cyber threat response - cisco · blind to insider threats chaotic environment with revolving...


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Page 1: Cyber Threat Response - Cisco · Blind to Insider threats Chaotic environment with revolving customers and devices. ransomware will be pushed down to the computer, encrypting personal


Cyber Threat ResponseCISCO SECURITY





Page 2: Cyber Threat Response - Cisco · Blind to Insider threats Chaotic environment with revolving customers and devices. ransomware will be pushed down to the computer, encrypting personal

CiscoBDA Strategy

Appliance — Virtual — Cloud

Visibility, Intelligence and AutomationWatch for how each security technology is covered within the Cisco BDA blueprint.

Defending real world cyber threats requires a layered approach as no single defense tactic is 100% effective. Attacks typically involve multiple steps

known as “The Kill Chain”. Your goal is to prevent the attack as early in thekill chain as possible.

At Cisco, we call our recommended layered approach for securitythe Before, During and After defense design.


Web Security

Email Security



Secure Access + Identity Services Engine

Breach Detection

Behavior Analysis

File Analytics

Page 3: Cyber Threat Response - Cisco · Blind to Insider threats Chaotic environment with revolving customers and devices. ransomware will be pushed down to the computer, encrypting personal

Cyber Threat ResponseBrought to you by CISCO SECURITY

Page 4: Cyber Threat Response - Cisco · Blind to Insider threats Chaotic environment with revolving customers and devices. ransomware will be pushed down to the computer, encrypting personal

course architects

Moses HernandezRon Taylor

Katherine McNamaraJamey Heary

William YoungJohn Columbus

Jeff FanelliJoey Muniz

Bobby AckerChristopher Heffner


Joey Muniz


Tariq Hassan


Brian Arthur McGee


Santos Vega

creative direction

Brian McGee

art direction/design

Santos Vega


Andrew Akers

Page 5: Cyber Threat Response - Cisco · Blind to Insider threats Chaotic environment with revolving customers and devices. ransomware will be pushed down to the computer, encrypting personal

Smash and GrabChapter One

Page 6: Cyber Threat Response - Cisco · Blind to Insider threats Chaotic environment with revolving customers and devices. ransomware will be pushed down to the computer, encrypting personal

“everybody hasvulnerabilities.

Mr. Black (alias)Laid-off after 25 years of employment

Goal is to obtain 30 milliondollars using any means available

No criminal records

No social media, false records,limited digital footprint

Proficient technologist

“let’s look at mynotes on this target.”

This will betoo easy.


“I see your serversare accessible from the outside.

NotesLacks DNS andreputation security

Standard DMZ

Skeleton IT staff

Poor patch management

Weak security defenses

Vulnerable to web attacks

Poor event monitoring

evening. unknown location

Page 7: Cyber Threat Response - Cisco · Blind to Insider threats Chaotic environment with revolving customers and devices. ransomware will be pushed down to the computer, encrypting personal

there will bebodies ...



good thingthey are a hospital

because aftermy attack ...

Mr. Orange (alias)Known as the “Loud Jerk”

Day job unknown but has been dabblingin scripted cyber crime

Actively looking to prove himselfas an elite hacker

07:57 -:- The goal is scan any systemonline for known vulnerabilities

07:58 -:- And exploit any vulnerabilityfor access to the HackMDs Network.

07:59 -:- Using the compromised system,we will setup a hidden tunnel to exfiltrateany data we find!

Later over a secure irc channel

This is mychance at thebig league.

07:57 Mr Black - Hit the serverswithout alarming the staff.


Page 8: Cyber Threat Response - Cisco · Blind to Insider threats Chaotic environment with revolving customers and devices. ransomware will be pushed down to the computer, encrypting personal

hackmds security ops center

FirePOWER Groups Various

alerts As A Security Incident.

Any high risk incident will

inform HackMDS.

Firepower can auto-tune the IPS to adapt

to new vulnerabilities within the network.

what are thesealarms?

Our serversare being hit by


good thingour ips is

tuned for ourenvironment.

it looks likesomebody is

trying to exploitour servers.

Page 9: Cyber Threat Response - Cisco · Blind to Insider threats Chaotic environment with revolving customers and devices. ransomware will be pushed down to the computer, encrypting personal

Blacklisting threat actors with

cisco umbrella and firepower,

prevents future attacks.


