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Page 1: CVN - Sandra Ricart Casadevall4317118936267c58ed972fb2eca7583f 3 Waterscapes as a Cultural Heritage 2015; and Congress on Industrial and Agricultural Canals 2015, among others

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Summary of CV

This section describes briefly a summary of your career in science, academic and research; themain scientific and technological achievements and goals in your line of research in the medium-and long- term. It also includes other important aspects or peculiarities.

PhD on Experimental Sciences and Sustainability (Geography) with international mention andSuma Cum Laude (2014), and Extraordinary PhD Environment Award (2015) by the Universitatde Girona. MsC (Hons) on Environment by the UdG (2008-2009). Degree (Hons) in Geographyby the UdG (2003-2008). Predoctoral Research Grant at Universitat de Girona (GeographyDepartment, Environment and Geographic Information Technologies, 2009-2013). Visitingresearcher at the Laboratory Société Environnement et Territoire (ISRAM, Université de Pauet des Pays de l'Adour), and at the Department of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences -Production, Landscape and Agroenergy (Universitá degli Studi di Milano). Researcher of theEUWATHER project (Università Ca'Foscari Venezia, ERA-NET + action JPI Cultural Heritage,2015-2017). From January 2017, I am member of the Interuniversity Institute of Geographyand Water and Territory research group at the University of Alicante (Juan de la Cierva2015 Research Fellow. Ref: FJCI-2015-24346), developing the SIMAGO project (EngagingStakeholders for improving multi-functional Irrigation systems MAnagement and GOvernance).From February 2017, I also collaborate in the PLUVIRESMED project (Use of non conventionalwater resources and adaptation to droughts in Mediterranean coastal areas) (AutonomousUniversity of Barcelona, University of Alicante, CICYT 2015. Ref: CSO2015-65182-C2-1-P).

I published some chapter books about ecosystem services and irrigation multifunctionality(Partridge Publishing, Nova Science Publishers, Éditions Quae) and papers in indexedjournals like Journal of Rural Studies, The Professional Geographer, Natural ResourcesForum, Utilities Policy, International Journal of Water Resources Development, Water,Land Use Policy, Environmental Policy and Governance, Journal of Geography andEarth Sciences, International Journal of Research and Education Methodology, Journalof Agriculture & Life Sciences, among others.  I am associate editor of the InternationalJournal of Geography and Environmental Management and reviewer of some internationaland national indexed journals: Modern Environmental Science and Engineering; Agriculture,Ecosystems and Environment; International Journal of Geosciences; Land Use Policy;Sustainability; Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems; Environmental Processes; AfricanJournal of Environmental Science and Technology;  Journal of Agricultural Science andTechnology, AIMS Environmental Science, Environment Development and Sustainability,Natural Resources Forum, and Land (MDPI), among others.

I have been involved on international congresses like 1º International Forum on Tourismand Heritage 2016; International Conference on Global Tourism and Sustainability 2016;ARIMNET2 Young Researchers Seminar 2016; International Conference in Irrigation andDrainage 2015; 1º International Conference on Redrafting Water Governance 2015; 5thInternational Symposium for Farming Systems Design 2015; International Conference in

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Waterscapes as a Cultural Heritage 2015; and Congress on Industrial and Agricultural Canals2015, among others.

I have participated in the proposition of European projects submitted to H2020 and ERANETjoint calls since 2013. I am expert evaluator and rapporteur of H2020 5SC 2015 calls (EASME)and ERANET WaterWorks 2015-2020 joint call. I collaborate with the iAgua project as bloggerand I have been involved in more than 45 MOOCs from EU and US universities.

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Sandra Ricart Casadevall

Surname(s): Ricart CasadevallName: SandraDNI: 40364794RORCID: 0000-0002-5065-0074LinkedIn: of birth: 09/05/1984Gender: FemaleNationality: SpainEmail: [email protected]

Current professional situation

Employing entity: University of AlicanteDepartment: Interuniversity Institute of GeographyProfessional category: Postdoctoral researcher (SIMAGO project)Start date: 2017Dedication regime: Full timePerformed tasks: Juan de la Cierva 2015 MINECO Research Grant (FJCI-2015-24346) Project:Engaging stakeholders for improving multi-functional irrigation systems management and governance.Lessons from Alicante region, Spain (SIMAGO project). Period: 2017-2018.

Employing entity: University of AlicanteProfessional category: Researcher (PLUVIRESMED project)Start date: 2017Dedication regime: Part timePerformed tasks: Title: Use of non-conventional water resources and adaptation to droughts inMediterranean coastal areas: Realities and proposals for resilient water planning (PLUVIRESMED).Coordinator: David Saurí (Autonomous University of Barcelona). Partners: University of Alicanteand University of Murcia. Spanish CICYT 2015 call. Reference: CSO2015-65182-C2-1-P. Period:2016-2019.

Employing entity: University of GironaProfessional category: Researcher (EUWATHER project)Start date: 2015Dedication regime: Part timePerformed tasks: Title: Reevaluating European Minor Rivers and Canals as Cultural (EU.WAT.HER).Coordinator: Francesco Vallerani (Università Ca'Foscari). Partners: University of Girona (ES),University of Brighton (UK) and University of Leiden (NL). JPI Heritage Plus. Period: 2015-2017.

