customers satisfaction towards arvind store

Solapur University, Solapur CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION TO STUDY 1.1 Introduction:- Indian retail industry India is the hottest retail destination. India retail industry is considered as one of the world’s top 5 retail market in terms of economic value this industry is experiencing exponential growth with retail development taking place not just in major cities and metros but also in tire 2 and tire 3 cities. As retail sector is growing on large scale, competition has increased and consumers of today expect a good service with the market full of brands and their outlets Pursuing this opportunity various multiband stores like yuva, k-lounge, gents and many more have started their store in solapur. As concept of multiband retailing is gaining much importance in solapur because of several factors affecting its growth it has increased the competition for local retailers Through this project we will get to know wither the customers of Arvind cloth store are satisfied or not in terms of price, discount offered Quality, variety, etc. H.N.C.C 1 B.B.A Programme

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Page 1: customers satisfaction towards arvind store




1.1 Introduction:-

Indian retail industry India is the hottest retail destination. India retail industry

is considered as one of the world’s top 5 retail market in terms of economic value this

industry is experiencing exponential growth with retail development taking place not

just in major cities and metros but also in tire 2 and tire 3 cities.

As retail sector is growing on large scale, competition has increased and

consumers of today expect a good service with the market full of brands and their


Pursuing this opportunity various multiband stores like yuva, k-lounge, gents

and many more have started their store in solapur. As concept of multiband retailing

is gaining much importance in solapur because of several factors affecting its growth

it has increased the competition for local retailers

Through this project we will get to know wither the customers of Arvind cloth

store are satisfied or not in terms of price, discount offered Quality, variety, etc. With

respect of another multiband stores available in solapur city.

Retail business is a global business and one of the most actively sectors of the

Indian economy. Modern retailing has entered into the retail market as observed in the

form of bustling shopping centers, multi –branded malls and huge complexes. This

offers entertainment and food all under one roof. Also with the increase in purchasing

power of the people the retail business is flourishing.

Today the world is full of Brands. In the recent days of 21 st century many

brands were newly introduced in the retail market. The people are too crazy for

brands. The retail sector has flourished the Indian economy on a large scale. It is one

of the most powerful sectors in the economy & id growing very rapidly.

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Pursuing this opportunity many retail giants such as Wall-mart, Big-Bazaar,

and Pantaloon etc entered into the retail market and are making huge amount of profit.

In addition to this a new concept of Multi – Branded concept evolved to attract more

number of customers & survive in competition.

In today’s world people are vigorously changing their brands. They are more brands

conscious. The brands have gained more importance than the price tag. These

substantial changes in the behavior of customer have influenced me to study about it.

Fashion has its own definition influenced by the people. It includes accessories,

branded apparels and other factors. This Project includes the study of ARVIND store

because the psychology of a consumer helps in understanding various issues such as:-

1. The psychology of how consumer thinks feels reason and select between

alternatives. (e.g.- brands, product)

2. The psychology of how the consumer in influenced by his/her environment.

(e.g.-culture, family, sign, media)

3. The behavior of consumer while shopping or making decisions other

marketing decisions.

4. How consumer motivates and decision strategies differ between products that

differ in their level of importance or interest that they entail for the consumer.

5. How marketer can adopt and improve their marketing campaign and

marketing strategies to more effectively reach the customer.

The ARVIND store which is a multi-brand Shoppe which has national and

international brands within it gives a wide scope for the study of customer’s attitude.

This study is very helpful in marketing to understand the various factors which

influence the customer in their buying behavior.

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1.2 Objectives and Importance of Study:-


To study the various factors influencing the buying behavior of the

buyers of ‘THE ARVIND STORE’ in Solapur city.

To study the opinion of the customers toward ‘THE ARVIND STORE’

in Solapur.

To find out preference regarding the ARVIND STORE among the

customers in Solapur city.


To know the better performance of THE ARVIND STORE in


To know the buyers behavior towards purchasing the particular brand.

To understand changing behaviors of buyers seasonally or occasionally

towards other brands.

