
Cyclones Cyclones are the most distructful storms in the world.

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Post on 20-May-2015




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Page 1: Cyclones,quentin


Cyclones are the most distructful storms in the world.

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The most distructful typhoon that hit the pacific

• Typhoon Tip was a tropical cyclone that remains the largest and most intense ever recorded. The nineteenth tropical storm and twelfth typhoon of the 1979 Pacific typhoon season

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The pacific typhoons from 1980 to 2005

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Cyclones have a eye that surrounds the eye wall it is the most calmest spot in the cyclone that the sun shines and the wind calms down and the pressure is low but no rain.

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Cyclones impacting the eccomey

• Cyclones do not have a big impact however for example cyclone Katrina that impacted the Sothern united states had the biggest change of eccomey because the total cost was almost 1 billion dollars

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Mass of strong thunderstorms to a tropical cyclone

• Cyclones are made of strong thunderstorms that rarely produce lightning. These storms gather to form a huge storm called a tropical cyclone


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Where are Cyclones common?

• Where are cyclones common? They are most common in areas near oceans. The most cyclones happen in the pacific ocean.

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Graph of cyclone damage

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Estimated number of cyclones a year at the western pacific ocean

• Nearly half of all the word’s cyclones occur at the pacific ocean. There estimated about 15 cyclones

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How these storms cause problems

• The cyclones are nightmares for people They knock down power lines. They effect the economy and one of these years a really big cyclone would that could be named great cyclone that could be as big as north America out in the pacific.

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Typhoon tip more information

• Typhoon tip was the most biggest cyclone to occur at the pacific. Also the biggest severe storm in the world

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Plans to make less cyclones form

• People try to have less cyclones form by stopping global warming and picking up trash. This is a picture under a cyclone it looks scary then above a cyclone

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Ecomomy making more cylclones

• If the ecommony is increasing then there will be more cylclones because of global warming. If global warming is really bad then the the worlds most giant cylclone will form one like this.

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How tropical cyclones increase the ecommomy

• They increase the ecommomy by how much damage they cause if they distroy expen