Previous positions and activities

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Employing entity Professional category Start date1 Universitat de Girona Assistant researcher in preparing projects

to be submitted in H2020, ERANET andJPI calls


2 Cambra de Comerç de Girona Technician and mapmaker on economicaland commercial census


3 University of Milan Assistant researcher in RURBAL projectproposal (RUR-01-2016 H2020)


4 European Commission Expert evaluator H2020 and ERANET2015-2016 calls


5 ATC-SIG SL Researcher and technician on climatechange projects


6 Universitat de Girona Assistant Researcher in IRRIGEUproject proposal (H2020) MINECO grant(EUIN2013-A-50901)


7 Universitat de Girona Assistant researcher for developping theIRRIGEU webpage. Economical grantfrom INIA (AC2014-0028-00-00)


8 Cambra de Comerç de Girona Technician and mapmaker on economicaland commercial census


9 Universitat de Girona Predoctoral research fellow BR UdG 2009 200910 Universitat de Girona Associated researcher to the projects:

Catàleg de béns arquitectònics i culturalsdel riu Fluvià, and Estudi socioeconòmicdel riu Fluvià


11 Observatori del Paisatge de Catalunya Technical assistant 200812 Institut Cartogràfic de Catalunya Technician 2007

1 Employing entity: Universitat de GironaProfessional category: Assistant researcher in preparing projects to be submitted in H2020,ERANET and JPI callsStart-End date: 2016 - 2016

2 Employing entity: Cambra de Comerç de GironaProfessional category: Technician and mapmaker on economical and commercial censusStart-End date: 2016 - 2016

3 Employing entity: University of MilanProfessional category: Assistant researcher in RURBAL project proposal (RUR-01-2016 H2020)Start-End date: 2015 - 2016

4 Employing entity: European CommissionProfessional category: Expert evaluator H2020 and ERANET 2015-2016 callsStart-End date: 2015 - 2016

5 Employing entity: ATC-SIG SLProfessional category: Researcher and technician on climate change projectsStart-End date: 2015 - 2016

6 Employing entity: Universitat de GironaProfessional category: Assistant Researcher in IRRIGEU project proposal (H2020) MINECO grant(EUIN2013-A-50901)

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Start-End date: 2014 - 2015Dedication regime: Part time

7 Employing entity: Universitat de GironaProfessional category: Assistant researcher for developping the IRRIGEU webpage. Economicalgrant from INIA (AC2014-0028-00-00)Start-End date: 2014 - 2015Type of contract: Temporary

8 Employing entity: Cambra de Comerç de GironaProfessional category: Technician and mapmaker on economical and commercial censusStart-End date: 2014 - 2014

9 Employing entity: Universitat de GironaProfessional category: Predoctoral research fellow BR UdG 2009Start-End date: 2009 - 2013

10 Employing entity: Universitat de GironaProfessional category: Associated researcher to the projects: Catàleg de béns arquitectònics iculturals del riu Fluvià, and Estudi socioeconòmic del riu FluviàStart-End date: 2008 - 2009

11 Employing entity: Observatori del Paisatge de CatalunyaProfessional category: Technical assistantStart-End date: 2008 - 2008

12 Employing entity: Institut Cartogràfic de CatalunyaProfessional category: TechnicianStart-End date: 2007 - 2007

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University education

1st and 2nd cycle studies and pre-Bologna degrees

1 University degree: MsCName of qualification: Environmental MasterDegree awarding entity: Universitat de GironaDate of qualification: 2009

2 University degree: Higher degreeName of qualification: Geography DegreeDegree awarding entity: Universitat de GironaDate of qualification: 2008


Doctorate programme: Experimental Sciences and Sustainability (Geography)Degree awarding entity: Universitat de GironaCity degree awarding entity: Catalonia, SpainEuropean doctorate: Yes Date of certificate: 16/12/2014Thesis title: Toward a territorial approach of irrigation management: Model and Southern European casestudiesThesis director: Anna RibasThesis co-director: David PavónObtained qualification: Excellent Cum Laude and International MentionRecognition of quality: YesSpecial doctorate award: Yes Date of award: 22/09/2016

Specialised, lifelong, technical, professional and refresher training (other than formalacademic and healthcare studies)

1 Training title: Conversational English SkillsAwarding entity: Tsinghua UniversityEnd date: 2017

2 Training title: English Grammar and StyleAwarding entity: University of QueenslandEnd date: 2017

3 Training title: Sistemas de información y ordenadores (Parte 1/5)Awarding entity: Universidad Politécnica de ValenciaEnd date: 2017

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4 Training title: Agriculture, Economics and NatureAwarding entity: University of Western AustraliaEnd date: 2016

5 Training title: Basic StatisticsAwarding entity: University of AmsterdamEnd date: 2016

6 Training title: Des rivières et des hommes : hydrologie, hydraulique et géomorphologieAwarding entity: Institut de Recherche pour le Développement, École Normale Supérieure de Lyon, Universitécatholique de Louvain, Institut Polytechnique de l’Université Nationale du Vietnam à Ho-Chi-Minh-VilleEnd date: 2016

