cyber security threats overview

Golden Golden Technology Technology Services Services Š 2014 Golden Technology Services ____________________________________________________________________ Cyber Security Threats Overview Carl Hill, President [email protected]

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Cyber Security Threats Overview. Carl Hill, President [email protected] Executive Summary – Presentation Objective. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Golden Golden Technology Technology


Š 2014 Golden Technology Services


Cyber Security Threats Overview

Carl Hill, [email protected]


Š 2014 Golden Technology Services

Golden Technology Services, Inc. (GTS) is engaged in providing innovative and affordable cyber security, cloud, and resilience and recovery services offerings to large enterprises, small and midsize businesses, and public sector organizations.

The objective of this presentation is to:

•Increase visibility of the cyber threat landscape

•Increase awareness regarding the risk to Intellectual Property, assets, revenue, and brand/reputation

•Establish an understanding of the foundation for proper cyber security

In summary, GTS understands the cyber security threats landscape, and works our clients to implement complete, hardened security solutions that can evolve to keep pace with the evolving threats landscape.

The Golden Edge Deep industry expertise, globally applied.

The foundation of our value creation model.

Deep industry expertise. Global scale and presence. Extensive network of Operating Executives. And a wealth of industry portfolio data; we call it The Golden Edge. These are the four pillars of Golden Technology Services (GTS) value creation model. By leveraging these core capabilities and resources—Golden has established an overall track record of bringing industry leading technologies, that matter, to our clients.

Executive Summary – Presentation Objective



Š 2014 Golden Technology Services

The threat landscape is continually evolving…..

• External threats. With the continual breakdown of the traditional perimeter, external threats now exist within the corporate premises as enterprises have opened themselves to Internet-based commerce and remote users.

• Internal threats. Once the domain of human error, malicious intent and various forms of propagating malware, internal threats now include advanced persistent threats and the coordinated actions of well funded and determined adversaries.

• Compliance. Enterprises today are under growing pressure to comply with mandates such as Sarbanes-Oxley, GPG-13, FSA, Garante, HIPAA, FISMA, GLBA, PCI and NERCO—including regulators that can impose financial penalties for nonconformance. As organizations continue to embrace mobility and innovative new technologies, compliance regulations will in turn embrace more sophisticated controls.

April 19, 2023 3


Š 2014 Golden Technology Services

Cyber Security attacks must be analyzed to determine the threat level

April 19, 2023 4Source: “IBM Security Services Cyber Security Intelligence Index,” IBM Corp., July, 2013


Š 2014 Golden Technology Services

Virtually all industries experience cyber attacks, but some are “serious targets”

April 19, 2023 5Source: “IBM Security Services Cyber Security Intelligence Index,” IBM Corp., July, 2013


Š 2014 Golden Technology Services

Malicious code and sustained scans are the most common cyber attacks

April 19, 2023 6Source: “IBM Security Services Cyber Security Intelligence Index,” IBM Corp., July, 2013


Š 2014 Golden Technology Services

“Opportunistic Attacks” are the most frequent type of cyber attack

April 19, 2023 7Source: “IBM Security Services Cyber Security Intelligence Index,” IBM Corp., July, 2013


Š 2014 Golden Technology Services

Most security breaches occur as the result of human intent or error

April 19, 2023 8Source: “IBM Security Services Cyber Security Intelligence Index,” IBM Corp., July, 2013


Š 2014 Golden Technology Services

The most important security practices include building a risk-aware culture, and managing and responding to incidents as quickly as possible

April 19, 2023 9Source: “IBM Security Services Cyber Security Intelligence Index,” IBM Corp., July, 2013


Š 2014 Golden Technology Services

Target Data Breach (SMB HVAC Vendor - 60 employees)? Nationwide retail giant Target is investigating a data breach potentially involving millions of customer credit and debit card records, multiple reliable sources tell KrebsOnSecurity. The sources said the breach appears to have begun on or around Black Friday 2013 — by far the busiest shopping day the year.

Target Data Breach (SMB HVAC Vendor - 60 employees)? Nationwide retail giant Target is investigating a data breach potentially involving millions of customer credit and debit card records, multiple reliable sources tell KrebsOnSecurity. The sources said the breach appears to have begun on or around Black Friday 2013 — by far the busiest shopping day the year.

Data breach affects more than 6,000 December 17, 2013 More than 6,000 current and former employees, vendors and students are being notified that their personal information may have been compromised in a data breach.

Data breach affects more than 6,000 December 17, 2013 More than 6,000 current and former employees, vendors and students are being notified that their personal information may have been compromised in a data breach.

Phishing email fools university staff, compromises thousands October 25, 2013 Employees fell victim to a phishing email that resulted in them providing account information, subsequently putting thousands at risk.

