curtin university of technology - brochure - 2012

VISION OPPORTUNITY SUCCESS Undergraduate and postgraduate guide for international students CURTIN 2012

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Curtin University of Technology - Brochure - 2012


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vision opportunity

successundergraduate and postgraduate guide for international students


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Flight times from Perth

Destination Route Hours

Bangkok direct 6:55

Beijing via singapore/HK 10:55

Delhi via singapore 10:35

Dubai direct 11:05

Guangzhou via singapore/HK 9:00

Hong Kong direct 7:45

Ho chi Minh via singapore 9:10

Jakarta direct 4:15

Johannesburg direct 10:35

Kuala Lumpur direct 5:30

Los Angeles via sydney 17:35

London via singapore 18:45

Mauritius direct 8:10

Mumbai via singapore 10:20

singapore direct 5:05

taipei via singapore/HK 9:50

tokyo direct 9:50











PERTH CITY CAMPUSGraduate School of Business


perth is located in the south-western corner of Western Australia. the Bentley campus is located within 15 minutes of perth’s cBD and the swan river.

Note: Some Health Sciences courses have earlier closing dates. Refer to for more information.

WA campus locations





































Contactscurtin internationalGpo Box s1512perth 6845Western Australia

tel: +61 8 9266 7331 (student enquiries)Fax: +61 8 9266 2605 +61 8 9266 4013

email: [email protected] Web:

Contentsprogress in perth ..............................4Finances .............................................6progress at curtin .......................... 10Bentley campus ............................ 12campus maps ................................. 14Accommodation ............................. 16services and support ...................... 18other campus locations ................ 21Distance education ........................ 26overseas study .............................. 28study areas ..................................... 30new degree structures ................... 32

Business ........................................... 34Health sciences ............................... 36Humanities ...................................... 38science and engineering ............... 40pathways ........................................ 422012 undergraduate courses ....... 502012 postgraduate courses .......... 662012 research degrees ................. 74Apply now ........................................ 82scholarships .................................... 86Application form ............................. 87

WHetHeR you’Re A tAlenteD DesigneR oR An AsPiRing engineeR, CuRtin univeRsity Will HelP you gAin tHe PRACtiCAl exPeRienCe to tuRn youR PAssion into A ReWARDing CAReeR. visit ouR Website to leARn About CuRtin AnD PeRtH, seARCH FoR A CouRse AnD APPly online.

Academic calendar 2011/2012

SemeSter 2 2011 SemeSter 1 2012 SemeSter 2 2012

Applications close 17 June 13 January 1 June

enrolment briefings and seminars 4 July 13 February 2 July

international enrolment and information Week 4 – 8 July 13 – 17 February 2 – 6 July

startup Week 11 – 15 July 20 – 24 February 9 – 13 July

semester commences 18 July 27 February 16 July

semester closes 4 november 15 June 2 november

trimester calendar 2011/2012

trimeSter 2 2011 trimeSter 3 2011 trimeSter 1 2012 trimeSter 2 2012 trimeSter 3 2012

Applications close 1 April 15 July 7 December 6 April 13 July

enrolment briefings & orientation (2 weeks) 2 May 22 August 9 January 30 April 20 May

trimester commences 9 May 29 August 16 January 7 May 27 August

trimester closes 12 August 2 December 20 April 10 August 30 november

WelCome to CuRtin GO

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“perth’s warm climate, many beaches, outdoor lifestyle and relaxed atmosphere are perfect for my student life”

sHAsHeeDA, AFricA

Discover An excitinG LiFestyLe



g in



progress in perth ................4

Finances ...............................6

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PRogRess in PeRtH

mining gRoWtHWestern Australia is the nation’s largest exporter with the strongest economy and lowest unemployment rate of all Australian states and territories. Despite the recent challenges for the global economy, the value of the WA’s mining and petroleum industry reached A$70.9 billion in 2010.

this growth is set to continue with new partnerships between Australia and china—including ventures such as the Karara iron ore project—as well as the multibillion-dollar Gorgon natural Gas project and rio tinto’s decision to expand its iron ore infrastructure in the state’s pilbara region. the project will be the largest mining project ever carried out in Australia, providing even more opportunities in the years ahead.

builDing ouR FutuReMajor construction works are underway to revitalise perth and make the city a more vibrant and dynamic place to live than ever before.

the state theatre centre of Western Australia—the newest addition to the perth cultural centre— opened early in 2011. the theatre presents contemporary dance and performing arts from local and international artists in the heart of perth’s most cosmopolitan entertainment district.

Work is also underway on the new perth Arena: a state-of-the-art venue that will feature sporting and entertainment events such as WA’s own international tennis tournament, the Hopman cup.

tHe golDen stAteLet’s not forget all the things that perth is famous for: blue skies, pristine beaches, a thriving cafe culture, boutique wineries and delicious cuisine from around the globe. With world-class tourist destinations on your doorstep and more hours of sunshine than any other Australian capital city, perth offers plenty of places to explore on your weekends and study breaks.

perth is located in the same time zone as cities such as singapore, Beijing, Hong Kong and Kuala Lumpur, making it easy to stay in touch with your friends and family while you experience the Australian lifestyle. you’ll also have the support of an international community of over 200 nationalities to help you feel at home.

WesteRn AustRAliA is ReCogniseD ARounD tHe globe FoR its unique nAtuRAl enviRonment, AmAzing WeAtHeR AnD RelAxeD liFestyle. but tHAt’s not All We HAve to oFFeR. investment in tHe stAte’s mining AnD ResouRCes inDustRies HAs stRengtHeneD tHe eConomy, PRoviDing Avenues FoR DeveloPment, emPloyment AnD liFestyle in one oF tHe most DesiRAble PlACes to live in tHe WoRlD. big tHings ARe HAPPening in PeRtH, AnD noW is tHe time to mAke tHe most oF eveRytHing tHis gRoWing City HAs to oFFeR.

Curtinews RSS

perth’s excellent standard of living, along with the city’s low crime and unemployment rates, saw it placed in the top ten most desirable cities in the world in the London-based economist intelligence unit’s 2010 global liveability survey. the survey ranked 140 cities in terms of their stability, health care, culture and environment, education and infrastructure.

organisations such as the east perth redevelopment Authority (eprA) are working to make perth an even better place to live with urban renewal and regeneration projects, creating sustainable growth and vibrant urban areas. their projects range from creating an urban orchard in the city to transforming a disused power station into a waterfront destination for work, living and leisure.

to find out more, visit

Perth makes top ten GO

perth Arena, scheduled for completion in 2011SeaSOn mOnthS avG °C

summer Dec – Feb 17 – 30

Autumn Mar – May 14 – 26

Winter June – Aug 8 – 19

spring sept – nov 12 – 23

Perth weather


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living in PeRtH Will be An exCiting AnD ReWARDing exPeRienCe. eveRytHing you neeD is WitHin youR ReACH, AnD PlAnning A buDget FoR tHe Costs you neeD to CoveR Will HelP you mAke tHe most oF youR time in AustRAliA.

to get the best start, we recommend you bring at least A$700 and have access to another A$2,000 during your first week in Australia. you will need this to pay bond money (property security) and rent in advance. costs associated with electricity, gas and telephone services are usually paid later.

your living costs will depend on your taste, interests and financial position. you should plan a budget to suit your needs, but make sure it is flexible enough to allow for changes. if you want to buy a car, make sure you consider additional expenses such as petrol, insurance and licensing costs.

buDgetyou will need to purchase items such as textbooks and stationery so you should plan ahead to cover these costs. you should budget an extra A$350 per year for items such as photocopying and course-related incidental costs such as protective clothing. textbooks and reference books will cost an additional A$150 – 400 each semester. the cost of books can vary considerably depending on the course and units you choose. For cheaper, secondhand books, try the curtin secondhand Bookshop.

suggesteD Weekly buDget (A$)

ServiCe/COmmOdity SinGle Family


rent—furnished residence (average)

150 350

services—gas, water & electricity

20 30

Food 120 200

public transport 15 30

clothing, toiletries & entertainment

100 145

Medical 8 16

total 413 771

This table is intended as a guide only.

sCHool-Age DePenDAntsin Western Australia, dependants of international students may be enrolled in either government (public) or non-government (private) schools registered by the commonwealth register of institutions and courses for overseas students (cricos). A visa for the dependant(s) must be obtained through the Department of immigration and citizenship (DiAc) or a representative. Both public and private schools require the payment of full school fees. Government (public) school fees vary for dependants of undergraduate students, postgraduate students and some scholarship students. it is important to understand these costs BeFore your dependants arrive in Australia.

Note: Dependants of postgraduate international students (master or PhD only) can be enrolled in selected public schools in Western Australia at local student rates, provided that the school has been registered and has the capacity to accept them.

For more information and for contacts regarding visa processing, school fees, enrolments and a list of schools, visit and download the Dependant schooling information sheet. you can also contact the international sponsored students unit on +61 8 9266 3348 or [email protected]

Note: If dependants enrolled in a public school require English as a Second Language, learning difficulty or disability support, you may need to pay A$2,000 or more per dependant, per year. This will be an additional charge to the relevant school fees. These associated costs are paid by the student, not by Curtin or the Department of Education of Western Australia. It is recommended that dependants commence English language training before arriving in Perth.

WoRkyou can work part time to gain important industry experience, meet new people and get involved in life in Australia while you study. your student visa gives you permission to work in Australia once you have started your course. you are allowed to work a maximum of 20 hours per week during semester and unlimited hours during semester breaks; however, work should not distract you from your studies and you shouldn’t rely on your earnings to pay your tuition fees or other living expenses.

visAsto meet your course requirements, you must be enrolled as a full-time, internal student and maintain satisfactory course progress for each study period. not all units are available in every semester so you may have to apply for another visa to complete your course if you fail a unit. if the units you need to graduate are not offered, you may have to return home and re-apply for admission. this may incur additional costs for your visa application, tuition fees and living expenses.

HeAltHyou must purchase overseas student Health cover (osHc) from a registered health provider, approved by the Australia Government Department of Health and Aged care. All international students need to purchase osHc before their student visa will be granted. your osHc must cover the full length of your student visa.


perth’s new enex 100 shopping centre, perth city

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Join A GroWinGcoMMunity



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progress at curtin ........... 10

the Bentley campus ....... 12

campus maps .................. 14

Accommodation .............. 16

services and support ....... 18

other campus locations ..21

Distance education ........... 26

overseas study ................. 28

“the Hayman theatre gives us the chance to put on and watch plays, exploring and expanding our knowledge of theatre”

Louise, AustrALiA

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enRiCHing ouR CouRseschoosing a degree is a big decision, which is why we’ve made our undergraduate degrees even more flexible. you will have the freedom to follow your interests as you learn more about your field before choosing a major that suits your career goals.

our new Bachelor of science and Bachelor of Arts degrees give you the opportunity to study in your area of interest without the pressure of choosing your major before you start your studies. Just like our Bachelor of commerce degree, you’ll study some foundation units before choosing a single or double major from an extensive range of disciplines.

We have also developed an exciting range of cross-disciplinary double majors to help you blend your creative interests with a business discipline. some popular combinations include textiles and entrepreneurship, international relations and economics, journalism and public relations, and creative writing and advertising. Find out more on page 33.

builDing A RePutAtioncurtin’s new engineering pavilion and Health sciences Graduate research Hub are the most recent additions to our range of world-class facilities. the multimillion-dollar curtin resources and chemistry precinct, completed in 2009, is the largest research facility of its kind in the southern hemisphere, giving students direct access to industry and international research opportunities.

curtin stadium, also new in 2009, features an expansive gym, sports courts, ladies studio and group fitness rooms. Beach volleyball courts, tennis courts and the perth Hockey stadium—one of the leading hockey venues in Australia—are located just outside.

CReAting inteRnAtionAl oPPoRtunitiesWith seven campuses across the Asia-pacific region, curtin gives you all the benefits of a truly international university.

All of the courses offered at our campuses in sarawak, singapore and sydney are run using the same unit structure and study materials as our courses in perth, meaning that you can transfer between two campuses to complete your curtin degree. When you graduate, you’ll have a degree that is recognised in more places around the world and be able to complete further study at either campus to enhance your career prospects.

Note: Not all units are offered in every semester. You will need to check with the University to make sure that the units you need to study in order to graduate will be offered in the semester that you plan to transfer.

PRogRess At CuRtin

CuRtin univeRsity’s neW nAme Comes WitH A neW logo AnD A neW vision: to beCome one oF tHe toP 20 univeRsities in AsiA by 2020. so WHAt Does tHAt meAn FoR you? A neW CuRRiCulum, even betteR FACilities, AnD moRe oPPoRtunities to get tHe most out oF youR DegRee. GO

curtin stadium—Bentley campus



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3 4










bentley CAmPus

curtin internationalGpo Box s1512perth 6845Western Australiatel: +61 8 9266 7331 (student enquiries)Fax: +61 8 9266 2605 +61 8 9266 4013email: [email protected]

1 Building 100 John curtin centre2 Building 208 ceLc3 Building 201 Architecture4 campus Library5 Building 400 Health sciences6 Building 305 chemistry7 Building 407 Business school8 Bus station9 student Accommodation

10 perth cBD11 Building 103 curtin international12 Building 204/205 engineering13 Building 314 Maths & computing14 resources and chemistry precinct15 curtin stadium16 engineering pavilion

CuRtin’s bentley CAmPus is tHe lARgest AnD most multiCultuRAl univeRsity in WesteRn AustRAliA, oFFeRing tHe mAjoRity oF tHe univeRsity’s CouRses. Close to PubliC tRAnsPoRt AnD just six kilometeRs FRom tHe CentRe oF PeRtH, tHe bentley CAmPus is 116 HeCtARes (287 ACRes) in size AnD HAs on-CAmPus ACCommoDAtion FoR 1,175 stuDents. tHeRe is A meDiCAl CentRe on CAmPus, As Well As CHilDCARe AnD bAnking FACilities, inteRnAtionAl FooD outlets AnD A stAte-oF-tHe-ARt ReCReAtion stADium.

tHe bentley CAmPusC



ses An

D lo





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Resources and Chemistry Precinct

Curtin Stadium

curtin international and Housing services

student central

curtin english Language centre (ceLc)



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George’s Kebabs


The MainCafeteria



Cafe 210 TheBasementCafeteria

Eating on campus




John CurtinGallery andBuilding


Guild Centre

International O�ce



Vin DaviesBuilding


Ken HallTheatre





Curtin BusTerminal





Lecture theatres,student centres & facilities

Housing & transport

Learning CentresStudentGuild Hall

KeyEngineering, Science and Computing



Health Sciences


Curtin International College (CIC)













CAmPus mAPs

CuRtin’s mAin CAmPus lies ADjACent to teCHnology PARk, A tAFe College AnD CollieR PARk golF CouRse WitH sCHools, sHoPs AnD Housing in tHe viCinity.

curtin college

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WitH 1,175 PlACes AvAilAble on CAmPus AnD An extensive DAtAbAse oF PRivAte ACCommoDAtion oPtions, CuRtin’s Housing seRviCes oFFiCe Will HelP you FinD A PlACe to live. meet stuDents FRom ARounD tHe WoRlD living in on-CAmPus ACCommoDAtion oR CHoose FRom A RAnge oF oFF-CAmPus oPtions loCAteD Close by.

on CAmPuson-campus accommodation is always in high demand, so we recommend that you apply immediately after receiving your Letter of offer. the accommodation generally consists of single study bedrooms with shared facilities such as kitchens and bathrooms. A typical unit will accommodate six to eight students, and you will be responsible for your own cooking and cleaning. For more information about on-campus accommodation, visit

oFF CAmPusA range of accommodation options are available in the suburbs surrounding the Bentley campus. rental prices will vary depending on the type and location of accommodation you choose.

curtin’s Housing services office keeps a register of people in established households who are looking to share with others. off-campus accommodation allows greater independency and privacy, making it ideal for mature-aged students and those with families.

RemoteFor information on remote campus accommodation, see campuses information on page 21 and 22.

For more information about student housing, including photographs and an online application form, please visit

tel: +61 8 9266 4430Fax: +61 8 9266 7455email: [email protected]

Note: We recommend that you arrive in Perth at least two weeks before the start of semester if you are looking for a single room. This will give you time to settle into your housing and be ready for orientation. If you will be looking for a full rental property, we recommend you arrive four weeks before orientation.


Curtin aCCOmmOdatiOn: PrOPOSed 2011 CharGeS and FaCilitieS (a$)

Residence Room type Weekly rent

Facility fee (per license agreement)

Activities fee (per semester)

erica underwood House tel: +61 8 9266 1320 Fax: +61 8 9266 1321email: [email protected]

standard room 155 90 60

vickery House tel: +61 8 9266 1122 Fax: +61 8 9266 1120email: [email protected]

standard room 150 90 60

rotary international House tel: +61 8 9266 4646 Fax: +61 8 9266 4640email: [email protected]

rotary international House has mainly single rooms. A limited number of bedsit/studio one and two-bedroom apartments are also available.

standard roomBedsitter (studio)one-bedroom apartmenttwo-bedroom apartment


90 60

Japan House tel: +61 8 9266 4646 Fax: +61 8 9266 4640email: [email protected] (Japanese language students given priority.)

standard room 160 90 60

George James House tel: +61 8 9266 4646 Fax: +61 8 9266 4640email: [email protected] (postgraduate students given priority for study rooms.)

standard roomstudy room


90 60

Don Watts House tel: +61 8 9266 4646 Fax: +61 8 9266 4640email: [email protected]

standard room studio apartment


90 60

Guild House tel: +61 8 9266 9393 Fax: +61 8 9266 9390email: [email protected]

Jackson road - standard - Large single - Double (couple)Kent street


90 60

Note: The above fees (shown in Australian dollars) are subject to official confirmation.

erica underwood House—Bentley campus GO



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Homestay, perth

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We have a range of services and support options available to enhance your career prospects, lifestyle, learning and wellbeing to make your time at curtin as enjoyable and productive as possible.

CAReeRalumni—build valuable professional and personal connections through curtin’s graduate network.

Curtin Careers Centre—set goals and develop your career skills with our career services, programs, events and workshops.

CommunityChaplaincy and prayer facilities—receive spiritual and religious support from curtin’s team of visiting chaplains who are qualified and recognised leaders in their own faith communities.

Curtin university Postgraduate Students’ association—join an organisation run for and by postgraduate students.

international Students’ Committee—have your voice heard through the main representative body for international students at curtin.

Student guild—have your say through this dedicated body of democratically elected students. the Guild protects the rights of all curtin students and provides services such as a tavern and bistro, food outlets, a second-hand bookshop and a copy and design centre.

liFestyleCurtin Stadium—use the gym, ladies studio, group fitness facilities, sports courts and outdoor beach volleyball courts. you can also join a sports club or get some friends together and register for our social sports competition.

Food outlets—choose from cafes and canteens or a tavern that regularly stages live music. Halal food is available on the Bentley campus.

John Curtin Gallery—spend some time at one of the largest and best-equipped university galleries in the country.

Shops—use the travel agency, bookshops, banking facilities, computer store, hairdresser, newsagent and pharmacy on campus.

transport—explore perth, Fremantle and everything in between from curtin’s bus terminal. pick up bus, train and ferry information from Guild reception or

leARningComputer facilities—access computer laboratories during and after university hours.

Curtin international—apply to curtin or ask us any questions about courses and fees.

library—access the latest resources, study in the iZone, and use the computer or printing facilities.

seRviCes AnD suPPoRt

univeRsity liFe is About moRe tHAn just leCtuRes AnD ClAsses. get involveD in bAnD ComPetitions, ARt exHibitions AnD stuDent AssoCiAtions AnD mAke tHe most oF youR CuRtin exPeRienCe.

cafe@concept—Bentley campus

Beach volleyball at curtin stadium—Bentley campus GO

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kAlgooRlieWestern Australian school of minescurtin university Locked Bag 30Kalgoorlie 6433Western Australiatel: +61 8 9088 6179Fax: +61 8 9088 6100email: [email protected]

otHeR CAmPus loCAtions

interact with mining professionals from some of Australia’s largest gold and nickel producers. curtin’s Western Australian school of Mines is located 600 kilometers east of perth in Kalgoorlie-Boulder: a thriving inland city of more than 30,000 people in the heart of Western Australia’s Goldfields region.

the Kalgoorlie campus offers a range of internationally recognised undergraduate and postgraduate studies in mining engineering, metallurgical engineering, mine surveying, mining geology and mining environmental engineering.

student housing is located only a short walk away from the campus at Agricola residential college. this college has a recreational room, squash court, music room and weights training room as well as free-to-use barbecues provided in the outdoor leisure area.

the Kalgoorlie campus boasts a cohort of enthusiastic students who are passionate about the mining industry.

the world champion ‘WAsM Wombats’ train in various forms of traditional mining techniques and compete internationally at mining games. this highly social and rewarding activity has given WAsM students a reputation for success internationally.

seRviCes AnD suPPoRtin addition to teaching facilities, the Kalgoorlie campus has a library resource centre with an extensive range of text and multimedia resources. computing facilities include a 24-hour computer laboratory and curtinLink: a campus-wide information management system connected to the curtin library and the internet.

A client services officer at Bentley is accessible and available to advise students on general study, enrolments and learning resources. there is a free, confidential counsellor based in Kalgoorlie to assist with academic, personal and career issues.

FoR moRe inFoRmAtionWA school of

Orientation—participate in activities over the course of this two-week introductory program and settle into life at university.

Student Central—ask questions about scholarships, visas, admission and fees, pay bills, and get your iD card or copies of your academic transcript.

the learning Centre—get academic support from expert lecturers through the centre’s free seminar programs and workshops. Whether you want to develop your study, language or writing skills, or need academic support for your research degree, there’s a program to help you.

Wellbeing Curtin access Bus Service—catch a free shuttle bus to curtin. the cABs service runs along two circular routes through Bentley and Waterford every 30 minutes.

Curtin Counselling Service—get free and confidential support to get the most from your time at curtin. professional staff can assist you with educational issues, personal matters, university policy and procedures, and provide crisis support.

disability services—get advice on the university’s policies and procedures for students with medical conditions and disabilities. this free and confidential service is available for prospective and enrolled students, including students at our regional campuses.

Security—feel safe on campus. the security of our staff and students is our priority, with free shuttle buses at night during the semester and 24-hour security patrols.

Smoke free campus—study in a safe and healthy environment.

Student advisers—settle in to university life. A team of student advisers is available to assist new students to make the best possible start, offering help with anything to do with adjusting to university life, from struggles with your studies to personal difficulties.

Student Wellbeing hotline—call or email our confidential hotline and we will assist you with any issue, incident or activity that might threaten your health, safety or happiness.