7 Training title: Our Earth's futureAwarding entity: American Museum of Natural HistoryEnd date: 2016

8 Training title: Our Earth: Its Climate, History, and ProcessesAwarding entity: The University of ManchesterEnd date: 2016

9 Training title: Qualitative Research MethodsAwarding entity: University of AmsterdamEnd date: 2016

10 Training title: Social and economic networks: Models and analysisAwarding entity: Stanford UniversityEnd date: 2016

11 Training title: Water resources management and policyAwarding entity: University of GenevaEnd date: 2016

12 Training title: An introduction to the U.S food system: Perspectives from the public healthAwarding entity: Johns Hopkins UniversityEnd date: 2015

13 Training title: Causes et enjeux du changement climatiqueAwarding entity: Université Virtuelle Environnement et Développement durable (UVED)End date: 2015

14 Training title: Climate Change Policy and Public HealthAwarding entity: University of Wisconsin-MadisonEnd date: 2015

15 Training title: Environnement et développement durableAwarding entity: Université Virtuelle Environnement et Développement durable (UVED)End date: 2015

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16 Training title: Exploring Humans' Space: An Introduction to GeographicityAwarding entity: École Polytechnique Fédérale de LausanneEnd date: 2015

17 Training title: Introduction to Environmental ScienceAwarding entity: Darmuth UniversityEnd date: 2015

18 Training title: Questionnaire design for social surveysAwarding entity: University of MichiganEnd date: 2015

19 Training title: Sustainability, Resilience, and SocietyAwarding entity: University of WashingtonEnd date: 2015

20 Training title: Sustainable Agricultural Land ManagementAwarding entity: University of FloridaEnd date: 2015

21 Training title: The Biology of Water and Health - Sustainable InterventionsAwarding entity: Tufts UniversityEnd date: 2015

22 Training title: Water in the Western United StatesAwarding entity: University of Colorado BoulderEnd date: 2015

23 Training title: Climate Change science and negotiationsAwarding entity: SDSNEnd date: 2014

24 Training title: Energy, the Environment, and our futureAwarding entity: PennState UniversityEnd date: 2014

25 Training title: How to change de worldAwarding entity: Wesleyan UniversityEnd date: 2014

26 Training title: Introduction to water and climateAwarding entity: Delft University of TechnologyEnd date: 2014

27 Training title: Ressources naturelles et développement durableAwarding entity: Université Catholique de LouvainEnd date: 2014

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28 Training title: Sustainability in practiceAwarding entity: University of PennsylvaniaEnd date: 2014

29 Training title: The age of sustainable developmentAwarding entity: Columbia UniversityEnd date: 2014

30 Training title: The biology of water and health Part 1Awarding entity: Tufts UniversityEnd date: 2014

31 Training title: Turn down the heat: Why a 4ºC warmer world must be avoidedAwarding entity: The World BankEnd date: 2014

32 Training title: Water: the essential ressourceAwarding entity: National GeographicEnd date: 2014

33 Training title: Climate ChangeAwarding entity: The University of MelbourneEnd date: 2013

34 Training title: Critical ThinkingAwarding entity: University of EdinburghEnd date: 2013

35 Training title: Energy 101Awarding entity: Georgia Institue of TechnologyEnd date: 2013

36 Training title: Gestión de la Información Científica en AbiertoAwarding entity: Universidad Complutense de MadridEnd date: 2013

37 Training title: Global Sustainable Energy: Past, present and futureAwarding entity: University of FloridaEnd date: 2013

38 Training title: Introduction to Environmental Law and PolicyAwarding entity: The University of North Carolina at Chapel HillEnd date: 2013

39 Training title: Investigación científica 2.0.1: procesos clave en una sociedad digitalAwarding entity: Universitat de GironaEnd date: 2013

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40 Training title: Presentaciones eficacesAwarding entity: Universidad de CantabriaEnd date: 2013

41 Training title: Retos de la agricultura y la alimentación en el siglo XXIAwarding entity: Universitat Politècnica de ValènciaEnd date: 2013

42 Training title: Scientific communicationAwarding entity: Universitat de GironaEnd date: 2013

43 Training title: Sustainability of food systems: a global life cycle perspectiveAwarding entity: University of MinnesotaEnd date: 2013

44 Training title: Creació de blocsAwarding entity: Universitat de GironaEnd date: 2012

45 Training title: Edició d'imatge fixa digitalAwarding entity: Universitat de GironaEnd date: 2012

46 Training title: Presentacions amb PreziAwarding entity: Universitat de GironaEnd date: 2012

47 Training title: Anàlisi qualitativa d'entrevistes i grups de discussió amb N-VIVOAwarding entity: Universitat de GironaEnd date: 2011