Time to blacklistthis attacker with

umbrella andFirepower

But there arevulnerabilities

that need tobe patched.


Yes sir!

Cisco FirepowerPrevented an

attack againstour servers

“many of our systemsneed to be assessed!

as a matterof fact ...

We Have YouCovered

Identify All Devices

Assess For Vulnerabilities

Update Software

Network Segmentation

Layered Security

Limit User Privileges

I heard wewere attacked.are we okay?

“We don’t havethe manpower.I’ll call cisco


Page 10: Cyber Threat Response - Cisco · Blind to Insider threats Chaotic environment with revolving customers and devices. ransomware will be pushed down to the computer, encrypting personal

Infect Me Feeling Lucky

Infect Me Feeling Lucky

Coming Soon 2 ur CPU


Identifying ransomware means an attacker was able to breach your network and deliver malicioussoftware. Best practice is to identify and remediate infected machines, harden the network against theattack method used, and blacklist any sources linked to the original attack!

Never stop the incident response at removing theinfection, or you may experience it AGAIN!!

Don’t Do It!x

Exploits are everywhere!An exploit kit is a web server designed to identify and exploitvulnerabilities in client machines. The goal is to deliversomething malicious such as a backdoor or ransomware.

Exploit kits can be rented online making it easy for non-technical attackersto deliver technical attacks without understanding the details of how theattack works.

Page 11: Cyber Threat Response - Cisco · Blind to Insider threats Chaotic environment with revolving customers and devices. ransomware will be pushed down to the computer, encrypting personal

RansomwareChapter Two

Page 12: Cyber Threat Response - Cisco · Blind to Insider threats Chaotic environment with revolving customers and devices. ransomware will be pushed down to the computer, encrypting personal

next day. unknown location

this hospitalwill pay

anything fortheir data.

I just need tofigure out howto get to the

patient records

“let’s look at my notes onthis target.

NotesVarious users and devices

Limited desktop security

Vulnerable to social engineering

Possibly flat network

High dollar data

Skeleton IT staff

Blind to Insider threats

Chaotic environment with revolvingcustomers and devices

Page 13: Cyber Threat Response - Cisco · Blind to Insider threats Chaotic environment with revolving customers and devices. ransomware will be pushed down to the computer, encrypting personal

ransomware will be pushed down to the

computer, encrypting personal data, forcing

the victimto pay for the decryption key.

this can be done through an email

phishing attack designed to trick

the user into clicking a link

Later over a secure irc channel

this sends them to a malicious site.

Ms. Blue (alias)Penetration tester gone rogue

Quit job to sell exploits on darknet

Respected speaker/hacker in community

HATES Mr. Orange

11:01 Mr Black - How can I getmoney from this target fast?

11:01 -:- I will need to trick theuser to access my attack server.

11:01 Ms Blue - We will use anexploit kit to deliver Ransomware.

I have justthe thing.

Page 14: Cyber Threat Response - Cisco · Blind to Insider threats Chaotic environment with revolving customers and devices. ransomware will be pushed down to the computer, encrypting personal

hackmds security ops center

time to informthe boss.

we havea breach.

cisco Advanced malware protection (amp)shows video of A Quarantined Threat.

AMP can go back in time to identify all

infected systems including patient zero.

we have a


Cisco AMP isshowing multiple

hosts arequarantining AMalicious File.

glad westopped this

one fromInstalling

Breach Detection Technologies Are

Designed To find Threats that have

passed all other security defenses.

Breach technology validates perimeter security!

Page 15: Cyber Threat Response - Cisco · Blind to Insider threats Chaotic environment with revolving customers and devices. ransomware will be pushed down to the computer, encrypting personal

Firepowerupdated ourDefenses.

I’ll check ifthe malicious

source isblocked.

FirePOWer can learn from AMP to auto

adapt to new vulnerabilities preventing

future exploitation.

The external source linked to the

attack can also be auto blacklisted!

doogie gotus infected


Glad myhospital staff isso rock solid.

Dr. Howserclicks


Why does thisemail keep taking

me to thisweird website?

Looks like weneed to update allendpoint system

Java ASAP!

“I wonder who brought this fileonto the network ...

