11 P. si,, Isaacs music.

A phere, which a r e .in tips midst of J PtaturtM «<f the entertainment, fother t h i n t h e end men*« select-.


their beat butter proouehij? season i.ini.pht when" It" fcce«rnei,AVant<'a ia «*spw-ss thanks to the fat the time t»rthe worst season f«*|Ions, were'a, duet by XV, and Xr*.

t M.ss iHrrlot Piweiter « ^ n w n iml 3lU ««•»«"• who hsd the American farmer, ensbllttHE.J. J. Itowns, a mon«lo»tu* by Mi* """ them to sell their but ter here a t I Wal ter **ever»nc«, a sextet, and

their lo*'^'j^ce-irhfn-lh*r'»sn«r|l*oloii b y Mm Albert';C7ar*i'*Ho*« can producer to. paying the nml-jCI.trk knd James Fellu,

*mum in the manufacture of hi.«. j Many people from Plattsburgh wire hi attendance at last nfehn show.

;& sfh.M.i 'sophotnorttr. h a d

'hp ^ItcpObH-f nin;.-i>0 by

party of the sihool .in the

Joralty contest. The "Republi-K3" are in the majority and Miss

forester's; election is assured, i f

stfd she wilj act a s mayor of

•"j-citA- during the observahrvand \l$s ni;i serve. «ndcr herein the ^&>\ii, other elective offices.

aided him in his time of stress. He ,haa moved to the "oia "«a1oon'buKd» \itig on. State Itreet and will con­tinue operations then*. "*

T ': A new ordinance regulating the saio o£ milk SOCJ* into cntect. in Watertown Stay 'flr»t,' Only pro­duct from cattle t that have been tubcreulta tested wtii be permitted

, to bo sold.

Ut us t ake care of your House*

\ 3>r, -Sarlow 'G*'Former ofTfa jtertovm has recclvoa notice of his jbeip,c; eommisslon-eil v& -Jioutenant ? colonel of the United States atcdi-cal Corp^ Orgra»I»ed Reserves,

When y«pi iaro in a hur ry or any o'ffier timf» get your tarfiertisR done a t "Vick*8. "i'ottr ' t rade apprc -vlttico. Open* day !«md «Wrt»

. T ick ' s .Time Barber tehop, Victor Etoor, rrop.i Ferut 1ST. ir#

[Some articles y o u n e e d :

AMMONIA Scouring PcW


A man may be dawn but he'fr 'aevcr out .^alfation Army drive. All thfe week.—Adv,

Scrub B r u s h e s Floor B r u s h e * Dustiess M o p s

Floor Mopg B r o o m s

• - • . • • • ^ N * * ^ * • * * • • * • ' » * • * . * ' * > * • • • - * • ' # • * • * * # * * • • *

SCOOTERS T h e F a m o u s '

' «i>f t rtz 'C*ri>irAK"»>

$5. toj$6.S0 Ut&mw*******

Ai i t MARSHALL Pyers & Belden


Y o u r L o u d Speake r W i l l Reach F w A e r

4 SIMPLE, practical, **38swiw t o your ques­tion, .'"How can I ge t radio on Wuj porclt with*. out moviog everytWupr?" is our new De Luxe E s -tension toxd; in 25 foot leugtiis* connection on each end* '

- * » * , H * of 25 feet.




It r cheaper now that it wU !b ktcr on. Po It Wore you pi«k< >uur lawn, bfore yon ^e»r «p $om yar^ We navft a stock oi

and 79, off t l-l and 4 1-2 points, rtapectlvely.

Xmwell Motor* B. which touch­ed 19 7-1 last week,.collapsed to-Say to ** l-i or 7 1-8'point*.be­low tost night's CIOM. Mack Trucks •old ten points below it* high of hurt week, closing a t 14f 1-1 for * net loe* of f f.* on t h e day.

