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MAPP sem I MTT 2012- 2013 1 - MTT - Managementul transferului de tehnologie Masterat Managementul proiectelor, an univ. 2012 2013 Semestrul I

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managementul transferului de tehnologie


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MAPP sem I MTT 2012-

2013 1

- MTT -

Managementul transferului de tehnologie

Masterat – Managementul proiectelor,

an univ. 2012 – 2013

Semestrul I

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Innovation Union Competitiveness Report


IUS - Innovation Union Scoreboard IUS


European Innovation Scoreboard (EIS) 2009

RIS Regional Innovation Scoreboard 2009

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Un raport al Comisiei Europene evidentiaza existenta unei crize a inovarii in Europa

Potrivit concluziilor Comisiei Europene din Raportul privind competitivitatea Uniunii Inovarii, pentru ca strategia Europa 2020 sa poata determina o crestere economica durabila si inteligenta, este necesar ca nivelul de performanta al UE in materie de inovare sa fie ameliorat considerabil in numeroase sectoare. Europa trebuie sa investeasca mai mult si intr-un mod mai „inteligent” in cercetare si dezvoltare atat in sectorul public, cat si in cel privat, ceea ce nu numai ca stimuleaza cresterea pe termen mediu, ci are si un efect contraciclic in perioadele de criza. Este necesara intensificarea cooperarii in domeniul cercetarii in UE si pe plan international, precum si o mai buna utilizare a rezultatelor cercetarii, inclusiv printr-o protectie mai eficace a proprietatii intelectuale. Sistemele de invatamant trebuie adaptate la nevoile de inovare ale intreprinderilor si trebuie incurajate mai mult IMM-urile inovatoare si dinamice. Este necesar sa se depuna eforturi concertate pentru valorificarea rezultatelor promitatoare obtinute de Europa in domeniul inovarii, in vederea solutionarii problemelor globale, cum ar fi schimbarile climatice. Trebuie eliminate inegalitatile dintre sexe in domeniul stiintei si cercetarii. Acest raport subliniaza faptul ca drumul spre Uniunea Inovarii este lung, dificil si presarat cu obstacole majore, insa confirma ca UE a adoptat politicile adecvate pentru a merge pana la capat. Punerea in practica a Uniunii Inovarii la nivel european si national reprezinta o necesitate absoluta in plan economic, fiind la fel de importanta pentru cresterea durabila ca si reorganizarea finantelor publice”, a declarat comisarul european pentru cercetare, inovare si stiinta, Máire Geoghegan-Quinn. Raportul analizeaza punctele tari si punctele slabe ale sistemelor nationale de cercetare si inovare si ofera elemente concrete care pot sta la baza optiunilor strategice nationale. Raportul se bazeaza pe tabloul de bord al Uniunii Inovarii si include o fisa descriptiva cu informatii detaliate referitoare la performanta fiecarei tari in materie de cercetare si inovare.


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Concluzii ale raportului

Europa trebuie sa-si accelereze investitiile in cercetare si inovare. In prezent, UE progreseaza lent spre atingerea obiectivului de a investi 3% din PIB in cercetare si dezvoltare (2,01% in 2009), insa decalajul fata de principalii concurenti creste tot mai mult, mai ales din cauza faptului ca intreprinderile investesc mai putin in cercetare si dezvoltare. In 2008, 24% din totalul cheltuielilor mondiale pentru cercetare si dezvoltare au fost realizate in UE (29% in 1995). In raport cu PIB-ul, in Japonia sau in Coreea de Sud intreprinderile investesc de doua ori mai mult decat in Europa.

In perioadele de criza economica, investitiile acumulate in cercetare si inovare produc un efect contraciclic. Tarile care si-au intensificat investitiile in cercetare si inovare au perspective mai bune de iesire din criza. In 2009, saptesprezece state membre au reusit sa-si mentina sau sa-si mareasca bugetul pentru cercetare si dezvoltare, iar in 2010 numarul lor era saisprezece.

Investitiile in inovare trebuie sa fie mai „inteligente”. Tarile cu cele mai bune performante in materie de inovare si-au concentrat investitiile asupra unei strategii de specializare inteligente, care combina politicile de stimulare a ofertei (cum sunt subventiile publice pentru invatamantul superior, cercetarea si dezvoltarea in sectorul intreprinderilor, capitalul de risc si infrastructurile stiintifice si tehnologice) si politicile de stimulare a cererii (cum sunt achizitiile publice de produse inovatoare, standardizarea bazata pe performante si reglementarea proconcurentiala a pietelor produselor).


