curriculum guide


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21st Century Instructional Guide for Career Technical Education

Global Business and Marketing Course Business and Marketing Cluster

Marketing Concentration

Title: Global Business and Marketing (WVEIS 0410)

Standard Number:ME.S.GLBM.1

Role of Global Business and MarketingStudents will demonstrate the role of global business and marketing.


Do cultural differences affect global business?

Objectives: Students will Learning Plan & Notes to Instructor:ME.O.GLBM.1.1 characterize international trade in the local and

state community.Conduct a multi-cultural day to include various ethnic foods, customs, and cultural diversity; visit businesses dealing with international products; encourage guest speakers to speak with class; research various cultures; visit trade shows; and attend local and state festivals and conferences related to cultural diversity.

ME.O.GLBM.1.2 determine the impact of international business activities on the local, regional, and national levels.

Obtain guest speakers from Small Business Administration; contact political speakers, the Economic Development office, and WV Trade Council; research Department of Labor Statistics.

ME.O.GLBM.1.3 examine the impact of a domestic company involving itself in international trade opportunities.

Obtain guest speakers from state businesses with international headquarters, and from the WV Tax Department. Research economic summary report (supplied by WV Department of Labor).

ME.O.GLBM.1.4 examine the resources (e.g., ports, trade routes, transportation centers, foreign trade zones and natural, financial, and human resources) of major cities around the world.

Conduct Internet research.

ME.O.GLBM.1.5 dertermine business opportunities in countries in various levels of economic development.

Conduct computer research and virtual tours.


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ME.O.GLBM.1.6 point out the effects of U.S. responses to changes in the global marketplace during the 21st century.

Research state and federal laws enacted to respond to global market demands.

Standard Number:ME.S.GLBM.2

Communication StrategiesStudents will apply communication strategies in global business and marketing.


Why is the understanding of cultural communication skills important in conducting global business?

Objectives: Students will Learning Plan & Notes to Instructor:ME.O.GLBM.2.1 examine effective business communications. Research cultural differences in communication

practices in a project to include: written communication, technology etiquette practices, basic communication etiquette, and cultural differences in communication.

ME.O.GLBM.2.2 assess international business blunders resulting from ineffective or incorrect communication patterns.

Continuation of above project to include blunders resulting in mistakes in communication.

ME.O.GLBM.2.3 research international cultural differences in food, dress, social behaviors, and language.

See Standard 1

ME.O.GLBM.2.4 compare business protocols of various countries.

Conduct Internet research.

ME.O.GLBM.2.5 provide examples of non-verbal communication affecting international businesses.

Use videos; obtain guest speakers from other countries; view movies based on global marketing.

ME.O.GLBM.2.6 determine internet safety issues and procedures for complying with acceptable use standards.

Research various handbooks and policies and procedure manuals. Encourage classroom discussion on acceptable use policies.

Standard Number: ME.S.GLBM.3

Social, Cultural, Political, Legal, and Economic FactorsStudents will describe factors that shape and impact the global business environment.


How do a country’s culture, history, politics, and financial structures affect global business?

Objectives: Students will Learning Plan & Notes to Instructor:ME.O.GLBM.3.1 differentiate among social and cultural factors

affecting business activities. (e.g., time, workday, workweek, schedules, holidays)

Conduct computer research; participate in classroom discussions and role plays and read trade journals.


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ME.O.GLBM.3.2 relate how trade barriers, tariffs, quotas, and taxation policies affect choice of location for companies operating internationally.

Invite guest speakers from the local Chamber of Commerce, the state economic development office, and international law. Conduct internet research.

ME.O.GLBM.3.3 examine legal differences that exist among countries in areas such as consumer protection, product guidelines, labor laws, contract formulation, liability, and taxation.

Invite guest speakers from the local Chamber of Commerce, the state economic development office, and international law. Conduct internet research.

ME.O.GLBM.3.4 recognize terms such as GDP (GNP), balance of trade, foreign debt, and cost of living.

Use worksheets, charts, budgets, and graphs.