Commercial Solvent A and B broke It 1-2 and 10 fi.t points to » • l-Z ami 11? 1»8» respectivsly, o r nearly TI points below t h e yesur'*-hia-luR. Other outstanding

wttk spot* in ths Industrial list included Allied ChsmioaJ, Allies-

cern wast tho axav.tn>k competitloEr Hunter and Urn, Hbjnur,' violins, i £b*\mwt*, American Can, Ameri-of but ter producers of Kew Xeal«ml|Mr. « r l w l m u n , martdulin, U o n a W 1 4 * " I * « « l W i , AmeWcwt »«m*-tamtKtlfa, Argentina, and other ^ w i c , drums, He t tu r l avage , *«» Tobaeco and International P a -countries I n t h e southern hemin-; ilute. Victim S»v,HKe« cornet, ' *•«"» «11 olf * points or more.

Selling of V. » . 'S tee l common, which dropped 2 l -« poinU to 114 1-f. was In further reOecUon o i Chairman 0*ry*« remarks t o stockholder* concerning - t he cor­poration's dividend peltry, settfmr at rest rumor* of it Possthi* aunrl-button or part of the undivided •urpJtif*

Rs^is also were in free supply, Frisco common, Southern Railway, Southern Pacific Delaware and Hudson, l*ekaw«n»s, Pittsburgh mn Went virfiam m a * m oth­er* yielding two point* or more,

common and preferred. Baltimore and "Ohio preferred, snd Omahfc preferred broke through their previous l|g$' low 'price*,

JffiW YORK, April 21,—Bond price* 'held steady today although reactionary tendencies cropped out in several sections of the list and fi»ve the market £ spotty appear­ance. French bona* again lost grouna but domestic corporatlou Issues generally made moderate, progress.

Pennsylvania general f j-g*# ana Kortolkapa WesterA ijssue* were conspicuously strong, presumably In anticipation of the lease oil the Virginia Railway to Norfolk and Weiitern, which wa» announced late in the day? A one point rise in /Atchison general is redected the trend of Investment ran liens, while St. Paul and Chicago and Alton issues, which were uriaer selling pressure yesterday, recov*-ered their .balance toaay,

B A F H S T CHURCH: At the request of many people

the main auditorium of the Baptist Br. I*, T. Reed Mrill deliver a lec­ture Thursday evening ut fc<j0 in Church on the subjest? "Why Bap­tists inimeHie? - 9?hC* l ec to r i will be driven for t he instruction and edification of the members of the Church but* the pubUOj are cordially invited. The seats are free ana an Intelligent fllscpssion of this guestion in pro* mised,. . / • ' ' . •

A t *he conclusion of t h e lecture

tb* ordinance of baptism will be administered. - i •

WOR-—Xewark—405 •• • - «:4S P . X. , Caruso Concert En-{

semble. . * ***« 7;S0 P . M., Vincent l*opes Or-

chestra. * P . X., "Topic* Of tt« Dsy,"

Ulned new lew prices at II 7-8.'Spencer Armstrong. 1:1S P, M., Talk, Bsdqa ltork.

I i:l*. P. M., VertchAmp String Quartet

9 P, X„ Dinner to Oentrdo Ma-chado, President-elect of Cuba.

11 F, II,; Ciro'a Orchestra, >

Of* , WAAX—Xewark-^ggS

mi-V.'Un Phil lunch's »5tt<Ml4Wl* ,

8:15 P . M., Esther Pomick, sop­rano .

8: »0 P , X. , Albeit E . Bonn, »'««aio.» •

8:45 P . I t , Allda Rltman, sop­rano . •

WJAR—Providence—30« 1*0$ P, X., Studio prograwuv

*7;S0-i0i30 P , Jf,, Program from tXfVAV * WKtAJf.t

- KDKA—Pit tsburgb--30» , 6:15 P . ffl* Binner ; concert . * 1:m P*'»L. Children's period. t i l S P . M, r Courae in geology. o p» u„ siitz hour of music,


; , , im&ftm *AliK;'-TO»II5HT Syrstcuse representatives of t h «

American Bducatiohal Food Coun« ctt have m a d e ar rangements wi th stiation WFBI<, wa*e length atsa netfeter, on- the Onondaga B-otel, Sy-r«icus^ ?», ¥.* t o p u t i&eir heal th ecfueational ta lks NOU t he air on 'Jifia 22nd?ana 2«tb, a t f:*0 P . M.