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Concluzii ale raportului

Formarea personalului cu inalta calificare trebuie sa corespunda necesitatilor intreprinderilor. Numai 46% dintre cercetatorii din UE lucreaza in sectorul intreprinderilor (80% in SUA). Statele membre ar trebui sa-si adapteze sistemele de invatamant astfel incat sa sporeasca acest procent, garantand totodata o mai buna satisfacere a necesitatilor intreprinderilor.

Integrarea si internationalizarea cercetarii duce la cresterea randamentului investitiilor. Internationalizarea si productia eficienta de excelenta stiintifica se consolideaza reciproc. Fluxurile de cunostinte din interiorul Europei (respectiv fluxurile de studenti, cooperarea in materie de co-publicatii si co-brevete) constituie un atu important si urmeaza sa fie imbunatatite ulterior, ca urmare a finalizarii Spaţiului European de Cercetare. Aceste fluxuri sunt insa concentrate intr-un numar restrans de tari vest-europene.

Existenta unor conditii-cadru nefavorabile impiedica transformarea cunostintelor in produse si servicii comercializabile. Europa pierde tot mai mult teren in ce priveste exploatarea rezultatelor activitaţii de cercetare. UE este cel mai mare producator mondial de publicatii stiintifice supuse evaluarii inter pares (29% in 2009), insa in Japonia si Coreea de Sud ritmul de crestere a numarului de cereri de brevete depuse in temeiul Tratatului de Cooperare in domeniul Brevetelor (PCT) este aproape dublu fata de cel din UE. Jumatate dintre statele membre nu produc deloc brevete de inalta tehnologie validate de Oficiul European de Brevete (OEB). Sunt necesare masuri suplimentare pentru a proteja si gestiona intr-un mod mai rentabil proprietatea intelectuala. Brevetul comunitar negociat in prezent va constitui un important punct de plecare. cetarii publice si realizarea unor conditii-cadru favorabile introducerii de noi cunostinte pe piata.


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Concluzii ale raportului Europa dispune de un potential important in materie de inventii tehnologice capabile sa solutioneze problemele societatii. In 2007, UE a inregistrat 40% dintre brevetele legate de tehnologiile de combatere a schimbarilor climatice. Acest lucru demonstreaza ca investitiile orientate in cercetare si demonstratie, realizate in sectoare-cheie, combinate cu masurile de sprijinire a dezvoltarii pietelor, pot duce la realizarea de noi tehnologii si inovatii. Acesta este spiritul parteneriatelor europene pentru inovare lansate de Uniunea Inovarii.

Avem nevoie de IMM-uri mai inovatoare si mai dinamice. UE trebuie sa recupereze distanta fata de SUA in ceea ce priveste intensitatea cercetarii in sectoarele de inalta si medie tehnologie. Cu alte cuvinte, are nevoie de schimbari structurale, atat inter-, cat si intrasectoriale. Unele tari europene, precum Austria si Danemarca, au realizat aceasta schimbare structurala trecand la o economie bazata intr-o mai mare masura pe cunoastere. De asemenea, multe dintre aceste tari si-au revenit cu mai mult succes din criza economica. Elementele comune care stau la baza acestui succes sunt existenta unor IMM uri inovatoare si dinamice, valorificarea excelentei stiintifice din sectorul cercetarii publice si realizarea unor conditii-cadru favorabile introducerii de noi cunostinte pe piata.


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Innovation union competitiveness report 2011


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R&D profile 2009 Romania


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Investiții în cercetare și dezvolare și redresare economică

în general, statele membre care investesc prin

tradiție mai mult în cercetare, dezvoltare și

educație au făcut față mai bine recentelor

tulburări economice. Investițiile în cercetare,

dezvoltare și educație cresc șansele de

atenuare a impactului negativ al crizei,

oferind totodată instrumentele propice unei

reveniri mai rapide atunci când are loc

redresarea economică.

obiectivul de relansare a creșterii economice

și de îmbunătățire a bunăstării cetățenilor

europeni presupune adoptarea unui set

combinat de politici care să influențeze

ansamblul condițiilor-cadru pentru inovare și

buna funcționare a piețelor de produse. Din

nou, există motive să credem că existența

unor condiții cadru mai bune este legată de o

redresare mai robustă și o creștere economică

mai accentuată pe termen lung. MAPP - sem I - MTT 2012-2013 9

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Mediul de afaceri și redresarea economică

Coeficienții de corelație semnificativi din punct de

vedere statistic sunt: 0,66 pentru PIB-ul

cercetării și dezvoltării și 0,39 pentru mediul

de afaceri. Dimensiunea cercului reflectă

dimensiunea economiei (ca procentaj din PIB-

ul UE).

