curriculum vitae 1. personal data: abdelkreim · co- supervisor for msc student: abdelrahim ismail...

1 ن الرحيم الرحم بسمCURRICULUM VITAE 1. Personal Data: a. Name: Dr. Mohammed Mahajoub Mohammed Abdelkreim. Assistant Professor: March -2012 b. Date and Place of Birth: 01.01. 1979, El bshagra, Geziera State. c. Nationality: Sudanese. d. Religion: Muslim. e. Marital Status: Married, father for three sons and daughter 2. Present Address: College of Forestry and Range Science, Sudan University of Science and Technology (SUST). P.O. Box: 6146 - Code: 11113, Takamul, Khartoum, Sudan. E-mail : [email protected] [email protected]. Mobile : +249-9 18247452 or + 249 121853443 3. Education : a. Primary School El bshagra - Geziera State 1991 b. The essinatial School, El bshagra - Geziera State 1995. c. Sudanese certificate, El Tekina High School, Geziera State. 1998. 4. Qualifications: a. Ph.D. Range Science (Range Management) Department of Range Science, 2009-2012. College of Forestry and Range Science, SUST, Khartoum, Sudan. b. M.Sc. Range Science courses and dissertation, 2006-2008. College of Forestry and Range Science, SUST, Soba, Khartoum, Sudan. c. B.Sc. Range Science, First Class, College of Forestry and Range Science, SUST, Soba, Khartoum, Sudan.1999-2003.

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Page 1: CURRICULUM VITAE 1. Personal Data: Abdelkreim · Co- supervisor for Msc Student: Abdelrahim Ismail Hamid Mansoor. M.Sc., in range science by research, with thesis titled (Range Plants


بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم


1. Personal Data:

a. Name: Dr. Mohammed Mahajoub Mohammed Abdelkreim.

Assistant Professor: March -2012

b. Date and Place of Birth: 01.01. 1979, El bshagra, Geziera State.

c. Nationality: Sudanese.

d. Religion: Muslim.

e. Marital Status: Married, father for three sons and daughter

2. Present Address:

College of Forestry and Range Science,

Sudan University of Science and Technology (SUST).

P.O. Box: 6146 - Code: 11113, Takamul, Khartoum, Sudan.

E-mail : [email protected] [email protected].

Mobile : +249-9 18247452 or + 249 121853443

3. Education :

a. Primary School El bshagra - Geziera State 1991

b. The essinatial School, El bshagra - Geziera State 1995.

c. Sudanese certificate, El Tekina High School, Geziera State. 1998.

4. Qualifications:

a. Ph.D. Range Science (Range Management) Department of Range

Science, 2009-2012. College of Forestry and Range Science, SUST,

Khartoum, Sudan.

b. M.Sc. Range Science courses and dissertation, 2006-2008. College of

Forestry and Range Science, SUST, Soba, Khartoum, Sudan.

c. B.Sc. Range Science, First Class, College of Forestry and Range Science,

SUST, Soba, Khartoum, Sudan.1999-2003.

Page 2: CURRICULUM VITAE 1. Personal Data: Abdelkreim · Co- supervisor for Msc Student: Abdelrahim Ismail Hamid Mansoor. M.Sc., in range science by research, with thesis titled (Range Plants


. Thesis Title:5

a. Ph.D. (Effect of Enclosure on Range Botanical Composition, Forage

Productivity, Diet Selection, and Intake by Sheep Grazing at El-Khuwei

Locality, North Kordofan State, Sudan) at Sudan University of Science and

Technology, College of Forestry and Range Science, Department of Range

Science, Khartoum-Sudan.

b. M.Sc. Study on Eco taxonomical of vegetation at Al-arshkol Halls in

White Nile State, Sudan.

c. Bsc. Study on ecological components of Elbaja Rangeland in White Nile

State, Sudan.

6. Area of interest:

- Range Management (Rangeland -livestock interactions)

- Spatial heterogeneity in Rangeland, and

- livestock monitoring by GPS tracking for animal activities

assessment (grazing spatial, water point observation and spatial and

temporal changes of rangeland.

7. Professional Experience:

a. Teaching assistant, 2004- 2007. Sudan University of Science and

Technology, College of Forestry and Range Science, Department of Range

Science, Khartoum-Sudan.

b. Lecturer, 2008-2011. Range Management. Sudan University of Science

and Technology, College of Forestry and Range Science, Department of

Range Science, Khartoum-Sudan.

c. Assistant professor in Range Science 2012 up to now.

