cvps logo!! reflections · cvps meetings februaray 2015 . little red church, comox 7 - 9pm....

CVPS REFLECTIONS F EBRUARY 2015 ~ V OLUME 4, I SSUE 2 Inside this issue: Focused on Kristy 2 Prez Sez 3 Field Trips 4 Note It 6 Positions Available 7 Archiving for Whom? 9 Ads 11 CVPS Meetings Februaray 2015 Little Red Church, Comox 7 - 9pm February 11 - Education Night - Mike Byrne from ClockTower Images in Victoria will lecture on wildlife photography. February 25th - Image Expressions Night A stunning image of Oyster River Potholes by Lisa Coleman! Thanks for getting it in for the Shoot For Cover theme, ‘Water!’ The theme for the next SHOOT FOR COVER is ‘Emotions.’ Send me your best shot representing an emotion. I will choose one photo that will be featured on the cover of Reflections next month. You may send in more than one image. Send your submission(s) to cvpsreflec [email protected]. Submission deadline is February 22, 2015. __________________________________ Awaiting new logo!!

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Page 1: CVPS logo!! REFLECTIONS · CVPS Meetings Februaray 2015 . Little Red Church, Comox 7 - 9pm. February 11 - Education Night - Mike Byrne from ClockTower Images . in Victoria will lecture


F EB RUARY 2015 ~ V OLUM E 4 , I SSU E 2

Inside this issue:

Focused on Kristy 2

Prez Sez 3

Field Trips 4

Note It 6

Positions Available 7

Archiving for Whom? 9

Ads 11

CVPS Meetings Februaray 2015

Little Red Church, Comox 7 - 9pm

February 11 - Education Night - Mike Byrne from ClockTower Images in Victoria will lecture on wildlife photography.

February 25th - Image Expressions Night

A stunning image of Oyster River Potholes by Lisa Coleman! Thanks for getting it in for the Shoot For Cover theme, ‘Water!’

The theme for the next SHOOT FOR COVER is ‘Emotions.’ Send me your best shot representing an emotion. I will choose one photo that will be featured on the cover of Reflections next month. You may send in more than one image. Send your submission(s) to cvpsreflec [email protected]. Submission deadline is February 22, 2015. __________________________________

Awaiting new logo!!

Page 2: CVPS logo!! REFLECTIONS · CVPS Meetings Februaray 2015 . Little Red Church, Comox 7 - 9pm. February 11 - Education Night - Mike Byrne from ClockTower Images . in Victoria will lecture

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Originally from the lower mainland, and after spending 35 years in Vancouver, Kristy Knowlan moved to the valley 15 months ago. Kristy lived in Victoria, many years in the past, but this is her first time back living on the rock.

Kristy did not waste any time signing up as a club member – she moved here in October 2013, and became a member that same month. Perhaps her sister, Kerry Dawson, had something to do with it – just a hunch!

So far we have impressed Kristy – she is really enjoying her member-ship with CVPS. Kristy loves to learn and finds the Education eve-nings informative and pleasurable. The Image Expression’s evenings motivate Kristy to get out with her camera and photograph the

month’s Competition and Challenge. She also loves to view the work of other members, seeing how they interpret each month’s theme. Kristy is also happy to be making new friends through the club.

Being on the island has inspired Kristy to photo-graph subjects around the water’s edge – sunsets, creatures, and of course, the water itself. While in the city Kristy favoured urban photography, and while she misses the opportunities to capture amazing cityscapes, Kristy is very partial to photo-graphing water and its surroundings. Kristy has also become quite keen on macro photography, finding it fun to capture objects so up-close and personal. She argues that the close-up perspectives make her subjects look very different when seeing them from a more intimate vantage point.

I always like to ask the month’s profile their phi-losophy on photography – I feel as though it gives me a deeper perspective of the member. I really resonate with Kristy’s photographic philosophy: ‘It's interesting to me how you can have two pho-tographers at the same place, taking a shot of the same thing, yet both images can be completely dif-ferent. We see things differently, we feel different

passions in what we see and I believe one can get a good feel for another's passions by their photog-raphy. I think photography is definitely an art form and an expression of the photographer’s passions and emotions and they can bring those feelings out in the observer of the photo.’

