curriculum night: grade 6 - ms. bardwell's grade 6...

Curriculum Night: Grade 6 2016-2017 Ms. Bardwell

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Page 1: Curriculum Night: Grade 6 - Ms. Bardwell's Grade 6 · Curriculum Night: Grade 6 2016-2017 Ms. Bardwell. Communication Communication

Curriculum Night:Grade 6

2016-2017Ms. Bardwell

Page 2: Curriculum Night: Grade 6 - Ms. Bardwell's Grade 6 · Curriculum Night: Grade 6 2016-2017 Ms. Bardwell. Communication Communication

CommunicationCommunication is very important to me and I believe that keeping the parents in the loop allows for extra support outside of school, which is why I plan to send weekly emails with a brief outline of what will be covered each week. I have also created a website, which contains all homework, assignments, deadlines and any other important information.

Be sure to check the website regularly as I will continue to update it. I will do my best to respond to emails within 24hours during the week and 48hours on the weekend, unless it is a pressing matter.

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Cell Phone PolicyAt Forest Hill Jr. and Sr. P.S. there is a ZERO TOLERANCE policy

regarding the use of cellphones in the buildings during instructional

time, as well as during recess.

If your child is caught using their phone, it will be

sent down to Ms. Dodick in the office and they

will speak with her at the end of the day.

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Homework▪You will be given a Math Textbook at the beginning of the year which you will keep AT HOME. ▪Each Monday you will be assigned some MATH practice questions from your textbook.▪You will be marked for completion, and we will take the homework up on FRIDAYS.▪If not completed in class, some assignments will be required to be completed at home.▪You will be given approximately 3 weeks for larger projects and assignments. ▪All deadlines will be posted on the website.

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When You Are Absent•Ask your table mates what we did and see what you are missing. •Ask the teacher for any missed work (but not during instructional time). •During class is NOT the time to work on missing assignments. This should be done after school or when there is extra time.•If you missed a test because of an excused absence, inform the teacher and arrange a time to make up the test before or after school.

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Google ClassroomAll major assignments we be posted in our Google Classroom.

Students have access to this app outside of class as well.

Assignments are expected to be completed on their TDSB Google Drive

(Docs, Slides, etc.) in order to use the various features that help to

facilitate student success.

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Google ClassroomHow to access AW (Academic Workspace) at home:

Type this in the search

Enter your student number as the ‘username’ and password

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Google ClassroomHow to access Google Drive and Classroom:

After you login, the screen should look like this

Hover mouse over ‘Google Apps’ to access Drive or Classroom

Google Apps


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Google ClassroomOur Google Classroom looks like this:

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Assessment BindersStudents have assessment binders which will be sent home

periodically for parental review and signature. Assessments may

include: math tests, project rubrics, writing and reading work, and


Students should be bringing their daily use binder home at least

every FRIDAY as an opportunity for you to check in with what we have

done in class and how they are progressing.

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All grade 6 students will be writing EQAO at the end

of May this year. Due to this fact, we will be going at

a faster pace, in math particularly, and we will be

referring to this standardized test throughout the

year in various learning engagements.

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Weekly ScheduleHighlights:❖ You will have French four times a week with Mr. Labile in Room 202N

❖ You will have Music/ Dance with Ms. Getrajhendler once a week. Room 102N.

❖ You will have Phys. Ed. twice a week with Ms. Haimovitz for Term One.

❖ We will have Community Circle every Friday at the end of the day.

❖ We will have Visual Arts approximately once per month for an entire afternoon.

Tentative Schedule:


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Morning Routine1. You will wait in an orderly line outside to be picked up by your

teacher.2. You will enter the classroom in a calm and orderly fashion. 3. You will hang your things up in the hook area, and take your

agenda and binder to your desk. 4. You will have 5 minutes to get to your desk and begin your

AGENDA. 5. You will copy the agenda items from the agenda board. 6. After Oh Canada and Announcements, you will then begin your

BELL WORK. This will also be timed. 7. We will take up the bell work, and you will graph your results.

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Afternoon Routine1. You will wait in an orderly line outside to be picked up by

your teacher. 2. You will walk into the classroom in a calm and organized

fashion. There will be meditative music playing.3. You will sit quietly at your desk. You may choose to put your

head down or close your eyes.4. After attendance, we will do an afternoon mindfulness


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End of Day Routine1. You will complete your ledger for the day, and get it signed

by one of the bankers. 2. You will make sure your desk is TIDY, your chair is UP, and

your binder is neatly ORGANIZED.3. You will get your agenda signed by me.4. You may need to do your classroom job. If you don’t have

anything to do, it is suggested that you offer your services to a classmate.

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Friday RoutineOn Fridays, we will be reflecting on our week, and preparing for the next week. The following events will occur on Fridays:1. Take up homework.2. Receive job salaries.3. Community Circle and Goal Setting.4. Desk and binder checks.5. Current Event presentations.6. Classroom job tasks.

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Our Classroom EconomyOur classroom will operate as an economy, meaning that you will each have a job to earn money. You will pay rent on your property (your desk), and can gain/lose money based on your behaviour and preparedness.

System:- You will get paid for your job on a bi-weekly basis- You will earn $1/ day for maintaining a green card - You will be fined for moving to RED, for not completing homework, or for a

messy desk or binder- On the first of the month, you will pay rent for your desk- At the end of each day, you MUST balance your ledger- Students have the option to donate to a class reward (class charity)

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Our Classroom Economy

Ways to Get Fined:

Salary Varies according to job

Good Behaviour (on green) - Daily $1.00

Homework complete - weekly $1.00 per assigned task

Organized binder - weekly $1.00

Clean desk - weekly $1.00

Ways to Earn Money:

Misbehaviour (on red) - daily $1.00

Homework incomplete - weekly $2.00

Disorganized binder - weekly $2.00

Messy desk - weekly $2.00

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Our Classroom EconomyDesk Rental Fee: $40.00/ month

★ You will be paid half your salary on the second Friday and last Friday of each month

★ Rent will be due the first Monday of each Month, starting in October

★ Monthly Auctions for items to buy will be the first Monday as well

★ Charity donations are welcome at any time

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Our Class Behaviour Tracking SystemWe will be using a 3 CARD system this year. Each day, students will start with a GREEN card. If they break any of our class agreements, they will likely get a verbal warning depending on the severity of the action. If they do not improve or change their behaviour, they will be asked to flip their card to YELLOW. If they break another agreement, they will be asked to flip their card to RED. At this point, there will be a CONSEQUENCE, which might include: an email home, a written reflection and action plan, missing out on an activity, or a direct consequence related to their action. They will also be fined $1.00. If they remain on GREEN all day, they will earn $1.00.

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Our Class Behaviour Tracking System

GREEN = on track / respecting class agreements. Students will earn $1.00.

YELLOW = warning! Off track! A chance to correct their behaviour! No financial earnings/ fines.

RED = CONSEQUENCE. In addition, they will be fined $1.00.

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Looking forward to a productive, enriching, and successful year together!