8. Teaching Experience:

a. Courses currently taught at SUST

Taught and still teaching in the college of forestry and range science at

(SUST) the below courses:

1 - Range ecology (third year range science)

Page 3: CURRICULUM VITAE 1. Personal Data: Abdelkreim · Co- supervisor for Msc Student: Abdelrahim Ismail Hamid Mansoor. M.Sc., in range science by research, with thesis titled (Range Plants


2- Plant taxonomy (second year forestry and range)


3- Taught and still teaching practical in the tour for students of the fifth

year department of Range Science.

b. Courses taught in previous years at SUST

1. Application of Range Management systems, 4th year range

2. Planning of Range projects, 5th year range science.

3.Range plants characteristics, 4th year range

c. Courses taught out of SUST

1.University of Khartoum. Faculty of geographical and environmental

sciences, taught and still teaching the below course

the Range /forest planning and development course for 4th year.

2. AL.Neelain University , Faculty of Agricultural technology and fish

sciences, Department of Range and forage , taught and still teaching

the below courses:

1. Range Management Practices, 4th year range and forage.

2. Range plants systematic and classification, 4th year range and


3.Range ecology, 4th year and forage.

9- Supervision of Post- Graduate and under- Graduate students:


Co- supervisor for Msc Student: Abdelrahim Ismail Hamid Mansoor. M.Sc.,

in range science by research, with thesis titled (Range Plants preferred by

camels in Semi-Arid Zone at Kalemando Locality -North Darfur State –

Sudan). Department of Range Science, College of Forestry and Range

Science (SUST). 2016.


Co- supervisor for PhD student: Gafar bakit Adam Ibrahim. PhD. in range

science by research, with titled (Effect of Competition and Seeds Rate on the

productivity of some Preference Range Species by Goats in western Jable

Marra- Nertiti locality, Central Darfur State, Sudan

Page 4: CURRICULUM VITAE 1. Personal Data: Abdelkreim · Co- supervisor for Msc Student: Abdelrahim Ismail Hamid Mansoor. M.Sc., in range science by research, with thesis titled (Range Plants


). Department of Range Science, College of Forestry and Range Science

(SUST). 2015.

under- Graduate:

Three graduation projects in the field of Range science.

10: Research projects:

- Research on long term grazing experiment with cattle - to investigate the

interaction of the grass sward structure with the grazing herbivore-Georg-

August-Universität Göttingen - Institute of Grassland Science,Germany-


- Improve productivity and quality of some of the most promising forage

crops under irrigation conditions in the south of the Khartoum area.

Submitted by AL.Neelain University , Faculty of Agricultural technology

and fish sciences, Department of Range and forage , for Ministry of high

education , research project2016 .

- The impact of agricultural operations on the productivity of elephant

grass (Pennistum purpureum) in the south of the Khartoum area

Submitted by AL.Neelain University , Faculty of Agricultural technology

and fish sciences, Department of Range and forage , for Ministry of high

education , research project2016 .

- Improve water harvesting methods for increasing productivity Submitted

by Department of Range Science, College of Forestry and Range Science

(SUST)., for Ministry oh high education, research project2016.

- The impact of some water harvesting methods on forage plant

production, Submitted by Department of Range Science, College of

Forestry and Range Science (SUST)., for Ministry of high education,

research project2016 .

11. Administrative Experience:

a. Registrar College of Forestry and Range Science. Sudan University of

Science and Technology SUST.from 2012 to 2014.

b. Head Department of Range Science, College of Forestry and Range

Science SUST, 3/2015- up to now.

12. Memberships:

Page 5: CURRICULUM VITAE 1. Personal Data: Abdelkreim · Co- supervisor for Msc Student: Abdelrahim Ismail Hamid Mansoor. M.Sc., in range science by research, with thesis titled (Range Plants


- The Australian Rangeland Society, Australia

- Society for range management USA

- British grassland society, UK

13. Courses, Training, conference and workshops:

1. Training course in specialized GPS and its applications from15/5

to24/5/2016. Organized by National Research Centre, Environment,

Natural resources and Desertification Research Institute, Khartoum,


2. Attending the 1st extension conference around research role for the local

development, ministry of welfare, fishiers and rangeland 5/1/2015,

Khartoum Sudan.

3. Attending the 68th SRM Annual Meeting, Training Trade Show, 31/01/

to 6/02/2015 Sacramento –California –USA.

4. Training workshop on promotion of Pastoralism understanding and its

role in sustainable development - SOS Sahel Sudan. 1-4 November


5. Workshop on water harvesting for increasing productivity Organized by

corporation of agricultural research Khartoum Sudan - 2015.