Phishing email fools university staff, compromises thousands October 25, 2013 Employees fell victim to a phishing email that resulted in them providing account information, subsequently putting thousands at risk.

Insecure email puts more than a thousand patients at risk October 07, 2013 An employee sent out an insecure email containing personal information on more than 1,300 patients.

Insecure email puts more than a thousand patients at risk October 07, 2013 An employee sent out an insecure email containing personal information on more than 1,300 patients.

Cyber Security breach examples abound…

April 19, 2023 10


Š 2014 Golden Technology Services

Attackers optimize and refine target selection…

more than

half a billion records*of personally identifiable information (PII) were leaked in 2013

*X-Force Research - 2013*X-Force Research - 2013

11April 19, 2023


Š 2014 Golden Technology Services


Monetary Gain

National Security

Espionage,Political Activism

The sophistication of cyber threats, attackers and motives is rapidly escalating.


1995 – 20051st Decade of the Commercial Internet


Script-kiddies or hackers using tools, web-based “how-to’s”

Insiders, using inside information

Organized Crime, Hackers and Crackers using sophisticated tools

Competitors, Hacktivists

Nation-state Actors; Targeted Attacks / Advanced Persistent Threat

2005 – 20152nd Decade of the Commercial Internet


*X-Force Research - 2013*X-Force Research - 2013April 19, 2023 12


Š 2014 Golden Technology Services

Common Threat to Online Channels & Internal Systems: Malware, Phishing

1JPMorgan: 2012 Online Fraud Report , 2Gartner: 2290415, 3Ponemon Institute: 2012 Cost of Cybercrime Report: US

• Humans will always make mistakes

• System and application vulnerabilities continue to emerge

• Malware detection will always lag

Three Losing BattlesThree Losing Battles

Widespread Fraud•$3.4B est lost to online fraud in 20121

Advanced Threats and Breaches•85% of breaches go undetected2

•$8.9M average cost of cyber-attacks3

Two Major ImpactsTwo Major Impacts

Fraud Scheme



DataExfiltration Enterprise


Vulnerability Exploit

Social Engineering (Phishing)

Malware Infection

April 19, 2023 13


Š 2014 Golden Technology Services

Where should you start? These three controls can help you address the top vulnerabilities and begin to reduce risk.

Build a risk-aware


Protect the network & end-points

Automate security hygiene & manage

incidents with intelligence

April 19, 2023 14


Š 2014 Golden Technology Services

End user didn’t think before clicking

Weak password/default password in use

Insecure configuration

Use of legacy or un-patched hardware or software

Lack of basic network security protection/segmentation

The top 5 reasons why attacks are possible are all related to system hygiene or user knowledge.




April 19, 2023 15


Š 2014 Golden Technology Services

Proper IT Security requires a wide range of focus and capabilities

• Understanding of Security drivers – threats, standards, regulations, business objectives

• Security Policy

• Security Processes

• Security Metrics – collection and management

• Security architecture and infrastructure – people, hardware, software, communications, analytics

April 19, 2023 16

Define Capture Analyze Monitor & Measure Act


Š 2014 Golden Technology Services

The organization drives the Security Model

17April 19, 2023


Š 2014 Golden Technology Services

Each organization’s security model is supported by infrastructure… The Security Products marketplace is a broad and growing one, according to IDC

Security Products

IAM Network Endpoint Messaging Web SVM Other

AA Firewall Antimalware Antimalware URL Filtering SIEM


SecurityAntispam Antimalware PERM

E-SSO IDP SuitesContent Filtering

Content Filtering


LA VPNAccess &

Information Protection

Web Application


Policy & Compliance


Vulnerability Management

April 19, 2023 18


IAM Identity & Access Management

AA Advanced Authentication

W-SSO Web Single Sign-on

E-SSO Enterprise Single Sign-on

LA Legacy Authorization

UP User Provisioning

UTM Unified Threat Management

IDP Intrusion Detection & Prevention

VPN Virtual Private Network

SVM Security & Vulnerability Management

SIEMSecurity Intelligence & Event Management

PERM Proactive Endpoint Risk Management

FII Forensics & Incident Investigation

SDSM Security Device & Systems Management

Source: IDC Web Site:, July 2014


Š 2014 Golden Technology Services

The Security Products vendor landscape is fragmented, and continually changing due to the evolution of threats and the technology advances to address them

April 19, 2023 19

Security Products Vendors

Absolute Software F5 Kaspersky Sophos

Alcatel-Lucent FireEye LSI Sourcefire

Axway Fortinet Microsoft Symantec

Barracuda Networks F-Secure NetForensics Trend Micro

Blue Coat Gemalto NetIQ Trustwave

CA Technologies Google Oracle Vericept

Check Point HP Palo Alto Networks Vmware

Cisco IBM PassLogix WatchGuard

Damballa Invincea Proofpoint Webroot

Dell Secureworks Intel/McAfee Qualys Websense

Entrust InteproIQ SafeNet Zscalar

ESET Juniper SonicWALL Wombat

Source: IDC Web Site:, GTS Analysis, July 2014

Leaders in this market segment include, but are not limited to: Symantec, Intel/McAfee, Cisco, IBM, Check Point, Trend Micro, Juniper Networks, Microsoft, EMC, and Kaspersky Lab.


