cyan magenta yellow black - carolina coast online€¦ · the news-times sunday, jan. 19, 2014 5b...

THE NEWS-TIMES Sunday, Jan. 19, 2014 5B CYAN MAGENTA YELLOW BLACK Vonda Willis — 728-3371 Bette Gillikin — 728-2710 Sanctity of Human Life Week is Sunday, Jan. 19, through Saturday, Jan. 25. There will be a March for Life in Washington, D.C., on Thursday, Jan. 23. Milestones Birthday greetings to Christopher Mason, Janie Rose, Karen Nelson, Ryan Lilley, Thad Gaskill, Gracey Alexandra Lawrence and Taylor O’Neal, today, and Amanda Jones, Walther Chadwick, Natalie Johnson, Chris Willis, Larry Nelson, Phyllis Lewis, Anita Davis and Charles Christian “Fella” Lewis, Jan. 20. Also, Donna Wade, Wanda Willis, Isabella Marie Taylor, Jimmie Gillikin, Jodi Dickinson, Michelle Moore, Tommy Boarbeau, Sean Flowers, Nettie Lou Styron, Wendell Grady Fulcher II, Eleanor Joyce Kamplain, Carla W. Spencer, Rod Smith, Finley Rae Guthrie and Trey Fulcher, Jan. 21, and Jeff Moore, Jessica Lee McGee, Dexter Garner, James Parnell, Michelle Godwin and Hyacinth Rice, Jan. 22. Also, Cathy Rose, Paul Damren, Tyler Shane East, Gina Caddell, Andrew Martin Moore and Louis “Soddy” Goodwin, Jan. 23; Patricia “Tesey” Sparks, Alan Rose, Greta Willis, Tonya Willis, Matthew Riley Lawrence, Brenda Best, James Teal and Jean Edwards, Jan. 24; and Michael Ray Parrish, Barbara Rose, Margo Fulcher, Rona Midgett, Alexis Mariah Morris, Etta Willis, Taylor Brooks Orr, Jan Gabriel Gillikin and Lila Katherine Lewis, Jan. 23. Anniversaries Anniversary wishes to Craig and Veta Ann Guithrie, today; Malcolm “Red” and Collo Brooks, Jan. 21; Algernon and Effie Louise Gillikin, Rev. and Mrs. Paul and Belinda Loftin and Frances and Harold Will, Jan. 22. Sick list Lionel Scott and Durward Gillikin had surgery Jan. 9 at Carteret General Hospital. Sonji Jones had minor surgery at the surgical center. Others on the sick list are Roma Chadwick, Darlene Yeomans, Jack Waters, Michael Fulcher, Faye Moore, Billy Willis, Barbara Buck, Clara Brooks, Margaret Ann Gillikin, Ellen Guthrie, Betsy Guthrie, Avis Asdenti, Cecil Lawrence, Rena Lawrence, Thomas Smith, Makely Lewis, Hayden Fulcher, London Tudor, Dawn Best, Maxine Adams, Wayne Willis, Delaine Emory, Margaret Griffin and Priscilla Lewis. Also, Cindy Wortham, Mary Lewis Mendelssohn, Kim Guthrie, Cheryl Lewis, Phil Yeomans, Vernon Fulcher, Guion Garner, Joyce Fulcher, Benjamin Brooks, Michelle Godwin, Mack O’Neal, Edith Russell, Carol Gaskill, Stella Morris, Oliver Curtis Lewis, Carol Willis, Garvin Kirkland, Nola Mae Willis, Bernice Willis, Fammie Willis, Frankie Guthrie, Madge Guthrie, Garry Yeomans, Linda Collins, Faye Moore, Debbie Guthrie, Iris Gillikin, Janice Fisher, Elva Irvine and Grady George Davis. Also, Donna Davis, Martha Salter, Carolyn Salter, Carolyn Lewis, Glenda Taylor, Lila Styron, Ed Butler, Elva Mae Johnson, Billy Hall, Etheridge Davis, Almeta Gaskill, Lisa Register, Almeria Shipp, Lou Paylor, Eric and Vickie Pittman, Charles Tyler, Alan Baker, Jo Hackley, Saundra Gillikin, Wanda Willis, Randolph Grady, Phyllis Gillikin, Billy and Patsy Taylor, Ed and Donna Paylor, Benjamin Brooks, Frankie Guthrie, Susie Nelson, Fernie Willis, Kemp Styron, Roy Lewis, Sophia Willis, Lexie Fulcher, Paula Lewis, Barbara Lewis, Willis Carroll Nelson and Hallas Rose. Remember them Remember those in our nursing home including Fannie Gillikin and Alva James Goodwin, Snug Harbor; James Milton Hill, Minnie Evelyn Willis, Colleen Willis, Rennie Moore, Kevin Foley, Crystal Bluffs; Lillian Thompson, Harborview; and Louie Truman Dixon and Robin Dixon, Taylor Extended Care in Sea Level. Sympathy Our sympathy to the Gary Lewis family of Marshallberg. Gary died Sunday, Jan. 12. He had friends on Harkers Island. Our sympathy to the fam- ily of Rena Belle Watson of Morehead City. Her ser- vice was Saturday, Jan. 11, at Open Door Baptist Church in Morehead City. Officiating was Pastor Jerry Linebarger. Pallbearers were Tom Cook, David Ballou, Clyde Ebron, Jim Garner, John Deibert and Lloyd Newman. Attending the service from Harkers Island were Ruth Lewis, Mae Yeomans, Lee Willis, Larry and Suzette Guthrie, Debra Rose and Vickie Brennan. Ruth Lewis was in the room at Crystal Bluffs with Rena while Ruth was taking therapy and they became good friends. Rena was a sweet lady and will be missed by her family, friends and the staff at Crystal Bluffs. Minnie Evelyn Willis and Colleen Willis, residents of Crystal Bluffs, attended the funeral. Come ‘n’ go Terry and Faith Barbour of Atlantic Beach visited Faith’s father Clark Davis during the holidays. William Lloyd of Marshallberg visited Anthony Nelson on Sunday, Jan. 12. Marilyn Lloyd Rose