cycle a/b cycle b/c cycle c/a cycle a/b cycle b/c …... the homily ash wednesday prayer service ......

33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Volume 32, Number 2 November 17, 2013 G O D C R E A T E S O U T O F L O V E G O D C R E A T E S O U T O F L O V E GN32-9_GN29-8 9/10/13 10:00 AM Page 1 8th Sunday in Ordinary Time March 2, 2014 God created the heavens and the earth and all creatures. God saw that it was all very good. Genesis, chapter 1 What do we learn about God from creation? Draw a part of God’s creation that you especially love. A ll T h a t Is C o m e s f r o m G o d Good News What the Church Believes and Teaches—Believe: The Apostles’ Creed / God Calls Us / Creation / Heaven / Jesus / Christ, Our Lord / Jesus Is God and Man / Mary Is the Mother of Jesus / Jesus Became Man / The Holy Family Cycle A/B The Church is the people of God (#777) God makes us free to choose (#1799- 1800) Jesus invites us to faith (#179-80) Jesus teaches us hospitality (#561, 1071-72) The people of God build community (#229) The people of God love with their whole selves (#228, 592) We share community with the saints (#1053-55) Jesus venerates the Temple, God’s dwelling place (#593) The people of God use their talents (#941) The people of God do works of mercy (#678, 682) Creation awaits fulfillment (#46, 315) Israel awaits a savior (#702) The Church awaits Jesus (#523-24) Mary, model of believers (#273, 509) Jesus is Emmanuel (#744) Baptism and Confirmation make us members of God’s family (#265, 985) Jesus reveals God to us (#73) Jesus is the Messiah, God’s son (#561) Jesus has healing power (#548-50) Jesus’ life is a continual teaching (#561) Saints show the power of the Spirit in us (#961) Jesus chooses his father (#71-73, 538-40) Jesus is both human and divine (#460, 568) Jesus calls us to holiness (#592, 2052) Jesus shows God’s love (#620) Jesus nourishes us with his body and blood (#805) Jesus suffers, dies, and is raised up (#620) God raises Jesus to new life (#658) Jesus is present in the Church (#935) Jesus is our good shepherd (#620, 2415-18) We are the Body of Christ (#805) Jesus’ rule is love (228, 592) Cycle B/C We gather in Jesus’ name (#426) The Church is catholic, sent out to all peoples (#868) God creates us for relationships (#383) Jesus values the Commandments (#2052-2053, 2075) Jesus gives himself for us (#620) Jesus’ miracles show God’s love for us (#561) Beatitudes, heart of Jesus’ teaching (#1716-1728) The whole of Christ’s life teaches (#561) Jesus will come again (#682) God’s Kingdom will come (#1060) Jesus will come again (#681-682) The Spirit speaks in John the Baptist (#64, 719) The Spirit speaks in John the Baptist (#717-20) Mary is the Mother of God (#509, 744) The Word becomes incarnate (#479, 483) Jesus is God’s son and servant (#536) Jesus’ signs reveal God (#547-548) Jesus is God’s Spirit-filled prophet (#695, 714) Jesus fulfills the prophecies (#713,727) The Church is apostolic (#857,869) Jesus faces temptation (#480) Transfiguration prefigures Jesus’ resurrection (#554-556, 568) Grace is God’s gift of life (#2021, 2028) God loves and forgives us (#1490) Jesus forgives sin (#594, 1493) Jesus gives his life for us (#620, 629) Jesus is risen (#656, 658) The Church continues Jesus’ mission (#849, 869) The Church shares Jesus’ oneness with God (#805, 810, 852-856) Jesus in the Spirit hands on his teach- ing to his followers (#96, 733, 1985) The Holy Spirit teaches us (#737-738, 746-747) We live in Jesus’ Spirit (#738) Cycle C/A Jesus invites us to faith (#179-80) Respect for others is in God’s plan (#353, 777) Eucharist forms the Church (#805) Sacraments build up the body of Christ (#1134) The Church prays as the Body of Christ (#789) God creates us all equal (#374) We belong to the Christian community (#960, 1055) We will live eternally with God (#1016) God is in charge of the world (#682) Jesus’ kingdom is mercy and love (#547) Isaiah prepared for Jesus’ coming (#72) Isaiah and John prepared for Jesus’ coming (#524) Jesus’ coming will bring healing (#561) Jesus is both human and divine (#483) Jesus is Emmanuel (#744) Baptism and Confirmation make us members of God’s family (#265, 985) Jesus’ mission is to reveal God to us (#565) Jesus’ life reveals God to us (#547-48) Jesus is the Light of the world (#454) God loves each of us (#356) Jesus is our teacher (#561) God calls us to holiness (#1970) God cares for us and creation (#302-05) Jesus chooses to be loyal to God (#70, 418) Jesus is both God and human (#454, 460) Jesus calls us to spread his good news (#849) The Church believes in Father, Son, and Spirit (#261) We will have eternal life with God (#658) Jesus suffers, dies, and is raised up (#620) Jesus’ resurrection is an unfailing source of life (#658) Jesus is present in Word and Eucharist (#805) The leaders of the Church are our shepherds (#939) Cycle A/B Eucharist gathers us together Sunday Eucharist Saints: Saint Francis of Assisi Sacrament of Reconciliation Reconciliation: right and wrong actions Reconciliation: examination of conscience Presentation of the Gifts at Eucharist Marriage and Holy Orders: Sacraments of Service Reconciliation: accepting responsibility Reconciliation: loving actions Family Forgiveness Prayer Acts of justice Our Lady of Guadalupe The Hail Mary Celebrating the Christmas season The sacrament of Baptism Eucharist: Liturgy of the Word. Eucharist: Call and response Eucharist: Sacrament of healing Eucharist: the Gospel Eucharist: the homily Ash Wednesday prayer service Eucharist: Our Father Ten Commandments Reconciliation: forgiveness Eucharist: bread is Jesus’ body Veneration of the Cross Water is a sacramental Eucharist: Creed Creation reveals God to us The Mass is about Jesus with us Eucharist Cycle B/C The Church community Scripture readings at Mass Keeping Sunday holy The Sunday assembly Liturgy of the Word and Eucharist Celebrating patron saints of cities Eucharist Celebrating Advent Celebrating Advent Celebrating Advent; 2nd reading at Mass Celebrating Advent The Christmas season Sacrament of Baptism Eucharistic meal Liturgy of the Word The Creed Eucharist Celebrating Lent; Baptism Celebrating Lent; Lenten practices Celebrating Lent; Sacrament of Reconciliation Forgiveness and reconciliation Sin and reconciliation Celebrating Holy Week Celebrating Easter Eucharist; Christian symbols Confirmation: Christian symbols The Holy Spirit Pentecost Celebrating Jesus’ Ascension Cycle C/A Eucharist gathers us together Sunday Gospels Signs of faith Sacraments are signs of Jesus’ love Eucharist: Prayer of the Faithful Singing our prayer Parts of the Mass Communal prayer of thanksgiving Performing the Gospel Prophet Isaiah in Advent liturgy Our Lady of Guadalupe Prophet Isaiah in Advent liturgy The Christmas narrative Celebrating the Christmas season Baptism Eucharist: Sign of peace Sacramentals: Celebrating Candlemas Eucharist: Prayer of the Faithful Eucharist: Our Father Reconciliation Ash Wednesday Lenten practice: prayer, fasting, almsgiving Lenten practice: prayer, fasting, almsgiving Lenten practice: prayer, fasting, almsgiving Symbols of resurrection Celebrating Holy Week Easter Alleluia hymn, Easter candle Eucharist: Jesus is present Good Shepherd image 1 Profession of Faith 2 Celebrate Mystery Cycle A/B Learning together about Jesus Making decisions of conscience Belonging to a church community Forgiving and being forgiven Recognizing right and wrong actions Respecting others Learning about saints Praying always Responding to grace Doing works of mercy Advent prayer and song Modeling on Saints: St. Nicholas Waiting for Jesus’ coming Inculturating our faith Telling the Christmas story Remembering our baptisms Learning about Jesus in scripture Learning about Jesus’ neighborhood Using our power for good Modeling on saints: Martin de Porres Modeling on saints: Damien of Molokai Lenten practices: prayer Lenten practices: listening Lenten practices: showing signs of faith Lenten practices: loving actions Lenten practices: Eucharist Remembering Jesus’ last days Witnessing to Jesus’ resurrection Showing belief in resur- rection Showing care for all that lives Recognizing Jesus in each other Recognizing the saints Cycle B/C Christian community Serving the Christian community The 3rd Commandment The 10 Commandments The 4th Commandment The 5th Commandment I want to be a saint who… The 7th Commandment Bringing worries to God Building Jesus’ kingdom Respect for creation Loving actions get ready for Christmas Conscience Mary, our model Acting out the Christmas story Following Jesus: Accepting Baptism Following Jesus: called to community Following Jesus: revealed in scripture Following Jesus: believing in him Following Jesus: praying in Jesus’ name Keeping Lent Fasting Forgiving and seeking forgiveness Admitting wrong actions Accepting consequences Identifying Jesus’ last actions Witnessing to Jesus’ resurrection Recognizing Jesus is with us still Caring for creation Experiencing death Living in the Spirit We spread Jesus’ good news Cycle C/A Pope Francis Noticing people in need 3rd commandment Building up the Body of Christ Sharing material and spiritual goods Respecting others Celebrating Eucharist with others 1st and 2nd commandments Belief in eternal life Forgiving and being forgiven The Ten Commandments Practicing loving actions Practicing loving actions Sharing happiness at Christmas Telling the Christmas story Living as a member of God’s family Living in the Holy Spirit Signs of Jesus’ followers: serving Respecting God’s creation Signs of Jesus’ followers: helping others Signs of Jesus’ followers: keeping the Commandments Signs of Jesus’ followers: forgiving Signs of Jesus’ followers: care for creation Forming a good conscience We are Church: people who pray We are Church: people who speak the word We are Church: people who honor the saints We are Church: people who believe God gives life We are Church: people who follow a suffering Jesus We are Church: people who rise with Jesus We are Church: people who follow Jesus’ way We are Church: people who care for each other 3 Life in Christ Cycle A/B Singing our prayer Prayers of petition Prayers for church leaders Prayer asking for forgiveness Prayer of thanksgiving Prayer of petition Praying for Christian dead at Mass Making a prayer book Thanksgiving prayer service Singing our prayer Family forgiveness prayer; Our Father Christmas carols Christmas carols Hail Mary Christmas carols Sign of the Cross Prayer of praise Psalm 40 Prayer responses at Eucharist Prayer of petition Prayer of petition Ash Wednesday prayer service Creating Lenten prayers Our Father 10 Commandments prayer service Love prayer service Eucharistic prayer Veneration of the Cross Reconciliation and peace prayer The Creed Thanksgiving for creation Prayer to the Holy Spirit Sent by the Spirit Cycle B/C Singing our prayer Discipleship prayer Gospel ritual Prayer of petition Psalm 118 Our Father Prayer to saints Prayer of praise and petition Psalms; Amen Prayer of thanksgiving Creation praise prayer Advent prayer Advent prayer Hail Mary Singing our prayer Baptismal promises Eucharist prayer Prayers at Mass Prayer book of Christian beliefs Personal prayer Lent prayer service Daily prayer Reconciliation prayer Our Father Our Father Palm Sunday procession Greeting of peace; Alleluia Responses at Mass Sign of the Cross New Commandment prayer service Song to the Spirit Commitment to the Gospel Cycle C/A Sign of the Cross Prayers of petition Our Father, prayer of faith Prayer of thanksgiving Prayer of petition Prayer to saints Eucharist prayers Prayer for Christian dead Thanksgiving prayer service Prayer for forgiveness Advent prayer for peace Advent prayer for peace Family Prayer Card Hail Mary Christmas carols Sign of the Cross Prayer of Praise Prayer to the Holy Spirit Answering Jesus’ call Candlemas prayer service Eucharist: Prayer of the Faithful Praying Jesus’ new law Prayers asking for forgiveness Prayer for the earth Ash Wednesday prayer service Private prayer forms Private prayer forms The Creed Singing our prayer Holy Week prayer book Easter candle prayer Meal prayer End of year celebration 4 Christian Prayer Good News What the Church Believes and Teaches—Praise and Celebrate: The Church Celebrates Special Days and Seasons—Advent / Christmas / Ordinary Time / Lent / Easter / The Easter Season / Sunday / Feast Days / Sacraments—Sacraments of Initiation / Baptism / Confirmation / Eucharist / Liturgy—Praise and Thanks Good News What the Church Believes and Teaches—Follow Jesus: You Can Choose—The Choice is Yours / Making the Right Choices / Sin / Virtues / God’s Law—The Ten Commandments / The Great Commandments / The New Commandment—The Law of Love / The Good News Good News What the Church Believes and Teaches—Pray: What is Prayer? / When Should We Pray? / Where Should We Pray? / How Should We Pray? / Why Should We Pray? / What Should You Do When It Is Hard to Pray? / Disappointments / The Lord’s Prayer 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 What do you see in this church that helps you remember Jesus? Go to your own church to see what tells you about Jesus. 