EWem Btaadard tlpte, "



f K£i£i i J ^ b l K U v I i t f r i - ^ IHlStWeeK Miss Marjorie E. Daytott o l jpennison Mfg. Co., will in-

': struct the ladies of Pfettsfcttr^h and vicinity in maJdng^ fancy and useful articles from Dennkoa Crefie Paper, !


' ' ' ' ' Aftentooag 2 ^ 0 t o 4t3&. .<. <v\,..- ;.<•<•

ARNOIdTS B t e WW& . . $M Clinton Street ', ; , . ' : . ; "

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t r e r h mined , ifee <^e^esfc « m l pet t e a t ttmt. -T«|-

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Road Feat CBmaies Hotewtu

Recent . Road R,un jR0ve*te Ability - to Go 25,000 Miles Wi thout

. *.M«|«jIlejp!ide. '

Store at 29 Clinton St, " Plioiieie^ WNtWhwl', j

Mrs, John F, podge, widow of ono of tho : founders of Bodge

r>" Alfred Q. Wilson, business man of Detroit, and deacon in the F i r s t

^Presbyterian c h u r c h , , where she heads ' the miesjonary society*'; T h e he i r s of J o h n Dodge will divide about f?o,0»0,000.

1921 Developments n i j I,, I I I iniiMin'T *

Achievement of* Endurat»co Kee-ord Comes on T«» of Great

Sty le Siicoese '

3STew Toick t o JRto Orana©

.tJescription' of a .par* of the 25,-OOo mile F rank l in test ea r a s p u b -

'Thmed in the E x p r e ^ of £a» An-tonio; Tesas, where much of this sreat- mileage was piled^up, sounds t h e following note;. "Ip^agine a veritable njtlafee on wheels-^-a cus­t o m featured FranMin ©if striking beauty a n d richly appointed ip every - detail—being slaramed^dver the roads all the way frotn"Kew England to tho.|tlo Grande valley at, an average pace of nearly 400 miles dally—aU for tho purpose of proving automobile stamina."

TICKETS FO|t «*KATHX1SEN»* Tickets for *!Kothfeen" are oix

sa le In-Pla t tsburgh a t "the folkvw-iajS> JStoi?ess ^Jverlfetli*^; Pharmacyv

fhe Mt-Hite Shop, W. & la«uea

HJteheoek'g iPharmaey, and Seem,-er*. Tho.5toro AJhead.. -Ticket*.may: be had out of town at Mar«ha*8 Pharmaey, Peru; Geo, N.Rjrewef, Brothers; Inc., Is engaged? i o m a r - Stonfe'aTDrtig Store, Keesevn l^ rMr . Torrence,i Bank of Ausable, Au-sable Fo rks ; Bs* J,. Xawley, ^ l i za -bethtbwn? R, 3f, Nlchoie, »antfe-moraj I^abounty & stone, West Chasry; John Beekman, Chassy? A, R. Atwood, Champlaln, and W, W, Cooper» Houses Polnt^-adv, '

tiansmission service b rake reached the stage of requiring renewal.

I<ef t S a » Antonio in March, * Most of the mileage was pilea u p

through continuous njght and day driving over circuitous routes sa North Carolina and Texas. The ca r used was tlie first of the new stylo Sedans to leave the F r a a k l m fac«* tory. - N

By the t lmo" the .testing pa r ty were ?eady to return to Qie faci toxy a t Syracuse, so much Interest In the performance, of the ear had been ^aroused, particularly i n Franklin dealer circles, that^ it -was arranged- t o make extended stopa a t Frankl in dealerships along t ho route, Houston, New Orleans,