Well thisisn’t a


Threat Removed.We are Readyif iT Happens


Page 16: Cyber Threat Response - Cisco · Blind to Insider threats Chaotic environment with revolving customers and devices. ransomware will be pushed down to the computer, encrypting personal

The �rst step in a cyber attack. This is where you learn as much

as possible about the target. The more you know, the more likely

you will �nd the quickest and most e�ective attack strategy.

Weakness in a system that can be exploited. This could be acon�guration error, missing patch, �aw in design or many otherfactors happening at any moment. Security tools such as anti-virus and IPS look for attacksagainst vulnerabilities using signatures of known exploitation.

Abusing a vulnerability to achieve an outcome.Result could be planting a Remote Access Tool (RAT),delivering Ransomware, Crashing the system, etc.

*Recon �nds Vulnerabilities that can be Exploited

Page 17: Cyber Threat Response - Cisco · Blind to Insider threats Chaotic environment with revolving customers and devices. ransomware will be pushed down to the computer, encrypting personal

Insider ThreatsChapter Three

Page 18: Cyber Threat Response - Cisco · Blind to Insider threats Chaotic environment with revolving customers and devices. ransomware will be pushed down to the computer, encrypting personal

“Many darknet sources sellstolen credentials.

“I know somebody that can getme inside the hackmds network.


I can buymy way into

the network.

let’s seeif mr. green is


Mr. Brown canthen collect mydata once I get

him inside.

Mr. Brown (alias)Linked to sales of black marketpharmaceutical drugs

Associated with a mafia organization

Street criminal for hire

Page 19: Cyber Threat Response - Cisco · Blind to Insider threats Chaotic environment with revolving customers and devices. ransomware will be pushed down to the computer, encrypting personal

Mr. Green (alias)Financial advisor on paper but alsoinvolved with money laundering

Known for stolen credentials

Minor drug related arrests

you should assume you will eventually

have your network compromised.

Perimeter Security is not 100%.

Breach technology is designed

for detecting insider threats

I can get youinto an Internal

Medical Unit using stolen,authorized Creds

to Bypass PerimeterDefenses.

NotesVarious users and devices

Perimeter security focused

Possibly a flat network

High dollar data

Skeleton IT staff

Blind to Insider threats

Lack internal monitoring

“let’s look at my notes again.

10:37 Mr Black - Perfect. Now MrBrown can bring me the goods.

10:37 Mr Black - Use this loginto access HackMDs network.

10:37 Mr Brown - I’ll find the dataand send it to your cloud drive.

Mr. Brown CanIdentify andconnect to

other systems.

Once Insidethe HackMDS


Page 20: Cyber Threat Response - Cisco · Blind to Insider threats Chaotic environment with revolving customers and devices. ransomware will be pushed down to the computer, encrypting personal

hackmds security ops center.let’s see what

are the topconcerns to

investigate today

come todaddy.

why is dr. howserlogging into

hipaa serverslike that?

stealthwatch shows security

and network events based behavior

and concern triggers.

“wait, now he’s scanningthe network ftp?

netflow can give all common network

devices security detection capabilities.

dr. howser’saccount has now

scanned thehippa


Page 21: Cyber Threat Response - Cisco · Blind to Insider threats Chaotic environment with revolving customers and devices. ransomware will be pushed down to the computer, encrypting personal

Stealthwatch Can trigger ciscoidentity services engine to

quarantine all critical threats.

he must becompromised.

dr. howser,you havea call.

Stealthwatch Hostlock rules can detect if

untrusted systems access the HIPAA network.

he is connectedto the HIPAA network

and attempting toremove data.

call dr.howser.

dr. howser’ssystem is no

longer a threat.

I havenot toucheda computer all day.

we quarantinedall compromised

systems and resetyour login.



Page 22: Cyber Threat Response - Cisco · Blind to Insider threats Chaotic environment with revolving customers and devices. ransomware will be pushed down to the computer, encrypting personal

There isn’t a silver bullet for providing100% protection against cyber crime.Sorry… we can’t promise that.NOBODY CAN!

There are lots of things to remember about EXCELLENTCyber Threat Response! We know it’s a lot to learn, butCisco has you covered!


REDUCEYou can, however, learn to reduce the riskof being compromised to an acceptablelevel using industry best practices forsecurity architecture.