Grievances and appeals—talk to the mediation and resolution officer (located in Building 100 on the Bentley campus) about any complaint you might have. step by step details of the complaint and grievance procedures are available from and in the student conduct, rights and responsibilities booklet (provided to all new curtin students).

there are also official procedures to assist students to resolve concerns about academic and other matters, which are set out in the curtin courses Handbook.

the Department of education services of Western Australia has appointed a conciliator for international students studying in Western Australia. the conciliator has an independent grievance handling and dispute resolution role. For more information, contact: Anne Duncan (conciliator WA) tel: +61 8 9441 1953 Fax: +61 8 9441 1950 email: [email protected] Web: international_disputes.php

seRviCes AnD suPPoRt


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nsCurtin SaraWak COurSe FeeS 2011

Course local students (malaysian) international students

Rm A$* Rm A$*

Pre-university programs

intensive english program (iep)—per term 1895 630 2 840 950

english Bridging course—per semester 5150 1 720 5 670 1 890

Foundation programs—per annum 12 860 4 290 15 280 5 090

Diploma of Business—per annum 10 712 3 570 12 350 4 120

Diploma of process plant technology—full course 31 500 10 500 34 320 11 440

Diploma of occupational Health and safety—full course 22 950 7 650 24 960 8 320

undergraduate programs

Bachelor of commerce—per annum 16 520 5 510 19 640 6 550

Bachelor of Business Administration—per annum 16 520 5 510 19 640 6 550

Bachelor of Arts (Mass communication) —per annum 16 940 5 650 20 060 6 690

Bachelor of engineering—per annum 22 640 7 550 26 520 8 840

Bachelor of technology—per annum 16 940 5 650 20 060 6 690

Bachelor of science—per annum 22 640 7 550 26 520 8 840

Professional and postgraduate programs

Graduate certificate—per unit 2 480 830 2 655 885

Graduate Diploma—per unit 2 480 830 2 655 885

Master of science (project Management)—per unit 2 480 830 2 655 885

Master of Accounting—per unit 2 480 830 2 655 885

Master of philosophy (research)—per annum 18 660 6 220 22 240 7 413

Doctor of philosophy (research)—per annum 21 720 7 240 27 660 9 220

*A$ amount is for reference only (values are subject to change as per the daily foreign currency exchange fluctuation). Exchange rate used is RM3 to A$1.Note: Fees are correct at time of printing and valid for 2011, but are subject to change. For accurate fees please contact Curtin Sarawak or visit for more comprehensive information.

CuRtin sARAWAktel: +6 085 44 3939Fax: +6 085 44 3838email: [email protected]:

curtin sarawak is the first offshore campus of curtin university, and the first foreign university to be established in east Malaysia in partnership with the sarawak state Government. its campus in senadin, about 20 kilometres from the Miri city centre, is a world-class facility featuring architecturally-designed buildings, state-of-the-art equipment and facilities, on-campus housing and sophisticated it that links students to resources from curtin’s main Bentley campus in perth.

curtin sarawak has approximately 3,000 students from over 40 countries studying in a truly international and cross-cultural environment. As the courses offered at curtin sarawak are identical to those at the Bentley campus, students can transfer between campuses without disruption to their studies.

curtin sarawak is a member of the Malaysian Association of private colleges and universities (MApcu). in 1999, curtin sarawak was accorded Multimedia super corridor status by the Malaysian Government, which was renewed in 2006. in 2010, curtin sarawak was granted self-accreditation status by the Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA) as well as a tier Five or excellent rating in the MQA’s setArA rating system, placing curtin sarawak among the top 18 universities in Malaysia.

otHeR CAmPus loCAtions

the Margaret river education campus is located in Margaret river: an internationally renowned wine, art and tourism region situated 283 kilometres southwest of perth. the campus, home to the centre for Wine excellence, has strong links with the Australian wine industry and offers a range of undergraduate and postgraduate courses in the areas of viticulture, oenology (wine science and wine making), and postgraduate research programs (at master and phD levels).

seRviCes AnD suPPoRtthe campus has a teaching winery with chemistry, sensory evaluation and research laboratories, a resource centre, computer facilities and classrooms. in addition to

undergraduate teaching, curtin also provides an important resource for local industry by providing pure and applied viticultural and oenological research. the campus also boasts a purpose-built art centre and 24-hour computer access.

ACCommoDAtionprivate accommodation is available in the Margaret river area, including rental properties, share housing and full board.

FoR moRe inFoRmAtioncontact Associate professor Mark Gibberd at the Margaret river education campus or visit

PeRtH CbDCurtin graduate school of business78 Murray streetperth 6000Western Australiatel: +61 8 9266 3460Fax: +61 8 9266 3368email: [email protected]

mARgARet RiveRmargaret River education CampuspMB 1,Margaret river 6285Western Australiatel: +61 8 9780 5830Fax: +61 8 9757 9395email: [email protected]

the curtin Graduate school of Business (cGsB) is located in the heart of perth’s business district, facilitating strong, collaborative links with the business community. the fully refurbished, heritage-listed building forms a significant part of the history of perth, while providing a modern, purpose-built teaching and learning facility.

cGsB offers a range of graduate business courses including the internationally accredited Master of Business Administration (MBA), the acclaimed Master of Business

Leadership (MBL), MBA (oil and Gas), Master of science (Mineral and energy economics), and the Doctor of Business Administration (DBA). curtin’s MBA is accredited by the highly respected uK-based Association of MBA’s (AMBA) and ranked in the top 100 in the world by the economist (2010).

FoR FuRtHeR inFoRmAtion


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Curtin Sydney COurSe FeeS 2011

Course Duration (semesters) Cost per semester (A$) total Course Fee (A$)

Pre-university programs

Diploma of commerce 2 9 940 19 880

Diploma of commerce provisional entry 3 7 445 22 365

undergraduate programs

Bachelor of commerce (all majors and double majors)

6 10 700 (semester 1-3) 11 800 (semester 4-6)

67 500

Bachelor of Business Administration 6 10 700 (semester 1-3) 11 800 (semester 4 -6)

67 500

Postgraduate programs

Graduate certificate (Finance, Marketing, professional Accounting) 1 12 400 12 400

Graduate certificate in project Management 1 9 800 9 800

Graduate Diploma (Banking and Finance, international Business, Marketing, professional Accounting)

2 12 400 24 800

Graduate Diploma in project Management 2 9 800 19 600

Master of Accounting 3 12 400 37 200

Master of Accounting 4 9 300 (semester 1-3) 10 200 (semester 4)

38 100

Master of professional Accounting 4 12 400 (semester 1-3) 13 600 (semester 4)

50 800

Master of Finance 4 9 300 (semester 1-3) 10 200 (semester 4)

38 100

Master of international Business 3 12 400 37 200

Master of Marketing 4 3 900 (semester 1-3) 10 200 (semester 4)

38 100

Master of science (project Management) 4 7 350 29 400

Note: Fees are indicative and subject to change. For more comprehensive details visit

CuRtin syDneytel: +61 2 8399 7888Fax: +61 2 8399 7899email: [email protected]:

the campus is located in the heart of the sydney central Business District, giving students access to a variety of cultural experiences unique to sydney. curtin sydney is operated by navitas Ltd, whose specialist management skills complement

curtin’s longstanding national and international reputation for delivering quality education. students benefit from the commitment to excellence that is characteristic of curtin university and navitas Ltd.

otHeR CAmPus loCAtions

CuRtin singAPoRetel: +65 6593 8000Fax: +65 6593 8001email: [email protected]:

curtin singapore has been providing students with excellent education in one of the world’s most cosmopolitan cities since 2008. students at curtin singapore enjoy first-rate facilities, high-calibre staff, innovative teaching methods and links with industry practitioners. the campus is located just outside the central business district, nestled in beautiful gardens that provide a peaceful study environment. the courses offered by curtin singapore are taught using the same structure and content as courses offered at curtin’s main Bentley campus in Western Australia.

courses offered by curtin singapore include:

Pathway programscertificate iv university Foundation*Diploma of commerce **awarded by Curtin College.

undergraduate coursesBachelor of Arts (Mass communication)—top up degree

Bachelor of science (nursing conversion program)

Bachelor of commerce— single and double majors in the following disciplines:

• Accounting• Accounting and Finance

(double major)• Finance and Marketing

(double major)• Banking and Finance (double major)• international Business• Logistics and supply

chain Management• Management and Marketing

(double major)• Management and Human resource

Management (double major)• Marketing• Marketing and Advertising

(double major)• Marketing and public relations

(double major).

Postgraduate coursesGraduate certificate in Finance

Graduate Diploma in international Business

Graduate certificate in occupational Health and safety

postgraduate Diploma in occupational Health and safety

Master of Accounting

Master of international Business

Master of Finance

Master of Logistics and supply chain Management

Master of science (clinical Leadership)

Master of nursing

Master of occupational Health and safety.

Curtin SinGaPOre COurSe FeeS 2011

Course Duration (trimesters)

Cost per trimester total course fee

A$* sg$ A$* sg$

Pre-university programs

certificate iv in university Foundation studies 2 (8 months) 4 570 6 077.60 9 470 12 115.20

Diploma of commerce 2 (8 months) 6 150 7 875.20 12 300 15 750.40

undergraduate programs

Bachelor of commerce (all majors and double majors) 6 (2 years) 6 150 (5 850

in trimester 4)

7 875.20 (7 490

in trimester 4)

36 920 47 251.20

Bachelor of Arts (Mass communication)# 2 (8 months) 6 150 7 875.20 12 300 15 750.40

Bachelor of science (nursing) conversion program for registered nurses—part time

4 (1.5 years) 3 050 3 900 12 190 15 600

Postgraduate programs

Graduate certificate in Finance 1 (4 months) 7 440 9 523 7440 9 523

Graduate certificate in occupational Health and safety Management 2 (8 months) 3 710 4 750 7 420 9 500

Graduate Diploma in international Business 2 (8 months) 7 440 9 523 14 880 19 046

postgraduate Diploma in occupational Health and safety 4 (2 years) 3 710 4 750 14 840 19 000

Master of Accounting 3 (1 year) 7 440 9 523 22 320 28 569

Master of Finance 3 (1 year) 7 440 9 523 22 320 28 569

Master of international Business 3 (1 year) 7 440 9 523 22 320 28 569

Master of occupational Health and safety—part time 6 (2 years) 3 710 4 750 22 270 28 500

Master of science (clinical Leadership)—part time 6 (2 years) 3 830 4 900 22 970 29 400

Master of Logistics and supply chain Management 2 (8 months) 7 440 9 523 14 880 19 046

Master of clinical physiotherapy (Manipulative therapy)—part time 4 (2 years) 7 000 8 400 26 250 33 600

*A$ amount is for reference only (values are subject to change as per the daily foreign currency exchange fluctuation). Exchange rate used is SG$1.28 to A$1.Note: Fees are correct at time of printing and valid for 2011, but are subject to change. For accurate fees please contact Curtin Singapore or visit for more comprehensive information.# View the list of streams available for study at

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Distance education units are available in the following courses:

CuRtin business sCHooltel (undergraduate): +61 8 9266 7713tel (postgraduate): +61 8 9266 7715email: [email protected]

CuRtin gRADuAte sCHool oF businesstel: +61 8 9266 3460email: [email protected] please contact us for information about distance education courses available.

HeAltH sCienCestel: +61 8 9266 4583email:• Bachelor of science—Health sciences

Health promotion major• Bachelor of science (Health science)

Health and safety major (Bachelor of science)

• environmental Health major (Bachelor of science)

Postgraduate:• Health policy and Management

(Graduate certificate, Master)• international Health (Graduate

certificate, Graduate Diploma, Master)• occupational Health and safety

(postgraduate Diploma, Master) occupational Health and safety Management (Graduate certificate)

• public Health (Graduate certificate, postgraduate Diploma, Master)

HumAnitiestel: +61 8 9266 9200email: [email protected] undergraduate:• internet communications

(Bachelor of Arts)• Librarianship and corporate

information Management (Bachelor of Arts)

• Asian studies (Bachelor of Arts)• international relations

(Bachelor of Arts)• sustainable Development

(Bachelor of Arts)• History (Bachelor of Arts)Postgraduate:• information Management (Master)• internet studies (Graduate certificate,

Graduate Diploma, Master)• information and Library studies

(Graduate Diploma)• project Management

(Graduate certificate, Graduate Diploma, Master)

• records Management (Graduate certificate, Graduate Diploma, Master)

• sustainability studies (Graduate certificate, Graduate Diploma, Master)

• Development planning (Graduate certificate)

• Human rights (Graduate certificate, Master)

CentRe FoR AboRiginAl stuDiestel: +61 8 9266 7091email: [email protected]• indigenous Australian studies

(Graduate certificate, Graduate Diploma)

sCienCe AnD engineeRingtel: +61 8 9266 1190email: [email protected] Postgraduate:• chemical engineering (Graduate

certificate, Graduate Diploma, Master)• corrosion engineering

(Graduate certificate)• eco-efficiency (Graduate certificate)• Geographic informational science

(Graduate certificate, Graduate Diploma)

• Geospatial science (Master)• science and Mathematics education

(Master)• sustainability Management (Master)

Most Distance education fees are the same as international onshore student fees.

oPen univeRsities AustRAliAcurtin is a member of open universities Australia—a program that allows students to complete university degrees through distance or online education. For more information, visit

online stuDycurtin offers a selection of postgraduate online courses that give you the flexibility to study whenever and wherever suits you. our online courses include discussion forums, chat rooms and team projects, and you will interact online with experienced lecturers and tutors.

For more information about online postgraduate courses, visit

DistAnCe eDuCAtionleARn AnyWHeRe, Any time WitH ouR RAnge oF DistAnCe eDuCAtion oPtions. stuDying exteRnAlly gives you tHe Flexibility to Fit youR DegRee ARounD youR liFestyle, WHile ACCess to CuRtin’s libRARy, suPPoRt seRviCes AnD leARning tools suCH As unienglisH, blACkboARD AnD tHe leARning CentRe Will HelP you to ReACH youR PotentiAl. GO



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oFFsHoRe PRogRAmscurtin’s offshore programs make it possible for you to study a curtin degree closer to home. courses are available at curtin’s offshore campuses in singapore, Malaysia and sydney, as well as at a large range of partner institutions across the globe, including indonesia, Hong Kong, china, vietnam, sri Lanka and Mauritius. Both undergraduate and postgraduate degree programs are available and studies can be completed on a full-time or part-time basis. regardless of where you study, you will receive the high standard of education and international recognition associated with a curtin degree. For more information on courses available offshore, please visit

sHoRt-teRm stuDycurtin offers three short-term study options: student exchange, study Abroad and service Abroad.

exCHAnge to CuRtinif you are studying at one of curtin’s partner institutions, you’re eligible to go on exchange to curtin for one or two semesters. the student exchange program is a non-award program you can study at curtin to gain academic

credit towards your home university degree. you will continue to pay fees to your home university, and will not pay any fees to curtin. For more information, visit

exCHAnge FoR CuRtin stuDentsif you are a curtin student, you can give your degree an edge by going on exchange to one of our partner institutions in 20 countries throughout europe, Asia, America and the uK. you will experience a different culture and broaden your perspective, and the units you study will be credited towards your curtin degree.

you will continue to pay your tuition fees to curtin, and will not pay any fees to the host institution. For more information, visit

stuDy AbRoADstudy Abroad is similar to our exchange program except you pay tuition to curtin for your studies. Additionally, study Abroad applicants are not required to be currently attending one of curtin’s partner universities; you can be attending any recognised educational institution overseas.

Pre-approved study packsto help you make the most of your curtin experience, the university has pre-approved a range of study packages from each of our four faculties: Business, science and engineering, Health sciences and Humanities. A full list of packages is available from

you can also choose to substitute a unit from a list of options or select your own from

Please note: Due to visa restrictions, some international students may not be granted a student visa to study abroad.

seRviCe AbRoADthe service Abroad program is similar to study Abroad in that you take regular classes at curtin and pay tuition, but there is a community service component to your study program as well.

For more information, visit

oveRseAs stuDy

stuDy An inteRnAtionAlly ReCogniseD CuRtin DegRee CloseR to Home WitH ouR oFFsHoRe PRogRAms oR enHAnCe youR CuRtin DegRee by going on exCHAnge to one oF ouR PARtneR institutions in AmeRiCA, euRoPe, tHe uk AnD AsiA. you CAn Also inCReAse youR CAReeR oPPoRtunities by CHoosing to sPenD A semesteR oR tWo stuDying At CuRtin tHRougH ouR stuDy AbRoAD PRogRAm. GO

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experience DynAMic teAcHinG

stuDy AReAs

businessAccounting AdvertisingBankingBusiness AdministrationBusiness information systemsBusiness information technologyBusiness LawBusiness LeadershipeconomicsentrepreneurshipFinanceFinancial planningHuman resourcesindustrial relationsinternational BusinessLogistics and supply chain ManagementManagementMarketingMineral and energy economicsoil and Gaspublic relationsstrategic procurementtaxationtourism and event Management

HeAltH sCienCescoachingcounsellingDiabetesDieteticsenvironmental Healthepidemiology and BiostatisticsFood science and technologyHealth AdministrationHealth communicationHealth improvementHealth policy and ManagementHealth promotionHealth services Managementinternational Health Laboratory MedicineMidwiferyMolecular Genetics and Biotechnology nursing nutritionoccupational Health and safetyoccupational therapypharmacyphysiotherapypsychologypublic Healthsexologysocial Workspeech pathology

HumAnities3D DesignAnthropology and sociologyApplied LinguisticsArchitecture and interior ArchitectureArt and Design studiesAsian studieschineseconstruction Management and economicscreative Advertising and Graphic Designcreative WritingDigital DesignDevelopment planningeducation (including tesoL and international Baccalaureate)FashionFine ArtHistoryHuman rights indigenous Australian cultural studies information and Library studies information Managementinternational relationsinternet communicationsJapanese JournalismLibrarianship and corporate information ManagementLiterary and cultural studiesMass communicationMedia Managementperformance studiesphotography and illustration Designprofessional Writingproject Managementrecords Management and Archivesscreen Arts (Film and television)sustainable Developmenttextilesurban and regional planning

sCienCe AnD engineeRingActuarial scienceAgribusiness AgricultureApplied Mathematics and statisticsAquacultureAstronomyBiochemistrychemical engineeringchemistrycleaner productioncivil and construction engineeringcoastal Zone Managementcomputer science and information technologyelectrical power engineeringelectronic and communication engineeringenvironmental Biologyenvironmental Management environmental scienceexploration Geophysicsengineering ManagementGeologyGeophysicsGeographic information scienceindustrial engineeringMechanical engineeringMechatronic engineeringMedical imaging scienceMetallurgyMining engineeringnanotechnologynetworking and computer systemspetroleum engineeringphysicssciencescience and Mathematics educationsoftware engineeringsurveying sustainability Management spatial scienceWine industry


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new degree structures .... 32

curtin Business school ... 34

Health sciences ................ 36

Humanities ....................... 38

science and engineering ..40

“Having a degree from curtin gives you the real exposure and experience of a professional working environment before you actually step into it”

FArAZ, inDiA


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bACHeloR oF sCienCethe new Bachelor of science provides you with flexibility and the option to choose from four pre-majors in your first year. you can then select a single or double major from our range of specialised study areas.

your options:choose a single or double major from:• Agriculture• Applied Mathematics and statistics• Biochemistry• chemistry• coastal Zone Management• environmental Biology • physics.

or choose a single major in:• Multidisciplinary science• nanotechnology.

you can also choose from our established double majors with:• Mathematical science for computing• Mathematical sciences for Finances.

For more information, visit

bACHeloR oF ARtschoose to study a single major or double major during your three-year Bachelor of Arts program. if you choose a double major, you will be able to study two different subject areas at the same time. A single major will let you choose elective units from other areas that complement or extend your major.

you will also study four core arts units that will help you gain a broader understanding of the discipline you choose. visit to choose your major(s) from areas such as:

• Design and art (including fine art, creative advertising and graphic design, and fashion)

• Media, culture and creative arts (including journalism, screen arts and professional writing)

• social sciences and Asian languages (including Asian studies, international relations and sustainable development).

business AnD ARts Double mAjoRscurtin offers an exciting range of double majors to help you blend your creative interests with a business discipline. some popular combinations include:

• 3D Design and entrepreneurship• Asian studies and Finance• Asian studies and tourism and

event Management• creative Advertising and Graphic

Design, and Advertising• creative Writing and Advertising• Digital Design and Business

information technology• international relations and

Business Law• international relations

and economics• internet communications and

Business information systems• Journalism and Business Law• Journalism and public relations

• sustainable Development and economics

• textiles and entrepreneurship.

For more information on double majors, visit and search for your area of interest.

HeAltH sCienCes yeAR one CuRRiCulumthe new health sciences year one curriculum gives you increased flexibility and more opportunities to learn alongside students from other study areas. Gain valuable industry skills and experience while developing a cross-disciplinary perspective that will set you apart from other graduates.

All undergraduate health sciences students will study the following five core units:

• Human structure and Function 100• Foundations for professional Health

practice 100• Health and Health Behaviour 100• indigenous culture and Health 130• evidence informed Health

practice will also complete two units in bioscience, science or behavioural science (depending on your course) and two discipline-specific units (one in each semester).

For more information, visit

neW DegRee stRuCtuRes

Business and Humanities Double Major—creative Advertising and Graphic Design GO


Double youR oPPoRtunities AnD give youRselF tHe eDge oveR otHeR gRADuAtes. ouR neW DegRee stRuCtuRe lets you gAin A bRoADeR unDeRstAnDing oF youR DisCiPline AnD some CouRses give you A CHAnCe to stuDy A seConD mAjoR to DiveRsiFy youR skill set AnD inCReAse youR emPloyment PRosPeCts.

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Curtinews RSS

under a project supported by the Australian centre for international Agricultural research (AciAr), academics from the school of Management are working with partners in the philippines to link smallholder vegetable farmers to supermarkets and food processors. the farmers are organised into collaborative marketing groups, or clusters, who plan their planting schedules and harvest, grade and pack their fresh produce to meet the standards of their buyers. one of the largest supermarket chains in Mindanao will source the majority of their fresh vegetables from the clusters, provided that the farmers’ practices are safe, environmentally friendly and sustainable.

business: CoNNeCTINg yoU wITh INdUsTRy

A business degree from curtin will prepare you for a dynamic career. From consulting as a financial planner to managing the procurement and supply chain process, your degree can lead to diverse career paths anywhere in the world. cBs will set you apart from other graduates, giving you access to business and employer networks and helping you gain the knowledge and practical skills to succeed.

be PRePAReD FoR tHe WoRkPlACestart building your professional contacts and business networks before you graduate. in addition to learning from experienced teaching staff, you’ll be exposed to some of the industry’s top employers through fieldtrips, internships, real-life client projects and high-profile guest lecturers. unique study opportunities such as capstone—the final unit in the Bachelor of commerce—will give you an advantage over other graduates as you apply the skills you learn in your degree to a contemporary case study using resources from leading local and international organisations.

you will also have access to state-of-the-art learning tools such as video i-lectures, internet-based discussion boards and our new Future technologies Learning space where you can use the latest technology, including Microsoft surface touch screens.

get A ComPetitive eDgeif you’re a successful graduate or professional looking to upgrade your skills to get ahead or set your career in a new direction, cBs has a broad range of postgraduate and MBA programs to suit your needs and ambitions.

curtin’s MBA program is ranked fourth in Australia and eighth in the Asia-pacific region in the economist magazine’s 2010 “Which MBA” rankings. offered through the curtin Graduate school of Business, the program has specialisations available in strategic procurement and oil and gas management.

our MBA students gain more than recognition and expertise; you will also have opportunities to put what you learn into practice. As part of your MBA program, you will be required to complete professional and career development activities through the professional portfolio initiative.

