cyberbullying in the middle years

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  • 1.Cyberbullying in the MiddleYears March 2011

2. Hello teachers!What we will discuss today: What is cyberbullying? The impact of cyberbullying on our teaching andstudents learning Lets explore and compare the differentprograms/resources in place in the USA and Australia. Well look at how the Australian cyberbullyingprograms/resources are used within a Queenslandprivate High School and a Queensland public HighSchool. Some recommendations for dealing with cyberbullyingin our school2 3. What is cyberbullying? Cyberbullying is harassment via email, mobile phonetexts, personal websites, blogs, online gaming, instantmessaging, social networks. Cyber bullies can target victims seeminglyanonymously Cyber bullies are often students you may not suspect (Urbanski & Permuth, 2009). Victims fear losing Internet access if they tell parents (Goodstein, 2007). Victims may also engage in cyberbullying (Urbanski & Permuth, 2009). Bystanders or onlookers allow bullying to continue and3 give the bully power (Coloroso, 2008). 4. Cyberbullying in the middle years The middle years is from Years 4 to 9. The amount of teenagers on the Internet hasincreased and the amount of time they spend on theInternet is increasing. Accessing the Internet and communicating withmobiles are part of the everyday life of many of ourstudents. Teens may have access to the Internet24/7 which makes them susceptible tovictimization (and able to act on mean intentionstowards others) around the clock (Hinduja & Patchin, 2010, p. 2). ONE in five Australian parents believes their child4 has been bullied over the internet (Thom, 2011, p. 1). 5. Impact on teaching and learning Victims of cyberbullying may getdepressed, sad, angry, and frustrated(Hinduja & Patchin, 2010, p. 1). Victims may develop social and psychologicalissues as well as have educational difficulties(Australian Communications and Media Authority, 2009b). Cyberbullying has resulted in suicide and itnegatively effects a students capacity to learnin your classrooms. Lets do something about it!5 6. The emotional effect ofcyberbullyingVictims of bullying, including cyberbullying, do not feelsafe at school (Varjas, Henrich & Meyers, 2009).6 7. Cyberbullying programs andresources from the USA Conference on Bullying Prevention ~ a majorconference headed by President Obama and the FirstLady in March 2011. The media generated around this conference would haveincreased the public awareness of cyberbullying Check out this video clip next time youre at yourcomputer:President Obama & the First Lady: Conference onBullying Prevention ~ new USA Govt. website whichwent online the day of the conference.7 8. Cyberbullying programs andresources from the USA Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have created assessment tools/surveys (Hamburger, Basile & Vivolo, 2011) which are used by health educators or teachers. We could use some of the survey questions as a great way to start talking about cyberbullying in the classroom! OnGuard Online ~ Lots of information, onlines quizzes and videos (anothergreat resource to use in our classrooms!) Net Cetera, a specific campaign to help inform kids8 9. Australian cyberbullying programsand resources used in schools Youth Advisory Group on cyber safety (YAG) ~established by the Australian Govt. in 2009. A part ofthe comprehensive cyber safety plan (Department ofBroadband, Communications and the Digital Economy, 2011). In 2011 YAG will include 120 schools and 1200 students to inform them of young adults cyber issues and concerns. Cybersafety Help Button ~ developedfrom the YAG advice. On desktops of allschool computers. Can download onto home computer. The user double-clicks on thebutton and then can Talk, Learn or Report.The Talk section will link the user to KidsHelpline (Department of Broadband,Communications and the Digital Economy, 2010).9 10. Australian online resources forstudents, teachers & parents budd:e ~ an eSecurity education package. An Australian resource that informs students of online safety cyber(smart:) ~ created by the Australian Communications andMedia Authority (ACMA). Includes educational lesson plans with videos Think U Know ~ Australian Federal Police and Microsoft Australiajoined to create this site. This explains how kids use technology Cure The Bullies ~ fun, interactive website that focuses on the bystander and helps kids realise that some things they may do might actually be an act of cyberbullying 11. The Queensland Department ofEducation &Training Queensland Government ResponsibleBehaviour Plan for Students ~ all stateschools are required to have one and it shouldbe reviewed at least every 3 years (Department ofEducation and Training, 2011a). Queensland Schools Alliance AgainstViolence ~ advice on the best practices toaddress bullying and violence in Queenslandschools (Department of Education and Training, 2011b).11 12. Comparison of USA & Australianprograms/resources Both the USA and Australia have identified cyberbullying as a major problem Both countries have numerous programs and online tools to help teachers, parents and students understand cyberbullying issues and how to keep safe online. I believe positive change is possible if we talk about this issue more and engage students, parents and the community in this discussion. The action taken by the USA Government to hold amajor Whitehouse Bullying conference is a good step ineducating their whole community.12 13. (Sample Public School)A Queensland State School Responsible Behaviour Plan for Students Zero tolerance of bullying Staff to take action for all bullying complaints (Sample Public School) Anti Bullying