host- ed a birthday luncheon for her granddaughter, Tabitha Kington, on Sunday, Jan. 12. Attending were Eddie Rose, Eddie Glenn Rose, Mia Smith, Melissa Smith, Zack Kington and Owen Kington. Donovan and Renee Willis and Nora Catherine of Beaufort were dinner guests of Donovan’s parents, James and Susan Willis, on Sunday, Jan. 12. You’re invited The United Methodist Church family invites every- one to a baby shower drop in from 3 to 4:30 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 25, at Sea Side Restaurant. Parents Pete and Karen Lewis are expecting a boy! Proud grandmother is Carman Koonce and great-grandmoth- er is Madeline Lewis. The Bridge news Bridge walkers first group walk at 8:30 a.m. Monday and the second group walks at 1 p.m. at the Bridge building across from Capt. Wayne’s store. Get your feet moving! Come and walk and have a great time to exercise and fellowship. School news Report cards go home Tuesday, Jan. 28. Students have a holi- day Monday and Tuesday is a teacher workday, students return Wednesday, Jan. 22. Award day is Wednesday, Jan. 29. Community Bingo Night is Feb. 7. Homemade chili with cracker, hotdogs, popcorn and nacho’s with cheese will be available. Harkers Island School PTO sponsors the evening. For further information contact the school at 728-3755. Church news Those celebrating January birthdays from Huggins Memorial Baptist Church and their guests enjoyed lunch at Sea Side Restaurant on Sunday, Jan. 13. There will be no children’s ministry until February at the United Methodist Church. The Relief Society of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, led by Margo Fulford, met Tuesday night for a special enrich- ment meeting. The sisters who attended enjoyed visiting with one another and writing notes to other sisters who, for vari- ous reasons, had not attended church meetings regularly. The ladies enjoyed peach cob- bler for dessert. The Family History Center will be open from 6 until 8 p.m. the first and third Wednesday nights of the month. Other times may be requested, as consultants are available. Visitors are welcome. Pentecostal news “Happy Birthday” was sung to Josh Guthrie and Fredrick Willis during the Sun day school hour at Pentecostal Holiness Church on Sunday, Jan. 12. Smyrna Pentecostal Holiness Church will hold a district meeting at 7 p.m. Jan. 23. The following poem was in the Free Grace Wesleyan Church bulletin. In faith, O Lord, you guided me Through every day of the year; Come doubt or pain, Your hand was always near. The year was long, each day unknown, Till I had trod it through; But ever did I walk secure Because you walked there too. That year is past and all its days, Now finished, lie behind; But reaching out ahead of me A strange new year I find. So strange, untried, these newer days But, Lord, I have no fear For I know well that every hour Your presence will be near. Tomorrow is a day to honor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. who was born Jan. 15, 1929, in Atlanta, Ga. His father and maternal grandfather were both Baptist ministers and his paternal grandfather spent most of his life as a sharecropper. He graduated from Morehouse College and com- pleted advanced studies at Crozer Theological Seminary and Boston University. He was ordained a minister in 1947 and in 1953 he mar- ried Coretta Scott of Marion, Ala. Dr. King became the pastor of the Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery in 1954. He began his civil rights crusade in 1955. He led boycotts and demon- strations and tried to convince people that civil rights could be won through nonviolent protests but he often became the target of violence. He was stabbed in New York City, stoned in Chicago, his home in Montgomery was bombed and he was shot and killed April 4, 1968, in Memphis, Tenn., by James Earl Ray. Millions marched from the Lincoln Memorial to the Washington Monument Aug. 28, 1963, where Dr. King said, “I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of it’s creed: ‘We hold these truths to be self-evident; that all men are created equal.’ ” Milestones Birthday greetings to Janette Gillikin, Ethelle Wills, Janie Rose, Marty Willis, Ailene Newkirk, Christa Laxton, Matthew Lawrence, Travis Bartram, Gracey Alexandra Lawrence and Lee Davis, today and Teresa G. Gillikin, Amanda Raquel Jones, Camden Jessee, Chris Willis and Jacob Nelson, Jan. 20. Also to Jeffrey Farlee, Cherrie Piner, Grady Wendel Fulcher III, Ashley Hendricks, Jonathan Hendricks, Dennis Dyer, Jeff Penny and Melissa Phillips, Jan. 21. Also to Kathy Gillikin, James Parnell Jr., Neil Ripke, Richard Hamilton, Landon Shane Lawrence and Linda Watson, Jan. 22. Also to Brandi Gillikin, Paul Gillikin, Jim Malone, Sarah Hancock, Michael Paul Damren, Levi Gillikin and Patricia Butler, Jan. 23; Also, Chris Salter, Jan. 24. Anniversaries Anniversary wishes to Mary Elza and Berkley Gillikin and Roberta and Jim Malone, Jan. 20. Also, Frances and Harold Will and Stacy and Dan Bartolini, Jan. 22. Also, Jane and Kevin Treon, Jan. 24. Also, Jane and Craig Dudley, Jan. 25. Prayer list We need to keep in our prayers Barbara Gillikin who is still in Carteret General Hospital and Berkley Gillikin who was admitted there Jan. 11. E.P. Gillikin was discharged from there Jan. 12. Jack Smith has been dis- charged from there and is back to work. We need to remember to pray for Buck Lewis who is at Duke University Medical Center, Katlyn Thomas, Dallas Arthur, Ray Varga, Elberta Salter, and Eric Pittman who were taken to Carteret General last week. Others on the prayer list are Mary Mendelson, Serina Mason, Whitney Foskey, Lynn Barselow, Dorothea Lawrence, David Salter, Hiram Gillikin, Kenneth Waddell Gillikin, Patsy and Doug Hardison, Deloris Thompson, Betty Jean Gillikin, Cecil Arthur, Sharon Gillikin, Alice Cherry, Josh Gillikin, and Rowena Killmon, Also, Marie Lawrence, Betty and Richard Walker, David Gill, Thressa Taylor, Cecil G. Gillikin, Janet Cannon, Maxine Lawrence, Phyllis Rae Gillikin, Andy Gillikin, Rodney Paul Gillikin, Clara Gillikin, Ike Hurlburt, Ronnie Warren, Jerry Hardesty, Billy Clark Lawrence, Vance Gillikin, Dorothy Taylor, Harriette Wilde, Melvin Hunnings, John Hill, Phyllis Hunnings, Pat Gillikin, Wendy Gillikin and Toni Stephens. Remember them Bobby Gray Gillikin is at Snug Harbor on Nelson Bay and hoping to go home very soon. Others in nursing homes are Annie Frances Willis, Crystal Coast Family Care Home; Catherine Golden and Phyllis Gentry, Harborview Rehabilitation and Health Care Center; Pauline Lawrence, Goldine Gillikin and Reta Mae Lewis at Crystal Bluffs Rehabilitation and Health Care; Esther Gillikin, Alta Rose and Shirley T. Gillikin, Carteret House, Newport; Leland Gillikin and Robbie Dixon, Heritage Health Care at Taylor Place; Hilda Gillikin, Cherry Point Bay Nursing Home and Rehabilitation and Health Care Center and Rita Ann Faircloth, The Heritage in Richlands. They really appreciate vis- its so stop in and visit when you can. Come ‘n’ go Judy and Martin Rose, Otway, were in Hampton, Va., last weekend watching their granddaughters participate in sport activities. Madisyn Van Gorder ran in the Suffolk Track Invitational where her time in the 4x800 qualified her to run in the upcoming event at Virginia Tech on Saturday, Feb. 1. They also attended soccer games where Madisyn scored two of the four goals that led their 4-0 win and Camryn Rose scored one goal that led to her team’s win of 3-1. Stacy, Scott and Anderson “Gilly” Gillikin were at Snowshoe, W.Va., Jan. 11- 13 for a weekend of skiing. Gilly was able to participate in activities especially for the youngsters. Luckily they weren’t near the part of the state where they had all the water problems. Shelby Batton visited with Jennifer, Danny McAderco and their 2-year-old daughter Aubree for a week recently at their home in Bloomingdale, Ga. Otway Fire and Rescue Otway Fire and Rescue held their regular monthly meeting Jan. 13. A new name was proposed for membership and will be voted on next month. Refreshments were served to honor the members that have birthdays during this quarter. It was reported that the Red Cross Bloodmobile held on Jan. 10, was a success. Sixty- one folks signed up and 53 pints of blood were collected helping us surpass our goal of 40 pints. The Red Cross had sent out this message: “Just as everyone is getting back into a routine following the holidays, Mother Nature is doing her best to keep people off the roads across much of the U.S. Severe winter storm Hercules dumped deep snow in the Northeast and extreme cold is penetrating the central U.S. As a result, the American Red Cross expects blood drive cancellations and low donor turnouts in these areas. And yet, despite some donors hav- ing a reduced ability to donate, patients will continue to need blood products. Donors in unaffected areas are urged to help make up the donations lost in the weather-impacted areas. It’s the blood already on the shelves that helps save lives in an emergency.” So special thanks to all who turned out and helped us make our goal and be able to help ensure that hospitals and patients have the blood they need. The next blood drive will be held Friday, March 7, from noon until 5 p.m. School news Applications are available at East Carteret High School for the Gloucester Community Club’s