“What i enjoyed most was that the project work was evaluated and based on real-life business situations, not hypotheticals. there was always a good level of interaction and mental debate. i loved it,” says christian Lange, a curtin MBA graduate.

iF you WAnt to suCCeeD in business, you’ve Come to tHe RigHt PlACe. CuRtin business sCHool (Cbs) oFFeRs tHe most ComPReHensive RAnge oF business CouRses in WesteRn AustRAliA. tHe Cbs ADvisoRy boARDs AnD CounCil—Close to 70 inDustRy exPeRts AnD exeCutives FRom oRgAnisAtions suCH As CHevRon, minteR ellison AnD kPmg—RevieW ouR stuDy PRogRAms RegulARly to ensuRe tHAt ouR DegRees stAy in touCH WitH inDustRy tRenDs.

shape the future GOBachelor of commerce—Logistics and supply chain Management

CuRtin business sCHool +61 8 9266 7713 (undergraduate)

+61 8 9266 7715 (postgraduate) [email protected]

CuRtin gRADuAte sCHool oF business (Cgsb)

+61 8 9266 3460 [email protected]

For more

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Bachelor of Health science—nutrition

HeAltH sCienCes: FINdINg solUTIoNs FoR The Real woRld

innovative research comes from collaboration, which is why curtin has developed a new Health sciences Graduate research Hub for our research students. the Hub, opened in January 2011, provides 127 workstations along with video conferencing facilities, seminar rooms, wireless network facilities and common areas for students to discuss their ideas in a world-class environment.

the university is also investing over A$9 million in new teaching and learning facilities for occupational therapy and social work students. From early 2011, students will be able to practice patient care scenarios in areas such as pediatrics, physical rehabilitation, splinting, and ergonomic and injury rehabilitation in state-of-the-art laboratories. the development also includes a new lecture theatre, library, counselling rooms and tutorial spaces, all equipped with the latest technology.

the new facilities are the latest additions to the Faculty’s range of industry-standard facilities, which help students like Jessica Davies develop their own skills and research interests. Jessica, an occupational therapy student, is studying the effect of parkinson’s disease on driving for her honours project.

“i have a big driving simulator here at the uni and lots of resources, and i really get to communicate with the participants of the study and do that hands-on work.” Jessica says.

going globAlthe Faculty won three prestigious Australian Learning and teaching council Awards in 2010, recognising some of our outstanding contributions to student learning. one of the awards was for Go Global—a unique program that gives students the chance to provide health services in collaboration with our partner organisations in china, india, ukraine and south Africa.

the Faculty’s new partnership with the Kenyan Medical training college will provide new opportunities for students and improve the healthcare capacity in east Africa. the partnership allows graduates from the college’s Higher Diploma to complete the final year of curtin’s Bachelor of science (Health safety and environment) online, and graduate with a curtin degree.

leARn At one oF tHe most ComPReHensive HeAltH CAmPuses in tHe AsiA-PACiFiC Region AnD DeveloP tHe skills to sHAPe tHe FutuRe oF globAl HeAltH. CuRtin’s FACulty oF HeAltH sCienCes eDuCAtes moRe HeAltH PRoFessionAls tHAn Any otHeR univeRsity in WesteRn AustRAliA.

Curtinews RSS

if you’re interested in learning how to address health problems in marginal communities, curtin’s award-winning centre for international Health will provide you with a rewarding study experience. the centre specialises in areas such as the control of infectious diseases such as Hiv and AiDs, improving maternal and child health and making primary healthcare available to the very poor. staff from the centre also carry out consultancy projects for external organisations such as AusAiD, uniceF and the international organisation for Migration, enabling them to provide highly relevant teaching material for students.

education without borders

HeAltH sCienCes +61 8 9266 4583 [email protected]

For more GO

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Bachelor of Arts—3D Design (Jewellery Design)

HumAnities: BRINgINg CReaTIvITy To lIFe

Beyond arts and languages, the humanities include fields such as architecture, project management and international relations that need resourceful professionals who can find solutions to a range of problems. A degree from curtin’s Faculty of Humanities will help you develop a flexible skill set that will let you carve your own dynamic career.

Design youR DegReeAt curtin, we believe that you shouldn’t be tied down to a career path by the course you choose. A curtin humanities degree is as flexible as you are, giving you opportunities to customise a degree that suits your own unique interests and ambitions. Anissa van uffelen, a final year mass communication student, started out with a strong attraction to television and creative advertising but developed a passion for marketing towards the final year of her degree. she was able to pursue her new interest because of the multidisciplinary nature of her course. “you can choose your own path,” explains Anissa, “not have the course choose your path for you.”

get tHe best stARtif you’re an aspiring artist, you’ll be interested to know that one of Western Australia’s largest and best-equipped galleries is located right here on the Bentley campus. With exhibitions from local and international artists, as well as graduating students, there’s always something new to discover.

up-and-coming writers and media professionals have access to curtin’s on-campus media outlets: The Western Independent newspaper, Grok magazine, curtin FM and inkWire. our industry-standard film and television studios are equipped with high-definition broadcast quality equipment, and there’s also a theatre on campus where you can watch or perform in a theatre production.

gAin ReCognitionWith professionally accredited degrees and experienced teaching staff, you’ll be able to get the most out of your study experience. our project management course is the only program in Western Australia to be accredited by the world’s leading association for the profession: the prestigious project Management institute. the course is also endorsed by the Australian institute of project Management.

these accreditations add significant value to your degree, and you can join one of the organisations after you graduate to gain exclusive access to employment opportunities and professional networks.

be insPiReD AnD gAin tHe exPeRienCe to tuRn youR PAssion into A veRsAtile CAReeR. WHetHeR you’Re A tAlenteD ARtist, linguist, enviRonmentAlist oR uRbAn PlAnneR, CuRtin Will HelP you builD tHe skills to be An innovAtive PRoFessionAl. CReAtivity is moRe tHAn ARtistiC FlAiR; it’s An Ability to use youR imAginAtion to CReAte oRiginAl solutions.

Curtinews RSS

climate change and resource depletion are global concerns, with organisations looking to the creative industries for solutions. the curtin university sustainability policy institute (cusp) is located in Fremantle: a vibrant port city that is home to the first carbon-neutral local government in Western Australia. cusp welcomes postgraduate students from all disciplines who are committed to creating a sustainable future.

be part of the solution

HumAnities +61 8 9266 9200 [email protected]

For more GO

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Curtinews RSS

in 2012, an international committee will decide if the world’s most powerful telescope—the A$2.5 billion square Kilometer Array (sKA)—will be built in Western Australia’s Murchison region or in southern Africa.

the international center for radio Astronomy research, a collaboration between curtin university and the university of Western Australia, is part of Australia’s effort to secure the sKA project and ensure its success. the curtin institute of radio Astronomy is one of the centre’s two research nodes.

sCienCe AnD engineeRing: TRaNsFoRmINg The FUTURe

in 2009 we opened our new, multimillion-dollar curtin resources and chemistry precinct: a unique collaboration between the university, government and industry that provides research facilities for the largest group of scientists and engineers in the southern Hemisphere. two years on, the precinct is attracting high-caliber projects, including an A$1.2 million agreement with the Australian nuclear science and technology organisation to conduct research into the storage of nuclear waste.

curtin phD student Weixi Zhan uses the precinct’s facilities to help with his work in improving the water quality in the 500-kilometer perth to Kalgoorlie pipeline.

“the object of my research is to look at how to improve the water quality and to protect the water from the viruses and bacteria that cause cancer,” he explains.

in 2011, two key research groups of the Western Australian school of Mines—the Gold technology Group and the environmental inorganic Geochemistry Group—will move into the precinct. Both groups have significant industry funding to solve global problems relating to complex mineralogical environments.

moving FoRWARDthe university’s engineering pavilion, opened in December 2010, is the newest addition to curtin’s cluster of state-of-the-art learning spaces. Featuring open-plan areas for practical design work, smaller rooms for meetings and a careers space for students to interact with industry, the pavilion is designed to promote cross-disciplinary learning. there is also an open plan area for career fairs and events, giving students the chance to interact with industry and develop relationships with prospective employers.

the pavilion hosted the 2010 curtin roboFest which included the second inexus Australia national robotics competition. the event was organised by staff and students from curtin’s Faculty of science and engineering, curtin Business school and the indian institute of technology, Bombay, with students competing for a chance to compete in the world finals in Mumbai.

Don’t miss out on tHe oPPoRtunity to stuDy in some oF tHe most soPHistiCAteD leARning sPACes in AustRAliA. CuRtin’s FACulty oF sCienCe AnD engineeRing gives you moRe oPPoRtunities to use tHe lAtest teCHnology AnD get involveD in WoRlD-ClAss ReseARCH.

see the stars align GOBachelor of science—viticulture and oenology

sCienCe AnD engineeRing +61 8 9266 1190 [email protected]

For more

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FinD More WAys to AcHieve

Alternative entry pathways .......................... 43

english pathways ............ 44

curtin college ................... 47

Western Australian universities preparation program ............................ 49





“curtin college has given me immediate entry into the second year of my Bachelor of commerce degree. the college supported my understanding of the different cultures and communication techniques”

June-Ann, BurMA

if you don’t meet curtin’s academic and english language entry requirements, we offer a range of alternative entry options to help you gain entry into the university. We offer several alternative english language pathways through curtin english Language centre, which will help you improve your english language levels to the standard required for undergraduate or postgraduate entry.

For academic entry requirements, you can choose from curtin college courses or a range of bridging courses offered by external institutions.

AlteRnAtive entRy PAtHWAys

Note 1: IELTS entry scores are approximate, and should be used as a guide only. Note 2: Please note that CELC also accepts CUTE, TOEFL and GCE equivalent to the IELTS score specified above, as entry into CELC programs.

entry equivalent

ieltS 4.5

entry equivalent

ieltS 2.5-4.0

entry equivalent

ieltS 5.0

entry equivalent

ieltS 5.5

entry equivalent

ieltS 6.0

entry equivalent

ieltS 6.5

curtin college

Work/travel or for future


Curtin univerSity

eAp Level 3

ieLts preparation course

english Language Bridging program (eLB)

eLB intensive (10 weeks)

ieLts/ cute

study skills


ieLts/ cute

Direct entry

Direct entry

Direct entry

General english Level 5

General english

Levels 1 - 4

eAp Level 1

eAp Level 2

General english Level 6

General english Level 7

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CuRtin englisH lAnguAge CentRe curtin english Language centre (ceLc) conducts english language programs at curtin for students who wish to improve their english for personal, career or academic development. these programs provide students with english language proficiency for entry into curtin university and other Australian educational institutions.

the english language programs offered by ceLc are General english and english for Academic purposes (eAp), and the english Language Bridging course (eLB) both eLB (17 weeks) and eLB intensive (10 weeks)—a direct entry pathway to curtin university.

our experienced staff have worked in various multicultural settings and are sensitive to the needs of students at all levels of english proficiency. eLicos develops students’ language skills and enables them to undertake formal english tests to demonstrate english competence for university entrance.

englisH lAnguAge CouRsesCRiCos Code 051784geLicos is accredited by the national english Language teaching

Accreditation scheme (neAs) and has been conducted on curtin’s Bentley campus since 1972.

students have access to the university’s facilities while studying in a friendly and supportive environment.

From 2011, all students will be required to buy a course book for every 10 weeks of eAp or General english they study. the books will be available on campus from the curtin Bookshop.

general englishoffered to students at all levels from elementary to upper intermediate level and above, the course focuses on the four key components of learning: speaking, listening, reading and writing skills. students will also learn key skills to assist with finding employment and increase their knowledge of Australian history, culture and lifestyle.

english for Academic Purposes (eAP)Available to students from intermediate level and above who are preparing for formal study at curtin college, curtin university or another Australian educational institution.

the course focuses on developing the students’ english skills to a high level while also teaching important study skills such as essay writing, note-taking, presentation skills and research skills. the course uses a wide range of materials, including text books, videos, newspapers, magazines, worksheets and computer software to assist students in their preparation for further tertiary study.

englisH PAtHWAys

eliCOS FeeS

2011 (a$) 2012 (a$)

enrolment fee 200 220

tuitiOn Fee

5 weeks 1 850 1 950

10 weeks 3 700 3 900

15 weeks 5 550 5 850

20 weeks 7 400 7 800

25 weeks 9 250 9 750

30 weeks 11 100 11 700

35 weeks 12 950 13 650

40 weeks 14 800 15 600

45 weeks 16 650 17 550

50 weeks 18 500 19 500

OPtiOnal ServiCeS

Homestay accommodation application (non-refundable)*

220 230

Airport reception* 99 99

* Includes GST. These fees are indicative and subject to change.

General enGliSh & eaP intakeS

2011 2012

orientation date Course dates orientation date Course dates

Module 1 7 January 10 January – 11 February 6 January 9 January – 10 February

Module 2 11 February 14 February – 18 March 10 February 13 February – 16 March

Module 3 18 March 21 March – 22 April 16 March 19 March – 20 April

Module 4 29 April 2 May – 3 June 27 April 30 April – 1 June

Module 5 3 June 6 June – 15 July 1 June 4 June – 6 July

Module 6 15 July 18 July – 19 August 20 July 23 July – 24 August

Module 7 19 August 22 August – 23 september 24 August 27 August – 28 september

Module 8 30 september 3 october – 4 november 5 october 8 october – 9 november

Module 9 4 november 7 november – 9 December 9 november 12 november – 14 December

englisH lAnguAge bRiDging CouRse (elb)CRiCos Code 003896gthe english Language Bridging course (eLB) is an advanced academic english program that prepares students from non-english speaking backgrounds for undergraduate and postgraduate study at curtin university. students who meet the exit requirements (as stated in their Letter of offer) are guaranteed entry into a curtin degree program on successful completion of the course.

Note: Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) guidelines exist for physiotherapy and psychology courses. These guidelines require students undertaking postgraduate clinical placements to achieve an IELTS score of 7.0 across all bands or an overall pass in the OET with grades A or B in each of the four components prior to embarking on clinical placements. At time of publication students wishing to enter the above courses at a postgraduate level will also need to submit an IELTS or OET after completing ELB.

eLB progresses students beyond general and academic english and emphasises the language and study skills needed for university studies.

students choose this course if they:• want to develop their use of

academic english to enable them to work more effectively during their undergraduate or postgraduate degree studies

• have a conditional offer from curtin university that requires them to attend the Bridging course and obtain a satisfactory english Language Assessment and Academic Language report.

starting from 2012, ceLc will be offering both a 17-week eLB and our new 10-week eLB intensive course. the 10-week eLB intensive course will have one intake in semester 2, 2011 as well.

eLB helps students succeed at university. the course will help you to:• raise your level of academic and

general english language to the required level

• use appropriate academic language style, vocabulary and expressions

• develop your use of complex grammatical constructions and improve your pronunciation

• develop your academic reading and listening strategies

• write academic essays effectively• listen to authentic lectures and take

notes effectively • communicate effectively in

discussions and seminars • undertake research projects • give effective academic

presentations • learn about academic procedures,

rules and conventions • get used to Australian university

life and culture before your degree starts.

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elb CouRse Contentthe 10-week program is of a higher level than the 17-week program and has a slightly different language and academic skills focus. students take the number of weeks necessary to meet their target exit level. this will be indicated on their offer letter from curtin university.

elb (17 weeks)the first three weeks are designed to give students intensive language development in all skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing, as well as initial preparation for future university studies. over the next four weeks, students work intensively on academic language development and specific preparation for university studies. the main focus is on academic english, especially reading and essay writing research-based skills. A series of guided lectures on various topics is set.

englisH PAtHWAys

elb intensive (10 weeks)For the start of the 10-week program and following on from the seven weeks of the 17-week program, students receive specific academic language and skills training. the main focus is on developing academic task-specific english language. students experience a wide range of assignment types, and learn to use a wide range of academic english to listen effectively to lectures and communicate in group discussions. students also complete research projects based on a topic related to their future subject and to give formal presentations.

Classes and timetableteaching is intensive with 20 teaching hours per week, and a minimum of 12 hours per week of self-study. students will have classes between 10am to 3pm, Monday to Friday.

All classes have a maximum of 18 students. each class will have two different teachers. students will also be given self-study work every day and will be given access to computer-based academic english self-study resources.

Assessmentsstudents will be continually assessed throughout the course through timed written essays, seminar skills, project work and oral presentations.

For more information on either of the eLB courses, visit

CuRtin College

curtin college is an integrated pathway provider to curtin university, offering an alternative entry point for students who do not meet the university’s minimum entry requirements. Located on curtin’s main Bentley campus, curtin college offers university degree transfer programs across a range of disciplines. these include commerce, information technology, built environment, arts and creative industries, engineering, health sciences, social sciences, teaching and education, actuarial science, and mathematical sciences and finance.

PRogRession to CuRtincurtin college offers pre-university studies and one-year diploma programs. Graduation from a diploma at curtin college guarantees students entry into the second year of the corresponding bachelor degree at curtin university, with up to one-year advanced standing.

tRimesteR systemcurtin college operates a trimester system for many of its courses, with intakes in February, June and october. this enables you to accelerate your progress, giving you a chance to enter the university faster. some courses, however, follow the curtin university semester calendar.

englisH lAnguAge suPPoRtstudents who fall marginally under the curtin college english language requirement may be able to enrol in a mixed program, which consists of the tertiary communication skills (tcs) unit plus a maximum of two academic units (preferably units which do not rely heavily on written communication). this mixed program extends courses by an additional trimester and allows students to combine the development of their english language and support skills with a gradual introduction to academic subjects. curtin college students also have access to the english Development program (eDp): a free english support program.

FuRtHeR inFoRmAtioncurtin college at curtin universityGpo Box u1987perth WA 6845tel: +61 8 9266 4888Fax: +61 8 9266 4889email: [email protected]:

curtin collegecricos provider code 02042G

elB entry requirementS

elb (17 weeks)

english language test university entry requirement of ieltS 6.0 university entry requirement of ieltS 6.5 university entry requirement of ieltS 7.0

ieLts 5.0 (min 5 in each band) 5.5 (min 5 in each band) 6.0 (min 6 in each band)

toeFL 520 paper based 68 internet based

525 paper based 69-70 internet based

550 paper based 79-80 internet based

cute Grade D (average 3.5) or higher Grade D (average 4.0) or higher Grade c or higher

eAp (10 weeks)

eAp 1 60% or above (60% in each skill)

eAp 2 60% or above (60% in each skill)

eAp 3 60% or above (60% in each skill)

elb intensive (10 weeks)

english language test university entry requirement of ieltS 6.0 university entry requirement of ieltS 6.5 university entry requirement of ieltS 7.0

ieLts 5.5 (min 5.5 in each band) 6.0 (min 6.0 in each band) 6.5 (min 6.5 in each band)

cute Grade D (average 4.0) or higher Grade c or higher Grade B or higher

elB (17 WeekS) Calendar 2011/12

2011 2012

intake orientation Course dates orientation Course dates

semester 1 25 February 28 February – 7 June 24 February 27 February – 22 June

semester 2 15 July 18 July – 25 october 6 July 9 July – 2 november

summer semester

note: the summer semester is now a full 17-week course.

28 october 21 october – 7 February (2012)

5 october 8 october – 15 February (2013)

elB intenSive (10 WeekS) Calendar 2011/12

2011 2012

intake orientation Course dates orientation Course dates

semester 1 13 April 16 April – 22 June

semester 2 19 August 22 August – 28 october

24 August 27 August – 2 november

summer semester 23 november 26 november – 15 February (2013)

Note: Attendance at orientation is compulsory. Students cannot be admitted into any course after the first week of teaching.

CuRtin stReAm PRePARAtoRy CouRse—CAnning Collegeyou can complete a curtin stream preparatory course at canning college and receive a packaged program into a curtin undergraduate degree. the program provides entry to a full range of curtin’s courses and includes english Language and Australia cultural studies as areas of study.

email: [email protected]:

elB (17 WeekS) FeeS

2011 (A$) 2012 (A$)

eLB* 7 800 8 000

elB intenSive (10 WeekS) FeeS

2011 (A$) 2012 (A$)

eLB intensive* 4 800 4 900

* Includes GST. These fees are indicative and subject to change.

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Curtin COlleGe enGliSh lanGuaGe requirementS

english language test CeRtiFiCAte iv in university Foundation studies

tertiary Access Program (tAP)—all courses

DiPlomA—Commerce, it, Arts and Creative industries (Design and Art)

DiPlomA—built environment, engineering, Health sciences, Arts and Creative industries (media, Culture and Creative Arts/social science/teaching and education) Actuarial science, mathematical sciences and Finance

international english Language testing system (ieLts)

5.5 (no band less than 5.0) 5.5 (no band less than 5.5) 6.0 (no band less than 6.0)

test of english as a Foreign Language (toeFL)

paper 525, computer 197, internet 71 paper 525, computer 197, internet 71 paper 550, computer 213, internet 80

General certificate of education (Gce) o-level/spM 1119

c c c

HKcee english Language (post 2007)

3 4 4

HKALe use of english D D c

curtin university test of english (cute)

c c c

pearsons test of english (pte) 46 (no score less than 43) 49 (no score less than 49) 57 (no score less than 57)

eLicos at curtin english Language centre (ceLc)

Ac2 with 65% average (Modules A & B) Ac2 with 65% average (Modules A & B) n/A

Note 1: These are indicative scores only. Students who do not meet the English level may be required to take an intensive English course prior to commencement of formal study, or include an English support unit in the first semester of study.Note 2: For visa purposes, the Government’s required score may be higher than the College’s requirements.Note 3: Linguistically demanding courses will require a higher level of English proficiency (e.g. mass communication).Note 4: In addition to meeting English requirements, students are required to meet minimum academic requirements. Contact Curtin College for further information.

Curtin COlleGe Calendar 2011/2012

Certificate iv and tertiary Access Programs (tAP) for all Curtin College Programs/Diploma of Commerce, it, built environment, Arts and Creative industries (Design and Art/media, Culture and Creative Arts)

year trimesterCertificate iv/tAP compulsory orientation

Diploma compulsory orientation

Course start date break end date Census date

2011 February 23 February 24 February 28 February 22-29 April 3 June 25 March

June 15 June 16 June 20 June none 16 september 15 July

october 5 october 6 october 10 october none 20 January 4 november

2012 February 22 February 23 February 27 February 6-13 April 1 June 23 March

June 13 June 14 June 18 June none 14 september 13 July

october 3 october 4 october 8 october none 18 January 2 november

Diploma of engineering, Health sciences, Arts and Creative industries (social science/teaching and education), Actuarial science, mathematical sciences and Finance

year semester Compulsory orientation from Course start date break end date Census date

2011 February 21 February 28 February 25-29 April 17 June 25 March

July 11 July 18 July 12-16 september 4 november 12 August

2012 February 20 February 27 February 6-13 April 15 June 23 March

July 9 July 16 July 10-14 september 2 november 10 August

Curtin COlleGe 2011 COurSe FeeS

Course Duration (trimesters/semesters) CRiCos Code indicative course fee (A$)

tertiary communication skills 1 trimester n/A 4 000

certificate iv in university Foundation studies—all study areas 2 trimesters 040683c 15 000

tertiary Access program—all study areas 1 trimester 072496G 7 500

Diploma of commerce 2 trimesters 035373D 20 400

Diploma of information technology 2 trimesters 035381D 20 400

Diploma of Built environment 2 trimesters 050418D 21 400

Diploma of Arts and creative industries 2 trimesters 072884G 19 800

Diploma of engineering 2 semesters 038771K 23 600

Diploma of science (Health sciences) 2 semesters 041073K 23 600

Diploma of Humanities (teaching and education) 2 semesters 060375e 19 800

Diploma of science (Actuarial science/Mathematical sciences and Finance) 2 semesters 041076G 21 400

Note: Fees may be subject to annual increase. Additional charges may apply for consumable materials in some units (visit for more information).

the Western Australian universities preparatory program (WAupp) is a course of academic study for international students seeking entry into a university in Western Australia.

the program is administered by the tertiary institutions service centre (tisc) on behalf of the four public universities in Western Australia. successful completion of this program guarantees students entry into all curtin courses.