Š 2014 Golden Technology Services

The IT Services marketplace also offers “Managed Security Services”

April 19, 2023 20

IDC defines managed security services as "the around-the-clock remote management or monitoring of IT security functions delivered via remote security operations centers (SOCs), not through personnel onsite."

The rise in frequency and complexity of attacks and the need for increasingly sophisticated security solutions have led to a new echelon of MSS that IDC is calling MSS 2.0.

A MSSP 2.0 is further "up the stack" than traditional MSSPs which are offering MSS 1.0 services such as basic managed and monitored services (firewalls, intrusion detection services [IDS]/intrusion prevention services [IPS], unified threat management [UTM], IAM, log monitoring, vulnerability scanning, etc.).

Traditional MSSPs may also offer advanced services such as DDoS, Web application security, managed SIEM, and managed SOC. MSSPs that are focused on MSS 2.0 deliver basic and advanced traditional MSS plus professional/complementary services.

And, they are investing in mobile/BYOD, cloud, threat intelligence/big data, and incident response/forensics. Cloud, mobile/BYOD, and big data are three of four pillars that IDC has identified as top trends in 2014. The fourth pillar, which doesn't factor into this IDC MarketScape, is social media. Social media, however, does impact security, and advanced MSSP capabilities, in our analysis, can help detect, analyze, and protect against threats in the social media arena.

Source: “IDC MarketScape: Worldwide Managed Security Services 2014 Vendor Assessment,” IDC Corp., June 2014


Š 2014 Golden Technology Services

Security Technology Stack

April 19, 2023 21


Identity, Entitlement,


Information & Event Mgmt.


Data Security

Application Security

Host Security

Network Security

Physical Security


Š 2014 Golden Technology Services

Let’s look at network security, and its relationships to the stack

April 19, 2023 22

Network Security

Data Security Host Security

Identity and Access

Application Security Cryptography

Security Info & Event Management

Interconnected hosts on networkEstablish secure channelControl hosts on network

Send security logsDetect security incidents

Key managementCrypto offload

Monitor and control applicationsrunning on network

Use identityRetrieve access control

Monitor and control data flows on network


Š 2014 Golden Technology Services

Security Intelligence has differentiated levels of capabilities

Basic : Organizations employ perimeter protection, which regulates access and feeds manual reporting

Proficient: Security is layered into the IT fabric and business operations

Optimized: Organizations use predictive and automated security analytics to drive toward security intelligence

April 19, 2023 23


Š 2014 Golden Technology Services

An example of comprehensive cyber security capabilities: IBM Managed Security Services

April 19, 2023 24

Getting to “intelligent security”


Š 2014 Golden Technology Services

Checklist for Compromised Accounts - What should a firm do after it discovers that a customer’s account has been compromised?

* This checklist is not exhaustive, and a firm may need to take other steps depending on the nature/cause of the intrusion, business model, customer base, the threats, and the law.– Monitor, limit, or temporarily suspend activity in the account until the situation is resolved.

– Alert others in the firm (including the firm’s Legal and Compliance Department, if applicable) to be mindful of unusual activity in other customer accounts. Should consider designating in advance a specific individual or department to serve as a central contact for questions about the intrusion.

– Identify, if possible, the root cause of the intrusion (e.g., the firm’s system was compromised, the individual account was hacked, the customer was the victim of identity theft) and determine whether the intrusion is isolated to one account.

– Contact the SEC and your FINRA Coordinator. In the event of an account intrusion, have the following information readily available if possible:• Date(s) and time(s) of activity• IP addresses used to access the account• Security or securities involved (name and symbol)• Time and date of the activity• Customer account affected by the activity, including name and account number• Whether the customer has been or will be reimbursed and by whom

• If appropriate, contact law enforcement agencies, such as the FBI or, if the U.S. mail is involved, the United States Postal Inspector.

• Contact the firm’s relevant state regulatory authorities.

• If the firm has not already done so, contact the customer and, if appropriate, change the password and/or account number. For more information, view ways a firm can help a

customer that has been the victim of identity theft.

