cv tomi panggabean - linked

April 16, 2016 Dear, HRD Manager My name is Tomi Panggabean. I was a graduate student in Computer Science at Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Komputer Dinamika Bangsa Jambi (STIKOM DB Jambi), and I had awarded Bachelor degree in September 01, 2014. I am currently looking for a position related to Information and Technology in research and development of a major company. I learned, designed, and completed a DBMS and Computer Structure. I was familiar about Network Operation Systems, MySql, PHP, C++, and Java. I have strong analytical power, Leadership, and doing Decision Support System. I also familiar with information system, administration system, and report system using Office Application or Program. Besides that, I enhanced my knowledge about Multimedia tools as Adobe, Corel Draw, and AutoDesk.. With all my best talent, I certainly believe that I am competent to meet challenging tasks and can make the best contribution to your company. Enclosed is my resume, which indicates in some detail my profile and experience. I sincerely hope that my qualifications are of interest to you and that an interview might be arranged at your convenience. Job Position : IT / HR – GA/ Admin / Staff related to Computer Skill. Thank you very much for your considerations. I look forward to hear from you soon. Sincerely yours, Tomi Panggabean

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Page 1: CV Tomi Panggabean - Linked

April 16, 2016

Dear,HRD Manager

My name is Tomi Panggabean. I was a graduate student in Computer Science at SekolahTinggi Ilmu Komputer Dinamika Bangsa Jambi (STIKOM DB Jambi), and I had awardedBachelor degree in September 01, 2014. I am currently looking for a position related toInformation and Technology in research and development of a major company.

I learned, designed, and completed a DBMS and Computer Structure. I was familiar aboutNetwork Operation Systems, MySql, PHP, C++, and Java.

I have strong analytical power, Leadership, and doing Decision Support System. I alsofamiliar with information system, administration system, and report system using OfficeApplication or Program. Besides that, I enhanced my knowledge about Multimedia tools asAdobe, Corel Draw, and AutoDesk.. With all my best talent, I certainly believe that I amcompetent to meet challenging tasks and can make the best contribution to your company.

Enclosed is my resume, which indicates in some detail my profile and experience. I sincerelyhope that my qualifications are of interest to you and that an interview might be arranged atyour convenience.

Job Position : IT / HR – GA/ Admin / Staff related to Computer Skill.

Thank you very much for your considerations. I look forward to hear from you soon.

Sincerely yours,

Tomi Panggabean

Page 2: CV Tomi Panggabean - Linked

Batam, 16 April 2016Perihal : Lamaran Pekerjaan

Kepada Yth.Bapak/Ibu HRD Manager

Dengan Hormat,

Berdasarkan informasi yang saya terima bahwa di Perusahaan anda membutuhkan Karyawan,maka saya mengajukan lamaran pekerjaan. Adapun biodata saya sebagai berikut :

Nama Lengkap : Tomi PanggabeanTempat/Tanggal Lahir : Jambi, 04 Oktober 1990Jenis Kelamin : Laki-LakiPendidikan Terakhir : Strata-1Program Studi : Teknik InformatikaUniversitas : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Komputer Dinamika Bangsa JambiIPK : 3,42Alamat Sekarang : Perumahan Putri Tujuh Tahap I Blok C No. 5 Kelurahan

Kibing Kecamatan Batu Aji Pulau Batam Provinsi Kepulauan RiauNomor Handphone : 082379892722

Sebagai bahan pertimbangan saya lampirkan :

1. Daftar Riwayat Hidup (Curriculum Vitae)2. Pas foto 4x63. Scan KTP4. Scan Surat Keterangan Pencari Kerja5. Scan Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian6. Scan Surat Keterangan Kesehatan BIP Klinik7. Scan Ijazah Strata-18. Scan Transkrip Nilai Akademik9. Scan Surat Pengalaman Kerja

Saya sangat suka tantangan bidang pekerjaan baru yang belum saya mengerti, tapi sayamemliiki motivasi tinggi untuk kembangkan diri di bidang tersebut dengan talenta yang sayapunya.

Demikian lamaran ini saya buat dengan sebenarnya. Besar harapan saya dapat bergabung diPerusahaan yang Bapak/Ibu Pimpin. Atas perhatiannya, saya ucapkan banyak terima kasih.