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1.3Scope & Limitations of Study:-


This project will help the ARVIND STORE the outlet of Arvind mills in solapur

city to know the customer satisfaction with regards it Arvind mill s product and

also will help to make them to make necessary changes in promotional activities,

infrastructure etc. so that customer are satisfied at maximum level.


1. This study is only limited to THE ARVIND STORE.

2. This study is limited only in Solapur city.

3. The study was limited to 150 respondents.

4. Information given by the respondents is assumed to be true and authentic.

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1.4 Research Methodology:-

A Research methodology is usually a guideline system of solving a

problem with specific components such as phases, task, methods, techniques and tools

Type of research used Descriptive research

Research approach Survey

Research instruments Questionnaire

Sampling method:-

For this project Stratified Random Sampling Method was been undertaken.

In this study population is divided into various several sub population that are

individually more homogeneous than the total population and then we select item

from each strata to constitute a sample.

Maximum care however should be taken to make strata on the basis of common

characteristic so that sampling may become more effective. The criteria for

stratification may vary from problem to problem for e.g. educational group,

professional group, age group etc.


Sample segment Solapur city

Sample unit Customers of The ARVIND Store

Sample size 150

Sampling method Simple random sampling

In this study Simple random sampling is used

In this study strata are prepared on the basis of age, income, Occupation,

gender, education, etc.

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Source of data:-

The collected data should be correct, reliable, and appropriate.

There are two types of data

A) Primary Data

B) Secondary Data

A) Primary Data:-

The data collected directly from the source is called the primary

data. It is collected by asking question to respective customers of The ARVIND Store.

It is the data which is first hand fresh. This can be collected through,




In this project survey method is used for collecting primary data.

B) Secondary Data:-

Secondary data can be collected through two types.

1) Internal sources :-

Periodicals or websites or records of the Organization itself.

I have gathered the secondary data from the owner of the store.

2) External sources :-

Reports provided by websites on internet.

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2.1 Introduction to Organization:-

Arvind Limited, the flagship company of the Lalbhai Group, is a producer of

composite manufacturer of textiles. It is head-quartered in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.

It manufactures a range of cotton shirting, denim, knits and bottom weights (Khakis)

fabrics. It is India's largest denim manufacturer apart from being world’s fourth-

largest producer and exporter of denim. In the early 1980s, the company brought

denim into the domestic market, thus started the jeans revolution in India. Today it not

only retails its own brands like Flying Machine, Newport and Excalibur but also

licensed international brands like Arrow, Lee, Wrangler and Tommy Hilfiger, through

its nationwide retail network. Arvind also runs a value retail chain, Megamart, which

stocks company brands. The original budget for the company totaled $55,000(in 1931

dollars); at present it is $500,000,000

In the mid-1990s, Arvind Mills undertook a massive expansion of its denim capacity

even though other cotton fabrics were slowly replacing the demand for denim. The

expansion plan was funded by loans from both Indian and overseas financial

institutions. With the demand for denim slowing, Arvind Mills found it difficult to

repay the loans, and thus the interest burden on the loans shot up. In the late 1990s,

Arvind Mills ran into financial problems because of its debt burden, and it incurred

huge losses in the late 1990.

The company came up with a massive debt-restructuring plan for the long-term debts

being taken up in February 2001. This complex financial restructuring exercise, which

involved several domestic and international lenders, is considered to be the

benchmark and a case study in India. The restructuring was overseen by Mr. Jayesh

Shah, CFO and advised on by JP Morgan Hong Kong team, led by Mr. Ahmad Ayaz.

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History of organization:

1991 – Arvind reached 100 million meters of denim per year,

becoming the fourth largest producer of denim in the world.

1998 – Arvind Mills emerges as the world's third largest

manufacturer of denim.

2001 – Arvind Mills defaults on a $125 million floating rate note

issue and puts forward a debt restructuring proposal that could

significantly reduce its debt burden and sharply improve its

financial health. Arvind Mills posts a net loss of Rs 44.59 crore for

the quarter ended September 30, 2001.

2003 – For the fourth quarter, Arvind Mills witnesses 280%

growth in the net profit

2005 – For the fourth quarter in a row, Arvind Mills has managed

to post a profit growth in excess of 80 per cent.