Haven, factory SlervicO . Engineer Shreveport, Mtt ie Rock, Memphis* who .-accompanied t he test c a r . ' 8 * ' ^ppfs, Chicago, Indianapolis*. " W e bucked snowdrifts in R B W ] Cleveland and Buffalo were among York and' nearby statesr i n l a t e ! «»*• «***» visited, and everywhere January," he said, »'More snow, *& | ' * " l w motorists availea them^ s o t a in , was encountered in" >faxy* seffyos of t he opportunity to tesij

land, white "Virginia was crossed t h e c a r * foBowing, a, t e a clay ra in t h a t lefjtf Plattsburgh- Motor gales Co.? t h e ' r o a d a sea Of mjud, ' W o p^J - ' t oca iFnwkl i i i dealer who has been uir. chains and wane-wed throuflirf l l o w i n^ oli>s^ i h e pw»s*«w oc m u d ' t h a t rose above t he running I t b e FrankUn tes t car, s tates t&afc bpard* day after dayv

Further deserlptioa of the win­tertime road conditions purposely encountered 4s furnished by K» C

. 1325 is proving alyear'or achieve^ meats for the Franirlln'Automobile Company, factory at Syracuse, 3ST. T?„ announcing recenl^v the. com­pletion^ of .one of. the most re-. nfarkdble endurance ,*uns ipanotor car history. The!reliability feitt, said t o ' establUsh. a new high mark ' In carefree n\otori.ng»j oon»e3 at time when Franklin's ..fetyie pres-iige Is resulting in orders far ex­ceeding the factory's production capacity;., April (order?, for int stance, a r e 2 1 per? cen t JUt excess.

of norma! capacity, and.3&y or­ders aro 35% ahead.

tii», reliability teat which ecm-isialied of a ss.eop; mite,1 so day-cruise over the most adversei roads available .In Southern states, with­out requiring a single major repair or replacement, isr proving fully. „„« w ^ — , „ ^ —~^ .„ « t- ^^-t a s s-i-Hstylng: t<b Fjyi.Tilrlfn. factory j -or chassis a t t h e end of tlife'naiie^] style car vy&s aia.de

exoouttm m my other pliaso of J sum, we reived many reaufests $k' ^e' W b t n d r . s r e a t ±SLSS success. faa4much, ctenaOnsbcations from interested

•''The strain, on xnotor, chassis and. bofly throughout the. wjioie mileage -vvjia- tlxe Worst W-js- cbiila

impose for the purpose ef seeing how m u c h gaff the ca r could stapjl. Certainly, J2S^O00 miles of this test is piore destructive tban ' twide as much mileage in ordinary ownfer

tes'.s such' as this is the haekhone of BTanklih merchandisiiig, be ins particularly instructive to thoso motorists who a ro stepping up to a quality jnotPPing level lo r ipie first! time. ^

F » n a t Filling Stations

The long sun Was not wi thout ltd amusing angles, one of t h e m be-*

use. f W e didn^t have to service the ' ing the fact tha t t h e n a r was dis-i * car .once. ln a .major way thrQUgji- guised inasniuch as the test w a s out the test, and when we couldn't commenced before public an-t ~jund a sqiueak o r ratt le in t h e bo^y_j nouneemeni of Franklin's, new.

,as a propouneed franklin mev* chanoising advantage is«sald to r e ­sult* ' • . ' • ' ' " -- - - .- '.

By way of explanattone, Bales-manager S. SI. Ackermah, w says, "Franklin has. b^en idvertlsed as t h e lowest-price i car ! per mile mader . this jperfformanee; proves the point, and enables u.s to show njotorlsts that true economy should be reckoned on a mileage toasts ovejp.a long period of ownership

motorists who had read about the performance. Baually noteworthy jm the engine? the. carbon has never beep removed, yet it is cap­ab le of doing 60 m. p. h. and pull­i n g ' t h e test hills tackled by only those driving the most powerful automobiles*'

Mr, Haven states tha t the first set of tires averaged over 15,000 miles, and, t ha t just prior to com­pletion of the 25,000 miles the

The eat" Wt;e a ficticious name-s plate a t tlie topi. <?£ t&& <:on.veiit^

tional typo radiator, and to fmn th«r eoinplete. the aisgttiise a, m.ot^

ometer supplanted the customary ornamental Jion which is a dia-< tihguishlng mark of the Franklin* I t became necessary far the Frank-* Hn qrew to use considerable s t r a t ­egy i n order to prevent willing; at tendants at filling stations fronx unscrewing the motor meter , pre^t paratory to pouring water Into the* air-cooled motor, ... . ^