• Determine whether any unauthorized person has gained or potentially has gained access to an account holder’s personally identifiable information and, if so, whether the firm must

provide a specific type of notification to the customer or others under state law regarding the loss of the customer’s information. Some states may require notice to the State Attorney General or other state law enforcement agencies in addition to customer notification.

• Determine whether the firm should file a Suspicious Activity Report (SAR) under the federal anti-money laundering provisions

April 19, 2023 25


Š 2014 Golden Technology Services


• The number of “bad actors” and the sophistication of cyber security threats is continually increasing

• The effects of cyber security attacks on businesses and governments are increasing in impact and cost

• An understanding of threats to your enterprise, and of your current security capabilities and gaps that must be filled, is imperative

• Become familiar with security standards, regulations, available capabilities and infrastructure NOW to meet your enterprise objectives, and to protect your stakeholders’ interests

April 19, 2023 26


Š 2014 Golden Technology Services

Additional InformationAdditional Information


Š 2014 Golden Technology Services

Our Mission is Simple – We are focused on Value Creation for our Clients. We are the Trusted Advisor to our Clients and Partners.

GTS is a privately held business technology services company.

GTS is a diverse, minority-owned company

We have two principal goals:1.Helping clients to become more innovative, efficient, and competitive through the application of business insight and IT cloud solutions.

2.To develop and leverage an ecosystem of Vendors, Alliance and Business Partners who bring best-in-class Information technologies and services to the markets and clients we serve.

Our commitment: To be the Trusted Advisor to our and Clients and Partners.

How GTS Creates Client ValueThe GTS Competitive Advantage is our global experience and accomplishment, our cloud knowledge and specialization, our multi-vendor certifications, our broker services, and most importantly, our network of people and partner ecosystem model.

Our focus is on the client. Our focus is the client’s business challenges.

GTS is missioned to help clients solve IT and business problems through consulting and the use of advanced information and cloud-delivered technologies. GTS offers a base portfolio of cloud services that enable clients to optimize their IT environments, thereby driving efficiency, flexibility, and productivity into their business operations, while reducing costs.


28April 19, 2023


Š 2014 Golden Technology Services

GTS Executive Biographies

Carl Hill is CEO for Golden Technology Services.

With over three decades of marketing and sales experience in the IT industry, Mr. Hill brings a unique perspective to any project or engagement when it comes to developing and working with clients. His responsibilities have included new product launch, international marketing, sales development, creating marketing and business plans, strategic account management, sales development and responsibilities for C- level client relationship and satisfaction across multiple industries.

Mr. Hill had a successful 25+ year career with IBM. Starting his career in sales with IBM, he had held multiple Executive Sales and Marketing Management responsibilities where he had revenue and people responsibility for IBM’s channel business in US and Global markets.

Carl Hill graduated from Rhodes College in Memphis with a BA in Psychology and a minor in Economics.

Justin Golden is COO and founder of Golden Technology Services.

Mr. Golden has compiled over thirty years of sales, marketing and business development experience in the Information Technology industry both here and internationally. Beginning in sales he was early advocate of alternate channel sales utilizing Business Partners across multiple product lines. This was followed by a business development role in an emerging technology, Speech Recognition, where he was awarded several Invention Disclosures for this technology. He established the role of General Business Consultant in a sales assignment in the Czech Republic which led to record sales in revenue, new business and profitability. Mr. Golden also launched the first inside sales (Telesales) team in the US Sales Centers for applications hosting customers. In a most recent assignment, Mr. Golden integrated the offerings of an IBM acquisition, Arsenal Digital, into the company’s services portfolio.

Mr. Golden is a graduate of University of Vermont in Burlington with a major in Political Science and a minor in History. After graduation, he spent one year abroad in Ireland and the United Kingdom employed in Solicitors offices, Cork and Southampton. 

Kevin Skelly is Managing Director and Vice President, Business and Technology Strategy, for Golden Technology Services.

Mr. Skelly most recently worked for IBM Corporation, where he had a successful 37-year career. His most recent work in IBM was in directing the analysis and planning in IBM Corporate Strategy of IBM’s strategic initiatives, with a specific focus on advanced analytics and Cloud platforms.

Mr. Skelly’s areas of expertise include market strategy, market management, competitive analysis, business plan development, product management, sales/consulting, software architecture and development, and IT technology planning.

Mr. Skelly attended Pace University’s Lubin School of Business and majored in Management Information Systems, and is a member of the Society of Competitive Intelligence Professionals and the American Marketing Association.

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Š 2014 Golden Technology Services

Network Security has a number of layers and capabilities, and is EVOLVING

• Network Firewalls• VPN Gateways• Network Intrusion Detection/Prevention• DDoS• WiFi security• Network Access Control• DNS Security• Web, Email and IM filtering

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