curriculum for the programme in bachelor of science (bsc ...€¦ · curriculum for the programme...

Curriculum for the Programme in Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Business, Language and Culture (Chinese) 2007 Approved by the Cand.negot. Study Board on June 1 st 2007 Approved by the Dean of the Faculty of Humanities on the 7 th of September 2007 i henhold til Order no 338 of May 6th 2004 about BA and Master Programmes at the Universities

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Page 1: Curriculum for the Programme in Bachelor of Science (BSc ...€¦ · Curriculum for the Programme in Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Business, Language and Culture (Chinese) 2007 Approved

Curriculum for

the Programme in

Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Business, Language and Culture (Chinese)


Approved by the Cand.negot. Study Board on June 1st 2007 Approved by the Dean of the Faculty of Humanities on the 7th of September 2007

i henhold til Order no 338 of May 6th 2004 about BA and Master Programmes at the Universities

Page 2: Curriculum for the Programme in Bachelor of Science (BSc ...€¦ · Curriculum for the Programme in Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Business, Language and Culture (Chinese) 2007 Approved
Page 3: Curriculum for the Programme in Bachelor of Science (BSc ...€¦ · Curriculum for the Programme in Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Business, Language and Culture (Chinese) 2007 Approved

Contents Study Description I General Rules for the Programme A. Goal and Prerequisites ..................................................................................................3 B. Course Plan and Exam Plan Course Plan ..................................................................................................................5 Exam Plan ....................................................................................................................6 C. Special definitions and Exam regulations for the Programme .....................................8 II Course Description Courses in the Humanities 1st year § 21 Chinese Oral and Written Language Proficiency 1 ...................................................13 § 22 Introduction to Chinese History, Culture and Society, Part 1 ...................................15 § 23 Philosophy of Science ...............................................................................................16 2nd year § 24 Chinese Oral and Written Language Proficiency 2 ...................................................17 § 25 Introduction to Chinese History, Culture and Society 1972 – today .........................19 3rd year (Study in China) ..................................................................................................20 § 26 Chinese Language Proficiency 3 ...............................................................................21 § 27 Chinese History and Social Studies............................................................................23 § 28 Area Studies 1 and Area Studies 2 ...........................................................................24 § 29 Commercial Communication .....................................................................................25 4th year § 30 Intercultural Communication .....................................................................................26 § 31 Negotiation Theory and Practice ...............................................................................28 § 32 Project Presentation ...................................................................................................29 Joint Courses § 33 Cultural Sociology .....................................................................................................29 § 34 BA Project .................................................................................................................31 Courses in Social Science 1st year § 35 Introduction to Scientific Method ..............................................................................32 § 36 Introduction to EDB and Information Retrieval ........................................................33 § 37 Mathematics ..............................................................................................................34

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§ 38 Business Economics 1a: Marketing and Strategy.......................................................35 § 38a Business Economics 1c: Organizational behaviour....................................................36 § 39 Business Economics 2a: Accounting and investment ................................................37 § 40 Statistics......................................................................................................................39 § 41 Micro-Economics ......................................................................................................41 2nd year § 42 Macro-Economics ......................................................................................................42 § 43 Business Law .............................................................................................................43 § 44 Global Marketing .......................................................................................................44 § 45 Theory of Consumer Behaviour ................................................................................45 § 46 International Economics ............................................................................................45 4th year § 47 Organization ..............................................................................................................47 § 48 Market Analysis .........................................................................................................48 III Effects of the Regulations and Regulations of Transition ...................49 IV General rules for The Faculty of Humanities .................................... 50

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General Rules – Course Plan and Exam Plan

I. General Rules for the programme Uddannelsen udbydes i henhold til bekendtgørelse nr. 228 af 6. maj 2004 om bachelor- og kan-didatuddannelser ved universitetern.

1. Mål og forudsætninger § 1 Uddannelsens mål

Negot.-bacheloruddannelsen i kinesisk er en 4 årig kombinationsuddannelse, der består af 50 % sprog-, kultur- og kommunikationsfag og 50 % samfundsvidenskabeli-ge/erhvervsøkonomiske fag. I studiet indgår et års propædeutisk undervisning udelukken de i kinesisk sprog og kultur. Uddannelsen har til formål - at give den studerende grundlæggende humanistiske og samfundsvidenskabelige kvali-

fikationer inden for erhvervsøkonomi, marketing og ledelse, kommunikation og kultur samt færdigheder på højt niveau i kinesisk

- at sætte den studerende i stand til at analysere praktiske problemstillinger inden for ud-dannelsens fagområder og træffe fagligt begrundede beslutninger på grundlag af indsigt i relevante metoder og teorier

- derved give den studerende det bedst muligt grundlag for praktisk og teoretisk videre-uddannelse i private og offentlige virksomheder og organisationer

- at kvalificere den studerende til optagelse på cand.negot.-kandidatuddannelsen eller an-dre relevante kandidatuddannelser

Uddannelsen stræber mod følgende kompetencemål for den studerende: Generelle kompetencemål: Den studerende skal 1. kunne afgrænse og definere et fagligt problem 2. kunne undersøge, analysere og løse faglige problemer ved hjælp af relevante faglige te-

orier og metoder 3. kunne systematisere kompleks viden og data samt udvælge og prioritere forhold, der er

væsentlige for emnet 4. kritisk kunne vurdere fagets forskellige teorier og metoder 5. have en præcis og konsekvent begrebsanvendelse 6. kunne argumentere på et holdbart videnskabeligt grundlag 7. kunne indgå i en faglig dialog 8. have et klart fokus og sammenhæng i løsning af opgaver 9. tage kritisk stilling til benyttede kilder og dokumentere disse ved hjælp af referencer,

noter og bibliografi 10. anvende et sprog - skriftligt og/eller mundtligt - der er emneorienteret, præcist og kor-

rekt 11. formidle et komplekst stof, således at det bliver relevant og forståeligt for forskellige



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General Rules – Course Plan and Exam Plan

12. kunne indgå i et samarbejde, herunder at kunne modtage kritik af eget arbejde og give konstruktiv kritik til andre

13. kunne arbejde selvstændigt, disciplineret, struktureret og målrettet, herunder også kun-ne overholde deadlines og formalia

14. anvende IT som et redskab i forbindelse med såvel informationssøgning som mundtlig og skriftlig formidling

15. kunne forstå og anvende faglige tekster på engelsk og på de skandinaviske sprog kunne formulere sig om faglige emner på et fremmedsprog

Fagspecifikke kompetencemål: Faglige kompetencemål: Den studerende skal: - have et solidt kendskab til de erhvervsøkonomiske grunddiscipliner (bl.a. marketing, er-

hvervsøkonomi, mikro-/makro- og internation økonomi, organisation) - beherske kinesisk skriftligt og mundtligt - have en grundlæggende viden om kultur- og samfundsforhold i Kina - have en grundlæggende viden om kommunikationens funktion i det interkulturelle sam-

kvem - være i stand til at opsøge og anvende nye informationer inden studiets fagområder Praksiskompetencemål:

Den studerende skal på arbejdsområder, som kræver sagkundskab inden for erhvervsøko-nomi, marketing, ledelse, sprog, kommunikation og kultur være i stand til at analysere praktiske problemstillinger og træffe fagligt begrundede beslutninger på grundlag af indsigt i relevante metoder og teorier Bacheloruddannelsen består af obligatoriske fag på ialt 230 ECTS (konstituerende fagele-menter), og valgfag på ialt 10 ECTS. Den indeholder lige dele humanistiske og samfunds-videnskabelige fag.

§ 2 Forudsætninger

For at blive optaget på uddannelsen skal den studerende have en adgangsgivende eksamen med det niveau, der fremgår af Adgangsbekendtgørelsen.

§ 3 Undervisningen Undervisningen er forskningsbaseret. § 4 Titler

Når alle prøverne på bacheloruddannelsen er bestået, har den studerende ret til betegnelsen BSc Negot. (latin: baccalaureus/ baccalaurea artium negotiandi ( handle, forhandle); på engelsk: Bachelor in Business, Language and Culture (Chinese)


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General Rules – Course Plan and Exam Plan


B. § 5 Course Plan (Courses in bold constitute the first year’s test) HUMANITIES JOINT SOCIAL SCIENCE LESSONS/ECTS

Culture/Society Language Communication Method Marketing National Eco-nomics Business Economics Soc. Sc. Hum. TOTAL

1st year 1st sem

Introd. to Chin. Hist.,Cult.&Soc. 2 l/w 5 ECTS § 22

Chin. Lang. Prof. 1 (prop.) 10 l/w 9 ECTS § 21

Intro. to EDP& Inf.retriev.1.4+2.6 l/w 2 ECTS § 36

Introd. to Sci-entific Method 1 l/w 1 ECTS § 35

Mathematics 0+2 l/w 2 ECTS § 37

Business Econ. 1a 2 l/w 3.75 ECTS§ 38

Business Econ. 2a 3+1l/w 7.5 ECTS § 39

7.4 + 5.6 16.25 ECTS

12 14 ECTS

19.4+ 5.6 30.25 ECTS

2nd sem.

Chin. Lang. Prof. 1 (prop.) 10 l/w 9 ECTS § 21

Phil. of Science 1 l/w 5 ECTS § 23

M icroEconomics 3+1 l/w 4 ECTS § 41

Business Econ. 1c 2 l/w 3.75 ECTS§ 38a

Statistics 3+2 l/w 7.5 ECTS § 40

8 +3 15.25 ECTS

11 14 ECTS

19+3 29.25 ECTS

2nd year 3rd term

Introd. to Chin. Hist.,Cult.&Soc2 l/w, 5 ECTS § 25

Chin. Lang.Prof. 2 10 l/w 10 ECTS, § 24

Cultural Sociology 2 l/w, 4 ECTS, § 33

Macro Economics 3+1 l/w 6.5 ECTS § 42

Business Law 2 l/w 4,5 ECTS § 43

6 +1 13 ECTS

13 17 ECTS

19+1 30 ECTS

4th sem

Chin. Lang. Prof. 2 10 l/w 12 ECTS § 24

Global Marketing 3+ 1l/w 7.5 ECTS § 44

Theory of Cons.Behav3 l/w 6.5 ECTS § 45

Intern. Econom. 3+1 l/w 6.5 ECTS § 46

9 +2 20.5 ECTS

10 12 ECTS

19+2 32.5 ECTS

3rd year 5thsem¤

Area Studies 12 l/w, 5 ECTS, § 28

Chinese history, cult. and soc. 2 l/w, 5 ECTS § 27

Chin. Lang. Prof. 3 16 l/w, 17 ECTS, §26

20 27 ECTS

20 27 ECTS

6th sem

Area Studies 22 l/w, 5 ECTS, § 28

Commercial Communication 2 l/w, 7,5 ECTS, § 29

Chin. Lang. Prof. 3 16 l/w 21 ECTS § 26

20 33.5 ECTS

20 33.5 ECTS

4th year 7thsem

Interculturalcomm. 2 l/w, 5 ECTS,

Neg. Theory &Skills 1 l/w

Market Analysis 4+1 l/w, 10 ECTS, § 48

Organization 3 + 1 l/w 7.5 ECTS, § 47

7+2 17.5 ECTS

3 5 ECTS

10+2 22.5 ECTS

8th sem

Project Presenta-tion 5 ECTS, § 32

1 l/w, 5 ECTS, § 30

2 l/w, 10 ECTS § 31

BA.-Proj. 15 ECTS § 34

0 7.5 ECTS

3 27,5 ECTS

3 35 ECTS

¤ 5. and 6. term are normalle attended at an educational institution in China. *Number of lessons: Digits following + indicate tutorials 37,4+13,6 90 ECTS

92 150 ECTS

129+13.6 240 ECTS

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General Rules – Course Plan and Exam Plan


§ 6 Table of exams The workload of exams normally is 1/5 run up to the closest whole number of the workload of the total workload of the subject Teachinc Exam

Sem Subject l/w

l/w tuit. Exam form Duration Preparation Aids/

PC Assessment Censure ECTS § Dept.