The Cisco Cyber Threat Response

Clinics give you hands-on experience


so you can better understand both

sides of the cyber CAT AND


2017 Cisco Cyber Threat Response Clinic 2.0, International.

Page 23: Cyber Threat Response - Cisco · Blind to Insider threats Chaotic environment with revolving customers and devices. ransomware will be pushed down to the computer, encrypting personal

Compromised LaptopChapter Four

Page 24: Cyber Threat Response - Cisco · Blind to Insider threats Chaotic environment with revolving customers and devices. ransomware will be pushed down to the computer, encrypting personal

the next morning

“dr. howser likes fantasyfootball according to facebook.

“dr. howser will go back to work and connecthis infected system to the hackmds network.

“it will drop malware onto his systemswhen he accesses the website from home.

I can create afake fantasy stats

page and emailhim a link to his

personal account.

givingme insideaccess.

“let’s look at my notes onthis target.

NotesPeople will click anything without thinking about it

Limited host security software that isbased on signatures

HackMDs not responsible for user’s home network

Compromised hosts can provide internalaccess for outsiders

Social engineering is extremely effective

Page 25: Cyber Threat Response - Cisco · Blind to Insider threats Chaotic environment with revolving customers and devices. ransomware will be pushed down to the computer, encrypting personal

Mr. Red (alias)This could be anybody withinthe organization knowingly or unaware

Example: Breached system is usedremotely by a hacker to accessinternal sources

malicious websites will scan a victim’s

systems for weaknesses such as flash

and java vulnerabilities.

“or plug it in when he returnsto the office.

“I will own hackmds through hiscomputer using his system as myunknown inside attacker.

“I’ll call him mr. red.

“Dr. Howser will connect his laptopover VPN while away from the office.

dr. howser’sjava is outof date.

let’s see ifdr. howser willaccess my fake


I’ll access dr.howser’s systemonce he is inside

the network.

and use abackdoor in my

planted malicioussoftware.


provenfootball stats?

my team isgetting killed.

I’ll exploit thatto place mymalware onhis system.

can’t hurtto see what

they say

Page 26: Cyber Threat Response - Cisco · Blind to Insider threats Chaotic environment with revolving customers and devices. ransomware will be pushed down to the computer, encrypting personal

hackmds security ops center.

firepowersays one ofour users is



ise evaluates devices before they

are permitted access and shares

context with other technologies.

this is how ise knows an IP address

is linked to dr. howser’s laptop.

firepower can alert ise to quarantine

any device seen as compromised.ise uses traffic seen from devices vsmac address to determine what they are.

can you swingby my office?

we have aproblem.

hi boss.

Page 27: Cyber Threat Response - Cisco · Blind to Insider threats Chaotic environment with revolving customers and devices. ransomware will be pushed down to the computer, encrypting personal

that’s dr. howser’spersonal windows

laptop causingthese issues

step awayfrom the

network sir.

no need toremove him.

the networksaw the issue.

it autoquarantined


somebodyget him off the


how didthis happen?

and enforcement of policy on all

devices accessing the network.

the firepower and ise combination

can provide 24/7 security monitoring ...

dr howser’slaptop has been

owned andvpned into our


seems like dr.howser’s systemis being used asan attacker’sproxy over vpn.

my network is asecurity bouncerand enforcer.



Page 28: Cyber Threat Response - Cisco · Blind to Insider threats Chaotic environment with revolving customers and devices. ransomware will be pushed down to the computer, encrypting personal

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Page 29: Cyber Threat Response - Cisco · Blind to Insider threats Chaotic environment with revolving customers and devices. ransomware will be pushed down to the computer, encrypting personal

Attack The BranchChapter Five

Page 30: Cyber Threat Response - Cisco · Blind to Insider threats Chaotic environment with revolving customers and devices. ransomware will be pushed down to the computer, encrypting personal

laterbranch offices

typically connect backto the headquartersover a trusted vpn


I bet they haveweak security

policies at theirremote branches.

“I can own the HQ through the branch!

“let’s look at my notes onthis target.

NotesSecurity ops typically @HQ

Branch security is not asimportant as HQ

Limited local IT resources

Scalability challenges

Branch tunnels back to HQbypassing HQ security

Busy environment

I can’t believeI haven’t ownedthis hospital yet.