48 Training title: Eines GoogleAwarding entity: Universitat de GironaEnd date: 2011

49 Training title: Geolocalització i publicació de dades a InternetAwarding entity: Universitat de GironaEnd date: 2011

50 Training title: Anàlisi qualitativa amb ATLAS.ti 6Awarding entity: Universitat de GironaEnd date: 2010

51 Training title: Estadística descriptiva amb SPSSAwarding entity: Universitat de GironaEnd date: 2010

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52 Training title: Estadística inferencial amb SPSSAwarding entity: Universitat de GironaEnd date: 2010

53 Training title: Gestión Integrada del Agua: un nuevo concepto de calidad ambientalAwarding entity: Universidad del País VascoEnd date: 2010

54 Training title: Investigació qualitativa: principis bàsicsAwarding entity: Universitat de GironaEnd date: 2010

55 Training title: Nueva Cultura y Gestión Sostenible del AguaAwarding entity: Universidad del País VascoEnd date: 2010

56 Training title: Sensibilización y Concienciación sobre una gestión sostenible del aguaAwarding entity: Universidad del País VascoEnd date: 2009

57 Training title: Uso y Gestión sostenible de los sistemas hídricosAwarding entity: Universidad del País VascoEnd date: 2009

Language skills

Language Listening skills Reading skills Spoken interaction Speaking skills Writing skillsFrench C1 C1 B1 B1 C1Italian C1 C1 B1 B1 C1English C1 C1 C1 C1 C1Catalan C2 C2 C2 C2 C2Spanish C2 C2 C2 C2 C2

Teaching experience

General teaching experience

1 Name of the course: Economic Geography and PopulationUniversity degree: GeographyEnd date: 2015Entity: Universitat de Girona

2 Name of the course: European GeographyUniversity degree: GeographyEnd date: 2012Entity: Universitat de Girona

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Scientific and technological experience

Research and development groups/teams

1 Name of the group: Water and TerritoryType of collaboration: Co-authorship of publicationsAffiliation entity: University of Alicante (Interuniversity Institute of Geography)Start date: 2017

2 Name of the group: Geographic Information Technologies and EnvironmentType of collaboration: Co-authorship of publicationsAffiliation entity: Universitat de Girona (Department of Geography)Start date: 2009

3 Name of the group: Water, Territory and SocietyType of collaboration: Co-authorship of publicationsAffiliation entity: Autonomous University of Barcelona (Department of Geography)Start date: 2009

Scientific or technological activities

R&D projects funded through competitive calls of public or private entities

1 Name of the project: Uso de recursos hídricos no convencionales y adaptación a las sequías en el litoralmediterráneo: realidades y propuestas para una planificación resiliente del aguaEntity where project took place: Universitat Autònoma de BarcelonaName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Saurí D.; Hernández M.; Olcina J.; Rico A.; Baños C.; Molto E.;Pérez A.; Villar R.; Arahuetes A.; Ricart S.Start-End date: 2016 - 2019Total amount: 38.000 €

2 Name of the project: European Waterways Heritage (EuWatHer): Reevaluating European Minor Rivers andCanals as Cultural LandscapesType of project: Demonstration, pilot projects, conceptual formulations and design of processes andservicesEntity where project took place: Universitat de GironaName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Ribas A.; Pavón D.; Ricart S.; Roset D.Name of the programme: JPI - Cultural Heritage. HERITAGE PLUS Joint CallStart-End date: 2015 - 2017Total amount: 60.000 €

3 Name of the project: La potencialidad del regadío en la mitigación del cambio climático: seminario paraafianzar el consorcio español que lidera el proyecto IRRIGEU. Reference: AC2014-00028-00-00.Entity where project took place: Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y AlimentariaName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Vila J.; Ricart S.; Roca A.; Tous C.Start-End date: 2015 - 2015

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Total amount: 2.000 €

4 Name of the project: Acción de dinamización del proyecto IRRIGEU: Gestión integrada del regadíosur europeo, herramientas y estrategias para reducir el CO2 y mitigar el cambio climático. Reference:EUIN2013-A-50901.Entity where project took place: Universitat de GironaName principal investigator (PI, Co-PI....): Vila J.; Ricart S.; Roca A.; Tous C.Start-End date: 2013 - 2015Total amount: 20.000 €

R&D non-competitive contracts, agreements or projects with public or private entities

1 Name of the project: ERANET WaterWorks 2015-2020Degree of contribution: Expert research evaluatorStart date: 2016

2 Name of the project: H2020 Water 5c (EASME)Degree of contribution: Expert research evaluatorStart date: 2015

Scientific and technological activities

Scientific production

Publications, scientific and technical documents

1 Ricart S.; Gandolfi C.Balancing irrigation multifunctionality based on key stakeholders attitudes: Lessons learnedfrom the Muzza system, Italy. Land Use Policy. Accepted, 2017.

2 Ricart S.; Ribas A.; Pavón D.Ecosystem services, sustainability and stakeholders’ perceptions: Unravelling watergovernance in multifunctional irrigation systems. Environmental Policy and Governance. In revision, 2017.

3 Masseroni D.; Ricart S.; Ramírez de Cartagena F.; Montserrat J.; Gonçalves J.M.; De Lima I.; Facchi A.; Sali G.;Gandolfi C.Prospects for improving gravity-fed surface irrigation systems in Mediterranean European contexts.Water. 9 - 1, pp. 20 - 42. 2017.