Woodrow and Mary Dudley Price Scholarship. Interested students should see Ms. Lindogan for applica- tions. Church news Woodville Baptist Church will have dramatist and story- teller, Hannah Shively, at their 11 a.m. service today present- ing her new presentation of “The Hat.” All are invited to come. Special days Jan. 19: James Watt, Scottish inventor born in 1736; Robert E. Lee born in 1807; Edgar Allan Poe, American author born in 1809; Steelmaker, Sir Henry Bessemer born in 1813; Paul Cezanne, French painter born in 1839. Jan. 20: The roller coast- er patented in 1885; Mischa Elman, American violist born in 1891. Jan. 21: Confederate Gen. “Stonewall” Jackson born in 1824; the Nautilus, first atom- ic powered ship launched in 1954. Jan. 22: Stone bullets used in battle in 1514; Francis Bacon, English author born in 1561; Lord Byron, English poet, born in 1788. Jan. 23: Patriot, statesman John Hancock born in 1737; French painter Edouard Manet born in 1832. Jan. 24: Gold discovered in California in 1848; First Boy Scout Troop organized in 1907. Jan. 25: Robert Burns, Scottish poet, born in 1759; Transcontinental telephone service established in the United States in 1915; Coast- to-coast jet service began in 1959. Editor’s Note: Ruthie King will be the new correspon- dent for the Atlantic and Sea Level communities. To contact her, call 241-0504 or email [email protected]. Hello, everyone I am hon- ored to be your new corre- spondent for the Atlantic and Sea Level communities. Although I am from “Off,” I sure do love these communi- ties and everyone has been so welcoming to me during the past 11 years that I have lived here. It is with great pleasure that I get to share with others about these two communities; how- ever, I will need your help to provide information to share. So please contact me and tell me what is happening with your church, school, organiza- tion or anything of interest that you would like to share. Prayer list Please keep all of our loved ones who are sick, in the hospital, Snug Harbor and Heritage Health Center in your prayers. Also, pray for our local fishermen and thank God for the wonderful bounty in our pristine waters that our fisher- men gather for all us to enjoy. Jack Goodwin is recuperat- ing slowly but nicely he said, so we want to continue to pray for him and his good health. Snug Harbor news Thursday, Jan. 23, is National Pie Day and Snug Harbor is inviting guests to come and share with them your favorite pie. It can be a chicken potpie to apple, pecan — whatever is your best. There are so many of you who cook marvelously so I know that some really good pies are going to show up for this event. It will be at 6:30 p.m. If you would like to share your recipe, bring that, too. Talk about a YUMMY time! School news The eighth grade class will be leaving for their annual Washington, D.C., trip this week. We wish you all safe travels and lots of fun. Parents and students both work hard with fundraisers to make this trip happen each year. Great job! Church news We are so blessed to have wonderful churches in our community. Even if you have never been to church before, trust me their doors are always open and with God’s love you will be welcomed. Sea Level Missionary Baptist Church welcomes their new pastor, Jonathan Behler and his wife Marla and their children, Mary Grace and Gabriel. They come to us from the Community Baptist Church in Havelock where Rev. Behler was the pastor for the last five years. So make sure you say “hello” and welcome them to our community. Also, we welcome Darcy Knight who is the (almost) new pastor at the Sea Level United Methodist Church. Ms. Knight has been in our community for about six months so make sure she feels welcome, too! Community history Clay Fulcher told me a story about a cold winter that occurred in 1918. His grandmother, Hopi Elizabeth “Bettie” Fulcher and her husband Clayton, went to the Pilentary on the Banks to visit her parents Alvin and Amelia Mason who at the time were the caretakers of the Pilentary Hunting Club on the Banks. Bettie Fulcher was pregnant and went into labor while on the Banks. Core Sound was complete- ly frozen over so they put Mrs. Fulcher on an ox cart and took her up the island to the Core Banks Coast Guard Station; where they put her on a skiff and pulled her across the sound to Atlantic where she gave birth to a daughter named Marian Agnes. Unfortunately, the baby girl did not live but just a few days and died from lockjaw. During the 1930s Clayton had a boat built by Ambrose Fulcher and named the boat the Marian A. This boat is still actively fishing in Core Sound today, 2014. Ruthie King — 241-0504