Colleges oFFeRing WAuPPCanning College is a government senior college that opened in 1982. it is located 15 minutes south of the perth cBD, adjacent to curtin and shares vickery House with curtin.

canning offers January and April entry into WAupp.

tel: +61 8 9351 5665 +61 8 9458 9644Fax: +61 8 9356 1119email: [email protected]: provider code 00463B

murdoch College is a non-denominational, co-educational private secondary school—years 7 to 12—located on a university campus. Murdoch college offers January and April entry into WAupp.

tel: +61 8 9312 0800Fax: +61 8 9360 7801email: admissions@murdochcollege. provider code 00429D

Sevenoaks Senior College looks like a modern workplace. the attractive buildings and gardens are 10 kilometers from perth and easily accessibly by public transport. entry for WAupp begins in July 2011, with alternative entry in october and February 2012. All students have access to special programs such as the sevenoaks Golf academy.

tel: +61 8 9356 4900Fax: +61 8 9258 5918email: [email protected]: provider code pending

tuart College is a government senior college, located six kilometers north of perth city on well-provided public transport routes. the college offers January, April and June entry into WAupp. students who commence in June complete an accelerated version of the program.

tel: +61 8 9242 6222Fax: +61 8 9444 8538email: [email protected]: provider code 00465M

WesteRn AustRAliAn univeRsities PRePARAtoRy PRogRAm

CuRtin College ContinueD

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stArt your Journey

minimum englisH lAnguAge entRy RequiRementsenGliSh lanGuaGe teSt SCOre

ieLts (international english Language testing system)

- Writing and speaking - reading and Listening - overall Band score

6.0 6.0 6.0

Gce english Language or english Literature o Level Grade c or better

General english paper A Level Grade e or better

spM 1119 english Grade c6 or above

test of english as a Foreign Language (toeFL) 550 paper based 80 internet based (20 in each section) minimum test of written english (tWe) 5.0

pearson test of english 59 (some courses may require higher score)

WA tertiary entrance examination (tee) esL or english Literature


english or english as an additional Language/Dialect (eALD)

At least 50 % in stage ii or iii

Western Australian universities preparatory program (WAupp) english (eLAcs)


english as a second Language (esL) pass mark varies each year (normally 50% or above)

curtin university test of english (cute) c#

south Australian certificate of education (sAce) in the subject of english as a second Language

score 11 (55%) or higher—Band A, B or c

Hong Kong certificate of education examination (HKcee) english

Grade of 3 or above (3, 4, 5 or 5*)

cambridge certificate of proficiency in english (cpe)/cambridge certificate in Advanced english (cAe)

Grade c or better

First certificate of english (Fce) Grade A

successful completion of one semester of full-time study of a bachelor degree course at an Australian university.

successful completion of the full first year of a bachelor degree at a recognised university in nZ, uK, canada or us.

successful completion of any Australia university english Language proficiency programs of one semester (six months) full-time in duration or more, that satisfy degree entry requirements at those universities.

successful completion of curtin’s english Language Bridging course.

Note 1: A comprehensive list of qualifications that meet Curtin’s English language requirements for undergraduate study can be obtained from Curtin International.#Some courses may not accept CUTE and some may require a higher grade. Each application is assessed on a case-by-case basis. For example, courses that do not accept CUTE include:- Department of Education (all courses) - School of Physiotherapy (all courses) - Speech PathologyNote 2: Students applying from certain countries (such as China and India) will need to achieve a required level in the IELTS test in order to be issued with a student visa by the Australian Government.Note 3: Results from IELTS, TOEFL, CUTE and Pearson are valid for two years.Note 4: Some courses require Higher IELTS, TOEFL and CUTE scores. These are listed under course prerequisites on pages 54 – 65.

unDeRgRADuAte DegRees AnD entRy RequiRements

unDeRgRADuAte DegReesbachelor degreescourses leading to a first qualification, such as a bachelor degree award, are referred to as undergraduate courses. Bachelor degrees are usually three or four years’ long.

Honours programAs a natural extension to a bachelor degree, curtin offers honours programs in most areas. A year of honours study consists of coursework at an advanced level and research or project work. in some courses, the honours program is part of the final year of the degree program.

Double degreescurtin offers a number of double degree courses. in such courses, students study combined programs from two compatible courses and complete the requirements for two degrees in less time than it would normally take to complete the two degrees sequentially.

they require significantly more work than a single degree, but the rewards are seen to be much greater than those from the completion of either one of the single degrees. Double degrees are at least four years in length.

Recognition of prior learningcurtin recognises students’ relevant prior studies or work experience, allowing some students to finish their degrees in a shorter period of time. recognition of prior Learning (or Advanced standing) allows students to take advantage of—and be rewarded for—their previous studies.

AdmissionFor admission to curtin, applicants must satisfy minimum academic entry as well as english competency requirements. entry is competitive and levels higher than the minimum may be required for admission to some courses. A list of the common academic entry requirements can be found in the table on the following page.

As all courses are taught in english, applicants will need to meet curtin’s english language requirement.

Any one of the tests in the following table will be accepted as satisfying curtin’s language requirement; however, some courses may require a higher score for english. please refer to the individual course listings on the following pages for more information.








undergraduate degrees and entry requirements ...........51

2012 undergraduate courses, fees and intakes ............... 53

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minimum ACADemiC entRy RequiRementsCOuntry qualiFiCatiOn and minimum entry requirementS

Botswana refer to united Kingdom or successful completion of part one (first two years) of a degree at university of Botswana. english competence will be assessed individually.

Brazil successful completion of the first year of a four-year bacheral/bachareldo or licenciatura/licenciado (degree) or titulo professional (professional title) from a recognised institution and english competence.

Brunei three ‘ordinary’ level passes (min. grade c) and two ‘Advanced’ level passes (min. five points) in the Brunei cambridge General certificate of education (Gce), and english competence.

canada completion of a provincial High school Diploma with an average of 60 or better in Grade 12, and including a grade of 60 or better in year 12 english (except Quebec where separate evidence of english is required).

china completion of the chinese Gao Kao (national university entrance examination) with a score that would qualify for entry to key (tier one) universities in china in the year that the Gao Kao was completed AnD in the province it was undertaken AnD the relevant stream of the Gao Kao subjects AnD english competence or one year of a bachelor degree at a recognised university and english competence.

Germany completion of the Abitur/Zeugnis der Allegmeinen Hochschulreife or reifezeugnis (secondary school leaving certificate) at Gymnasium including english or separate english competence or successful completion of the Fachgebundene Hochschulreife with separate evidence of english competency required.

Hong Kong three passes (min grade c) in the Hong Kong certificate of education examination (HKcee) plus two passes (min of 5 points) in the Hong Kong Advanced Level examination (HKALe); and with grade 3 or above in HKcee english.

india All india senior school certificates awarded by the central Board of secondary education with an average of 65% in four subjects one of which must be english (with 65% or better) or separate english competence or Higher school certificate (Hsc) awarded by one of the state secondary schools Board or indian school certificate (council for the indian school certificate examinations) with an average of 65% in five subjects one of which must be english (with 65% or better) or separate evidence of english competence. refer to course fees lists following for cut off scores.

indonesia sttB/sMu 3 with an average score of 8.0 or above in four academic subjects from a private (Key) senior secondary school and english competence or completion of one or two years of a bachelor degree at a recognised institution and english competence.

iran successful completion of the first year of a four-year bachelor degree at a recognised institution and english competence or successful completion of a two-year Associate Degree or Higher Diploma (after completion of national High school Diploma) from a recognised institution and english competence.

Japan successful completion of first year of a Gakushi (bachelor degree) at a recognised institution and english competence or certificate of Graduation awarded by a recognised technical/vocational college and english competence.

Kenya successful completion of the Kenya certificate of secondary education (Kcse) with a minimum average grade of B or better obtained in seven subjects (including a B or better in english, Kiswahili and Maths) and english competence.

Korea completion of one year of a four-year bachelor degree at a recognised university and english competence.

Malaysia three credit passes at spM level and two passes in stpM (min. one B and one c) and english competence or completion of the Malaysian independent chinese secondary schools unified examination certificate (uec) in at least 5 subjects with min. B grades and english competence. refer to uK for Gce levels.

Mauritius three ‘ordinary’ level passes (min. grade c) and two ‘Advanced’ level passes (min. five points) in the cambridge Higher school certificate Gce `A’ level with a grade c or better in o-Level english or full international Baccalaureate with a minimum total of 24 points from six subjects at one sitting. three of the subjects must be at the higher level and one of the six subjects should be english.

Myanmar successful completion of a four-year bachelor degree or two years of a five-year honours degree at a recognised institution and english competence.

nepal completion of one year of a bachelor degree with an average of not less than 65% from tribhuvan or Kathmandu university, separate evidence of english competence is required.

norway completion of the vitnemal: den videregaende skole (certificate of upper secondary education) with an average grade of 3 plus a grade of 4 in english from the norwegian certificate of upper secondary education (vitnemål fra den videregående skole).

oman successful completion of one year of a bachelor degree at sultan Qaboos university and english competence or completion of a recognised diploma at a public institution and english competence.

pakistan completion of the Higher secondary school certificate of intermediate (Division 1) with an average of 65% in four (4) academic subjects and at least 60% in english or successful completion of the first year of a three-year Honours degree with grades above 50% or B or two-year pass degree at a recognised institution and english competence or successful completion of the first year of a four-year degree in a professional field at a recognised institution and english competence.

philippines successful completion of the first year of a four-year bachelor degree at a recognised institution with separate evidence of english competence or successful completion of a full bachelor degree at selected institutions and english competence.

saudi Arabia successful completion of the first year of a four-year bachelor degree at a recognised institution and english competence or successful completion of a two year diploma or associate degree at a public university and english competence.

singapore three ‘ordinary’ level passes (min. grade c) or completion of the integrated program plus two ‘Advanced’ level passes (min. of 5 points) in the General certificate of education (Gce); and grade c in ‘o’ level english/english literature or with separate evidence of english competence.

south Africa completion of the senior certificate (by Matriculation Board or the south African certification council) with an average grade of c or 5 in six subjects (excluding Life orientation), including a grade of c or 5 in english or Matriculation certificate c issued by the Matriculation Board) with an average mark of at lease 65% in six subjects, three subjects at the higher grade (one of these must be english).

sri Lanka three ‘ordinary’ level passes (min. grades of c) and two ‘Advanced’ level passes (min. grades of c) in the sri Lankan General certificate of education; and with c in General english or with separate evidence of english competence.

taiwan successful completion of the national taiwan university entrance examination or successful completion of the first year of a four-year bachelor degree at a recognised institution and english competence.

tanzania refer to united Kingdom or a pass with credit (Grade 6 or above) in three east African certificate of education/school certificate subjects and two passes (minimum of one c and one D grade) in the east African Advanced certificate of education and english competence.

thailand successful completion of one year of a Bachelor degree at a recognised institution and english competence.

united Arab emirates successful completion of the first year of a degree at united Arab emirates university and english competence or successful completion of a diploma or higher diploma at a recognised institution, and english competence.

united Kingdom (england)

three General certificate of education (Gce) ‘ordinary’ level passes or three General certificate of secondary education (Gcse) passes (min grade c) and two Advanced-level passes (minimum 5 points) in the Gce with Grade c or better in ‘o’ level english, english literature or english language or separate evidence of english competence.

usA High school Diploma with average grade of B or better in year 12 and a combined score in the critical reading and Mathematics component of scholastic Aptitude test (sAt) of 1000/1600 (including 460 or above in the critical reading and Writing component) or a composite score of 24 or better in the American college test (Act) or successful completion of the first year of a four-year bachelor degree at a regionally accredited institution.

vietnam completion of the Bang tu tai or Bang tot nghiep pho thong trung hoc with an average of at least 80% in four core academic subjects and english competence or successful completion of one year of a bachelor degree at a recognised institution and english competence.

Zambia refer to united Kingdom or successful completion of the first year of a degree at university of Zambia or the copperbelt university and english competence.

Zimbabwe refer to united Kingdom or completion of five (5) Zimbabwe General certificate of education ‘ordinary’ level passes and three (3) ‘Advanced’ level passes (min grade of c) and english competence or successful completion of the first year of a degree at university college of rhodesia and nyasaland, university of rhodesia or university of Zimbabwe and english competence.

Students from countries not listed should contact Curtin International for further details.

bACHeloR DegRee key:Bachelor of Arts BaBachelor of Agribusiness BagribusBachelor of commerce BComBachelor of Business Administration BBaBachelor of education BedBachelor of engineering BengBachelor of pharmacy BPharmBachelor of science BScBachelor of surveying BSurvBachelor of social Work BSWBachelor of psychology BPsychBachelor of technology BtechBachelor of Applied sciences BappScBachelor of social science BSocSc

CouRses tAble notes key:# students can choose to study the

first two years in either Bentley or Kalgoorlie. the remaining year/s are available in Kalgoorlie only.

## the first two years are offered in Bentley. the third year is studied in Kalgoorlie.

ˆ the third year and first semester of the fourth year are studied in Kalgoorlie.

ˆˆ the final year is studied in Kalgoorlie.ˆˆˆ the final one-and-a-half years must be

studied in Kalgoorlie.

Fee inFoRmAtionthe tuition fees (shown in Australian dollars) are based on a normal full-time workload of 100 credits per semester (200 credits per year) unless otherwise stated. students studying more than 100 credits per semester will have a higher annual tuition fee. the tuition fee is calculated and charged on a semester basis. A student should expect that the indicative semester course fee, as shown on the Letter of offer, might vary from the actual tuition fee depending on the units (subjects) undertaken. the actual tuition fee is not calculated until enrolment is completed. For bachelor double degrees, in most instances the actual tuition fee will be the same as the indicative fee. Humanities students undertaking a double major will be charged at the rate of the indicative fee.

to calculate the actual course fee, you can refer to the unit (subject) fee listed at Note: All fees listed are subject to annual increases.

ReFunD AgReementthe categories under which the university Fees centre will assess an application for refund are laid out in the university’s international student refund Agreement.

the Agreement stipulates the circumstances that determine the levels of reimbursement a student applying for refund is eligible to receive.

the Agreement is supplied to you with your Letter of offer and can also be accessed online at

please refer to for the most up-to-date information as the policy is subject to change from time to time.

Cut-oFF sCoRes keyGCe General certificate of educationStPm sijil tinggi persekolahan Malaysiahkale Hong Kong Advanced Level examiB international Baccalaureateatar Australian tertiary Admission rank—applicable to all Australian MatriculationWauPP Western Australian universities’ preparatory program (cps: combined percentage scores)india includes All india senior school certificate awarded by the central Board of secondary education (cBse), indian school certificate (isc) awarded by the council for the indian school certificate examinations (cisce), Higher school certificate (Hsc) awarded by one of the state secondary school Boards. certificates awarded by the cBse and the cisce are generally considered to represent a higher level of achievement than state certificates.Sri lanka Gce `A’ level issued by the Department of examinations.Score Conversion for advanced level/hSC Grades GCe/GCSe/hkaleA grade = 5 points; B grade = 4 points; c grade = 3 points; D grade = 2 points; e grade = 1 pointSubject Grades Conversion for StPm A or A- = 5 points; B+ = 4 points; B = 3 points; B- or c+ = 2 points; c = 1 point.Note: Scores for individual pre-requisites may be taken into consideration for assessment purposes.

2012 unDeRgRADuAte CouRses, Fees AnD intAkes








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course name cricos code

Duration Location intake offer Letter (100 credit) published Fee A$

indicative year 1 Fee A$

total indicative course Fee A$

indicative essential incidental Fee A$

indicative cut-off scores course prerequisites professional recognition and career opportunities

Gce-A Levels/stpM/HKALe (best of 3 subjects)

iB ontario Gr 12 (best of 6)

AtAr (incL. WAce/sAce/Hsc/vce)

WAupp (cps)


sri Lanka

BaChelOr deGreeS

3D Design (BA) (see Humanities)

A Accounting (Bcom) (Honours) 051602G 1 year Bentley Feb, Jul 12 400 24 800 24 800 70

Accounting (Bcom) (see commerce)

Actuarial science (Bsc) with majors in Actuarial science, Actuarial and Applied statistics

038785D 3 years Bentley Feb, Jul 11 700 23 300 74 900 0 9 31 85 92 72 75% 10 Mathematics. calculus is desirable. Accredited by the institute of Actuaries of Australia.

Actuarial science (Bsc) (Honours) 066674A 1 year Bentley Feb, Jul 11 700 23 400 23 400 0

Advertising (Bcom) (see commerce)

Agribusiness (Bcom) (see commerce)

Anthropology and sociology (BA) (see Humanities)

Applied Geology (Bsc) 003875B 3 years Bentley Feb, Jul 13 600 27 700 91 300 1 930 5 24 60 70 53 65% 6 Mathematics is desirable. the Australian institute of Geoscientists, the Australasian institute of Mining and Metallurgy and the Geological society of Australia accept graduates for membership.

Applied Geology (Bsc) (Honours) 043261A 1 year Bentley Feb, Jul 14 700 29 400 29 400 80

Applied Geology (Bsc) & environmental Biology (Bsc)

043265G 4 years Bentley Feb, Jul 13 263 26 900 119 200 1 800 5 24 60 70 53 65% 6 Mathematics is desirable. Graduates of the undergraduate degree in Applied Geology are eligible for membership of the Australian institute of Geoscientists, the Australian institute of Mining and Metallurgy and the Geological society of Australia. similar recognition is anticipated for this program. the degree has been accredited by the Australian institute of Mining and Metallurgy. Graduates are also eligible for Associate Membership of the Australian institute of Biology and the environment institute of Australia.

Applied Geology (Bsc) & Finance (Bcom)

043262M 4 years Bentley Feb, Jul 12 875 25 800 116 200 800 5 24 60 70 53 65% 6 Mathematics is desirable. Graduates of the undergraduate degree in Applied Geology are eligible for membership of the Australian institute of Geoscientists, the Australian institute of Mining and Metallurgy and the Geological society of Australia. similar recognition is anticipated for this program. the degree has been accredited by the Australian institute of Mining and Metallurgy.

Applied Geology (Bsc) & Geophysics (Bsc)

052798D 4 years Bentley Feb, Jul 12 763 26 200 122 200 2 190 5 24 60 70 53 65% 6 Mathematics and physics are desirable. the degree in Geology satisfies the academic requirements for membership of the Australian institute of Mining and Metallurgy and Australian institute of Geoscientists. A degree in Geophysics satisfies the academic requirements for membership of the Australian institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Australian society of exploration Geophysicists and the society of exploration Geophysics (usA).

Architectural science (BAppsc) (entry course to Architecture)

003868A 3 years Bentley Feb 12 050 24 450 74 800 0 9 28 70 80 59 77% 10 Art, physics and Mathematics at school leaving level are recommended. no folio required for entry into first year. students seeking credit exemptions must submit a folio.

Architecture (see Architectural science above and Master of Architecture, page 72)

Art and Design studies (BA) (see Humanities)

Arts (BA) & commerce (Bcom) 072465D 4 years Bentley Feb, Jul 12 050 24 100 104 400 200 5 24 60 70 53 65% 6 not all BA majors are available.

Arts (BA) & education (Bed) 044024F 4 years Bentley Feb, Jul 11 700 23 400 101 200 0 5 24 60 70 53 65% 6 not all BA majors are available. english requirements: ieLts Writing and speaking 7.0, readling and Listening 7.0, overall Band score 7.0 All applicants must undergo criminal records screening and clearance prior to enrolment.

Asian studies (BA) (see Humanities)

Astronomy (Bsc) 057748G 4 years Bentley Feb, Jul 12 350 24 500 110 000 0 9 28 70 80 59 77 10 physics and Mathematics (including calculus). chemistry or information systems is desirable.

B Banking (Bcom) (see commerce)

Business information systems (Bcom) (Honours)

016557J 1 year Bentley Feb, Jul 12 400 24 800 24 800 70

Business information systems (Bcom) (see commerce)

Business information technology (Bcom) (see commerce)

Business Law (Bcom) (see commerce)

c chemical engineering (Beng) & chemistry (Bsc)

050336F 5 years Bentley Feb, Jul 14 063 28 000 156 300 280 9 28 70 80 59 77% 10 Mathematics (including calculus), physics and chemistry.

the royal Australian chemical institute, the institution of chemical engineers and the engineers Australia recognises this course as fulfilling the academic requirements for graduate membership.

2012 unDeRgRADuAte CouRses, Fees AnD intAkes For the latest in course information visit important notes on all courses and fees turn to page 53

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course name cricos code

Duration Location intake offer Letter (100 credit) published Fee A$

indicative year 1 Fee A$

total indicative course Fee A$

indicative essential incidental Fee A$

indicative cut-off scores course prerequisites professional recognition and career opportunities

Gce-A Levels/stpM/HKALe (best of 3 subjects)

iB ontario Gr 12 (best of 6)

AtAr (incL. WAce/sAce/Hsc/vce)

WAupp (cps)


sri Lanka

chemical engineering (Beng) & extractive Metallurgy (Bsc)

043753c 5 years Bentley Feb, Jul 14 063 28 000 161 300 1 130 9 28 70 80 59 77% 10 Mathematics (including calculus), physics and chemistry.

this degree has full recognition by engineers Australia and the institution of chemical engineers. the Australasian institute of Mining and Metallurgy recognises the science course for admission to membership.

chemistry (Bsc) & extractive Metallurgy (Bsc)

029357K 4 years Bentley Feb, Jul 13 350 27 200 120 700 890 5 24 60 70 53 65% 6 chemistry and Mathematics (including calculus).

chinese (BA) (see Humanities)

civil and construction engineering (Beng) & Mining (Bsc)

050568A 5 years Bentley Feb, Jul 14 063 28 000 160 200 370 9 28 70 80 59 77% 10 Mathematics (including calculus), physics and chemistry.

the civil engineering components of this course have been accorded full recognition by engineers Australia and exempts graduates from all academic requirements for corporate membership of engineers Australia. this course includes units recognised by the Australasian institute of Mining and Metallurgy and some overseas institutions.

commerce (Bcom) with majors in Accounting, Advertising, Agribusiness, Banking, Business information systems, Business information technology, Business Law, economics, entrepreneurship, Finance, Human resource Management, industrial relations, international Business, Logistics and supply chain Management, Management, Marketing, public relations, taxation, tourism and event Management. For a list of double majors, please visit

013905G 3 years Bentley Feb, Jul 12 400 24 800 78 600 0 5 24 60 70 53 65% 6 Mathematics is desirable. commerce programs are designed to conform to the membership standards of the relevant professional bodies with which students are likely to become associated after graduation, such as cpA Australia, institute of chartered Accountants Australia (icAA) and the Australian institute of Banking and Finance. student membership is available for some professional associations. Graduates may also be eligible for recognition by other selected professional bodies, both in Australia and internationally.

computer science (Bsc) 007892B 3 years Bentley Feb, Jul 12 525 25 500 79 000 0 5 24 60 70 53 65% 6 Mathematics (including calculus).

computer systems and networking (Btech)

041280c 3 years Bentley Feb, Jul 12 525 26 700 88 500 100 5 24 60 70 53 65% 6 Mathematics. the choice of topics and structure of the course will enable graduates to compete successfully in the job market and satisfy the need for competent network and information technology managers.

computer systems engineering (Beng) & computer science (Bsc)

043754B 5 years Bentley Feb, Jul 14 063 28 000 152 900 180 9 28 70 80 59 77% 10 Mathematics (including calculus), physics and chemistry.

this degree meets the academic requirements of the institution of engineering Australia, for Graduate Membership. Graduates receive level one accreditation from the Australian computing society.

construction Management and economics (BAppsc)

010548c 4 years Bentley Feb, Jul 11 875 23 600 101 600 0 5 24 60 70 53 65% 6 Mathematics. this course has been designed in conjunction with the construction industry and professional associations. internationally the course is recognised by the royal institute of chartered surveyors and the Board of Quantity surveyors Malaysia. (note: Malaysian applicants are required to achieve 5c in Mathematics and 5c in english or Bahasa Malaysia in the spM for recognition of Award by Board of Quantity surveyors Malaysia (BQsM)). in Australia it is accredited by the Australian institute of Building (AiB) and Australian institute of Quantity surveyors (AiQs). upon graduation students may become a corporate member of these institutes.

creative Advertising and Graphic Design (BA) (see Humanities)

creative Writing (BA) (see Humanities)

D Design and Art (BA) (Honours) 042803F 1 year Bentley Feb 11 700 23 400 23 400 370

Digital Design (BA) (see Humanities)

e early childhood education (Bed) 020852A 4 years Bentley Feb, Jul 11 700 23 400 101 100 280 5 24 60 70 53 65% 6 english requirements: ieLts Writing and speaking 7.0, reading and Listening 7.0, overall Band score 7.0. All applicants must undergo criminal record screening and clearance prior to enrolment.

this course is recognised nationally as an initial pre-service teaching qualification.

economics (Bcom) (Honours) 051603F 1 year Bentley Feb, Jul 12 400 24 800 24 800 70

economics (Bcom) (see commerce)

education (see education conversion course, early childhood, primary or secondary)

education conversion course (Bed) 006087F 1 year Bentley Feb, Jul 11 700 23 400 23 400 260 n/A n/A n/A n/A n/A n/A n/A this course is open only to qualified educators (including teachers or other educational and training personnel). Admission typically requires a three-year Bachelor of Arts (education) degree or equivalent. Applicants with significant work experience who have completed a certificate iv or approved qualifications will be considered on the basis of alternative entry procedures for mature age students and may be offered appropriate recognition of prior Learning. there is no requirement that an applicant should be currently employed as a teacher. english requirements: ieLts overall Band score 7.0.

electronic and communication engineering (Beng) & computer science (Bsc)

041777M 5 years Bentley Feb, Jul 14 063 28 000 153 500 180 9 28 70 80 59 77% 10 Mathematics (including calculus), physics and chemistry.