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Consumer buying behavior :-

According to F.F.Webstar “Buying behavior states that all behavior of potential

customers as they become aware of, evaluate, purchase, consume & tell other about

products & services.”

It is mainly influenced by following factors such as:

1. Cultural

2. Social

3. Personal

4. Psychological

1. Cultural factors:- Cultural, subculture & social class are important factors

that influenced consumer buying behavior

A) Culture:

It is the fundamental determinant of persons wants & behavioral person acquire

valves perceptions, preference & behavior through his/her family & other key

institution right from the childhood.

B) Subculture:

Each culture of smaller subculture that provide more specific identification for their

members. Subculture includes nationalities, religious & geographic regions. When

subculture grows large & affluent enough, companies often design specialized

marketing programs to serve them.

C) Social class:

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The stratification in the human societies take forms of caste system in which the

members of different caste are reared for certain role & cannot change their cast

membership. Most frequently it takes the form of social classes, relatively

homogeneous & enduring division in the society social classes show distinct product

& brand preferences.

2. Social factors: - In addition to cultural factors consumers buying behavior

influenced by following social factors.

A) Reference groups: A persons reference groups consists of all the groups that

have a direct as well as indirect influence on a person are called membership group.

The membership group with whom the person interacts informally & regularly are

the primary groups e.g. - family, friends, neighbors’ & co-workers.

People also belong to secondary group such as religious, professional & trade

union group which are more informal & require less continuous interaction. People

are also influenced by asp rational group & dissociative group.

Reference group explore an individual to new behavior & lifestyle, attitudes & self

concept. They create pressure for conformity that may affect actual product & brand


B) Family: the family is the most important consumer buying organization in the

society. Family members constitute the influential primary reference group. Family

can be distinguished as:

Family of orientation – consists of parents & siblings.

Family of procreation – one’s spouse & children has keen interest in the role &

relative influence of family members in purchase of various products & services.

C) Role & status: A person participates in various groups like family, clubs, and

organization etc. the person’s position in each group defines his role & status in the

respective group.

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A role consists of the activities that a person is expected to perform. Each role

represents a status. People choose product that communicate their role & status.

Marketers must be aware of the status symbol potential of product & brand.

3. Personal factors: - These include buyer’s age & stage in the life cycle

occupation, economic circumstances, lifestyle, personality & self concept.

A) Age & stage in the life cycle:

People buy different products & service during their lifetime. The pattern of diet

changes with age of the person. Taste in clothes, electronic equipment, furniture &

recreation are also age related. Consumption is also shaped by the family cycle &

the number, age &gender. Marketers often choose lifecycle groups on their target


B) Occupation & economic circumstance:

Occupation also influence consumption pattern e.g.: A blue collar workers will

buy work clothes, work shoes & lunch boxes. Whereas a company president will buy

suit. Air travel & country club membership.

Marketers try to identify the occupational groups that have above average

interest in their product & services. Product choice is greatly affected by economic

circumstances, spendable income, saving & assets, debts, borrowing power & attitude

towards spending & saving.

C) Personality & self concept:

Personality is often described in terms of trait like self confidence, dominance,

autonomy, difference, sociability etc. Personality can be a useful variable in analyzing

consumer brand choice.

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D) Lifestyle & values:

People from the same subculture social class & occupation may lead quite

different lifestyle. A lifestyle is a person pattern of living in the world as expressed in

activities, interest & opinion. Marketers search for relationship between their product

& lifestyle groups

4. Psychological factors:

A) Motivation:

A person has many needs at given time. Some needs are biogenic. They arise

from psychological states of tension such as hunger, thirst, or discomfort. Other needs

are psychogenic states of tension such as need for recognition, esteem or belonging. A

need become a motive when it is aroused to a sufficient level of intensity.

B) Perception:

Perception is the process by which an individual selects, organizes & interprets

information input to create a meaningful picture of the world. Perception depends

upon physical stimuli as well as stimuli’s relation to the surrounding.

Perception can vary widely among individual. People can emerge with

different perception of the same object because of these perceptual processes selective

attention, selective retention.

C) Learning: Learning involves change in an individual behavior is arising from

experience. Most human behavior is learned. Learning is produced through the

interplay of drives, stimuli, cues, responses & reinforcement.

