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Couriosity magazine for couriosity people. By Estefania Mateos & Maria Atarés

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Post on 06-Apr-2016




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Couriosity magazine for couriosity people.

By Estefania Mateos & Maria Atarés


Was the gold used as a medicine?Gold is a chemical element. It is a bright yellow dense, soft, malleable and ductile metal. Is very expensive and it is usually used to jewellery.

But how our ancestors use it?

From BC, gold has been part of the treatment of some illnesses, of course for rich patients.

It’s said that Cleopatra slept with a gold mask to purify the skin of her face.

In Rome gold was prescribed as an oinment for the people’s skins. Troghtout history those who could affordit, chewed leafs of it or had grinded gold with their drinks.

At present medicine with gold hasn’t stopped, with the name of cristoterapia. It’s useful for anti-inflammatory treatment and the results are good for rehumatism, but the absoption can cause

secondary damage.


Was the gold used as a medicine?



Action videogames improve our learn capacity.

There are a lot of types of videogames. But do you know that the action one are good for our learning?

A study of the magazine, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, explains it to us.

In a study published in the magazine Proceedings of the Nationa Academy of Sciences, Bavelier and her coworkers say that our brains are all the time thinking about what is going to happen next. It isn’t important if we’re listening a song, driving or swimming, the brains work too.

“For this reason, our brains build templates of the world” she explains. “When more settled are they, our effciency will be best. Now we know that action video games encourage these templates getting better”.

The voluntaries that participate in the test keep and get best results of it one year ago.


Action video games imrove our learn capacity.



How many tribes remain in the world?At present we live in a developed planet but there are still tribes in parts of the world that don’t have medicines, books, education...

How many tribes remain in it?

The scyentists say that they are about a undred of humans groups without any comunication with the exterior world. Anthropologists explain that forty of the total live in Brasil and fifteen in Perú. Another tribes live in the Amazonian jungle like Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Andamán islands and New Guinea.

After the tsunami at the asiatic south east in 2004, the syencists were worried about “centineleses” a tribe that

lives in the Andamàn islands. When a helicopter flew above it area they watch the tribe. They survive.

The sciencist knows that they can’t be with the tribes because they can’t expose them to deadly sickness wich haven’t developed defenses.


How many tribes remain in the world?



Cake pops

We explain to you how to make cake-pops.

300 gr. Cake or a normal cake

2 White chocolate squares

2 Black chocolate or chocolate with milk squares

150 gr. Mascarpone cheese

Baker decorations

Some Sticks

A bowl

1-First of all we crumble the cake in a bowl, you can crumble with the hands as you want.

2-Then we mix mascarpone cheese with the

crumbled cake with the hands and it has to look not too liquid not too tough.

3-We make little balls with the dough and we put them at the fridge for 45 min.

4-Melt the chocolate into different bowls.

5-Take the little balls of dough out of the fridge and put chocolate on the top of the sticks and put the stick chocolate part into the little ball.

6-Wait a few minutes to let the stick’s chocolate get cold.

7-Then we cover the balls with chocolate and we put them sticks into a cork.

8-Now you can decorate your cake pops with chocolate chips, color chips, little hearths…

9-We put them into the fridge again and after 20 or 30 minutes you can eat them!





Bustards take venom to 'flirt' moreAre these animals becaming crazy?

Those birds, didn’t become crazy. It looks like something crazy, but it isn’t.

Bustards are large, strictly terrestrial birds. Males may reach 18 kg; females are half the size of the males.

Scientists already knew the large birds, which are native to parts of Europe and Asia, snack on toxic insects to clear their guts of certain intestinal parasites, including bacteria, nematodes, and tapeworms.

But the new research, published this week in PLOS ONE, shows that males eat substantially more venom than females, a strategy that makes them appear healthy—and thus sexier—during courtship rituals.

Females feel attraction to the males who are clean and healthy for mating.


Bustards take venom to 'flirt' more