cxf 300 brochure

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  • 8/17/2019 CXF 300 Brochure


    ProductMaglev wind power generator design comes into the world , it isTYPMAR scientific and technical personnel that integrate design,

    Utility Design, Electrical Engineering, Power mechanics, Airatmosphere, Engineering, Wind tnnel fractional disciplines , andadopt magnetic levitation technology theory, wor! with no

    mechanical friction, no gear in the motor case"

    T#MAR technology wind solar hy$rid lighting system concldes thefollowing application types%Wind solar hy$rid landscape lighting system with in$ilt streetmonitoring camera&Wind solar hy$rid street lighting system with in$ilt streetmonitoring camera&

    Wind solar hy$rid lighting system for correspondence station within$ilt street monitoring camera&Wind solar hy$rid lighting system for commercial with in$iltstreet monitoring camera&Wind solar hy$rid system for homes&


    Rated Power%'((WWind wheel diameter%)"*'M+)"(MWeight%*-./

    0ladeMaterial%AlminmAlloyThe nm$er of $lade%'Minimm wind speed start%)m+sMinimm power windspeed%*m+sMinimm charge wind speed%*"1m+sRated wind speed%)*m+sMa2imm ct off windspeed%)1m+s

    Resistant to wind speed limit%31m+sThe type of /enerator% Three4phase A5 maglev windtr$ine5ontrollor otpt voltage%*675ontrollor otptcrrent%8)(Amp

    5ontrollor $ra!e system%9ver speed atomatic Three4phase:hort4circit $ra!ing ;ormal operating temperatre%4'(~1( ℃

    SECURITY ONTOP LIMITEDRegional representatives of Shenzhen Typer !in" Te#hnology Copany

    $%th& 'n" (loor& Le)re* Plaza& +,ose +"eog-n Street& Uta.o& +)-,a/ Mo)ile0 '$1%234''2141&'$1%2$2546$3%/ E7ail0 Se#-rityontop8live/#o

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  • 8/17/2019 CXF 300 Brochure


    Darrieus wind turbineA, Darries wind tr$ine once sed to generate electricity on many

    #slands 。

    The Darries wind tr$ine is a type of vertical a2is wind tr$inest as efficient as thepropeller type if wind speed is constant" At $eginning, this

    efficiency is rarely reali?ed de to the physical stresses andlimitations imposed $y a practical design and wind speedvariation" @owever, Maglev technology ma!es it perfect" Evenfrom e2treme wind conditions, The Timar maglev wind generatorprotects three darries $lades, and $ra!ing system with overspeed atomatic Three4phase short4circit $ra!ing fnction "

    Maglev wind turbines: 

    The innovation of Magnetic levitation wind tr$ine, it refers to

    many aspects, :ch as scientific appearance, applied

    consideration, electrical engineering, power machinery,

    Atmospheric :cience, wind tnnel e2periment, magnetic

    levitation technology, compter4simlated fractional disciplines,

    among which Maglev wind tr$ine is nearly perfect one" Under

    the light theory of magnetic levitation technology, fan motor will

    $e rotated $y wind power withot any mechanical friction" :ince

    the generator has no l$ricant and no gear, the Magleve wind

    tr$ine are high4performance power generation, smooth

    operation, which is a milestone for a new age of power

    SECURITY ONTOP LIMITEDRegional representatives of Shenzhen Typer !in" Te#hnology Copany

    $%th& 'n" (loor& Le)re* Plaza& +,ose +"eog-n Street& Uta.o& +)-,a/ Mo)ile0 '$1%234''2141&'$1%2$2546$3%/ E7ail0 Se#-rityontop8live/#o

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • 8/17/2019 CXF 300 Brochure



    @AWT A;D M7AWT

    ItemHorizontal axis(HAWT)

    Vertical axis (EML)

    Start indspeed

    Hi!"(#$m%s) Lo(&m%s)



    e'uire staleind direction An* ind direction


    educe t"ee++icienc*

    E++icienc* is not a++ected



    ,"an!e * ind

    direction Wit"out an* ind e++ect

    -oiseLar!e(./deciels or more)

    Lo nois*(ecause t"ere is nomec"anical +riction)



    -ormal 0eauti+ul

    Installation "ei!"t

    Hi!"(need toa1oid t"e terrainturulence)

    Lo(not a+raid o+turulence)

    Installatio 2ust in open area An* location

    SECURITY ONTOP LIMITEDRegional representatives of Shenzhen Typer !in" Te#hnology Copany

    $%th& 'n" (loor& Le)re* Plaza& +,ose +"eog-n Street& Uta.o& +)-,a/ Mo)ile0 '$1%234''2141&'$1%2$2546$3%/ E7ail0 Se#-rityontop8live/#o

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • 8/17/2019 CXF 300 Brochure


    n location li3e suur


    Plastic orcomposite



    Poor (eas* toro3en)

    Hi!"(doule stren!t"enarm)

    esistanceo+ ind


    Poor(aout .5m%s)


    The application of 5B'(( Maglev wind tr$ine%

    5A:E )

    SECURITY ONTOP LIMITEDRegional representatives of Shenzhen Typer !in" Te#hnology Copany

    $%th& 'n" (loor& Le)re* Plaza& +,ose +"eog-n Street& Uta.o& +)-,a/ Mo)ile0 '$1%234''2141&'$1%2$2546$3%/ E7ail0 Se#-rityontop8live/#o

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • 8/17/2019 CXF 300 Brochure


    5A:E *

    SECURITY ONTOP LIMITEDRegional representatives of Shenzhen Typer !in" Te#hnology Copany

    $%th& 'n" (loor& Le)re* Plaza& +,ose +"eog-n Street& Uta.o& +)-,a/ Mo)ile0 '$1%234''2141&'$1%2$2546$3%/ E7ail0 Se#-rityontop8live/#o

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • 8/17/2019 CXF 300 Brochure


    5A:E '

    SECURITY ONTOP LIMITEDRegional representatives of Shenzhen Typer !in" Te#hnology Copany

    $%th& 'n" (loor& Le)re* Plaza& +,ose +"eog-n Street& Uta.o& +)-,a/ Mo)ile0 '$1%234''2141&'$1%2$2546$3%/ E7ail0 Se#-rityontop8live/#o

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • 8/17/2019 CXF 300 Brochure


    SECURITY ONTOP LIMITEDRegional representatives of Shenzhen Typer !in" Te#hnology Copany

    $%th& 'n" (loor& Le)re* Plaza& +,ose +"eog-n Street& Uta.o& +)-,a/ Mo)ile0 '$1%234''2141&'$1%2$2546$3%/ E7ail0 Se#-rityontop8live/#o

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • 8/17/2019 CXF 300 Brochure


    5A:E 6

    SECURITY ONTOP LIMITEDRegional representatives of Shenzhen Typer !in" Te#hnology Copany

    $%th& 'n" (loor& Le)re* Plaza& +,ose +"eog-n Street& Uta.o& +)-,a/ Mo)ile0 '$1%234''2141&'$1%2$2546$3%/ E7ail0 Se#-rityontop8live/#o

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • 8/17/2019 CXF 300 Brochure


    SECURITY ONTOP LIMITEDRegional representatives of Shenzhen Typer !in" Te#hnology Copany

    $%th& 'n" (loor& Le)re* Plaza& +,ose +"eog-n Street& Uta.o& +)-,a/ Mo)ile0 '$1%234''2141&'$1%2$2546$3%/ E7ail0 Se#-rityontop8live/#o

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]