ME.O.GLBM.3.5 analyze the availability of resources and economic potential in various countries.

Invite guest speakers from the local Chamber of Commerce, the state economic development office, and international law. Conduct internet research.

ME.O.GLBM.3.6 compare the economic systems used to decide what to produce, how it is produced, and for whom it is produced in a country.

Use worksheets, charts, budgets, and graphs.

ME.O.GLBM.3.7 assess the competitive strengths and weaknesses faced by a company involved in international business.

Use charts, graphs, and rubrics. Conduct computer research.

ME.O.GLBM.3.8 examine the ethical and legal issues associated with trademarks, copyrights, and patents.

Invite guest speakers in international law, ethics commission; learn about trademarks, patents, and copyrights; conduct Internet research.

ME.O.GLBM.3.9 compare the implications of conducting business in countries with different legal systems.

Contact guest speakers in international law; use charts and worksheets.

Standard Number:ME.S.GLBM.4

Global Finance and Risk ManagementStudents will explain the role, importance, and concepts of international finance and risk management.


Do the benefits outweigh the risks associated with global finance?

Objectives: Students will Learning Plan & Notes to Instructor:ME.O.GLBM.4.1 infer how currency exchange rates affect

companies.Conduct Internet research; use a graphic organizer and the textbook International Business, Third edition, Cengage Publishers.

ME.O.GLBM.4.2 diagram the advantages and disadvantages of an electronic money system.

Conduct Internet research.


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ME.O.GLBM.4.3 examine various sources of funds for international operations.

Conduct Internet research.

ME.O.GLBM.4.4 outline the risk management proccess. Participate in discussion – Chapter 21 International Business, Third edition, Cengage Publishers.

ME.O.GLBM.4.5 point out options to insure against risks. Participate in discussion – Chapter 21 International Business, Third edition, Cengage Publishers; contact guest speakers.

ME.O.GLBM.4.6 report risks associated with international trade. Participate in discussion – Chapter 21 International Business, Third edition, Cengage Publishers; contact guest speakers.

ME.O.GLBM.4.7 establish how changes in economic conditions might affect stock prices.

Obtain financial advisors and guest speakers.

Standard Number: ME.S.GLBM.5

Operations and Management of Human Resources Students will address the operations and management of human resources.


Which factors affect and influence the employment process for global business?

Objectives: Students will Learning Plan & Notes to Instructor:ME.O.GLBM.5.1 recognize the factors that influence the

application of managerial styles in different countries.

Conduct Internet research; contact guest speakers.

ME.O.GLBM.5.2 research how compensation and employee benefits differ in various cultures.

Conduct Internet research.

ME.O.GLBM.5.3 distinguish how differences in occupational health and safety standards impact the conduct of business internationally.

Conduct Internet research; contact guest speakers from OSHA.

ME.O.GLBM.5.4 outline how the global labor market affects human resources management.

Conduct Internet research; contact guest speakers; use policy procedural manuals, employee handbooks, and videos.

ME.O.GLBM.5.5 examine the employment process to use when pursuing an international career.

Contact guest speakers; conduct Internet research.

ME.O.GLBM.5.6 contrast the work ethic in different cultures and societies.

Conduct Internet research.


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ME.O.GLBM.5.7 recognize personal safety, health, and legal documentation necessary for international travel and employment.

Conduct Internet research; contact guest speakers.

Standard Number:ME.S.GLBM.6

Marketing ConceptsStudents will apply marketing concepts to global business.

Essential Questions:

How do marketing concepts impact global business?

Objectives: Students will Learning Plan & Notes to Instructor:ME.O.GLBM.6.1 point out how a company markets a

product/service in other countries.Conduct Internet research; See Standard 6 project; use videos; and contact guest speakers.

ME.O.GLBM.6.2 illustrate how social, cultural, technological, and geographic factors influence consumer buying behavior in different countries.

Create a graph; conduct Internet research.

ME.O.GLBM.6.3 develop market potential for a good or service in a foreign market.

Conduct Internet research and surveys.

ME.O.GLBM.6.4 examine how the marketing mix elements need to be adapted for international marketing efforts.

