curriculum vitae dr. khaled al-kattan

CURRICULUM VITAE DR. KHALED AL-KATTAN PERSONAL INFORMATION Name : Khaled Manae Al-Kattan Place of Birth : Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Nationality : Saudi Marital Status : Married with 5 children Home address : P. O. Box 18097 Riyadh 11415 Telephone # (966-1) 442-6174 Mobile # (966) 50-541-7261 Current Position : Dean, College of Medicine Professor of Surgery Address : AlFaisal University College of Medicine P.O. Box 352, Riyadh 11411 Saudi Arabia Telephone # (966-1) 465-2255 Fax # (966-1) 465-6524 E-mail: [email protected] / Current Position : Consultant, Thoracic Surgery Address : King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre Department of Surgery (MBC-40) P.O. Box 3354 Riyadh 11211 Telephone # (966-1) 442 7755 Fax: # (966-1) 442-7772/442-4620 E-mail: [email protected]

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Name : Khaled Manae Al-Kattan

Place of Birth : Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Nationality : Saudi

Marital Status : Married with 5 children

Home address : P. O. Box 18097

Riyadh 11415

Telephone # (966-1) 442-6174

Mobile # (966) 50-541-7261

Current Position : Dean, College of Medicine

Professor of Surgery

Address : AlFaisal University

College of Medicine

P.O. Box 352, Riyadh 11411

Saudi Arabia

Telephone # (966-1) 465-2255

Fax # (966-1) 465-6524

E-mail: [email protected] /

Current Position : Consultant, Thoracic Surgery

Address : King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre

Department of Surgery (MBC-40)

P.O. Box 3354 Riyadh 11211

Telephone # (966-1) 442 7755

Fax: # (966-1) 442-7772/442-4620

E-mail: [email protected]

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04 June 1984 M.B.B.S.

King Saud University - Riyadh

17 March 1987 F.R.C.S. (Edin) Part 1

15 December 1988 F.R.C.S. (Edin) Part 2



Elementary “Lesa le Parti” French School

Topnotcher in all elementary schools

Alexandria, Egypt - 1972

Intermediate Riyadh Schools

Topnotcher in all intermediate schools in the Kingdom

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia – 1975

Secondary school Riyadh Schools

Topnotcher in all secondary schools in the Kingdom

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia – 1978

Medical School Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery

King Saud University

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia - 1984

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Internship Riyadh Military Hospital

9 July 1984 – 8 July 1985

Senior House Officer Surgical Rotations in University and Central Hospital – Riyadh

20 July 1985 – 9 December 1988

Registrar General Surgery, University Hospitals - Riyadh

12 December 1988 – 30 April 1990

Thoracic Surgery, University Hospitals – Riyadh

01 May 1990 – 18 April 1992

Senior Registrar Thoracic Surgery, Brompton Hospital - U.K.

21 April 1992 – 05 May 1993

Cardio-Thoracic/Transplant Surgery, Harefield Hospital - U.K.

21 May 1993 – 29 February 1994

Thoracic Surgery, Harefield Hospital - U.K.

01 March 1994 – 20 April 1995

Consultant Thoracic Surgery, King Khaled University Hospital – Riyadh

29 April 1995 – Present


18 June 1984 Demonstrator in Surgery

King Saud University

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

12 February 1989 Assistant Professor in Thoracic Surgery

King Saud University

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

17 March 1996 Associate Professor in Thoracic Surgery

King Saud University

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

19 November 2000 Professor in Thoracic Surgery

Head of Thoracic Surgery Unit

King Saud University

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

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January 2008 Dean, College of Medicine

Professor of Surgery

AlFaisal University

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

01 January 1997 Consultant and Head of Section, Thoracic Surgery

King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia


1. Lifetime Achievement Award, Saudi Thoracic Society 2014.

2. Award of Appreciation, Lung Transplant Program, International Day of Organ Donation, 25 October


3. Nominated, International Health Professional of the year, International Biographical Centre,

Cambridge, England for the year 2006.

4. The prize for best presentation of Saudi Thoracic Society for 2004 for Chest Club Meeting on behalf

of King Khalid University Hospital, 2004.

5. Scholarship for 2 years in the field of thoracic surgery and lung transplantation at Harefield Hospital,

Middlesex, United Kingdom from 20 May1993 till 20 April 1995 from King Saud University.

6. Fellowship scholarship in thoracic surgery in Royal Brompton Hospital in London, United Kingdom,

in the field of thoracic surgery 21 April 1992 till 10 May 1993 from King Saud University.

7. G.B.Ong medal for 1988-1989 for best performance in Part II FRCS (Edin) for examinations held

during that academic year.


1. Education in Anatomical Sciences, Paul Ganguly (Editor), Nova Biomedical New York, Preface IX –


2. Text Book: ESTS Textbook of Thoracic Surgery, Chapter 33 “Bronchiectasis” Page 529-538, K.

Alkattan, W. Saleh.

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1. Dual Degree MBBS-PhD Program in Saudi Arabia: A Call for Implementation. Medical Teacher,

38 Sup 1, 59-511, 10.3109/0142159x 2016 1142509. A.Abuzaid, A.Alamodi, W. Alkattan,

K.Alkattan, A. Obeidat.

2. The Integrated Clinical Anatomy Program at Alfaisal University: An Innovative Model of Teaching

Clinically Applied Functional Anatomy in a Hybrid Curriculum. Adv. Physican Edu:40:56-63 2016.

A. Yaginuddin, M.Ikram, M.Zafar, N.Sharafe, M. Muzzahar, S. Quazi, Aftab Shaihh, A.Obeidat,

K.Alkattan, P.Ganguly.

3. Academic Performance and Time Management of Medical Student in Saudi Arabia – Infonomics


4. The Student-Authored Biomedical Publication at Alfaisal University, Saudi Arabia, A Six (6) Years

Descriptive Analysis Research, 4:754 (2015). A.Alnajjar, T.Khan, S.Mina, K.Alkattan, A.Abuzaid.

5. Fate of Allogenic Bone Graft for Stenal Support in Pectus Excavatum Repair, Asian Cardiovascular

& Thoracic Annals, Pages 1-5 2015. Doi:10.1177/0218492315598423. Original Article. M.Ashour,

M.Rafay, W.Saleh, M.Ahmed, H.Robaidi, M.Alamassi, K.Alkattan

6. Pancreatico Pleural Fistula: An overlooked entity. Asian CardioVascular & Thoracic Surgery, 22(1)

98-101, 2013. T.Altasan, Y.Aljehani, A.Almalki, S.Algamdi, A. Talag, K.Alkattan.

7. Management of Adult Intra-Lobular Pulmonay Sequestration: A Novel Approach B.Aldosary, Y.Al

Jehani, N. Alquraisi, Y. Asabaah, K.Alkattan. Saudi Journal of Medicine Medical Sciences Vol.2,

Issue 1, January – April 2014 (49-51).

8. Tumours of the Thymus: A cohort study of prognostic factors from the European Society of

Thoracic Surgeons Database. Enrico Riffin, K.Alkattan, (ESTS Thymus Working Group)

European Journal Cardio Thoracic Surgery (2014) 10.1093.

9. Missed Pulmonary Metastasis, Asian Cardiovascular and Thoracic Annals October 2013, K. Al

Thagafi, O. AlAshgar, H. AlMarghrabi, A. Nasralla, M. Hussein, M. AlShehri, W. Saleh, K.

AlKattan, DOI: 10.1177/0218492313487081.

10. Integration of Scientific Research Training into Undergraduate Medical Education: A Reminder

Call, A. Abu Zaid and K. Al Kattan, Med Edu Online 2013, 18: 22832.

11. Impact of the 7th TNM Staging Lung Cancer in Surgery, Ahmed Bamousa, Khaled Al Kattan,

Journal of Infection and Public Health (2012), 5, 541 – 545.

12. Antibiotic Resistance and Serotype Distribution of Invasive Pneumococcal Disease before and After

Introduction of Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine in the KSA, Atef Shible, Ziad Memish, Khaled

Al Kattan, Vaccine 203 (2012) 632-636.

13. Abstract: Tumors of the Thymus: Report of the European Society of Thoracic Surgeons, ESTS 2012.

14. Introducing Medical Humanities in the Medical Curriculum in Saudi Arabia, A Pedagogical

Experiment, Rabie Abdul-Halim, Khaled Al Kattan, Urology Annals, May – August 2012 Vol. 4

Issue 2; 73 – 79.

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15. Khaled Al Kattan, Wael Al Kattan, Ahmed Yaqinuddin, A Model for Program Evaluation in a

Student Centered Undergraduate MBBS Program, Proceeding HEIC 2011, 247-261.

16. H ElBawab, M. Abouzeid, M. Rafay, W. Hajjar, W. Saleh, K. Al Kattan, Clinical Use of Combined

PET/CT in Thymoma Recurrence, Interactive Cardiovascular Thoracic Surgery 2010; 11: 395 – 399.

17. A. Bamousa, K. Al Kattan, Role of Surgery in Management of Nonsmall Cell Lung Cancer, Annals

of Thoracic Medicine Vol 5, Supplement, March 2010; S33-S41.

18. W. Saleh, A. Bamousa, Al-Mutairi, K. Al Kattan, Thoracic Enucleation of Esophageal Leiomyoma

in Patient with MEN I Syndrome, Annals of Thoracic Medicine – Vol. 5, Issue 1, January – March


19. K. Al Kattan, Student Centered Education, European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery (35) 2009,


20. M. Rafay, H. ElBawab, W. Kurdi, K. Al Kattan, Diaphragmatic Fenestrations in Catamanial

Pneuthorax: a Management Strategy, Asian Cardiovasvcular & Thoracic Annals 2009 Vol. 17 No. 1,

70 – 72.