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Page 1: CYAN MAGENTA YELLOW BLACK - Carolina Coast Online€¦ · THE NEWS-TIMES Sunday, Jan. 19, 2014 5B CYAN MAGENTA YELLOW BLACK Vonda Willis — 728-3371 Bette Gillikin — 728-2710 Sanctity

THE NEWS-TIMES Sunday, Jan. 19, 2014 5B


Vonda Willis — 728-3371

Bette Gillikin — 728-2710

Sanctity of Human Life Week is Sunday, Jan. 19, through Saturday, Jan. 25. There will be a March for Life in Washington, D.C., on Thursday, Jan. 23.

MilestonesBirthday greetings to

Christopher Mason, Janie Rose, Karen Nelson, Ryan Lilley, Thad Gaskill, Gracey Alexandra Lawrence and Taylor O’Neal, today, and Amanda Jones, Walther Chadwick, Natalie Johnson, Chris Willis, Larry Nelson, Phyllis Lewis, Anita Davis and Charles Christian “Fella” Lewis, Jan. 20.

Also, Donna Wade, Wanda Willis, Isabella Marie Taylor, Jimmie Gillikin, Jodi Dickinson, Michelle Moore, Tommy Boarbeau, Sean Flowers, Nettie Lou Styron, Wendell Grady Fulcher II, Eleanor Joyce Kamplain, Carla W. Spencer, Rod Smith, Finley Rae Guthrie and Trey Fulcher, Jan. 21, and Jeff Moore, Jessica Lee McGee, Dexter Garner, James Parnell, Michelle Godwin and Hyacinth Rice, Jan. 22.

Also, Cathy Rose, Paul Damren, Tyler Shane East, Gina Caddell, Andrew Martin Moore and Louis “Soddy” Goodwin, Jan. 23; Patricia “Tesey” Sparks, Alan Rose, Greta Willis, Tonya Willis, Matthew Riley Lawrence, Brenda Best, James Teal and

Jean Edwards, Jan. 24; and Michael Ray Parrish, Barbara Rose, Margo Fulcher, Rona Midgett, Alexis Mariah Morris, Etta Willis, Taylor Brooks Orr, Jan Gabriel Gillikin and Lila Katherine Lewis, Jan. 23.

AnniversariesAnniversary wishes to Craig

and Veta Ann Guithrie, today; Malcolm “Red” and Collo Brooks, Jan. 21; Algernon and Effie Louise Gillikin, Rev. and Mrs. Paul and Belinda Loftin and Frances and Harold Will, Jan. 22.

Sick listLionel Scott and Durward

Gillikin had surgery Jan. 9 at Carteret General Hospital. Sonji Jones had minor surgery at the surgical center.

Others on the sick list are Roma Chadwick, Darlene Yeomans, Jack Waters, Michael Fulcher, Faye Moore, Billy Willis, Barbara Buck, Clara Brooks, Margaret Ann Gillikin, Ellen Guthrie, Betsy Guthrie, Avis Asdenti, Cecil Lawrence, Rena Lawrence, Thomas Smith, Makely Lewis, Hayden Fulcher, London Tudor, Dawn Best, Maxine Adams, Wayne Willis, Delaine Emory, Margaret Griffin and Priscilla Lewis.

Also, Cindy Wortham, Mary Lewis Mendelssohn, Kim Guthrie, Cheryl Lewis, Phil

Yeomans, Vernon Fulcher, Guion Garner, Joyce Fulcher, Benjamin Brooks, Michelle Godwin, Mack O’Neal, Edith Russell, Carol Gaskill, Stella Morris, Oliver Curtis Lewis, Carol Willis, Garvin Kirkland, Nola Mae Willis, Bernice Willis, Fammie Willis, Frankie Guthrie, Madge Guthrie, Garry Yeomans, Linda Collins, Faye Moore, Debbie Guthrie, Iris Gillikin, Janice Fisher, Elva Irvine and Grady George Davis.

Also, Donna Davis, Martha Salter, Carolyn Salter, Carolyn Lewis, Glenda Taylor, Lila Styron, Ed Butler, Elva Mae Johnson, Billy Hall, Etheridge Davis, Almeta Gaskill, Lisa Register, Almeria Shipp, Lou Paylor, Eric and Vickie Pittman, Charles Tyler, Alan Baker, Jo Hackley, Saundra Gillikin, Wanda Willis, Randolph Grady, Phyllis Gillikin, Billy and Patsy Taylor, Ed and Donna Paylor, Benjamin Brooks, Frankie Guthrie, Susie Nelson, Fernie Willis, Kemp Styron, Roy Lewis, Sophia Willis, Lexie Fulcher, Paula Lewis, Barbara Lewis, Willis Carroll Nelson and Hallas Rose.

Remember themRemember those in our

nursing home including Fannie Gillikin and Alva James Goodwin, Snug Harbor; James Milton Hill, Minnie Evelyn Willis, Colleen Willis, Rennie Moore, Kevin Foley, Crystal Bluffs; Lillian Thompson, Harborview; and Louie Truman Dixon and Robin Dixon, Taylor Extended Care in Sea Level.

SympathyOur sympathy to the Gary

Lewis family of Marshallberg. Gary died Sunday, Jan. 12. He had friends on Harkers Island.