For the latest in course information visit important notes on all courses and fees turn to page 53

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course name cricos code

Duration Location intake offer Letter (100 credit) published Fee A$

indicative year 1 Fee A$

total indicative course Fee A$

indicative essential incidental Fee A$

indicative cut-off scores course prerequisites professional recognition and career opportunities

Gce-A Levels/stpM/HKALe (best of 3 subjects)

iB ontario Gr 12 (best of 6)

AtAr (incL. WAce/sAce/Hsc/vce)

WAupp (cps)


sri Lanka

engineering (Beng) (Western Australian school of Mines) & commerce (Bcom) with majors in Metallurgical engineering; Mining engineering; Finance; Management

070840B 5 years Bentley Feb, Jul 14 063 27 400 151 600 970 9 28 70 80 59 77% 10 Mathematics (including calculus), physics and chemistry.

engineering (Beng) & commerce (Bcom) with majors in civil and construction engineering; Mechanical engineering; software engineering; electrical power engineering; electronic and communication engineering; computer systems engineering; chemical engineering; economics, Finance; Management. note: civil and construction engineering is only offered with Management

066675M 5.5 years

Bentley Feb, Jul 14 063 28 000 171 000 180 9 28 70 80 59 77% 10 Mathematics (including calculus), physics and chemistry.

engineering (Beng) with majors in civil & construction; Mechanical; Mechatronic; chemical; electrical power; electronic and communication; computer systems; software; petroleum

072467B 4 years Bentley Feb, Jul 14 100 28 000 126 000 350 9 28 70 80 59 77% 10 Mathematics (including calculus), physics and chemistry.

entrepreneurship (Bcom) (see commerce)

environmental engineering - Mining (Beng)

056847A 4 years Bentley, Kalgoorlie ^^^

Feb, Jul 13 900 27 800 121 100 490 9 28 70 80 59 77% 10 Mathematics (including calculus), physics and chemistry.

this course has been accorded full recognition by engineers Australia, exempting graduates from all academic requirements for corporate membership. to qualify for corporate membership of engineers Australia, graduates are also required to have a minimum of four years approved experience following the award of the Bachelor of engineering degree. this course has been accorded full recognition by the Australasian institute of Mining and Metallurgy.

environmental science (Bsc) (Honours) 032947F 4 years Bentley Feb, Jul 12 925 26 400 114 900 140

extractive Metallurgy (Bsc) 003883B 3 years Bentley, Kalgoorlie #

Feb, Jul 13 400 27 200 88 500 890 5 24 60 70 53 65% 6 Applicable Mathematics plus chemistry or physics.

this degree is recognised by the Australasian institute of Mining and Metallurgy.

F Fashion (BA) (see Humanities)

Finance (Bcom) (Honours) 051605D 1 year Bentley Feb, Jul 12 400 24 800 24 800 70

Finance (Bcom) (see commerce)

Fine Art (BA) (see Humanities)

Food science and technology (Bsc) 029349K 3 years Bentley Feb, Jul 15 800 30 700 90 200 240 5 24 60 70 53 65% 6 chemistry, physical sciences and/or Mathematics are desirable. prior learning in these subjects will be considered on an individual basis.

Graduates are eligible for membership of the Australian institute of Food science and technology (AiFst) although this is not required before a graduate may practice their profession.

G Geographic information science (Bsc) (Honours)

043270M 1 year Bentley Feb, Jul 14 700 29 400 29 400 80

Geographic information science (Bsc) & Applied Geology (Bsc)

038837G 4 years Bentley Feb, Jul 13 188 26 800 124 800 1 280 5 24 60 70 53 65% 6 Mathematics (including calculus). Alternative mathematics units are available for applicants who have not completed calculus.

Graduates are eligible for membership of the Australian institute of Geoscientists, the Australian institute of Mining and Metallurgy, the spatial sciences institute (ssi) and the Geological society of Australia. this degree has received level one accreditation by the Australian computer society (Acs).

Geographic information science (Bsc) with majors in Geospatial Analysis; Geospatial Mapping

010549B 3 years Bentley Feb, Jul 13 000 27 200 90 800 100 5 24 60 70 53 65% 6 Mathematics (including calculus). Alternative mathematics units are available for applicants who have not completed calculus.

this degree has received level one accreditation by the Australian computer society (Acs). Graduates are immediately eligible for associate membership with full membership following four years of professional practice. Graduates may also obtain membership of the spatial sciences institute (ssi).

Geophysics (Bsc) 003876A 3 years Bentley Feb, Jul 12 975 26 800 88 400 890 5 24 60 70 53 65% 6 Mathematics. the commonwealth public service Board accepts this degree as satisfying its requirements for appointment as a professional geophysicist. this degree satisfies the academic requirements for membership of the Australian society of exploration Geophysicists, the Australasian institute of Mining and Metallurgy, the society of exploration Geophysicists (usA) and the european Association of Geoscientists and engineers.

Geophysics (Bsc) (Honours) 043271K 1 year Bentley Feb, Jul 14 700 29 400 29 400 640

H Health promotion (Bsc) 003779B 3 years Bentley Feb, Jul 15 800 30 700 90 200 860 5 24 60 70 53 65% 6 Applicants should have completed at least one science subject at school leaving level. Human Biology and Mathematics are desirable.

students and graduates are eligible for membership of the Australian Health promotion Association.

Health promotion (Bsc) & Health and safety (Bsc)

046654D 4 years Bentley Feb, Jul 15 800 30 700 122 700 1 110 5 24 60 70 53 65% 6 Applicants should have completed at least one science subject at school leaving level. Human Biology and Mathematics are desirable.

Health science (Bsc) (Honours) 050723F 1 year Bentley Feb, Jul 13 900 27 800 27 800 70

For the latest in course information visit important notes on all courses and fees turn to page 53

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course name cricos code

Duration Location intake offer Letter (100 credit) published Fee A$

indicative year 1 Fee A$

total indicative course Fee A$

indicative essential incidental Fee A$

indicative cut-off scores course prerequisites professional recognition and career opportunities

Gce-A Levels/stpM/HKALe (best of 3 subjects)

iB ontario Gr 12 (best of 6)

AtAr (incL. WAce/sAce/Hsc/vce)

WAupp (cps)


sri Lanka

Health sciences (Bsc) 003691K 3 years Bentley Feb, Jul 15 800 30 700 90 200 1 100 5 24 60 70 53 65% 6 one Mathematics and one science subject at school leaving level are desirable. Human Biology is preferred.

Health, safety and environment (Bsc) 064468A 3 years Bentley Feb, Jul 15 800 30 700 90 300 1 150 5 24 60 70 53 65% 6 Mathematics and science are desirable.

History (BA) (see Humanities)

Human Biology (Bsc) (Honours) 006080B 1 year Bentley Feb 13 900 27 800 27 800 70

Human Biology preclinical (Bsc) 064457D 3 years Bentley Feb 15 800 30 700 90 700 360 5 24 60 70 53 65% 6 chemistry, Mathematics and Human Biology or Biology are desirable.

Human resource Management (Bcom) (see commerce)

Humanities (BA) with majors in 3D Design, Anthropology and sociology, Art and Design studies, Asian studies, chinese, creative Advertising and Graphic Design, creative Writing, Digital Design, Fashion, Fine Art*, History, indigenous Australian cultural studies, international relations, internet communications, Japanese, Journalism, Librarianship and corporate information Management, Literary and cultural studies, performance studies, photography and illustration Design, professional Writing and publishing, screen Arts, sustainable Development, textiles*.

068750M 3 years Bentley Feb, Jul 11 700 23 400 74 000 0 5 24 60 70 53 65% 6 * Applicants are required to submit a portfolio. refer to for details.

i indigenous Australian cultural studies (BA) (see Humanities)

information technology (Bsc) 029352D 3 years Bentley Feb, Jul 12 525 25 500 79 300 0 7 26 65 75 55 72% 8 Mathematics (including calculus).

interior Architecture (BA) 023967K 4 years Bentley Feb 12 050 24 450 107 250 0 5 24 60 70 53 65% 6 no folio is required for entry into first year. recognition of prior Learning is based on a folio, supplied on disc and a record of previous study to be submitted with the international application to curtin.

international Business (Bcom) (see commerce)

international relations (BA) (see Humanities)

internet communications (BA) (see Humanities)

J Japanese (BA) (see Humanities)

Journalism (BA) (see Humanities)

L Laboratory Medicine (Bsc) 064464e 4 years Bentley Feb 15 800 30 700 123 100 1 310 5 24 60 70 53 65% 6 Biological sciences strongly recommends chemistry and/or Mathematics. Human Biology is also desirable.

Librarianship and corporate information Management (BA) (see Humanities)

Literary and cultural studies (BA) (see Humanities)

Logistics and supply chain Management (Bcom) (see commerce)

M Management (Bcom) (Honours) 051609M 1 year Bentley Feb, Jul 12 400 24 800 24 800 70

Management (Bcom) (see commerce)

Marketing (Bcom) (Honours) 051610G 1 year Bentley Feb, Jul 12 400 24 800 24 800 70

Marketing (Bcom) (see commerce)

Mass communication (BA) with streams in corporate screen production, Web Media, Journalism, visual communication, Digital Design, Marketing, photography, public relations

018629D 3 years Bentley Feb, Jul 12 050 24 000 76 600 170 5 24 60 70 53 65% 6 Applicants are required to indicate their two streams of study on the application form.

Media, culture and creative Arts (BA) (Honours)

055610G 1 year Bentley Feb, Jul 11 700 23 400 23 400 0

Medical imaging science (Bsc) 055611G 4 years Bentley Feb, Jul 12 975 26 500 113 100 1 000 9 28 70 80 59 77% 10 physics and Mathematics (including calculus). english requirements: ieLts Writing and speaking 6.0. reading and Listening 6.0, overall Band score 6.5. toeFL iBt score of 92 with minimum 23 in each section or toeFL score 570 paper-based with a minimum test of Written english score 5.0.

Graduates are eligible to apply for registration with the Australian institute of radiography (subject to meeting the required ieLts or oet (occupational test of english)).

For the latest in course information visit important notes on all courses and fees turn to page 53

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course name cricos code

Duration Location intake offer Letter (100 credit) published Fee A$

indicative year 1 Fee A$

total indicative course Fee A$

indicative essential incidental Fee A$

indicative cut-off scores course prerequisites professional recognition and career opportunities

Gce-A Levels/stpM/HKALe (best of 3 subjects)

iB ontario Gr 12 (best of 6)

AtAr (incL. WAce/sAce/Hsc/vce)

WAupp (cps)


sri Lanka

Metalurgical engineering (Beng) 014154M 4 years Bentley, Kalgoorlie ##

Feb, Jul 13 900 28 200 123 900 1 070 9 28 70 80 59 77% 10 physics, chemistry and Mathematics. the Bachelor of engineering (Metallurgical engineering) degree is accredited by the institution of engineers Australia (ieAust) and recognised by the Australasian institute of Mining and Metallurgy (AusiMM).

Mine and engineering surveying (Bsc) 007891c 3 years Bentley, Kalgoorlie^^

Feb, Jul 13 563 27 000 90 100 280 5 24 60 70 53 65% 6 Mathematics. together with practical experience, this course is recognised by the Western Australian Mines Department for an Authorisation to sign Mine plans.

Mineral exploration and Mining Geology (Bsc)

012240G 3 years Bentley, Kalgoorlie^^

Feb, Jul 13 775 27 625 91 225 1 203 5 24 60 70 53 65% 6 Mathematics. Graduates may be eligible for membership of the Australasian institute of Mining and Metallurgy, the Australian institute of Geoscientists or Geological society of Australia.

Mining (Bsc) 003884A 3 years Bentley, Kalgoorlie ^^

Feb, Jul 13 400 27 000 89 100 310 5 24 60 70 53 65% 6 Mathematics, chemistry and physics. After a set period of practical experience in the industry graduates can apply to the Department of industry and resources Western Australia to sit for examinations qualifying them for an underground supervisors certificate or Quarry Managers certificate.

Mining engineering (Beng) 014533M 4 years Bentley, Kalgoorlie #

Feb, Jul 13 900 28 000 124 000 490 9 28 70 80 59 77% 10 Mathematics (including calculus), physics and chemstry.

the Bachelor of engineering is recognised by the Australasian institute of Mining and Metallurgy and is accredited by engineers Australia. After a set period of practical experience in the industry graduates can apply to the Department of industry and resources (Western Australia) to sit for examinations, qualifying them for various statutory certificates of competency (underground supervisor, Quarry Manager and First class Mine Manager).

Molecular Genetics and Biotechnology (Bsc)

050345e 3 years Bentley Feb 15 800 30 700 90 700 160 5 24 60 70 53 65% 6 two matriculation science subjects are desirable. chemistry is preferred and Human Biology or Biology. Mathematics is also recommended.

this course provides career opportunities in government laboratories, academic and research centres or in the biotechnology, biomedical, agricultural and pharmaceutical industries.

Molecular Genetics and Biotechnology (Bsc) (Honours)

050725D 1 year Bentley Feb 13 900 27 800 27 800 0

n nursing - conversion program for registered nurses (Bsc)

003886K 1 year Bentley Feb, Jul 13 900 27 800 27 800 1 230 n/A n/A n/A n/A n/A n/A n/A registered General nurses from overseas wishing to gain registration in Australia must hold qualifications that have been recognised by the Australian Qualifications Framework as equivalent to a minimum of a three-year diploma. they must also meet the curtin nursing english and academic entry requirements and have a minimum of 12 months recent clinical nursing experience as a registered General nurse in a hospital.

students graduating from this course and seeking registration through the Australian Health professional registration Agency (AHprA) will be required to achieve an ieLts of 7.0 in each test band or an oet of Grade A or B in each of the four components.

nursing - General (Bsc) 041794K 3.5 years Bentley Feb, Jul 15 800 31 600 106 900 0 5 24 60 70 53 65% 6 Human Biology and physical sciences, and a good grounding in basic Mathematics are desirable. english requirements: ieLts Writing and speaking 6.0, reading and Listening 6.0, overall Band score 6.5. toeFL 570 paper-based with a test of written english of 5.0.

this course has been designed to meet the regulations of the nurses Board of Australia. students who successfully complete all of the course requirements are eligible for recommendation by the Head of school to the nurses Board of Australia for registration to practice as a comprehensive nurse. students graduating from this course and seeking registration through the Australian Health professional registration Agency (AHprA) will be required to achieve an ieLts of 7.0 in each test band or an oet of Grade A or B in each of the four components.

nursing (Bsc) (Honours) 020864G 1 year Bentley Feb 13 900 27 800 27 800 1 120

nutrition (Bsc) 003887J 3 years Bentley Feb 15 800 30 700 90 700 110 6 28 74 84 63 70% 7 chemistry.

o occupational therapy (Bsc) 003888G 4 years Bentley Feb 15 800 31 600 136 600 940 12 33 80 90 70 91% 13 Applicants are required to have completed at least one science subject. english requirements: ieLts Writing and speaking 7.0, reading and Listening 7.0, overall Band score 7.0. toeFL 637 paper-based with a test of written english of 5.5.

p performance studies (BA) (see Humanities)

pharmacy (Bpharm) 003920B 4 years Bentley Feb 15 800 31 600 136 100 940 12 33 80 90 70 91% 13 chemistry and Mathematics are necessary for entry to the course. Biology and Human Biology are desirable. english requirements: ieLts Writing and speaking 6.0, reading and Listening 6.0, overall Band score 6.5. toeFL 570 paper-based with a test of written english of 5.0.

students graduating from this course and seeking registration through the Australian Health professional registration Agency (AHprA) will be required to achieve an overall ieLts of 7.5 and an ieLts of 7.0 in each test band or an oet of Grade A or B in each of the four components.

photography and illustration Design (BA) (see Humanities)

physics (Bsc) & electrical power engineering (Beng)

041798F 5 years Bentley Feb, Jul 14 063 28 000 155 900 180 9 28 70 80 59 77% 10 Mathematics (including calculus), physics and chemistry. candidates without one of the prerequisite subjects may still be accepted.

physiotherapy (Bsc) 003890c 4 years Bentley Feb 15 800 31 600 136 600 1 080 12 33 80 90 70 91% 13 Applicants should have completed at least one science subject, preferably physics (in some cases a bridging unit may be required). Mathematics is desirable. english requirements: ieLts Writing and speaking 7.0, reading and Listening 7.0, overall Band score 7.0 or occupational english test (oet) with Grades A or B only in each of the four components - Listening, reading, Writing & speaking at one sitting.

this course is accredited by the Australian physiotherapy council and is recognised by the physiotherapists registration Board of Western Australia and the Australian physiotherapy Association. registration in all Australian states is available and in new Zealand under the terms of the trans tasman agreement. Graduates applying for licensure in the usA, uK or canada will be required to provide details of their program of study to the relevant bodies and sit a licensing examination. students graduating from this course and seeking registration through the Australian Health professional registration Agency (AHprA) will be required to achieve an ieLts of 7.0 in each test band or an oet of Grade A or B in each of the four components.

For the latest in course information visit important notes on all courses and fees turn to page 53

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course name cricos code

Duration Location intake offer Letter (100 credit) published Fee A$

indicative year 1 Fee A$

total indicative course Fee A$

indicative essential incidental Fee A$

indicative cut-off scores course prerequisites professional recognition and career opportunities

Gce-A Levels/stpM/HKALe (best of 3 subjects)

iB ontario Gr 12 (best of 6)

AtAr (incL. WAce/sAce/Hsc/vce)

WAupp (cps)


sri Lanka

primary education (Bed) 020853M 4 years Bentley Feb, Jul 11 700 23 400 101 000 280 5 24 60 70 53 65% 6 english requirements: ieLts Writing and speaking 7.0, reading and Listening 7.0. overall Band score 7.0. All applicants must undergo criminal record screening and clearance prior to enrolment.

this course is recognised nationally as an initial pre-service teaching qualification.

professional Writing and publishing (BA) (see Humanities)

psychology (Bpsych) 041070B 4 years Bentley Feb 15 800 30 700 123 100 990 5 24 60 70 53 65% 6 one mathematics subject is desirable. english requirements: ieLts Writing and speaking 6.5, reading and Listening 6.5, overall Band score 6.5.

Graduates are eligible to apply for associate membership of the Australian psychological society (Aps) and provisional registration.

psychology (Bsc) & Human resource Management and industrial relations (Bcom)

033859J 5 years Bentley Feb 14 475 28 950 48 050 0 5 24 60 70 53 65% 6 Mathematics is desirable. english requirements: ieLts Writing and speaking 6.0, reading and Listening 6.0, overall Band score 6.5. toeFL 570 paper-based with a test of written english of 5.0.

public relations (Bcom) (see commerce)

r resources (Btech) 069902c 3 years Bentley Feb, Jul 13 775 27 200 89 800 350 5 24 60 70 53 65% 6 Mathematics.

s science (Bsc) (Honours) with majors in environment and Agriculture, nanotechnology

061491D 1 year Bentley Feb, Jul 13 000 26 000 26 000 80

science (Bsc) with majors in Agriculture; coastal Zone Management; environmental Biology; Multidisciplinary science; Biochemistry; chemistry; Applied Mathematics & statistics; Mathematical sciences and Finance; computing and Mathematical sciences; nanotechnology; physics

061600D 3 years Bentley Feb, Jul 13 200 27 225 90 825 100 5 24 60 70 53 65% 6 Agriculture; Coastal zone management; environmental biology; multidisciplinary science - one science subject and one Mathematics subject. biochemistry; Chemistry - chemistry and Mathematics (calculus).Applied mathematics & statistics; mathematical sciences and Finance; Computing and mathematical sciences - Mathematics (calculus).nanotechnology - Mathematics (calculus or physics) and Biology.Physics - physics or chemistry.

screen Arts (BA) (see Humanities)

secondary education (Bed) 003910D 4 years Bentley Feb 11 700 23 400 100 975 260 5 24 60 70 53 65% 6 subjects appropriate to the specialisation being studied. For teaching maths, Mathematics (including calculus) is desirable. english requirements: ieLts Writing and speaking 7.0, reading and Listening 7.0, overall Band score 7.0. All applicants must undergo criminal record screening and clearance prior to enrolment.

this course is recognised nationally as an initial pre-service teaching qualification.

social research (BA) (Honours) 070838G 1 year Bentley Feb 11 700 23 400 23 400 70

social Work (BsW) 068620K 4 years Bentley Feb 15 800 30 700 123 100 990 5 24 60 70 53 65% 6 english requirements: ieLts Writing and speaking 7.0, reading and Listening 7.0, overall Band score 7.0.

the course is recognised by the Australian Association of social Workers, and graduates are eligible for membership.

software engineering (Bsc) 055614D 3 years Bentley Feb, Jul 12 525 25 700 79 700 180 7 26 65 75 55 72% 8 Mathematics (including calculus). students without calculus may still be admitted.

speech pathology (Bsc) 032949D 4 years Bentley Feb 15 800 30 700 123 100 990 10 33 86 92 72 85% 12 Applicants are required to have completed at least one matriculation-level science subject. Biology, chemistry, Human Biology, physics, and Mathematics are desirable. english requirements: ieLts Writing and speaking 7.0, reading and Listening 7.0, overall Band score 7.0. toeFL 637 paper-based with a test of written english of 5.5.

surveying (Bsurv) 003922M 4 years Bentley Feb, Jul 13 775 27 200 123 500 280 5 24 60 70 53 65% 6 Mathematics (including calculus). Alternative mathematics units are available for applicants who have not completed calculus.

surveying (Bsurv) & entrepreneurship (Bcom)

052804M 5 years Bentley Feb, Jul 13 200 25 700 149 800 100 5 24 60 70 53 65% 6 Mathematics Graduates of the bachelor degree in surveying are eligible for membership of the spatial sciences institute.

surveying (Bsurv) & property (Bcom) 052805K 5 years Bentley Feb, Jul 13 550 26 600 150 500 100 5 24 60 70 53 65% 6 Mathematics. Graduates of the bachelor degree in surveying are eligible for membership of the spatial sciences institute.

sustainable Development (BA) (see Humanities)

t textiles (BA) (see Humanities)

tourism and event Management (Bcom) (see commerce)

u urban and regional planning (BA) 003903c 4 years Bentley Feb, Jul 11 875 23 600 101 600 0 5 24 60 70 53 65% 6 this course is recognised by the planning institute of Australia.

v viticulture and oenology (Bsc) 029356M 3 years Bentley Feb, Jul 13 000 26 200 82 400 0 5 24 60 70 53 65% 6

viticulture and oenology (Bsc) (Honours)

050584A 1 year Margaret river

Feb, Jul 12 850 25 900 25 900 80

For the latest in course information visit important notes on all courses and fees turn to page 53

2012 unDeRgRADuAte CouRses, Fees AnD intAkes

Page 35: Curtin University of Technology - Brochure - 2012

FurtHer your cAreer

At curtin, you can choose from a range of postgraduate levels of study. the progression of study varies depending on the entry requirements set by each school. to find out the progression of postgraduate study for a particular program, contact curtin international. curtin offers the following postgraduate programs:

gRADuAte CeRtiFiCAteGraduate certificate courses are designed to develop skills in a specialised area that may or may not be directly related to that of your undergraduate degree. some graduate certificates are specifically designed for non-graduates and allow you to progress towards further postgraduate study. All of the programs are career oriented, and usually take one semester.

gRADuAte DiPlomAthe graduate diploma is a specialised, vocationally-oriented award. entry is normally based on completion of a bachelor degree or diploma, although this can be in an unrelated field if you have work experience in the field of study. Graduate diplomas introduce graduates from disciplines outside of their chosen higher degree to postgraduate studies. Less academically qualified applicants may still apply. Graduate diplomas are usually completed in two semesters.

