cv бичих

CV writing Curriculum Vitae Goal: lean how to write and complete a CV in English.

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CV writingCurriculum Vitae

Goal: lean how to write and complete a CV in English.

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CV writing websites



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Suggestions about writing your CV and letters of intent are guidelines only. You don’t have to follow every suggestion.

Different people have different ideas about what makes a good CV and a good letter.

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What Is Included a Curriculum Vitae (CV)?

A summary of education & training including: Name & contact Info Education Awards, Publications & Presentations (if

any) Teaching Experience, Research

Experience (if any) Other Professional Experience &/or

Additional Relevant Experience Professional Affiliations References


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What Is a Curriculum Vitae (CV)?

It should be brief (approximately 2-4 pages, depending on your experience) and should:

Be concise and to the point Include all relevant experiences Highlight strengths Give a good clear sense of your

experiences Be professional Not have any typos or mistakes


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A CV is Not a Resume

Resumes are short, CVs longer.CVs include more details about your

experiences than resumes do.Generally academic in nature.

Style issues (e.g., font, paper) are much less important with CVs.


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A Word About CVs and Style Make it easy to read

Separate the dates from the details

Start each section with most recent position No need for pronouns (e.g., ‘I’ conducted…)

Should be Conducted…


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What is in a CV (In Order That They Should Appear)

Contact Info – top of first page. Name, address, phone and email

Education List each university (most recent first)

with dates and degree should state B.S. expected May 2007

Awards, publications, presentations (if any) Only include awards that are academic

in nature


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What is in a CV (In Order) - continuedResearch and job

Include name, your position title, and the dates of service

In one sentence, describe the work you did. Ex.: Worked for a Mongolian mining company as structural geologist.

On a separate line articulate all ‘responsibilities’ or ‘duties’ – usually 1-3 sentences max (include population).

If position was paid, indicate this


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What’s in a CV (In Order) - continued

Teaching Experience (if any)

Include where the teaching was done, the course title, the instructor’s name (if it was not you), and the dates of the course.

On a separate line articulate all “responsibilities” or “duties”.


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What’s in a CV (In Order) - continued

Research Experience (if any)

Include where the research was done, the principal investigator/mentor, your title, and the dates of service

In one sentence define the study or project (e.g.,)

On a separate line articulate all responsibilities or duties

If position was paid, indicate this


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What’s in a CV (In Order) – continued

Professional Affiliations e.g., GSA, Geochemical Society (include dates)

Optional sections? Community (or) Volunteer Experience – is an OK

section depending on the purpose of your CV. Hobbies or Interests – Very optional depends... Research interests: a sentence on top about what you

want to do. Professional Training – this section comes after



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What’s in a CV (In Order) – continued

Other sections? (continued)

Additional Professional Experience – a good section to have (after research & before the prof. affil.), but only used when you have changed careers (e.g., previous management, law exp.)


References List the name, title, address, phone #, and email address

to all of your letter writers It is also possible to write: References available upon



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Top of page

* Name

* Surname

* Local address

* E-mail address

* Phone number

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Benjamin Linhoff

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– PhD student in geology at the University of Texas at Austin.

– Bachelor of Science in Geology from Boise State University (May, 2005).

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Awards, Honors and Scholarships:

– Fulbright Scholarship to Mongolia (ten month tenure will begin in March, 2006).

– Boise State University Geosciences departmental scholarship (fall, 2004 and spring, 2005).

– Boise State University Undergraduate Creativity Research Grant (April, 2005).

– Dean’s list with honors (fall, 2005).

– Research Experience for Undergraduates Grant through University of Wisconsin Eau Claire (summer, 2002).

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Papers Published:

– Linhoff, B.S., 2005, Soil acidity in vineyards of the Finger Lakes, New York: Keck Consortium, v. 18, p. 46-50.

– Linhoff, B.S., 2005, Origin of a South African diamondiferous eclogite: 15th Annual Goldschmidt Meeting, abstract, p. 89.

– Presentations:– Presented talk entitled Soil Acidity in Vineyards of the Finger

Lakes, New York at Shell Drake Wine Makers Conference, 2004.

– Poster presentation, Origin of a South African diamondiferous eclogite at 15th Annual Goldschmidt Meeting in Moscow, Idaho.

– Poster presentation, Soil Acidity in Vineyards of the Finger Lakes, New York at 18th annual Keck Consortium meeting.

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Research Experience:– Fulbright Scholarship to Mongolia:– I have been awarded a Fulbright Scholarship to Mongolia. I

will begin my ten month tenure in March of 2006. My research in Mongolia will focus on thecharacterization of microbial life in the hypersaline lakes in northeastern Mongolia.

– Senior thesis: – My senior thesis involved studying the geochemistry of

eclogites. I examined trace and major element geochemistry as well as the stable isotope O18 composition. This project emphasized lab and data analyses and significantly enhanced my geochemical knowledge beyond general coursework. For this study, I presented at the 2005 Goldschmidt geochemistry conference in Moscow, Idaho.

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Research Experience - continued

– National Science Foundation’s Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU):

– I worked with a Keck Geological Consortium research team to study the terrier (quality wine’s relationship with climate, geology and geography) of New York’s Finger Lakes Region. I developed an independent project that focused on variations of soil pH and the environmental controls on soil pH. I presented a poster detailing my research in April, 2005 at the Keck Geological Consortium’s annual meeting in Colorado Springs.

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Field Experience:

– Worked as a field technician for conservation biologist in Owyhee Mountains of southwestern Idaho (summer, 2003).

– Participated in three week Rocky Mountain geology field study course through University of Wisconsin Eau Claire (summer, 2001).

– Participated in five week long geology field camp in Turkey through South Dakota School of Mines (summer, 2005).