21. H. ElBawab, W. Hajjar, K. Al Kattan et al, Plasmapheresis before Thymectomy in Myasthemia

Gravis Routine vs Selective Protocols, European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery 35 (2009) 392

– 397.

22. A. Bamousa, K. Al Kattan, Surgical Management of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer, Annals of

Thoracic Medicine, Vol. 3(2), 10-08, 582-588, 2008.

23. A, Dawlatly, A, Turkistani, K. Al Kattan, et al. Anesthesia for Thymectomy in Myasthemia Gravis

(report of 115 cases), MEJ Anesthesia, 19 (6) 2008, 1379 – 1386.

24. Abdelazeem Eldawlatly, Khaled Al-Kattan, Waseem Hajjar, Mohamed Mahdy: Anesthetic

Considerations of Gastro-Bronchial Fistula Repair. The Internet Journal of Anesthesiology 2007;

Volume 12 Number 1 (2008).

25. Hatem El-Bawab, Abdul Aziz Al-Surgair, Mohammed Rafay, Waseem Hajjar, Mohammed

Mahdy, Khaled Al-Kattan. Role of fluorine-18 fluorodeoxyglucose emission tomography in

thymic pathology. European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery 31 (2007): 731-736.

26. Khaled Al Kattan, Abdelazeem Eldawlatly. Anesthesia for Thoracotomy in Kartagener's

Syndrome. Internet Journal of Anesthesiology 2007; Vol 11 Number 2.

27. Khaled Al Kattan, Gamal A. Khairy, Mohammad Fouda, Amal Abdulkarim, Abdulaziz Al-

Saigh. A new era in laparoscopic surgery. Evaluation of robot-assisted laparoscopic procedures.

Saudi Med J 2005; Vol.26(5):777-780.

28. Khaled Al Kattan, M. Ashour, W. Hajjar, M. Essa. Surgical Results for Bronchiectasis Based on

Haemodynamic (Functional and Mophology) Classification; J. Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2005.


29. A. Dawlatly, Khaled Al Kattan, Waseem Hajjar, Mohammed Essa, Bilal Delvi, A. Khoja.

Anesthetic Implications for Video-Assisted Thorascopic Thymectomy in Myasthenia Gravis.

M.E.J. Anesth 2005; 18(2):339-345.

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30. Mohammed Rafay, Waseem Hajjar, Mohammed Essa, Zeyad Mahasin, Khaled Al Kattan. Slide

Tracheoplasty for Congenital Tracheal Stenosis with Glottic Stenosis. Asian Cardiovasc Thorac

Ann 2004; 12:190-192.

31. Abdelazeem El-Dawlatly, Khaled Al-Kattan, Waseem Hajjar, Yasser Medany, Abdelkareem El

Bakry. Anesthetic Considerations of Bronchocarinal Resection Anastomosis. The Internet

Journal of Anesthesiology 2004, Vol 6; No. 2.

32. Abdelazeem El-Dawlatly, Khaled Al-Kattan, Waseem Hajjar, Mohamed Essa, Bilal Delvi,

Abdulaziz Khoja. Anesthetic Implications for Video Assisted Thoracoscopic Thymectomy in

Myasthenia Gravis. The Internet Journal of Anesthesiology 2004, Vol 8; No 1.

33. Mahmoud Ashour, Waseem Hajjar, Khaled Al-Kattan, Mohammed Essa, Abed Al-Rhaman Al-

Motrafi, Ahmed Al-saddique, Abdelkareem El-Bakry. Intra-operative Heparin Release During

Lung Surgery. European Journal of Cardio-thoracic Surgery 2004; 839-843.

34. Abdelazeem El-Dawlatly, Mohamed Takrouri, Abdulkareem Elbakry, Mahmoud Ashour, Khaled

Al-Kattan, Waseem Hajjar, Abdulhakeem Al Obaid. Perioperative Management of Huge Goitre

with Compromized Airway. The Internet Journal of Anesthesiology 2003, Vol 7; No. 2.

35. Hajjar W, El Mediny Y, Al Kattan KM, et al. Esophago-broncho-cutaneous Fistulae and

Tuberculous Mediastinal Lymphadenitis. J Cardiac Sur 2003; 44:151-3.

36. Hajjar W, El Mediny Y, Ashour M, Al Kattan K. Life Threatening Complications Caused by

Bronchogenic and Esophageal Duplication Cysts in a Child. J Cardiovasc Sur 2003; 44:135-7.

37. El Dawlally A, Al Kattan K, Hajjar W, et al. Anesthetic Considerations of Bronchocarinal

Resection Anastomosis. The Internet Journal of Anesthesiology 2003; Vol 6;NZ.

38. Yasser El-Medamy, Waseem Hajjar, Mohamed Essa, Khaled Al-Kattan, Zohair Hariri,

Mahmoud Ashour. Predictors of Outcome for Myasthenia Gravis after Thymectomy. Asian

Cardiovascular & Thoracic Annals 2003, Vol 11; No. 4.

39. Mohamed Essa, Yasser El-Medany, Waseem Hajjar, Zohair Hariri, Faisal Al-Mulhim, Mustafa

Salih, Mahmoud Ashour, Khaled Al-Kattan. Maximal Thymectomy in Children with

Myasthenia Gravis. European Journal of Cardio-thoracic Surgery 2003; 24: 187-191.

40. Hajjar W, El Mediny Y, Al-Kattan KM, et al. Diagnostic Yield of Mediastinal Exploration.

Medical Principles Practitioner 2002; 31:455-458.

41. Hajjar W, El Mediny Y, Al-Kattan KM, et al. Unusual Presentation of Rib Escostosis, Annuals

of Thoracic Surgery, August 2002.

42. Al-Kattan KM, Ashour M, Hajjar W, et al. Surgery for Pulmonary Aspergilloma in Post-

Tuberculous Vs. Immuno-Compromised Patients. Eur J Cardiothoracic Surg 2001; 20: 728-733.

43. Belal A, Salah E,Hajjar W, El-Fouda M, Memon M, Ezzat A, Al-Kattan KM. Pulmonary

Metasasectomy for Soft Tissue Sarcoma – Is It Valuable? J Cardiovasc Surg 2001; 42: 835-40.

44. Al-Kattan KM. Management of Tuberculous Empyema. Eur J Cardiothor Surg 2000; 17: 251-


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45. Al-Mobeireek A, Al-Kattan KM. Coffee grounds through the chest tube. Eur Resp J 2000; 16:


46. Al-Kattan KM. Lung Transplant in Saudi Arabia: The need for An Established Program Saudi

Journal of Kidney Diseases and Transplantation 2000; 11(4): 563-566.

47. Al-Kattan KM. Thoracoscopic Surgery: Indications and Outcome. Annals of Saudi Medicine

2000; 20(2):119-121.

48. Al-Kattan KM, Al-Halees ZM, Fouda M, et al. Status of Thoracic Surgery Transplant in Saudi

Arabia. Transplant Proceedings 2000; 32:1532-1534.

49. Dawlatly, Al-Kattan KM, Hajjar W, Samarkandi AH, Takrouri MSM. Spontaneous Chylothorax.

Middle East Journal of Anesthesia 2000; 15(6): 635-642.

50. Ashour M, Al-Kattan KM, Rafay M, et al. Current Surgical Therapy for Bronchiectasis. World J

Surgery. 1999; 23: 1096-1104.

51. El-Dawlatly A, Al-Kattan KM, Hajjar A, Samarkandi AH, Takrouri MS. Spontaneous

Chylothorax: A case report. The Medical Journal of Malaysia, 1999; 54(Supp. A): 156.

52. Novick R, Stitt L, Al-Kattan KM, et al. Pulmonary retransplantation: Predictors of graft function

and survival in 230 patients. Ann Thorac Surg 1998; 65: 227-234.

53. Al-Kattan KM, Rafay M, Al-Sawaf H, Ishaque N, Hajjar N, Ashour M. Surgery in tuberculous and

post tuberculous empyema. Second International Congress of Thoracic Surgery. Editrice

Compositori, 1998: 29-32.

54. Al-Kattan KM, Ashour M, Rafay M, Hajjar W. Late results of maximal thymectomy for

myasthenia gravis. Second International Congress of Thoracic Surgery. Editrice Compositori,

1998: 233-235.

55. Jain SK, Al-Kattan KM, Hamdy MG. Spontaneous pneumothorax: determinants of surgical

Intervention. J Cardiovasc Surg 1998; 39(1): 107-111.

56. Al-Kattan KM, Sepsas E, Townsend ER, Fountain SW. Influence of nodal involvement in resected

esophageal carcinoma. International Congress of Thoracic Surgery. Monduzzi Editore 1997: 399-


57. Al-Kattan KM, Simonds A, Chung KF, Kaplan DK. Kyphoscoliosis and bronchial torsion. Chest

1997; 111: 1134-1136.

58. Al-Kattan KM, Tadjkarimi S, Eren T, Khaghani A. Medium term results of direct bronchial aretial

revascularization using IMA for single lung transplantation. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg 1997; 11:1030-


59. Al-Kattan KM, Sepsas E, Fountain SW, Townsend ER. Disease recurrence after resection for stage

I lung cancer. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg 1997; 12: 380-384.

60. Mikhail G, Al-Kattan KM, Banner N, Mitchell A, Radley-Smith R, Khaghani A, Yacoub M. Long-

term results of heart-lung transplantation for pulmonary hypertension. Transplantation Proceedings

1997; 29: 633.

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61. Al-Majed S, Ashour M, Al-Mobeireek A, Al-Hajjaj M, Al-Zeer A, Al-Kattan KM. Overlooked

inhaled foreign bodies: late sequelae and the likelihood of recovery. Respir Med 1997; 91: 293-296.