3rd Sunday of Easter April 19, 2015 How Is Jesus With Us Now? How Is Jesus With Us Now? GN33-29_GdNws 27-31 1/13/15 9:14 AM Page 1 Feast of All Souls November 2, 2014 Whom do you pray for at Mass? In the circles, draw family members or other people you know or know about who you hope are with God in heaven. Lord, remember our brothers and sisters who have gone to their rest in the hope of rising again. Bring them and all the departed into the light of your presence. Eucharistic Prayer 2 We Pray for the Dead I have a church family. Draw yourself in the picture. Find the hidden children. 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time Volume 29, Number 1 September 21, 2014 PR29-1_Prom 20/7 6/2/14 6:55 AM Page 1 4th Sunday of Advent December 22, 2013 Mary and Joseph say yes to God. Do not be afraid, Mary. You will have a son and call him Jesus. He is the son of the Most High. Joseph, don’t be afraid to marry Mary. Her child is from the Holy Spirit. Name him Jesus because he will save all people. Promise What the Church Believes and Teaches—Believe: God’s Word / God Shows His Love / God Makes Promises / The People of God Cycle A/B God abounds in love (#214, 221) God makes us free to choose (#1799- 1800) God cares for creation (#287, 315) Jesus invites us to his table (#804-05) Baptism welcomes us to God’s family (#265, 985) Jesus’ two great commandments (#1970-72) We share community with the saints (#1053-55) We belong to the Church (#780) God gives us talents (#941) God judges us on love (#678) Jesus promises to come again (#681-82) The liturgy makes Jesus present among us (#780, 1073-74) God sent Jesus, our savior (#744) Jesus is human and divine (#483) Jesus is born in Bethlehem (#525) Jesus comes for all people (#528) Jesus is God’s beloved Son (#151) Jesus gathers a community (#768, 780) Jesus calls disciples (#804-06) Jesus has healing power (#548-50) Jesus calls a woman disciple (#561) Jesus heals (#620, 1421) Jesus is faithful to God (#538-40) Jesus is God’s beloved Son (#460) Jesus teaches us to pray (#747, 777) God forgives our sins (#620) Jesus is our food (#805) Jesus suffers and dies for us (#2305) God raises Jesus up (#656) Jesus gives us peace (#935) Jesus is our good shepherd (#807) We share God’s life (#737) Jesus’ rule is love (228, 592) Cycle B/C We are Jesus’ followers (#1692) The Church is catholic, sent out to all peoples (#868) God creates us for relationships (#383) Jesus values the Commandments (#2052-2053, 2075) Jesus gives himself for us (#620) Jesus’ miracles show God’s love for us (#561) Beatitudes, heart of Jesus’ teaching (#1716-1728) The whole of Christ’s life teaches (#561) Jesus will come again (#682) God’s Kingdom will come (#1060) Jesus will come again (#681-682) The Spirit speaks in John the Baptist (#64, 719) The Spirit speaks in John the Baptist (#717-20) Mary is the Mother of God (#509, 744) The Word becomes incarnate (#479, 483) The Spirit-filled Jesus (#743) Jesus’ signs reveal God (#547-548) Jesus is God’s Spirit-filled prophet (#695, 714) Jesus fulfills the prophecies (#713,727) The Church is apostolic (#857,869) Jesus faces temptation (#480) Transfiguration prefigures Jesus’ resurrection (#554-556, 568) Grace is God’s gift of life (#2021, 2028) God loves and forgives us (#1490) Jesus forgives sin (#594, 1493) Jesus gives his life for us (#620, 629) Jesus is risen (#656, 658) The Church continues Jesus’ mission (#849, 869) The Church shares Jesus’ oneness with God (#805, 810, 852-856) Jesus in the Spirit hands on his teach- ing to his followers (#96, 733, 1985) The Holy Spirit teaches us (#737-738, 746-747) Jesus sends us out (#747) Cycle C/A Jesus invites us to faith (#179-80) God cares for the poor (#561) God is trustworthy (#230) Jesus heals us (#561) God answers our prayers (#181) God values each human person (#806) Grace is God’s free gift (#620) We will have final union with God in heaven (#1016) Jesus helps us (#231) God forgives our sins (#984) Jesus will come again (#682) Jesus is both human and divine (#483) Jesus is the Messiah (#547) Jesus came to lead us to God (#73) Jesus came for all people (#528) The Spirit filled Jesus (#743) The Spirit fills us (#985) Jesus’ life is a continual teaching (#561) Jesus is both God and human (#480, 566) God loves each of us (#356) Jesus is our teacher (#561) God calls us to holiness (#1970) God cares for us and creation (#302-05) Jesus is truly human and truly divine (#454) Jesus fulfills the Old Testament (#592) Jesus sends us to tell his good news (#851) Jesus helps us see God (#73) Jesus promises eternal life (#1052) Jesus suffers and dies for us (#620) Jesus is raised up by God (#658) Jesus is present with us in the Church (#805) Jesus is our good shepherd (#807) Cycle A/B Gathering as a community of believers Gathering as a community Church Eucharist Baptism Eucharist All Saints and All Souls Celebrating the Eucharist Friendship Eucharist is thanksgiving Advent calendar Celebrating Advent Celebrating Advent Celebrating Advent Celebrating Christmas and Epiphany Baptism Church community Using our senses in worship Liturgy of the Word Sacrament of Anointing Sacrament of Anointing Ash Wednesday Our parish celebrates Lent Our parish celebrates Lent Our parish celebrates Lent Our parish celebrates Lent Triduum The Easter mystery Eucharist: Sign of Peace Christian leadership Praying for families Eucharist Cycle B/C The Church community Sunday Eucharist Prayer at home Christian community The Church is a servant Church Profession of faith Celebrating saints’ days Giving gifts at Eucharist Sharing talents at church Eucharist is a thanksgiving prayer Celebrating Advent Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe Getting church and home ready for Christmas Celebrating Mary, mother of God Celebrating Christmas Sacrament of Baptism Sacraments are signs of Jesus’ love Jesus’ teachings are in the Gospels Liturgy of the Word Jesus’ followers are in the Church Ash Wednesday Sunday Eucharist Sunday Eucharist Rituals of forgiveness Rituals of forgiveness The Triduum Celebrating Easter Eucharist Church leaders are our shepherds The Church is a sacrament of salvation We receive the Holy Spirit The gift of the Holy Spirit Cycle C/A Eucharist gathers us together Learning from the Christian community We belong to the body of Christ Eucharist is thanksgiving Praying with the Christian community Baptism The Eucharist is a meal Communion of saints Thanksgiving prayer service Reconciliation Celebrating Advent Celebrating Advent Celebrating Advent Celebrating Advent Celebrating the Christmas season Baptism Baptism Greeting of Peace at Mass Sacramentals: light is a sign of Jesus Eucharist: Prayer of the Faithful Sacrament of Reconciliation Earth shows us God the creator Ash Wednesday Celebrating Lent Celebrating Lent Celebrating Lent Celebrating Lent Holy Week services The Easter mystery Eucharist Good Shepherd image 1 Profession of Faith 2 Celebrate Mystery Cycle A/B Learning about Jesus together Being part of Church community Caring for creation Sharing with others Baptized into Jesus’ family Loving and unloving actions Modeling on saints Recognizing Eucharist as central Sharing talents Seeing Christ in our neighbor Being ready for Jesus’ coming Our Lady of Guadalupe Preparing for Christmas Saying yes to God Telling the Christmas story Baptized into Jesus’ family Acting as Jesus’ followers Listening Following good teachers Being peacemakers Showing care for others Lent: Doing good actions Lent: Making loving choices Lent: Asking for forgiveness Lent: Forgiving others Lent: Showing love Learning about Jesus’ love Finding signs of life around us Making peace Belonging to a parish Belonging to a family Showing love to family Cycle B/C Following Jesus’ teaching Belonging to a parish family Praying with my family Sharing with others and the poor Following Jesus by serving others Appreciating our senses Saints who serve the poor Building Church community Experiencing and accepting feelings Experiencing and expressing gratitude Doing loving actions Preparing for the feast of Christmas Sharing Welcoming others Giving gifts of oneself Living as a baptized person Belonging to a family Caring for neighbors Handling conflicts Being a friend Moral choices Being aware of global concerns Respecting all forms of life Asking for forgiveness Not judging others Participating in Holy Week Celebrating new life Living as Jesus’ follower Trusting in love Showing love for others Living peacefully in the Spirit Living in the Holy Spirit Cycle C/A Parish community Sharing Trusting others; Saints Being thankful to God and others Recognizing interdependence Recognizing everyone is important Living together peacefully and as friends Doing loving actions Turning to God with worries Forgiving others Participating in family life Preparing to celebrate Christmas Sharing happiness Telling the Christmas story Telling the Christmas story Living as a baptized person Showing God’s Spirit by actions Showing friendship Celebrating our diversity Loving actions Jesus’ Great Commandment Forgiving and being forgiven Care for creation Making choices Making choices Appreciating God’s gift of our senses Appreciating the gift of sight Appreciating the gift of touch Telling Jesus’ passion story Telling the Easter story Identifying Jesus’ presence with us Caring for others 3 Life in Christ Cycle A/B Singing our prayer Sign of the Cross Prayer of thanksgiving Our Father Creating a prayer book Thanksgiving for people Praying for Christian dead Praying for our parish Prayer for friends Prayer for Thanksgiving Day Advent prayer card Advent prayer Advent prayer Hail Mary Christmas carols Baptismal promises Prayer of peace Prayer of thanksgiving Rebus prayer Ritual of healing Praying for others Ash Wednesday Using our bodies to pray Prayer asking forgiveness Our Father Using our bodies to pray Holy Week prayer Easter Peace Prayer Prayer of thanksgiving Singing our prayer Sending-out prayer Sending-out prayer Cycle B/C Singing our prayer Eucharistic prayer Sign of the Cross Prayer of praise Thanksgiving for sight Praying to saints Prayer of the Faithful Prayer of trust Thanksgiving prayer Advent prayer Prayer to Our Lady of Guadalupe Advent prayer Hail Mary Christmas carols Baptismal formula Prayers of praise Prayer of thanks for neighbors Prayer of petition Calls and response at Eucharist Ash Wednesday Prayer of petition for the world Singing our prayer Prayer asking for forgiveness Prayer of petition Hosanna Alleluia Eucharistic prayer Praying with images Praying acts of love Sending-out prayer service Celebrating Jesus’ love for us Cycle C/A Mass booklet Thanksgiving prayers Prayer of trust in God Prayer of thanksgiving Daily prayer book Prayer of petition Our Father Prayer about heaven Prayer of trust in God Forgiveness prayer service Advent prayers Advent prayers Advent prayers Hail Mary Christmas carols Sign of the Cross Spirit prayer service Our Father Light prayer service Prayer intentions at Mass Prayer of thanks Forgiveness prayers Praise and thank God for creation Ash Wednesday prayer service Affirming faith in God Thank you, God, for taste Thank you, God, for sight Thank you, God, for touch Holy Week prayer service Alleluia Eucharist End of year celebration 4 Christian Prayer Promise What the Church Believes and Teaches—Praise and Celebrate: Baptism / Your Baptism / The Sign of the Cross / Our Church Family / Your Parish / Happy Times Promise What the Church Believes and Teaches—Follow Jesus: Jesus is God’s Son / Jesus Teaches Us / Jesus Wants Us to Do the Right Thing / Do What Jesus Says / Saints to Pray for Us / Angels to Guide Us Promise What the Church Believes and Teaches—Pray: Jesus Loves Children / Jesus Makes Promises 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Jesus makes choices. 