d ifferentiated unit of study societies and civilisations of the past ancient egypt

DIFFERENTIATED UNIT OF STUDY Societies and Civilisations of the past Ancient Egypt

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Page 1: D IFFERENTIATED UNIT OF STUDY Societies and Civilisations of the past Ancient Egypt

DIFFERENTIATED UNIT OF STUDYSocieties and Civilisations of the past

Ancient Egypt

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During stage 4 and 5 of history, content such as this needs to be taught in a way that increases enthusiasm, awareness and sparks further improvement in historical literacy.

This work is an example of a differentiated unit of study, containing layers in the type of activities chosen to achieve similar goals. During each lesson there is a maximum amount of points that can be awarded. Students should work towards doing as many tasks as possible or completing complex tasks that achieve a maximum result.

Layers have been broken down in the following manner using Blooms Taxonomy

Layer A: Evaluation and synthesis. Layer B: Analysis and application Layer C: Knowledge and comprehension

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4.1 – describes and explains the nature of history, the main features of past societies and periods and their legacy

4.5 – identifies the meaning, purpose and context of historical sources.

4.8 – locates, selects and organises relevant information from a number of sources, including ICT, to conduct basic historical research

4.10 – selects and uses appropriate oral, written and other forms, including ICT, to communicate effectively about the past.

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Students learn to:  Describe how both men and women lived in the society or

period Identify the origins of the society or historical period Describe the way in which the people of the society or

period were governed Describe the rights and freedoms of different groups in

the society or period  Historical skills to be integrated into this topic:  Sequence events within specific periods of time Use historical terms and concepts in appropriate contexts Identify different types of sources relevant to the study Draw conclusions about the usefulness of sources for an

historical inquiry Locate, select and organise information from a range of


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The class is a mixed ability class of 25 students consisting of 60% of the students who are at a performing level, 20% of whom have behavioural problems and 10% of them at an ESL level. Despite the vast range of abilities within the classroom, all students have been given the chance to perform at a level that matches their strengths by differentiating the unit of work.

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DIFFERENTIATED UNIT OF WORK Students must complete at least one Layer C

task from EACH of the subtopics – Research, Video, Vocabulary and Visual

TOTAL POINTS AVAILABLE – 250 POINTS A: 220 - 250 B: 190 - 219 C: 161 - 189 D: 135 – 160 E: <135 = failure to complete unit of work.

Activities marked with (*) – Students must complete these tasks before advancing to other tasks.

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Note Taking1. Read page 26-27 of Retro-active 1 and create 15 dot points on

Ancient Egyptian homes. (*) – 5 points2. Read page 34-35 of Retro-active 1 and create a step-by-step

procedure on how to make a mummy. (*) – 5 points3. Read page 30-31 of Retro-active 1 and list the roles of labourers and

architects (minimum 5 dot points on each). (*) – 5 points  Research – USING SOURCES (Must complete at least ONE

activity)4. Research the Nile and answer the following questions: - 5 points

a) What could be the advantages and disadvantages of the annual flood of the Nile?

b) What types of water craft was used on the Nile in Ancient times?5. Research the legacy and importance of the pyramids for representing

Egyptian beliefs and create 10 dot point notes. – 5 points6. Research food and drink that wealthy Ancient Egyptians consumed

and create 10 dot point notes. – 5 points

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Video (Must complete at least ONE activity)

7. Watch “Mystery Mummy – SBS” and write 15 key notes learnt from the documentary. – 10 points

8. Watch tombs and customs video on http://www.pbs.org/empires/egypt/vid/last_clip10.html and create 15 key notes. – 10 points

Vocabulary (Must complete at least ONE activity)

9. (CAN NOT DO THIS ACTIVITY IF YOU HAVE COMPLETED ACTIVITY 14) Make flashcards describing each of the following Gods/Goddess’ and their roles. – 10 points a) Anubisb) Horusc) Amun Red) Thorthe) Hathorf) Kheprig) Sakhmeth) Isisi) Sethj) Sobek

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10. Write one sentence to explain why each of these people is remembered today. – 5 pointsa) Hatshepsutb) Khafrec) Menesd) Rameses IIe) Tutankhamun