Learning theory teaches marketers that they can build demand for a product by

associating it with strong drives, using motivating cues, & providing positive


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D) Beliefs & attitudes:

A belief is a descriptive thought that a person holds about something. Belief

may be based on knowledge, opinion, or faith. They may not carry on emotional


Manufacturers are interested in the belief that people carry with them about the

product & service. These beliefs make up product & brand image.

An attitude is a person’s enduring favorable or unfavorable evaluation,

emotional feeling, & action tendencies towards some object or idea. Attitude leads to

people to behave in a fairly consistent way towards the same products.

5. Purchase Decision:-

In the evaluation stage, the consumer forms preferences among the brands in

the choices set. The consumer may also form an attention to buy the most preferred

brands. In executing a purchase intention the consumer may make five sub-decision:

brand, Dealer, Quantity, Timing and Payment method


6. Post purchase Behavior:-

After the purchase, the consumer might experience dissonance that stems

from noticing certain disquieting features or hearing favorable things about other

brands, and will be alert to information that support his or her decision. Marketing

communications should supply beliefs and evaluations that reinforce the consumer’s

choice and help him or her feel good about the brand.

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Table no.:- 1

Table representing Gender of the respondents

Gender No. of respondent Percentage

Male 94 62%

Female 56 38 %

Total 150 100%






It is observed that 62% male visit the ARVIND store as they feel it comfortable with

the discounts provided by the Store, which is quite more than Female visitors. It is

also observed that male respondents are more found of fashion than female


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Table no.:- 2

Table representing occupation of respondents

occupation No. of respondents Percentage

Student 65 43%

Employee 44 29%

Business 18 12%

professional 23 16%

Total 150 100%

Student Employee Business professional0%














Occupation of the Respondents



Maximum number of respondents were students then followed by employees, then by

professionals and finally by business. As students are more likely attracted to clothing

and accessories the frequency of students is more than other occupation respondents.

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Table no:-3

Table representing the Age group of the respondents

Age group No. of respondents Percentage

16-20 44 29 %

21-25 52 34%

26-30 26 17%

31-35 17 11%

35 & above 11 9%

Total 150 100%






Age Group

16-20 yrs21-25 yrs26-30 yrs31-35 yrs35 & above


It is observed that 29% of respondent belong from 16-20 yrs group, 34% from 21-

25yrs group, 17% from 26-30 yrs age group, 11% from 31-35 yrs group, and 9% from

35 & above yrs group. This shows that respondent from 16-25 age groups i.e.

youngsters are more in number, this is because youngsters are more attracted toward

branded apparel and are concern about fashion.

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Table no.:- 4

Table representing income of the respondents.

Income No. of respondents Percentage

Below-5000 15 10%

5001-10000 20 13 %

10001-20000 61 40%

20001-Above 54 37%

Total 150 100%

Below-5000 5001-10000 10001-20000 20000-Above0%















Customers’ belong to income level 10001-20000 category visit most the Store more


And that of above 20000 income level too visit the more. The number

decreases as the income level decreases. It shows that increasing purchasing

power plays an vital role in buying behavior of people.

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Table no.:-5

Table representing Products preferred by the respondents

Product No. of respondent Percentage

Casual dress 68 46%

Formal dress 34 23%

Accessories 19 13%

Innerwear 16 10%

Other 13 8%

Total 150 100%

Casual dress Formal dress Accessories Innerwear Other0%










50% 46%


13%10% 8%

Product Pattern



It is observed that 46% of respondents prefer casual dress followed by 23% formal

dress, 13% for accessories, 10% for innerwear and 8% for other products. As

maximum customers of ARVIND store are college going students, casual wear is

most preferred in the ARVIND store.

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Table no.:- 6

Table representing spending of the respondents at the ARVIND store

Income No. of respondents Percentage

Below-1000 32 12%

1001-1500 56 37%

1501-2000 43 28%

2001-Above 19 23%

Total 150 100%

Below-1000 1001-1500 1501-2000 2001-above0%
















From the above table it is observed that 37% of the total respondents spend from Rs

1001-1500. Whereas 12% spend below Rs 1000 followed by 28% which spends Rs

1501-2000 and last but not the least 23% from 2001 - Above. Generally a jean & a T-

shirt usually range from 1001-1500.