62. Khaghani A, Al-Kattan KM, Tadjkarimi S, Banner N, Yacoub M. Early experience with single

lung transplantation for emphysema with simultaneous volume reduction of the contralateral lung.

Eur J Cardiothorac Surg 1997; 11: 604-608.

63. Al-Kattan KM, Pleural abrasion techniques in management of pneumothorax. International

congress of Thoracic surgery. Monduzzi Editore 1997: 347-350.

64. Ashour M, Al-Kattan KM, Jain SK, Al-Majed S, Al-Kassimi F, Mobaireek A, Al-Hajjaj M, Al-

Zear A. Surgery for unilateral bronchiactasis: results and prognostic factors. Tubercle and Lung

Disease 1996; 77: 168-172.

65. Ashour M, Al-Kattan KM, Rafay M, El-Bakry A, Al-Serhani A, El-Dawalatly A, Naguib M, Seraj

M, Johargy I. Surgery for post-intubation tracheal and tracheosubglottic stenotic lesions. Ann Saudi

Med 1996; 16(5): 545-549.

66. Asboe D, Fisher M, Nelson MR, Kaplan DK, Al-Kattan KM, Gazzard BG. Pneumothorax in AIDS:

Case reviews and proposed clinical management. Genitourin Med 1996; 72: 258-260.

67. Al-Kattan KM, Sepsas E, Townsend ER, Fountain SW. Factors affecting long term survival

following resection for lung cancer. Thorax 1996; 51: 1266-1269.

68. Al-Kattan KM, Pattern of survival and functional results of single lung transplantation for

obliterative bronchiolitis. J Heart Lung Transplant 1996; 15: S69-73.

69. Al-Kattan KM, Tadjkarimi S, Cox A, Banner N, Khagani A, Yacoub M. Evaluation of the long-

term results of single lung versus heart lung transplantation for emphysema. J Heart Lung Transplant

1995; 14: 824-831.

70. Al-Kattan KM, Cattalani L, Goldstraw P. Bronchopleural Fistula After Pneumonectomy for Lung

Cancer. Eur J Cardio Thorac Surg 1995; 9: 479-482.

71. Al-Kattan KM, Goldstraw P. Completion Pneumonectomy: Indications and outcome. J Thorac

Cardiovasc Surg 1995; 110: 1125-1129.

72. Ashour MA, Al-Kattan KM, Jain SK, et al. Surgery of oesophageal carcinoma, experience at King

Khalid University Hospital, Riyadh. J R Coll Surg Edin 1995; 40: 215-218.

73. Ashour M, Jain SK, Al-Kattan KM, et al. Maximal Thymectomy for Myasthenia Graves. Eur J

Cardio Thorac Surg. 1995; 9: 461-464.

74. Al-Kattan KM, Breach N, Kaplan D, Goldstraw P. Soft Tissue Reconstruction in Thoracic Surgery.

Ann Thorac Surg 1995; 60: 1372-1375.

75. Al-Kattan KM. International Symposium (Pulmonary Medicine Update) Dec. 1995; King Fahad

National Guard Hospital, Riyadh, SA.

76. Al-Kattan KM, Cattalani L, Goldstraw P. Bronchopleural fistula after pneumonectomy with a hand

suture technique. Ann Thorac Surg 1994; 58: 1433-1436.

77. Al-Kattan KM, Kaplan DK, Goldstraw P. The Non-Functioning pleuro-peritoneal shunt: Revise or

Replace? Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 1994; 42: 310-312.

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78. Khagani A, Tadjkarimi S, Al-Kattan K, et al. Wrapping the anastomosis with omentum or an

internal mammary artery pedicle does not improve bronchial healing after single lung

transplantation: Results of a randomised clinical trial. J Heart Lung Transplant 1994; 13: 767-737.

79. Sepsas E, Al-Kattan KM, Townsend ER, Fountain SW. Five year survival after resection for

primary non-small cell lung carcinoma. International congress for lung cancer. Ed. Antypas G,

Athens, Greece, 1994: 385-387.

80. Al-Saleh MS, Al-Kattan KM. Incidence of Carcinoma in Multi-Nodular Goiter in Saudi Arabia. J

R Coll Edinb 1994; 39: 106-108.

81. Al-Kattan KM, Petrou M, Kaplan D, Goldstraw P. Management of pleural effusions.

Thoracoscopic Symposium, September 1993, London, United Kingdom, Thorax 1993.

82. Al-Qasabi QO, Sporrong B, Al-Meshari A, Al-Kattan KM. Rupture of splenic artery aneurysm

during labour and postpartum. Saudi Med J 1993; 14: 62-64.

83. Al-Dohayan A, Al-Sebayel MA, Shibl A, Al-Kattan KM, Al-Saleh MS. Comparative study of

Augmentin versus Metronidazole/Gentamicin in the prevention of infections after appendectomy.

Eur Surg Res 1993; 25: 60-64.

84. Ashour MH, Jain SK, Al-Kattan KM, El-Bakry A, Khoshim M, Meshael FM.. Massive

Haemoptysis Caused by Congenital Absence of a Segment of Inferior Vena Cava. Thorax 1993; 48:



1. Molecular Pattern of Lung Cancer 2013. (SR250, 000.00)

2. Lung Cancer Academy 2013. (SR250,000.00)


1. W.Saleh, M.Ashour, K.Alkattan, M.Hussein, A.Alshammari. Pulmonary Metastatectomy: A

Report from a Tertiary Care Center (A Retrospective Study) RAC#2151-047, Ref# ORA/0827/36

dated 24 August 2015

2. M.Alamassi, M.Ashour, K.Alkattan, W.Saleh, M.Rafay, M.Hussein, H.Robaidi, Y.Tulba. Intra-

Operative Insertion of Paravertebral Catheter for Continuous Post Thoracotomy Analgesia (A

Retrospective Study) RAC#2151-043 Ref#ORA/0754/36 dated 22 July 2015

3. M.Rafay, K.Alkattan. Feasibility of Minimally Invasive Sub-xiphoid Mediastinoscopu as an

Alternative Approach to Chamberlain Procedure. RAC#2151-036, Ref#ORA/037/36 dated 03

March 2015.

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4. W.Saleh, M.Ashour, K.Alkattan. Animal Workshop on Tracheal and Esophageal Surgeries.

ACUC#2151-001, Ref#ORA/0165/36 dated, 06 January 2015

5. Hussein M., AlJehani Y., Saleh W., AlThagafi K., Ashour M., AlKattan K. Impact of Prolonged

Ventilated on Outcome after Lung Transplantation: Short Term Results in a Single Center

Experience. For RAC and Publication Submission.

6. AlThagafi K., AlKattan K., Hussein M., AlRobaidi H., AlMaghrabi H., AlAshgar O., Nasralla A.

Risk Factors for Non-Images Malignant Pulmonary Nodules in Patients who underwent

Metastatectomy. RAC Approved – October 2012, RAC# 2121 123.

7. AlThagafi K., AlAshgar O., AlMaghrabi H., AlShehri A., Nasralla A., Hussein M., Saleh W.,

AlKattan K. The Incidence of Extra Pulmonary Malignant Noduels when Comparing Pre-

Operative CT Imaging and Intra- Operative Lung Palpation. RAC Approved – October 2012, RAC#

2121 124.


8. Al-Kattan KM, Samuel L, Toribio M, Conville M. Infectious Control Manual. King Saud

University Hospitals. Edited by: Al-Eissa Y. Reviewed by: Haque K, Akande E, Chowdhury M,

Kambal A.

9. Al-Kattan KM. Lung Transplantation. Arabic article. Al-Thagafiah. Saudi Cultural Office,

London, United Kingdom, 1994; 1: 26-27.


1. Best Poster Presentation – 23 European Conference on General Thoracic Surgery Titled “

Endobronchial Rupture of Hydatid Cyst, Lisbon, Portugal, 31 May 2015 – 03 June 2015

2. “Results of Prolonged Ventilated Donors on Lung Transplant”, 21 European Society of Thoracic

Surgeons (ESTS), Birmingham, UK, 26 – 29 May 2013. (23 CME HOURS).

3. “History of Thoracoscopic Surgery in Saudi Arabia”, 11th Endoscopic and Laparoscopic Surgery of

Asia (ELSA), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 12 – 13 December 2012. (30 CME HOURS)

4. Speaker, “Lung Biopsy in the ERA of Target Therapy”, International Surgical Oncology Conference,

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 06 – 08 November 2012. (22 CME HOURS) (34 AACME)

5. Invited Speaker on Surgical for Lung Cancer, MENA Curriculum for Lung Cancer (Recorded).

Middle East and North America (MENA) NCCN Regional Meeting, Doha, Qatar, 26 – 28 January


6. Student Centered Universities, International Exhibition of Higher Education, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia,

17 – 20 April 2012.

7. Update on Surgery for Bronchiactasis, International Surgical Congress, Riyadh Military Hospital,

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 26 – 28 March 2012.

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8. Speaker, “Surgery for Cystic Fibrosis”, Cystic Fibrosis Worldwide Middle East Conference, Riyadh,

Saudi Arabia, 05 – 07 December 2011.

9. Endocbronchial Rupture of Hydatid Cyst: Risks and Possible Mechanism, Society of Thoracic

Surgery (STS), 47th Annual Meeting, San Diego, California, USA, 31 January – 02 February 2011.

10. K. Al Kattan, Research Advisory Council, Co-Investigators, Advances in Non-Small Cell Cancer,

Multi Centric European Study with King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre, 2009.

11. K. Al Kattan, Student Centered Education, European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery (35) 2009,


12. Clinical Use of Combined PET/CT in Recurrence of Thymoma, Society of Thoracic Surgery, San

Francisco, California, USA, 26 – 28 January 2009.

