cursus engels · web viewthey each are the...

5. Vocabulary: Adjectives to describe places a) Fill in the correct attraction in London with the help of these descriptions: A lively place, with lots of shops, restaurants and pubs Covent Garden A world famous landmark that crosses the river Thames Westminster Bridge Home of the Queen of England Buckingham Palace A ferris wheel with great views of London! The London Eye b) How would you describe these places? Choose one or more adjectives . modern, crowded (druk), spacious (ruimtelijk), picturesque, ugly, polluted, historical, bustling (bruisend), quiet, vibrant (levendig), cosmopolitan, idyllic, rural (landelijk), noisy, hilly (heuvelachtig), busy, narrow (smal), steep (steil), ancient, lively, urban, authentic, relaxing, medieval, traditional, minimalistic, urban, romantic, rugged (ruw) modern, urban crowded, bustling polluted, ugly cosmopolitan noisy, busy spacious, quiet, urban hilly, idyllic, traditional urban, medieval romantic, relaxing authentic, picturesque vibrant

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Page 1: Cursus Engels · Web viewThey each are the most of something in the world! oldest, most crowded, most polluted, most liveable,

5. Vocabulary: Adjectives to describe places

a) Fill in the correct attraction in London with the help of these descriptions:

A lively place, with lots of shops, restaurants and pubs Covent GardenA world famous landmark that crosses the river Thames Westminster BridgeHome of the Queen of England Buckingham PalaceA ferris wheel with great views of London! The London Eye

b) How would you describe these places? Choose one or more adjectives.

modern, crowded (druk), spacious (ruimtelijk), picturesque, ugly, polluted, historical, bustling (bruisend), quiet, vibrant (levendig), cosmopolitan, idyllic, rural (landelijk), noisy, hilly (heuvelachtig), busy, narrow (smal), steep (steil), ancient, lively, urban, authentic, relaxing, medieval, traditional, minimalistic, urban, romantic, rugged (ruw)

modern, urban crowded, bustling polluted, uglycosmopolitan noisy, busy

spacious, quiet, urban hilly, idyllic, traditional urban, medievalromantic, relaxing authentic, picturesque vibrant

ancient, hilly polluted, cosmopolitan hilly, ancient, rural, steepc) Find eight antonyms:

Page 2: Cursus Engels · Web viewThey each are the most of something in the world! oldest, most crowded, most polluted, most liveable,

noisy : quietpolluted: freshrural: cosmpolitanflat: hillynarrow: spaciousfuturistic: ancientminimalistic: decorativetraditional: modern

d) The most … places in the world…Which cities are shown here?

Melbourne, Hammerfest, Los Angeles, Delhi, Toyo, Bangkok, Jericho, Venice, San Pedro Sula

On which continent do we find these cities?Try to guess what they are known for! They each are the most of something in the world!

oldest, most crowded, most polluted, most liveable, most expensive, most dangerous, northernmost, most beautiful, most visited

1. Los Angelesmost expensive

2.Melbournemost liveable

2. VeniceMost beautiful

3. TokyoMost crowed

5. San Pedro Sulamost dangerous

2. BangkokMost visited

Page 3: Cursus Engels · Web viewThey each are the most of something in the world! oldest, most crowded, most polluted, most liveable,

3. Hammerfestnorthernmost

8. Delhimost polluted

4. Jerichooldest

e) Reading: Hammerfest: the northernmost town in the world:

Hammerfest The Northernmost city in the world

Page 4: Cursus Engels · Web viewThey each are the most of something in the world! oldest, most crowded, most polluted, most liveable,

(by Anne-Sophie Redisch)

At 70° 39′ 48″, Hammerfest is the northernmost city in the world, although nearby HonningsvÃ¥g contests (tegenspreken) that. HonningsvÃ¥g is further north but is it really a city? This has become a sore point (pijnpunt) for many locals. Hammerfest was granted (toegekend) city status in 1789 while tiny Honningsvag received its official status only 10 years ago. In an interview with the national newspaper VG, deputy mayor (burgemeester) Kristine Jørstad Bock sums it up: “It lies in the soul of everyone in Hammerfest that they live in the world’s northernmost city. We’re born and raised with that.”With 9,361 inhabitants and growing, it’s at least safe to say Hammerfest is the world’s northernmost city of a significant (behoorlijk) size.Arriving in town, I was greeted by a large polar bear. Not a real one – contrary to popular belief, polar bears do not roam (rondwalen) Norwegian streets, so this is one for the camera. Also, you can join The Royal and Ancient Polar Bear Society, committed to preserving (conserveren) the Arctic way of life. It’s basically a museum and not that ancient, but the only way to join is to actually be there, so the silver and enamel (email) membership pin is quite exclusive.The Barents Sea and the natural harbour have always been the basis for life here and shipping and fishing the major industries. This is about to change and Hammerfest will become a boomtown when the Snøhvit (Snow White) Plant for export of Liquid Natural Gas will be operative soon. Other alternative forms of energy are also being explored. This is in keeping with tradition as this was the first city in Northern Europe to install street lights, the alternative energy of the day in 1891, when the first trials took place.