Chin. Lang. Prof. 1 10 2 tests 7-scale none 9 § 21 IFKI 1st sem HUM Intr. to Chin. Hist., Cult. &

Soc. part 1 2 paper p/f none 5 § 22 IFKI

12 14 IFKI Introd. to EDB & Info. retr. 1.4 2.6 paper

written 4 days 4 h


p/f p/f

none none

11 § 36 IFKI

Mathematics 2 home ass. p/f none 2 § 37 VØK Intr. to Sc. Method 1 written 3 h none p/f int. 1 § 35 MAR Business Econ. 1a 2 paper 7-scale none 3.75 § 38 MAR


Business Econ. 2a 3 1 2 home ass. written

4 h


p/f 7-scale

none none

3.753.75 § 39 VØK

7,4 5,6 16.25 Chin. Lang. Prof. 1 10 2 tests 7-scale none 9 § 21 IFKI 2nd sem

HUM Philophy of Science 1 written 3 h ling. dict. p/f int 5 § 23 IFKI 11 14

Business Econ. 1c 2 home ass. or weritten

24 h 4 h

7-scale none 3.75 § 38a VØK

Statistics 3 2 home ass. written

2 h

all printed

7-scale 7-scale

none none


§ 40 IME


Micro-Ecomics 3 1 home ass. written

3 h

all printed

p/f 7-scale

none none

22 § 41 IME

8 3 15.25 Chin. Lang. Prof. 2 10 2 tests 7-scale none 5 § 24 IFKI 3rd sem

HUM Int. to Chin. Hist., Cult. & Soc. part 2

2 home ass. p/f none 5 § 25 IFKI

12 10 Macro-Economics 3 1 home ass

written 4 h

p/f 7-scale

none none

0 6.5

§ 42 VØK SoSc

Business law 2 written 4 h all printed p/f none 4,5 § 43 VØK 5 1 11 JOINT Cultural sociology 2 written 4 h 7-scale none 4 § 33 MAR/


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General Rules – Course Plan and Exam Plan


Teaching Exam

Sem Subject l/w l/w tuit. Exam form Duration Preparation Aids/

PC Assessment Censure ECTS § Dept.

4th sem.HUM

Chin. Lang. Prof. 2 10 2 tests written oral

2 h 20 min

20 min


7-scale. 7-scale 7-scale

none int int

5 6 6

§ 24 IFKI

10 17 SoSc Global Marketing 3 1 written 5 h all printed 7-scale ext 7.5 § 44 MAR Theory of Cons. Behaviour 3 written 4 h all printed 7-scale ext 6.5 § 45 MAR Intern. Economics 3 1 home ass.

written 4 h


p/f 7-scale

none ext

0 6.5

§ 46 VØK

9 2 20.5 5th sem. (can take place in China)

Chin. Language prof. 3 16 § 26 IFKI Area Studies 1 2 wr/oral/home ass 7-scale int 5 § 28 IFKI


Chin. Hist., Cult. & Soc. 2 written 4 h 7-scale ext 5 § 27


20 10 6th sem. (can take place in China)

Area Studies 2 2 wr/oral/home ass 7-scale int 5 § 28 IFKI Chin. Language prof. 3 16 oral

written. 20 min 5 h

20 min. all printed

7-scale 7-scale

ext ext



Commercial Comm. 2 written 4 h all printed p/f int 7,5 § 29 IFKI 20 50,5

Negot. theory and training 1 § 31 IFKI 7th semHUM Intercultural Comm. 2 home ass. p/f none 5 § 30 IFKI 3 5 SoSc

Organization 3 1 oral 20 min. 20 min.

7-scale ext 7.5 § 47 VØK

Market Analysis 4 1 home ass. none 10 § 48 MAR 7 2 17.5 8th sem HUM

Project Presentation home ass & oral

20 min



5 § 32 IFKI

Negot. theory and skills 2 oral gr. 20 min 40 min. dictionaries 7-scale ext 10 § 31 IFKI Intercultural Comm. 1 written 3 t all. 7-scale ext 5 § 30 IFKI 3 20 JOINT Bachelor Project paper 7-scale ext 15 § 34

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Special definitions and exam regulations


C. Særlige definitioner og eksamensbestemmelser § 7 I Fællesbestemmelserne for de humanistiske uddannelser (denne studieordnings

afsnit IV) findes definitioner af • ECTS (§ 26) • Typeenheder (§ 28) (se også nedenfor § 16) • Normalsider (§ 27) (se også nedenfor § 16) Endvidere er der bl.a. fastsat regler om: • Bachelorprojekt (§ 15) • Resumé i forbindelse med bachelorprojekt (§19) • Interne og eksterne prøver (§ 6) • Stave- og formuleringsevne (§ 9) (se også nedenfor § 13) • Eksamensprog (se også nedenfor § 8) • Webhenvisninger i specialer og andre skriftlige hjemmeopgaver (§ 18) • Regler for afholdelse af sygeeksamen (§ 13) (se også nedenfor § 14) • Regler for studieaktivitet (§ 31) E-læring Det tilstræbes i videst muligt omfang at inddrage tilgængelige og relevante e-læringsværktøjer i undervisningen.

§ 8 Undervisningssprog, sprog i pensum, eksamenssprog. Undervisning i de sprogspecifikke fag (fag der er tilrettelagt for den enkelte sprogretning) på den humanistiske del foregår principielt på kinesisk. Undervisningssproget i de fag, der ikke er sprogspecifikke, kan være dansk, svensk, norsk eller engelsk. Det samme gælder for sproget i de tekster, der indgår i pensum. Andre sprog kan kun anvendes efter godkendelse i studienævnet. Eksamenssproget er det samme som undervisningssproget, med mindre studienævnet har fastsat andet, jf. Bekendtgørelse om eksamen ved universitetsuddannelser § 5.

Eksamen § 9 Beståkrav, karaktervægte og gennemsnit

Ved bedømmelsen af en prøve gives enten karakter efter 7-trinsskalaen eller bedømmelsen bestået/ ikke-bestået. En karaktergivende prøve skal være vurderet til mindst karakteren 2 for at være bestået. Dette gælder dog ikke delprøver, jf. Bekendtgørelse om karakterskala og anden bedømmelse ved universitetsuddannelser § 15. En én gang bestået prøve kan ikke tages om. Karakterer Der udregnes et gennemsnit for hele bacheloruddannelsen.

§ 10 Førsteårsprøven Førsteårsprøven består af følgende fag: alle studerende: Erhvervsøkonomi 1b og 1c og Erhvervsøkonomi 2a (kun den skriftlige eksamen) Kinesisk Sprogfærdighed 1

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Special definitions and exam regulations


Førsteårsprøven er bestået, når disse fag er bestået, idet Erhvervsøkonomi 1 og Erhvervs-økonomi 2 er bestået, når gennemsnittet af de 2 prøver er 02 uden oprunding. Når prøverne er bestået på gennemsnittet kan ingen af delene tages om. Den studerende skal melde sig til den første ordinære eksamen, der afholdes i de fag, som indgår i førsteårsprøven. Der afholdes reeksamination i førsteårsprøvens fag inden udgangen af august. Førsteårsprøven skal være bestået inden udgangen af 4. semester.

§ 11 Eksamenstilmelding Tilmelding til prøverne finder sted via studenterselvbetjening i forbindelse med tilmelding til undervisningen eller på særlige blanketter. Tilmelding til andre prøver eller ændringer i tilmeldinger foretages 20.-30. oktober, hhv. 20.-30. marts.

§ 12 Pensum Pensum ved ordinær eksamen i et fag efter undervisningens afslutning gælder, indtil der igen har været udbudt et undervisningsforløb i faget. Herefter eksamineres kun i det nye pensum.

§ 13 Stave- og formuleringsevne Ved bedømmelsen af bachelorprojekt, speciale og andre større skriftlige opgaver indgår den studerendes stave- og formuleringsevne, uanset sprog. Sprogbehandlingen, defineret som skriftlig/ mundtlig fremstillingsform, skal vurderes til bestået, for at prøven i sin hel-hed er bestået. En dårlig sprogbehandling i disse prøver kan påvirke den samlede karakter i nedadgående retning. På samme måde kan en god sprogbehandling påvirke karakteren i opadgående retning.

§ 14 Sygeeksamen/reeksamen Der afholdes normalt ikke sygeeksamen eller reeksamen, idet der normalt afholdes eksa-men i alle fag i hver ordinær eksamenstermin. Undtagelser herfra er nævnt under de på-gældende fags eksamensbestemmelser. Se endvidere Fællesbestemmelserne for de huma-nistiske uddannelser § 13 vedr. Førsteårsprøven samt sidste fag.

§ 15 Klager Klager over en eksamination eller over vurderingen af en eksamenspræstation skal indsen-des til dekanen for Det Humanistiske Fakultet (for de humanistiske fags vedkommende) el-ler til dekanen for Det Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultet (for de samfundsvidenskabelige fags vedkommende) senest 2 uger efter, at bedømmelsen er blevet offentliggjort. Offentliggørelsesdatoen fremgår af opslaget vedr. eksamensdatoer. Klagen skal være skriftlig og begrundet. Klageren bør først tage kontakt med eksaminator. Der henvises endvidere til Fællesbestemmelserne for de humanistiske uddannelser § 22 og § 23.