Salam Hormat,

Tomi Panggabean

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CURICULLUM VITAEPERSONAL DETAILSName : Tomi PanggabeanPlace / Date of Birth : Jambi, October 04, 1990Gender : MaleMarital Status : SingleReligion : ChristianHeight : 174cmWeight : 72kgCurrent Address : Perumahan Putri Tujuh Tahap I Blok C

No. 5 Kelurahan KibingKecamatan Batu Aji Pulau BatamKepulauan Riau

Phone Number : 082379892722Email : [email protected]

EDUCATION DETAILS1. SD Negeri 59 Kota Jambi, 1996-20022. SMP Swasta Nommensen Kota Jambi, 2002-20063. SMA Swasta Nommensen Kota Jambi, 2006-20094. Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Komputer Dinamika Bangsa Jambi 2010-2014

Bachelor Degree : S1 Computer ScienceGPA : 3,42

JOB EXPERIENCES1. Company : CV. Perintis Lintas Talang Duku (Pelita Group) Jambi

Position : IT SupportPeriod : December 2013 - December 2015

BASIC SKILLS :Good knowledge Computer structure and Network operation, Operation systems of computerand software application, Database, PHP, Mysql, C++, JavaGood knowledge TCP/IP, Routing, PABX, and HardwareStrong analytical skill and maintenance instructions.

PERSONALITY :Good Attitude, Discipline, Leadership, Communicative (Indonesian & English Language),Diligent, Teamwork Passion, Confident Individually, Self Motivated, Work Harder, TargetOriented, Honesty and Responsible.

INTERESTS :Browsing Internet, Listening Music, Singing, Playing a musical instrumentSports, Trip


Tomi Panggabean

CURICULLUM VITAEPERSONAL DETAILSName : Tomi PanggabeanPlace / Date of Birth : Jambi, October 04, 1990Gender : MaleMarital Status : SingleReligion : ChristianHeight : 174cmWeight : 72kgCurrent Address : Perumahan Putri Tujuh Tahap I Blok C

No. 5 Kelurahan KibingKecamatan Batu Aji Pulau BatamKepulauan Riau

Phone Number : 082379892722Email : [email protected]

EDUCATION DETAILS1. SD Negeri 59 Kota Jambi, 1996-20022. SMP Swasta Nommensen Kota Jambi, 2002-20063. SMA Swasta Nommensen Kota Jambi, 2006-20094. Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Komputer Dinamika Bangsa Jambi 2010-2014

Bachelor Degree : S1 Computer ScienceGPA : 3,42

JOB EXPERIENCES1. Company : CV. Perintis Lintas Talang Duku (Pelita Group) Jambi

Position : IT SupportPeriod : December 2013 - December 2015

BASIC SKILLS :Good knowledge Computer structure and Network operation, Operation systems of computerand software application, Database, PHP, Mysql, C++, JavaGood knowledge TCP/IP, Routing, PABX, and HardwareStrong analytical skill and maintenance instructions.

PERSONALITY :Good Attitude, Discipline, Leadership, Communicative (Indonesian & English Language),Diligent, Teamwork Passion, Confident Individually, Self Motivated, Work Harder, TargetOriented, Honesty and Responsible.

INTERESTS :Browsing Internet, Listening Music, Singing, Playing a musical instrumentSports, Trip


Tomi Panggabean

CURICULLUM VITAEPERSONAL DETAILSName : Tomi PanggabeanPlace / Date of Birth : Jambi, October 04, 1990Gender : MaleMarital Status : SingleReligion : ChristianHeight : 174cmWeight : 72kgCurrent Address : Perumahan Putri Tujuh Tahap I Blok C

No. 5 Kelurahan KibingKecamatan Batu Aji Pulau BatamKepulauan Riau

Phone Number : 082379892722Email : [email protected]

EDUCATION DETAILS1. SD Negeri 59 Kota Jambi, 1996-20022. SMP Swasta Nommensen Kota Jambi, 2002-20063. SMA Swasta Nommensen Kota Jambi, 2006-20094. Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Komputer Dinamika Bangsa Jambi 2010-2014

Bachelor Degree : S1 Computer ScienceGPA : 3,42

JOB EXPERIENCES1. Company : CV. Perintis Lintas Talang Duku (Pelita Group) Jambi

Position : IT SupportPeriod : December 2013 - December 2015

BASIC SKILLS :Good knowledge Computer structure and Network operation, Operation systems of computerand software application, Database, PHP, Mysql, C++, JavaGood knowledge TCP/IP, Routing, PABX, and HardwareStrong analytical skill and maintenance instructions.

PERSONALITY :Good Attitude, Discipline, Leadership, Communicative (Indonesian & English Language),Diligent, Teamwork Passion, Confident Individually, Self Motivated, Work Harder, TargetOriented, Honesty and Responsible.

INTERESTS :Browsing Internet, Listening Music, Singing, Playing a musical instrumentSports, Trip


Tomi Panggabean

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