1st Sunday of Lent February 17, 2013 Note to Parents: Lent is a season for new spring choices. Promisepresents Lent as a time to choose loving and sharing actions, chances for quiet times, a short family prayer time at meals. Luke 4.1-13 Nota a los padres: La Cuaresma es una temporada para hacer actos de amor y de compartir, oportunidades para tener momentos tranquilos, un breve momento para orar en familia durante las comidas. Find a crown, loaves of bread, and an angel in the picture. PR27-21_PR24-22 11/5/12 7:33 AM Page 1 Note to Parents: Families have spirit. One family likes to sing; another likes to skate; a third likes to make popcorn and watch movies. Jesus' family also has spirit—the Holy Spirit of love. Help children find concrete ways to express Jesus' spirit of love for others. John 1.29-34 I h a v e Nota a los padres: Las familias tienen espíritu. A una familia le gusta cantar; a otra le gusta patinar; a la tercera le gusta hacer palomitas y mirar las peliculas. La familia de Jesús también tiene espiritu el Espíritu Santo de amor. Ayuden Uds. a los niños que encuentren maneras concretas para expressar el espíritu de amor de Jesús para otros. 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Volume 28, Number 3 January 19, 2014 December 25, 2013/January 5, 2014 Christmas/Epiphany Jesus is born. Children learn best when they can manipulate objects and so involve their whole bodies in their understanding. Seeds provides figures for a Nativity scene. Use the text on the back of the figures to remind your child of the Christmas story. You may choose to tape these figures around paper cups to make them sturdier. Your child can then move them around as he or she tells you the Christmas story. SDS19-15_Sds16-14 9/6/13 7:43 AM Page 1 Palm/Passion Sunday March 29, 2015 We welcome Jesus. Seeds What the Church Believes and Teaches—Believe: We Make the Sign of the Cross / Who is Jesus? / We Go to Church / Mary is Our Mother / Saints and Angels / The Holy Family Cycle A/B God abounds in love (#214, 221) Jesus teaches us with stories (#561) God wants us to grow (#44) Jesus invites us to his table (#804-05) Baptism welcomes us to God’s family (#265, 985) Jesus’ rule is love (#228, 592) We share community with the saints (#1053-55) We belong to the Church (#780) God gives and sustains life (#315) God judges us on love (#678, 682) Advent prepares us to celebrate Christmas (#524) Jesus grew as a human (#483) Jesus is born of Mary (#509) Jesus is human and divine (#744) Jesus is born in Bethlehem (#525) Jesus comes for all people (#528) Baptism welcomes us to God’s family (#265, 985) Jesus calls us to follow him (#852) God acts in our lives (#68) Jesus is fully human and fully divine (#483) Jesus gathers followers (#804) We share Jesus’ good news (#850) Jesus brings us to God (#71-73, 538-40) Jesus is human and divine (#554-56, 744) Jesus shows us how to pray (#2759) God is always with us (#620) Jesus brings life (#805) Jesus suffers and dies (#629) God raises Jesus up (#658) Jesus is with us (#935) Jesus is our good shepherd (#807) Jesus gathers a new community (#960) Jesus’ rule is love (228, 592) Cycle B/C We are Jesus’ followers (#1692) The Church is catholic, sent out to all peoples (#868) God creates us for relationships (#383) Jesus values the Commandments (#2052-2053, 2075) Jesus gives himself for us (#620) Jesus’ miracles show God’s love for us (#561) Beatitudes, heart of Jesus’ teaching (#1716-1728) The whole of Christ’s life teaches (#561) Jesus will come again (#682) God’s Kingdom will come (#1060) Jesus will come again (#681-682) The Spirit speaks in John the Baptist (#64, 719) The Spirit speaks in John the Baptist (#717-20) Mary is the Mother of God (#509, 744) The Word becomes incarnate (#479, 483) Baptism makes us members of God’s family (#265, 985) Jesus’ signs reveal God (#547-548) Jesus is God’s Spirit-filled prophet (#695, 714) Jesus fulfills the prophecies (#713, 727) The Church is apostolic (#857, 869) Jesus faces temptation (#480) Transfiguration prefigures Jesus’ resurrection (#554-556, 568) Grace is God’s gift of life (#2021, 2028) God loves and forgives us (#1490) Jesus forgives sin (#594, 1493) Jesus gives his life for us (#620, 629) Jesus is risen (#656, 658) The Church continues Jesus’ mission (#849, 869) The Church shares Jesus’ oneness with God (#805, 810, 852-856) Jesus in the Spirit hands on his teach- ing to his followers (#96, 733, 1985) The Holy Spirit teaches us (#737-738, 746-747) The Church is Jesus’ Body (#747, 852) Cycle C/A Jesus invites us to faith (#179-80) God loves each of us (#561) God wants us to grow in faith (#176, 179-83) Jesus makes us whole (#561) God answers prayer (#231) God’s love extends to all (#229) God invites us all to the table (#452, 620) God is God of all that lives (#1023-29) God cares for all creation (#680-82) Jesus is a forgiving leader (#453, 547) God is with us (#30-35, 46, 315) Jesus is born of Mary (#452-54) Jesus shows us God’s love (#460) Jesus is Emmanuel (#509, 744) Jesus came for all people (#528) Baptism makes us members of God’s family (#265, 985) Jesus is truly God and truly human (#608, 743) Jesus invites us to follow him (#547- 48, 561) Jesus is both God and human (#480, 566) God loves each of us (#356) Jesus gives us a new law (#1970) God calls us to holiness (#2013) God asks us to believe and trust (#154-55) Jesus chooses his Father (#480, 566) Jesus is God and human (#68, 460) Jesus accepts everyone (#180, 851) Jesus is Lord (#455) God gives life (#658, 1016) Jesus suffers and dies (#620, 629) Jesus is raised up (#658) Jesus gives us Word and Bread (#805) Jesus cares for us (#807, 939) Cycle A/B Gathering as a community of believers Celebrating as a community The Church as community Sunday Eucharist Sacrament of Baptism Praying as a family All Saints and All Souls Celebrating local church community Celebrating community Parish community as doers of justice Celebrating Advent Our Lady of Guadalupe Celebrating Advent The Christmas story Celebrating Christmas and Epiphany Baptism Sunday Eucharist Belonging to a parish Sacramentals Sacrament of Anointing Telling good news Ash Wednesday Celebrating Lent Celebrating Lent Celebrating Lent Eucharistic community Recreating Palm Sunday Celebrating Easter Eucharist Parish community Creation shows forth God Eucharist Cycle B/C We are members of God’s family We hear the Gospel at Eucharist. Families make up the Church Liturgy of the Word The local parish is the Church God is present in creation Celebrating the lives of saints Eucharist means “Thank you” We bring our whole selves to worship Eucharist is Thanksgiving Celebrating Advent Mary is mother of the Church Telling the Christmas story Telling the Christmas story Celebrating the Christmas mystery Sacrament of Baptism Marriage and family The Gospel is good news The Gospel Jesus’ followers are the Church Ash Wednesday Christian symbols: butterfly Christian symbols: water Celebrating sight Celebrating feelings Palm Sunday welcome Jesus is raised up Eucharist Christian symbols: shepherd and sheep Living a life of love We give a sign of peace Celebrating Jesus’ Ascension Cycle C/A Parish community Christian Community Praying traditional church prayers Celebrating Sunday Prayers of petition at Eucharist Celebrating the Body of Christ The people of God celebrate Eucharist Praising God, Creator and Sustainer Communal prayer of Thanksgiving Asking forgiveness Celebrating Advent Mary is mother of the Church Celebrating Advent Celebrating Christmas Celebrating the Christmas season Living in the Spirit Praising God for creation Following Jesus Sacramentals: candles Celebrating human community Praying together Forgiveness prayer service Sacramentals Celebrating Lent Choosing Jesus’ way Telling Jesus’ good news The Creed Resurrection Celebrating Holy Week Celebrating Easter Eucharist Eucharist 1 Profession of Faith 2 Celebrate Mystery Cycle A/B Learning about Jesus together We are free to choose Appreciating God’s love for us Belonging to a parish community Remembering our Baptisms Doing loving actions Being followers of Jesus Saint Francis Using our talents Sharing gifts and possessions Preparing for Christmas Giving gifts Showing love to others Telling the Christmas story Telling the Christmas story Baptized into Jesus’ family Signs of Jesus’ followers: gathering Signs of Jesus’ followers: loving actions Signs of Jesus’ followers: full of light Signs of Jesus’ followers: telling good news Signs of Jesus’ followers: sharing with others Keeping Lent Thanking God, our creator Praying to God, who loves us Loving God, who forgives us Loving God, who feeds us Taking part in Holy Week Celebrating Easter Eucharist Eucharist Building church community Showing love to family Cycle B/C Sharing in our families Being a welcoming community Belonging to a Church community Sharing with others Belonging to a neighborhood Appreciating creation Saints are our models Being a thankful person Experiencing friendship Belonging to a parish Getting ready for Jesus with the Church Waiting for Jesus with creation Preparing for Jesus’ coming Telling the Christmas story Celebrating the Christmas mystery Remembering Baptism Giving/receiving love in families Signs of Jesus’ followers: telling good news Signs of Jesus’ followers: hearing good news Signs of Jesus’ followers: following Jesus Celebrating Ash Wednesday Praying with Jesus to God Growing in loving actions Forgiving and being forgiven Forgiving and being forgiven Celebrating Holy Week Celebrating Easter Gathering for the Eucharist Following good leaders Care for creation Living in Jesus’ Spirit Telling Jesus’ good news Cycle C/A Following Jesus Showing care to others Sharing loving words Thanking God and others Faith in God’s care Respecting others Making friends Belief that God gives and sustains life Gathering our thanks as a community Following a good leader Celebrating Advent Learning Mary’s part in the Christmas story Recognizing Jesus is human and divine Telling the Christmas story Telling the Christmas story Remembering Baptism Appreciating creation Sign of Jesus’ follower: telling good news Celebrating our diversity Sign of Jesus’ follower: sharing talents Sign of Jesus’ follower: love one another Sign of Jesus’ follower: forgiving others Sign of Jesus’ follower: seeing God in creation Making good choices Growing in loving actions Thanking God for taste Thanking God for seeing Thanking God for touching Recognizing Jesus died for us Following the risen Jesus Finding Jesus in the breaking of bread We care for others 3 Life in Christ Cycle A/B Singing our prayer Singing our prayer Using our bodies to pray Eucharistic prayer Creating a prayer book Family prayer Praying for Christian dead Praying for our parish Thanking God Thanking God Advent prayers Our Lady of Guadalupe Christmas carols Hail Mary Christmas carols Sign of the Cross Prayer of Jesus’ followers Communal prayer Praying with sacramentals Meal prayer Prayers of petition Teachers of prayer Our Father Prayer book Thanking God Eucharist Welcoming Jesus Alleluia Praising God Psalm 23 Giving thanks for creation Our Father Cycle B/C Welcoming prayer Singing our prayer Sign of the Cross Family prayer Prayers of thanksgiving Thanking God for gift of sight Praying to the saints Eucharistic prayer Prayer of trust Prayer of thanksgiving Advent wreath prayer Advent wreath prayer Advent wreath prayer Hail Mary Christmas carols Prayer to the Trinity Family prayer Psalms Psalms Singing our prayer Ash Wednesday prayer Our Father Prayer of petition Prayer for forgiveness Prayer for forgiveness Hosanna Alleluia Eucharistic prayer Psalm 23 Prayer of petition Prayer to the Spirit Prayer about growing Cycle C/A Sign of the Cross Communal prayer Sign of the Cross Prayer before meals Prayers of petition and thanks Our Father Eucharistic prayer Thanking for creation Thanksgiving for all of life Prayers of praise Advent prayers Hail Mary Christmas carols Christmas carols Christmas carols Prayer to the Holy Spirit Prayer of thanksgiving Answering Jesus’ call Praying with our bodies Prayers of blessing Our Father Forgiveness prayer Thanksgiving for creation Ash Wednesday prayer service Prayer about growing Sprinkling with holy water The Creed Act of Faith Holy Week prayers Easter songs Meal prayer Thanksgiving 4 Christian Prayer Seeds What the Church Believes and Teaches—Praise and Celebrate: Who Leads Our Church Family? / Who is the Pope? / We Remember / What is Baptism? / Seeds What the Church Believes and Teaches—Follow Jesus: Right and Wrong / The Golden Rule / We Have Things to Share / God Loves You! Seeds What the Church Believes and Teaches—Pray: What is Prayer? / The Church Has a Holy Book — The Holy Bible Tells Us What God Made / The Bible Tells Us Stories About Jesus / The Bible Tells Us the Christmas Story / Jesus Is the Good Shepherd / Jesus Went to a Wedding 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 February 17, 2013 1st Sunday of Lent We celebrate Lent. SDS18-21_SDS15-22 11/5/12 7:27 AM Page 1 Jesus wants us to grow. October 5, 2014 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time Preschool Grades K & 1 Grades 2 & 3