Our sympathy to the fam-ily of Rena Belle Watson of Morehead City. Her ser-vice was Saturday, Jan. 11, at Open Door Baptist Church in Morehead City. Officiating was Pastor Jerry Linebarger. Pallbearers were Tom Cook, David Ballou, Clyde Ebron, Jim Garner, John Deibert and Lloyd Newman. Attending the service from Harkers Island were Ruth Lewis, Mae Yeomans, Lee Willis, Larry and Suzette Guthrie, Debra Rose and Vickie Brennan.

Ruth Lewis was in the room at Crystal Bluffs with Rena while Ruth was taking therapy and they became good friends. Rena was a sweet lady and will be missed by her family, friends and the staff at Crystal Bluffs. Minnie Evelyn Willis and Colleen Willis, residents of Crystal Bluffs, attended the funeral.

Come ‘n’ goTerry and Faith Barbour of

Atlantic Beach visited Faith’s father Clark Davis during the holidays.

William Lloyd of Marshallberg visited Anthony Nelson on Sunday, Jan. 12.

Marilyn Lloyd Rose host-ed a birthday luncheon for her granddaughter, Tabitha Kington, on Sunday, Jan. 12. Attending were Eddie Rose, Eddie Glenn Rose, Mia Smith, Melissa Smith, Zack Kington and Owen Kington.

Donovan and Renee Willis and Nora Catherine of Beaufort were dinner guests of Donovan’s parents, James and Susan Willis, on Sunday, Jan. 12.

You’re invitedThe United Methodist

Church family invites every-one to a baby shower drop in from 3 to 4:30 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 25, at Sea Side Restaurant. Parents Pete and Karen Lewis are expecting a boy! Proud grandmother is Carman Koonce and great-grandmoth-er is Madeline Lewis.

The Bridge newsBridge walkers first group

walk at 8:30 a.m. Monday and the second group walks at 1 p.m. at the Bridge building across from Capt. Wayne’s store. Get your feet moving! Come and walk and have a great time to exercise and fellowship.

School newsReport cards go home Tuesday,

Jan. 28. Students have a holi-day Monday and Tuesday is a teacher workday, students return Wednesday, Jan. 22. Award day is Wednesday, Jan. 29.

Community Bingo Night is Feb. 7. Homemade chili with cracker, hotdogs, popcorn and nacho’s with cheese will be available. Harkers Island School PTO sponsors the evening. For further information contact the school at 728-3755.

Church newsThose celebrating January

birthdays from Huggins Memorial Baptist Church and their guests enjoyed lunch at Sea Side Restaurant on Sunday, Jan. 13.

There will be no children’s ministry until February at the United Methodist Church.

The Relief Society of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, led by

Margo Fulford, met Tuesday night for a special enrich-ment meeting. The sisters who attended enjoyed visiting with one another and writing notes to other sisters who, for vari-ous reasons, had not attended church meetings regularly. The ladies enjoyed peach cob-bler for dessert.

The Family History Center will be open from 6 until 8 p.m. the first and third Wednesday nights of the month. Other times may be requested, as consultants are available. Visitors are welcome.

Pentecostal news“Happy Birthday” was sung

to Josh Guthrie and Fredrick Willis during the Sun day school hour at Pentecostal Holiness Church on Sunday, Jan. 12.

Smyrna Pentecostal Holiness Church will hold a district meeting at 7 p.m. Jan. 23.

The following poem was in the Free Grace Wesleyan Church bulletin.

In faith, O Lord, you guided me

Through every day of the year;

Come doubt or pain,Your hand was always near.The year was long, each day

unknown,Till I had trod it through;But ever did I walk secure

Because you walked there too.That year is past and all its

days,Now finished, lie behind;

But reaching out ahead of meA strange new year I find.So strange, untried, these

newer daysBut, Lord, I have no fear

For I know well that every hour

Your presence will be near.

Tomorrow is a day to honor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. who was born Jan. 15, 1929, in Atlanta, Ga.

His father and maternal grandfather were both Baptist ministers and his paternal grandfather spent most of his life as a sharecropper.

He graduated from Morehouse College and com-pleted advanced studies at Crozer Theological Seminary and Boston University.

He was ordained a minister in 1947 and in 1953 he mar-ried Coretta Scott of Marion, Ala.

Dr. King became the pastor of the Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery in 1954.

He began his civil rights crusade in 1955.

He led boycotts and demon-strations and tried to convince people that civil rights could be won through nonviolent protests but he often became the target of violence.

He was stabbed in New York City, stoned in Chicago, his home in Montgomery was bombed and he was shot and killed April 4, 1968, in Memphis, Tenn., by James Earl Ray.

Millions marched from the Lincoln Memorial to the Washington Monument Aug. 28, 1963, where Dr. King said, “I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of it’s creed: ‘We hold these truths to be self-evident; that all men are created equal.’ ”


Birthday greetings to Janette Gillikin, Ethelle Wills, Janie Rose, Marty Willis, Ailene Newkirk, Christa Laxton, Matthew Lawrence, Travis Bartram, Gracey Alexandra Lawrence and Lee Davis, today and Teresa G. Gillikin, Amanda Raquel Jones, Camden Jessee, Chris Willis and Jacob Nelson, Jan. 20.