13. Surgery for Multi-Segmental Bronchiectasis, STS, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 18 – 20 March 2008.

14. Plasnapheresis before Thymectomy in Myasthemia Gravis Routine vs. Selective Protocol, 22nd

Meeting of European Association of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Lisbon, Portugal, 13 – 17 September


15. Anesthetic Considerations of Gastro-Bronchial Fistula Repair, The Internet Journal

Anesthesiology, 2007.

16. Surgical Results for Bronchiactasis Based on Hemodynamic Classification. American Association

for Thoracic Surgery. San Francisco, USA. 10-13 April 2005.

17. Robotics in Thoracic Surgery. The International Minimally Invasive, Laparoscopic, Robotics

Surgery Symposium. Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. 20-22 September 2004.Thoracic Society of

Dysphagia. The XXI Oral Seminar on Dysphagia, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 25 May 2004.

18. Update on Management of Lung Cancer. 2nd Annual Meeting of the Saudi Thoracic Society,

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 24-26 February 2004.

19. Surgical Management of Bronchogenic Cysts: 15 Years Experience. The 7th Annual Meeting of

the Arab Thoracic Association, Beirut, Lebanon, 09-12 October 2003.

20. The Role of Surgery in the Management of TB. The 7th Annual Meeting of the Arab Thoracic

Association, Beirut, Lebanon, 09-12 October 2003.

21. Controversy in New Staging of Lung Cancer. The Pan-Arab Chest Society, Damascus, Syria.

October 2002.

22. Predictors of Outcome in Myasthenia Gravis. Annual Meeting of the European Society of

Thoracic Surgery, October 2002.

23. Maximal Thymectomy in Children with Myasthemia Gravis, 16th Annual Meeting of the European

Association for Cardiothoracic Surgery, Monaco-France, 22-25 September 2002.

24. Non-Metastic Chest Wall Ewing’s Sarcoma Family Tumor (ESFT) in Adult: A Subgroup with

Favorable Outcome. 38th Annual Meeting of the ASCO (American Society of Clinical Oncology),

Orlando, Florida, USA, 18-21 May 2002.

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25. Current Surgery Bronchiactasis. 8th Annual Meeting of the Egyptian Society of Cardiothoracic

Surgery, Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt, 15-18 March 2001.

26. Surgery for fungal infection. 4th Conference of the Pan-Arab Chest Society, Dubai, United Arab

Emirates, 03-07 November 2000.

27. Surgery for bronchiectasis. Treatment of aspergillus infection. 2nd Mediterranean Congress of

Thoracic Diseases, Beirut, Lebanon, 19-21 October 2000.

28. Surgery for pulmonary aspergilloma in post tuberculous vesus immuno-compromised patients.

14th Annual Meeting of the European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery, Frankfurt,

Germany, 07-11 October 2000.

29. Current issues and future problems of thoracic transplantation in the Middle East. VII International

Congress of the Middle East Society for Organ Transplantation, Beirut, Lebanon, 08-11 June 2000.

30. Pneumonectomy for tuberculosis. The 42nd International Congress of the Egyptian Medical Society

of Chest Disease and Tuberculosis, Cairo, Egypt, 28-30 March 2000.

31. Thorascopic surgery: an overview. Symposium of Laparoscopic Surgery. King Saud University,

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 22-24 February 2000.

32. Pulmonary metastasectomy for sarcoma. Egyptian Cardiothoracic Association, Cairo, Egypt, 08- 11

February 2000.

33. Current surgical therapy on bronchiectasis. The IASLC-WAB Joint International Conference on

Lung Cancer and Thoraco-Pulmonology, Genoa, Italy, 26-28 November 1999.

34. Diagnostic yields of mediastinal exploration. 3rd International Conference of the Arabia Thoracic

Association (ATA), Amman, Jordan, 07-10 November 1999.

35. Thorascopic surgery: Indications and outcome. 3rd International Conference of the Arabia. Thoracic

Association (ATA), Amman, Jordan, 07-10 November 1999.

36. Status of thoracic organ transplantation in Saudi Arabia. 6th Congress of the Asian Society of

Transplantation, Singapore, 20-24 September 1999.

37. Management of tuberculous empyema. The 13th Annual Meeting of the European Association for

Cardio-Thoracic Surgery, Glasgow, Scotland, 04-09 September 1999.

38. The Need for Lung Transplantation in Middle East. Annual International Scientific Conference of

the Egyptian Society of Chest Diseases and Tuberculosis. Alexandria, Egypt, 30 June-02 July 1999.

39. Surgery in tuberculous and post tuberculous empyema. Second Pan-Arab Thoracic Surgery

Meeting, Cairo, Egypt, 03-06 November 1998.

40. Late results of maximal thymectomy for myasthenia gravis. Second Pan-Arab Thoracic Surgery

Meeting, Cairo, Egypt, 03-06 November 1998.

41. Pneumonectomy for tuberculosis. The First Thoracic Surgery Symposium in Saudi Arabia, King

Khalid University Hospital, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 22-23 February 1998.

42. VATS Indications & Outcome. The First Thoracic Surgery Symposium in Saudi Arabia, King

Khalid University Hospital, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 22-23 February 1998.

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43. Lung transplantation: The need for an established program. The First GCC Organ Transplantation

Congress, Abu Dhabi, UAE, 17-19 February 1998.

44. Pulmonary metastasectomy, Towards a new classification. The 8th Pan-Arab Surgical Congress,

Beirut, Lebanon, 11-13 September 1997.

45. Lung volume reduction surgery. The 8th Pan-Arab Surgical Congress, 11-13 September 1997,

Beirut, Lebanon, 11-13 September 1997.

46. Pleural abrasion techniques in management of pneumothorax. 1st International Congress of

Thoracic Surgery, Athens, Greece, 01-08 July 1997.

47. Influence of nodal involvement in resected esophageal carcinoma. 1st International Congress of

Thoracic Surgery, Athens, Greece, 01-08 July 1997.

48. Pulmonary retransplantation: Predictors of graft function and survival in 230 patients. Presented

by R. J. Novick. 17th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Heart and Lung

Transplantation, London, England, 2-5 April 1997.

49. Pneumonectomy for tuberculosis. European Conference of Cardio-Thoracic surgery. Prague, Czech

Republic, 06-09 October 1996.

50. Disease recurrence after resection for stage I lung cancer. European Conference of Cardio-

Thoracic surgery. Prague, Czech Republic, 06-09 October 1996.

51. The role of Cryotherapy for air way complications after lung and heart-lung transplantation.

European Conference of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery, Prague, Czech Republic, 06-09 October 1996.

52. Long-term results of heart lung transplant for pulmonary hypertension. The XVI international

Congress of the Transplantation Society, Barcelona, Spain, 25-30 August 1996.

53. Pattern of survival and functional results of single lung transplantation for obliterative bronchiolitis.

16th International Meeting of the Society of Heart and Lung Transplantation, New York, March


54. Single lung transplantation with direct revascularization of the bronchial artery using the IMA.

European conference of Cardio-thoracic Surgery, Paris, September 1995.

55. Factors influencing long term survival following resection for bronchial carcinoma. British Society

of Cardiothoracic Surgery. Loughborough. United Kingdom. March 1995.

56. Thymoma: A comparison between surgical and pathological classification in predicting prognosis.

The British Thoracic Society, London. United Kingdom, December 1994.

57. Factors influencing long-term survival following resection for bronchial carcinoma. British Society

of Cardiothoracic Surgery. London. United Kingdom, December 1994.

58. Factors affecting long-term survival after resection for carcinoma oesophagus. 2nd European

Conference on Thoracic Surgery, Sienna, Italy, October 1994.

59. Completion pneumonectomy. Indications and outcome. 2nd European Conference on General

Thoracic Surgery, Sienna, Italy, October 1994.

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60. Pulmonary Metastasectomy for Soft Tissue Sarcoma. British Oncological Association, Guildford,

United Kingdom, July 1994.

61. Completion Pneumonectomy. Indications and outcome. 7th World Conference on Lung Cancer,

Colorado Springs, USA, June 1994.

62. Completion Pneumonectomy: Indications and Outcome. British Society of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery,

Norwich, United Kingdom, March 1994.

63. Evaluation of the long-term results of single lung versus heart lung transplantation for emphysema.

14th International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation, Venice, Italy, March 1994.

64. Soft Tissue Reconstruction in Thoracic Surgery. British Society of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery.

Norwich. United Kingdom, March 1994.

65. Bronchopleural Fistula after Pneumonectomy for Lung Cancer. European Conference of General

Thoracic Surgery, Heidelberg, Germany, November 1993.

66. Pulmonary Metastasectomy for Soft Tissue Sarcoma. European Respiratory Society. Florence, Italy,

September 1993.

67. Surgical Pleurectomy for Pneumothorax Secondary to Pneumo-Cystic Carinii Pneumonia in

AIDS: British Cardio-Thoracic meeting. Bristol, United Kingdom, March 1993.

68. Carcinoma in Multinodular Goiter. International Symposium on Thyroid Gland, Riyadh, Saudi

Arabia, January 1990.


1. Speaker, Saudi International Health Forum – “Supporting Standardization in Medical Education

and Expanding Measures in Healthcare Practice to Reduce Medical Errors” Jeddah, 20-22 March


2. Speaker, Video Assisted Thoracic Surgery (VATS) – Lobectomy Masterclass Post-Op

Complication in Old Technique Compared to Stapling in Bronchopleural Fistula, Dubai, 9 March


3. Speaker, “Minimally Invasive CT-Surgery, Lecture – VATS in Saudi Arabia”, Qatar, 7-8

November 2015.