Definitioner § 16 Normalside

En normalside er en beregningsfaktor, der dækker 2100 typeenheder prosa og 14 vers poe-si. Ved audiovisuelle tekster svarer 2 minutters lyd eller film til 1 normalside.

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Special definitions and exam regulations


§ 17 Aflevering af hjemmeopgaver

Hjemmeopgaver, der bedømmes med censur, skal afleveres på sekretariatet i 3 eksempla-rer. Ved bachelorprojekter med 2 vejledere skal dog afleveres 5 eksemplarer. Hjemmeopgaver, der bedømmes uden censur, skal afleveres på sekretariatet i 2 eksempla-rer. Omfangsangivelse for hjemmeopgaver er baseret på normalsider (se § 16). Afleveringsfristen er anført under eksamensbestemmelserne for de pågældende fag. Afleve-ringstidspunktet er altid den pågældende dato i sekretariatets åbningstid. I nærværende studieordning skelnes mellem: a. En fri hjemmeopgave - emnet for opgaven formuleres af den studerende efter aftale med

vejlederen/læreren. b. En bunden hjemmeopgave - opgaven stilles af læreren.. En bunden hjemmeopgave, der bliver bedømt ikke-bestået, kan ikke genindleveres i sam-me eksamenstermin, med mindre andet er fastsat i eksamensbestemmelserne for faget.

§ 18 Bidrag fra flere studerende ved en eksamen Prøverne er individuelle, jf. § 3 i Bekendtgørelse om eksamen ved universitetsuddannelser som ændret ved Bek nr. 231 af 22. marts 2006. Ved flere bidragydere til en skriftlig opga-ve skal den enkelte deltagers bidrag kunne bedømmes for sig. Opgavens omfang skal stå i et rimeligt forhold til antallet af bidragydere Højst 3 personer kan bidrage ved et bachelorprojekt. Ved andre eksaminer kan højst 4 personer bidrage, med mindre andet udtrykkeligt er nævnt under fagets eksamensbestemmelser.

§ 19 Brug af computer ved eksamen

Brug af computer som hjælpemiddel ved eksamen er kun tilladt, hvor det udtrykkeligt er nævnt under eksamensbestemmelserne for et fag. I givet fald gælder Det humanistiske Fa-kultets regelsæt om brug af egen computer ved eksamen, se hæftet ”Bekendtgørelser og regler” eller Det Humanistiske Fakultets hjemmesider.

§ 20 Meritoverførsel

Generelt Grundlaget for meritoverførsel kan være enten en prøve, der er bestået ved en anden dansk eller udenlandsk uddannelsesinstitution, eller et praktikophold i udlandet. I sidstnævnte til-fælde skal det dreje sig om arbejde, der er relevant i forhold til studiets formål (se § 1). Den studerende kan søge om studienævnets forhåndsgodkendelse af studieaktiviteten eller praktikopholdet på et særligt skema. En forhåndsgodkendelse er udtryk for et informativt skøn. Den endelige afgørelse om merit træffes i hvert enkelt tilfælde på grundlag af den indleve-rede dokumentation efter opholdets afslutning. I ansøgningen om forhåndsgodkendelse skal den studerende godtgøre, at studienævnets betingelser for at bevilge merit, som nævnt nedenfor, opfyldes. Ansøgning om endelig meritoverførsel indgives til studienævnet på et særligt skema se-nest hhv. 15. september og 15. februar i semestret umiddelbart efter hjemkomsten.

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Special definitions and exam regulations


Hvis der søges om flere fag på baggrund af samme studie- eller praktikophold, skal ansøg-ning omfattende alle fag indsendes samlet. Meritoverførsel på grundlag af studier Meritoverførsel på grundlag af studier i Danmark eller i udlandet kan gives for alle fag med undtagelse af Skriftlig sprogproduktion og grammatik og Forhandlingsteori og –træning, som normalt ikke vil kunne meritoverføres. Meritoverførsel gives kun på grundlag af dokumentation for beståede prøver, herunder hjemmeopgaver. Dokumentationen skal indeholde oplysninger om de pågældende kursers omfang (f.eks i antal timer), pensum og prøveform. Meritoverførsel af obligatoriske fag bevilges med karakteren bestået, uanset andre uddan-nelsesinstitutioners vurdering, med mindre der på forhånd er aftalt en overførsel af karakte-rer til 7-trinsskalaen. For at der kan gives meritoverførsel, skal den aflagte prøve have et fagligt niveau og om-fang, der mindst er på højde med studieordningens krav. Hvis omfanget af de fag, der ønskes meritoverført, skønnes at være mindre end på cand.negot.-uddannelsen, kan der evt. gives pensumreduktion. Meritoverførsel kan ikke gives på grundlag af kurser/uddannelsesdele på ikke-universitært niveau.

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Courses in the Humanities


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The Humanities – 1st year


II. Course Description for the Programme in BSc in Business, Language and Culture (Chinese) The Humanities

1st year § 21 Chinese Oral and Written Language Proficiency 1

a. Course extent 10 lessons weekly during 1st and 2nd term. Workload: 9 ECTS in 1st term and 9 ECTS in 2nd term, a total of 18 ECTS b. Aim of the course The student is not expected to have any previous knowledge of the Chinese language. Oral Proficiency: The student must, in plain/simple language at moderate speed and

without significant errors, be able to - talk about everyday situations , - summarize a short text, and - introduce him/herself/others in dialogical situations Listening Proficiency: The student must - understand explicitly formulated messages about common relations - be able to take part in a simple dialogue at a moderate speech tempo Reading Proficiency: The student must be able to read 600 Chinese characters. Writing Proficiency: The student must be able to write 600 Chinese characters without

significant errors, be able to - write and introduction of him/herself/others - write a brief comment based on a text or orally presented situation or state of affairs. Grammar: The student must know basic elements of Chinese grammar. c. Contents The aim of this course is to present an introduction to modern Chinese spoken language (mandarin/putonghua) and Chinese written language (abbreviated characters). The text used will concern present-day issues relevant for society. Through tutorials using relatively accessible written and audio-visual materials the stu-dent will master (listening and performing) basic structures and patterns in modern Chi-nese. To support the mastering of the language the student is introduced to the grammar of modern Chinese and its use. Grammatical topics relevant to the training of specific communicative skills are introduced and mainly concern areas of Chinese grammar which have proven difficult to students with a European language background. d. Teaching and work methods The course consists of 5 double lessons weekly in the language classroom, parts of them in the language lab. Each week’s lectures introduce new Chinese vocabulary, and struc-

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The Humanities – 1st year

tures, train memorization and use of spoken and written forms in simple well-defined linguistic environments. To help the student attain critical awareness of his or her acquisition of Chinese and to develop optimal strategies and modes of acquisition, the student should create and up-date an electronic education portfolio in BLACKBOARD to which student and teachers have access. The students will be instructed in the creation of the portfolio. In order to acquire proper pronunciation, regular training sessions will be held at the language lab. e. Course readings The teaching of reading and writing ability covers recognizing, remembering and ac-tively producing a limited number of characters (600). f. Criteria for evaluation Considering the Order of Grading Scale, the exam form and the BA level importance is attached to the degree of which the student fulfils the above description of the Aim of the course and to which degree the student fulfils the general competences described in § 1. g. Exam regulations The student must be present at least 80 % of the lessons to qualify for the exams. During this course the student is expected to pass 4 tests – 2 tests each Semester - of lis-tening-, oral-, reading-, and writing proficiency related to the texts studied in class. Each test evaluates oral proficiency and written proficiency. These tests are held during in class.

Test form: 4 compulsory oral and written tests – 2 each Semester. Each test

evaluates oral proficiency and written proficiency. Censure: None Grading: 7 scale. Grading is given after each semester as an average of the

grades for the 2 tests. Oral and written proficiency must be consid-ered equally in the grading of each test.

Workload: 4.5 ECTS per test, 9 ECTS per Semester Re-examinations for the first 2 tests are held in Dec/Jan, in May/June, and Re-exam for test 3 and 4 are held in May/June and Aug. At a re-examination the Study Board may decide to replace the 2 tests with one test in oral proficiency and one test in written pro-ficiency.

Oral re-examination: Test form: Oral. An assignment including listening and oral proficiency is

given. Duration: 20 minutes Preparation: 20 minutes Aids: None Censure: None Grading: 7-scale Workload: 4.5 ECTS


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The Humanities – 1st year

Written re-examination: Test form: Written exam under supervision. An assignment including listening

and oral proficiency is given. Duration: 1 hour Aids: None Computer: Not allowed Censure: None Grading: 7 scale Workload: 4.5 ECTS

The test in “Written Oral Proficiency” is part of the 1st years’ test.

§ 22 Introduction to Chinese History, Culture and Society, Part 1 a. Course extent 2 lessons weekly during 1st term. Workload: 5 ECTS. b. Aim of the course: The student must have a knowledge of China’s history and its political, social, and eco-nomic development in the years from the middle of the 19th century to 1976 and under-stand the essential issues shaping China and its surrounding region. The students should be able to systematize complex knowledge and express it in a clear and structured fashion and to evaluate sources on scientific grounds. c. Contents The aim of this course is to introduce the student to China’s history and its political, social, and economic development in the years from the middle of the 19th century to 1976.

d. Teaching and work methods The teaching consists of lectures, discussions, and tutorials. e. Course readings App. 500 standard pages in English. Course materials are books, chapters and papers as well as newspaper articles and historical documents. f. Criteria for evaluation Considering the Order of Grading Scale, the exam form and the BA level importance is attached to the degree of which the student fulfils the above description of the Aim of the course and to which degree the student fulfils the general competences described in § 1. g. Exam regulations The course ends with a compulsory individual home assignment related to the studied material. The assignment is to be written in English. A text is handed out on the basis of which the student must answer a series of general questions and relate the text to the material covered in class. Test form: A compulsory, individual home assignment Extent 6-10 standard pages in English


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The Humanities – 1st year

Censure: None. In a second or later exam attempt, an internal censure is used.