6. Conferencethe Diamond Jubilee from 19-22 january2014.Khartoum

university, faculty of veterinary medicine, Friendship Hall, Khartoum


7. Attending 6th Annual conference of the graduate college. AL.Neelain

University graduate college 2014- Khartoum, Sudan.

8. Essential training on the use of the G-Range ecosystem model in

rangelands .5-6th February, 2014. Organized by International Livestock

Research Institute (ILRI), Nairobi, Kenya | and Natural

Resource Ecology Lab, Colorado State University |

9. Attending the meeting of mountain pastures, Mediterranean’s forage

rescues and Mountains cheese (network) JM FAO CIHEAM - June 24-

25-26, 2014 - Clermont-Ferrand, France.

10. Training course on essential Computer skills (concepts of Introduction

and communication technology (ICT), Windows, Microsoft Word,

Power point, Excel, web browsing and Internet explorer and outlook).

Page 6: CURRICULUM VITAE 1. Personal Data: Abdelkreim · Co- supervisor for Msc Student: Abdelrahim Ismail Hamid Mansoor. M.Sc., in range science by research, with thesis titled (Range Plants


from 27/1/2013 to 24/4/2013, Computer Center, Sudan University of

Science and Technology (SUST).

11. International Grasslands Congress from 15–19 September 2013 at the

Sydney Convention and Exhibition Centre, New South Wales,


12. Training course on registration, examination result, and certificate

systems. Computer Center, Sudan University of Science and

Technology (SUST) 2013.

13. Training Course in Developing of how to Write scientific paper and

Research design. College of Agricultural Studies. Shambat, SUST,


14. Scientific conference of camel research and production. Deanship of

scientific Research, University of Science and Technology (SUST) 17-


15. Training course on Computerized Educational Materials - Computer

Center. Sudan University of Science and Technology, from 29-7 2012 –


16. Training course in systems and methods of university teaching, from 17

- 24/9/2012, Advanced training and performance development center,

university of Khartoum, Omdurman, Sudan.

17. Training course in applications of the instructional technology in

university teaching, from 25/9 - 1/10/2012, Advanced training and

performance development center, university of Khartoum, Omdurman,


18. Training course in educational evaluation and measurement, from 2 -

6/10/2012, Advanced training and performance development center,

university of Khartoum, Omdurman, Sudan.

19. Training course on course portfolio - Deanship of Quality and

Development, Sudan University of Science and Technology -


20. Training course on curriculum map - Deanship of Quality and

Development, Sudan University of Science and Technology – 5-6-


21. Training course in secondary metabolites of tissue culture technology,

10-14/1/2010. Organized by national research Centre, commission for

Page 7: CURRICULUM VITAE 1. Personal Data: Abdelkreim · Co- supervisor for Msc Student: Abdelrahim Ismail Hamid Mansoor. M.Sc., in range science by research, with thesis titled (Range Plants


biotechnology and genetic engineering, Department of tissue culture

technology, Khartoum, Sudan.

22. Attending the International Conference on Organic Farming, Sudan

University of Science and Technology, College of Agricultural Studies,

6-7 April 2010, Friendship Hall, Khartoum Sudan.

23. Graduate Studies and Scientific Research Conference, University of

Khartoum, 27/ 2 – 2/3 /2010, Friendship Hall, Khartoum Sudan.

24. The basic training programme for the developing the professional

performance of the university staff, during the period from 13/12- 31/12

/ 2009, the University staff performance development Centre - Sudan

University of Science and Technology.

25. The 9th scientific conference (The Role of Scientific Research in

Agricultural Development) 2009, Friendship Hall, Khartoum Sudan.

26. 4th Conference on Agricultural education , Sudan Agricultural Council,

March 2009, Friendship Hall, Khartoum Sudan.

27. Workshop on curriculum developing and updating of colleges and

departments of forestry in the Sudan. Khartoum university, faculty of

forestry, Shambat, Sudan ,2008. Organized by Ministry of high

education and scientific research, committee of Agricultural ,

veterinary,natural resources ,and environmental studies.

28. The 1st scientific research conference of the camel research, College of

veterinary medicine, Sudan University of Science and Technology, 6-

7/2007, Khartoum Sudan.

29. Training course in Bee Husbandry and Production, College of

Veterinary Medicine, Sudan University of Science and Technology,

2006, Khartoum Sudan.