4. Speaker, “Difficult to Treat Cancer Cases, Riyadh Saudi Arabia, 31 October 2015.

5. Speaker, Lung Cancer Academy Annual Course “Role of Surgery in Metastatic Disease” 17

October 2015.

6. Instructor – 1st Thoracic Round Table Meeting and Animal Workshop Thoracoscopic Lobectomy.

Shargh, 22 May 2015.

7. Lung Cancer Work-up and Staging in Lung Cancer, Master Class, Dubai, 15-16 May 2015

8. Thoracic Oncology Forum 2015, Jeddah, KSA, 9 May 2015.

9. TB Summit 2015 “Role of Surgery in Active TB, Riyadh KSA, 24-26 March 2015. (18 CME)

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10. Speaker/Lecturer – The Animal Workshop of the Trachea and Lung Surgeries, Comparative

Medicine, KFSH&RC-Riyadh, 10 January 2015. (5CME)

11. Saudi International Medical Education Conference, Buraidah, KSA, 24-27 November 2014


12. 1st Annual Lung Cancer Academy, Riyadh, KSA, 26-27 October 2014 (15 CME)

13. Potential Curable Stage IV Lung Cancer. Dubai Gulf Thoracic, March 15, 2014.

14. Surgery for active tuberculosis, 55th International Congress of Egyptian Society of Chest Diseases,

Cairo, Egypt, 25-28 March 2014.

15. Guideline for Mediastinal Staging, 20th Conference of Egyptian Society of Cardio-Thoracic

Surgery, Luxor, Egypt, April 2014 (20 CME).

16. Mediastinal Staging Guidelines, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 09 May 2014 (4 CME).

17. Mediastinal Staging, Arab Association of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery, Dubai, 04-06 September 2014

(16 CME).

18. Paper discussion, 27th Annual Meeting of European Association of Cardiothoracic Surgery,

Vienna, Austria, 05 – 09 October 2013 (26 CME HOURS).

19. Thoracic Surgery Club Meeting, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 24 September 2013 (1 CME HOURS).

20. Management of Malignant Mesothelioma, 21st European Society of Thoracic Surgeons (ESTS),

Birmingham, UK, 26 May 2013. (23 CME HOURS).

21. Updated Role of Surgery in NSCLC, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 01 April 2013.

22. Tracheal Tumors Update on Management, Gulf Thoracic Congress 2013, Dubai, UAE, 13 = 16

March 2013 (20 CME HOURS).

23. History of Thorascopic Surgery in Saudi Arabia, 11th Asia Congress of Endoscopic &

Laparoscopic Surgery (ELSA), Marriott Hotel, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 12 – 13 December 2012.

24. Surgery for Non CF Bronchiactasis, The 2nd Annual Congress of the Saudi Thoracic Society &

The Emirates Allergy and Respiratory Society, Gulf Thoracic, Dubai 2011, The Ritz-Carlton,

Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC), Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 16 – 19 March 2011.

25. Student Centered University, Higher Education International University, Beirut, Lebanon, 31

October – 02 November 2011.

26. Speaker, Workshop on Lung Cancer Staging, 2nd International Thoracic Oncology Conference,

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 03 – 04 November 2010.

27. Presentation of Case. Chest Club, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 14 June 2010.

28. Update on Lung Cancer. 1st International Respiratory Disease Conference, Le Meridian Hotel, Al

Khobar, Saudi Arabia, 08 – 10 June 2010.

29. New Staging in Lung Cancer. 17th Egyptian Society of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Cairo, Egypt, 23 –

25 March 2010.

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30. Surgery for Multisegment Mental Bronchiectasis. Gulf Thoracic 2010, Beach Rotana Hotel, Abu

Dhabi, UAE, 17 – 20 March 2010.

31. Speaker, Chair of Health Session, Jeddah Economic Forum, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, 13 – 16

February 2010.

32. Attended, 5th Annual General Surgery Conference, King Khalid University Hospital, 06-08

February 2010.

33. Chair, Scientific Session 1: Upper GI/Thoracic Surgery, 1st Saudi Surgical Research and

Resident’s Day, Four Seasons Hotel, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 04 February 2010.

34. Speaker, Kingdom Expansion Projects, Expansion Summit, Al Faisaliah Hotel, Riyadh, Saudi

Arabia, 09 – 10 November 2009.

35. Speaker, Broncho-Plueral Fistula, Advances in Thoracic, Surgery, “Advances in Thoracic Surgery”,

Bromton Hospital – London, UK, 05 – 06 November 2009.

36. Speaker, Medical Education Club, Lecture: Student Centered Education, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia,

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 10 May 2009.

37. Speaker, 2nd International Conference Clinical Oncology, “ Update Lung Cancer Staging”, Riyadh,

Saudi Arabia, 02 – 04 May 2009.

38. Speaker, 3rd RMH Symposium Update in Surgery, “Surgery for Active Tubercolosis”, 28 – 30 March

2009, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

39. Speaker, 51st International Egyptian Society of Chest Diseases and Tubercolosis, “Role of Surgery in

Tuberculosis”. 24 – 27 March 2009, Cairo, Egypt

40. Chairman, 7th Saudi Thoracic Society, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 17 – 19 March 2009.

41. Surgery for Multi-Segmental Bronchiectasis, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 18 – 20 March 2008.

42. Surgery for Active TB, The 4th Annual Scientific Conference of the Saudi Thoracic Society and the

10th Arab Thoracic Association Meeting, King Khalid National Guard Hospital, Jeddah, Saudi

Arabia, 19 – 21 September 2006.

43. First Saudi European Medical Meeting, 16 – 18 September 2006.

44. 3rd ESTS Spring Meeting on General Thoracic Surgery, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 12 – 13 May 2006.

45. 6th Annual Research Conference, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 27 April 2006.

46. Surgery for Paediatric Airway. Paediatric Airway Surgery Course. King Abdulaziz Medical City,

Riyadh, 11-12 February 2006.

47. Speaker, Saudi Medical Journal 2003 – 2005, awarded appreciation as speaker, 01 January 2006.

48. Multimodality Therapy for Thymic Tumor. Cancer of Lung and Mediastinam, Kuwait, 14-16

November 2005.

49. Is Surgery Enough for Early Stage Lung Cancer. Middle East Cancer Congress, COMO, Lebanon,

Beirut, 25-27 August 2005.

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50. Adjuvant Therapy in Early Lung Cancer. Saudi Thoracic Society Meeting. Al-Khobar, Saudi Arabia.

26-28 April 2005.

51. Surgery of Multi-drug Resistant Tuberculosis. International Tuberculosis Workshop. Riyadh, Saudi

Arabia. 16 March 2005.

52. Surgery for Bronchogenic Carcinoma. Pan Arab Thoracic Association and Mediterranean Union of

Thoracic Pathology. Alexandria, Egypt. 25-27 November 2004.

53. The XXI ORL Seminar on Dysphagia: Diagnosis & Management, KKUH, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 25

May 2004

54. Saudi Thoracic Society, Club Meeting, 12 April 2004.

55. Early Experience with Robotic Technology in Thoracic Surgery. 11th Egyptian Society of

Cardiothoracic Surgery, Cairo, Egypt, 31 March – 02 April 2004.

56. Surgery for Early Stage Lung Cancer – Is It Enough? International Symposium on Lung Cancer, 16-

17 March 2004.

57. The 2nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Saudi Thoracic Society, 24 – 26 February 2004.

58. 7th Annual Meeting of the Arab Thoracic Association / 2003 Annual Meeting of the Lebanese

Pulmonary Society, Lebanon, 09 – 12 October 2003.

59. Surgery for Pediatric Airway Disease. The 16th Annual Meeting of Egyptian Society of Cardio

Thoracic Surgery. Cairo, Egypt, 20-22 February 2003.

60. Surgery for Pulmonary Aspergilloma in Post TB patients, The 9th Annual Meeting of Egyptian

Society of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Alexandria, Egypt, May 01-03, 2002.

61. Role of Surgery in Active Pulmonary Tuberculosis. 24th International Union Against TB and Lung

Disease (IUATLD). Khartoom, Sudan, 20-23, January 2002.

62. Surgery for Paediatric Airway Disease. The XVII Oral Seminar on Pediatric Airway Riyadh, SA, 27

December 2001.

63. 5th International Conference of the Arab Thoracic Association Controversy of TNM Classification

for Lung Cancer. Tunis, Tunisia, 08-10 November 2001.

64. Mini-Invasive Thoracic Surgery. XX National ACOI Congress. International Meeting of Minimally

Invasive Surgery. Modena, Italy, 20 April 2001.

65. Surgery for pulmonary aspergilloma in post-tuberculosis versus immuno-compromised patients. 43rd

International Conference of the Egyptian Society of Chest Disease and Tuberculosis, Cairo, Egypt,

27-30 March 2001.

66. Current therapy for bronchiectasis. Joint Conference of the International Association of the Study of

Lung Cancer (IASLC) and The World Association of Bronchology (WAB), Genoa, Italy, 25-28

November 1999.

67. Status of thoracic organ transplantation in Saudi Arabia. 6th Congress of the Asian Society of

Transplantation, Singapore, 20-24 September 1999.

68. Flail Chest. The First Trauma Symposium in Jubail, Saudi Arabia, 14-16 April 1999.

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69. Chest Trauma. Fifth Scientific Meeting of the Saudi Anaesthetic Association - Trauma

Anaesthesia and Critical Care, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, 02-04 March 1999.

70. Lung Transplantation: The need for an established program. Second International Symposium in

Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 22-23 February 1999.

71. Thymectomy for myasthenia gravis. Sixth Annual Congress of the Egyptian Society of

Cardiothoracic Surgery, Cairo, Egypt, 7-12 February 1999.