Hammerfest’s other claim to fame is the Meridian Column, commemorating astronomer Friedrich Wilhelm Georg Struve’s project to measure the exact size and shape of the earth between 1816 and 1855. Along with 33 other points in the Struve Geodetic Arc, a chain of survey points reaching from Hammerfest to the Black Sea, the Meridian Column was put on UNESCO’s World Heritage List in 2005.If you’re into world records, another place to visit is St Michael’s, the world’s northernmost Catholic church, easily recognisable by the lovely mosaic on the side.Wanting to continue to North Cape by boat

instead of backtracking, I stopped at a local transport company. Here’s my exchange with the woman at the information desk:– “Is there a car ferry from Hammerfest to North Cape or Honningsvag?”– “What do you mean?” Eyebrows raised.– “Can I take my car by boat from here to North Cape or Honningsvag?”– “No.” Eyes back to her paperwork.– “How about a passengers-only ferry?”– “The catamaran leaves in 10 minutes.” She looked up, sighing (zuchtend).– “And does one return tonight?”– “Are you crazy?” She really said that!– “Eh… Perhaps a return ferry tomorrow then?”– “Tomorrow is Saturday.”– “???”She did not elaborate (in detail treden).– “Sorry?”– “No boats on Saturdays.”– “How about the boat that departs from Hammerfest every morning and every evening? You know, the old-fashioned way to approach North Cape, as it says on this poster here.”– “I don’t know what you mean.”(Of course the poster turned out to be an ad for her company.)

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– “So how can I get to the North Cape by sea?”– “Well, there’s the Coastal Express.” Exasperated!(zuur)– “Yeah? Tell me more!”– “That’s not my company.” Dismissed!As it turned out, the Coastal Express leaves at 07:45 every morning and it even takes cars. But, of course, it wasn’t her company.By the way, I put this in as an example of something you may encounter (ontmoeten). Most aren’t like that. Norwegians are actually pretty friendly but not all that polite. It’s just not considered important. If you ask a lame (stomme) question (like “where’s the elevator up to that mountain top?”) don’t be surprised if you’re laughed at and called stupid. On the upside, you get to do it right back. So if you can handle that and really expensive alcohol, you’ll have a ball!After my ordeal (worsteling) with can’t-be-bothered woman, I plonked down (neerploffen) on the grass by the bright blue music pavilion and was soon joined by Gunnar, a scruffily-dressed (slordig gekleed) local of undeterminable (onbepaald) age, apparently in search of company. We chatted for a while and when I asked where to get a decent meal in town, he recommended Odd. He looked like he expected an invitation, but I wasn’t about to extend one. He was harmless enough but a bit taxing (lastig) and I, like Greta Garbo, wanted to be alone.Odd’s Mat og Vinhus, a gourmet restaurant, specialized in local, traditional fare like Arctic fish as well as reindeer, hare (haas) and seal (yeah, all cute and cuddly). Norwegians don’t have a long tradition of eating out but Odd wanted his place to be for locals so he served food they would eat at home.The décor was arctic maritime – with sealskin cushions and placemats made of catfish skin. I had the daily special fish menu; delicious salmon and monkfish (zeeduivel). For dessert I had cloudberries and Odd’s Coffee completed the meal – a major splurge (banket).As an added bonus, here’s Odd’s Coffee: Mix a bit of 60% alcohol with sugar in a glass and use a gas burner to set it on fire. Sprinkle cinnamon (kanneel) in the burning glass and watch flying cinnamon sparks. Put out the fire and fill the glass half-full with a 50/50 mix of Kahlua and Aquavit. Add coffee and whipped cream (enough to feel naughty). Finally, heat more 60 and sugar in a kettle and pour it over the cream in a long, sparkling jet (stroom). Try this and you’ll be the star of the show at the next company Christmas party.Wanting to explore the area at twilight, I went to Kirkegardsbukt (Cemetery Bay), where archaeologists have uncovered traces of settlements dating back to the Stone Age, more than 5,000 years ago. While no doubt a beautiful beach by daylight, it was now spooky and thrilling to walk among the ruins. A gentle breeze wafted (aanvoeren) the tang (scherpe lucht) of salt ocean air, tickling (prikkelen) my nostrils (neusvleugels) as I stumbled around in the swiftly approaching (snel vallende) darkness. This would make an excellent setting for a crime novel. Perhaps featuring a naked body washed up on shore with ancient symbols carved on the left upper thigh…I wondered how it must have been 5,000 years ago, living in a turf cabin by the sea, occasionally warding off warrior tribes from Russia and doing a bit of rock carving. Probably not bad, I decided. No commuting to work, no rushing home to pick the kids up from kindergarten, plenty of fish in the sea and reindeer skin to keep you warm.On the way back to town, outside the cute little airport, another pair of reindeer – a teenager and her younger brother, I think – crossed the street. They really are lovely, like animals from a fairytale, ethereal (etherisch) almost, with their extraordinary, long antlers. A Bombardier Dash 8 taking off soon drowned out the distinctive clicking sound of their hooves as they faded into the night.To the locals reindeer are mostly annoying, since they eat shrubs and flowers, and a reindeer fence around the city is underway. Anything willing to grow in this harsh (hard) climate is protected. Trees don’t grow naturally so they’re planted and treated with the utmost (de meeste) care, including a nice, snug winter wrapping.Returning to Hammerfest, lights were on in every house, brightening up the dark sky. Every window looked like a warm pool of light and I felt very welcome.Next morning saw me up at half past six to make sure I didn’t miss the northbound Coastal Express. Watching Hammerfest vanish (verdwijnen) in the distance, I felt somewhat melancholic. It was a lively and colourful place. The northernmost city in the