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Page 1: Cycle A/B Cycle B/C Cycle C/A Cycle A/B Cycle B/C …... the homily Ash Wednesday prayer service ... Celebrating Advent Celebrating Advent ... Cycle C/A Eucharist gathers us Sunday

33rd Sunday in Ordinary TimeVolume 32, Number 2

November 17, 2013





GN32-9_GN29-8 9/10/13 10:00 AM Page 1

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2014_15 WCBT GN Cover.indd 3 7/11/14 1:22 PM

8th Sunday in Ordinary Time

March 2, 2014

God created the heavens and the earth and all creatures. God saw that itwas all very good.Genesis, chapter 1

What do we learn about God from creation?

Draw a part of God’s creation that you especially love.

All That Is Comes fromGod

GN32-23_GN29-23 11/8/13 6:32 AM Page 1

Good News What the Church Believes and Teaches—Believe: The Apostles’ Creed / God Calls Us / Creation / Heaven / Jesus / Christ, Our Lord / Jesus Is God and Man / Mary Is the Mother of Jesus / Jesus Became Man / The Holy Family

Cycle A/BThe Church is the people of God (#777)

God makes us free to choose (#1799-1800)

Jesus invites us to faith (#179-80)

Jesus teaches us hospitality (#561, 1071-72)

The people of God build community (#229)

The people of God love with their whole selves (#228, 592)

We share community with the saints (#1053-55)

Jesus venerates the Temple, God’s dwelling place (#593)

The people of God use their talents (#941)

The people of God do works of mercy (#678, 682)

Creation awaits fulfillment (#46, 315)

Israel awaits a savior (#702)

The Church awaits Jesus (#523-24)

Mary, model of believers (#273, 509)

Jesus is Emmanuel (#744)

Baptism and Confirmation make us members of God’s family (#265, 985)

Jesus reveals God to us (#73)

Jesus is the Messiah, God’s son (#561)

Jesus has healing power (#548-50)

Jesus’ life is a continual teaching (#561)

Saints show the power of the Spirit in us (#961)

Jesus chooses his father (#71-73, 538-40)

Jesus is both human and divine (#460, 568)

Jesus calls us to holiness (#592, 2052)

Jesus shows God’s love (#620)

Jesus nourishes us with his body and blood (#805)

Jesus suffers, dies, and is raised up (#620)

God raises Jesus to new life (#658)

Jesus is present in the Church (#935)

Jesus is our good shepherd (#620, 2415-18)

We are the Body of Christ (#805)

Jesus’ rule is love (228, 592)

Cycle B/CWe gather in Jesus’ name (#426)

The Church is catholic, sent out to all peoples (#868)

God creates us for relationships (#383)

Jesus values the Commandments (#2052-2053, 2075)

Jesus gives himself for us (#620)

Jesus’ miracles show God’s love for us (#561)

Beatitudes, heart of Jesus’ teaching (#1716-1728)