72. Pulmonary metastasectomy. Sixth Annual Congress of the Egyptian Society of Cardiothoracic

Surgery, Cairo, Egypt, 07-12 February 1999.

73. Surgery in tuberculous and post tuberculous empyema. Second International Congress of

Thoracic Surgery, Bologna, Italy, 24-26 June 1998.

74. Late results of maximal thymectomy for myasthenia gravis. Second International Congress of

Thoracic Surgery, Bologna, Italy, 24-26 June 1998.

75. New staging of lung cancer. First Mediterranean Congress of Thoracic Diseases, Cartage, Tunisia,

04-06 June 1998.

76. Lung Cancer: Is There a Silver Lining? Recent Advances in Pulmonary and Critical Care

Medicine, King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 09-11 April



1. Saudi International Medical Education Conference (SIMEC), Alfaisal University, Riyadh, 10-12

April 2016.

2. American College of Physician (ACP), Riyadh, 8-9 April 2016

3. Faculty & Attended, Gulf Thoracic, “VATS Lobectomy Masteclass” Grand Hyatt Hotel, Dubai,

UAE, 9-12 March 2016 (20 CME).

4. Saudi Lung Cancer Association, Riyadh, 29 February 2016 (1 CME).

5. 15th Annual Research Day, Session Chair, KFSH&RC, Riyadh, 26 November 2015 (5 CME)

6. Cystic Fibrosis Conference, Chair Session, KFSHRC, Riyadh, 3-5 November 2015 (20 CME)

7. Saudi Lung Cancer Association, Montly Meeting, Riyadh, 26 October 2015.

8. The Second Annual Science Day, Riyadh, 28 October 2015.

9. British Medical Journal (BMJ) Workshop: From Research to Publication, Riyadh, 15 October


10. 29th European Association of CardioThoracic Surgery (EACTS) Annual Meeting, Amsterdam.

4-7 October 2015.

11. 8th Saudi Pulmonary Hypertension Meeting, Abu Dhabi, 10-11 May 2015

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12. Gulf Thoracic Conference, Dubai, 4-7 March 2015 (30CME)

13. 7th Medical Career Day, Taif, KSA, 3-5 February 2015 (5 CME).

14. 1st American College Physician, Saudi Chapter, Riyadh, KSA, 22-23 October 2014 (20 CME).

15. 14th Annual Surgical Research Day, KFSHRC-Riyadh, 06 November 2014 (6CME).

16. 28th European Conference of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery, (EACTS), Milano Italy, 11-15 Oct 2014

(23 CME)

17. 22nd European Conference on General Thoracic Surgery, Copenhagen Denmark, 15-18 June

2014 (21 CME)

18. 7th Annual Pulmonary Hypertension Meeting, Muscat Oman, 01-03 May 2014 (20 CME).

19. Guideline for Mediastinal Staging, 20th Conference of Egyptian Society of Cardio-Thoracic

Surgery, Luxor, Egypt, April 2014.

20. Gulf Thoracic, Dubai, 13-15 March 2014 (30 CME).

21. 13th Annual Surgical Research Day, King King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Center,

Riyadh, 08 December 2013 (5 CME).

22. Pulmonary Hypertension Forum, King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Center, Riyadh,

23. 02-04 December 2013 (23 CME).

24. 2nd World Congress of World Society of Cardiothoracic Surgeons , Split-Croatia, 12 – 15

September 2013 (20 CME HOURS).

25. 21st European Society of Thoracic Surgeons (ESTS), Birmingham, UK, 26 – 29 May 2013. (23


26. Chest Club Meeting, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 13 May 2013 (1 CME HOURS).

27. Preparing Talented Students in Higher Education, Mowheba, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 12 May


28. Current Updates on Pathology of Lung Tumors, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 06 May 2013 (10 CME


29. Lung Cancer Meeting, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 02 April 2013 (1 CME HOURS).

30. Session Chair and Organizing Committee, Saudi International Congress on New Frontiers in

Organ Transplantation, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 04 – 07 March 2013. (30 CME HOURS).

31. The 10th Annual Learning and Technology Conference, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, 25 – 26 February


32. Chair and Attended, Surgery of Trachea from Resection to Transplantation, King Faisal

Specialist Hospital & Research Centre – Riyadh, 21 February 2013 (10 CME HOURS)

33. Chest Club Meeting, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 11 February 2013 (1 CME HOURS).

34. Update on Management of Mesothelioma, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 28 January 2013. (2 CME


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35. Chair and Attended, State of the Art Pediatrics International Conference, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia,

02 – 04 December 2012. (25 CME HOURS)

36. Riyadh Medical Education Club: Changes in Health Care Impact on Preparing Students and

Resident by Prof. Constance, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 02 December 2012.

37. Saudi Lung Cancer Group: Tissue Management Plan in Lung Cancer, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 26

November 2012. (1 CME HOURS)

38. European Cardiothoracic Meeting, Barcelona, Spain, 29 – 31 October 2012. (24 CME HOURS)

39. Chest Club Meeting, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 08 October 2012. (1 CME HOURS)

40. Chest Club Meeting, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 17 September 2012.

41. 20th European Conference on General Thoracic Surgery, Essen, Germany, 10 – 13 June 2012.

42. SIMEC: Saudi International Medical Education Conference, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 17 – 20 April


43. 5th Saudi Association of Pulmonary Hypertension, Istanbul, Turley, 24 - 27 April 2012.

44. The International Workshop in Higher Education, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 17 – 20 April 2012.

45. The Institute for Medical Simulation, Harvard Course, 02 – 07 April 2012.

46. The Gulf Thoracic 2012, Dubai, 15 – 17 March 2012.

47. The National Cancer Comprehensive Network (NCCN) Meeting, Doha, Qatar, 26 – 28 January


48. Expanding Treatment for Thoracic Malignancy, Kuwait, 14 – 16 January 2012.

49. Cystic Fibrosis Worldwide Conference, King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre

(KFSH&RC), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 05 – 07 December 2011.

50. 25th European Association of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery (EACTS), Lisbon, Portugal, 01 – 05

October 2011.

51. 14th World Conference on Lung Cancer (IASLC), Amsterdam, Netherlands, 03 – 07 July 2011.

52. 19th Conference of European on General Thoracic Surgery, Marseille, France, 05 – 08 June 2011.

53. 3rd Collaborative Symposium on General Thoracic Surgery ESTS-AATS-STS-JACS Post-

Graduate Course, Marseille, France, 05 June 2011.

54. Attended, Chest Club Meeting, 09 May 2011.

55. Basic Life Support Provider, Saudi Heart Association (SHA), 09 January 2011.

56. 2nd International Thoracic Oncology Conference, Chairperson, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 03 – 04

November 2010.

57. Postgraduate Course held in conjunction with the 23rd Annual Meeting at Austria, Vienna,

Austria, 18 October 2010.

58. Attended, Chest Club Meeting, 11 October 2010.

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59. Paed and Adolescent Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension Workshop, King Faisal Specialist

Hospital & Research Centre, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 15 – 16 June 2010.

60. 18th European Conference on General Thoracic Surgery, Valladolid, Spain, 30 May – 2 June


61. 2nd Collaborative Symposium on General Thoracic Surgery ESTS-AATA-STS, Valladolid,

Spain, 30 May 2010.

62. 90th Annual Meeting of the American Association for Thoracic Surgeon, Metro Toronto

Convention Centre, Toronto, ON, Canada, 03 – 05 May 2010. 21.5 CME hours.

63. Post Graduate Course in General Thoracic Surgery for AATS, Toronto, Canada, 02 May 2010.

64. Experimental Biology 2010, The Anaheim Convention Center, Anaheim, California, USA, 24 –

28 April 2010.

65. 30th International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation, Chicago, USA, 20 – 24 April


66. Attended, 17th Annual Meeting of the Egyptian Society of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Zamalik,

Egypt, 23 – 26 March 2010,

67. Attended, Gulf Thoracic 2010, Beach Rotana Hotel, Abu Dhabi, UAE, 17 – 20 March 2010.

68. Organizing Committee and Chairman Session, 1st Middle East Symposium on Diseases of the

Esophagus, King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 09 – 10

March 2010. 19 CME hours.

69. Attended, Arab Lab, Dubai, 09 – 10 January 2010.

70. Attended, The 1st Mini Symposium of Pulmonary Hypertension Associated with Congenital

Heart Disease, Hilton Hotel, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, 18 – 19 November 2009.

71. Attended, Chest Club, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 14 November 2009.

72. Attended, 29th Annual Meeting & Scientific Sessions, Paris, France, 22 – 25 April 2009.

73. Attended, Pulmonary Hypertension with Congenital Heart Disease, Mini Symposium, Hilton-

Jeddah, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 18 – 19 November 2009.

74. Attended, Kingdom Projects Expansion Summit, Al Faisaliah Hotel, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 09 –

10 November 2009.

75. Attended, Broncho-Plueral Fistula, Advances in Thoracic, Surgery, “Advances in Thoracic

Surgery”, Bromton Hospital – London, UK, 05 – 06 November 2009.

76. Attended, EACTS + Post Graduate Course, Vienna, Austria, 18 – 22 October 2009.

77. Attended, 1st American Association of Thoracic Surgery (ESTS) & European Society Thoracic

Surgeon, Krakow, Poland, 31 May 2009.

78. Attended, 17th European Society Thoracic Surgeon, Krakow, Poland, 31 May – 03 June 2009.

79. Speaker, Medical Education Club, Lecture: Student Centered Education, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia,

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 05 May 2009.

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80. Speaker, 2nd International Conference Clinical Oncology, “ Update Lung Cancer Staging”,

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 02 – 04 May 2009.