4 Reddy A.A; Sarkar A.; Ricart S.; Akter S.Ways to increase utility of major irrigation projects in command areas(Eds.). Partridge Publishing. 2017. ISBN 1-48288-900-5

5 Ricart S.Entre la multifuncionalitat i la legitimitat social del regadiu: un estat de la qüestió. Documents d'AnàlisiGeogràfica. 62 - 1, pp. 161 - 181. 2016.

6 Ricart S.Improving the management of irrigation ecosystem services by means of stakeholder perceptions: lessonsfrom three Southern European irrigation canals. Advances in Environmental Research. 52 - Chapter 4, pp. 109 -157. Nova Science Publishers (NY), 2016.

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7 Ricart S.Improving the management of water multi-functionality through stakeholder involvement indecision-making processes. Utilities Policy. 43 - Part A, pp. 71 - 81. 2016.

8 Ricart S.; Clarimont S.Modelling the links between irrigation, ecosystem services and rural development in pursuitof social legitimacy: Results from a territorial analysis of the Neste System (Hautes-Pyrénées, France). Journal ofRural Studies. 43, pp. 1 - 12. 2016.

9 Ricart S.; Clarimont S.Qualifying irrigation system sustainability and governance by means of stakeholderperceptions: the Neste canal (France). International Journal of Water Resources Development. Article in press, 33,2016.

10 Ricart S.; Ribas A.; Pavón D.Qualifying irrigation system sustainability by means of stakeholder perceptions andconcerns: lessons from the Segarra-Garrigues Canal (Spain). Natural Resources Forum. 40, pp. 77 - 90. 2016.

11 Ricart S.Irrigation management from a qualitative approach: how key stakeholders are involved in decision-makingprocesses. Learning from irrigated agricultural systems in Spain, France and Italy. Journal of Geography and EarthSciences. 3 - 1, pp. 37 - 62. 2015.

12 Ricart S.; Ribas A.; Pavón D.Modelling the stakeholder profile in territorial management: The Segarra-Garriguesirrigation system, Spain. Professional Geographer. 68 - 3, pp. 496 - 510. 2015.

13 Ricart S.Multifuncionalidad, partes interesadas y legitimidad social del regadío: aproximación a tres canalessur-europeos. Papeles de Geografía. 61, pp. 7 - 19. 2015.

14 Ricart S.Qualitative analysis and territorial methods: How to improve educational and research tools in Geography.International Journal of Research in Education Methodology. 7 - 2, pp. 1111 - 1126. 2015.

15 Ricart S.Towards a more territorial analysis approach. Deepening in the stakeholders' discourses of threemulti-functional Southern European irrigated systems. Journal of Agriculture & Life Sciences. 2 - 1, pp. 44 - 58.2015.

16 Pavón D.; Ricart S.La gestión del regadío catalán: entre eficiencia, compatibilidad de usos y legitimidad social.Investigaciones Geográficas. 61, pp. 97 - 111. 2014.

17 Pavón D.; Ribas A.; Ricart S.; Roca A.; Salamaña I.; Tous C. da Sousa. Revalorizando el espacio rural: leer elpasado para ganar el futuro. Actas del XVII Coloquio de Geografía Rural (Girona). Documenta Universitaria,2014.

18 Ricart S.; Clarimont S.De la gouvernance appliquée à la gestion de l’irrigation: le cas du canal de la Neste(Hautes-Pyrénées). Sud-Ouest Européen. 35, pp. 69 - 84. 2013.

19 Ricart S.; Ribas A.; Pavón D.La participación en la gestión del regadío como mecanismo para afrontar el conflictoterritorial: algunos ejemplos de ámbito sur-europeo. Méditerranée. 120, pp. 73 - 86. 2013.

20 Ricart S.L’espai agrari periurbà i la gestió territorial des de la competència pels recursos hídrics i d’actors.Percepcions de l’espai agrari periurbà. pp. 95 - 101. Fundació Agroterritori, 2013.

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21 Ricart S.Vers une gestion territoriale de l’irrigation ? Le canal Segarra-Garrigues (Lleida, Catalogne). De l’eauagricole à l’eau environnementale. Résistance et adaptation aux nouveaux enjeux de partage de l’eau enMéditerranée. pp. 337 - 350. Quae, 2012.

22 Ricart S.Canvis en l’oliverar del municipi de Navata (Alt Empordà), 1957-2004. Recerques en Medi Ambient, SèriePlurals Nova. 2, pp. 113 - 119. Documenta Universitaria, 2011.

23 Ricart S.La gestió del regadiu a Catalunya: plans, actors i reptes de futur. Estudis d'Història Agrària. 23, pp. 149 -173. 2010.

24 Ricart S.; Ribas A.La incidencia de la helada de 1956 en el olivar de Navata (Alt Empordà, Girona).Investigaciones Geográficas. 50, pp. 127 - 142. 2009.

Works submitted to national or international conferences

1 Title of the work: Assessing the tourism potential of historical canals as cultural heritage. Lessons from theBaix Ter region (Catalonia, Spain)Name of the conference: I International Forum on Tourism and Heritage 2016City of event: Porto, PortugalDate of event: 2016Organising entity: Portucalense UniversityRicart S.; Roset D.; Ribas A.; Pavón D.