Grading: Pass/Fail Workload: 5 ECTS

§ 23 Philosophy of Science

a. Course extent 1 lesson weekly in the 2nd term. Workload: 5 ECTS b. Aim of the course The student must show insight into basic science theoretical concepts and problems and their meaning to the humanities. c. Content This course provides a basic introduction to the nature of humanistic science and fo-cuses on the questions of the general science of the humanities and how it relates to other branches of science. This is to make the student reflect, in a critical manner, over the methods and viewpoints he/she encounters in his/her work with course-specific is-sues. The course provides some basic conceptual tools for this use. An overview over the different branches of science, the methods and subjects characteristic to them and related scientific theoretical and philosophical problems, will be given. Topics such as induction, explanation, hypothesis, evidence, theory-empiricism, realism vs. construc-tivism and the role of science in society, will be covered. d. Teaching and work methods The teaching consists of lectures. e. Course readings The exam requirements are app. 400 standard pages. f. Exam regulations: Test form: compulsory written exam with supervision Duration: 3 hours Aids: Linguistic dictionaries Computer: Yes, according to the Rules of The Faculty of Humanities Censure: Internal Grading: Pass/fail Workload: 5 ECTS


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The Humanities – 2nd year

2nd year

§ 24 Chinese Oral and Written Language Proficiency 2

a. Course extent 10 lessons weekly during 3rd and 4th term. Workload: 22 ECTS b. Aim of the course Oral Proficiency: The student must, at a moderate speed and using a relatively varied vocabulary, be able to - describe and assess depictions of situations, people, and opinions, - provide a summary of a written or spoken text or dialogue as well as - argue in favour of/against particular viewpoints. Listening Proficiency: The student must be able to understand and participate in a dia-logue with interlocutors at moderate speed. Reading Proficiency: The student must understand ordinary texts related to the covered communicative practices Writing Proficiency: The student must, without significant grammatical errors be able to produce texts of some length on common states of affairs and special subjects covered in class, such as summaries, presentations of people, objects and places, as well as ex-pressions of opinion. The student must master some variation with regards to vocabu-lary, the use of discourse markers and syntactic constructions. Grammar: The student must know the basic elements of Chinese grammar. c. Contents The course builds on the first year of Chinese and further introduces basic features of modern Chinese. During the course, the student should learn to recognize, memorize and write 1000 new Chinese characters. Grammatical topics relevant to the training of specific communicative skills are intro-duced and mainly concern areas of Chinese grammar which have proven difficult to students with a European language background. Through practical tasks using different written and audiovisual materials the student will master different types of communicative practices including simpledescribing peo-ple, objects and places, presenting the opinion of him/herself and others, summarizing and participating in dialogues. 5 lectures will be dedicated to topics of general cultural interest (e.g. aspects of gender, unemployment) to introduce specific vocabulary. The topics themselves will not be tested.

d. Teaching and work methods The course consists of 5 double lessons weekly in the language classroom, parts of them in the language lab. Each week’s lectures introduce new Chinese vocabulary, and struc-tures, train memorization and use of spoken and written forms in simple well-defined linguistic environments. e. Course Readings Relevant text books and grammar books


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The Humanities – 2nd year

f. Criteria for evaluation Considering the Order of Grading Scale, the exam form and the BA level importance is attached to the degree of which the student fulfils the above description of the Aim of the course and to which degree the student fulfils the general competences described in § 1.

g. Exam regulations The student must be present at least 80 % of the lessons to qualify for the exams. Oral as well as written language proficiency are tested. 1. Language tests During this course the student is expected to pass 4 tests – 2 tests each Semester - of lis-tening-, oral-, reading-, and writing proficiency related to the texts studied in class. Each teach evaluates oral proficiency and written proficiency. The tests are held during in class. The student must have passed the tests before being allowed to take the exams at the end of the course.

Test form: 4 compulsory oral and written tests – 2 each Semester. Each test

evaluates oral proficiency and written proficiency. Censure: None Grading: 7-scale. Grading is given after each semester as an average of the

grades for the 2 tests. Oral and written proficiency must be consid-ered equally in the grading of each test.

Workload: 2,5 ECTS per test, 5 ECTS per Semester

Re-examinations for the first 2 tests are held in Dec/Jan, in May/June, and Re-exam for test 3 and 4 are held in May/June and Aug. At a re-examination the Study Board may decide to replace the 2 tests with one test in oral proficiency and one test in written pro-ficiency.

Oral re-examination: Test form: Oral. An assignment including listening and oral proficiency is

given. Duration: 20 minutes Preparation: 20 minutes Aids: None Censure: None Grading: 7 scale Workload: 2.5 ECTS

Written re-examination: Test form: Written exam under supervision. An assignment including listening

and oral proficiency is given. Duration: 1 hour Aids: None Computer: Not allowed Censure: None Grading: 7 scale Workload: 2.5 ECTS


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The Humanities – 2nd year

2. Final Exams It is a condition for taking this exam that the student has passed the 4 tests A. Oral Language Proficiency The test in oral language proficiency consists of summarizing audio- or audiovisual materials of approximately 5 minutes as well as a conversation based on a text. Materials are handed out at the commencement of preparation. Test form: Oral. Duration: 20 minutes including assessment Preparation: 20 minutes Aids: None Censure: Internal Grading: 7-scale. One mark is given, as listening proficiency and expression

proficiency each contribute with 50%. Workload: 6 ECTS B. Written Language Proficiency The test in written language proficiency includes different types of tasks e.g. answering questions to a given text, cloze insertion , writing descriptions, and free written fluency in relation to topics which have been treated in class. Test form: Individual compulsory written test under supervision. Duration: 2 hours Aids: None Computer: Not allowed Grading: 7-scale. One mark is given as reading proficiency and writing pro-

ficiency each contribute with 50%. Censure: Internal Workload: 6 ECTS

Students who can show that they in ways other than attending class, have gained an oral proficiency level equivalent to the exam requirements, can have an assessment ar-ranged individually in cooperation with t § 25 Introduction to Chinese History, Culture and Society, Part 2 a. Course extent 2 lessons weekly during the 3rd term. Workload: 5 ECTS. b. Aim of the course The student must have insight into China’s history and its political, social, and eco-nomic development in the years from 1976 to the present and understand the essential issues shaping China and its surrounding region. The student should be able to systematize complex knowledge and express it in a clear and structured fashion and to evaluate sources on scientific grounds.


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The Humanities – 3rd year

c. Contents The aim of this course is to introduce the student to China’s history and its political, so-cial, and economic development in the years from 1976 to the present. d. Teaching and work methods The teaching consists of lectures, discussions, and tutorials. e. Course Readings App. 500 standard pages in English. Course materials are books, chapters and papers as well as newspaper articles and historical documents.

f. Criteria for evaluation Considering the Order of Grading Scale, the exam form and the BA level importance is attached to the degree of which the student fulfils the above description of the Aim of the course and to which degree the student fulfils the general competences described in § 1. g. Exam regulations The course ends with a compulsory individual home assignment related to the studied material. The assignment is to be written in English. A text is handed out on the basis of which the student must answer a series of general questions and relate the text to the material covered in class. Test form: A compulsory, individual home assignment Extent 6-10 standard pages in English Censure: None. By second or later exam attempt internal censure is used. Grading: Pass/Fail Workload: 5 ECTS

3rd year

The courses in Chinese Oral and Written Language Proficiency 3, History and Social Studies in China and Asia, Commercial Communication, as well as Area Studies 1 and 2 are- as far as possible - held at an educational institution in China. The stay may be arranged by the Negot. Study Board or by the student him/herself after the approval by the Study Board. If the stay is arranged or approved by the Negot. Study Board, any tuition fee will be paid the university. Funds for covering the travel costs can to a certain extent be granted by the International Office according to the normal application procedure for this office. It is a condition for the approval by the Study Board that the student has passed the 1st year test, Language Proficiency 1 and 2 and furthermore 2 social science subjects before the stay abroad. If the stay is arranged by the Negot. Study Board the Study Board decides to which insti-tution the student will go. If there are several options the criteria will be the language level of the student as indicated by the test results, and that the stay to the highest possible degree should contribute to extend the intercultural competence of the student.


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The Humanities – 3rd year

The student will be informed by mail to his/her student email address about the Chinese institution not later that 1st of February in the year when the stay takes place. The exams can either be held according to the regulations outlined/described in this cur-riculum or the student can apply to the Study Board for a pre-approval of similar exams at the foreign institution. Upon his/her return home the student must be able to certify that the exams have been taken.

§ 26 Chinese Oral and Written Language Proficiency 3

a. Course extent 16 lessons weekly during 5th and 6th term. Workload: 38 ECTS b. Aim of the course The student must, without significant linguistic errors and using a varied and moder-ately nuanced vocabulary, be able to participate in daily as well as more formal situa-tions where practices such as describing and assessing matter and persons, summarizing a text, dialogue or event and arguing in favour of/against viewpoints by using persua-sive strategies are required. The ability to express oneself appropriately with regard to situation and interlocutor is required. A varied vocabulary as well as pronunciation and grammar without communi-cation impeding errors are required. As for reading proficiency, the student must be able to understand the main content of newspaper texts related to modern Chinese social studies. In written language proficiency the student is trained to formulate expository as well as more formal texts such as resumes, summaries, and the like. The student should enlarge his/her knowledge of characters to 2500-3000. c. Contents The purpose of this course is to enhance phonetic, grammatical, lexical, and discursive language proficiency. The student’s active and passive language proficiencies must be brought up to a level which allows him/her to benefit maximally from the other courses taught in the Chinese language, thus optimizing the ability to function in a Chinese speaking environment.. The student will receive training in both oral and written business communication, such as business meetings, corporate and product presentations, interviews, problem solving, decision making, and persuasive strategies. Through practical tutorials using different written and audiovisual materials such as in-terviews, newspaper articles and presentations the student will master different commu-nicative practices such as nuanced description of people, things and places, presenting ones own or others’ opinions, letters-to-the-editor, summaries of talks and dialogues, in-structions, etc. The student is trained to understand and present different types of texts. This is done by using the characteristic discursive, grammatical and lexical features of these types of texts. Grammatical topics are included on the basis of their relevancy to the training of skills are mainly from within the areas of Chinese grammar proven difficult to European stu-dents.


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The Humanities – 3rd year

The teaching can incorporate topics from the parallel courses in History and Social Studies and Area Studies. d. Teaching and work methods Each week’s lectures introduce new Chinese vocabulary, and structures, train memorization and use of spoken and written forms in simple well-defined linguistic environments. e. Course Readings Includes relevant textbooks, articles and grammars f. Criteria for evaluation Considering the Order of Grading Scale, the exam form and the BA level importance is attached to the degree of which the student fulfils the above description of the Aim of the course and to which degree the student fulfils the general competences described in § 1.

g. Exam regulations The student must be present at least 80 % of the lessons to qualify for the exams. At the end of the course two exams are held: A. Oral exam The exam including summarizing a 5 minute audio- or audiovisual material and a con-versation based on written material. All materials and text are handed out at the com-mencement of preparation. Test form: Oral test in listening and speaking proficiency respectively. Duration: 20 minutes including assessment. Preparation: 20 minutes. Censure: external Grading: 7-scale Workload: 19 ECTS B. Written exam A written exam covering both reading proficiency and writing proficiency. After read-ing a, for the student, unknown Chinese text the student must answer questions, summa-rize or comment on the content. In writing proficiency the student must produce a text and in the text demonstrate command of the concerned discursive type. Test form: Written with supervision Duration: 5 hours Aids: all printed aids Censure: external Grading: 7-scale. Two grades are given. One for reading proficiency and one

for writing proficiency. Workload: 19 ECTS

Should the foreign institution prove unable to hold the exams in accordance with the guidelines outlined above, the exams will be hold at the University of Southern Den-mark.