81. Attended, 29th Heart Lung Transplant, ISHLT, Paris, France, 22 – 25 April 2009.

82. King Faisal International Price, KFIP, Medical Winner, Lecture, Lecture: “Immune System in the

Treatment of Lymphoma”, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 29 March 2009.

83. Speaker, 3rd RMH Symposium Update in Surgery, “Surgery for Active TB”, 28 – 30 March

2009, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

84. Speaker, 51st International Egyptian Society of Chest Diseases and TB, “Role of Surgery in TB”.

24 – 27 March 2009, Cairo, Egypt

85. Chairman, 7th Saudi Thoracic Society, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 17 – 19 March 2009.

86. Participant, Arab Health, Dubai, UAE, 28 – 29 February 2009.

87. 45th Annual Meeting of the Society of Thoracic Surgeon, San Francisco, California, USA, 26 –

28 January 2009. 23 cr/h.

88. Riyadh Chest Club, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 24 January 2009. 1 cr/h.

89. Riyadh Chest Club Meeting, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 12 January 2009. 1 cr/h.

90. Egyptian & Saudi Scientific Society of Bronchology (Chairperson), Istanbul, Turkey, 09 – 12

December 2008.

91. CT Angio and Cardiac MRI Course (Chairperson), Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, 16 – 17 November

2008. 4 cr/h.

92. Thoracic Oncology Conference (Chairperson), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 12 – 13 November 2008.

93. Riyadh Chest Club Meeting, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 13 October 2008. 1 cr/h.

94. 22nd Meeting of European Association of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Lisbon, Portugal. 14 – 16

September 2008.

95. Invited to Participate in the Senior Manager Leadership Program of Boeing, St. Louis, USA, 28

July – 01 August 2008.

96. Riyadh Surgical Club 1428-1429, Four Seasons' Hotel, Riyadh, 23 June 2008.

97. Riyadh Surgical Club, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 23 June 2008. 1 cr/h.

98. 16th European Conference on General Thoracis Surgery, Bologna, Italy. 08 – 11 June 2008. 21


99. 88th American Association for Thoracic Surgery and The General Thoracic Surgery Course, San

Diego, USA, 10 – 14 May 2008. 14 cr/h.

100. Job Description on Writing Course with Ernest & Young, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 20 April 2008.

101. Riyadh Club Meeting, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 14 April 2008. 1 cr/h.

102. 6th Annual Scientific Conference of the Saudi Thoracic Society (Chairperson), 18 – 20 March


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103. King Faisal International Prize Medical Assembly, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 08 March 2008.

104. Harvard Medical International and Al Faisal University Medical Education Course

(Chairperson), 01 – 05 March 2008, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. 19 cr/h.

105. “Building a Career in Research: The Path to Success”, Dubai Harvard Foundation for Medical

Research, Dubai, UAE, 09 December 2007.

106. First Joint Meeting STS/SAPH Group & PVRI for: "Pulmonary Hypertension Update", Saudi

Thoracic Society, Saudi Arabia, 22 November 2007.

107. ESTS Educational Platform Opening Event, European Society of Thoracic Surgeons (ESTS),

Elancourt, Paris, London, 18 – 19 October 2007.

108. 21st EACTS Annual Meeting including Techno-College & Postgraduate Courses, Geneva

Palexpo, Geneva, Switzerland, 17 – 19 September 2007.

109. The American Association for Thoracic Surgery, 87th Annual Meeting, Washington Convention

Center, Washington D.C, USA, 05 – 09 May 2007.

110. Minimally Invasive Correction of PECTUS EXCAVATUM, "The Nuss Repair" Workshop and

Training Course with Live Surgery, King Saud University, 01 May 2007.

111. Department of Surgery 7th Annual Research Conference, College of Medicine, King Saud

University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 26 April 2007.

112. The 49th Annual International Conference of the Egyptian Society of Chest Diseases and

Tuberculosis & The 11th Arab Thoracic Association Meeting, Cairo-Grand Hyatt Hotel, Cairo,

Egypt, 28 – 30 March 2007.

113. 26th Regional meeting of the International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease

(IUATLD), & Recent advanced in respiratory care symposium, Riyadh Palace for Conferences,

Saudi Arabia, 20 – 22 March 2007.

114. The Sixth Intensive Course: Towards Evidence Based Surgery, College of Medicine, King Saud

University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 18 January 2007.

115. First Dubai Harvard Foundation for Medical Research Young Investigators Conference: Strategy

for Science, Dubai, UAE, 04 January 2007.

116. The 4th Annual Scientific Conference & The 10th Arab Thoracic Association Meeting, Hilton

Hotel, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, 19 – 21 September 2006.

117. 5th EACTS / ESTC Joint Meeting, Stockholm, Sweden, 09 – 13 September 2006.

118. 3rd ESTS Spring Meeting on General Thoracic Surgery, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 12 -13 May


119. 6th Annual Research Conference, King Saud University, Riyadh, 27 April 2006.

120. Attended, Basic Life Support, King Saud University, Saudi Heart Association affiliated with

American Heart Association, 05 April 2006.

121. 3rd King Saud University Workshop on Medical Education, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 28 -30 March


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122. Attended, Saudi Thoracic Society, 13 March 2006.

123. 8th Saudi Anaesthetic Association Meeting, Saudi Commission for Health Specialties, 12 March


124. 8th Saudi Anaesthetic Association Meeting / Urology Grand Rounds, Saudi Commission for

Health Specialties, 12 March 2006.

125. 1st International Pediatric Airway Surgery Course, National Guard Hospital, Riyadh, Saudi

Arabia, 11 – 12 February 2006.

126. 5th Annual Surgical Research and Residents' Day. King Faisal Specialist Hospital, Riyadh, 01

December 2005.

127. Cancer of the Lung & Mediastinum Conference, Kuwait, 14 – 16 November 2005.

128. The 4th European Association of Cardiothoracic Surgery (EACTS), Barcelona, Spain, 24-28

September 2005.

129. The 11th World Conference on Lung Cancer. Barcelona, Spain. 03-06 July 2005.

130. Third Annual Scientific Meeting of the Saudi Thoracic Society, Al-Khobar, Saudi Arabia, 26 –

28 April 2005.

131. The 85th American Association of Thoracic Surgery and its Postgraduate Program. San

Francisco, USA. 10-13 April 2005.

132. 2nd Spring Meeting of the European Society of Thoracic Surgeons. Athens, Greece. 01-02 April


133. The 12th Conference of ESCTS of Cardiothoracic Surgery. Cairo, Egypt, 09-11 February 2005.

134. The Egyptian Society of Bronchology. Cairo, Egypt. 02-04 December 2004.

135. 6th International Congress on Lung Transplantation. Paris, France. 16 -17 September 2004.

136. 3rd EACTS/ESTS Joint Meeting. Leipzia, Germany. 12-15 September 2004.

137. The 84th Annual Meeting of American Association for Thoracic Surgery, Toronto, Canada, 25-

28 April 2004.

138. The Thoracic Postgraduate Course of American Association for Thoracic Surgery, Toronto,

Canada, 25 April 2004.

139. Lung Cancer Symposium, King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre, Jeddah, 17 March


140. The Board Meeting of Mediterranean Union of Chest Disease, Paris, France, 23-24 October


141. The Annual Meeting for the European Association of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Vienna, Austria,

13-15 October 2003.

142. The Postgraduate Course in Thoracic Surgery. 2nd EACTS/ESTS Joint Meeting, Vienna,

Austria. 12 October 2003.

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143. Training Course for Da Vinci Robotic Surgery in Paris and Utrecht, Netherland, 25 – 29 May


144. Euro PCR Annual Meeting. Paris, France, 20-23 May 2003.

145. 5th International Conference of Egyptian society of Chest Disease and Tuberculosis. Egypt, 25-

28 March 2003.

146. Annual Meeting of European Society of Thoracic Surgeons, Istanbul, Turkey. 26-28 October


147. 5th International Congress on Lung Transplantation, Paris, France, 19-20 September 2002.

148. Annual Congress, European Respiratory Society, Stockholm, Sweden, 12-18 September 2002.

149. 2nd Annual Research Conference in Surgery, King Saud University, Riyadh, 25 April 2002.

150. 44th Annual International Conference of the Egyptian Society of Chest Disease and Tuberculosis,

Cairo, Egypt, 19-22 March 2002.

151. 1st Annual Surgical Research Day, King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre, 31

October 2001.

152. 15th Annual Meeting of the European Association for Cardiothoracic Surgery. Lisbon, Portugal,

16 -19 September 2001.

153. 81st Annual Meeting of American Association for Thoracic Surgery, San Diego, CA, USA, 06 -

09 May 2001.

154. Postgraduate Course of 81st Annual Meeting of American Association for Thoracic Surgery, San

Diego, CA, USA, 06 -09 May 2001.

155. 3rd Investigator Meeting of the Asian Network for Surveillance of Resistant Pathogens, Seoul,

Korea, 10-11 April 2001.

156. 3rd International Symposium on Antimicrobial Agents and Resistance, Seoul, Korea, 04-09 April


157. 43rd International Conference of the Egyptian Society of Chest Disease and Tuberculosis,

Cairo, Egypt, 27-30 March 2001.

158. The 1st Mediterranean and Middle Eastern Endoscopic Surgery Congress, Lebanon, 16-19

November 2000.

159. The 80th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Thoracic Surgery. Toronto, Canada. 29

April – 03 May 2000.

160. The IASLC-WAB Joint International Conference on Lung Cancer and Thoraco-Pulmonology,

Genoa, Italy, 26-28 November 1999.

161. Annual International Scientific Conference of the Egyptian Society of Chest Diseases and

Tuberculosis, Alexandria, Egypt, 30 June - 02 July 1999.

162. The 19th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation. San

Francisco, CA, U.S.A. 21-24 April 1999.