The whole of Christ’s life teaches (#561)

Jesus will come again (#682)

God’s Kingdom will come (#1060)

Jesus will come again (#681-682)

The Spirit speaks in John the Baptist (#64, 719)

The Spirit speaks in John the Baptist (#717-20)

Mary is the Mother of God (#509, 744)

The Word becomes incarnate (#479, 483)

Jesus is God’s son and servant (#536)

Jesus’ signs reveal God (#547-548)

Jesus is God’s Spirit-filled prophet (#695, 714)

Jesus fulfills the prophecies (#713,727)

The Church is apostolic (#857,869)

Jesus faces temptation (#480)

Transfiguration prefigures Jesus’ resurrection (#554-556, 568)

Grace is God’s gift of life (#2021, 2028)

God loves and forgives us (#1490)

Jesus forgives sin (#594, 1493)

Jesus gives his life for us (#620, 629)

Jesus is risen (#656, 658)

The Church continues Jesus’ mission (#849, 869)

The Church shares Jesus’ oneness with God (#805, 810, 852-856)

Jesus in the Spirit hands on his teach-ing to his followers (#96, 733, 1985)

The Holy Spirit teaches us (#737-738, 746-747)

We live in Jesus’ Spirit (#738)

Cycle C/AJesus invites us to faith (#179-80)

Respect for others is in God’s plan (#353, 777)

Eucharist forms the Church (#805)

Sacraments build up the body of Christ (#1134)

The Church prays as the Body of Christ (#789)

God creates us all equal (#374)

We belong to the Christian community (#960, 1055)

We will live eternally with God (#1016)

God is in charge of the world (#682)

Jesus’ kingdom is mercy and love (#547)

Isaiah prepared for Jesus’ coming (#72)

Isaiah and John prepared for Jesus’ coming (#524)

Jesus’ coming will bring healing (#561)

Jesus is both human and divine (#483)

Jesus is Emmanuel (#744)

Baptism and Confirmation make us members of God’s family (#265, 985)

Jesus’ mission is to reveal God to us (#565)

Jesus’ life reveals God to us (#547-48)

Jesus is the Light of the world (#454)

God loves each of us (#356)

Jesus is our teacher (#561)

God calls us to holiness (#1970)

God cares for us and creation (#302-05)

Jesus chooses to be loyal to God (#70, 418)

Jesus is both God and human (#454, 460)

Jesus calls us to spread his good news (#849)

The Church believes in Father, Son, and Spirit (#261)

We will have eternal life with God (#658)

Jesus suffers, dies, and is raised up (#620)

Jesus’ resurrection is an unfailing source of life (#658)

Jesus is present in Word and Eucharist (#805)

The leaders of the Church are our shepherds (#939)

Cycle A/BEucharist gathers us together

Sunday Eucharist

Saints: Saint Francis of Assisi

Sacrament of Reconciliation

Reconciliation: right and wrong actions

Reconciliation: examination of conscience

Presentation of the Gifts at Eucharist

Marriage and Holy Orders: Sacraments of Service

Reconciliation: accepting responsibility

Reconciliation: loving actions

Family Forgiveness Prayer

Acts of justice

Our Lady of Guadalupe

The Hail Mary

Celebrating the Christmas season

The sacrament of Baptism

Eucharist: Liturgy of the Word.

Eucharist: Call and response

Eucharist: Sacrament of healing

Eucharist: the Gospel

Eucharist: the homily

Ash Wednesday prayer service

Eucharist: Our Father

Ten Commandments

Reconciliation: forgiveness

Eucharist: bread is Jesus’ body

Veneration of the Cross

Water is a sacramental

Eucharist: Creed

Creation reveals God to us

The Mass is about Jesus with us


Cycle B/CThe Church community

Scripture readings at Mass

Keeping Sunday holy

The Sunday assembly

Liturgy of the Word and Eucharist

Celebrating patron saints of cities


Celebrating Advent

Celebrating Advent

Celebrating Advent; 2nd reading at Mass

Celebrating Advent

The Christmas season

Sacrament of Baptism

Eucharistic meal

Liturgy of the Word

The Creed


Celebrating Lent; Baptism

Celebrating Lent; Lenten practices

Celebrating Lent; Sacrament of Reconciliation

Forgiveness and reconciliation

Sin and reconciliation

Celebrating Holy Week

Celebrating Easter

Eucharist; Christian symbols

Confirmation: Christian symbols

The Holy Spirit


Celebrating Jesus’ Ascension

Cycle C/AEucharist gathers us together

Sunday Gospels

Signs of faith

Sacraments are signs of Jesus’ love

Eucharist: Prayer of the Faithful

Singing our prayer

Parts of the Mass

Communal prayer of thanksgiving

Performing the Gospel

Prophet Isaiah in Advent liturgy

Our Lady of Guadalupe

Prophet Isaiah in Advent liturgy

The Christmas narrative

Celebrating the Christmas season


Eucharist: Sign of peace

Sacramentals: Celebrating Candlemas

Eucharist: Prayer of the Faithful

Eucharist: Our Father


Ash Wednesday

Lenten practice: prayer, fasting, almsgiving

Lenten practice: prayer, fasting, almsgiving

Lenten practice: prayer, fasting, almsgiving

Symbols of resurrection

Celebrating Holy Week

Easter Alleluia hymn, Easter candle

Eucharist: Jesus is present

Good Shepherd image

1 Profession of Faith 2 Celebrate MysteryCycle A/BLearning together about Jesus

Making decisions of conscience

Belonging to a church community

Forgiving and being forgiven

Recognizing right and wrong actions

Respecting others

Learning about saints

Praying always

Responding to grace

Doing works of mercy

Advent prayer and song

Modeling on Saints: St. Nicholas

Waiting for Jesus’ coming

Inculturating our faith

Telling the Christmas story

Remembering our baptisms

Learning about Jesus in scripture

Learning about Jesus’ neighborhood

Using our power for good

Modeling on saints: Martin de Porres

Modeling on saints: Damien of Molokai

Lenten practices: prayer

Lenten practices: listening

Lenten practices: showing signs of faith

Lenten practices: loving actions

Lenten practices: Eucharist

Remembering Jesus’ last days

Witnessing to Jesus’ resurrection

Showing belief in resur-rection

Showing care for all that lives

Recognizing Jesus in each other

Recognizing the saints

Cycle B/CChristian community

Serving the Christian community

The 3rd Commandment

The 10 Commandments

The 4th Commandment

The 5th Commandment

I want to be a saint who…

The 7th Commandment

Bringing worries to God

Building Jesus’ kingdom

Respect for creation

Loving actions get ready for Christmas


Mary, our model

Acting out the Christmas story

Following Jesus: Accepting Baptism

Following Jesus: called to community

Following Jesus: revealed in scripture

Following Jesus: believing in him

Following Jesus: praying in Jesus’ name

Keeping Lent


Forgiving and seeking forgiveness

Admitting wrong actions

Accepting consequences

Identifying Jesus’ last actions

Witnessing to Jesus’ resurrection

Recognizing Jesus is with us still

Caring for creation

Experiencing death

Living in the Spirit

We spread Jesus’ good news

Cycle C/APope Francis

Noticing people in need

3rd commandment

Building up the Body of Christ

Sharing material and spiritual goods

Respecting others

Celebrating Eucharist with others

1st and 2nd commandments

Belief in eternal life

Forgiving and being forgiven

The Ten Commandments

Practicing loving actions

Practicing loving actions

Sharing happiness at Christmas

Telling the Christmas story

Living as a member of God’s family

Living in the Holy Spirit

Signs of Jesus’ followers: serving

Respecting God’s creation

Signs of Jesus’ followers: helping others

Signs of Jesus’ followers: keeping the Commandments

Signs of Jesus’ followers: forgiving

Signs of Jesus’ followers: care for creation

Forming a good conscience

We are Church: people who pray

We are Church: people who speak the word

We are Church: people who honor the saints

We are Church: people who believe God gives life

We are Church: people who follow a suffering Jesus

We are Church: people who rise with Jesus

We are Church: people who follow Jesus’ way

We are Church: people who care for each other

3 Life in ChristCycle A/BSinging our prayer

Prayers of petition

Prayers for church leaders

Prayer asking for forgiveness

Prayer of thanksgiving

Prayer of petition

Praying for Christian dead at Mass

Making a prayer book

Thanksgiving prayer service

Singing our prayer

Family forgiveness prayer; Our Father

Christmas carols

Christmas carols

Hail Mary

Christmas carols

Sign of the Cross Prayer of praise

Psalm 40

Prayer responses at Eucharist

Prayer of petition

Prayer of petition

Ash Wednesday prayer service

Creating Lenten prayers

Our Father

10 Commandments prayer service

Love prayer service

Eucharistic prayer

Veneration of the Cross

Reconciliation and peace prayer

The Creed

Thanksgiving for creation

Prayer to the Holy Spirit

Sent by the Spirit

Cycle B/CSinging our prayer

Discipleship prayer

Gospel ritual

Prayer of petition

Psalm 118

Our Father

Prayer to saints

Prayer of praise and petition

Psalms; Amen

Prayer of thanksgiving

Creation praise prayer

Advent prayer

Advent prayer

Hail Mary

Singing our prayer

Baptismal promises

Eucharist prayer

Prayers at Mass

Prayer book of Christian beliefs

Personal prayer

Lent prayer service

Daily prayer

Reconciliation prayer

Our Father

Our Father

Palm Sunday procession

Greeting of peace; Alleluia

Responses at Mass

Sign of the Cross

New Commandment prayer service

Song to the Spirit

Commitment to the Gospel

Cycle C/ASign of the Cross

Prayers of petition

Our Father, prayer of faith

Prayer of thanksgiving

Prayer of petition

Prayer to saints

Eucharist prayers

Prayer for Christian dead

Thanksgiving prayer service

Prayer for forgiveness

Advent prayer for peace

Advent prayer for peace

Family Prayer Card

Hail Mary

Christmas carols

Sign of the Cross Prayer of Praise

Prayer to the Holy Spirit

Answering Jesus’ call

Candlemas prayer service

Eucharist: Prayer of the Faithful

Praying Jesus’ new law

Prayers asking for forgiveness

Prayer for the earth

Ash Wednesday prayer service

Private prayer forms

Private prayer forms

The Creed

Singing our prayer

Holy Week prayer book

Easter candle prayer

Meal prayer

End of year celebration

4 Christian Prayer

Good News What the Church Believes and Teaches—Praise and Celebrate: The Church Celebrates Special Days and Seasons—Advent / Christmas / Ordinary Time / Lent / Easter / The Easter Season / Sunday / Feast Days / Sacraments—Sacraments of Initiation / Baptism / Confirmation / Eucharist / Liturgy—Praise and Thanks

Good News What the Church Believes and Teaches—Follow Jesus: You Can Choose—The Choice is Yours / Making the Right Choices / Sin / Virtues / God’s Law—The Ten Commandments / The Great Commandments / The New Commandment—The Law of Love / The Good News

Good News What the Church Believes and Teaches—Pray: What is Prayer? / When Should We Pray? / Where Should We Pray? / How Should We Pray? / Why Should We Pray? / What Should You Do When It Is Hard to Pray? / Disappointments / The Lord’s Prayer









What do you see

in this church that helps

you remember Jesus? Go

to your own church to see

what tells you about Jesus.