Also to Jeffrey Farlee, Cherrie Piner, Grady Wendel Fulcher III, Ashley Hendricks, Jonathan Hendricks, Dennis Dyer, Jeff Penny and Melissa Phillips, Jan. 21.

Also to Kathy Gillikin, James Parnell Jr., Neil Ripke, Richard Hamilton, Landon Shane Lawrence and Linda Watson, Jan. 22.

Also to Brandi Gillikin, Paul Gillikin, Jim Malone, Sarah Hancock, Michael Paul

Damren, Levi Gillikin and Patricia Butler, Jan. 23;

Also, Chris Salter, Jan. 24.

AnniversariesAnniversary wishes to Mary

Elza and Berkley Gillikin and Roberta and Jim Malone, Jan. 20.

Also, Frances and Harold Will and Stacy and Dan Bartolini, Jan. 22.

Also, Jane and Kevin Treon, Jan. 24.

Also, Jane and Craig Dudley, Jan. 25.

Prayer list

We need to keep in our prayers Barbara Gillikin who is still in Carteret General Hospital and Berkley Gillikin who was admitted there Jan. 11.

E.P. Gillikin was discharged from there Jan. 12.

Jack Smith has been dis-charged from there and is back to work.

We need to remember to pray for Buck Lewis who is at Duke University Medical Center, Katlyn Thomas, Dallas Arthur, Ray Varga, Elberta Salter, and Eric Pittman who were taken to Carteret General last week. Others on the prayer list are Mary Mendelson, Serina Mason, Whitney Foskey, Lynn Barselow, Dorothea Lawrence, David Salter, Hiram Gillikin, Kenneth Waddell Gillikin, Patsy and Doug Hardison, Deloris Thompson, Betty Jean Gillikin, Cecil Arthur, Sharon Gillikin, Alice Cherry, Josh Gillikin, and Rowena Killmon,

Also, Marie Lawrence, Betty and Richard Walker, David Gill, Thressa Taylor, Cecil G. Gillikin, Janet Cannon, Maxine Lawrence, Phyllis Rae Gillikin, Andy Gillikin, Rodney Paul Gillikin, Clara Gillikin, Ike Hurlburt, Ronnie Warren, Jerry Hardesty, Billy Clark Lawrence, Vance Gillikin, Dorothy Taylor, Harriette Wilde, Melvin Hunnings, John Hill, Phyllis Hunnings, Pat Gillikin, Wendy Gillikin and Toni Stephens. Remember them

Bobby Gray Gillikin is at Snug Harbor on Nelson Bay and hoping to go home very soon.

Others in nursing homes are Annie Frances Willis, Crystal Coast Family Care

Home; Catherine Golden and Phyllis Gentry, Harborview Rehabilitation and Health Care Center; Pauline Lawrence, Goldine Gillikin and Reta Mae Lewis at Crystal Bluffs Rehabilitation and Health Care; Esther Gillikin, Alta Rose and Shirley T. Gillikin, Carteret House, Newport; Leland Gillikin and Robbie Dixon, Heritage Health Care at Taylor Place; Hilda Gillikin, Cherry Point Bay Nursing Home and Rehabilitation and Health Care Center and Rita Ann Faircloth, The Heritage in Richlands.

They really appreciate vis-its so stop in and visit when you can.

Come ‘n’ go

Judy and Martin Rose, Otway, were in Hampton, Va., last weekend watching their granddaughters participate in sport activities.

Madisyn Van Gorder ran in the Suffolk Track Invitational where her time in the 4x800 qualified her to run in the upcoming event at Virginia Tech on Saturday, Feb. 1. They also attended soccer games where Madisyn scored two of the four goals that led their 4-0 win and Camryn Rose scored one goal that led to her team’s win of 3-1.

Stacy, Scott and Anderson “Gilly” Gillikin were at Snowshoe, W.Va., Jan. 11-13 for a weekend of skiing. Gilly was able to participate in activities especially for the youngsters. Luckily they weren’t near the part of the state where they had all the water problems.

Shelby Batton visited with Jennifer, Danny McAderco and their 2-year-old daughter Aubree for a week recently at their home in Bloomingdale, Ga.

Otway Fire and Rescue

Otway Fire and Rescue held their regular monthly meeting Jan. 13.

A new name was proposed for membership and will be voted on next month.

Refreshments were served to honor the members that have birthdays during this quarter.

It was reported that the Red Cross Bloodmobile held on Jan. 10, was a success. Sixty-one folks signed up and 53 pints of blood were collected helping us surpass our goal of 40 pints.

The Red Cross had sent out this message:

“Just as everyone is getting back into a routine following the holidays, Mother Nature is doing her best to keep people off the roads across much of the U.S. Severe winter storm Hercules dumped deep snow in the Northeast and extreme

cold is penetrating the central U.S.