:Participation in university committees.14

1. Member of University Senate Council, 2015 up to now.

2. Member, of the College Board, college of Forestry and Range

Science 2015 up to now.

3. Member of the of Scientific Research Council college of forestry

and range Science 2015 up to now.

4. Member of the College Board, college of Forestry and Range

Science 2012 to March 2014.

Page 8: CURRICULUM VITAE 1. Personal Data: Abdelkreim · Co- supervisor for Msc Student: Abdelrahim Ismail Hamid Mansoor. M.Sc., in range science by research, with thesis titled (Range Plants


5. Chairman Department of Range Science Council, college of Forestry and

Range Science Sudan University from 2015 up to now.

6. Member of the Department of Range Science Council, college of

Forestry and Range Science Sudan University from 2004 up to


7. Chairman of examination committee, Department of Range

Science College of Forestry and Range Science, Sudan University

of Science and Technology, from 2015 up to now.

8. Member of main examination committee, College of Forestry and

Range Science Sudan University of Science and Technology.2012


9. Member examination committee, Department of Range Science

College of Forestry and Range Science Sudan University of

Science and Technology 2015.

10. 10- Member of main examination committee, College of Forestry

and Range Science Sudan University of Science and

Technology.2004 -2005.

11. Chairman committee of the evaluation committee of graduation

projects for students of the fifth year 2013 Department of Range


12. Member and reporter of the registration committee for Bsc

students’ years from 2012-2014, college of Forestry and Range

Science at SUST.

13. Member of the registration committee for Bsc students’ college of

Forestry and Range Science at SUST.from 2015- up to now.

14. Member and reporter of the development committee of the

Developing Master of Science Programme in Range Science by

Courses and Dissertation 2015.

15. Member of the development committee of the Developing Bsc

Program in Forestry and Range Science 2015.

16. Chairman of evaluation committee of graduation projects for

students of the fifth year 2013, Department of Range Science.

17. Member the evaluation committee of graduation projects for

students of the fifth year 2012, Department of Range Science.

Page 9: CURRICULUM VITAE 1. Personal Data: Abdelkreim · Co- supervisor for Msc Student: Abdelrahim Ismail Hamid Mansoor. M.Sc., in range science by research, with thesis titled (Range Plants


18. Main supervisor of the teaching tour for students of the fifth year

department of Range Science (South Kordofan State,2010).

19. Co supervisor of the teaching tour for students of the fifth year

department of Range Science (South Kordofan State,2005).

20. Co supervisor of the teaching tour for students of the fifth year

department of Range Science (Blue Nile State,2006).

21. Member of the committee of preparing the format of organizing

scientific way for assessing of graduation projects -Bachelor of

Range Science.2010, Department of Range Science, College of

Forestry and Range Science Sudan University of Science and


22. Member of the Pastoralism Forum Sudan from 2015 up to now.

15: International experiences:

1- Certificate of participation on International DAAD Alumni Seminar

"Do we feed the world? Local and global perspectives on sustainable

agricultural incentives"2-13/2/2016 Centre of Biodiversity and

Sustainable Land Use (CBL) Section for Tropical and Subtropical

Agriculture and Forestry (SeTSAF) Georg-August-University

Gottingen, Germany.

2- Post-doctoral researcher at the Institute of Grassland Science,

University of Göttingen, Germany under program of Postdoctoral

Fellowships in Germany for Former DAAD In-Region / In-Country

Scholarship Holders from Sub-Saharan Africa, from 01/04/2014 –


3- Talk on (Rangeland and animal production systems in Sudan)2014, at

Institute of Grassland Science, University of Göttingen, Germany

4- Talk on (Rangeland and animal production systems in Sudan)2015, at

New Mexico State University, College of agriculture and customer’s

services Department of Animal and Range Sciences, Las Cruces, NM

88003, USA.

16: Publications:

Page 10: CURRICULUM VITAE 1. Personal Data: Abdelkreim · Co- supervisor for Msc Student: Abdelrahim Ismail Hamid Mansoor. M.Sc., in range science by research, with thesis titled (Range Plants


published Papers in Peer Reviewed Journals:

1. Ibrahim, H. H., Elfaig A. H. I, Mokhtar, J, Egemi, and Abdelkreim, M

(2015) Land Use/Land Cover Change Detection in Semi -Arid Lands: A

Study from Sudan-Ghubaysh Area: A GIS and Remote Sensing Perspective.

International journal of scientific & technology research .4(5) 124-131.