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world, a remote outpost (verre uithoek) close to the North Pole. I expected it to be cold and bleak and grey. Instead, I found it warm and inviting.

When to VisitSo when should you visit Hammerfest? Any time of year the scenery is stunning. If you want to experience the Midnight Sun, she (the sun is feminine in Norwegian) is up 24/7 between mid-May and early August. I’m more attracted to the enigmatic dark polar night period – no sun at all between mid-November and mid-January, and the chance of seeing the spectacular Northern Lights are greatest during this period. If festivals are what you’re after, Hammerfest will tempt you with several, including a dance festival in spring, a beer festival in summer and a polar night festival in November.

Text Questions

Which kind of text is this?

A novelA personal diaryA newspaper articleA travel blogA scientific paperA theatre monologue

Page 7: Cursus Engels · Web viewThey each are the most of something in the world! oldest, most crowded, most polluted, most liveable,

What is the purpose of this text?To give an entertaining account of the blogger’s trip, to give information and tips about travel. Who is it written for?For adventurous tourists who want something different. Name a few typical characteristics of this type of text.Anecdotal style, I-persona, personal thoughts and experiences, humour. What does this refer to? 70° 39′ 48: the coordinates Why are Hammerfest and HonningsvÃ¥g rivals?They both compete for northernmost city but there an argument about what constitutes a city. Why will Hammerfest become a boomtown? What do you think is a

boomtown?A plant for liquid national gas will open.A boomtown is a community that undergoes sudden and rapid population and economic growth, or that is started from scratch because of an influx of people. What is the Meridian Column? It was erected in memory of astronomer

Friedrich Wilhelm Georg Struve’s project to measure the exact size and shape of the earth between 1816 and 1855.

Is it easy to get to North Cape? How does one get there? Actually, yes. You can take a ferry.

What is specifically described about the conversation with the woman at the information desk? How does she come across?

She is reluctant to give out nformation. She seems moody and unhelpful. What do we call a written account of a conversation in English?We call this direct speech. What are Norwegians like accoring to this journalist? Who is Greta Garbo? What are the food specialties one can taste in Norway? What are good drinks? Why would the beach be a good setting for a crime novel? Why are reindeers considered annoying to locals? How do the seem to

the writer? With which paradox does the writer conclude his account? When can one see northern lights? What are northern lights?