Datele Eurostat sunt preluate din „Indicatorii

științifici și tehnologici”. Condițiile-cadru

sunt evaluate în funcție de clasamentul

furnizat de Banca Mondială în raportul „Doing

Business”. O investiție medie pe 5 ani este

utilizată ca indicator pentru investițiile

anterioare, ținând seama de stabilitatea relativă

a cercetării și dezvoltării, măsurată ca

proporții (în raport cu PIB-ul).




Situația Uniunii inovării în 2011. Bruxelles, 2.12.2011,

COM(2011) 849 final,

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Rapoarte la nivel european

Tabloul de bord al „Uniunii inovării” (Innovation Union Scoreboard – IUS) a

fost publicat la începutul anului 2011 și va fi actualizat anual pentru a putea

compara performanțele UE și ale statelor membre cu privire la cei 25 de

indicatori de bază ai cercetării și inovării, precum și, pentru 12 dintre aceștia,

față de principalii parteneri internaționali.

Un raport de analiză strategică: care sunt cauzele performanțelor insuficiente și

care sunt soluțiile pentru acestea? La fiecare doi ani, raportul privind

competitivitatea Uniunii inovării (Innovation Union Competitiveness - IUC) va

furniza o analiză statistică și economică aprofundată care va cuprinde

caracteristicile principale ale unui sistem de cercetare și inovare eficient și

eficace sub raport social. Ea va constitui un instrument cheie pentru elaborarea

de politici bazate pe constatări în contextul Uniunii inovării.

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Innovation report IUS 2011

is meant to help monitor the implementation of the Europe 2020 Innovation Union

comparative assessment of the innovation performance of the EU27 Member States and the relative strengths and weaknesses of their research and innovation systems.

The IUS uses the most recent statistics from Eurostat and other internationally recognized sources as available at the time of analysis.

The IUS includes innovation indicators and trend analyses for the EU27 Member States, as well as for Croatia, Iceland, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Norway, Serbia, Switzerland and Turkey. It also includes comparisons based on a more reduced set of indicators between the EU27, the US, Japan and the BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India and China) countries.

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EU Member States’ innovation performance

Average performance is measured using a composite indicator building on data for 24 indicators going from a lowest possible performance of 0 to a maximum possible performance of 1.

Average performance in 2010 reflects performance in 2008/ 2009 due to a lag in data availability.

The performance of Innovation leaders is 20% or more above that of the EU27;

of Innovation followers it is less than 20% above but more than 10% below that of the EU27;

of Moderate innovators it is less than 10% below but more than 50% below that of the EU27;

and for Modest innovators it is below 50% that of the EU27.

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The main findings of the IUS 2010

Based on their average innovation performance across 24 indicators, the Member States fall into four

performance groups : Innovation leaders, Innovation followers, Moderate innovators and Modest


• Denmark, Finland, Germany, Sweden all show a performance well above that of the EU27 - Innovation


• Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Estonia, France, Ireland, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Slovenia and the UK all

show a performance close to that of the EU27 - Innovation followers.

The performance of Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia and Spain is

below that of the EU27 - Moderate innovators.

The performance of Bulgaria, Latvia, Lithuania and Romania is well below that of the EU27. These

countries are Modest innovators.

Bulgaria, Estonia, Malta, Romania, Portugal and Slovenia are the growth leaders with an average annual

growth rate well above 5%. There continues to be a steady convergence, where less innovative

Member States have – on average – been growing faster than the more innovative Member States.

This convergence process however seems to be slowing down . While the Moderate and

Modest innovators clearly catch-up to the higher performance level of both the Innovation leaders and

Innovation followers, there is no convergence between the different Member States within these 2

lower performance groups. Convergence between the Member States does take place within the

Innovation leaders and in particular within the Innovation followers convergence. Between-group

convergence thus seems to be stronger than within-group convergence.