PostgRADuAte DiPlomAemphasis in a postgraduate diploma is on developing greater knowledge and skills through advanced studies of methods, theories and strategies to which you have already been exposed at undergraduate level. you will maintain a vocational emphasis through strong links with industry. completion of either the postgraduate diploma or graduate diploma usually takes two semesters, and you may be offered recognition of prior Learning (rpL) should you proceed to a master degree.

gRADuAte entRy mAsteRGraduate entry master courses provide a fast-track learning experience for students who already hold a bachelor degree, and are available in physiotherapy, occupational therapy, psychology, accounting, speech pathology, pharmacy and nursing.

mAsteR DegReeA school may accept you into a master degree provided that you hold appropriate qualifications as decided by the head of school. Where appropriate, provision may be made for you to undertake a bridging course or other preliminary work as a requirement for entry to a master degree program. Mature-age students who do not have formal entry qualifications may still qualify for admission to the master program. you may be given the opportunity to commence a preliminary program to the master program, provided any relevant work experience or previous academic achievement is recognised by the head of the school, as equivalent to attaining graduate status.

if performance in this preliminary program meets the required standard, you may then qualify for admission to the master program.

A master degree is usually completed in three or four semesters, unless rpL is awarded as a result of other relevant studies. some master degrees also have a work experience component.

PostgRADuAte stuDies by CouRseWoRk







postgraduate studies by coursework .........................67

postgraduate entry requirements .................... 68

2012 postgraduate courses, fees and intakes ............... 69

Page 36: Curtin University of Technology - Brochure - 2012


CouRses WitH A HigHeR englisH lAnguAge RequiRement

COurSeenGliSh lanGuaGe teSt

ieltS (internatiOnal enGliSh lanGuaGe teStinG SyStem) tOeFl (teSt OF enGliSh aS a FOreiGn lanGuaGe)

Writing and speaking

Reading and listening

overall band score

toeFl score With minimum test of Written english (tWe) score

cBs: postgraduate Diploma commerce (Accounting), Master of commerce (Accounting)

7.0 7.0 7.0 637 paper, 110 internet (25 in each section) 5.5

Graduate Diploma in education (secondary) 7.0 7.0 7.5 647 paper, 113 internet (25 in each section) 5.5

All physiotherapy#, pharmacy#, occupational therapy, psychology#, nursing# and social work courses

7.0 7.0 7.0 537 paper, 110 internet (25 in each section) 5.0

Master of information Management Writing 7.0 speaking 6.0

reading 7.0 Listening 6.5

6.5 637 paper, 110 internet (25 in each section) 5.5

Master of Medical imaging science 7.0 7.0 7.0 637 paper, 110 internet (25 in each section) 5.0

# English Entry for physiotherapy, nursing, psychology and pharmacy courses can only be met by IELTS or OET (Occupational English Test). TOEFL is not acceptable. Note 1: Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) guidelines exist for physiotherapy and psychology courses. These guidelines require students undertaking postgraduate clinical placements to obtain limited or provisional registration, which requires applicants to achieve an IELTS score of 7.0 across all bands or an overall pass in the OET with grades A or B in each of the four components. Therefore, the University will require any student undertaking these courses to submit an IELTS or OET prior to being eligible for admission into the mainstream course. At time of publication no other tests of English will meet AHPRA requirements. Further information is available from 2: Applicants who complete a bachelor degree course in which English was the language of instruction will be considered on a case-by-case basis.Note 3: Students applying from certain countries (such as China and India) will be required to undertake an IELTS test in order to be issued with a student visa by the Australian Government.

minimum englisH lAnguAge entRy RequiRements—PostgRADuAteenGliSh lanGuaGe teSt SCOre

ieLts (international english Language testing system)

- Writing and speaking 6.0

- reading and Listening 6.0

- overall Band score 6.5†

toeFL (test of english as a Foreign Language) (With a minimum test of Written english (tWe) score of 5.0) 570 paper based

92 internet based (23 in each section)

pearson test of english 62 (some courses may require higher score)

cute (curtin university test of english) B*

cambridge certificate in Advanced english (cAe) Grade c

† All Master of Science coursework programs with the Department of Mathematics and Statistics require a minimum IELTS overall band score of 6.0 (min. bands of 6.0) or equivalent.* Each application is assessed on a case-by-case basis. Note 1: The following courses do not accept CUTE as meeting the minimum English language entry requirement:- Graduate Diploma in Education (Secondary) - Postgraduate Diploma in Business (Accounting) - Master of Commerce (Accounting) - All postgraduate courses in physiotherapy, pharmacy, psychology, nursing and occupational therapy.Note 2: This list is correct at time of printing but may change. Please check individual course entry requirements and pre-requisites at

For admission into curtin, you must provide evidence of completion of a degree from a recognised university and provide evidence of english language proficiency.

in addition, you may need to meet specific course pre-requisites (visit to search for specific pre-requisites). Application deadlines can be found on the inside cover of this booklet.

As all courses at curtin are taught in english, you will need to meet curtin’s english Language requirements. you may be deemed to meet curtin’s english Language requirements based on completion of a bachelor degree course in which english was the language of instruction. this will be assessed on a case-by-case basis. Any one of the tests in the tables opposite can also be accepted as satisfying curtin’s english language requirement.

PostgRADuAte entRy RequiRements

teACHing AReAs key: c curtin Business school cAs centre for Aboriginal studiesHs Health sciencesH Humanities s science and engineering

stAnDARD mAsteR DegRee key:McA Master of creative Arts MBA Master of Business AdministrationMA Master of Arts Mcom Master of commerceMengsc Master of engineering science Meng Master of engineeringMAppsc Master of Applied scienceMphil Master of philosophy Msc Master of science

CouRse tAble notes key: * course undertaken on a 75-credit point

per semester basis^ entry offered on a case-by-case basis# course requires supplementary

information as part of the application process. please visit

Fee inFoRmAtionthe tuition fees (shown in Australian dollars) are based on a normal full-time workload of 100 credits per semester (200 credits per year) unless otherwise stated. students studying more than 100 credits per semester will have a higher annual tuition fee. the tuition fee is calculated and charged on a semester or, where appropriate, trimester basis. A student should expect that the indicative semester/trimester course fee, as shown on the Letter of offer, might vary from the actual tuition fee depending on the units (subjects) undertaken. the actual tuition fee is not calculated until enrolment is completed. to calculate the actual course fee, you can refer to the unit (subject) fee that is listed at

the total indicative course fee is an estimate of the total fee for the entire duration of the course and includes estimated indexed yearly increases. indicative essential incidental fees are for items such as extra lab materials or course materials specific to that course. All fees listed are subject to annual increases. information is correct as at January 2011 and is subject to change.

ReFunD AgReementthe categories under which the university Fees centre will assess an application for refund are laid out in the university’s international student refund Agreement.

the Agreement stipulates the circumstances that determine the levels of reimbursement that a student applying for refund is eligible to receive.

the Agreement is supplied to you with your Letter of offer and can also be accessed online at

please refer to for the most up-to-date information as the policy is subject to change from time to time.

2012 PostgRADuAte CouRses, Fees AnD intAkes






Page 37: Curtin University of Technology - Brochure - 2012







Key course name cricos code

Duration Location intake offer Letter (100 credit) published Fee A$

indicative year 1 Fee A$

total indicative course Fee A$

indicative essential incidental Fee A$

GrADuAte certiFicAte

A s Agribusiness (GradcertAgribus) 041899A 0.5 years Bentley Feb, Jul 13 000 13 000 13 000 0

B c Business (GcB)# with majors in Business Leadership Business procurement

066096G 066098F 066097G

1 trimester perth city Jan, May, Aug

15 800 15 800 15 800 0

c Business Law (GradcertBusLaw) 049865B 0.5 years Bentley Feb, Jul 13 700 13 700 13 700 0

c s chemical engineering (Gradcertchemeng) 038788A 0.5 years Bentley Feb, Jul 14 700 14 700 14 700 100

Hs clinical physiotherapy (Gradcertclinphysio) 049886G 0.5 years Bentley Feb 15 800 15 800 15 800 940

c corporate Accounting (GradcertcorpAcc) 072464e 0.5 years Bentley Feb, Jul 13 900 13 900 13 900 0

D H Design & Art (GradcertDesArt) 037343e 0.5 years Bentley Feb, Jul 11 700 11 700 11 700 284

H Development planning (GradcertDevplan) 023976J 0.5 years Bentley Feb, Jul 11 700 11 700 11 700 0

e s eco-efficiency (Gcerteco-effic) 041924e 0.5 years Bentley Feb, Jul 14 700 14 700 14 700 0

s electrical utility engineering (Gradcertelectutileng) 038798K 0.5 years Bentley Feb, Jul 14 700 14 700 14 700 100

c employment Law (GradcertemplLaw) 049867M 0.5 years Bentley Feb, Jul 14 400 14 400 14 400 0

F c Finance (GradcertFin) 051615B 0.5 years Bentley Feb, Jul 13 300 13 300 13 300 0

Hs Food science and technology (GradcertFoodsctech) 014167F 0.5 years Bentley Feb, Jul 13 900 13 900 13 900 70

G s Geographic information science (GradcertGis) 032964e 0.5 years Bentley Feb, Jul 14 700 14 700 14 700 100

H Hs Health improvement (GradcertHlthimp) 068625e 0.5 years Bentley Feb, Jul 14 400 14 400 14 400 0

c Human resources (GradcertHumres) 018029F 0.5 years Bentley Feb, Jul 13 000 13 000 13 000 0

H Human rights (GradcertHumrights) 050729M 0.5 years Bentley Feb, Jul 11 700 11 700 11 700 0

i cAs indigenous studies (Gradcertindigstds) 032965D 0.5 years Bentley Feb, Jul 10 200 10 200 10 200 0

c information systems (Gradcertinfsys) 049883M 0.5 years Bentley Feb, Jul 13 000 13 000 13 000 0

c international Business (GradcertintlBus) 071714M 0.5 years Bentley Feb, Jul 13 000 13 000 13 000 0

Hs international Health (GradcertintlHealth) 046658M 0.5 years Bentley Feb, Jul 13 900 13 900 13 900 150

H international relations and national security (Gradcertintlrelnatsec)

050588G 0.5 years Bentley Feb, Jul 11 700 11 700 11 700 0

H internet communications (Gradcertinetcomm) 030948K 0.5 years Bentley Feb, Jul 11 700 11 700 11 700 0

L c Logistics and supply chain Management (GradcertLogst&supchain)

041930G 0.5 years Bentley Feb, Jul 13 000 13 000 13 000 0

M c Management (GradcertMgnt) 027203M 0.5 years Bentley Feb, Jul 13 300 13 300 13 300 0

c Marketing (GradcertMktg) 044636M 0.5 years Bentley Feb, Jul 13 000 13 000 13 000 0

c Mineral and energy economics (GradcertMinecon) 018030B 0.5 years Bentley Jan, May, Aug

13 900 13 900 13 900 0

p c professional Accounting (GradcertprofAcc) 051616A 0.5 years Bentley Feb, Jul 13 700 13 900 13 900 0

H professional communication (Gradcertprofcomm) 050341J 0.5 years Bentley Feb, Jul 13 800 13 800 13 800 0

H project Management (GradcertprojMgnt) 029361c 0.5 years Bentley Feb, Jul 12 800 12 800 12 800 0

Hs public Health (GradcertpubHlth) with majors in; Health communication Health policy and Management Health promotion nutrition public Health

064455F 064453G 064454G 064456e 064452J

0.5 years Bentley Feb, Jul 13 900 13 900 13 900 130

r H records Management (GradcertrecMgnt) 041934c 0.5 years Bentley Feb 11 700 11 700 11 700 0

s H sustainability and climate policy (Gradcertsustainclimpol)

062561J 0.5 years Bentley Feb, Jul 11 700 11 700 11 700 0

t c taxation (Gradcerttax) 020874F 0.5 years Bentley Feb, Jul 13 000 13 000 13 000 0

postGrADuAte certiFicAte

H education (pGradcerted) 068617e 0.5 years Bentley Feb, Jul 11 700 11 700 11 700 280

GrADuAte DipLoMA

A H Art (GradDipArt) 062560K 1 year Bentley Feb 11 700 23 400 23 400 370

B c Banking and Finance (GradDipBnkFin) 014174G 1 year Bentley Feb, Jul 13 225 26 225 26 225 0

c Business (GradDipBus, GradDipBusstratproc) 006112K 3 trimesters

perth city Jan, May, Aug

15 800 31 600 31 600 0

c Business Law (GradDipBusLaw) 049868K 1 year Bentley Feb, Jul 13 700 26 700 26 700 0

c Hs coaching (GradDipcoaching) 065875M 1 year Bentley Feb 13 900 28 300 28 300 0

Hs counselling (GradDipcouns) # 062562G 1 year Bentley Feb 13 900 27 800 27 800 0

H creative practice (GradDipcreatprac) 039904e 1year Bentley Feb, Jul 11 700 23 400 23 400 220

e H education - secondary education (GradDiped) 006101B 1 year Bentley Feb, Jul 11 700 23 300 23 300 280

s electrical utility engineering (GradDipelectuntileng) 038797M 1 year Bentley Feb, Jul 14 700 29 400 29 400 100

F Hs Food science and technology (GradDipFoodsctech) 007289K 1 year Bentley Feb 13 900 27 800 27 800 70

2012 PostgRADuAte CouRses, Fees AnD intAkes For the latest in course information visit important notes on all courses and fees turn to page 69.

Key course name cricos code

Duration Location intake offer Letter (100 credit) published Fee A$

indicative year 1 Fee A$

total indicative course Fee A$

indicative essential incidental Fee A$

G s Geographic information science (GradDipGis) 007889G 1 year Bentley Feb, Jul 14 700 29 400 29 400 100

s Geophysics (GradDipGeophys) 007290F 1 year Bentley Feb, Jul 14 700 29 400 29 400 370

H Hs Health improvement (GradDipHlthimp) 068624F 1 year Bentley Feb, Jul 14 375 29 300 29 300 0

c Human resources (GradDipHumres) 051619J 1 year Bentley Feb, Jul 13 000 26 000 26 000 0

i H information and Library studies (GradDipinfoLibstds)

003942G 1 year Bentley Feb 11 700 23 400 23 400 0

c information systems (GradDipinfosys) 055641A 1 year Bentley Feb, Jul 13 000 26 000 26 000 0

c international Business (GradDipintlBus) 051620e 1 year Bentley Feb, Jul 13 000 26 000 26 000 0

Hs international Health (GradDipintlHlth) 038777D 1 year Bentley Feb, Jul 13 900 27 800 27 800 0

H international relations and national security (GradDipintrelnatsec)

050589G 1 year Bentley Feb, Jul 11 700 23 400 23 400 0

H internet communications (GDipinetcomm) 030949J 1 year Bentley Feb, Jul 11 700 24 100 24 100 0

J H Journalism (GradDipJournlsm) 041939J 1 year Bentley Feb, Jul 11 700 23 400 23 400 0

L c Logistics and supply chain Management (GradDipLogst&supchain)

032973D 1 year Bentley Feb, Jul 13 000 26 000 26 000 0

M c Management (GradDipMgnt) 051621D 1 year Bentley Feb, Jul 13 000 26 000 26 000 0

c Marketing (GradDipMktg) 056849K 1 year Bentley Feb, Jul 13 000 26 000 26 000 0

s Metallurgy (GradDipMetall) 054623M 1 year Kalgoorlie Feb, Jul 14 700 29 400 29 400 0

s Mining (GradDipMine) 003967J 1 year Kalgoorlie Feb, Jul 14 700 29 400 29 400 100

p c professional Accounting (GradDipprofAcc) 051622c 1 year Bentley Feb, Jul 13 675 27 400 27 400 0

H professional communication (GradDipprofcomm) 047068c 1 year Bentley Feb, Jul 13 750 26 100 26 100 0

H project Management (GradDipprojMgnt) 027213J 1 year Bentley Feb, Jul 12 725 25 500 25 500 0

r H records Management and Archives (GradDiprecMgntArchiv)

016550e 1 year Bentley Feb 11 700 23 400 23 400 0

s s surveying and Mapping (GradDip) 014128B 1 year Bentley Feb, Jul 14 700 29 400 29 400 100

s sustainability Management (GradDipsustainMgnt) 051624A 1 year Bentley Feb, Jul 14 700 29 400 29 400 0

H sustainability and climate policy (GradDipsustainclimpol)

041940e 1 year Bentley Feb, Jul 11 700 23 400 23 400 0

s c taxation (GradDiptax) 042202J 1 year Bentley Feb, Jul 13 700 26 700 26 700 0

W s Wine industry (GradDipsustainMgnt) 064463F 1 year Margaret river

Feb 13 000 26 000 26 000 0

postGrADuAte DipLoMA

A c Accounting (pGradDipcom) 043409G 1 year Bentley Feb, Jul 13 900 27 800 27 800 0

s Applied Geology (pGradDipAppGeol) with streams in Basin Analysis and petroleum Geology; environmental Geoscience and Hydrogeology; Mineral exploration and Mining Geology

007886M 1 year Bentley Feb, Jul 14 700 29 400 29 400 0

B Hs Biomedical sciences (pGradDipBiomedsc) 010556c 1 year Bentley Feb, Jul 13 900 27 800 27 800 160

c s chemical engineering (pGradDipchemeng) 038787B 1 year Bentley Feb, Jul 14 700 29 400 29 400 100

c commercial Law (pGradDipcomm) 049869J 1 year Bentley Feb, Jul 13 700 26 700 26 700 0

D Hs Dietetics (pGradDipDiet) 053468c 1 year Bentley Feb, Jul 13 900 27 800 27 800 2 090

e c economics and Finance (pGradDipcom) 042195c 1 year Bentley Feb, Jul 13 000 26 000 26 000 0

H education (postGradDiped) 068616F 1 year Bentley Feb, Jul 11 700 23 400 23 400 280

H Hs Health Administration (pGradDipHlthAdmin) 007874D 1 year Bentley Feb, Jul 13 900 27 800 27 800 150

Hs Health promotion (pGradDipHlthprom) 010560G 1 year Bentley Feb, Jul 14 850 28 800 28 800 150

i c information systems (pGradDipcom) 055653G 1 year Bentley Feb, Jul 13 000 26 000 26 000 0

M c Management (pGradDipcom) 051634K 1 year Bentley Feb, Jul 13 000 26 000 26 000 0

c Marketing (pGradDipcom) 042199K 1 year Bentley Feb, Jul 13 000 26 000 26 000 0

Hs Midwifery (pGradDipMidwifery) ^ # 029359G 1 year Bentley Feb, Jul 13 900 27 800 27 800 940

n Hs nursing (pGradDipnurs) # 007862G 1 year Bentley Feb, Jul 14 375 28 300 28 300 940

p s petroleum engineering (pGradDipchemeng) 066101e 1 year Bentley Feb, Jul 14 700 29 400 29 400 0

Hs pharmacy (pGradDippharm) 007861J 1 year Bentley Feb, Jul 15 325 31 200 31 200 940

Hs public Health (pGradDippubHlth) with majors in public Health and Applied epidemiology & Biostatistics

018053F 1 year Bentley Feb, Jul 14 100 28 000 28 000 150

s s science (pGradDipsc) with majors in chemistry; physics; computer science; Mathematical sciences; industrial engineering; sustainable Aquaculture; Dryland Agriculture systems; environmental Biology and Management

061487M 1 year Bentley Feb, Jul 13 000 26 000 26 000 100

Hs sexology (pGradDipsexol) # 068615G 1 year Bentley Feb, Jul 13 900 27 800 27 800 0

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Key course name cricos code

Duration Location intake offer Letter (100 credit) published Fee A$

indicative year 1 Fee A$

total indicative course Fee A$

indicative essential incidental Fee A$


A c Accounting (MAcc) 020879A 1.5 years Bentley Feb, Jul 13 675 27 400 43 000 0

c Accounting (MAcc) (two years) * 058471A 2 years Bentley Feb, Jul 13 675 20 700 43 300 0

c Accounting (Mcom) 042166G 2 years Bentley Feb, Jul 13 900 27 800 55 800 0

s Actuarial and Financial science (Msc) 054627G 1.5 years Bentley Feb, Jul 13 000 24 500 36 100 0

c Advanced Accounting (MAdvAcc) 049884K 1.5 years Bentley Feb, Jul 13 900 27 800 42 400 0

H Applied Design and Art (MAppDesArt) 027224F 1.5 years Bentley Feb, Jul 11 700 23 400 35 700 436

c Applied economics (MAppecon) 055646G 1.5 years Bentley Feb, Jul 13 000 26 000 39 700 0

H Applied Linguistics (MA) 023985G 1 year Bentley Feb, Jul 11 700 23 400 23 400 280

H Architecture (MArch) 058728c 2 years Bentley Feb 12400 24 800 51 000 0

H Art (MA) 061490e 1.5 years Bentley Feb 11 700 23 400 35 700 570

B Hs Biomedical science (MBsc) * 058864F 2 years Bentley Feb, Jul 13 900 27 800 42 400 150

c Business Administration (MBA) (Advanced) 071713A 6 trimesters

perth city Jan, May, Aug

15 800 31 600 64 600 0

c Business Administration (MBA) # with majors in Business Administration strategic procurement