Policy No specific mention of cyberbullying within this document Anti-bullying program In-class lessons and reminders at assembly of the impact of cyberbullying Have set up an anonymous bullying email Hotline Input student behaviour data on a daily basis into a database that helps track the effectiveness of their program and also identify specific issues Internet usage agreement to be read and signed byboth students and their parents.13 14. (Sample Private School)A Queensland private school Computer usage agreement Have students and parents read and sign Include information regarding cyberbullying and theuse of technology in their monthly newsletters Internet Safety Awareness Presentation (Australian Communications and Media Authority: CyberSmart, 2009a) The school holds these presentations once or twice ayear for parents, students and teachers Advise parents who complain about child beingcyber bullied to inform the police14 15. Comparison of private and state school approaches tocyberbullying Both schools have Internet usage agreements whichparents and students are to read and sign (Sample Public School) (state school) has a specificanti-bullying program in place, which means thatthey have specifically identified the issue and aretrying to minimise its impact on a daily basis. (Sample Private School) (private school)communicates to parents about cyberbullying andthe use of technology on a regular basis throughtheir monthly newsletters.15 16. cyberbullying rarely occurs in our school I communicated with a teacher at (SamplePublic School) and the Assistant to Director ofStudent Services at (Sample Private School)and both claimed that cyberbullying rarelyoccurred at their schools. Discussion: Is this realistic? Possibly students are reluctant to inform the school. Why do you think this may be the case? How can we ensure that students feel safe to tell us about these occurrences?16 17. Recommendations Lets be realistic! Cyberbullying is more prevalent than we may realise. Talk about it with your students. Introduce an anti-bullying program within our school and specifically include cyberbullying as a main focus. Get more information regarding the use of a student behaviour database, as used at (Sample Public School) Have students be part of deciding on what is acceptable behaviour and outline the steps that they can take to stop cyberbullying Make action plans with students about how to deal with bullies, the victims and the bystander Talk to students and parents about the use of technology and identify what is cyberbullying and the impacts that it has on our teaching and students learning.17 18. Recommendationscontinued Look into hosting an Internet Safety Awareness Presentation by ACMA for our students, teachers, parents and interested community members Hold evening cyberbullying information sessions for parents create an online presentation for those parents unable to attend Include in-class sessions in ICT, Business or Art courses using the budd:e and websites as a basis for learning about cyberbullying, technology, web art and web design All teachers in classroom with computers should remind students about the purpose and use of the CyberSafety Help button.18 Review our Responsible Behaviour Plan for students 19. Conclusions Cyberbullying has a negative impact on ourstudents Victims of bullying do not feel safe at school. Oftenthey feel sad, embarrassed, depressed, frustratedand scared and this impacts on their ability to learn The USA and Australia have strong cyberbullyingprograms and resources Both private and public schools have Internet usageplans and have anti-cyberbullying programs oronline safety awareness presentations but morecan be done!19 20. ReferencesAustralian Communications and Media Authority : CyberSmart. (2009a). Internet safetyawareness presentation . Retrieved on 15 March, 2011 from Communications and Media Authority : CyberSmart. (2009b). Keycharacteristics and forms of cyberbullying. Retrieved on 15 March, 2011 from, B. (2008). The Bully, the Bullied, and the Bystander. New York : Collins LivingDepartment of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy. AustralianGovernment. (2010). Cybersafety help button download page. Retrieved on 20March, 2011 from of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy. AustralianGovernment . (2011). Youth Advisory Group on cybersafety. Retrieved on 20 March,2011 from of Education and Training. (2011a). Responsible Behaviour Plan forStudents. Retrieved on 20 March, 2011 from 21. Department of Education and Training. (2011b). Queensland school alliance against violence. Retrieved on 20 March, 2011 from, A. (2007). Totally wired: what teens and tweens are really doing online. New York : Saint Martins GriffinHamburger, M. E., Basile, K.C., & Vivolo, A.M. (2011). Measuring bullying victimization, perpetration, and bystander experiences: a compendium of assessment tools. Atlanta, GA: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control.Hinduja, S. & Patchin, J. W. (2010). Cyberbullying: identification, prevention, and response. Retrieved on March 15, 2011 from heet.pdfSameer, H. & Patchin, J. W. (2008). How cyberbullying victims felt (table). Retrieved on 20 March, 2011 from, G. (March 6, 2011). Cyber bullying fears rife among parents. Herald Sun. Retrieved on March 15, 2011 from fears-rife-among-parents/story-e6frf7l6-1226016745249Urbanski, J. & Permuth, S. (2009). The truth about bullying: what educators and parents must know and do. Lanham, Md. : Rowman & Littlefield EducationVarjas, K., Henrich, C. C., & Meyers, J. (2009). Urban middle school students perceptions of bullying, cyberbullying, and school safety. Journal of School Violence, 8: 2, 159 21 176