ME.O.GLBM.6.5 analyze buying patterns of consumers in a foreign market.

Conduct Internet research.

ME.O.GLBM.6.6 relate how the marketing research process, including data collection, differs in an international application.

Conduct Internet research; contact guest speakers; participate in classroom discussion; and create graphs.

ME.O.GLBM.6.7 differentiate examples of countries that have absolute and comparative advantage.

Conduct Internet research; create graphs and maps.

ME.O.GLBM.6.8 recognize how brands and packages are affected by culture.

Survey manufacturers of food, clothing, and merchandise. Conduct field trips to retail stores; read and compare labels and packaging.

ME.O.GLBM.6.9 predict how the business environment affects prices charged in foreign markets.

Conduct Internet and newspaper research; find magazine articles.

ME.O.GLBM.6.10 select distribution channels for a company involved in international business.

Conduct Internet research; interview businesses involved in international business.

ME.O.GLBM.6.11 examine media used in different foreign markets.

Conduct Internet research; find magazine articles; contact guest speakers.


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ME.O.GLBM.6.12 analyze the influence of social and cultural factors affecting promotions used in foreign markets.

Participate in role plays; contact guest speakers.

Standard Number:ME.S.GLBM.7

Trade Concepts in the Import/Export ProcessStudents will relate balance of trade concepts to the import/export process.

Essential Questions:

How do government laws, regulations, and policies impact global trade?

Objectives: Students will Learning Plan & Notes to Instructor:ME.O.GLBM.7.1 distinguish between goods and services

imported to or exported from a country.Conduct Internet research.

ME.O.GLBM.7.2 analyze the import or export potential for a good or service.

Conduct Internet research.

ME.O.GLBM.7.3 recognize the role that U.S. Customs and the customs agencies of other countries play in international trade activities.

Conduct Internet research.

ME.O.GLBM.7.4 discover why trade barriers are imposed by governments (quotas, tariffs, licensing requirements, exchange rate controls).

Conduct Internet research; create presentations; contact guest speakers.

ME.O.GLBM.7.5 outline international trade agreements. Conduct Internet research; participate in classroom discussions.

ME.O.GLBM.7.6 examine the major current issues in world trade.

Conduct Internet research; find magazine, newspaper, and trade journal articles.

Standard Number:ME.S.GLBM.8

Business Ownership and Entrepreneurial Opportunities Students will identify forms of business ownership and entrepreneurial opportunities.


Why are different forms of business ownership necessary for the success of global marketing?

Objectives: Students will Learning Plan & Notes to Instructor:ME.O.GLBM.8.1 analyze various forms of business ownership. Use worksheets; participate in classroom

discussions; conduct interviews with business owners; contact guest speakers.

ME.O.GLBM.8.2 determine social and cultural influences on the forms of business ownership required in different counties.

Locate magazine articles; conduct Internet research.

ME.O.GLBM.8.3 distinguish between licensing and franchising for international business activities.

Conduct Internet research.


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Standard Number:ME.S.GLBM.9

Technology in Global Business and MarketingStudents will identify technology utilized in global business and marketing.

Essential Questions:

Why is it important to recognize the types of technology utilized in global business and marketing?

Objectives: Students will Learning Plan & Notes to Instructor:ME.O.GLBM.9.1 discover how the use of technology impacts

the global market.Participate in classroom discussions; conduct Internet research; create comparison charts on availability of technology tools in various countries.

ME.O.GLBM.9.2 recognize global e-commerce legal issues. Contact guest speakers to address legal issues and conduct Internet research.

ME.O.GLBM.9.3 recognize the domain names that indicate the origin of the website’s country.

Assign each student a country in which to market a product. Create a presentation that includes the country, available technology, marketing strategies, and legal issues to address.

Standard Number: ME.S.GLBM.10

Participating in a Local Student OrganizationStudents will participate in a local student organization.

Essential Questions:

How will participation in student organizations better prepare you to meet the demands of the business world?