068752J 068753G

4 trimesters

perth city Jan, May, Aug

15 800 47 000 47 000 0

c Business Law (Mcom) 042167G 2 years Bentley Feb, Jul 13 700 26 700 54 100 0

c Business Leadership (MBL) # 018043G 4 trimesters

perth city Jan, May, Aug

17 900 47 400 47 400 0

c s chemical engineering (Mchemeng) 038786c 1.5 years Bentley Feb, Jul 14 700 29 400 44 900 100

Hs clinical pharmacy (Mpharm) 004010K 1.5 years Bentley Feb, Jul 15 325 31 200 47 800 940

Hs clinical physiotherapy (Mclinphysio) # 049888F 1 year Bentley Feb 15 800 31 600 31 600 1 200

s communications networks (Mengsc) 058863G 2 years Bentley Feb, Jul 14 700 22 100 45 300 0

c corporate Accounting (McA) 072462G 1.5 years Bentley Feb, Jul 13 900 27 575 41 950 0

Hs counselling (Mcouns) # 062559c 2 years Bentley Feb 13 900 27 800 49 700 0

F H creative practice (Mcreatprac) 055645G 1.5 years Bentley Feb, Jul 11 700 23 400 35 700 110

D Hs Diabetes (Msc) 064460J 1.5 years Bentley Feb, Jul 13 900 27 800 42 400 940

e c economics and Finance (Mcom) 042168F 2 years Bentley Feb, Jul 13 000 26 000 53 400 0

H education (Med) 004005G 1 year Bentley Feb, Jul 11 700 23 400 23 400 280

s electrical engineering (Mengsc) 042175G 1 year Bentley Feb, Jul 14 700 29 400 29 400 100

s electrical utility engineering (Mengsc) 038796A 1 year Bentley Feb, Jul 14 700 29 400 29 400 100

s engineering Management (MengMngt) 058865e 3 trimesters

Bentley Jan, May, Aug

15 800 46 900 46 900 100

F c Finance (MFin) 051627J 1.5 years Bentley Feb, Jul 13 000 26 000 39 700 0

c Finance (MFin) (two years) * 027235c 2 years Bentley Feb, Jul 13 000 26 000 39 700 0

c Financial planning (MFinplan) 032986K 1.5 years Bentley Jul 13 000 13 000 41 100 0

Hs Food science and technology (Msc) 064466c 2 years Bentley Feb 13 900 27 800 57 800 130

G s Geology (Msc) with streams in Basin Analysis and petroleum Geology; environmental Geoscience and Hydrogeology; Mineral exploration and Mining Geology

003980A 1 year Bentley Feb, Jul 14 700 29 400 29 400 0

s Geophysics (Msc) 012244c 1 year Bentley Feb, Jul 14 700 29 400 29 400 560

s Geospatial science (Msc) 056083G 2 years Bentley Feb, Jul 14 700 29 400 60 400 100

H Hs Health Administration (MHA) 006110A 2 years Bentley Feb, Jul 13 900 27 800 57 000 150

Hs Health improvement (MLHlthimp) 068623G 1.5 years Bentley Feb, Jul 14 375 29 300 43 900 0

Hs Health services Management (MHsM) 027229A 1.5 years Bentley Feb, Jul 13 900 27 800 42 400 150

c Human resources (MHumres) 027236B 1.5 years Bentley Feb, Jul 13 000 26 000 39 700 0

H Human rights (MHumrights) 061485B 1.5 years Bentley Feb, Jul 11 700 23 400 35 700 0

i H information Management (MinfoMgnt) 042187c 1.5 years Bentley Feb 11 700 23 400 35 700 0

c information systems (Mcom) 004009c 2 years Bentley Feb, Jul 13 000 26 000 53 400 0

c information systems (MinfosysMgnt) 049881B 1.5 years Bentley Feb, Jul 13 000 26 000 39 700 0

c international Business (MintlBus) 058470B 1.5 years Bentley Feb, Jul 13 000 26 000 39 700 0

Hs international Health (MintlHlth) 020884D 1.5 years Bentley Feb, Jul 13 900 27 800 42 400 150

H international relations and national security (Mintrelnatsec)

046040A 1.5 years Bentley Feb, Jul 11 700 23 400 35 700 0

H internet communications (Minetcomm) 032988G 1.5 years Bentley Feb, Jul 11 700 24 100 36 400 0

J H Journalism (MA) 058729B 1.5 years Bentley Feb, Jul 11 700 23400 35700 0

Key course name cricos code

Duration Location intake offer Letter (100 credit) published Fee A$

indicative year 1 Fee A$

total indicative course Fee A$

indicative essential incidental Fee A$

L c Logistics (MLogst) 0728086 2 years Bentley Feb, Jul 13 000 26 000 39 700 0

c Logistics and supply chain Management (Mcom) 052817F 2 years Bentley Feb, Jul 13 700 26 700 54 100 0

M c Management (Mcom) 042170A 2 years Bentley Feb, Jul 13 000 26 000 53 400 0

c Management (MMgnt) 068618D 1.5 years Bentley Feb, Jul 13 225 26 300 40 000 0

c Marketing (Mcom) 042171M 2 years Bentley Feb, Jul 13 000 26 000 53 400 0

c Marketing (MMktg) 027233e 1.5 years Bentley Feb, Jul 13 000 26 000 39 700 0

s Mechanical engineering (Mengsc) 042176F 1 year Bentley Feb, Jul 14 700 29 400 29 400 100

s Metallurgy (Mengsc) 054626G 1.5 years Kalgoorlie Feb, Jul 14 700 29 400 44 900 1 070

Hs Midwifery (MMidwifery) # 029835G 1.5 years Bentley Feb 13 900 27 800 42 900 940

c Mineral and energy economics (Msc) 072466c 4 trimesters

perth city Jan, May, Aug

13 900 31 275 42 225 0

c Mineral economics (Msc) & Business Administration (MBA)

050596G 7 trimesters

perth city Jan, May, Aug

15 800 31 600 69 500 0

s Mining (Mengsc) 056851e 1.5 years Kalgoorlie Feb, Jul 14 700 14 700 44 900 100

n Hs nursing (Mnurs) # 055648e 1.5 years Bentley Feb, Jul 14 375 28 300 42 900 940

Hs nursing practice (Mnursprac) # 064467B 2 years Bentley Jan, Jul 13 900 27 800 58 900 940

o Hs occupational therapy (Mot) 061679c 2 years Bentley Jan 15 800 35 500 68 800 780

p s petroleum engineering (Mengsc) 064461G 2 years Bentley Feb, Jul 14 700 29 400 60 400 0

s petroleum engineering (Mpet) 034333J 1.5 years Bentley Feb 14 700 29 400 44 900 240

Hs pharmacy (Mpharm) # 068621J 2 years Bentley Jan 15 800 39 500 89 300 940

Hs physiotherapy (Mphysio) # 038783F 2.4 years Bentley Jan 15 800 33 600 98 700 1 080

c professional Accounting (MpAcc) 043320F 2 years Bentley Feb, Jul 13 675 27 200 56 100 0

H professional communication (Mprofcomm) 044075F 1.5 years Bentley Feb, Jul 13 750 26 500 40 400 0

H project Management (Msc) 027245A 1.5 years Bentley Feb, Jul 12 725 25 500 37 800 0

Hs psychology (Mpsych) # 006113J 2 years Bentley Feb 13 900 27 800 57 000 990

Hs public Health (MpH) # with majors in public Health; Applied epidemiology & Biostatistics; environmental Health; Forensic sexology; Health policy & Management; Health promotion; nutrition; occupational Health & safety

064462G 2 years Bentley Feb, Jul 13 900 27 800 57 000 100

r s renewable energy electrical power systems (Mengsc)

042178D 1 year Bentley Feb, Jul 14 700 29 400 29 400 100

s s science (Msc) with majors in Mathematical sciences; physics; computer science; industrial engineering; sustainable Aquaculture; Dryland Agricultural systems; environmental Biology and Managment

061489J 2 years Bentley Feb, Jul 13 000 26 000 53 400 100

s science and Mathematics education (Msc) 070837G 1 year Bentley Feb, Jul 11 700 23 400 23 400 0

Hs speech pathology (Mspeechpath) # 033868G 2 years Bentley Feb 13 900 27 800 57 000 990

s sustainability (Msc) 068954K 1.5 years Bentley Feb, Jul 14 700 29 400 44 900 0

H sustainability and climate policy (Msustainclimpol) 042192F 1.5 years Bentley Feb, Jul 11 700 23 400 35 700 0

t c taxation (Mcom) 042173J 2 years Bentley Feb, Jul 13 450 26 500 53 900 0

c taxation (Mtax) 027239K 1.5 years Bentley Feb, Jul 13 700 27 400 41 100 0

s telecommunications and networking (Mengsc) 042180K 1 year Bentley Feb, Jul 14 700 29 400 29 400 0

u H urban and regional planning (Murp) 050344F 1.5 years Bentley Feb, Jul 11 700 23 400 35 700 0

For the latest in course information visit important notes on all courses and fees turn to page 69.

2012 PostgRADuAte CouRses, Fees AnD intAkes

Page 39: Curtin University of Technology - Brochure - 2012

ReseARCH oPPoRtunities

uncover neW possiBiLities

gAin vAluAble exPeRienCe WoRking WitH some oF tHe WoRlD’s leADing ReseARCHeRs At CuRtin. WitH An inteRnAtionAl RePutAtion FoR DeliveRing RelevAnt, WoRlD-ClAss stuDies, CuRtin AttRACts HigH-CAlibRe ReseARCH PRoFessionAls AnD stuDents WHo CollAboRAte on tHe lAtest ReseARCH PRojeCts.

the university’s research focusses on four areas: resources and energy, ict and emerging technologies, health and sustainable development.

ResouRCes AnD eneRgycurtin supports Australia’s key industries with high-quality research in areas such as mining, engineering and chemistry. perth is set to become an international hub for petroleum industry research, thanks to a partnership between international firm cGGveritas and the Western Australian energy research Alliance, of which curtin is a member.

the curtin institute of Minerals and energy has built an important relationship with the Australian nuclear science and technology organisation as part of a four-year research project into the storage of nuclear waste. the researchers are using facilities at the multimillion-dollar curtin resources and chemistry precinct. read more on page 41.

iCt AnD emeRging teCHnologiesthe university’s ict expertise is diverse, ranging from areas such as spatial sciences and digital business systems to nanotechnology. researchers from the curtin institute of radio Astronomy are involved in the international square Kilometer Array (sKA) project that is set to answer questions about the nature of physics and the origin of the universe. the sKA

will be 50 times more sensitive and able to survey the sky 10,000 times faster than any other telescope in the world. read more about the A$2.5 billion project on page 41.

HeAltHthe curtin Health innovation research institute is Western Australia’s most comprehensive health research provider. researchers from the institute are developing new health care models to deliver health services more equitably, and to manage the impact of an ageing population and chronic illness on social and economic sustainability.

curtin’s partnership with Alzheimer’s Australia WA, for example, is building the knowledge and skills of health professionals to better care for people with dementia. their goal is to improve quality of life and quality of care for both the person with dementia and their carers. read more about health research at curtin on page 37.

sustAinAble DeveloPmentensuring that the way we live is sustainable for those who follow is fundamental to our future. the Australian sustainable Development institute at curtin utilises the resources and strengths of 16 research centres to tackle issues ranging from biodiversity and climate change to resource depletion and population growth. the centre also has a number of research affiliates, including the centre for Advanced studies in Australia, Asia and the pacific. researchers from this centre are working to achieve environmental, economic and social sustainability in the Asia-pacific region. read more about curtin’s sustainability projects on page 39.





research opportunities .. 75

Higher degrees by research ...............................76

research degree entry requirements ................... 77

2012 research degrees, fees and intakes ....................... 78

Page 40: Curtin University of Technology - Brochure - 2012

DoCtoRAl DegReeA doctoral degree usually requires at least three years of study. students with a master degree, or a bachelor degree with first or upper second-class honours, may be considered for admission.

in exceptional cases, applicants with a bachelor pass degree may also be considered if they can demonstrate superior academic achievement, significant work experience, and the capacity to undertake significant research.

research doctorates may sometimes be undertaken in a mixed mode with one or two semesters completed in perth and the remainder in your home country. this arrangement depends on your project and must be negotiated with your supervisor.

mAsteR by ReseARCH AnD DoCtoR oF PHilosoPHy DegReesAt least two-thirds of the work towards a master by research degree must be pure research. the award indicates that you have contributed significantly to your field and are capable of carrying out independent research.

Applications for master by research or phD degrees must include a written two-page research proposal outlining the parameters and purpose of the research you wish to undertake. visit for more information and to download the application form.

Although students may need to complete some coursework units, the major part of the work will be in the form of a thesis written under the guidance of a supervisor.

HoW to APPlyyou will need to consult the postgraduate coordinator, faculty graduate studies officer and other staff in the relevant teaching area to discuss the suitability of your proposed research topic, make sure you meet curtin’s entry requirements and ensure that there is a supervisor and facilities available to accommodate your research.

A list of supervisors is available from

For more information, including contact details and application forms, visit

WRiting A ReseARCH PRoPosAlyour research proposal should be no more than two pages long. it should state your research topic, outline your research plan and the objectives you wish to meet, and show that you have sufficient experience and knowledge in your selected area. the proposal should be accompanied by at least 10 cited references.

Guidelines are available from

sCHolARsHiPsthere are scholarships available for international students who wish to study a higher degree by research. see page 86 for more information.

ReseARCH DegRee entRy RequiRementsA higher degree by research differs from other postgraduate degrees in that at least two-thirds of the study program must involve research. Although you need to complete some coursework units, the main part of the work will be a thesis written under the guidance of a supervisor.

you can check the specific requirements for master and doctoral research degrees at Applications for higher degrees by research can be made at any time of the year.

As all courses at curtin are taught in english, you will need to meet curtin’s english language requirements.

you may be deemed to meet curtin’s english language requirements based on completion of a bachelor degree course in which english was the language of instruction. this will be assessed on a case-by-case basis. Any one of the tests in the tables below can also be accepted as satisfying curtin’s english language requirement.

minimum englisH lAnguAge entRy RequiRements - ReseARCHenGliSh lanGuaGe teSt SCOre

ieLts (international english Language testing system)

- Writing and speaking

- reading and Listening

- overall Band score




toeFL (test of english as a Foreign Language) (with a minimum test of Written english (tWe) score of 5.0) 570 paper based 92 internet based (23 in each section)

pearson test of english 62 (some courses may require a higher score)

cute (curtin university test of english) B*

cambridge certificate in Advanced english (cAe) Grade c

* Each application is assessed on a case-by-case basis. Note 1: The following courses do not accept CUTE as meeting the minimum English language entry requirement:- All health sciences research courses - All humanities research courses (also do not accept TOEFL).Note 2: This list is correct at time of printing but may change. Please check individual course entry requirements and pre-requisites at

CouRses WitH A HigHeR englisH lAnguAge RequiRement

COurSeenGliSh lanGuaGe teSt

ieltS (internatiOnal enGliSh lanGuaGe teStinG SyStem) tOeFl (teSt OF enGliSh aS a FOreiGn lanGuaGe)

Writing and speaking

Reading and listening

overall band score

toeFl score With minimum test of Written english (tWe) score

cBs master by research and phD courses 7.0 6.5 7.0 637 paper, 110 internet (25 in each section) 5.5

Department of social Work & social policy 7.0 7.0 7.0 637 paper, 110 internet (25 in each section) 5.5

Graduate school of Business master by research & phD courses MBA/MLM

6.5 6.5 7.0 637 paper, 110 internet (25 in each section) 5.5

Humanities master by research and phD courses Master of information Management

Writing 7.0 speaking 6.0

reading 7.0 Listening 6.5

6.5 637 paper, 110 internet (25 in each section) 5.5

Health sciences masters by research & phD courses

7.0 7.0 7.0 637 paper, 110 internet (25 in each section) 5.5

Note: Students applying from certain countries (such as China and India) will be required to undertake an IELTS test in order to be issued with a student visa by the Australian Government.





HigHeR DegRees by ReseARCH

Page 41: Curtin University of Technology - Brochure - 2012

teACHing AReAs keyc curtin Business schoolHs Health sciencesH Humanitiess science and engineering

stAnDARD mAsteR DegRee keyDcA Doctor of creative ArtsMcA Master of creative ArtsDBA Doctor of Business AdministrationMBA Master of Business AdministrationMA Master of ArtsMengsc Master of engineering scienceMeng Master of engineeringMAppsc Master of Applied scienceMphil Master of philosophyMsc Master of science

Fee inFoRmAtionthe tuition fees (shown in Australian dollars) are based on a normal full-time workload of 100 credits per semester (200 credits per year) unless otherwise stated. students studying more than 100 credits per semester will have a higher annual tuition fee. the tuition fee is calculated and charged on a semester or, where appropriate, trimester basis. A student should expect that the indicative semester/trimester course fee, as shown on the Letter of offer, might vary from the actual tuition fee depending on the units (subjects) undertaken. the actual tuition fee is not calculated until enrolment is completed. to calculate the actual course fee, you can refer to the unit (subject) fee that is listed at

the total indicative course fee is an estimate of the total fee for the entire duration of the course and includes estimated indexed yearly increases. indicative essential incidental fee may be for items such as extra lab materials or course materials specific to that course. All fees listed are subject to annual increases. information is correct as at January 2011 but is subject to change.

ReFunD AgReementthe categories under which the university Fees centre will assess an application for refund are laid out in the university’s international students refund Agreement.

the Agreement stipulates the circumstances that determine the levels of reimbursement a student applying for refund is eligible to receive.

the Agreement is supplied to you with your Letter of offer and can also be accessed online at

please refer to for the most up-to-date information as the policy is subject to change from time to time.

2012 ReseARCH DegRees, Fees AnD intAkes





Key course name cricos code

Duration Location intake offer Letter (100 credit) published Fee A$

indicative year 1 Fee A$

total indicative course Fee A$

indicative essential incidental Fee A$

email contact

MAster oF pHiLosopHy

A c Accounting 061492c 2 years Bentley Jan, Jul 14 700 29 400 60 400 70 [email protected]

H Architecture 061524M 2 years Bentley Jan, Jul 13 900 27 800 57 000 70 [email protected]

B Hs Biomedical sciences 061548c 2 years Bentley Jan, Jul 15 800 31 600 64 800 70 [email protected]

H Building studies 061525K 2 years Bentley Jan, Jul 13 900 27 800 57 000 70 [email protected]

c Business Administration 061540M 2 years perth city

Jan, Jul 14 700 29 400 60 400 70 [email protected]

c Business Law and taxation

061541K 2 years Bentley Feb, Jul 14 700 29 400 60 400 70 [email protected]

c s chemical engineering 061495M 2 years Bentley Jan, Jul 14 700 29 400 60 400 80 [email protected]

s chemistry 061496K 2 years Bentley Jan, Jul 14 700 29 400 60 400 80 [email protected]

s civil engineering 061497J 2 years Bentley Jan, Jul 14 700 29 400 60 400 80 [email protected]

s computer science 061498G 2 years Bentley Jan, Jul 14 700 29 400 60 400 80 [email protected]

s corporate sustainability 061499G 2 years Bentley Jan 14 700 29 400 60 400 80 [email protected]

H creative Arts - Art 061527G 2 years Bentley Jan, Jul 13 900 25 600 54 800 70 [email protected]

H creative Arts - cultural Heritage studies

061529F 2 years Bentley Jan, Jul 13 900 25 600 54 800 70 [email protected]

H creative Arts - Media, culture and creative Arts

061536G 2 years Bentley Jan, Jul 13 900 25 600 54 800 70 [email protected]

H cultural Heritage studies 062553J 2 years Bentley Jan, Jul 13 900 25 600 54 800 70 [email protected]

D H Design 061530B 2 years Bentley Jan, Jul 13 900 27 300 56 500 70 [email protected]

e c economics and Finance 061542J 2 years Bentley Jan, Jul 14 700 29 400 60 400 70 [email protected]

H education 061531A 2 years Bentley Jan, Jul 13 900 27 300 56 500 330 [email protected]

s electrical and computer engineering

061500G 2 years Bentley Jan, Jul 14 700 29 400 60 400 80 [email protected]

s environment and Agriculture

072468A 2 years Bentley Jan, Jul 14 700 29 400 60 400 80 [email protected]

G s Geographic information science

061502F 2 years Bentley Jan, Jul 14 700 29 400 60 400 80 [email protected]

s Geology 061503e 2 years Bentley Jan, Jul 14 700 29 400 60 400 80 [email protected]

s Geophysics 061504D 2 years Bentley Jan, Jul 14 700 29 400 60 400 110 [email protected]

H Hs Health Administration 061549B 2 years Bentley Jan, Jul 13 900 27 800 57 000 70 [email protected]

Hs Health sciences 061550J 2 years Bentley Jan, Jul 13 900 27 800 57 000 70 [email protected]

Hs Human communication science

061551G 2 years Bentley Jan, Jul 15 800 31 600 64 800 70 [email protected]

Hs Human services 061532M 2 years Bentley Jan, Jul 13 900 27 800 57 000 70 [email protected]

i c information systems 061543G 2 years Bentley Jan, Jul 14 700 29 400 60 400 70 [email protected]

H interior Architecture 061533K 2 years Bentley Jan, Jul 13 900 27 800 57 000 70 [email protected]

Hs international Health 061552G 2 years Bentley Jan, Jul 13 900 27 800 57 000 70 [email protected]

L H Languages and intercultural education

061534J 2 years Bentley Jan, Jul 13 900 27 800 57 000 70 [email protected]

M c Management 061544G 2 years Bentley Jan, Jul 14 700 29 400 60 400 70 [email protected]

c Marketing 061545F 2 years Bentley Jan, Jul 14 700 29 400 60 400 70 [email protected]

s Mathematics 061508M 2 years Bentley Jan, Jul 14 700 29 400 60 400 80 [email protected]

s Mathematics education 061507A 2 years Bentley Jan, Jul 14 700 29 400 60 400 80 [email protected]

s Mechanical engineering 061509K 2 years Bentley Jan, Jul 14 700 29 400 60 400 80 [email protected]

H Media, culture and creative Arts

061535G 2 years Bentley Jan, Jul 13 900 27 800 57 000 70 [email protected]

s Medical imaging science 061510F 2 years Bentley Jan, Jul 14 700 29 400 60 400 80 [email protected]

s Metallurgy 161511e 2 years Kalgoorlie Jan, Jul 14 700 29 400 60 400 80 [email protected]

c Mineral economics 061512D 2 years perth city

Jan, Jul 14 700 29 400 60 400 70 [email protected]

s Minerals engineering 061513c 2 years Bentley Jan, Jul 14 700 29 400 60 400 80 [email protected]

s Mining engineering 061514B 2 years Kalgoorlie Jan, Jul 14 700 29 400 60 400 80 [email protected]

n Hs nursing 061553F 2 years Bentley Jan, Jul 13 900 27 800 57 000 70 [email protected]

o Hs occupational therapy 061554e 2 years Bentley Jan, Jul 15 800 31 600 64 800 70 [email protected]

p s petroleum engineering 061517K 2 years Bentley Jan, Jul 14 700 29 400 60 400 80 [email protected]

Hs pharmacy 061555D 2 years Bentley Jan, Jul 15 800 31 600 64 800 70 [email protected]

s physics 061518J 2 years Bentley Jan, Jul 14 700 29 400 60 400 80 [email protected]

For the latest in course information visit important notes on all courses and fees turn to page 78

Page 42: Curtin University of Technology - Brochure - 2012





2012 ReseARCH DegRees, Fees AnD intAkes For the latest in course information visit important notes on all courses and fees turn to page 78.