2. Izzeldeen. M., and Abdelkreim, M (2015) Study on Toxicity of Clove

Eugenia caryophllata Water Extract on Wister Albino Rats International

Journal of Chemical and Bimolecular Science. 1 (2) 69-73.

3. Osman A.M., Abdelkreim, M., Abukashawa S.M.A, and Ibrahim M.T.

(2015) Studies on Camel’s Feeding and Utilization of Camel’s Milk in

Buttana Area, Gaderif State, Sudan. Journal Advance in Dairy Research. 3

(3) 1-3.

4. Salih E. M, Dosougi, O.A., and Abdelkreim, M. (2015) The Role of

Conserved Range Forges during Summer Season of Babanousa Area. The

Journal of Agriculture and Natural Resources Sciences.2 (3) 543- 546.

5. Mohamed A. A. M., Yeddi A. M., and Abdelkreim, M (2015)

Assessment of range plants composition on semi-arid zone of North Darfur

State, Sudan. Global Journal of Advanced Research (GJAR) 2(8) 1251-


6. Mohamed A. A. M., Yeddi A. M., and Abdelkreim, M (2015) Assessing

Rangeland Attributes On Semi-Arid Zone of North Darfur State, Sudan.

International journal of scientific & technology research.4 (8) 308-310.

7. El Zubair R. M., Fadlalla. B., Adar. H. M, and Abdelkreim, M (2015),

Effect of Different Nitrogen Fertilization Levels On Yield of Maize (Zea

Mays L.) As Winter Forage. International journal of scientific & technology

research.4(10) 197- 201.

8. Osman, A.M., Abdelkreim, M., Abukashawa, S.M.A., and Ibrahim, M.T

(2015) Camel Owners and Perception Towards Management Practices at

Butana area, Gaderif State, Sudan. International journal of scientific &

technology research.4(10). 286- 289.

9.Fangama, I.M, Adam, H. M., Abdelsalam,M., Adelkreim,M., Ibrahim,

G.A., and Almagboul, A.A.(2015) Compositions of Leaves and Seeds of

Aerva javanica, (Burm.F.) Juss. Ex J.A. Schultes. International journal of

scientific & technology research.4(12) 323- 325.

Page 11: CURRICULUM VITAE 1. Personal Data: Abdelkreim · Co- supervisor for Msc Student: Abdelrahim Ismail Hamid Mansoor. M.Sc., in range science by research, with thesis titled (Range Plants


10. Abubaker H , Ismail .M . F . Abdelkreim, M , and Gammareldain. A

(2015) Analysis of Soil NPK, PH and Electrical Conductivity At Adham

Area-Renk, Upper Nile State, Sudan. International journal of scientific &

technology research.4(12) 341- 347.

11. Abu elgasim. A.K, Yeddi, A. M., Abdelkreim, M., and Salih E. M

(2016) Study on Common plants at Savannah Rangeland in Elsuki area,

Sinnar State, Sudan. IJISET - International Journal of Innovative Science,

Engineering & Technology. 3(3).217-225.

12. Abu elgasim. A.K, and, Abdelkreim, M. (2016) Assessing Relationship

between Abundance and some vegetation attributes of savannah Rangeland

at Elsuki area, Sinnar State, Sudan. IJISET - International Journal of

Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology. 3(3) 307-321.

13. Mohamed. M. H, Elgamri, M., Hassan. M.A., and Abdelkreim, M

(2016) Use of MODIS imagery to investigate fire regime, Case study

Eastern part of South Kordofan State-Sudan. Journal of Natural Resources

and environmental studies.4 (3) 1- 8.

14. Mohamed. M., Fadlalla ,B., and, Abdelkreim ,M. (2016) Improvement

of Millet Pennisetum typhoides Straw Using Physical and chemical

treatment as Animal Feed . IJISET - International Journal of Innovative

Science, Engineering & Technology. 3(5) 87-93.

15. Abu elgasim. A.K., and Abdelkreim, M (2016) Study on vegetation

diversity at savannah Rangeland in Elsuki area, Sinnar State, Sudan. Advance

Research Journal of Multidisciplinary Discoveries Environmental Science. 1 (1)1-4.

Published papers in Conference:

1. Abdelkreim, M and Fadlalla, B (2013). Effect of enclosure on botanical

composition, biomass production and other range productivity parameters in

a semi-arid area of El-Khuwei Locality, North Kordofan State, Sudan.

International Grasslands Congress, to be held on 15–19 September 2013 at

the Sydney Convention and Exhibition Centre, New South Wales, Australia.