Kristy is a girl who loves to create – she loves to use her hands to make beautiful things: paper, mirrors, gift boxes from matt board, hand painted t-shirts, painted light switch plates, origami....the list is long! The manipulation and post-processing portion of photography is something Kristy also devotes time to – she loves to manipu-late and layer photos. Kristy used to work in graphic design which may have lent to her crea-tive and hands-on endeavours.

Life has been good to Kristy since moving to the valley - she is making new friends, getting out with her camera, involving herself in activities she likes, and enjoying the company of her sister. Kristy is also overcoming some difficulties and is now delighted to be reinventing herself. Kristy has two ‘amazing’ sons - one who lives here with her and the other who is still in Vancouver and who she misses tremendously.

Kristy has become part of the ImageFest team. As long-time members begin to retire from their volunteer positions, the club needs new members to step-up and help run the CVPS – it is new members like Kristy who the club needs to-day. It has been my pleasure writing about you this month Kristy – welcome to the club and thanks for your candidness! (JMM)

Focused on Kristy Knowlan

Page 3: CVPS logo!! REFLECTIONS · CVPS Meetings Februaray 2015 . Little Red Church, Comox 7 - 9pm. February 11 - Education Night - Mike Byrne from ClockTower Images . in Victoria will lecture

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A SIG is a Special Interest Group or Shared Interest Group. This is an acronym for a group or community within a larger organization with a shared interest in advancing a specific area of knowledge, learning or technology with other mem-bers by discussing the subject at meetings or outings.

For our purposes we are using the term Shared Interest Group because we want everyone that attends to contribute to the group.

~SIG’s are small groups that have formed under the auspices of the CVPS. ~Each SIG has anywhere from a couple of members up to about ten or twelve. ~You do not have to be an expert to start a SIG but would like

to know more about a challenging area of photography for you and possibly others. ~A leader or facilitator will usually set up the SIG - Since the leader has taken the time to set up a SIG – they

can decide where, when, who and what the subject will cover. ~A SIG can last anywhere from one night to several weeks or months. ~If attendees drop out the facilitator can decide if new members can come into the group at that time. ~Should be willing to make a brief report back to the club in regards to the subject, how it works, successes,

problems, summary of activities.

Some of the SIG’s at the present time:

~Adobe Photoshop Elements with Don Mayers – may be accepting more ~Nikon Full Frame Cameras – Ron Mulligan – may be accepting more ~Printmakers SIG – Ernst Vegt – yes ~Available Light Photography – Ron Racine/Bill Jorgensen ~Available Light Photography – Nimisha Jimenez – Group 2

~Basics and Beyond – Cecile Turnbull – NEW up to 10 members If interested e-mail Cecile Turnbull [email protected]

This new SIG will consist of the following: ~Know your manual and your camera ~Camera modes, histograms, flash, white balance ~How to hold your camera ~Photography jargon ~Learn the Exposure triangle – ISO, shutter speed and aperture ~Understanding Exposure ~Storing, processing, saving photos/ Exif data ~Sessions will include hands on camera work, field trips, challenges, guests.

Hope this information is helpful to other members who are not sure what a SIG is or does. We hope that more club members either start one or join an existing SIG to enhance your photographic skills. Cecile Turnbull - the Prez

Prez Sez - What is a SIG?

Photo by Bill Turnbull

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Sunday, 22 February - Mt. Washington On Shoes!

We’ve done this one before and it was a great outing! We’ll start out on a nice jaunt around the area on the shoes before breaking for a bonfire and hotdog roast. We’ll supply the food - you bring your beverage - hot choco-late, hot toddy…. Your welcome to stick around to shoot the stars if they are out. Never been on snowshoes? It really is a cinch! You can rent snowshoes at some of the local sport shops.

Meet: 2pm at Home Depot for car pooling or meet half way up the Mountain

Registration: Required

C o n t a c t J o A n n e M c E l r o y : [email protected]


Field Trip Team: Peter Sinclair - Coordinator

Jamie Chartrand; Bob Ell; Don Tait; JoAnne

McElroy; Cecile Turnbull


If you attend either or both of the outings this month please consider submitting an image to the newsletter - I am always happy to accept submissions for Reflections.