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The Humanities – 3rd year

§ 27 Chinese History, Culture and Society

a. Course extent 2 lessons weekly during the 5th term. Workload: 5 ECTS. b. Aim of the course The student should have an understanding of the social, political, economic and cultural aspects of the development in modern Chinese society during the latest 150 years. The exam requires the demonstration of understanding and ability to analyze extracts from 2-3 general works on Chinese history and society. c. Content This course builds upon the knowledge acquired by the student in the introductory courses in the 1s and 3rd term and will stress the changes in Chinese history and society of the latest 150 years. Historical flashbacks with relevance for understanding the present can be incorporated. The social, political, economic and cultural aspects of the development in Chinese society are covered and examined.

d. Teaching and work methods The teaching consists of lectures and discussions. The course is taught in Chinese. e. Course Readings Course materials are books, chapters and papers as well as newspaper articles and his-torical documents in English and Chinese. The exam requirements are app. 200 stan-dard pages in English and Chinese. f. Criteria for evaluation Considering the Order of Grading Scale, the exam form and the BA level importance is attached to the degree of which the student fulfils the above description of the Aim of the course and to which degree the student fulfils the general competences described in § 1. g. Exam regulations The student must be present at least 80 % of the lessons to qualify for the exams. A compulsory home assignment based on the exam requirements. The lecturer decides the deadline for answers, but no later than 10th of January/10th of June. Two weeks for the assignment are given. The essay is to be written in English. Test form: A written exam (in Chinese/English) with supervision based on

questions (in Chinese/English) on the basis of the exam require-ments. The exam language is announced by the start of the course.

Duration : 4 hours Censure: external Grading: 7-scale. Assessed at the institution. The language must be compre-

hensible, however language proficiency is not a part of this exam Workload: 5 ECTS If it is impossible to take this course or do the exam abroad, the staff-student study committee may allow the student to take the exam by submitting a home assignment.


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The Humanities – 3rd year

Test form: Individual home assignment. Topic and exam requirements to be agreed upon with a supervisor chosen by the Study Board no later than by the end of the exam term ending the study stay (i.e. 30th of June).

Extent: 6-10 standard pages Censure: external Grading: 7-scale

§ 28 Area Studies a. Extent 2 courses of 2 lessons weekly in the5th and 6th semester. Workload: 5 ECTS per course, 10 ECTS in total. b. Aim of the course The student must have insight into a defined subject/problem in a linguistic, societal, market, business or present-day or historical context. The student must be able to com-municate this insight in the foreign language at a level corresponding to that of the 6th term. c. Content Of the two courses one must be in either applied Chinese language or modern Chinese culture. The other course must be in modern Chinese social studies, market conditions or trade conditions. Literature which is critical towards the topic must be included in the teaching. The course themes are chosen by the Study Board prior to the term. d. Teaching and work methods The teaching consists of lectures, discussions, and tutorials.

e. Course Readings The exam requirements are app. 200 standard pages in Chinese and/or English for each subject. The exam requirements are decided by the lecturer. f. Criteria for evaluation Considering the Order of Grading Scale, the exam form and the BA level importance is at-tached to the degree of which the student fulfils the above description of the Aim of the course and to which degree the student fulfils the general competences described in § 1. g. Exam regulations The student must be present at least 80 % of the lessons to qualify for the exams. The exam is held as an oral or written exam or as a home assignment, carried out in Chinese. Other exam forms may be used as decided by the Study Board. The chosen exam form is announced by the lecturer at the start of the course. Test form 1: Written Duration: 5 hours Aids: All printed aids are allowed Censure: Internal


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The Humanities – 3rd year

Grading: 7-scale. Language proficiency must meet the level corresponding to the 5th term in order for the exam to pass..

Test form 2: Oral Duration: 30 minutes, including assessment Preparation: 30 minutes Aids: All printed aids are allowed Censure: Internal Grading: 7-scale. Language proficiency must meet the level corresponding to

the 5th term in order for the exam to pass. It is possible to get credit transfer for one of the courses on the basis of a trainee ship by writing a report in Chinese. The report must concern a linguistic, cultural or societal topic and must contain a theory section. Credit transfer can be given for both courses (10 ECTS) if the duration of the stay is equal to at least 6 weeks’ full-time employment. Test form 3: A free individual home assignment (based on a practicuum Extent: appr. 5 standard pages in Chinese Censure: internal Grading: 7-scale. Language proficiency must meet the level corresponding to

the 6th term in order for the exam to pass. Workload: 5 ECTS

§ 29 Commercial Communication a. Course extent 2 lessons weekly during 6th term. Workload: 7.5 ECTS. The teaching can be replaced by a trainee ship in China. Presence in the company corre-sponding to one month’s full-time employment is required. The student must have a supervisor within the company. b. Aim a of the course: The student should be able to use Chinese in communication situations characteristic of business relations conducted in Chinese, e.g. business meetings, company and product presentations, interviews, written enquiries to companies and institutions, press releases and minutes. The student must be familiar with text types and communicative structures based on the studied material, be able to use them in practice as well as express him/herself in pre-cise and relatively correct Chinese. c. Contents The teaching will introduce different examples of oral as well as written communication of relevant to business in the area. Individual tutorials will train the student’s ability to master such discursive types. d. Teaching and work methods The teaching consists of lectures and tutorials.


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The Humanities – 4th year

e. Course Readings Course materials are textbooks, journal articles and chapters in English and Chinese. The exam requirements are app. 50 pages in Chinese. As much as 50 % of the exam re-quirements can be replaced by relevant audio- or audiovisual material (1 page = 3 min-utes playing time) f. Criteria for evaluation The student must be present at least 80 % of the lessons to qualify for the exams. Considering the Order of Grading Scale, the exam form and the BA level importance is attached to the degree of which the student fulfils the above description of the Aim of the course and to which degree the student fulfils the general competences described in § 1. g. Exam regulations: Test form: Written exam with supervision. Based upon a description the stu-

dent must prepare a commercial text in Chinese, e.g. information about a product and/or correspondence/press release to one or more companies/institutions or the like.

Duration: 4 hours Aids: All printed aids are allowed. Censure: Internal Grading: Pass/fail. Language proficiency must meet the level corresponding

to the 6th term in order for the exam to pass. Workload: 7,5 ECTS In the case of a traineeship the exam is replaced by a home assignment where the stu-dent accounts for the tasks conducted during the stay. The assignment must furthermore contain answers to an assignment given by the supervisor, such as the preparation of a product presentation, press release or the like. Test form: Individual, free home assignment Extent: 7-10 pages in English Censure: None Grading: Pass/fail Workload: 7,5 ECTS

4th year

§ 30 Intercultural Communication a. Course extent 2 lessons weekly in the 7th term and 1 lesson weekly in the 8th term. Workload: 10 ECTS. b. Aim of the course: The student must be familiar with different communication and culture concepts foundational to the study of intercultural communication as well as being able to use them in analysing intercultural communication.


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The Humanities – 4th year

c. Contents The course will enable the student to make analyses and assess the strengths and weak-nesses of intercultural communication within different theoretical frameworks. The stu-dent must acquire knowledge of different communication and culture concepts founda-tional to the study of intercultural communication and be able to use them in the analy-sis of intercultural communication in China (e.g. between minorities and majorities) and/or between Chinese and Europeans. d. Teaching and work methods The teaching consists of lectures, discussions and tutorials. The language of instruction is English. e. Course Readings Course materials are 500 standard pages from textbooks, journal articles and chapters in English and Chinese. f. Criteria for evaluation Considering the Order of Grading Scale, the exam form and the BA level importance is attached to the degree of which the student fulfils the above description of the Aim of the course and to which degree the student fulfils the general competences described in § 1. g. Exam regulations 1. Home assignment after the first semester In order to be nominated to the concluding written exam the student must have passed a compulsory home assignment (oral or written) related to the studied problems. The deadline is announced both by the lecturer and is posted at the commencement of teach-ing. Test form: compulsory home assignment in English. Extent: Decided by the lecturer and announced at the beginning of teaching Censure: none Grading: Pass/fail. Language proficiency must meet the level corresponding

to the 7th term in order for the exam to pass. Workload: 5 ECTS 2. Written exam after the second semester: Test form: Written exam under supervision in English Duration: 3 hours Aids: All aids are allowed Computer: Yes, acc. to the Faculty of Humanities’ instructions Censure: External Grading: 7-scale. Workload: 5 ECTS


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The Humanities – 4th year

§ 31 Negotiation Theory and Skills

a. Course extent 1 lesson weekly in the 7th semester and 2 lessons weekly in the 8th semester. Workload: 10 ECTS b. Aim of the course The student must be able to establish conversational cooperation and master communi-cative actions as describing, explaining, arguing, questioning, summarizing, offering, making and declining demands, accepting, making admittances, entering deals etc. c. Content A practical introduction to negotiation techniques is given and negotiation role plays and case studies are conducted. The student is trained to master the communicative skills necessary to conduct negotia-tions. The aim is to obtain competent speaker and listener behaviour in preparation for the conduct of negotiations in dynamical and coherent manner. d. Teaching and work methods The teaching will be in theform of lectures and practical training in negotiaion. The lan-guage of instruction is Chinese/English. e. Course Readings Exam requirements is app. 300 standard pages in Chinese and English including articles and the like on negotiation theory. f. Criteria for evaluation Considering the Order of Grading Scale, the exam form and the BA level importance is attached to the degree of which the student fulfils the above description of the Aim of the course and to which degree the student fulfils the general competences described in § 1. g. Exam regulations: The exam takes place as a negotiation role play. The negotiation is conducted in Chi-nese and is based on a given hand-out in either Danish or Chinese. Prior to the com-mencement of the exam the student hands in a short written statement of the strategic choice and goals. This statement is used as a checklist after the examination. Test form: Oral test Duration: 20 minutes per student including assessment Preparation: 40 minutes per student Aids: dictionaries Censure: External Grading: two grades according to the 7-scale. One grade is given for lan-

guage proficiency and one for negotiation skills. Workload: 10 ECTS The exam in Negotiation Theory and Skills is only held once a year, following the teach-ing.