2 Title of the work: Multifunctional irrigation systems management and governanceName of the conference: How to better involve end-users throughout the research process to fosterinnovation-driven research for sustainable Mediterranean agriculture at farm and local scalesCity of event: Montpellier, FranceDate of event: 2016Organising entity: Europea Commission (FP7): ARIMNet2 Young Researchers Seminar:Ricart S.

3 Title of the work: Puesta en valor del patrimonio vinculado a los regadíos históricos del Bajo TerName of the conference: IX Congreso Ibérico de Gestión y Planificación del Agua. Agua, ciudad y salud delos ecosistemas: integrando perspectivas, proponiendo solucionesCity of event: Valencia, SpainDate of event: 2016Organising entity: Fundación Nueva Cultura del AguaRibas A.; Ricart S.; Roset D.; Pavón D.

4 Title of the work: Valuating and promoting cultural heritage from historical canals. Lessons from the BaixTer regionName of the conference: International Conference on Global Tourism and Sustainability - Tourism 2016City of event: Lagos, PortugalDate of event: 2016Organising entity: Green Lines Institute. University LusíadaRicart S.; Roset D.; Ribas A.; Pavón D.

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5 Title of the work: El paisatge agrari mediterrani: la vinya i l’olivera com a eixos paisatgísticsName of the conference: Curs Territori i Producte. Common Mediterranean Development Programme(ENPI Project)City of event: Vilajuïga, SpainDate of event: 2015Organising entity: Departament d'Agricultura, Alimentació i Medi AmbientRicart S.

6 Title of the work: Irrigation governance from a territorial approach: improving the management of watermulti-functionality from stakeholders’ involvement in decision-making processes’Name of the conference: 1st International Conference on Redrafting Water GovernanceCity of event: Lisboa, PortugalDate of event: 2015Organising entity: University of LisboaRicart S.

7 Title of the work: Stakeholders, multi-functionality, and governance: how to manage competing water usesand improve decision-making processes in three Southern European irrigation systemsName of the conference: ICID 2015City of event: Montpellier, FranceDate of event: 2015Organising entity: International Commission of Irrigation and DrainageRicart S.

8 Title of the work: The territorialisation of irrigation: involving stakeholders as a tool to recognizemultifunctionality and social legitimacy in three Southern European irrigation systemsName of the conference: International Conference Waterscapes as a cultural heritage 2015City of event: Venice, ItalyDate of event: 2015Organising entity: University of Venice Ca’ FoscariRicart S.

9 Title of the work: Toward a territorial approach to irrigation management: a useful model to adapt touncoming challengesName of the conference: 5th International Symposium for Farming Systems DesignCity of event: Montpellier, Languedoc-Roussillon, FranceDate of event: 2015Organising entity: Agropolis InternationalRicart S.

10 Title of the work: Alimentación, servicios ambientales y territorio: legitimando la multifuncionalidad de laagriculturaName of the conference: XVII Coloquio de Geografía RuralCity of event: Girona,Date of event: 2014Organising entity: Universitat de GironaRicart S.

11 Title of the work: Aproximación al capital territorial del regadío: estudio comparado de tres canalesmultifuncionales de ámbito sur-europeoName of the conference: VII Congreso Internacional de Ordenación del Territorio

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City of event: Madrid, SpainDate of event: 2014Organising entity: Universidad Complutense de MadridRicart S.

12 Title of the work: Discourses in competition within the Segarra-Garrigues canal: When the afinities andconfrontation (do not) build a complex projectName of the conference: Congress on industrial & agricultural canalsCity of event: Lleida, SpainDate of event: 2014Organising entity: Fundació Universitat de LleidaRicart S.; Ribas A.; Pavón D.

13 Title of the work: Gestionar desde la territorialidad: ¿cómo integrar la multifuncionalidad y la participaciónsocial en la legitimación del regadío?Name of the conference: Congreso internacional Regadío, Sociedad, Territorio: Homenaje a T. F. GlickCity of event: Valencia, SpainDate of event: 2014Organising entity: Universitat Politècnica de ValènciaRicart S.; Ribas A.; Pavón D.

14 Title of the work: La PAC y los bienes comunes. Un ejercicio teórico-prácticocomo estrategia de futuroName of the conference: XVII Coloquio de Geografía RuralCity of event: Girona, SpainDate of event: 2014Organising entity: Universitat de GironaRoca A.; Ricart S.

15 Title of the work: Las miradas del agua: de la cooperación a la competición en la gestión del aguaName of the conference: Forum Internacional de Innovación sobre el AguaCity of event: Vigo, SpainDate of event: 2014Organising entity: Universidade de VigoRicart S.

16 Title of the work: Entre l’agriculture et l’environnement : l’écologisation de la Politique Agricole Commune(PAC) comme légitimation des exigences socialesName of the conference: Colloque international interdisciplinaire Dynamiques environnementales,politiques publiques et pratiques sociales : quelles intéractions?City of event: Toulouse, FranceDate of event: 2013Organising entity: Université de Toulouse Le MirailRicart S.; Roca A.