3rd Sunday of Easter

April 19, 2015

How IsJesus WithUs Now?

How IsJesus WithUs Now?

GN33-29_GdNws 27-31 1/13/15 9:14 AM Page 1

Feast of All Souls

November 2, 2014

Whom do youpray for at Mass?In the circles, drawfamily members orother people you

know or know aboutwho you hope arewith God in heaven.

Lord, remember ourbrothers and sisters whohave gone to their rest in thehope of rising again. Bringthem and all the departedinto the light of yourpresence.Eucharistic Prayer 2

We Pray for the Dead

GN33-7_GN 27-6 6/2/14 7:17 AM Page 1

I have achurchfamily.


in thepicture.

Find the hidden


25th Sunday in Ordinary Time Volume 29, Number 1 September 21, 2014PR29-1_Prom 20/7 6/2/14 6:55 AM Page 1

elieelieelieelieelieelieelieelieelieelieelieelieelieelieelieelieelieelieelieelieelieelieelieelieveveveveveveveveveveveveveveveveveveveveveelieveelieelieelieveelieveelieveelieelieelieveelieelieveelieelieelieveelieveelieveelieelieelieveelieelieveelieelieelieveelieveelieveelieelieelieveelieelieveelieelieelieveelieveelieveelieelieelieveelie s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s eacheseacheseacheseacheseacheseacheseacheseacheseacheseacheseacheseacheseacheseacheseacheseacheseacheseacheseacheseacheseacheseacheseacheseacheseacheseacheseacheseacheseacheseacheseacheseacheseacheseacheseacheseacheseacheseacheseacheseacheseacheseacheseacheseacheseacheseacheseacheseacheseacheseacheseacheseacheseacheseachess ands s s ands ands ands s s ands s ands s s ands ands ands s s ands s ands s s ands ands ands s s ands s ands s s ands ands ands s s ands What the ChurcWhat the ChurcWhat the ChurcWhat the ChurcWhat the ChurcWhat the ChurcWhat the ChurcWhat the ChurcWhat the ChurcWhat the ChurcWhat the ChurcWhat the ChurcWhat the ChurcWhat the ChurcWhat the ChurcWhat the ChurcWhat the ChurcWhat the Churchhhhhh

2014_15 WCBTPromisecover.indd 3 7/11/14 1:31 PM

4th Sunday of Advent December 22, 2013

Mary and Joseph say yes to God.

Do not be afraid,Mary. You will have ason and call himJesus. He is the son of the Most High.

Joseph, don’t be afraid to marry Mary. Her child is from the Holy Spirit. Name him Jesus because he will save all people.

PR28-14_Prom25-13 9/6/13 7:49 AM Page 1

Promise What the Church Believes and Teaches—Believe: God’s Word / God Shows His Love / God Makes Promises / The People of God

Cycle A/BGod abounds in love (#214, 221)

God makes us free to choose (#1799-1800)

God cares for creation (#287, 315)

Jesus invites us to his table (#804-05)

Baptism welcomes us to God’s family (#265, 985)

Jesus’ two great commandments (#1970-72)

We share community with the saints (#1053-55)

We belong to the Church (#780)

God gives us talents (#941)

God judges us on love (#678)

Jesus promises to come again (#681-82)

The liturgy makes Jesus present among us (#780, 1073-74)

God sent Jesus, our savior (#744)

Jesus is human and divine (#483)

Jesus is born in Bethlehem (#525) Jesus comes for all people (#528)

Jesus is God’s beloved Son (#151)

Jesus gathers a community (#768, 780)

Jesus calls disciples (#804-06)

Jesus has healing power (#548-50)

Jesus calls a woman disciple (#561)

Jesus heals (#620, 1421)

Jesus is faithful to God (#538-40)

Jesus is God’s beloved Son (#460)

Jesus teaches us to pray (#747, 777)

God forgives our sins (#620)

Jesus is our food (#805)

Jesus suffers and dies for us (#2305)

God raises Jesus up (#656)

Jesus gives us peace (#935)

Jesus is our good shepherd (#807)

We share God’s life (#737)

Jesus’ rule is love (228, 592)

Cycle B/CWe are Jesus’ followers (#1692)

The Church is catholic, sent out to all peoples (#868)

God creates us for relationships (#383)

Jesus values the Commandments (#2052-2053, 2075)

Jesus gives himself for us (#620)

Jesus’ miracles show God’s love for us (#561)

Beatitudes, heart of Jesus’ teaching (#1716-1728)

The whole of Christ’s life teaches (#561)

Jesus will come again (#682)

God’s Kingdom will come (#1060)

Jesus will come again (#681-682)

The Spirit speaks in John the Baptist (#64, 719)

The Spirit speaks in John the Baptist (#717-20)

Mary is the Mother of God (#509, 744)

The Word becomes incarnate (#479, 483)

The Spirit-filled Jesus (#743)

Jesus’ signs reveal God (#547-548)

Jesus is God’s Spirit-filled prophet (#695, 714)

Jesus fulfills the prophecies (#713,727)

The Church is apostolic (#857,869)

Jesus faces temptation (#480)

Transfiguration prefigures Jesus’ resurrection (#554-556, 568)

Grace is God’s gift of life (#2021, 2028)

God loves and forgives us (#1490)

Jesus forgives sin (#594, 1493)

Jesus gives his life for us (#620, 629)

Jesus is risen (#656, 658)

The Church continues Jesus’ mission (#849, 869)

The Church shares Jesus’ oneness with God (#805, 810, 852-856)

Jesus in the Spirit hands on his teach-ing to his followers (#96, 733, 1985)

The Holy Spirit teaches us (#737-738, 746-747)

Jesus sends us out (#747)

Cycle C/AJesus invites us to faith (#179-80)

God cares for the poor (#561)

God is trustworthy (#230)

Jesus heals us (#561)

God answers our prayers (#181)

God values each human person (#806)

Grace is God’s free gift (#620)

We will have final union with God in heaven (#1016)

Jesus helps us (#231)

God forgives our sins (#984)

Jesus will come again (#682)

Jesus is both human and divine (#483)

Jesus is the Messiah (#547)

Jesus came to lead us to God (#73)

Jesus came for all people (#528)

The Spirit filled Jesus (#743)

The Spirit fills us (#985)

Jesus’ life is a continual teaching (#561)

Jesus is both God and human (#480, 566)

God loves each of us (#356)

Jesus is our teacher (#561)

God calls us to holiness (#1970)

God cares for us and creation (#302-05)

Jesus is truly human and truly divine (#454)

Jesus fulfills the Old Testament (#592)

Jesus sends us to tell his good news (#851)

Jesus helps us see God (#73)

Jesus promises eternal life (#1052)

Jesus suffers and dies for us (#620)

Jesus is raised up by God (#658)

Jesus is present with us in the Church (#805)

Jesus is our good shepherd (#807)