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Joint Courses – 4th year

§ 32 Project Presentation

a. Course extent There are no lessons in this subject. b. Aim of the course The student must present the purpose, method and contents of the project in a structured and clear manner as well orally as written in a Chinese that corresponds to the demands in the 8th semester. c. Teaching and work methods There is no teaching in this subject. The student should use the skills obtained from the other language courses in the Bachelor programme. d. Criteria for evaluation Considering the Order of Grading Scale, the exam form and the BA level importance is attached to the degree of which the student fulfils the above description of the Aim of the course and to which degree the student fulfils the general competences described in § 1. e. Exam regulations: A summary of the project is handed in at the secretariat (two copies) no later than the 15th of May if it is due for grading in the summer semester and the 1st of December if it is due for grading in the winter semester. The summary must describe the main contents of the Bachelor Project. Test form: Summary and oral presentation in Chinese. Extent: App. 5 standard pages in Chinese Duration: The oral exam lasts 20 minutes including assessment Preparation: None Censure: Internal Grading: 7-scale. One combined grade is given for the summary and the

presentation, for which they each contribute 50%. Workload: 5 ECTS

Joint Courses § 33 Cultural Sociology

a. Course extent 2 lessons weekly in the 3rd term. Workload: 4 ECTS b. Aim of the course The student should: - be familiar with the basic sociological and culture analytical concepts and problems - be able to use these concepts in the analysis of specific problems


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Joint Courses – 4th year

c. Contents of the course: The course provides an introduction to the sociologic al tradition and to basic sociological and culture analytical concepts and problems such as: - the social bond - symbolic interaction - social groups - social authoriy forms - social roles - status and classes - the relation between individual and group - values and norms - alienation, anomie and deviation After the introduction to the concept of culture and it’s history there will be a discussion of cultural categories and culture analytical problems such as: - etnicity - gender - generation - social changes - cultural differences - identity and life style - modernity and tradition - the relations between integration and differentiation d. Teaching and work methods The teaching consists of lectures. e. Course Readings The exam requirements are max. 800 pages. f. Criteria for evaluation Considering the Order of Grading Scale, the exam form and the BA level importance is attached to the degree of which the student fulfils the above description of the Aim of the course and to which degree the student fulfils the general competences described in § 1.

g. Exam regulations:

Test form: Written exam with supervision Duration: 4 hours Aids: None Computer: Not allowed Censure: None Grading: 7 scale Workload: 4 ECTS


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Joint Courses – 4th year

§ 34 Bachelor Project

a. Course extent The Bachelor Project is written during the 8th term under supervision. Workload: 15 ECTS b. Aim of the course In the Bachelor Project the student must prove his/her ability to - Independently obtain an overview over a defined problem within a main subject of

the education - Define and present problems within the subject - Make a critical assessment of source materials - Complete an analysis by using a relevant method

c. Contents of the subject and d. Teaching and work methods The project is written with individual supervision by a supervisor appointed by the study board. The basis for the project is a topic of the student’s choice. The topic chosen must refer to a relevant problem of the education and must be approved by the supervi-sor. e. Criteria for evaluation Considering the Order of Grading Scale, the exam form and the BA level importance is attached to the degree of which the student fulfils the above description of the Aim of the course and to which degree the student fulfils the general competences described in § 1.

f. Exam regulations Test form: An individual home assignment of 30-35 stansdard pages on a sub-

ject chosen by the student. The project may be written in either Eng-lish or Chinese.

Sign-up The student must sign-up for supervision on the registration form available at the secretariat. The registration must be returned on the 15th of December or the 15th of May respectively. The registration form must include a preliminary title, a short description of the topic and name of dsired supervisor.

About three weeks after the expiration of the registration deadline the names of the supervisors are announced.

Deadline The project must be submitted in three copies (four-five copies if there have been two supervisors) at the secretariat no later than the 15th of May if it is due for grading in the summer term and the 15th of November if it is due for grading in the winter term.

Contributions from more students: Up to 3 students may contribute to the project. Each student’s con-

tribution must be identified and will be graded individually Extent: If done individually the length must be 30-35 standard pages. By 2

contributors normally 50 standardpages in total and by 3 contributors normally app. 70 standard pages in total.

Censure: External Grading: 7-scale. The grade will be available approx. four weeks after the pro-

ject has been handed in. Workload: 15 ECTS


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Social Science courses – 1st year

Social Science Courses

1st year

§ 35 Introduction to Scientific Method

a. Course extent 1 lesson weekly in the 1st term. Workload: 1 ECTS b. Aim of the course The student must show insight into the basic elements of the scientific process in all sorts of academic practice, such as induction, deduction, paradigm. The student should know the elementary principles for writing af paper at an academic level, e.g. know how to de-fine a problem and how to make a theoretical framework of references for a project, the meaning of quantitative and qualitative methods and data retrieval methods as question-naires, interviews etc. c. Content The course gives an introduction to the following items: - the concept of science - concepts as paradigm, induction and deduction. - basic principles for writing a paper at an academic level - how to make a theoretical framework of references for a project - the meaning of quantitative and qualitative methods and data retrieval methods Additionally the course provides a brief introduction to project work and data collection methods, e.g. questionnaires, interviews, focus groups and so on. This part of the course will be based on practical examples. d. Teaching and work methods The teaching consists of lectures. e. Course Readings App. 400 standard pages. f. Criteria for evaluation Considering the Order of Grading Scale, the exam form and the BA level importance is at-tached to the degree of which the student fulfils the above description of the Aim of the course and to which degree the student fulfils the general competences described in § 1. g. Exam regulations Test form: written exam with supervision Duration: 3 hours Aids: none Computer: allowed according to the rules of the campus Censure: Internal Grading: pass/fail


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Social Science courses – 1st year

Workload: 1 ECTS

§ 36 Introduction to EDP and Information Retrieval a. Course extent Introduction to EDP (Electronic Data Processing): 8 lectures and 24 tutorial sessions; In-formation Retrieval: 14 lectures and 14 tutorial sessions in the 1st term. Workload: 2 ECTS. b. Aim of the course The student must be able to use the relevant EDP/IT facilities and tools in describing, analysing and solving economic and cultural problems, and must be able to choose the relevant tools. c. Contents The aim of this course is to introduce the student to the EDP facilities at the educational institution and to teach the student to use EDP as a tool in the solving of different tasks. These topics are covered in the course: - Introduction to the EDP facilities at the educational institution (operating system, net-

work, hardware and software, e-mail, newsgroups). - Introduction to word processing. - Introduction to spread sheet programs. - Search engines (library systems, Internet, data conversion from output to input, pres-

entation, graphics, layout). - Introduction to databases. - Introduction to information searches - introduction to general search techniques - introduction to specific search techniques

d. Teaching and work methods The teaching is a combination of lectures and tutorial sessions. e. Exam requirements Exam reading requirements are approx. 200 pages. f. Criteria for evaluation Considering the Order of Grading Scale, the exam form and the BA level importance is at-tached to the degree of which the student fulfils the above description of the Aim of the course and to which degree the student fulfils the general competences described in § 1. g. Exam regulations: Midway in the course, an individual home assignment is given. Test form: Compulsory home assignment. Four days are given to complete the

assignment. The exam is only held in the Fall term. Censure: None Grading: Pass/fail Workload: 1 ECTS


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Social Science courses – 1st year

Final exam: Test form: Individual compulsory written exam (computer use allowed) Duration: 4 hours Aids: Any Censure: None Grading: Pass/fail Workload: 1 ECTS

§ 37 Mathematics

a. Course extent 2 tutorial sessions weekly in the 1st term. Workload: 2 ECTS b. Aim of the course The student must know the central topics of the course: - Functions of one or more variables - Differential and integral calculus - Partial differentiation - Maximizing functions - Maximizing of functions under side conditions - Interpretations of maximizing conditions and graphic representations - Convexity/concavity c. Contents The course focuses on the maximizing/minimizing of mathematical functions, including a thorough introduction to the mathematical tools and concepts required to understand this area of mathematics. The aim is to give the student insight into mathematical problems, especially of an economic character, which makes it possible for the student to obtain an analytical understanding of the economic problems introduced later in his/her study.

d. Teaching and work methods The teaching consists of lectures and tutorials.

e. Course Readings Exam reading requirements are approx. 200 standard pages. f. Criteria for evaluation Considering the Order of Grading Scale, the exam form and the BA level importance is attached to the degree of which the student fulfils the above description of the Aim of the course and to which degree the student fulfils the general competences described in § 1. g. Exam regulations: During the course the student must pass 6 home assignments. Test form: 6 compulsory individual home assignments Censure: None Grading: Pass/fail


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Social Science courses – 1st year

Workload: 2 ECTS In order to take the exam in Micro Economics and Statistics, Mathematics must have been passed.

§ 38 Business Economics 1a:Marketing and Strategy

a. Course extent 2 lectures weekly in the 1st term. Workload: 3.75 ECTS. b. Aim of the course The aim is that the student can: 1. Identify, explain and delimit the market situation of a company by means of the rele-vant theories and concepts 2. Use the relevant theories and models to describe the behaviour of customers and com-petitors in a market 3. Use the results of 1. and 2 to draw up possible marketing decicisions 4. Draw up a marketing plan c. Contents The course introduces the student to the topics of marketing and strategy. The purpose is to provide the student with a theoretical as well as practical understanding of what char-acterizes a company and how it is run with an emphasis on external adaptation to market demands. The teaching covers these topics, among others: - Methods to analyze branches and their development - Threats and possibilities of actors in a branch - Market strategies and behaviour of competitors - Costumer behaviour - The company’s marketing decisions - The marketing plan d. Teaching and work methods The teaching consists of lectures with case-based problems.

e. Course readings Basic textbooks on the topic chosen by the teacher. f. Criteria for evaluation Considering the Order of Grading Scale, the exam form and the BA level importance is attached to the degree of which the student fulfils the above description of the Aim of the course and to which degree the student fulfils the general competences described in § 1. g. Exam regulations: Test form: A paper based on a theme chosen by the student and approved by the

teacher. To be submitted in January/August on a date decided by the teacher.

Extent: Max. 10 standard pages excl. enclosures Censure: None


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Social Science courses – 1st year

More contributors: The teacher combines groups of normally 2 students. The contribu-tion of each student must be precisely identified in the table of con-tents, and each student will be assessed individually

Grading: 7-scale. This result contributes 50% to the final grade for Business Economics 1a and 1c.