2. Abdelkreim, M and Fadlalla B. (2013). Effect of enclosure and open

grazing on diet selection, relative preference index and voluntary intake by

sheep at El-Khuwei Locality, North Kordofan State, Sudan. International

Grasslands Congress, to be held on 15–19 September 2013 at the Sydney

Convention and Exhibition Centre, New South Wales, Australia.

3. Abdelkreim, M. (2014). Study on Range plants of Al-arshkol Mountains

in semi-arid zone, White Nile State, Sudan for presentation at meeting of

Page 12: CURRICULUM VITAE 1. Personal Data: Abdelkreim · Co- supervisor for Msc Student: Abdelrahim Ismail Hamid Mansoor. M.Sc., in range science by research, with thesis titled (Range Plants


mountain pastures, Mediterranean’s forage rescues and Mountains cheese

(network) JM FAO CIHEAM . June 24-26, 2014 - Clermont-Ferrand, France.

4. Abdelkreim, M and Fadlalla B. (2015). Seasonal variability in diets

selection by sheep grazing in the semi-arid rangelands Kordofan region

Sudan for presented at 68th SRM Annual Meeting, Training Trade Show,

31/01/ to 6/02/2015 Sacramento –California –USA.

Accepted papers.

1 Salih E. M, Ibrahim,M., IbrahimN, Abas,.G and Abdelkreim,M (2015)

Trend of Change in Herbaceous Cover in Low rainfall Rangeland . The

Journal of Agriculture and Natural Resources Sciences, 2(3), 491-

502.pending process.

2. Abdelkreim, M., Fadlalla,B (2016) 'Assessment of Botanical

Composition of the Diets of Sheep through Empirical Methods and

Pastoralists' with abstract number 22494, that you have submitted for EAAP

Annual Meeting 2016, Belfast, UK , 31 /8/ 2016.

3. Abdelkreim,M , Hamed S.A(2016) ' “Biomass Productivity and Fodder

trees\shrubs adaptation to Climate Change based on natural Rangeland

management at Kordofan Region – Sudan” for the 2016 International

Rangeland Congress has been reviewed and accepted for publication in the

2016 IRC Proceedings.

Submit paper (pending process)

1. Abdelkreim M., B. Tonn, and J. Isselstein2016. Nutrient re-distribution

by grazing animals at different scales of grassland at Solling Uplands,

Central Germany.

2. Abdelkreim M., and Hamed S.A(2016) remote sensing technology use of

estimation fodder biomass at Kordofan Region – Sudan.

3. Abdelkreim M., and Hamed S.A(2016) Study on Common plants at

Savannah Rangeland at Kordofan Region – Sudan.

17-Books and notes:

1. Abdelkreim M, (2015). Rangeland management, LAP LAMBERT

Academic Publishing (2015), in English, ISBN- 9783659621871.

bzw. 3659621870. 116p.h.

2. Abdelkreim M, and Ibrahim,M 2015.preparation textbook material of

range ecology- for the third year students of the Department of range

Science – College of Forestry and Range Science.2013.

Page 13: CURRICULUM VITAE 1. Personal Data: Abdelkreim · Co- supervisor for Msc Student: Abdelrahim Ismail Hamid Mansoor. M.Sc., in range science by research, with thesis titled (Range Plants


18-Extra Curricular Activities:

- Participation on program and workshop of Islamic knowledge

relationship between the other sciences ,2012. Institute of Islamic

Sciences and Research on Sudan University of science and

Technology Khartoum, Sudan.

- Participation in program of HIV control and sexual disease with

cooperation between Assnad Organization charity and Deanship of

students ,Sudan University of Science and Technology, 2006.

- Member of the Pastoralism Forum Sudan from 2015 up to now.

19- Reference:

1. Professor Dr. Babo Fadlalla. Professor of Range Animal Nutrition,

Sudan University of Science and Technology, College of Forestry

and Range Science, Department of Range Science. E-mail:

[email protected]; Mobile phone: +249-912927800.

2. Professor Dr. Abdelaziz Karamalla Gaiballa -Sudan University of

Science and Technology, College of Forestry and Range Science,

Department of Range Science. E-mail: [email protected];

Mobile phone: +249918275494

3. Professor Dr. Mahir Salih Suliman, Deputy Vice chancellor, Sudan

University of science and Technology. E-mail: [email protected]

Mobile: +2499 14000735.

4. Dr. Yassir yosuf Abdalla , Dean College of Forestry and Range

Science ,Sudan University of Science and Technology,. E-mail:

yassir [email protected]; Mobile phone: +249-912213467.