Send to: [email protected].

Thursday, 12 February - Union Bay Trail

Enjoy a morning stroll through the pictur-esque trails in Union Bay. Photograph the natural wonders of this area before heading to the Roy Towne Pub for lunch.

Meet: 9:30 am at Union Bay Hall

Registration: Required

Bring: Good walking footwear

Contact Bob Ell: [email protected]



Field Trips –February 2015

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Tracy Pickton cap-tured Lewis Park under water during the intense rain we had this winter in the Comox Valley . Great record of the flood Tracy!

Sunset in Rome! Sounds like a scene from a movie or a ro-mance novel - nope, just a great shot by Rick Kenney. This silhouette image, with St. Peter’s in the background , is a beauty! Thanks Rick.

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RHODOS: The next photography display change at Rhodo’s Cafe is on Sunday, February 1st at 3:00pm. Come down for a coffee and visit with fellow camera club members.If you would like to show your framed images in upcoming months, please send an email to [email protected].

____________________________________________________________ IMAGEFEST: Imagefest is fast approaching! We have the Sid Williams Theatre booked for our 5th annual (and possibly final) Imagefest presentation on Saturday, March 28th. We are looking forward to seeing all the great slideshows our talented members have put together (or are busy putting together) for this showcase of photographic talent! As of January 20th, only 35 tickets have been sold for the show, so we need ALL of our members to get out and buy their tickets, or purchase them online, and perhaps think of buying a ticket for a friend or neighbour - let's see if we can't, once again, pack the Sid in a celebration of photographic arts!


IMAGE EXPRESSIONS: Next month's themes will be: Competition - Negative Space; Challenge - Still Life. Submissions must be received by 5:00 pm on Sunday, 22 February 2015. Keep shooting! ____________________________________________________________ RELECTIONS EMAIL: Please make a note that Reflections has a new email: [email protected] ____________________________________________________________

Note It - February

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Our Executive is looking for members to fill the following positions on the Executive. If you feel that you would be a good candidate for one of these positions, please contact Lin Auer-bach at [email protected] or Cecile Turnbull at [email protected].

1 year term leading into President


Carry out the duties of President during if absent.

Bank and cheque signing authority is granted to this position.

Complete and submit annual report (Form 11) to the BC Registry Services.

Annually renew Society executive and Society membership insurance.

Maintain Society inventory, and any user manuals. Beginning each term of office, count society assets and record condition and location. Prior to AGM re-confirm inventory status and sub-mit a copy to the Treasurer.

May also hold an appointed position.

Liaise with the North Island College coordinator the budget allocation regarding the student bur-sary award.

2 year term


Manage the correspondence of the Society.

Bank and cheque-signing authority is granted to this position.

Hold key to the post office box.

Record and distribute meeting minutes appropriately.

Maintain an archival system for minutes, reports, correspondence, and documents of the Society.

In the absence of the Secretary from a meeting, the President shall appoint a member to record and distribute meeting minutes.

The office of Secretary and Treasurer may be combined and held by one person should the mem-bership drop below 25 members.

Keep a list of approved by-law motions passed at meetings during the course of the year, and sub-mit to the executive and the Constitution Review Committee by December 31.

2 year term – this is an excellent place to get to know your club and how it works


May also hold an appointed position if a vacancy occurs in any committee.

Assists as directed by the President.

Executive Positions Available

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It’s a perfect image by Maxine Mailman! This hot air balloon shot is so simple- uncluttered, crisp, and colourful - I love it Maxine! Thanks for sending it in!

What is it? My thoughts when Shawna Kirby sent in this image for this month’s Shoot For Cover. Take a few guesses then head to the bot-tom of page 11 for the reveal. Thanks Shawna, it is an ultra-cool image!

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Most of us probably have tens of thousands of images in our photo archives, but how many of us actually look at our earlier photos? The only photos that I go back to look at are those that have been flagged as my favorites, and these are only a small proportion of the entire archive. As I get older, I’ve been thinking more about the purpose of this archive. I like the idea of passing my fa-vorite images along to my children and grandchildren as prints and in photo books, as well as passing along the digital files. However, I don’t want to lumber them with the whole archive (if I don’t look at it, they probably won’t either). This line of thought led to an overhaul of my photo archive.