Workload: 3.75 ECTS Re-exams are held in August. Neither of the two grades (Business Economics 1a or Business Economics 1c) must be -3. If the two exams combined result in a grade of 02, neither of them can be taken again. If the combined grade is 02 or below, only the exam which has the grade 00 or –3 can be taken again. Business Economics 1a and 1c and Business Economics 2a are passed together by aver-age in which Business Economics 1a and 1c combined contributes 50% and Business Economics 2a contributes the remaining 50%. Neither of the two grades must be -3. When the two exams combined result in a grade of 02, neither of them can be taken again. If the combined grade is 00 or below, only the exam which has the grade 00 or -3 can be taken again. The exams in Business Economics 1 and 2 are part of the 1st year’s test.

§ 38 a Business Economics 1c: Organizational behaviour

a. Course extent 2 lectures weekly in the 2nd term. Workload: 3.75 ECTS. b. Aim of the course The student should be able to explain important factors that have influence on human be-haviour in organizations. Based on descriptions of specific organizational circumstances the student should be able to use the relevant models and theories to analyse the specific circumstances in the organizations in question.

c. Contents Organizational behaviour is one of the important subjects in business economics. The aim of this course is to give a basic knowledge of important theories about human behaviour in organizations and to introduce the students to how to perform specific analysis of or-ganizational behaviour based on relevant theories. d. Teaching and work methods The teaching consists of lectures with case-based problems. e. Course readings Basic books on the topic like decided by the teacher.


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Social Science courses – 1st year

f. Criteria for evaluation Considering the Order of Grading Scale, the exam form and the BA level importance is attached to the degree of which the student fulfils the above description of the Aim of the course and to which degree the student fulfils the general competences described in § 1. g. Exam regulations Either: Test form: Written home assignment. The student will answer a number of

questions related to a specific case study Duration: 24 hours Censure: None Grading: 7-scale. This result contributes 50% to the final grade in the course. Workload: 3.75 ECTS Or: Either: Test form: Written exam Duration: 4 hours Aids: decided by the responsible teacher Censure: None Grading: 7-scale. This result contributes 50% to the final grade in the course. Workload: 3.75 ECTS Re-exams are held in August (no exam in January). Neither of the two grades (Business Economics 1a or Business Economics 1c) must be -3. If the two exams combined result in a grade of 02, neither of them can be taken again. If the combined grade is 02 or below, only the exam which has the grade 00 or –3 can be taken again. Business Economics 1a and 1c and Business Economics 2a are passed together by aver-age in which Business Economics 1a and 1c combined contributes 50% and Business Economics 2a contributes the remaining 50%. Neither of the two grades must be -3. When the two exams combined result in a grade of 02, neither of them can be taken again. If the combined grade is 00 or below, only the exam which has the grade 00 or -3 can be taken again. The exams in Business Economics 1 and 2 are part of the 1st year’s test.

§ 39 Business Economics 2a

a. Course extent 3 lectures and 1 tutorial session weekly in the 1st term. Workload: 7.5 ECTS b. Aim of the course The student should be able to identify, describe, analyse and propose solutions for a se-ries of management accounting problems presented in small simplified case problems. The student should be able to show criticism when choosing tools and presenting solu-tions.


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Social Science courses – 1st year

The student should be able to on a basic level to prepare, read and analyse financial re-ports. c. Contents The course gives the student a basic knowledge of management accounting and of the ac-countants role in the company The student will develop a good understanding of costs and cost behavior. And the stu-dent will learn how to use cost information and other kinds of economic information in decision-making and for planning and control purposes. The student will develop skills in preparing, reading and analyzing basic financial re-ports.The course consists of 2 key areas: I. Managerial accounting a. Managerial accounting and the business organization b. Cost behaviour and cost-volume relationships c. Job-costing d. Relevant cost information for decision making e. Budgeting and budget control II. Accounting fundamentals a. Concepts, techniques and conventions b. Recording transactions c. Basic financial statements d. Analysis of financial statement d. Teaching and work methods The teaching consists of lectures and tutorial sessions. e. Course readings Basic litterature on the subject chosen by the teacher, e.g. Horngren, Sundem, Stratton; Introduction to Management Accounting, Prentice hall 13.ed. (Chap. 1,2,3,4, 5,6,7,8,14,15-16.) Horngren, Sundem, Stratton; Introduction to Financial Accounting, Prentice hall. 8. Edi-tion. (Chapter 1,2,3,4 ). f. Criteria for evaluation Considering the Order of Grading Scale, the exam form and the BA level importance is attached to the degree of which the student fulfils the above description of the Aim of the course and to which degree the student fulfils the general competences described in § 1. g. Exam regulations: 1. Two compulsory assignments written by 1-2 students A. For the managerial accounting area B. for the accounting fundamentals area The assignments should test the capability of the students in solving small practical busi-ness problems from cases related to the areas of the two key areas above.


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Social Science courses – 1st year

The assignments is only given in terms in which the course is offered. The assignments must be passed no later than 6 terms after the commencement of study. Test form: Two compulsory written home assignments More contributors: 1-2 students may contribute to one assignment. The teacher organ-

izes the groups. If more than one student, it should be possible to identify the contribution of each student and assessment will be indi-vidual.

Censure: None Grading: Pass/fail. The obligatory assignment is passed once both sections are

passed. Workload: 3.75 ECTS 2. A written exam at the end of the course The written examination is designed to test capability of the students in solving small practical business problems from cases related to the areas of the two key areas above. Test form: Written exam with supervision Duration: 4 hours Aids: All aids are allowed (PC, calculator, textbooks and notes) Computer: Not allowed Censure: None Grading: 7- scale Workload: 3.75 ECTS Business Economics 1 and 1b and Business Economics 2 are passed together by average in which Business Economics 1 and 1c combined contributes 50% and Business Econom-ics 2 contributes the remaining 50%. Neither of the two grades must be 00. When the two exams combined result in a grade of 02, neither of them can be taken again. If the com-bined grade is 00 or below, only the exam which has the grade 00 or –3 can be taken again. Re-exams are held in August. The exams in Business Economics 1 and 2 are part of the 1st year’s test.

§ 40 Statistics

a. Course extent 3 lectures and 2 tutorial sessions weekly in the 2nd term. Workload: 7.5 ECTS. b. Aim of the course The student should be able to - analyse a relatively large number of data by means of at statistical programme - describe statistical models and concepts mathematically and in words - critically assess the preconditions and limitations of a model - relate statistical models to common problems in economics and business economics - use statistical analysis to examine problems related to economics and business eco-



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Social Science courses – 1st year

- evaluate the relevance of the statistical analysis in connection with a problem c. Contents The purpose of this course is to enable the student to analyse relevant economic problems by using methods of collecting, summarize and analyse data based on random checks and population. Important themes: - the concept of probality and probality calculation - stochastic variables and probability distributions - random sampling and distribution of random sampling - estimation - hypothesis testing - contingency tables - analysis on contingency and correlation - one-sided variance analysis d. Teaching and work methods The teaching consists of lectures and tutorials. e. Reading list Textbooks on applied statistics, statistical tables, notes ect. f. Criteria for evaluation Considering the Order of Grading Scale, the exam form and the BA level importance is attached to the degree of which the student fulfils the above description of the Aim of the course and to which degree the student fulfils the general competences described in § 1. g. Exam regulations: The exam consists of 2 parts. A. A project which will evaluate and strengthen the student’s understanding of the sub-ject. 2 weeks are given for the assignment. There is no supervision. Test form: A compulsory home assignment written by 3-4 students. The teacher

combines the groups and deviances is decided by the teacher. The contribution of each student should be identified in the table of con-tents and each student will be assessed individually.

Extent: approx. 20 pages excl. appendices Censure: None Grading: See under B Workload: 3.75 ECTS B. A written exam which aims at testing the student’s understanding of the methods and application of this course. Test form: Written exam with supervision Duration: 2 hours Aids: All printed aids, notes and calculator Computer: Not allowed Censure: None


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Social Science courses – 1st year

Grading: One grade is given using the 7-scale. Project and written exam each contribute 50%.

Workload: 3.75 ECTS The exams may be passed separately and completed in different terms. Re-exams in August. (No exams in January). In order to take the exam in Statistics, Mathematics must have been passed.

§ 41 Micro-Economics a. Course extent 3 lectures and 1 tutorial session weekly in the 2nd term. Workload: 4 ECTS. b. Aim of the course The student must have a fundamental theoretical knowledge regarding basic microeco-nomic relations which the course has introduced. c. Contents This course focuses on the economic behaviour of the individual consumer and producer. Insight into price and production set analysis is given and an understanding of which fac-tors decide market structures and competition conditions is provided. The following top-ics are dealt with: Fundamental consumer theory, fundamental producer theory, market structures and their effect on competition, the new information economy in a microeco-nomic perspective, analysis of factor markets, industrial- and competitive policy, privati-zation and regulation. The course will also cover the topics descriptively using both Danish and foreign cases as well as focusing on more political topics such as taxation, competition legislation and en-vironmental issues. d. Teaching and work methods The teaching consists of lectures and tutorials. e. Course readings The exam reading requirements are approx. 500 standard pages. f. Criteria for evaluation Considering the Order of Grading Scale, the exam form and the BA level importance is attached to the degree of which the student fulfils the above description of the Aim of the course and to which degree the student fulfils the general competences described in § 1. g. Exam regulations: In order to take the written exam the student must hand-in and pass a home assignment half way through the term. Should the student not pass this assignment he/she may cor-rect it and hand it in again. The deadline is decided by the lecturer. Test form: A compulsory individual written home assignment Censure: None Grading: Pass/fail


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Social Science courses – 2nd year

Workload: 2 ECTS The written exam is held during the last lecture: Test form: Written exam with supervision Duration: 3 hours Aids: All printed aids are allowed Computer: Not allowed Censure: None Grading: 7-scale Workload: 2 ECTS In order to take the exam in Microeconomics, Mathematics must have been passed.

2nd year

§ 42 Macro-Economics

a. Course extent 3 lectures and 1 tutorial session weekly in the 3rd term. Workload: 6.5 ECTS. b . Aim of the course The student must acquire a theoretical knowledge of basic macroeconomic relations and have a basic understanding of macroeconomic relations and economic-political goals/objectives. This includes knowledge of: National income and national treasure, fi-nance policy and foreign trade, the European Central Bank and the monetary system, monetary and financal policy in an open and a closed economy, unemployment, inflation, economic growth. c. Contents This course focuses on economic policy such as fiscal and monetary policy and their ef-fects on an increasingly globalized economy. The following topics are covered: National income and national treasure, finance policy and foreign trade, the European Central Bank and the monetary system, monetary and financal policy in an open and a closed economy, unemployment, inflation, economic growth. d. Teaching and work methods The teaching consists of lectures and tutorials. e. Reading list The exam reading requirements are approx. 500 standard pages. f. Criteria for evaluation Considering the Order of Grading Scale, the exam form and the BA level importance is attached to the degree of which the student fulfils the above description of the Aim of the course and to which degree the student fulfils the general competences described in § 1.