11. Create a glossary of terms of Ancient Egyptian places, rulers, items, concepts and processes. EG: afterlife, mummification, pharaoh, scribe, canopic jars, delta etc. Use your text book (Retro-active 1) and must use further research to find important terms. – 10 points

12. Complete the “Glossary Crossword” worksheet. – 5 points

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Visual (Must complete at least ONE activity)

13. Create a mind map of the position of the Pharaoh, outlining his position as a ruler and God. – 5 points

14. (CAN NOT DO THIS ACTIVITY IF YOU HAVE COMPLETED ACTIVITY 9) Create a picture glossary of the 10 main Gods and Goddesses listed in Retro-active 1, page 33. Draw each of the Gods, labelling what they are wearing, and their roles. – 10 points

15. Complete the “Land of the Pharaohs” worksheet/map. – 10 points

16. Refer to page 22-23 of Retro-active 1. Complete Using Sources Questions. – 5 points

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17. (Must have completed Layer C activity 1) Create a scaffold of a wealthy Egyptian home. After creating the scaffold of the house, label key features. – 15 points

18. Complete activity sheet on the process of mummification. The activity sheet contains various forms of questioning (true/false, short answer, identification questions and completing sentences) and sources, and is accompanied by a website (http://www.ancientegypt.co.uk/mummies/home.html ) in which the students have to follow the step by step process to undertake the mummification process. – 20 points

19. (Must have completed Layer C activity 2) In groups of 2, research and create a life size sarcophagus. See teacher for materials. On the back of your sarcophagus you must include 10 facts about the mummification process. – 20 points

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20. (Must have completed Layer C activity 5) Create an interactive timeline to sequence the evolution of the pyramid. Use TimeRime website – http://timerime.com/en/page/our_products/360309/ - 15 points

21. Create a brochure of Ancient Egypt. Include 10 key facts about Ancient Egypt and pictures. – 15 points

22. (Must have completed Layer C activity 6) Create a menu of what the Pharaoh would eat on a special occasion. – 15 points

23. Read the worksheet “The Story of Tutankhamen” and answer the 12 true or false questions. – 10 points

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24. Using the internet and picture sources, research and design your own Ancient Egyptian traditional clothing on a poster. Ensure you label all aspects of the outfit and include a paragraph of background information. 15 points

25.Using materials supplied by the teacher, the use of the internet and picture sources, research and create your own ancient Egyptian artefact 10 points

26. Choose one of the following topics

a) Art

b) Travel

c) Housing

d) Attire

Using the internet or other books, find 3 sources related to one of these topics. Compare and contrast any differences between the sources. 10 points

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27. (Students must have completed Layer C activity 1) Evaluate in ONE page, the uses of Ancient Egyptian furniture, distinguish what items in the house are made of, interpret religious aspects of the home, and why rooms are structured in a certain positions of the home. – 25 points

28. (Must have completed Layer C activity 3) Write a newspaper report about building the great pyramids from the perspective of the labourers. You will need to include at least 5 facts of the labourer’s role and 5 facts of the architect’s role. Find this information from the internet and books. – 25 points

29. (Students must have completed layer C activity 2) Diary entry of an Ancient Egyptians desire to be mummified. The student must ensure that they incorporate all the steps involved in creating a mummy, to certify that they enter into the afterlife. – 25 points

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30. Create a 10 slide power point on one of the following topics. – 25 pointsa) Food and drinkb) Jewelleryc) Clothingd) Leisure/recreatione) Hunting and fishingf) Transport and communicationg) Crime and punishment

Research must include books and useful websites and the PowerPoint must include at least TEN interesting facts on the topic and source pictures.

31. Essay Question: “In what ways was the Nile the ‘life source’ of the ancient Egyptians?” Answer in ONE page. Use sources from the internet and books – 25 points

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32. Find 3 secondary sources related to Ancient Egyptian pharohs. These sources can include their roles, what they wore, they status in society etc. With each source write one paragraph describing the orgin of the source, the purpose of the source and what information it gives you. 20 points

33. Using Prezi, analyse the role of one influential female ancient egyptian talk about religion, heirachy and death in your answer. Include source pictures and ensure that there are a minimum of 15 facts. 25 points

34. Create a two person dialogue between a servant and a wealthy ancient egyptian. Include the roles of the servant and the expectations of the wealthy person. (minimum 2 pages) 20 points