I decided to take a look at all of the images in the archive, cull out the photos that I knew I would never go back to, and select out a subset of my best shots. Keep in mind, that images were already culled after each photo shoot, usually after giving myself a few weeks to think about them. This initial culling is typically pretty severe (anywhere from 60-90% of the images). Occasionally, I’ll go back to a set and cull some additional photos, but that first culling is the main one.

On review of the whole archive, I wasn’t surprised to find that there were a large number of shots remaining that didn’t pass my current criteria, but I was surprised, and somewhat dismayed, that the decisions were so easy. What I had considered shots worth saving, now looked like clear re-jects. However, there were also a few pleasant surprises. Some shots that had just barely avoided the earlier cuts now looked very good (to my eye). This image review and culling took some time, but it was also enjoyable. If you dread going through your own archive, it could be a sign that it’s time for a serious culling.

Once the best shots were selected, I updated all the processing and keywording, and reorganized the folder structure, so that files could be navigated quickly and easily by folder name (as well as with keywords and other metadata). This reduced archive could be passed along in digital form on a small, high quality hard drive.

From within this streamlined archive, I pulled out a smaller subset containing the very best shots that would provide an even easier photo set to browse through. I decided to limit the number to about 2000 or fewer in each of two categories, black-and-white and color. There was about 25% overlap between the sets (e.g. photos that looked good in both black and white and color). Fi-nally, I am continuing to work on an even smaller set of 13 by 19 prints, as well as photo books representing some of my favorite locations.

I would be interested to hear from any of you who have thought about this problem and how you might approach it. (Ron Racine)


Archiving for Whom?

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A couple great images by Peter S and

Bill J while shooting at the Deep Bay

field trip last month. Peter’s B&W

image to the left is a great wide-angle

shot depicting a typical scene here on

the island, while Bill’s image below is

a perfect ‘Member’s in Action’ shot of

Wink and Patti! Thanks Mr. Sinclair

and Mr. Jorgensen for getting these

images in.

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FOR SALE: Sony SLT a77 mirrorless camera, 16-80 Carl Zeiss lens, 70-300 Sony G lens, 18-270 Tamron lens, 90mm Macro Tamron lens, remote control, extra battery, charger etc, All in excellent condition. Camera is about 4 months old. Sony lost the one I sent in for re-pair so they sent me a new one. Asking $1750.

Contact David Suther: [email protected]


FOR SALE: X-rite Colorchecker passport. Ssealed unopened unit. Asking $80.

Contact Tony Gusman: [email protected] _________________________________________________

FOR SALE: Canon 500mm f/4 Image Sta-bilization lens, Version I. Like new condi-tion. gLass and barrel in pristine condi-tion. Outstanding sharp images. Spot on focusing.

Includes: Canon 500mm f/4 IS lens, Ver-sion I; Canon lens foot; suitcase-type Canon hard lens case; original Canon leather hood; a Zeck hard lenscap; a Lenscoat barrel cover (white); and an Optech neoprene lens hoodie.I am the sec-ond owner. Asking: $6500 Canadian.

Date Code: UT1219 (Manufactured in December 2005 at the Canon Utsunomiya Factory, Japan).

Contact Brent Reid: [email protected] or 250 339-3679.

FOR SALE: Panasonic Lumix GH3 Camera Body - $650.

I have two of these Micro 4/3rds bodies, both in as new condition. The asking price is $650 each or both for $1250. London Drugs has this camera on sale for $899 plus tax. The GH3 is a great camera; you can print very sharp images at 16" x 20" and it shines as a full 1080p HD video camera. For a complete review, Google: ‘GH3 dpreview'

Each with original box with all that was in-cluded from the factory, plus an extra ($80) battery. You save $430 over the retail price!

Both have low shutter counts

1. 1,444 (serial #xxxxx10)

2. 7,897 (serial #xxxxx25).

Contact: Bryan Walwork:

[email protected] ___________________________________________________


For Sale from the CVPS

Shawna Kirby’s image:

Water droplets on a CD disc.