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Social Science courses – 2nd year

g. Exam regulations: 1. Halfway through the term, a compulsory written home assignment is handed in. The deadline is determined by the lecturer. In order to take the written exam at the end of the course this assignment must be passed. Should the student not pass this assignment he/she may correct it and hand it in again. Test form: A compulsory individually written home assignment Censure: None Grading: Pass/fail Workload: 6.5 ECTS together with the final exam 2. By the end of the term a written exam is held: Test form: Written exam with supervision Duration: 4 hours Aids: None Computer: Not allowed Censure: None Grading: 7-scale Workload: 6.5 ECTS together with the final exam

§ 43 Business Law a. Course extent 2 lessons weekly in the 3rd term. Workload: 4.5 ECTS b. Aim of the course: The student must demonstrate knowledte to certain important parts of the property law, including contract law, sale of goods law, corporate law and financial law and must be able to apply these laws to specific business related problems. c. Contents The course will give an introduction to important parts of the property law, e.g. contract law, sale of goods law, corporate law and financial law. d. Teaching and work methods The teaching consists of lectures. e. Course readings The exam reading requirements are approx. 800 standard pages and are taken from a primer in business law. f. Criteria for evaluation Considering the Order of Grading Scale, the exam form and the BA level importance is attached to the degree of which the student fulfils the above description of the Aim of the course and to which degree the student fulfils the general competences described in § 1.


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Social Science courses – 2nd year

g. Exam regulations: Test form: Written exam with supervision Duration: 4 hours Aids: All printed aids are allowed Computer: Not allowed Censure: None Grading: Pass/fail Workload: 4.5 ECTS

§ 44 Global Marketing

a. Course extent 3 lectures and 1 tutorial session weekly in the 4th term. Workload: 7.5 ECTS. b. Aim of the course The student must have insight into methods and theories for defining, describing and ana-lysing markets and into problems relating to marketing in an international environment and the long-term marketing planning of the company will be discussed. c. Contents This course is based on the discussion of models and concepts from the introductory course (Business Economics 1b). Lectures will deal with the marketing process and mar-ket interaction within surrounding environments both inside and outside the company, with special emphasis on international markets. The student will be introduced to meth-ods and theories for defining, describing and analysing markets. Finally, special prob-lems relating to marketing in an international environment and the long-term marketing planning of the company will be discussed. The following topics are presented: - The marketing concept - Marketing and culture - Strategic marketing planning - Analysis of the external environment - Internationalization processes - Strategies for entering international markets - Implementation of global marketing strategies - International branding and communication strategies - e-business - Postmodern marketing d. Teaching and work methods The teaching consists of lectures and tutorials. e. Course readings The exam reading requirements are approx. 800 standard pages.


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Social Science courses – 2nd year

f. Criteria for evaluation Considering the Order of Grading Scale, the exam form and the BA level importance is attached to the degree of which the student fulfils the above description of the Aim of the course and to which degree the student fulfils the general competences described in § 1. g. Exam regulations: Test form: Written exam with supervision Duration: 5 hours Aids: All printed aids are allowed, computers may be used Censure: External Grading: 7-scale Workload: 7.5 ECTS

§ 45 Theory of Consumer Behaviour

a. Course extent 3 lessons weekly in the 4th term. Workload: 6.5 ECTS b. Aim of the course At the exam the student must demonstrate basic insight into theories of consumer behav-iour from a marketing perspective. c. Contents The purpose of the course is to bring to the student a fundamental knowledge of the so-ciological and psychological factors involved in the similarities and differences in con-sumer habits in different societies. This includes psychological aspects of consumer be-haviour, e.g. personality variables, creation of attitude, information treatment and deci-sion-making, as well as the sociocultural aspects of consumer behaviour, e.g. lifestyle analysis, the influence of social groupings, process of change in consumer patterns, con-sumer rituals and consumer culture in general. d. Teaching and work methods The teaching consists of lectures. e. Course readings The exam reading requirements are max. 800 standard pages. f. Criteria for evaluation Considering the Order of Grading Scale, the exam form and the BA level importance is attached to the degree of which the student fulfils the above description of the Aim of the course and to which degree the student fulfils the general competences described in § 1. e. Exam regulations: Test form: Written exam with supervision Duration: 4 hours Aids: All printed aids are allowed Computer: Not allowed


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Social Science courses – 2nd year

Censure: external Grading: 7-scale Workload: 6.5 ECTS

§ 46 International Economics

a. Course extent 3 lessons and 1 tutorial session weekly in the 4th term. Workload: 6.5 ECTS b. Aim of the course The student must acquire a basic theoretical knowledge of international economy, e.g. economic theories relating to international monetary politics, commerce and trade poli-tics. The economic aspects of the international commercial system, the role of the mone-tary and trade political institutions in a global economy, special problems of underdevel-oped countries in a liberalised world economy and the effect of a closer economic inte-gration in Europe, international trade theories, protectionist agents (tariff/quota), money and rate of exchange theories, money and finance policy in an open economy (revisited), the international monetary system. c. Contents The course deals with economic theories relating to international monetary politics, commerce and trade politics. The economic aspects of the international commercial sys-tem are described and contextualized as are the role of the monetary and trade political institutions in a global economy. Special problems of underdeveloped countries in a lib-eralised world economy and the effect of a closer economic integration in Europe are also covered. The following topics are covered: International trade theories, protectionist agents (tar-iff/quota), money and rate of exchange theories, money and finance policy in an open economy (revisited), the international monetary system, EMU, WTO and free trade, the problems of developing countries. d. Teaching and work methods The teaching consists of lectures and tutorial sessions. e. Course readings The exam reading requirements are approx. 600 standard pages. f. Criteria for evaluation Considering the Order of Grading Scale, the exam form and the BA level importance is attached to the degree of which the student fulfils the above description of the Aim of the course and to which degree the student fulfils the general competences described in § 1. g. Exam regulations: 1. Approximately halfway through the term, a compulsory written home assignment is to be carried out. The deadline is decided by the lecturer. This assignment must be passed for the student to be able to take the final exam at the end of the term. Should the student fail this assignment the paper can be corrected and handed in again.


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Social Science courses – 4th year

Test form: Compulsory written home assignment Censure: None Grading: Pass/fail Workload: 6.5 ECTS together with the final exam 2. At the end of the term Test form: Written exam with supervision Duration: 4 hours Aids: None Computer: Not allowed Censure: External Grading: 7-scale Workload: 6.5 ECTS together with the final exam

4th year

§ 47 Organization

a. Course extent 3 lessons and 1 tutorial session weekly in the 7th term. Workload: 7.5 ECTS b. Aim of the course The student must have obtained insight into - the contextual decided perspective for analysis of organizational design - reduction of the uncertainty that organizations experience in relation to their environ-

ment - the use of important methods that are characteristic for this perspective to evaluate if

an observed organizational design is appropriate in relation to the situation of the or-ganization

- prepare suggestions to changes of the design - description of the environment of the organization and understanding of it’s dynamics - decision processes, know how and innovation in organizations c. Contents The basis of the course are the theories of organizational behaviour and the basic idea that decisions about organization and management is influenced by the circumstances. Meth-ods to decide the state, situation and relevance of an organization will be introduces. The last part of the course will focus on the environment of organizations and their deci-sion making processes, know how and innovation. d. Teaching and work methods The teaching consists of lectures and tutorials. e. Course readings Basic textbooks on the subject as


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Social Science courses – 4th year

Burton, R.M. and Obel, B. (2004), Strategic Organizational Diagnosis and Design: The Dynamics of Fit (3rd edition) Dordrecht: Klüwer, ISBN 1402076843. Huber, G. P. (2004), The Necessary Nature of Future Firms: Attributes of Survivors in a Changing World. Thousand Oaks: Sage, ISBN 0761930361. f. Criteria for evaluation Considering the Order of Grading Scale, the exam form and the BA level importance is attached to the degree of which the student fulfils the above description of the Aim of the course and to which degree the student fulfils the general competences described in § 1. g. Exam regulations: An oral exam at the end of the term Test form: Individual oral exam based on a short case story, a model, or a ques-

tion. At the examination the starting point is the student’s answer to the exam question.

The teacher may decide that the students in groups of 3-4 should make a homepaper as part of the exam.

Duration: 20 minutes, incl. assessment Preparation: 20 minutes Aids: All printed aids are allowed Censure: External Grading: 7-scale Workload: 7.5 ECTS

§ 48 Market Analysis

a. Course extent 4 lectures and 1 tutorial session weekly in the 7th term. Workload: 10 ECTS b. Aim of the course The student must demonstrate basic insight into the market analysis process. It is empha-sised that the student can combine his/her knowledge of consumer behaviour with both qualitative and quantitative methods. This is tested with an assignment in which the stu-dent must show his/her understanding of and skills at applying market analytic methods. In this assignment knowledge of theory of science problems must be integrated in rela-tion to the theories and methods of the assignment. c. Contents The aim of this course is to give the student a general introduction to qualitative and quantitative methods and techniques for analysing consumers and markets. The course bases itself on the theoretical knowledge the student has acquired in the courses Scientific Method, Marketing, and Theory of Consumer Behaviour. This knowl-edge is applied in a usage-oriented context in the creation of specific projects for analys-ing consumers and markets. Both qualitative and quantitative methods are applied, both individually and in combination. The teaching is focused on working with specific prob-lems.


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Social Science courses – 4th year

d. Teaching and work methods The teaching consists of lectures and tutorials. e. Course readings A maximum of 800 pages is read in the course. f. Criteria for evaluation Considering the Order of Grading Scale, the exam form and the BA level importance is attached to the degree of which the student fulfils the above description of the Aim of the course and to which degree the student fulfils the general competences described in § 1. g. Exam regulations: 1. During the term a compulsory home assignment is to be carried out. The assignment is handed in sometime between the end of December and the beginning of January. Test form: Compulsory home assignment Extent: Decided by the lecturer in accordance with the students Censure: None Grading: 7-scale Workload: 10 ECTS

III Effects of the Regulations and Regulations of Transition

§ 49 Gyldighed Denne studieordning er udarbejdet i henhold til Bekendtgørelse nr. 338 af 6. maj 2004 om ba-chelor- og kandidatuddannelser ved universiteterne og har virkning for studerende, der imma-trikuleres den 1. september 2007 eller senere.


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Social Science courses – 4th year

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