current accessibility standards activities - · iso 9241-171 (guidance on software...

1 1 ICT Accessibility ICT Accessibility Richard Hodgkinson FISTC Richard Hodgkinson FISTC [email protected] [email protected]

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ICT AccessibilityICT Accessibility

Richard Hodgkinson FISTCRichard Hodgkinson FISTC

[email protected][email protected]

ICT Accessibility & EC M/376ICT Accessibility & EC M/376 22

The The ““ee--SocietySociety””Information and Communications Technology pervades Information and Communications Technology pervades practically every aspect of modern life as increasingly practically every aspect of modern life as increasingly more daily activities have to be performed both remotely more daily activities have to be performed both remotely and electronically. For example:and electronically. For example:••Banking,Banking,••Education,Education,••Home entertainment,Home entertainment,••Voting,Voting,••Tax returns,Tax returns,••Email,Email,••Internet shopping,Internet shopping,....we are now the ....we are now the ““ee--SocietySociety””

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Access to the Access to the ee--SocietySociety

The The ee--Society presumes that we all can Society presumes that we all can access electronic services, e.g. PCs, access electronic services, e.g. PCs, mobile mobile ‘‘phones, PDAs, the internet, etc.phones, PDAs, the internet, etc.However, this is not the case and new However, this is not the case and new technologies can actually exclude large technologies can actually exclude large groups of users, especially the disabled groups of users, especially the disabled and older people, from participating fully and older people, from participating fully in society.

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Handicapped by the Handicapped by the ee--Society?Society?

In many areas there are no alternatives In many areas there are no alternatives when a local bank branch closes, local when a local bank branch closes, local shops disappear and societal services are shops disappear and societal services are computerised...computerised...

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People with People with ““Special needsSpecial needs””??

People with People with ““Special needsSpecial needs”” are young, are young, wellwell--educated, physically fit and affluent educated, physically fit and affluent who require the latest functions on their who require the latest functions on their laptops, mobile laptops, mobile ‘‘phones, phones, PDAsPDAs such as such as GPRS, WAP, MP3, camera, games, etc.GPRS, WAP, MP3, camera, games, etc.

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People with People with ““Ordinary needsOrdinary needs””??

People with People with ““Ordinary needsOrdinary needs”” are all the are all the others, including older and disabled others, including older and disabled people, who do not require all these people, who do not require all these functions.functions.They require products that are simple to They require products that are simple to use. use. However, the industry constantly adds However, the industry constantly adds new functionsnew functions……the the ““Swiss Army Knife Swiss Army Knife SyndromeSyndrome”…”…

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““DoDo--itit--yourselfyourself”” SetSet--up or Upup or Up--set?set?

•• Most new ICT and home entertainment Most new ICT and home entertainment products require the purchaser to install products require the purchaser to install and set it up themselves.and set it up themselves.

•• User manuals can be difficult to User manuals can be difficult to understand and use.understand and use.

•• SetSet--up often assumes special skills and up often assumes special skills and knowledge that many people do not knowledge that many people do not possess...possess...

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Why Accessible Design?Why Accessible Design?

•• 750 Million people world wide are disabled.750 Million people world wide are disabled.•• Over 10% of users in the ICT market have Over 10% of users in the ICT market have

disabilities.disabilities.•• Increasing due to aging population.Increasing due to aging population.•• Developed countries will reach 17% of total Developed countries will reach 17% of total

population over 65, before 2010.population over 65, before 2010.•• In Japan this is predicted to reach 25%.In Japan this is predicted to reach 25%.

•• In Europe there will be more people over 60 In Europe there will be more people over 60 than under 20 by 2025.than under 20 by 2025.

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Why Accessible Design? Why Accessible Design? -- UKUK

•• Currently 10 million disabled adults...with Currently 10 million disabled adults...with a spending power in excess of a spending power in excess of ££50 50 billion/year.billion/year.

•• 2028 2028 –– ““Ageing CountrysideAgeing Countryside””::•• 47% increase in over 50s47% increase in over 50s•• 5.3m over 60s5.3m over 60s•• Three times as many over 85sThree times as many over 85s•• Source: Newcastle University Centre for Rural Economy.Source: Newcastle University Centre for Rural Economy.

•• More people over 60 than under 16...More people over 60 than under 16...

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WHO Definition of WHO Definition of ““DisabledDisabled””““Those people, of all ages, who are unable to perform, independenThose people, of all ages, who are unable to perform, independently tly and without aid, basic human activities or tasks and without aid, basic human activities or tasks –– because of health because of health condition, physical/mental/cognitive/physiological impairment ofcondition, physical/mental/cognitive/physiological impairment of a a permanent or temporary nature.permanent or temporary nature.””This includesThis includes……••wheelchair users,wheelchair users,••people who experience difficulty in walking,people who experience difficulty in walking,••frail older people,frail older people,••people who suffer from arthritis, asthma or a heart condition,people who suffer from arthritis, asthma or a heart condition,••the visual and/or hearing impaired,the visual and/or hearing impaired,••people who have a cognitive impairment disorder,people who have a cognitive impairment disorder,••women in later stages of pregnancy,women in later stages of pregnancy,••people impaired following the use of hard or soft drugs or some people impaired following the use of hard or soft drugs or some medicines,medicines,••people who suffer a partial or complete loss of language,people who suffer a partial or complete loss of language,••people impaired following exposure to environmental pollution anpeople impaired following exposure to environmental pollution and/or d/or irresponsible human activity.irresponsible human activity.