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Convergence in innovation performance

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EU27 Innovation performance compared to main competitors

Performance is measured as 100*(X/EU)-1) where X refers to the value for the indicator for the country X and EU to the value for the indicator for the EU27. The values in the graphs should be interpreted as the relative performance compared to that of the EU27. E.g. the US in “2010” is performing 49% better than the EU27 and China is “2010” is performing 55% worse than the EU27.

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EU Member States - innovation assessment

3 main types of indicators and 8 innovation dimensions, capturing in total 25 different indicators.

The Enablers capture the main drivers of innovation performance external to the firm and it differentiates between 3 innovation dimensions. The Human resources dimension includes 3 indicators and measures the availability of a high-skilled and educated workforce. The new Open, excellent and attractive research systems dimension includes 3 indicators and measures the international competitiveness of the science base. The Finance and support dimension includes 2 indicators and measures the availability of finance for innovation projects and the support of governments for research and innovation activities.

Firm activities capture the innovation efforts at the level of the firm and it differentiates between 3 innovation dimensions. The Firm investments dimension includes 2 indicators of both R&D and non-R&D investments that firms make in order to generate innovations. The Linkages & entrepreneurship dimension includes 3 indicators and measures entrepreneurial efforts and collaboration efforts among innovating firms and also with the public sector. The Intellectual assets dimension captures different forms of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) generated as a throughput in the innovation process.

Outputs capture the effects of firms’ innovation activities and it differentiates between 2 innovation dimensions. The Innovators dimension includes 3 indicators and measures the number of firms that have introduced innovations onto the market or within their organisations, covering both technological and non-technological innovations and the presence of high-growth firms. The indicator on innovative high-growth firms corresponds to the new EU2020 headline indicator, which will be completed within the next two years. The Economic effects dimension includes 5 indicators and captures the economic success of innovation in employment, exports and sales due to innovation activities.

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Scatter-plot of Enablers vs Firm Activities

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Scatter-plot of Enablers vs Outputs

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Scatter-plot of Firm Activities vs Outputs

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The dynamic performance of these key

international competitors can also be

grasped in a graph similar to that of the

Member States.

Figure shows the current performance lead or

gap on the vertical axis and the change in

this lead or gap on the vertical axis.

Brazil and China are clearly catching-up

to the EU27, that India’s is only slowly

catching-up, that Russia is faced with an

increasing gap to the EU27 and the

EU27 is neither catching-up to the US

nor to Japan.

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Romania is one of the modest innovators with a below average performance.

Relative strengths are in Finance and support and Outputs.

Relative weaknesses are in Open, excellent and attractive research systems, Linkages & entrepreneurship, Intellectual assets and Innovators.

High growth is observed for Public R&D expenditure, Community trademarks and Community designs. A strong decline is observed for Non-EU doctorate students. Growth performance in Finance and support and Intellectual assets is above average. In the other dimensions it is below average.

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Indicator values relative to the EU27 (EU27=100).

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Annual average growth per indicator and average country growth

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Dimensiuni ale performantei in inovare EIS - 2009

European Innovation Scoreboard (EIS) este un instrument dezvoltat de Comisia Europeană destinat să evalueze şi să compare performanţa statelor membre în domeniul inovării. Raportul EIS 2009 include prezentarea indicatorilor de inovare si analiza tendintelor pentru cele 27 de state membre ale EU, inclusiv pentru Croatia, Serbia, Turcia, Islanda, Norvegia si Elvetia.

EIS acoperă principalele componente ale performanţei în domeniul inovării. Pentru calcularea indexului compozit de inovare în EIS 2009 s-au folosit 29 de indicatori grupaţi pe 3 teme (innovation enables, firms activity şi innovation outputs):

• Vectorii de promovare (ENABLERS) principalii factori ai inovarii – din mediul extern firmei:

o resurse umane – masoara disponibilitatea fortei de munca educate si cu inalta calificare.

o surse de finantare si activitati suport – masoara disponibilitatea finantarii pentru inovare si suportul guvernelor pentru activitatea de inovare.