Cycle A/BGathering as a community of believers

Gathering as a community





All Saints and All Souls

Celebrating the Eucharist


Eucharist is thanksgiving

Advent calendar

Celebrating Advent

Celebrating Advent

Celebrating Advent

Celebrating Christmas and Epiphany


Church community

Using our senses in worship

Liturgy of the Word

Sacrament of Anointing

Sacrament of Anointing

Ash Wednesday

Our parish celebrates Lent

Our parish celebrates Lent

Our parish celebrates Lent

Our parish celebrates Lent


The Easter mystery

Eucharist: Sign of Peace

Christian leadership

Praying for families


Cycle B/CThe Church community

Sunday Eucharist

Prayer at home

Christian community

The Church is a servant Church

Profession of faith

Celebrating saints’ days

Giving gifts at Eucharist

Sharing talents at church

Eucharist is a thanksgiving prayer

Celebrating Advent

Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe

Getting church and home ready for Christmas

Celebrating Mary, mother of God

Celebrating Christmas

Sacrament of Baptism

Sacraments are signs of Jesus’ love

Jesus’ teachings are in the Gospels

Liturgy of the Word

Jesus’ followers are in the Church

Ash Wednesday

Sunday Eucharist

Sunday Eucharist

Rituals of forgiveness

Rituals of forgiveness

The Triduum

Celebrating Easter


Church leaders are our shepherds

The Church is a sacrament of salvation

We receive the Holy Spirit

The gift of the Holy Spirit

Cycle C/AEucharist gathers us together

Learning from the Christian community

We belong to the body of Christ

Eucharist is thanksgiving

Praying with the Christian community


The Eucharist is a meal

Communion of saints

Thanksgiving prayer service


Celebrating Advent

Celebrating Advent

Celebrating Advent

Celebrating Advent

Celebrating the Christmas season



Greeting of Peace at Mass

Sacramentals: light is a sign of Jesus

Eucharist: Prayer of the Faithful

Sacrament of Reconciliation

Earth shows us God the creator

Ash Wednesday

Celebrating Lent

Celebrating Lent

Celebrating Lent

Celebrating Lent

Holy Week services

The Easter mystery


Good Shepherd image

1 Profession of Faith 2 Celebrate MysteryCycle A/BLearning about Jesus together

Being part of Church community

Caring for creation

Sharing with others

Baptized into Jesus’ family

Loving and unloving actions

Modeling on saints

Recognizing Eucharist as central

Sharing talents

Seeing Christ in our neighbor

Being ready for Jesus’ coming

Our Lady of Guadalupe

Preparing for Christmas

Saying yes to God

Telling the Christmas story

Baptized into Jesus’ family

Acting as Jesus’ followers


Following good teachers

Being peacemakers

Showing care for others

Lent: Doing good actions

Lent: Making loving choices

Lent: Asking for forgiveness

Lent: Forgiving others

Lent: Showing love

Learning about Jesus’ love

Finding signs of life around us

Making peace

Belonging to a parish

Belonging to a family

Showing love to family

Cycle B/CFollowing Jesus’ teaching

Belonging to a parish family

Praying with my family

Sharing with others and the poor

Following Jesus by serving others

Appreciating our senses

Saints who serve the poor

Building Church community

Experiencing and accepting feelings

Experiencing and expressing gratitude

Doing loving actions

Preparing for the feast of Christmas


Welcoming others

Giving gifts of oneself

Living as a baptized person

Belonging to a family

Caring for neighbors

Handling conflicts

Being a friend

Moral choices

Being aware of global concerns

Respecting all forms of life

Asking for forgiveness

Not judging others

Participating in Holy Week

Celebrating new life

Living as Jesus’ follower

Trusting in love

Showing love for others

Living peacefully in the Spirit

Living in the Holy Spirit

Cycle C/AParish community


Trusting others; Saints

Being thankful to God and others

Recognizing interdependence

Recognizing everyone is important

Living together peacefully and as friends

Doing loving actions

Turning to God with worries

Forgiving others

Participating in family life

Preparing to celebrate Christmas

Sharing happiness

Telling the Christmas story

Telling the Christmas story

Living as a baptized person

Showing God’s Spirit by actions

Showing friendship

Celebrating our diversity

Loving actions

Jesus’ Great Commandment

Forgiving and being forgiven

Care for creation

Making choices

Making choices

Appreciating God’s gift of our senses

Appreciating the gift of sight

Appreciating the gift of touch

Telling Jesus’ passion story

Telling the Easter story

Identifying Jesus’ presence with us

Caring for others

3 Life in ChristCycle A/BSinging our prayer

Sign of the Cross

Prayer of thanksgiving

Our Father

Creating a prayer book

Thanksgiving for people

Praying for Christian dead

Praying for our parish

Prayer for friends

Prayer for Thanksgiving Day

Advent prayer card

Advent prayer

Advent prayer

Hail Mary

Christmas carols

Baptismal promises

Prayer of peace

Prayer of thanksgiving

Rebus prayer

Ritual of healing

Praying for others

Ash Wednesday

Using our bodies to pray

Prayer asking forgiveness

Our Father

Using our bodies to pray

Holy Week prayer

Easter Peace Prayer

Prayer of thanksgiving

Singing our prayer

Sending-out prayer

Sending-out prayer

Cycle B/CSinging our prayer

Eucharistic prayer

Sign of the Cross

Prayer of praise

Thanksgiving for sight

Praying to saints

Prayer of the Faithful

Prayer of trust

Thanksgiving prayer

Advent prayer

Prayer to Our Lady of Guadalupe

Advent prayer

Hail Mary

Christmas carols

Baptismal formula

Prayers of praise

Prayer of thanks for neighbors

Prayer of petition

Calls and response at Eucharist

Ash Wednesday

Prayer of petition for the world

Singing our prayer

Prayer asking for forgiveness

Prayer of petition



Eucharistic prayer

Praying with images

Praying acts of love

Sending-out prayer service

Celebrating Jesus’ love for us

Cycle C/AMass booklet

Thanksgiving prayers

Prayer of trust in God

Prayer of thanksgiving

Daily prayer book

Prayer of petition

Our Father

Prayer about heaven

Prayer of trust in God

Forgiveness prayer service

Advent prayers

Advent prayers

Advent prayers

Hail Mary

Christmas carols

Sign of the Cross

Spirit prayer service

Our Father

Light prayer service

Prayer intentions at Mass

Prayer of thanks

Forgiveness prayers

Praise and thank God for creation

Ash Wednesday prayer service

Affirming faith in God

Thank you, God, for taste

Thank you, God, for sight

Thank you, God, for touch

Holy Week prayer service



End of year celebration

4 Christian Prayer

Promise What the Church Believes and Teaches—Praise and Celebrate: Baptism / Your Baptism / The Sign of the Cross / Our Church Family / Your Parish / Happy Times

Promise What the Church Believes and Teaches—Follow Jesus: Jesus is God’s Son / Jesus Teaches Us / Jesus Wants Us to Do the Right Thing / Do What Jesus Says / Saints to Pray for Us / Angels to Guide Us

Promise What the Church Believes and Teaches—Pray: Jesus Loves Children / Jesus Makes Promises









Jesus makes choices.

1st Sunday of Lent

February 17, 2013

Note to Parents: Lent is a season for new

spring choices. Promise presents Lent as a time

to choose loving and sharing actions, chances for

quiet times, a short family prayer time at meals.

Luke 4.1-13

Nota a los padres: La Cuaresma es una temporada para

hacer actos de amor y de compartir, oportunidades para

tener momentos tranquilos, un breve momento para orar

en familia durante las comidas.

Find a crown, loaves of bread,

and an angel in the picture.

PR27-21_PR24-22 11/5/12 7:33 AM Page 1

Note to Parents: Families have spirit. One family likes to sing;another likes to skate; a third likes to make popcorn and watch movies.Jesus' family also has spirit—the Holy Spirit of love. Help children findconcrete ways to express Jesus' spirit of love for others.

John 1.29-34

I have

Nota a los padres: Las familias tienen espíritu. A una familia le gustacantar; a otra le gusta patinar; a la tercera le gusta hacer palomitas y mirarlas peliculas. La familia de Jesús también tiene espiritu—el Espíritu Santode amor. Ayuden Uds. a los niños que encuentren maneras concretaspara expressar el espíritu de amor de Jesús para otros.

2nd Sunday in Ordinary TimeVolume 28, Number 3

January 19, 2014

PR28-17_PR25-17 11/8/13 5:57 AM Page 1

December 25, 2013/January 5, 2014


Jesus isborn.

Children learn best when they

can manipulate objects and

so involve their whole bodies

in their understanding.

Seeds provides figures for a Nativity scene.

Use the text on the back of the figures to

remind your child of the Christmas story.

You may choose to tape these figures

around paper cups to make them sturdier.

Your child can then move them around as

he or she tells you the Christmas story.

SDS19-15_Sds16-14 9/6/13 7:43 AM Page 1

elieelieelieelieelieelieelieelieelieelieelieelieelieelieelieelieelieelieelieelieelieelieelieelieveveveveveveveveveveveveveveveveveveveveveelieveelieelieelieveelieveelieveelieelieelieveelieelieveelieelieelieveelieveelieveelieelieelieveelieelieveelieelieelieveelieveelieveelieelieelieveelieelieveelieelieelieveelieveelieveelieelieelieveelie s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s eacheseacheseacheseacheseacheseacheseacheseacheseacheseacheseacheseacheseacheseacheseacheseacheseacheseacheseacheseacheseacheseacheseacheseacheseacheseacheseacheseacheseacheseacheseacheseacheseacheseacheseacheseacheseacheseacheseacheseacheseacheseacheseacheseacheseacheseacheseacheseacheseacheseacheseacheseacheseacheseachess ands s s ands ands ands s s ands s ands s s ands ands ands s s ands s ands s s ands ands ands s s ands s ands s s ands ands ands s s ands What the ChurcWhat the ChurcWhat the ChurcWhat the ChurcWhat the ChurcWhat the ChurcWhat the ChurcWhat the ChurcWhat the ChurcWhat the ChurcWhat the ChurcWhat the ChurcWhat the ChurcWhat the ChurcWhat the ChurcWhat the ChurcWhat the ChurcWhat the Churchhhhhh

2014_15 WCBT Seeds front back.indd 3 7/11/14 1:25 PM

Palm/Passion SundayMarch 29, 2015

We welcome Jesus.

SDS20-27_Seeds 14-28 1/13/15 8:43 AM Page 1

Seeds What the Church Believes and Teaches—Believe: We Make the Sign of the Cross / Who is Jesus? / We Go to Church / Mary is Our Mother / Saints and Angels / The Holy Family

Cycle A/BGod abounds in love (#214, 221)

Jesus teaches us with stories (#561)

God wants us to grow (#44)

Jesus invites us to his table (#804-05)

Baptism welcomes us to God’s family (#265, 985)

Jesus’ rule is love (#228, 592)

We share community with the saints (#1053-55)

We belong to the Church (#780)

God gives and sustains life (#315)

God judges us on love (#678, 682)

Advent prepares us to celebrate Christmas (#524)

Jesus grew as a human (#483)

Jesus is born of Mary (#509)

Jesus is human and divine (#744)

Jesus is born in Bethlehem (#525) Jesus comes for all people (#528)

Baptism welcomes us to God’s family (#265, 985)

Jesus calls us to follow him (#852)

God acts in our lives (#68)

Jesus is fully human and fully divine (#483)

Jesus gathers followers (#804)

We share Jesus’ good news (#850)

Jesus brings us to God (#71-73, 538-40)

Jesus is human and divine (#554-56, 744)

Jesus shows us how to pray (#2759)

God is always with us (#620)

Jesus brings life (#805)

Jesus suffers and dies (#629)

God raises Jesus up (#658)

Jesus is with us (#935)

Jesus is our good shepherd (#807)

Jesus gathers a new community (#960)

Jesus’ rule is love (228, 592)

Cycle B/CWe are Jesus’ followers (#1692)

The Church is catholic, sent out to all peoples (#868)

God creates us for relationships (#383)

Jesus values the Commandments (#2052-2053, 2075)

Jesus gives himself for us (#620)

Jesus’ miracles show God’s love for us (#561)

Beatitudes, heart of Jesus’ teaching (#1716-1728)

The whole of Christ’s life teaches (#561)

Jesus will come again (#682)