Key course name cricos code

Duration Location intake offer Letter (100 credit) published Fee A$

indicative year 1 Fee A$

total indicative course Fee A$

indicative essential incidental Fee A$

email contact

Hs physiotherapy 061556c 2 years Bentley Jan, Jul 15 800 31 600 64 800 70 [email protected]

H planning 061537F 2 years Bentley Jan, Jul 13 900 27 000 56 200 70 [email protected]

c property 061546e 2 years Bentley Jan, Jul 14 700 29 400 60 400 70 [email protected]

Hs psychology 061557B 2 years Bentley Jan, Jul 15 800 31 600 64 800 70 [email protected]

Hs public Health 062555G 2 years Bentley Jan, Jul 13 900 27 800 57 000 70 [email protected]

c public policy 065873B 2 years Bentley Feb, Jul 14 700 29 400 60 400 70 [email protected]

c public relations 061547D 2 years Bentley Jan, Jul 14 700 29 400 60 400 70 [email protected]

r s rural Management 061519G 2 years Bentley Jan, Jul 14 700 29 400 60 400 80 [email protected]

s s science education 061521c 2 years Bentley Jan, Jul 14 700 29 400 60 400 80 [email protected]

H social science 061538e 2 years Bentley Jan, Jul 13 900 27 800 57 000 70 [email protected]

s surveying and Mapping 061522B 2 years Bentley Jan, Jul 14 700 29 400 60 400 80 [email protected]

Doctor oF pHiLosopHy

A c Accounting 043967M 4 years Bentley Jan, Jul 14 700 29 400 127 400 80 [email protected]

s Agriculture/Agribusiness 043963D 4 years Bentley Jan, Jul 14 700 29 400 127 400 90 [email protected]

s Applied Geology 043949B 4 years Bentley Jan, Jul 14 700 29 400 127 400 90 [email protected]

s Applied physics 043950J 4 years Bentley Jan, Jul 14 700 29 400 127 400 90 [email protected]

H Architecture and interior Architecture

043932M 4 years Bentley Jan, Jul 13 900 27 800 120 200 80 [email protected]

H Art 043970e 4 years Bentley Jan, Jul 13 900 27 800 120 200 80 [email protected]

B Hs Biomedical science 043971D 4 years Bentley Jan, Jul 15 800 31 600 136 600 80 [email protected]

c Business 006093G 4 years Bentley Jan, Jul 14 700 29 400 127 400 80 [email protected]

c Business Law 043973B 4 years Bentley Jan, Jul 14 700 29 400 127 400 80 [email protected]

c s chemical engineering 043951G 4 years Bentley Jan, Jul 14 700 29 400 127 400 90 [email protected]

s chemistry 043968K 4 years Bentley Jan, Jul 14 700 29 400 127 400 90 [email protected]

s civil engineering 043952G 4 years Bentley Jan, Jul 14 700 29 400 127 400 90 [email protected]

Hs clinical psychology 056848M 4 years Bentley Jan, Jul 15 800 29 700 132 200 80 [email protected]

s computing 043987G 4 years Bentley Jan, Jul 14 700 29 400 127 400 90 [email protected]

H construction Management

050585M 4 years Bentley Jan, Jul 13 900 27 800 120 200 80 [email protected]

Hs counselling psychology 054620c 4 years Bentley Jan, Jul 15 800 29 700 132 200 80 [email protected]

H cultural Heritage 043966A 4 years Bentley Jan, Jul 13 900 27 800 120 200 80 [email protected]

D H Design 043988F 4 years Bentley Jan, Jul 13 900 27 800 120 200 80 [email protected]

c Digital ecosystems and Business intelligence

043990A 4 years Bentley Jan 14 700 29 400 127 400 80 [email protected]

e c economics and Finance 043989e 4 years Bentley Jan, Jul 14 700 29 400 127 400 80 [email protected]

H education 043960G 4 years Bentley Jan, Jul 13 900 27 800 120 200 340 [email protected]

s electrical and computer engineering

043990A 4 years Bentley Jan, Jul 14 700 29 400 127 400 90 [email protected]

s engineering 050587J 4 years Bentley Jan, Jul 14 700 29 400 127 400 90 [email protected]

s environment and Agriculture

072469M 3 years Bentley Jan, Jul 14 700 29 400 93 000 80 [email protected]

s exploration Geophysics 043954e 4 years Bentley Jan, Jul 14 700 29 400 127 400 120 [email protected]

G c Graduate Business 043961F 4 years perth city

Jan, Jul 14 700 29 400 127 400 80 [email protected]

H Hs Health sciences 043958A 4 years Bentley Jan, Jul 13 900 27 800 120 200 80 [email protected]

Hs Human communication science

043962e 4 years Bentley Jan, Jul 15 800 31 600 136 600 80 [email protected]

H Humanities 043959M 4 years Bentley Jan, Jul 13 900 27 800 120 200 80 [email protected]

i c information systems 043991M 4 years Bentley Jan, Jul 14 700 29 400 127 400 80 [email protected]

Hs international Health 052806J 4 years Bentley Jan, Jul 13 900 27 800 120 200 80 [email protected]

L H Language and intercultural education

043992K 4 years Bentley Jan, Jul 13 900 27 800 120 200 80 [email protected]

M c Management 043993J 4 years Bentley Jan, Jul 14 700 29 400 127 400 80 [email protected]

c Marketing 043994G 4 years Bentley Jan, Jul 14 700 29 400 127 400 80 [email protected]

s Mathematics and statistics

043955D 4 years Bentley Jan, Jul 14 700 29 400 127 400 90 [email protected]

s Mechanical engineering 043956c 4 years Bentley Jan, Jul 14 700 29 400 127 400 90 [email protected]

Key course name cricos code

Duration Location intake offer Letter (100 credit) published Fee A$

indicative year 1 Fee A$

total indicative course Fee A$

indicative essential incidental Fee A$

email contact

H Media, culture and creative Arts

043995G 4 years Bentley Jan, Jul 13 900 27 800 120 200 80 [email protected]

s Medical imaging science 043957B 4 years Bentley Jan, Jul 14 700 29 400 127 400 90 [email protected]

n Hs national Drug research institute

043964c 4 years Bentley Jan, Jul 13 900 27 800 120 200 80 [email protected]

Hs nursing and Midwifery 043996F 4 years Bentley Jan, Jul 13 900 27 800 120 200 80 [email protected]

o Hs occupational therapy 043997e 4 years Bentley Jan, Jul 15 800 31 600 136 600 80 [email protected]

p s petroleum engineering 006095F 4 years Bentley Jan, Jul 14 700 29 400 127 400 90 [email protected]

Hs pharmacy 043998D 4 years Bentley Jan, Jul 15 800 31 600 136 600 80 [email protected]

Hs physiotherapy 043999c 4 years Bentley Jan, Jul 15 800 31 600 136 600 80 [email protected]

Hs psychology 043965B 4 years Bentley Jan, Jul 15 800 31 600 136 600 80 [email protected]

Hs public Health 044001B 4 years Bentley Jan, Jul 13 900 27 800 120 200 80 [email protected]

c public policy 065874A 4 years Bentley Jan, Jul 14 700 29 400 127 400 80 [email protected]

s s science and Mathematics education

027198c 4 years Bentley Jan, Jul 14 700 29 400 127 400 90 [email protected]

H social sciences 048085e 4 years Bentley Jan, Jul 13 900 27 800 120 200 80 [email protected]

Hs social Work and social policy

044003M 4 years Bentley Jan, Jul 13 900 27 800 120 200 80 [email protected]

s spatial sciences 006092J 4 years Bentley Jan, Jul 14 700 29 400 127 400 90 [email protected]

u H urban and regional planning

050586K 4 years Bentley Jan, Jul 13900 27 800 120 200 80 [email protected]

W s Western Australian school of Mines

044005J 4 years Bentley, Kalgoorlie

Jan, Jul 14 700 29 400 127 400 90 [email protected]


A H Art (DcA) 032997G 4 years Bentley Jan, Jul 12 800 24 500 116 900 80 [email protected]

B c Business Administration (DBA)

023971c 4 years perth city

Jan 13 700 28 400 126 400 80 [email protected]

c Hs clinical physiotherapy (Dclinphysio)

071715K 4 years Bentley Feb, Jul 15 800 31 600 99 800 0 [email protected]

e H education (edD) 023972B 4 years Bentley Jan, Jul 13 900 25 600 118 000 340 [email protected]

i Hs international Health (DintlHlth)

038778c 4 years Bentley Jan, Jul 13 900 27 800 120 200 80 [email protected]

M s Mathematics education (MathedD)

060339J 4 years Bentley Jan, Jul 14 700 29 400 127 400 90 [email protected]

H Media, culture and creative Arts (DcA)

032998F 4 years Bentley Jan, Jul 12 800 24 500 116 900 80 [email protected]

p Hs public Health (DpH) 018018J 4 years Bentley Jan, Jul 13 900 27 800 120 200 80 [email protected]

s s science education (scedD)

010565B 4 years Bentley Jan, Jul 14 700 29 400 127 400 90 [email protected]

Page 43: Curtin University of Technology - Brochure - 2012






AppLy noWApplication process ...........84

scholarships ........................86

Application form .................87






Page 44: Curtin University of Technology - Brochure - 2012










option 1: Apply onlinevisit

note: students applying to study doctoral and masters degrees by research or doctoral degrees by coursework should refer to

option 2: Post or scan and email an Application Form (see next page)• Acknowledgement email and your

student number will be emailed within a week.

• please quote your student number in all correspondence.

DoCuments to be submitteD WitH APPliCAtion• certified copies of all your

previous qualifications (i.e. academic transcripts, grading system descriptions and award certificates).

• english language entry requirements such as academic ieLts and toeFL.

• supplementary information documents (if applicable).

• evidence of change of name (if applicable).

CeRtiFieD DoCuments• signatures on certified copies

of transcript(s) and award certificate(s) must be accompanied by an ink imprint stamp/chop from the following accepted authorities:i. an authorised curtin

representativeii. curtin international staff

memberiii. a person of authority at

the issuing institution (e.g. registrar)

iv. Justice of the peacev. commissioner for oaths/

Declarationsvi. any notary public.

englisH tRAnslAtion• certified copies of your

transcript(s) and award certificate(s) in the original language (if issued in a language other than english) must be provided with english language translated copies from the following accepted authorities:i. an official and accredited

translatorii. a person of authority at the

issuing institution.

• Assessment of your application takes between 2-4 weeks.

• if we require more documents to assess your application, they will be requested from you.

• Assessment of your application will be delayed until we receive these documents.

ReCognition oF PRioR leARning (RPl)• We will not be able to assess

rpL for previous studies without an application and certified copies of all your academic transcripts/statement of marks and award certificates to date.

• rpL is granted at the discretion of the school/faculty.

your offer package consists of:

• Letter of offer• Acceptance of offer Form• payment options Form• terms of offer• international student refund

Agreement Flyer• pre-Departure Guide• curtin Housing services Brochure• overseas student Health cover


steps to accept your offer

steP 1read your Letter of offer carefully, ensuring your name, course title and semester are correct.

steP 2Meet all conditions on your Letter of offer.

steP 3if applicable, obtain pre-visa Assessment (pvA) from the Australian embassy in your country.• Applicable to Level 3 & 4

countries only.• For more information, visit

• As part of pvA requirement, you must achieve the minimum international english Language testing systems (ieLts) score.

• pvA must be approved before accepting your offer.

steP 4submit your Acceptance of offer Form, deposit of tuition fees, overseas student Health cover fee, photocopy of your passport details page and pvA (if applicable).

• you will need to apply for your student visa after receiving your electronic confirmation of enrolment (ecoe).

• your ecoe will be sent to you via email.

• the duration for your student visa to be issued will vary depending on your course (contact the Australian embassy to find out more about the visa application process).

apply await your offer receive your offer accept you offer apply for your visa

the following information is relevant to students applying directly to the university. students who use the services of a curtin registered agent should lodge their application via the agent and contact them for any queries throughout the admission process.


APPliCAtion PRoCessFoR inteRnAtionAl stuDents—unDeRgRADuAte AnD PostgRADuAte by CouRseWoRk

Page 45: Curtin University of Technology - Brochure - 2012

curtin offers a wide range of scholarship packages to international students including:

inteRnAtionAl PostgRADuAte ReseARCH sCHolARsHiP (iPRs)the iprs is available to international students who undertake a master or doctoral degree by research at curtin in 2011. it covers tuition fees and overseas student Health cover for the duration of the course. All recipients will receive a living allowance from curtin of A$22,500 per year tax-free (2010 value). Application forms are available between 1 June and 31 August each year from the scholarships website.

CuRtin inteRnAtionAl PostgRADuAte ReseARCH sCHolARsHiP (CiPRs)the ciprs is available to international students who undertake a doctoral degree by research at curtin in 2011. this scholarship covers tuition fees for the duration of the course and provides a living allowance of no less than A$22,500 per year tax-free (2010 value). Application forms are available between 1 June and 31 August each year from the scholarships website. For further information about scholarships, please visit or email [email protected]

AustRAliAn DeveloPment sCHolARsHiP (ADs)the ADs is a bilateral program aimed to contribute to the long-term development needs of Australia’s partner countries to promote growth and stability. the program provides opportunities for people from developing countries to undertake full-time undergraduate or postgraduate study in Australia fully funded by the Australian Government. Further ADs information is available from the Australian Diplomatic Mission office in each country or online at or

email contact at curtin:[email protected]

AustRAliAn leADeRsHiP AWARDs (AlA)the ALA aims to develop leadership and build partnerships and links within developing countries, while addressing priority development issues of the regions. Based on leadership qualities and academic excellence, this is a highly competitive award presented to high achievers to undertake postgraduate study (master or doctorate) and a Leadership Development program in Australia.

Further ALA information is available from the Australian Diplomatic Mission office in each country or online at or

email contact at curtin:[email protected]

enDeAvouR (ACHievement) AWARDsthese awards are internationally competitive, merit-based scholarships. they provide opportunities for study, research and professional development for awardees from the Asia-pacific, Middle east, europe and the Americas. Further information is available online at or

email contact at curtin:[email protected]


sCHolARsHiPs ARe PARt oF CuRtin’s Commitment to ReWARDing ACADemiC exCellenCe AnD enAbling stuDents FRom All bACkgRounDs to ReAlise tHeiR PotentiAl, gRADuAte WitH stRong PRACtiCAl skills AnD ACHieve tHeiR Ambitions. GO

Have you applied for Australian permanent residency status? n y if yes, date of application

note: if you obtain Australian permanent residency at any stage during the application process, you will need to advise curtin international immediately.

PeRsonAl DetAils

title Given names Family name/surname

on all official documentation your name will appear as given name/s, Family name - if this is not how your name appears in your passport or birth certificate please print your name as it appears on these documents.

curtin student iD (if previously issued another offer or previously a curtin student)

if your name has changed since you were last enrolled, please print previous name

email telephone +

Date of Birth

Day Month year Male Female

PeRmAnent ADDRess (resiDentiAL ADDress in HoMe country) note: A Post office box number is not acceptable.

number and street

suburb/town/city state

post/Zip code country

PeRsonAl stAtistiCAl DetAilsHave you previously visited Australia? y n if yes, what year did you arrive?

What is your country of citizenship?

in which country were you born?

What is the main language spoken at your permanent home residence?

CouRse inFoRmAtionPreference Course title (eg. Bachelor of commerce,

Master of public Health)major area of study and/or stream if relevant (eg. Accounting)

Course CRiCos Code (refer to prospectus eg. 0421437D)

1st preference

2nd preference

When do you wish to commence studies? year study period (eg. semester 1, trimester 1)

englisH lAnguAge PRoFiCienCyAs all courses are taught in english, applicants will need to meet curtin’s english language requirement. if your education qualifications were not completed wholly or predominantly in english, please indicate what test/s you have taken (or intend taking) and attach certified* documentary evidence of results.

Gce ‘o’’ Level ieLts toeFL

cute eALD/eLAcs other (please specify)

please indicate if you would like to apply for one or both of the following english language courses:

1. eLicos number of weeks (in modules of 5 eg. 5, 10, 15) commencement Month

2. english Language Bridging course Feb July nov

note: having made this selection, you will receive a package from the Curtin english language Centre.

• please read important information on page 84 to ensure a quick response to your application.

• this application form is for international students applying to study onshore in Australia.

• international students applying to study outside Australia should complete the relevant undergraduate or postgraduate Application for Admission Form available from

• students applying to study Doctoral and Masters Degrees by research or Doctoral Degrees by coursework should refer to

Agent’s stamp (in english including address, phone, email)

counsellor’s name ..........................................................................................

email address ..................................................................................................


inteRnAtionAl APPliCAtion FoR ADmission to An unDeRgRADuAte DegRee oR PostgRADuAte CouRseWoRk DegRee

Page 46: Curtin University of Technology - Brochure - 2012






noteseDuCAtionAl quAliFiCAtionsplease provide details of all formal studies that you have completed and those that you are currently undertaking. you are required to supply an original or certified* copy of your academic award/s and transcript/s for all tertiary studies except those undertaken at curtin/WAit. Academic records must contain an explanation of grading system descriptions.

name of qualifications (eg. Gce ‘o’/’A’ level, Hsc, Degree)

institution/school/university (eg. temasek Junior college)

year enrolled (eg. 2000)

year completed (eg. 2003 or not completing)

Date results expected (if applicable)

Would you like the above qualifications to be assessed for recognition of prior Learning? y n

sPonsoR DetAils (pLeAse AttAcH sponsorsHip Letter iF AvAiLABLe)

Will your tuition fees be paid by an organisation? y n if yes, name of organisation

emPloyment DetAils (to Be coMpLeteD iF AppLyinG For A postGrADuAte course WHere WorK experience is An entry reQuireMent).

note: submission of supplementary information to your postgraduate application varies across courses. Applicants are advised to refer to the Application Guidelines and submit relevant supporting documentation. Guidelines and supplementary Forms are available from

employer/company name


post/Zip code

contact name telephone +

position title and brief description of your duties

emeRgenCy ContACt DetAils (HoMe country)


relationship telephone +

meDiCAl/DisAbility neeDsthe information below is used to assist the university in monitoring, supporting and improving services to students with medical/disability requirements. Disclosing this information will not affect your admission to the university.

Do you have a disability, impairment or long-term medical condition which may affect your studies? y n

please indicate the type/s of disability

Hearing vision Learning Medical Mobility other

if you have a disability would you like to receive information on support services, equipment and facilities available that may assist you? y n

APPliCAnt’s DeClARAtion AnD signAtuRei declare that i have read the instructions on this application form and that the information i have provided is complete and correct. i understand that the information collected on this form is to enable curtin university to assess my application, create a record on its student database, undertake statistical analysis, meet statutory reporting requirements and further inform me about the course to which i am applying as well as the university’s other courses/events. the information will be accessed by university officers strictly for these purposes and disclosed to state and Australian Government agencies where required by law and the Fund Manager of the esos Assurance Fund, pursuant to obligations under the education services for overseas students Act 2000 and the national code of that Act, and to contractors (such as mail houses) engaged by the university to perform services on its behalf. Where personal information is to be provided to contractors, the university will require that confidentiality agreements be first entered into.i accept that information supplied in this application may also be made available to a curtin overseas representative to provide assistance with my application and the university’s preferred overseas student Health cover provider to assist with effecting health insurance.i understand that if i do not complete all the questions on this form, it may not be possible for the university to process my application. i authorise curtin to obtain further academic information or official student records from any educational institution or recognised educational qualifications assessment body necessary and/or, where my work experience is relevant, to verify my employment history for the purpose of making an informed decision about my the case of post graduate applications, i understand that the services of Qualsearch may be engaged to verify my qualifications. i further understand that curtin is not responsible if any educational body/institution does not supply these records, that the results of this search may be made available to me on request and an audit of this authority may also be undertaken.if i do not meet all the university’s entry requirements, i authorise the university to provide my full application to curtin approved pathway providers (eg. curtin college, canning college) for consideration for the preparatory program (Foundation/Diploma). i understand that successful completion of this program will help qualify me for admission into specified courses of curtin.i understand that i have the right to access and amend personal information that curtin holds about me, subject to legislation, by contacting the Freedom of information coordinator at [email protected] acknowledge that curtin university reserves the right to vary or reverse any decision regarding admission made on the basis of incorrect, incomplete or fraudulent information.

signature Date


loDging youR APPliCAtion Please submit your application to Curtin international or a Curtin university Overseas representativeto complete an online application visit: international tel: +61 8 9266 7331Gpo Box s1512 Fax: +61 8 9266 2605 perth WA 6845 +61 8 9266 4013

PRivACy stAtement At curtin university, the privacy of our students, staff and the people we deal with is very important to us. Much of the information that the university collects in order to provide the services that it does, is “personal information”. For details of how the university will use, disclose and protect your personal information please refer to

*certified means witnessed by a curtin representative, a notary public, commissioner for Declarations, Justice of the peace or the Academic registrar of the institution that issued the transcript. For further information refer to the Guidelines on certification at





Page 47: Curtin University of Technology - Brochure - 2012

CuRtin inteRnAtionAl (information for future international students)

tel: +61 8 9266 7331Fax: +61 8 9266 2605 +61 8 9266 4013

email: [email protected]:

Housing seRviCes (ACCommoDAtion)

CuRtin Agents in youR

CuRtin inteRvieWs AnD seminARs in youR

CuRtin englisH lAnguAge CentRe (english Language Bridging course and eLicos)

CuRtin College (pathways to curtin including pre-university certificates and university level diplomas)

CentRe FoR AboRiginAl

CuRtin business sCHool (Cbs)

CuRtin gRADuAte sCHool oF


sCienCe AnD

stuDent CentRAl (student services for all enrolled students)

tel: +61 8 9266 3399 Fax: +61 8 9266 4108

email: [email protected] Web:

stuDent guilDtel: +61 8 9266 2900

email: [email protected]:

HeAltH seRviCes (Consulting DoCtoRs)

univeRsity Counselling seRviCes (personal and academic matters and disabilities)

muslim visitoRs guiDe to Destinations/travel_Brochures

Curtin internationalGpo Box s1512perth 6845Western Australia

tel: +61 8 9266 7331 (student enquiries)Fax: +61 8 9266 2605 +61 8 9266 4013

email: [email protected]

For more information GO

disclaimer and copyright information

information in this publication is correct at the time of printing and valid for 2011/12, but may change from time to time. in particular, the university reserves the right to change the content and/or method of assessment, to change or alter tuition fees of any unit of study, to withdraw any unit of study or program that it offers, to impose limitations on enrolment in any unit or program, and/or to vary arrangements for any program.

curtin will not be liable to you or any other person for any loss or damage (including direct, consequential or economic loss or damage) however caused and whether by negligence or otherwise that may result directly or indirectly from the use of this publication.

Copyright Curtin university 2011

this publication is copyright. Apart from any fair dealing for the purpose of private study, research, criticism or review, as permitted under the copyright Act, no part may be reproduced by any process without written permission.

published by curtin international.

For important updates to the information in this publication, including the latest course and fee information, please visit our website at

cricos provider code 00301J

curtin university is a trademark of curtin university of technology

Our website can be viewed in these languages:

the Australian technology network is an influential alliance of five prominent Australian universities of technology located in each mainland state. they share a history of collaboration, a commitment to partnerships with industry and the community, a focus on educating graduates who are innovative, entrepreneurial and highly employable, a dedication to the advancement of knowledge and a desire to make a difference to the well-being of the nation through education, research and motivation.

perth education city inc. (pec) represents and promotes Western Australia’s internationally recognised education sector by conducting a wide range of profile-raising and marketing activities throughout the world. it is a unique consortium of 31 universities, colleges and schools in perth which provide education services to the international community.

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