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163. The 79th Annual Meeting, American Association of Thoracic Surgery. New Orleans, Los

Angeles, U.S.A. 18-21 April 1999.

164. The 6th Congress of the Asian Society of Transplantation, Singapore, 20-24 September 1999.

165. Organizer and Member of the Surgical Research Committee and its Annual Conference since


166. The 2nd Minimally Invasive Thoracic Surgery Interest Group. Contraversies in Cardio-Thoracic

Surgery. Hong Kong, 20 - 21 November 1998.

167. The Annual Medical Conference of Saint George Hospital in Critical Care, Beirut, Lebanon. 02 -

04 October 1998.

168. The 12th Annual Meeting of the European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery. Brussels,

Belgium. 20-23 September 1998.

169. The 78th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Thoracic Surgery. Boston, U.S.A. 03 -

06 May 1998.

170. Chairman and Organizer, First Thoracic Surgery Symposium and Thoracoscopic Workshop,

Saudi Arabia, February 1998.

171. The 11th Annual Meeting of the European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery.

Copenhagen, Denmark. 28 September – 01 October 1997.

172. The Joint German and Jordanian Thoracic Meeting, Amman, Jordan, October 1997.

173. The 77th Annual Meeting of the American Association for Thoracic Surgery. (AATS)

Washington, DC. U.S.A. 04 - 07 May 1997.

174. The Postgraduate Course in General Thoracic Surgery by the American Association of Thoracic

Surgeons, Washington, DC, USA, 04 May 1997.

175. Member, Scientific Committee of the International Association of Thoracic Surgery, 1997.

176. International Workshop on Intrathoracic Staging, London, UK, 28 – 29 October 1996.

177. 4th European Conference on General Thoracic Surgery. Cordoba, Spain. 24-26 October 1996.

178. 3rd European Postgraduate Course for Cardiothoracic Surgery, Prague, Czech Republic, 06

October 1996.

179. British Society of Cardiothoracic Surgery. Llandudno, United Kingdom, March 1996.

180. 7th Scientific Session of Saudi Heart Association, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, January 1996.

181. 2nd European Postgraduate Course for Cardiothoracic Surgery, Paris, France, 12 September 1995.

182. The 4th Seminar on Upper Airway Obstruction. King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia,

April 1995.

183. Post Graduate Course of European School of Lung Cancer, Athens, Greece, October 1994.

184. American Society of Thoracic Surgery (STS), Orlando, U.S.A., January 1994.

185. Demonstrator in Thoracoscopic Course, Harefield Hospital, London 1994.

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186. American Society of Thoracic Surgery (STS), San Antonio, U.S.A., January 1993.

187. Thoracoscopic Workshop, Brompton Hospital, London, 1993.

188. Statistics Course in Clinical Research and Epidemiological Surveys, King Khalid Hospital,

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 30 November – 16 December 1991.

189. Second Anastomosis Workshop, King Fahad National Guard Hospital, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 17

– 19 March 1990.

190. Workshop in Medical Education, King Khalid Hospital, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 05 – 07 February




1. Internal External Science, Kuwait University, 20 June 2010.

2. Two Kingdoms Dialogue, London, UK, 29 October 2007.

3. Associate Director of Continuous Medical Education (CME), King Khalid University

Hospital, 01 October 2005.

4. Attendance of Workshops of Health Care Investment. Dubai, UAE. 29 May – 01 June 2005.

5. Chairman of the National Lung Cancer Study Group 2004.

6. Member of the Advisory Committee for Establishment of Al Faisal University in King Faisal


7. Chief Executive Officer of Bioscan a Nuclear Radiology Project in Jeddah

8. Chief Executive Officer “Biopharma” in Jeddah Biocity for Vaccine, 2002.

9. General Manager of “Medical Consultant” Polyclinic, 1998.

10. Founder and Vice President of Saudi Thoracic Society, 2002.

11. Head of Section, King Khalid University Hospital, 2000.

12. Head of Section, King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre, 1997.

13. Founder and Vice President of Pan Arab Chest Society, 1996.

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1. Saudi Thoracic Society

2. Riyadh Chapter, Medical Education Society

3. Alzheimer’s Saudi Charity Society

4. Pan Arab Chest Society

5. Pan Arab Cardiothoracic Society

6. European General Thoracic Society

7. Founder and Board Member, The New Pan Arab Cardiothoracic Surgery Society

8. Regent of Middle East in IASLC, The International Association for Study of Lung Cancer


9. Regent of Middle East In ESTS, European Society of Thoracic Surgery.


1. Head of Organizing Committee, King Faisal International Prize Medical Assembly, Riyadh,

Saudi Arabia, 08 March 2008.

2. Invited Professor, European Society of Thoracic Surgery, School of Thoracic Surgery for

Graduate Program Teacher, (presented 10 lectures), Antalya, Turkey.

3. 2nd Basic Principles of Medical Education, Head of Organization Committee, Riyadh, Saudi

Arabia, 31 May – 02 June 2008.

4. Master Cup of General Thoracic Surgery, Valladolid, Spain, 30 May 2010.


1. Regent for Middle East (International Regent) for the International Association of Study of Lung

Cancer (IASLC).

2. Member, Ethics Committee, Saudi Thoracic Society.

3. Member, International WHO's WHO Historical Society, 2005

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4. Member, Annals of Thoracic Medicine

5. Organizer and Chairman of the Saudi National Lung Cancer Study Group 2004.

6. Organizer of the Minimally Invasive, Robotic Surgery Symposium. The Thoracic Surgery

Chapter. Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. 20-22 September 2004.

7. Organizer for the first Annual Combined Chest Club Meeting in Saudi Arabia, 8-10 January 2003.

8. Regent for the Middle East (International Regent) in the European Society of General Thoracic

Surgery, UK, 2002.

9. Member of Advisory Board of Al Faisal University and its Medical College 2001.

10. Member and Representative for Saudi Arabia in International Union Against TB and Lung Disease


11. Member of KSU Annual Research Conference, 19 April 2001.

12. Investigator in the ISAAR 2001 held in Seoul, Korea, 2001.

13. Member, Middle East Society of Organ Transplantation, 2000.

14. Member, Mediterranean and Middle Eastern Society of Endoscopic Surgery, 2000.

15. Member, Mediterranean and Middle Easter Society of Endoscopic Surgery, 2000.

16. Founder, Saudi Chest Association, 2000.

17. Member, Scientific Committee of the Anti-Smoking Association, 1999.

18. Member, Asian Society of Organ Transplantation, 1999.

19. Member, Asian Society of Organ Transplantation, 1999.

20. Chairman, First Thoracic Surgery Symposium in Saudi Arabia, February 1998.

- Chairman of the Organizing Committee

Vice Chairman of the Scientific Committee

21. Founder, Pan-Arab Thoracic Society, 1997.Vice President, Pan-Arab Thoracic Society, 1997-


22. Member, European Society of Cardiothoracic Surgeons, 1996-present.

23. Member, The International Society of Heart and Lung Transplantation, 1994-present.

24. Member, British Society of Cardiothoracic Surgery, United Kingdom, 1994-present.

25. Member, European Society of Thoracic Surgeons, 1992-present.

26. Member, Saudi Thoracic Association, Saudi Arabia, 1992-present.

27. Head, Committee on Awareness of Smoking Diseases and Supervisor of the Clinic: Aids to Stop

Smoking, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 1991-1992.

28. Member, Health Education Committee, King Khalid University Hospital, 1990-1992.

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29. Member, Infectious Control Committee in University Hospitals, King Saud University, Riyadh,

Saudi Arabia, 1989-1992.

30. Member, Riyadh Chest Club, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 1989-present.

31. Member, Riyadh Surgical Club, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 1989-present.

32. Member, Riyadh Gastrointestinal Club, Saudi Arabia, 1989-present.

33. Member, The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 1988-present.

34. Member, The Society of Thoracic Surgery, USA.


1. Multicentric Study for Metastasectomy. January 2005.

2. Investigator in the Ch.EST European Trial for Chemotherapy in Early Stage NSCLC since May


3. Member of the Research Advisory Council at King Faisal Specialist Hospital since 2012 (4 years).


Editorial Board: Egyptian Journal of Chest and Tuberculosis

Asian Annals of Cardio Thoracic Surgery

Saudi Medical Journal

Annals of Thoracic Medicine

British Medical Journal (BMJ)

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease


Annals of Thoracic Surgery, USA

The Annals of Saudi Medicine, Saudi Arabia

Saudi Medical Journal, Saudi Arabia

Asian Annals of Thoracic Surgery, Singapore

European Journal of Thoracic Surgery, Switzerland

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1. Dean , College of Medicine, AlFaisal University, Jan 2008 - present

2. Member of the Advisory Board and Curriculum Committee for AlFaisal University and its

Medical College, 2001 – Present.

3. Faculty Member of the European School for Thoracic Surgery (Professor), 2008 – Present.

4. Professor in Thoracic Surgery, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 2000 – Present.

5. Faculty Member, Integrated Surgical Course, King Khalid University Hospital, Riyadh, Saudi

Arabia. 25-29 September 1999.

6. Associate Professor in Thoracic Surgery, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 1998-2000

7. Assistant Professor in Thoracic Surgery, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 1989-1996.

8. Teaching tutorials, Postgraduate Cardio-Thoracic Registrars in Harefield Hospital. United

Kingdom. 1992-1994.

9. Teaching Lectures for Surgical Residents in both Arab Board and British Fellowship. 1990-


10. Organizer for Interns, King Khalid University Hospital, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 1989-1992.

11. Demonstrator in Clinical Surgery. King Khaled University Hospital, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 1985-



Sports: Squash

Horse-back riding

Interest: Stamp collection, with interest in old stamps of the Middle East.