17 Title of the work: La structure du paysage lodigiano : le rôle du Consorzio di Bonifica Muzza BassaLodigiana comme gestionnaire des demandes rurales, sociales et environnementalesName of the conference: Colloque international Paysages et Terroirs : Enjeux territoriaux, jeux d’acteurs etinterdisciplinaritéCity of event: Marsella, FranceDate of event: 2013Organising entity: Université d’Aix-en-Provence

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Ricart S.; Ribas A.; Pavón D.

18 Title of the work: L’interprétation de la Politique Agricole Commune : de l’agriculture au paysageName of the conference: Colloque international Paysages et Terroirs: Enjeux territoriaux, jeux d’acteurs etinterdisciplinaritéCity of event: Marsella, FranceDate of event: 2013Organising entity: Université d’Aix-en-ProvenceRicart S.; Roca A.

19 Title of the work: Governance in irrigation management. Model and case studies in EuropeName of the conference: Cantabria Campus NobelCity of event: Santander, SpainDate of event: 2012Organising entity: Universidad de CantabriaRicart S.

20 Title of the work: La PAC y el medio ambiente ante la nueva reforma 2014-2020: ¿qué prioriza y quérehúye ante el auge greening y las nuevas demandas territoriales?Name of the conference: XVI Coloquio de Geografía RuralCity of event: Sevilla, SpainDate of event: 2012Organising entity: Universidad de SevillaRicart S.; Roca A.

21 Title of the work: La gobernanza en la gestión del regadío en Francia: el Canal de la Neste(Hautes-Pyrénées)Name of the conference: XVI Coloquio de Geografía RuralCity of event: Sevilla, SpainDate of event: 2012Organising entity: Universidad de SevillaRicart S.; Ribas A.

22 Title of the work: L’intégration en tant qu’amélioration de la gouvernance dans la gestion de l’irrigationName of the conference: IIIème Journées d’études de l’École doctorale Sciences sociales et humanitésCity of event: Pau, FranceDate of event: 2011Organising entity: Université de Pau et des Pays de l'AdourRicart S.

23 Title of the work: Una propuesta de gestión territorial del regadío: a propósito del papel incipiente de la“sociedad organizadaName of the conference: XXIX Congreso Nacional de RiegosCity of event: Córdoba, SpainDate of event: 2011Organising entity: Universidad de CórdobaRicart S.

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24 Title of the work: ¿Hacia una gestión territorial del regadío ?: El Canal Segarra-Garrigues (Lérida,Cataluña)Name of the conference: Colloque Usages écologiques, économiques et sociaux de l'eau agricole enMéditerranée: quels enjeux pour quels services?City of event: Marsella, FranceDate of event: 2011Organising entity: Université Aix-MarseilleRicart S.; Ribas A.; Pavón D.

25 Title of the work: La gestió del regadiu a Catalunya: plans, actorsi reptes futursName of the conference: V Congrés d’Història Agrària dels Països Catalans: Els usos de l’aigua en lahistòriaCity of event: Barcelona, SpainDate of event: 2010Organising entity: Universitat de GironaRicart S.

26 Title of the work: La gestión del regadío en la cuenca mediterránea: estado de la cuestión y tendencias defuturoName of the conference: XV Coloquio de Geografía RuralCity of event: Cáceres, SpainDate of event: 2010Organising entity: Universidad de CáceresRicart S.

R&D management and participation in scientific committees

Scientific, technical and/or assessment committees

1 Committee title: AIMS Environmental ScinceAffiliation entity: AIMS PressStart date: 2017

2 Committee title: Environment Development and SustainabilityAffiliation entity: Flemish Institute for Technological ResearchCity affiliation entity: BelgiumStart date: 2017

3 Committee title: LandAffiliation entity: Flinders UniversityStart date: 2017

4 Committee title: Natural Resources ForumAffiliation entity: United Nations Sustainable DevelopmentStart date: 2017

5 Committee title: African Journal of Environmental Science and TechnologyAffiliation entity: University of North DakotaStart date: 2016

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6 Committee title: Environmental ManagementAffiliation entity: Baylor UniversityStart date: 2016

7 Committee title: Environmental ProcessesAffiliation entity: Springer PublicationsStart date: 2016

8 Committee title: Journal of Agricultural Science and TechnologyAffiliation entity: Tarbiat Modares UniversityStart date: 2016

9 Committee title: Modern Environmental Science and EngineeringAffiliation entity: Academic Star Publishing CompanyStart date: 2016

10 Committee title: Renewable Agriculture and Food SystemsAffiliation entity: Syracuse UniversityStart date: 2016

11 Committee title: SustainabilityAffiliation entity: University of Ontario Institute of TechnologyStart date: 2016

12 Committee title: Documents d'Anàlisi GeogràficaAffiliation entity: Universitat Autònoma de BarcelonaStart date: 2015

13 Committee title: International Journal of Research in Education MethodologyAffiliation entity: Council for Innovative ResearchStart date: 2015