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Table no.:-7

Table representing respondents purchase occasion for the ARVIND store

Visits No. of respondent Percentage

Regularly 33 22%

Occasionally 27 18%

Festival season 41 27%

Schemes & offer 49 33%

Total 150 100%

Regularly Occasionally Festival seasons Schemes & offers0%















More number of customers visit during the period when company provides schemes

& offers, and also during the festive season. Consistent visits is observed apart than

the discount season. It shows that more discounted stock attracts more customers in

the store.

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Table no:-8

Table representing the factors considered by the respondents while purchasing

products from ARVIND store.

Factors No. of respondent Percentage

Availability of brands 38 25%

Various schemes& offers 44 29%

Price 63 42%

Other 05 4%

Total 150 100%

Availability of brands

Various schemes& offers

Price Other0%
















It is observed that 42% of respondents, price is first priority while shopping followed

by 29% for various schemes & offer, 25% for availability of brands, 4% for other

factors. It also shows that price plays a very crucial role for customers while shopping

in ARVIND store.

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Table no:- 9

Table showing rating from the respondent’s to Attributes of the ARVIND store.

Rating Brands Price Variety Discounts Display &



Poor 10 16 15 16 29 15

Average 32 35 35 45 38 44

Good 65 47 63 46 44 56

Excellent 43 52 37 43 39 35

Total 150 150 150 150 150 150

Poor Average Good Excellent 0









BrandsPriceVarietyDiscountsDisplay & LayoutService


It is observed that poor rating is given for variety followed by average rating given for

price, good rating is given for service and excellent rating is given for brands. Most of

the respondent are pleased with service provided by the store management. Maximum

number of respondent are also satisfied with the brands available in the store.

Table no.:-10

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Table representing the behavior of the sales attendant at the ARVIND store.

Behavior No. of respondent Percentage

casual 49 32%

Professional 75 50%

Rude 26 18%

Total 150 100%

Casual Professional Rude0%










Behavior of Attendents



32% of the customers feel that the behavior of the sales representative is casual,

50% feel it is professional & 18% feel it is rude. Thus a sales attendant also plays an

important role in decision making of customer. Professionalism of the sales attendant

clears many doubt aroused in the mind of customer

Table no.:- 11

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Table representing respondents who know Brand ambassador of the ARVIND store

No. of respondents Percentage

Yes 96 64%

No 54 36%

Total 150 100%



Awareness about Brand Ambassador



64% i.e. majority of the respondents are aware about the brand ambassador of the

ARVIND Store. The brand ambassador plays a very important role in promoting a

brand. As posters of brand ambassador is displayed in the ambience of the ARVIND


Table no.:- 12

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Table representing impact of brand ambassador of the ARVIND store

Impact No. of respondent Percentage

Major 40 26 %

Partial 23 15%

Not at all 87 48%

Total 150 100%




Impact of brand ambassador

MajorPartialNot at all


From the above table it is observed that 48% of the total respondents do not have any

impact of the Brand Ambassador on their purchase. Whereas 26% have major impact

and 15% of the total respondents have partial impact on their purchasing behavior.

Table no.:- 13

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Table showing opinion of respondents towards ARVIND store.

Rating No.of respondent Percentage

Good 43 28%

Excellent 74 50%

Poor 33 22%

Total 150 100%

good excellent poor0%













50% of the total respondents i.e more than half of all the total respondents thinks the

that ‘THE ARVIND STORE’ is excellent. Whereas 28% of remaining respondent

think that it is good followed by 22% respondent think it is poor.

Table no:- 14

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Table showing changes expected in the ARVIND store .

Sector No.of respondent Percentage

Infrastructure 35 23%

Space & ambience 61 40%

Staff & member 20 13%

Segmentation of


34 24%

Total 150 100%

Infrastructure Space & ambience Staff & member Segmentation of product















Expected Changes



40% respondents feel that space & ambience of the Store is not sufficient. 24% of the

respondents feel segmentation of products is not proper. 13% of respondents feel staff

and members of the Store should be changed. Majorly the customer is more

concerned about the space and ambience of the store. The customer need more space

to explore the store more properly.