• Activitatea firmelor (FIRM ACTIVITIES) reflecta eforturile de inovare pe care firmele le fac

o Investitii la nivelul firmelor –

o Legaturile cu antreprenoriatul –

o rezultate transferate – drepturi de proprietate intelectuala (IPR) si Balanta tehnologica de plati

• Rezultate (OUTPUTS):

o Inovatori / intreprinderi inovative – (atat inovare tehnologica, cat si non-tehnologica).

o Efecte economice – grad de ocupare, exporturi, vanzari datorate activitatilor inovative.

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European Innovation Scoreboard (EIS) 2009 - Comparative analysis of innovation


The Summary Innovation Index (SII) gives an “at a glance” overview of aggregate national innovation performance and is calculated as a composite of the 29 EIS indicators .

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ENABLERS captures the main drivers of innovation that are external to the firm as:

• Human resources – measures the availability of high-skilled and educated people.

• Finance and support – measures the availability of finance for innovation projects and the support of governments for innovation activities.

FIRM ACTIVITIES captures innovation efforts that firms undertake recognizing the fundamental importance of firms’ activities in the innovation process:

• Firm investments – covers a range of different investments firms make in order to generate innovations.

• Linkages & entrepreneurship – captures entrepreneurial efforts and collaboration efforts among innovating fi rms and also with the public sector.

• Throughputs – captures the Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) generated as a throughput in the innovation process and Technology Balance of Payments flows.

OUTPUTS captures the outputs of firm activities as:

• Innovators – measures the number of firms that have introduced innovations onto the market or within their organisations, covering technological and non technological innovations.

• Economic effects – captures the economic success of innovation in employment, exports and sales due to innovation activities.

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Cum stam la capitolul Inovare in Uniunea Europeana – viziunea EIS (European Innovation Scoreboard)

2009 - România se plasează pe penultimul loc în UE în funcţie de gradul de inovaţie din economie, cu un punctaj mult mai mic decât jumătate din media obtinuta de statele Uniunii Europene (studiu realizat pentru Comisia Europeana – EIS). Conform raportului din 2008[1], România se încadrează în rândul ţărilor care pierd teren în domeniul inovării, având o tendinţă medie de scădere a performanţei în acest domeniu.

Raportul european comentează extrem de slaba performanţă a României în domeniul brevetelor înregistrate la Oficiul SUA sau al brevetelor triadice, situaţie arătată în detaliu şi în cadrul acestui document. Doar doi indicatori incluşi în indicele compozit sunt peste media europeană: procentajul de IMM-uri care au introdus inovarea non-tehnologică (schimbări de estetică sau design al produselor, tehnici avansate de management, schimbări organizaţionale) şi procentajul de vânzări de produse noi pe piaţă. Succesul la aceşti indicatori, conform raportului european, este probabil datorat situaţiei foarte slabe de la care se porneşte. 83% dintre firmele româneşti nu au activităţi de inovare, procent care este cel mai mare dintre ţările studiate. Raportul concluzionează că România are dificultăţi serioase în crearea unui sistem naţional de inovare şi recomandă creşterea nivelului de formare continuă, a investiţiilor în cercetare-dezvoltare, a cotei de întreprinderi care să realizeze proiecte de inovare prin cooperare sau care primesc sprijin pentru inovare.


PERFORMANCE, February 2009;

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Performanta in inovare din statele membre EU27 (2009 SII)

The Summary Innovation Index (SII) este un indice compozit, calculat pe baza a 29 de indicatori cu valorile de la 0 (cea mai mica performanta) catre 1 (performanta maxima). Valorile din 2009 SII evidentiaza performanta din 2007/ 2008 (intarziere generata de datele disponibile). Coloanele in culoare verde, albastru etc. reflecta performanta din 2008. Diferenta de performanta dintre coloanele anilor 2008 si 2009 reflecta dinamica in performanta in inovare.

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2009 European Innovation Scoreboard (EIS)

România are cel mai scăzut index de competitivitate în comparatie cu tarile UE si ţările candidate – penultimul loc.

Rezultate ale 2009 SII pentru cele 33 tari europene

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EIS 2009 “Comparative analysis of innovation performance”

• evidenţierea performanţei actuale în ceea ce priveşte activitatea de inovare (pe axa verticală se reprezintă valorile indicelui SII), iar pe cea orizontală – tendinţa de evoluţie pe termen scurt a performanţei SII (apreciată prin rata medie de creştere anuală a SII).