14 Committee title: Land Use PolicyAffiliation entity: Elsevier Editorial SystemStart date: 2015

15 Committee title: Revista ApuntesAffiliation entity: Universidad del PacíficoStart date: 2015

16 Committee title: Utilities PolicyAffiliation entity: Michigan State UniversityStart date: 2015

17 Committee title: Papeles de GeografíaAffiliation entity: Universidad de MurciaStart date: 2014

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18 Committee title: International Journal of GeosciencesAffiliation entity: Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris 6Start date: 2013

19 Committee title: Journal Agriculture, Ecosystems and EnvironmentAffiliation entity: AgroscopeStart date: 2012

20 Committee title: Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development in the Tropics and SubtropicsAffiliation entity: University of KasselStart date: 2011

Organization of R&D activities

Title of the activity: XXVII Congreso de Geografía RuralConvening entity: Universitat de GironaCity convening entity: Girona, SpainEnd date:

R&D management

1 Name of the activity: Acción de dinamización del proyecto IRRIGEU: Gestión integrada del regadío sureuropeo, herramientas y estrategias para reducir el CO2 y mitigar el cambio climáticoType of management: Management of R&D&I actions and projectsEntity: Universitat de GironaStart date: 17/02/2014

2 Name of the activity: Submission of IRRIGEU project (Water-2b-2015 H2020)Type of management: Management of R&D&I actions and projectsEntity: Universitat de GironaStart date: 15/01/2014

Other achievements

Stays in public or private R&D centres

1 Entity: Università degli Studi di MilanoFaculty, institute or centre: Dipartimento di Ingegneria Agraria di MilanoCity of entity: Milan, Lombardia, ItalyStart-End date: 2012 - 2012Goals of the stay: DoctorateProvable tasks: Land management of irrigation in Italy. The case study of Muzza canal: modeling ofirrigation management in response to the integration of disparate interests and improving governance

2 Entity: Université de Pau et des Pays de l'AdourFaculty, institute or centre: Laboratoire SETCity of entity: Pau, Midi-Pyrénées, France

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Start-End date: 2011 - 2011Goals of the stay: DoctorateProvable tasks: Land management of irrigation in France. The case study of Neste canal: modeling ofirrigation management in response to the integration of disparate interests and improving governance

Obtained grants and scholarships

1 Name of the grant: Predoctoral FellowshipAwarding entity: Universitat de GironaConferral date: 2009End date: 2013Entity where activity was carried out: Universitat de GironaFaculty, institute or centre: Geography Department. Research group Environment and GeographicInformation Technologies

2 Name of the grant: Mobility grantAwarding entity: Universitat de GironaConferral date: 2012Entity where activity was carried out: Università degli studi di Milano

3 Name of the grant: Mobility grantAwarding entity: Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i RecercaConferral date: 2011Entity where activity was carried out: Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour

Co-operation networks

Name of the network: Specilized webpage on water management (iAgua)Identification of the network: iAgua.esTasks carried out: BloggerStart date: 2011

Prizes, mentions and distinctions

1 Description: Extraordinary PhD Environment Award 2015Awarding entity: Universitat de GironaConferral date: 2016

2 Description: Grant for writting Doctoral thesis in Catalan (2015TDCAT00067)Awarding entity: Generalitat de Catalunya (AGAUR)Conferral date: 2015

3 Description: Descriptive and inferential statistics: SPSSAwarding entity: Universitat de GironaConferral date: 2011

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4 Description: Geolocation and publication of data on the Internet: GoogleDocs, BatchGeo, Ikimap, GoogleMaps-Google Fusion Tables, Geocommons, GIScloudAwarding entity: Universitat de GironaConferral date: 2011

5 Description: Qualitative analysis: Atlas.ti and N-VIVOAwarding entity: Universitat de GironaConferral date: 2011

6 Description: Webpages creation and editionAwarding entity: Wordpress and Wix.comConferral date: 2010

7 Description: Geographic Information Systems and Georeferencing: ArcGIS, Q-GIS, Miramon, IDRISI,ERDAS ImagineAwarding entity: Universitat de GironaConferral date: 2008

Summary of other achievements

1 Description of the achievement: Associate Editor of International Journal of Geography andEnvironmental managementAccrediting entity: International Institute of Academic Research and DevelopmentConferral date: 2016

2 Description of the achievement: Expert evaluator of H2020-SC5-WATER-WASTE-2015Accrediting entity: Research Executive Agency (European Commission)Conferral date: 2015

3 Description of the achievement: Membership of the Advice commissionAccrediting entity: Agroterritori FoundationConferral date: 2015

4 Description of the achievement: Membership of the International Association for Hydro-EnvironmentEngineering and ResearchAccrediting entity: IAHRConferral date: 2014

5 Description of the achievement: Membership of the Chair of Geography and Territorial ThinkingAccrediting entity: Universitat de GironaConferral date: 2009

6 Description of the achievement: Membership of the Institute of the Environment (Universitat de Girona)Accrediting entity: Universitat de GironaConferral date: 2009

7 Description of the achievement: Membership of the Catalan Society of GeographyAccrediting entity: Institut d'Estudis CatalansConferral date: 2007