Page 31: Cyber Threat Response - Cisco · Blind to Insider threats Chaotic environment with revolving customers and devices. ransomware will be pushed down to the computer, encrypting personal

there are tonsof tools thatcan do this.

Later over a secure irc channel

Mr. White (alias)Government engineer and hardwarehacking hobbyist

Develops bypass tools

Rarely involved with crime butagainst “The Man”

08:03 Mr Black - I need a physicaldevice planted at a branch office.

08:03 -:- They probably don’t enforcesecurity at remote locations.

08:03 Mr White - I’ll plant a PwnieExpress at one of their branch offices.

08:03 Mr White - I’ll pretend to hurt myselfskating and plant the tools on site.

08:03 Mr Black - Once we have access to the branchnetwork, we can hit other internal targetsincluding the HQ through their site-to-site VPN.

A Pwn plug looks like a common plug,

however, is loaded with attacker tools.

Page 32: Cyber Threat Response - Cisco · Blind to Insider threats Chaotic environment with revolving customers and devices. ransomware will be pushed down to the computer, encrypting personal

hackmds security ops center


I need to grabthe team lead.

Seeing someweird activity atour dc branch.

looks likeour branch is

being hit.

good thing i justpurchased that ciscomeraki and umbrella

stuff for ourbranches.

butI just


I can’t fly downthere, configure anapproved hackmdssecurity policy andgo live right now.

this will take


Page 33: Cyber Threat Response - Cisco · Blind to Insider threats Chaotic environment with revolving customers and devices. ransomware will be pushed down to the computer, encrypting personal

hi boss.what’s up?

cloud managed technologies are ideal

for branch locations due to flexibility

in development and management.

now we areblockingthe threat.

no worries.we just deployed

new securityfrom cisco.

I’m getting callsabout networkissues at the

dc branch!

Relax noob. merakiand umbrella

are managed fromthe cloud.

we can configureeverything rightnow before the

hardware isplugged in.

meraki usesfirepower ips

and amp.

we can enablesimilar policies

to our hq ina few clicks.

all we need is to getsomebody at the dcbranch to plug it inand it will grab the

configurationfrom the cloud.

I just heardabout this attack

thirty minutes agoand we already

deployed new sec?


87104105116101CYBER STATE

LOCKUP“I’m going to get apromotion for this!


Page 34: Cyber Threat Response - Cisco · Blind to Insider threats Chaotic environment with revolving customers and devices. ransomware will be pushed down to the computer, encrypting personal

the takedown.

981089799107CYBER STATELOCKUP7911497110103101




71114101101CYBER STATE


66108117101CYBER STATELOCKUP83116111114109



During the process, Mr. Whiteand mr. Orange were arrested.

mr black’s team failed to

steal datafrom hackmds.

mr. White was captured on video

planting a maliciousbackdoor tool at

a HackMDs dcBranch Office.

Mr. Orange’s remoteattack generated

logs, which cisco Talosand HackMDS used

to identifyhis location

untilthe next



and take him


Federal Authorities confiscatedMr. Orange’s laptop and Mr.

White’s iPhone to get Mr. Black’scontact info.

After impersonating mr. white,

the FBI was able to catch Mr. Black

marketing fake stolen data

putting him away for enough time

to end his criminal career.

Page 35: Cyber Threat Response - Cisco · Blind to Insider threats Chaotic environment with revolving customers and devices. ransomware will be pushed down to the computer, encrypting personal

We hope you enjoyed the Cisco Cyber ThreatResponse Clinic!Make sure to come back and complete any modules you didn’t have a chance to work on and check back for more future modules!

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Page 36: Cyber Threat Response - Cisco · Blind to Insider threats Chaotic environment with revolving customers and devices. ransomware will be pushed down to the computer, encrypting personal

Cisco SecurityProduct Suite

Physical · Virtual · Cloud

FirepowerURL, IPS, and Breach security

VPNEncrypted communication

Cisco UmbrellaDNS Security and forensics

StealthwatchNetflow anomaly monitoring and breach detection

ESAEmail security for cloud and on-prem

CloudLockCloud application security

ISEAccess control and security policy management

ThreatgridThreat analytics, detection and prevention

MerakiCloud managed security, network and collaboration

TalosSecurity research and threat intelligence

AMPAdvanced breach detection for endpoint and network

WSASecure proxy, content control and security