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1. It was found that maximum numbers of visitors in the store are from male

category. Even though females are more interested in discount shopping the

number of female visitors are less in the store.

2. It was found that people from various occupations visit the store frequently.

Maximum numbers of visitors in the store are college going students. As

students are more found of new fashionable cloths.

3. It was found that 31% of respondent belong from 16-25 yrs group followed by

29% from 21-25yrs group, 13% from 26-30 yrs age group, 17% from 31-35

yrs group, and 10% from 35 & above yrs group. It also shows that respondent

from 16-20 age groups i.e. youngsters are more in number, this is because

youngsters are more attracted toward branded apparel.

4. It was found that people from 10001-20000 income groups are more frequent

visitors in the store. As THE ARVIND STORE is a discount Shoppe, people

from this income group are more likely attracted towards the store.

5. It was found that 52% of respondents prefer casual dress followed by 18%

formal dress, 14% for accessories, 11% for innerwear and 5% for other

products. As maximum customers of ARVIND store are college going

students, casual wear is most preferred in the ARVIND store.

6. It was found that 51% i.e. more than half of the total respondents spend from

Rs 1001-1500. Apparels and accessories worth Rs 1000 to 1500 are

immediately out of stock due to this type of spending culture of the


7. It was found that maximum numbers of customer visit the store, when the

company provides various schemes and offers. This shows that the respondent

are more likely interested in shopping when various schemes and offers are


8. It was found that 47% of respondents, price is first priority while shopping

followed by 35% for various schemes & offer, 16% for availability of brands,

2% for other factors. It also shows that price plays a very crucial role for

customers while shopping in ARVIND store.

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9. It was found that poor rating is given for variety, followed by average rating

for price, good rating given for service and excellent rating for brands. Most of

the respondents are pleased with the services provided by the store

management. Maximum number of respondents are also satisfied with the

brands available at the store.

10. It was found that maximum number of respondent feel that the behavior of the

sales attendant was professional. Many doubts and queries were handled

properly by the sales attendant.

11. It was found that 80% of the total population is aware about the Brand

Ambassador of THE ARVIND STORE.

12. It is observed that most of the respondents are aware about the brand

ambassador but are influenced by it. As a brand ambassador plays a very vital

role, the respondents are not at all influenced. whereas some are majorly

influenced and some are partially.

13. It was found that most of the respondent thinks that the store is a excellent

place for shopping. They were very pleased to have a discount Shoppe of

various brands in the city.

14. It was found that customer who visited the ARVIND store are more likely

interested in changing the space and ambience of the store. Customer wants to

increase the space so as they explore the store more properly and convenient.


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Regarding Stock:-

The store may updates its stock as customers are more awaiting for new

and fresh stock.

Customers Care :-

A) Whenever new stock is available or new schemes & offers are

introduced in the store customers may be informed by sending SMS on

their mobiles or by sending.

B) Posters of new schemes may be displayed outside the store.

Regarding Human Resource Management:-

A) A sales attendant play very important role in guiding customers so

proper training of communication , handling query, convincing may

be given prior recruiting

B) Experienced candidates may be recruited.

Regarding Variety Of Products:-

The store mostly consist of casual dresses, therefore more variety can be

introduced in formal dress and footwear section respectively as they are

more in demand.

Regarding Availability Of Brands:-

More variety superior and uncommon brands such as STATUS QUO and

THOMAS SCOTT may be made available as some customers from higher

segment are frequently pursuing the following brands.

Regarding Female customer:-

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As the frequency of the female customer is less in the store, more variety

& brands can be introduced so as to attract more female customer.

Regarding Festive Season:-

As the store is a discount Shoppe, it offers various schemes and discount

throughout the year. As observed customer mostly do shopping in festive

season. So store may introduce more schemes and offers during the festive


Regarding Advertisement:-

To create awareness among the people in the city, store can make

advertisement through the following ways

A) Through the local newspaper

B) Hoardings in crowed area of the city like Navi-Peth, Satrasta, and

Daffrin Chowk etc.

C) Through the local T.V channel “IN CITY”.

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