Objectives: Students will Learning Plan & Notes to Instructor:ME.O.GLBM.10.1 assess the purposes and goals of a local

student organization. View video of organization’s purposes and goals. Participate in classroom discussion of purpose and goals and create a poster for the classroom.

ME.O.GLBM.10.2 discover the benefits and responsibilities of participation in a local student organization as an adult.

Participate in classroom discussion of alumni, costs involved as an alumni, and benefits of membership.

ME.O.GLBM.10.3 demonstrate leadership skills through participation in local student organization activities such as meetings, programs, and projects.

Participate in business meetings. Assign students a role to play in a meeting (president, secretary, etc.). Have students develop a program of work for a community service project, fundraising, leadership training, etc.


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21st Century Skills Learning Skills & Technology Tools Teaching Strategies Culminating Activity

Evidence of Success

Information and Communication Skills:


Student recognizes information needed for problem solving, can efficiently browse, search and navigate online to access relevant information, evaluates information based on credibility, social, economic, political, and/or ethical issues, and presents findings clearly and persuasively using a range of technology tools and media.

Student completes a problem-based learning project delivering a marketing idea to various global businesses. For example: Which method of advertising will reach the targeted audience in _________ (assigned country) based upon the availability of technology in that country?

Student presentation of assigned problem-based project.


Student implements various Internet search techniques (e.g., Boolean searches, meta searches, web bots) to gather information; student evaluates the information for validity, appropriateness, content, bias, currency, and usefulness.

Student completes a project on technology availability in various countries with presentation to include: websites used, benefits vs. problems using technology, and methods of providing information in various countries for marketing strategies.

Thinking and Reasoning Skills:


Student engages in a problem solving process by formulating questions and applying complex strategies in order to independently solve problems.


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Personal and Workplace Skills:


Student demonstrates ownership of his/her learning by setting goals, monitoring and adjusting performance, extending learning, using what he/she has learned to adapt to new situations, and displaying perseverance and commitment to continued learning.

Student uses a journal to set goals for completion of project listed above, as well as a daily recording of performance achieved, adjustment of timelines, resources used, etc.

Student presentation of assigned problem-based project


Student evaluates and applies technology tools for research, information analysis, problem solving, content learning, decision-making, and lifelong learning.

Learning Skills & Technology Tools Teaching Strategies Culminating Activity

Evidence of Success

Entrepreneurship Skills:

C Student understands fundamental business concepts that affect business decision making.

Students will participate in classroom discussions, debates, and student projects on development of small business for international trade.

Student presentation.

F Student understands the economic principles and concepts fundamental to entrepreneurship/small business ownership.


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Culminating AssessmentCulminating Assessment:

1. Students enrolled in this course will demonstrate an understanding of global marketing principles and practices. Students will be able to explain the cultural, economic, and governmental influences that effect global marketing. Presentation of an individualized business plan to established international business representatives will serve to demonstrate students’ knowledge of factors involved in a global marketing strategy.

2. Industry Credential Exam

3. Technical Skills Performance AssessmentLinks and Other Resources

Links and Other Resources:

Related Websites:

Advanced Distributed

America's Career

America's Job

America's Service


Career Voyages

Employment & Training


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The Job Accommodation Network (JAN)

International Business

International Monetary Fund

Marketing Education

Marketing Education Resource Teaching

Marketing Education

Marketing Education Teaching

MBA Research and Curriculum

Monthly Labor Review Online: Labor Force Archives force



Occupational Information


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Office of Disability Employment

Pathways to Success

U.S. Department of Labor in the 21st Century

West Virginia Earn A Degree Graduate Early (EDGE)

West Virginia Career and Technical Education

Workforce West Virginia

Local, state, and national newspapers

International Business, Third Edition, Cengage Publishers

Wall Street JournalContacts

Contacts: Marketing Teachers: See Marketing/DCT DirectoryBusiness and Marketing Lead Coordinator: Abigail Reynolds, [email protected] Marketing Coordinator: Betty Sias, [email protected] OCTI Assistant Executive Director and EOCTST Coordinator: Donna Burge-Tetrick OCTI Executive Director: Gene Coulson