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Vision: A single disability?Vision: A single disability?

Possible variations:Possible variations:••totally blind since birth,totally blind since birth,••totally blind following an accident or an illness,totally blind following an accident or an illness,••partial vision (but can be registered as partial vision (but can be registered as ““BlindBlind””),),••eyesight corrected by lenses,eyesight corrected by lenses,••““Colour blindColour blind””,,••lost spectacles or injury.lost spectacles or injury....then add combinations of disabilities!...then add combinations of disabilities!

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Why the focus on disabilities?Why the focus on disabilities?

•• eeEuropeEurope eeAccessibilityAccessibility initiatives.initiatives.•• UK Disability Discrimination Act 1995.UK Disability Discrimination Act 1995.•• US Section 508 RequirementsUS Section 508 Requirements……pervasive:pervasive:

•• US multinationals market products worldwide,US multinationals market products worldwide,•• Public procurement recognised as best enabler,Public procurement recognised as best enabler,•• EC Mandate 376.EC Mandate 376.

•• Similar legislation and regulations in industrialised Similar legislation and regulations in industrialised countries...Canada, Japan, Australia.countries...Canada, Japan, Australia.

•• A huge, potential marketA huge, potential market……ItIt’’s good business!s good business!

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EC Mandate 376EC Mandate 376•• Intention is to use the purchasing power of all EC Intention is to use the purchasing power of all EC

governments to ensure that ICT products and services governments to ensure that ICT products and services are accessible.are accessible.

•• Mirrors Section 508 of the Americans with Disabilities Mirrors Section 508 of the Americans with Disabilities Act...Act...VPATsVPATs. Not accessible = No bid = No sale!. Not accessible = No bid = No sale!

•• Phase 1 completed:Phase 1 completed:•• ETSI Report (ETSI TR 102 612) on current European (and ETSI Report (ETSI TR 102 612) on current European (and

global) legislation, regulations and standards,global) legislation, regulations and standards,•• CEN Report on conformance & testing. CEN Report on conformance & testing.

•• Phase 2 commences late 2009:Phase 2 commences late 2009:•• Single EN containing all requirements & recommendationsSingle EN containing all requirements & recommendations•• Web tools, procurement toolkit, etcWeb tools, procurement toolkit, etc


How will this be achieved?How will this be achieved?LegislationLegislation……supported by standards & guidelines:supported by standards & guidelines:

BS 7000BS 7000--6:2005 6:2005 –– Guide to managingGuide to managing inclusive design.inclusive design.ISO 9241ISO 9241--171 (Guidance on software accessibility).171 (Guidance on software accessibility).ISO 9241ISO 9241--20 (20 (Accessibility guidelines Accessibility guidelines -- Information and Information and communications equipment, software & services communications equipment, software & services --Common GuidelinesCommon Guidelines).).W3C WAI WCAG Guidelines.W3C WAI WCAG Guidelines.ETSI ETR 334 (1996) The implications of human ageing ETSI ETR 334 (1996) The implications of human ageing for the design of telephone terminals.for the design of telephone terminals.ETSI TR 102 068 (2002) Requirements for assistive ETSI TR 102 068 (2002) Requirements for assistive technology devices in devices in ICT.ETSI EG 202 423 (2005) Guidelines for the design & ETSI EG 202 423 (2005) Guidelines for the design & deployment of ICT products & services used by children.deployment of ICT products & services used by children.

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How will this be achieved?How will this be achieved?

Universal Design (DesignUniversal Design (Design--forfor--All) or All) or Assistive Technologies?Assistive Technologies?•• By designing accessibility features and functions By designing accessibility features and functions

into all products, they cost less and those into all products, they cost less and those features are readily available to users with features are readily available to users with temporary disabilities, i.e. a sprained wrist or lost temporary disabilities, i.e. a sprained wrist or lost spectacles.spectacles.

•• Whilst Assistive Technologies may be needed for Whilst Assistive Technologies may be needed for users with less common disabilities, they tend to users with less common disabilities, they tend to be expensive, and disabled people typically have be expensive, and disabled people typically have lower incomes. lower incomes.

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Accessible software examples..Accessible software examples..•• All All ““mousemouse”” actions can be carried out by a keyboard.actions can be carried out by a keyboard.•• Font sizes can be increased.Font sizes can be increased.•• Alternative colour palettes, include high contrast and Alternative colour palettes, include high contrast and

monochrome.monochrome.•• Response timings can be adjusted.Response timings can be adjusted.•• System sounds can be provided visually.System sounds can be provided visually.•• Dialogues and tables can be read by a Dialogues and tables can be read by a ““ScreenScreen--

readerreader””..•• Screen objects, e.g. icons, have text labels.Screen objects, e.g. icons, have text labels.•• Alternative provisions for audio and video content.Alternative provisions for audio and video content.

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Accessible documentationAccessible documentation•• Provide understandable documentation and Help.Provide understandable documentation and Help.•• Provide user documentation in accessible electronic Provide user documentation in accessible electronic

form.form.•• Documentation can then be read by a Documentation can then be read by a ““Screen readerScreen reader””

and output to a voice output or refreshable Braille and output to a voice output or refreshable Braille device.device.

•• Provide text alternatives (to pictures & graphics) in Provide text alternatives (to pictures & graphics) in electronic documentation and Help.electronic documentation and Help.

•• Write instructions and Help without unnecessary Write instructions and Help without unnecessary device references.device references.

•• Provide documentation and Help on accessibility Provide documentation and Help on accessibility features.features.

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Thank you!