God’s Kingdom will come (#1060)

Jesus will come again (#681-682)

The Spirit speaks in John the Baptist (#64, 719)

The Spirit speaks in John the Baptist (#717-20)

Mary is the Mother of God (#509, 744)

The Word becomes incarnate (#479, 483)

Baptism makes us members of God’s family (#265, 985)

Jesus’ signs reveal God (#547-548)

Jesus is God’s Spirit-filled prophet (#695, 714)

Jesus fulfills the prophecies (#713, 727)

The Church is apostolic (#857, 869)

Jesus faces temptation (#480)

Transfiguration prefigures Jesus’ resurrection (#554-556, 568)

Grace is God’s gift of life (#2021, 2028)

God loves and forgives us (#1490)

Jesus forgives sin (#594, 1493)

Jesus gives his life for us (#620, 629)

Jesus is risen (#656, 658)

The Church continues Jesus’ mission (#849, 869)

The Church shares Jesus’ oneness with God (#805, 810, 852-856)

Jesus in the Spirit hands on his teach-ing to his followers (#96, 733, 1985)

The Holy Spirit teaches us (#737-738, 746-747)

The Church is Jesus’ Body (#747, 852)

Cycle C/AJesus invites us to faith (#179-80)

God loves each of us (#561)

God wants us to grow in faith (#176, 179-83)

Jesus makes us whole (#561)

God answers prayer (#231)

God’s love extends to all (#229)

God invites us all to the table (#452, 620)

God is God of all that lives (#1023-29)

God cares for all creation (#680-82)

Jesus is a forgiving leader (#453, 547)

God is with us (#30-35, 46, 315)

Jesus is born of Mary (#452-54)

Jesus shows us God’s love (#460)

Jesus is Emmanuel (#509, 744)

Jesus came for all people (#528)

Baptism makes us members of God’s family (#265, 985)

Jesus is truly God and truly human (#608, 743)

Jesus invites us to follow him (#547-48, 561)

Jesus is both God and human (#480, 566)

God loves each of us (#356)

Jesus gives us a new law (#1970)

God calls us to holiness (#2013)

God asks us to believe and trust (#154-55)

Jesus chooses his Father (#480, 566)

Jesus is God and human (#68, 460)

Jesus accepts everyone (#180, 851)

Jesus is Lord (#455)

God gives life (#658, 1016)

Jesus suffers and dies (#620, 629)

Jesus is raised up (#658)

Jesus gives us Word and Bread (#805)

Jesus cares for us (#807, 939)

Cycle A/BGathering as a community of believers

Celebrating as a community

The Church as community

Sunday Eucharist

Sacrament of Baptism

Praying as a family

All Saints and All Souls

Celebrating local church community

Celebrating community

Parish community as doers of justice

Celebrating Advent

Our Lady of Guadalupe

Celebrating Advent

The Christmas story

Celebrating Christmas and Epiphany


Sunday Eucharist

Belonging to a parish


Sacrament of Anointing

Telling good news

Ash Wednesday

Celebrating Lent

Celebrating Lent

Celebrating Lent

Eucharistic community

Recreating Palm Sunday

Celebrating Easter


Parish community

Creation shows forth God


Cycle B/CWe are members of God’s family

We hear the Gospel at Eucharist.

Families make up the Church

Liturgy of the Word

The local parish is the Church

God is present in creation

Celebrating the lives of saints

Eucharist means “Thank you”

We bring our whole selves to worship

Eucharist is Thanksgiving

Celebrating Advent

Mary is mother of the Church

Telling the Christmas story

Telling the Christmas story

Celebrating the Christmas mystery

Sacrament of Baptism

Marriage and family

The Gospel is good news

The Gospel

Jesus’ followers are the Church

Ash Wednesday

Christian symbols: butterfly

Christian symbols: water

Celebrating sight

Celebrating feelings

Palm Sunday welcome

Jesus is raised up


Christian symbols: shepherd and sheep

Living a life of love

We give a sign of peace

Celebrating Jesus’ Ascension

Cycle C/AParish community

Christian Community

Praying traditional church prayers

Celebrating Sunday

Prayers of petition at Eucharist

Celebrating the Body of Christ

The people of God celebrate Eucharist

Praising God, Creator and Sustainer

Communal prayer of Thanksgiving

Asking forgiveness

Celebrating Advent

Mary is mother of the Church

Celebrating Advent

Celebrating Christmas

Celebrating the Christmas season

Living in the Spirit

Praising God for creation

Following Jesus

Sacramentals: candles

Celebrating human community

Praying together

Forgiveness prayer service


Celebrating Lent

Choosing Jesus’ way

Telling Jesus’ good news

The Creed


Celebrating Holy Week

Celebrating Easter



1 Profession of Faith 2 Celebrate MysteryCycle A/BLearning about Jesus together

We are free to choose

Appreciating God’s love for us

Belonging to a parish community

Remembering our Baptisms

Doing loving actions

Being followers of Jesus

Saint Francis

Using our talents

Sharing gifts and possessions

Preparing for Christmas

Giving gifts

Showing love to others

Telling the Christmas story

Telling the Christmas story

Baptized into Jesus’ family

Signs of Jesus’ followers: gathering

Signs of Jesus’ followers: loving actions

Signs of Jesus’ followers: full of light

Signs of Jesus’ followers: telling good news

Signs of Jesus’ followers: sharing with others

Keeping Lent

Thanking God, our creator

Praying to God, who loves us

Loving God, who forgives us

Loving God, who feeds us

Taking part in Holy Week

Celebrating Easter



Building church community

Showing love to family

Cycle B/CSharing in our families

Being a welcoming community

Belonging to a Church community

Sharing with others

Belonging to a neighborhood

Appreciating creation

Saints are our models

Being a thankful person

Experiencing friendship

Belonging to a parish

Getting ready for Jesus with the Church

Waiting for Jesus with creation

Preparing for Jesus’ coming

Telling the Christmas story

Celebrating the Christmas mystery

Remembering Baptism

Giving/receiving love in families

Signs of Jesus’ followers: telling good news

Signs of Jesus’ followers: hearing good news

Signs of Jesus’ followers: following Jesus

Celebrating Ash Wednesday

Praying with Jesus to God

Growing in loving actions

Forgiving and being forgiven

Forgiving and being forgiven

Celebrating Holy Week

Celebrating Easter

Gathering for the Eucharist

Following good leaders

Care for creation

Living in Jesus’ Spirit

Telling Jesus’ good news

Cycle C/AFollowing Jesus

Showing care to others

Sharing loving words

Thanking God and others

Faith in God’s care

Respecting others

Making friends

Belief that God gives and sustains life

Gathering our thanks as a community

Following a good leader

Celebrating Advent

Learning Mary’s part in the Christmas story

Recognizing Jesus is human and divine

Telling the Christmas story

Telling the Christmas story

Remembering Baptism

Appreciating creation

Sign of Jesus’ follower: telling good news

Celebrating our diversity

Sign of Jesus’ follower: sharing talents

Sign of Jesus’ follower: love one another

Sign of Jesus’ follower: forgiving others

Sign of Jesus’ follower: seeing God in creation

Making good choices

Growing in loving actions

Thanking God for taste

Thanking God for seeing

Thanking God for touching

Recognizing Jesus died for us

Following the risen Jesus

Finding Jesus in the breaking of bread

We care for others

3 Life in ChristCycle A/BSinging our prayer

Singing our prayer

Using our bodies to pray

Eucharistic prayer

Creating a prayer book

Family prayer

Praying for Christian dead

Praying for our parish

Thanking God

Thanking God

Advent prayers

Our Lady of Guadalupe

Christmas carols

Hail Mary

Christmas carols

Sign of the Cross

Prayer of Jesus’ followers

Communal prayer

Praying with sacramentals

Meal prayer

Prayers of petition

Teachers of prayer

Our Father

Prayer book

Thanking God


Welcoming Jesus


Praising God

Psalm 23

Giving thanks for creation

Our Father

Cycle B/CWelcoming prayer

Singing our prayer

Sign of the Cross

Family prayer

Prayers of thanksgiving

Thanking God for gift of sight

Praying to the saints

Eucharistic prayer

Prayer of trust

Prayer of thanksgiving

Advent wreath prayer

Advent wreath prayer

Advent wreath prayer

Hail Mary

Christmas carols

Prayer to the Trinity

Family prayer



Singing our prayer

Ash Wednesday prayer

Our Father

Prayer of petition

Prayer for forgiveness

Prayer for forgiveness



Eucharistic prayer

Psalm 23

Prayer of petition

Prayer to the Spirit

Prayer about growing

Cycle C/ASign of the Cross

Communal prayer

Sign of the Cross

Prayer before meals

Prayers of petition and thanks

Our Father

Eucharistic prayer

Thanking for creation

Thanksgiving for all of life

Prayers of praise

Advent prayers

Hail Mary

Christmas carols

Christmas carols

Christmas carols

Prayer to the Holy Spirit

Prayer of thanksgiving

Answering Jesus’ call

Praying with our bodies

Prayers of blessing

Our Father

Forgiveness prayer

Thanksgiving for creation

Ash Wednesday prayer service

Prayer about growing

Sprinkling with holy water

The Creed

Act of Faith

Holy Week prayers

Easter songs

Meal prayer


4 Christian Prayer

Seeds What the Church Believes and Teaches—Praise and Celebrate: Who Leads Our Church Family? / Who is the Pope? / We Remember / What is Baptism? /

Seeds What the Church Believes and Teaches—Follow Jesus: Right and Wrong / The Golden Rule / We Have Things to Share / God Loves You!

Seeds What the Church Believes and Teaches—Pray: What is Prayer? / The Church Has a Holy Book — The Holy Bible Tells Us What God Made / The Bible Tells Us Stories About Jesus / The Bible Tells Us the Christmas Story / Jesus Is the Good Shepherd / Jesus Went to a Wedding









February 17, 2013

1st Sunday of Lent


SDS18-21_SDS15-22 11/5/12 7:27 AM Page 1

Jesus wants us to grow.

October 5, 201427th Sunday in Ordinary Time

SDS20-3_Seeds 14-2 6/4/14 6:21 AM Page 1


Grades K & 1

Grades 2 & 3