curved plane solid by fikri arif hakim and the group

Created By : - Fikri Arif Hakim - Andi Purnomo Explain Curved Plane Solid

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Page 1: Curved plane solid by fikri arif hakim and the group

Created By :- Fikri Arif Hakim - Andi Purnomo

Explain Curved Plane Solid

Page 2: Curved plane solid by fikri arif hakim and the group

Cylinder Station

Gas Cylinders

Cylinder VialSphere Ball

Sphere ubiCone Pyramid

Page 3: Curved plane solid by fikri arif hakim and the group

Are the objects over the last curved Plane Solid?

Correct…Cone,cylinder,sphere is example for Curved Plane Solid… .

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Look At the Picture!

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1. Radius of Cylinder(r)

3. Side of Cylinder

2. Height of Cylinder(h)


The Element of Cylinders

Side of cylinder



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To Determine the Volume of Cylinder, Following this activities

1. Draw a Cylinder

Volume of Cylinder

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3. Arrange to form the prism

2. Cut the cylinder into 12 sections , as shown below :

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After following those actions, what can you conclude all?

After the Cylinder was cut and prepared we obtain a new geometrical the prism.

With t = t tube prism, whichPrism base width = r Base of Cylinder

Prism base length = ½ circumference of Cylinder

Let you all mentioned prism volume?

Correct…., Volume Prism = Surface area x Height


Because the prism is made of Cylinder.What can be concluded?

Page 9: Curved plane solid by fikri arif hakim and the group

Volume Of Cylinder = Volume PrismVolume Prism = Sa x Height

= r . r x h = r 2 h

Because Volume of Cylinder = Volume PrismaSo, Volume of Cylinder = r 2 h

Page 10: Curved plane solid by fikri arif hakim and the group

Example :

Cake besides having radius of 10 cm and a height of 5 cm. Find the Volume :

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Answer :

Given: a Cylinder cake r = 10 cm h = 5 cm

Asked : Volume cakeAnswer : V= r 2 t

= 3,14 (10)2 . 5 = 1570 cm3

So the cake volume was 1570 cm3

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The Element of Sphere



P = Centre of Sphere


d = diameter = tali busur yang melalui, pusat bola

r = Radius = Jarak antara dua pusat bola dengan lengkung

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Sehingga Volume Bola = 4 Volume Kerucut

Coba Anda sekalian sebut apa Volume Kerucut ?

Volume Kerucut = tr 23


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Because a radius of Sphere = 4 Volume ConeSo,that :

VSphere =



tr 23


rr 2.3





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A Sphere with radius 3 cm.Calculate the volume of sphere :

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Given : r Sphere = 3 cmAsked : V Sphere?Answer :

V Sphere =


= So,the volume of the sphere is 36 cm3







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Page 19: Curved plane solid by fikri arif hakim and the group

A cone is an -dimensional geometric shape that tapers smoothly from a base (usually flat and circular) to a point called the apex or vertex.

Formally, it is the solid figure formed by the locus of all straight line segments that join the apex to the base. The term "cone" is sometimes used to refer to the surface or the lateral surface of this solid figure (the lateral surface of a cone is equal to the surface minus the base).

The axis of a cone is the straight line (if any), passing through the apex, about which the base has a rotational symmetry.

In common usage in elementary geometry, cones are assumed to be right circular, where right means that the axis passes through the

centre of the base (suitably defined) at right angles to its plane, and circular means that the base is a circle. Contrasted with right

cones are oblique cones, in which the axis does not pass perpendicularly through the centre of the base. [1] In general, however, the base may be any shape, and the apex may lie anywhere (though it

is often assumed that the base is bounded and has finite area, and that the apex lies outside the plane of the base). For example, a pyramid is

technically a cone with a polygonal base.


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Look at the Picture!

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The Surface Area of cone :The surface area of a right circular cone is:

The Volume Of Cone :

Page 22: Curved plane solid by fikri arif hakim and the group

Exercise :

1. A base Cylinder of radius 20 cm and height 30 cm. calculate the volume of the Cylinder?

2. Volume of a cylinder is 100 cm3, And Base radius is 10 cm. Calculate the Height Of Cylinder?

Page 23: Curved plane solid by fikri arif hakim and the group

Exercise :

1. Volume of a sphere is1.437 cm3.Calculate The Radius of sphere?

2. The length of radius a sphere is 10 cm, if the length of his fingers extended to 10.5 cm. determine the change in the volume of the Sphere ?

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The End… Wassalamuallaikum…WR.WB…