35. Take a virtual tour on the website (http://www.egyptvoyager.com/pyramids_giza_virtual.htm#). Compare and contrast at least TWO of the ancient egyptian pyramids presented on the website. These include the Giza, the Khafre, the Khufu and the Menkaure pyramids. 20 points

36.From the compulsory activities 1, 2 and 3, create a 20 question quiz. This should include 10 multiple choice, 5 true or false question and 5 short answers. 20 points

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STUDENT CONTRACT Read through the following and tick if understood. 1. If you do not completely understand what is required ask

teacher for further explanation. __2. I am aware that I have 2 weeks to complete this unit of study

on Ancient Egypt. __3. I am aware that tasks with an asterisk (*) are compulsory and

must be completed before I commence any other activities. __4. I am aware that I must complete a minimum of 60 points from

LAYER C __5.  I am aware that I must complete a minimum of 50 points

from LAYER B __6.  I am aware that I must complete a minimum of 25 points

from LAYER A __7. I am aware that I can complete more than the minimum

amount from each layer but less than the maximum amount of points allocated for each layer. __

8. I am aware that I am expected to reach the 250 POINT maximum to obtain an A result. __

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9. I am aware that the minimum requirement to adequately complete this unit is 130 POINTS which will result in a D mark. Thus in order to achieve a superior result I must complete more tasks. __

10. I am aware that in LAYER C I must complete AT LEAST one task from each of the following components: Research, Video, Vocabulary and Visual __

11. I am aware that I can ask the teacher for assistance if needed. __

12. I will complete each task to the best of my ability. __13. If I complete 200 points within the two weeks I will

continue with other tasks from the list of my choice. __ STUDENT NAME _____________________

STUDENT SIGNATURE _____________________

DATE COMMENCEMENT  _____________________

DATE DUE _____________________

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RATIONALEThe rationale of differentiating a unit of study is to give the appropriate

learning opportunities for all students within the classroom environment. This unit has been specifically designed to motivate

students in the study of History at a Stage 4 level. Students would have a prior knowledge on Ancient Egypt as they would have encountered this in primary school. A differentiated unit of work is very important,

especially in stage 4 history as it ensures all students are able to access meaning at their own level and pace and through their preferred style of

learning. Furthermore, the differentiated unit of study is designed for students of all levels and includes pre-testing to make sure that all students are offered the best learning experience. Students from all

levels are catered for such as , visual, collaborative, kinaesthetic, aural and independent learners. Furthermore, the unit provides all students

with activities that keep them motivated and on task. The aim is to help students develop an interest in the subject of history, so they can

continue history in their senior years. The activities in each layers are allocated points according to the type of knowledge required and the difficulty level of the task. This systems allows all students in the class

to engage with the content in a way which is accessible and also promotes deep knowledge.


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Each activity has been allocated to a syllabus outcome to make sure that the differentiated unit of work covers all

the requirements set out whilst also promoting independence, self efficiency and most importantly

choice. This assignment consists of three layers according to blooms taxonomy. This gives the students a

choice to choose their own assessments. The purpose behind this is to increase their levels of ownership of their

learning and also helps to improve their self efficiency. Giving the students different options can help them

achieve there potential. For example, creative options such as creating an outfit or an artefact allow students

who may usually have some difficulty accessing meaning through traditional ways show that they have acquired

the knowledge required to interpret and create meaning. Whilst activities such as newspaper articles can allow talented students to further engage with the task and interpret sources in a creative manner. Additionally,

virtual site visits such as these give students the opportunity to see first hand the content as well as

fulfilling the compulsory site study for the syllabus. By giving students these range of choices we allow them to

reach their full potential.

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4.1 4.5 4.8 4.10


1 X

2 X

3 X

4 X X X X

5 X X X X

6 X X X X

7 X X

8 X X

9 X

10 X

11 X X

12 X

13 X

14 X


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4.1 4.5 4.8 4.1015 X

16 X X


17 X

18 X X X

19 X X X

20 X X

21 x

22 x x

23 x

24 x x x X

25 x x x X

26 x x x X


27 x

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4.1 4.5 4.8 4.10

28 x x

29 x

30 x x x x

31 x x x x

32 x x x

33 x x x x

34 X

35 X X X X

36 X