As a result, the American Red Cross expects blood drive cancellations and low donor turnouts in these areas. And yet, despite some donors hav-ing a reduced ability to donate, patients will continue to need blood products. Donors in unaffected areas are urged to help make up the donations lost in the weather-impacted areas. It’s the blood already on the shelves that helps save lives in an emergency.”

So special thanks to all who turned out and helped us make our goal and be able to help ensure that hospitals and patients have the blood they need.

The next blood drive will be held Friday, March 7, from noon until 5 p.m.

School news

Applications are available at East Carteret High School for the Gloucester Community Club’s Woodrow and Mary Dudley Price Scholarship.

Interested students should see Ms. Lindogan for applica-tions.

Church news

Woodville Baptist Church will have dramatist and story-teller, Hannah Shively, at their 11 a.m. service today present-ing her new presentation of “The Hat.”

All are invited to come.

Special daysJan. 19: James Watt, Scottish

inventor born in 1736; Robert E. Lee born in 1807; Edgar Allan Poe, American author born in 1809; Steelmaker, Sir Henry Bessemer born in 1813; Paul Cezanne, French painter born in 1839.

Jan. 20: The roller coast-er patented in 1885; Mischa Elman, American violist born in 1891.

Jan. 21: Confederate Gen. “Stonewall” Jackson born in 1824; the Nautilus, first atom-ic powered ship launched in 1954.

Jan. 22: Stone bullets used in battle in 1514; Francis Bacon, English author born in 1561; Lord Byron, English poet, born in 1788.

Jan. 23: Patriot, statesman John Hancock born in 1737; French painter Edouard Manet born in 1832.

Jan. 24: Gold discovered in California in 1848; First Boy Scout Troop organized in 1907.

Jan. 25: Robert Burns, Scottish poet, born in 1759; Transcontinental telephone service established in the United States in 1915; Coast-to-coast jet service began in 1959.

Editor’s Note: Ruthie King will be the new correspon-dent for the Atlantic and Sea Level communities. To contact her, call 241-0504 or email [email protected].

Hello, everyone I am hon-ored to be your new corre-spondent for the Atlantic and Sea Level communities.

Although I am from “Off,” I sure do love these communi-ties and everyone has been so welcoming to me during the past 11 years that I have lived here.

It is with great pleasure that I get to share with others about these two communities; how-ever, I will need your help to provide information to share.

So please contact me and tell me what is happening with your church, school, organiza-tion or anything of interest that you would like to share.

Prayer listPlease keep all of our

loved ones who are sick, in the hospital, Snug Harbor and Heritage Health Center in your prayers.

Also, pray for our local fishermen and thank God for the wonderful bounty in our pristine waters that our fisher-men gather for all us to enjoy.

Jack Goodwin is recuperat-ing slowly but nicely he said, so we want to continue to pray for him and his good health.

Snug Harbor newsThursday, Jan. 23, is

National Pie Day and Snug Harbor is inviting guests to come and share with them your favorite pie.

It can be a chicken potpie to apple, pecan — whatever is your best.

There are so many of you who cook marvelously so I know that some really good pies are going to show up for this event.

It will be at 6:30 p.m. If you would like to share your recipe, bring that, too.

Talk about a YUMMY time!

School newsThe eighth grade class will

be leaving for their annual Washington, D.C., trip this week.

We wish you all safe travels and lots of fun.

Parents and students both work hard with fundraisers to

make this trip happen each year.

Great job!

Church news We are so blessed to have

wonderful churches in our community.

Even if you have never been to church before, trust me their doors are always open and with God’s love you will be welcomed.

Sea Level Missionary Baptist Church welcomes their new pastor, Jonathan Behler and his wife Marla and their children, Mary Grace and Gabriel.

They come to us from the Community Baptist Church in Havelock where Rev. Behler was the pastor for the last five years.

So make sure you say “hello” and welcome them to our community.

Also, we welcome Darcy Knight who is the (almost) new pastor at the Sea Level United Methodist Church.

Ms. Knight has been in our community for about six months so make sure she feels welcome, too!

Community history Clay Fulcher told me a

story about a cold winter that occurred in 1918.

His grandmother, Hopi Elizabeth “Bettie” Fulcher and her husband Clayton, went to the Pilentary on the Banks to visit her parents Alvin and Amelia Mason who at the time were the caretakers of the Pilentary Hunting Club on the Banks.

Bettie Fulcher was pregnant and went into labor while on the Banks.

Core Sound was complete-ly frozen over so they put Mrs. Fulcher on an ox cart and took her up the island to the Core Banks Coast Guard Station; where they put her on a skiff and pulled her across the sound to Atlantic where she gave birth to a daughter named Marian Agnes.

Unfortunately, the baby girl did not live but just a few days and died from lockjaw.

During the 1930s Clayton had a boat built by Ambrose Fulcher and named the boat the Marian A.

This boat is still actively fishing in Core Sound today, 2014.

Ruthie King — 241-0504