Se creează astfel patru cadrane care cuprind:

Ţări cu performanţe peste media celor 27 de State Membre

EU din ambele puncte de vedere (Innovation leaders)

– Danemarca, Finlanda, Germania, Suedia, Marea


Ţări sub media de crestere SII 2009, dar cu tendinţă de

creştere peste performanţa medie (Innovation

followers) - Austria, Belgia, Cipru, Estonia, Franta,

Irlanda , Luxembourg, Olanda, Slovenia

Ţări cu performanţe sub media SII 2009 şi sub tendinţa de

creştere (Moderate innovators) - Norvegia, Spania,


Ţări cu performanţe peste media SII 2009 şi cu tendinţă de

creştere peste performanţa medie din ambele puncte

de vedere – “ţări ce ratează oportunitatea de creştere”

(Catching-up countries) - Bulgaria, Lituania,


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Analiza comparativa a performantei in inovare

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Scoruri SII 2009 Romania 0.278 (2008) 0.294 (2009) EU27 0.476 (2008) 0.478 (2009)

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Comentarii despre Romania si EU 2009

Romania este una dintre tarile cu cresteri ale performante in sistemul national de inovare, chiar daca nivelul acesteia este mult sub media statelor mebre ale UE. Ca relative puncte tari se pot enumera Inovatorii/intreprinderile inovative si Efectele economice, iar ca puncte de slabiciune Sursele financiare precare si Rezultatele transferabile.

Cateva concluzii ale editiei 2009 Germania, Cipru, Malta si Romania semnaleaza cele mai rapide cresteri ale

performantei (in grupurile de state din care fac parte)

Dupa cresterea semnificativa din ultimii 5 ani, Estonia si Cipru par sa reduca decalajele fata de media EU27 2009

Criza economica ameninta progresul in inovare, mai ales in tarile slab situate; diferentieri relevante intre sectorul industrie prelucratoare si al serviciilor

Internationalizarea si performanta economica sunt puternic corelate

Se inregistreaza inca o mare difversitate a nivelurilor de performanta intre regiuni geografice

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Performanta EU27

Analiza ratelor de crestere pentru EU27 in performanta in inovare releva o rata anuala de crestere de 1.8% pe ultimii 5 ani; in particular pentru Resurse umane de 2.3%, Finante si activitati suport de 6.5% si rezultate transferabile de 3.8%, domenii mai performante fata de anul 2005.

Pentru Efecte economice, cresterea este de 0.9%, in timp ce pentru investitii ale firmelor este chair o scadere improvement (-0.4%), urmata, ca amplitudine de Retele si antreprenoriat, (-0.6%) si Inovatori/intreprinderi inovative (-1.3%).

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2009 Regional Innovation Scoreboard

a comparative assessment of innovation performance across the NUTS 2 regions

of the European Union and Norway. As the regional level is important for

economic development and for the design and implementation of innovation policies, it is important to have indicators to compare and benchmark innovation performance at regional level.

There is considerable diversity in regional innovation performances. The results show that all countries have regions at different levels of performance. This emphasizes the need for policies to reflect regional contexts and for better data to assess regional innovation performances. The most heterogeneous countries are Spain, Italy and Czech Republic where innovation performance varies from low to medium-high.

The most innovative regions are typically in the most innovative countries. Nearly all the "high innovators“ regions are in the group of "Innovation leaders" identified in the European Innovation Scoreboard (EIS). Similarly all of the "low innovators” regions are located in countries that have below average performance in the EIS. However, the results also show regions that outperform their country level:

- Noord-Brabant in the Netherlands is a high innovating region located in an Innovation follower country.

- Praha in the Czech Republic, Pais Vasco, Comunidad Foral de Navarra, Comunidad de Madrid and Cataluña in Spain, Lombardia and Emilia-Romagna in Italy, Oslo og Akershus, Sør-Østlandet, Agder og Rogaland, Vestlandet and Trøndelag in Norway are all medium-high innovating regions from Moderate innovators.

- The capital region in Romania, Bucuresti – Ilfov, is a medium low innovating region in a Catching-up country.

• Regions have diff erent strengths and weaknesses. A more detailed analysis was conducted for those regions with good data availability. This shows that regions are performing at different levels across three dimensions of innovation performance included in the EIS: Innovation enablers, Firm activities and Innovation outputs. Although there are no straight forward relationships between level of performance and relative strengths, it can be noted that many of the "low innovators" have relative weaknesses in the dimension of Innovation enablers which includes Human resources.

• Regional performance appears relatively stable since 2004. The pattern of innovation is quite stable between year 2004 and 2006, with only a few changes in group membership. More specifi cally, most of the changes are positive and relate to Cataluña, Comunidad Valenciana, Illes Balears and Ceuta (Spain), Bassin Parisien, Est and Sud-Ouest (France), Unterfranken (Germany), Közép- Dunántúl (Hungary), Algarve (Portugal) and Hedmark og Oppland (Norway). Longer time series data would be needed to analyse the dynamics of regional innovation performance and how this might relate to other factors such as changes in GDP, industrial structure and public policies.

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RIS 2009

The EIS benchmarks performance at the level of Member States, but innovation plays an increasing role in regional development, both in the Lisbon strategy and in Cohesion Policy. Regions are increasingly becoming important engines of economic development.

Geographical proximity matters in business performance and in the creation of innovation. Recognising this, innovation policy is increasingly designed and implemented at regional level. However, despite some advances, there is an absence of regional data on innovation indicators which could help regional policy makers design and monitor innovation policies.

The European Regional Innovation Scoreboard (RIS) addresses this gap and provides statistical facts on regions’ innovation performance. In 2002 and 2003 under the European Commission’s “European Trend Chart on Innovation” two Regional Innovation Scoreboards have been published. Both reports focused on the regional innovation performance of the EU15 Member States using a more limited number of indicators as compared to the EIS.

Cluster analysis is used to identify regions that share similar innovation systems. Two approaches are

taken. The first method searches for similarities in absolute performance, or regions that display similar

strengths and weaknesses in innovation. These analyses use the three composite indices for Enablers,

Firm activities and Outputs separately and for the RII (Regional Innovation Index). The second method

searches for similarities in the pattern of strengths and weaknesses. For example, a region that performed

twice as well as another region on every composite index would have an identical pattern of strengths and

weaknesses. In order to remove the effect of absolute performance in the cluster analysis of similar

patterns, the sum of performance across all composite indices is set to the same value for all regions.

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Regional coverage

Based on regional data availability the analysis will cover at most 201 regions for all EU Member

States and Norway at different NUTS levels as follows (cf. RIS Methodologyreport):

• NUTS 1: 3 regions from Austria, 3 regions from Belgium, 2 regions from Bulgaria, 9 regions

from France, 9 regions from Germany, 3 regions from Greece, 1 region from Hungary, 2

regions from Spain, 12 regions from UK.

• NUTS 2: 8 regions from Czech Republic, 4 regions from Finland, 29 regions from Germany, 1

region from Greece, 6 regions from Hungary, 2 regions from Ireland, 17 regions from Italy, 12

regions from the Netherlands, 7 regions from Norway, 16 regions from Poland, 5 regions from

Portugal, 8 regions from Romania, 2 regions from Slovenia, 4 regions from Slovakia, 17

regions from Spain, 8 regions from Sweden.

• 1 merged region for Greece (Anatoliki Makedonia Thraki GR11, Dytiki Makedonia GR13 and

Thessalia GR14), 2 merged regions for Italy (Valle d’Aosta ITC2 and Piemonte ITC1; Molise

ITF2 and Abruzzo ITF1), 1 merged region for Portugal (Região Autónoma dos Açores PT2

and Região Autónoma da Madeira PT3).

• Denmark, Estonia, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg and Malta will be included at the

country level.

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Regional performance groups for all regions (2006)

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Regional performance

Regions are ranked into groups from high to low innovation performance for overall performance (for all regions using imputed values where data is not available) and for profiles and relative strengths for the different dimensions of innovation performance (only for regions with available data):

- Enablers (Tertiary education, Life-long learning, Public R&D, Broadband);

- Firm activities (Business R&D, Non-R&D expenditures, SMEs innovating in-house, Innovative SMEs cooperating with others, EPO patents); and

- Outputs (Technological innovators, Non-technological innovators, Resource efficiency innovators, Employment in medium-high & high-tech manufacturing, Employment in knowledge-intensive services, Sales of new-to market and new-to-firm products).

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Employment share knowledge-intensive services 2004 (left map) and 2006 (right map)

Dark blue – highest quintile - Light blue – lowest quintile

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the performance of each region for each indicator where data is available. The value of the indicator has been rescaled

from a minimum value of 0 for the lowest performing region to a maximum value of 1.0 for the best performing region

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