culturology #5 the method –...

CULTUROLOGY #5 Contents Voievodin A. Aesthetics, Art History, Art Criticism Akchurina-Muftieva N., Guseva Y. Tendencies of development of decorative and semantic accents in the modern costume Gryva O. Training of the features specialists in the field of culture to realization of the strategy of the life creativity in the multicultural space Antipova Y. New Year in the postmodern era (holiday concerts on television channel «Culture») Mikitinets A., Mikitinets O. The mythology of modern man: the cultural and anthropological analysis. Donskaja E. Structural Properties of Pattern Language of Artistic Culture. Grigorieva M. The leading methods of stylization of ethnic subject (on the example of cafes and restaurants of Tatar cuisine in the Crimea) Alekseeva E. The Role of private collections in formation of museum collections of the Crimea Elkan O. Musical sense of art heritage of T. Grochowiak Normanskaya A. Designing of the picture of the world in the modern mass culture by the example of TV series Fyodorov Y. The modern theater through a degeneration phenomenon prism. Part 3. The false bottom of the theatrical avant-garde Dzhelilov A. Korean and English Mental Views Reflected in Phraseological Units and Proverbs Based on Flora and Fauna Voievodin A. AESTHETICS, ART HISTORY, ART CRITICISM The article attempts to distinguish between the subject and the main function of the theoretical and aesthetic rational forms in the structure of artistic

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Voievodin A. Aesthetics, Art History, Art Criticism

Akchurina-Muftieva N., Guseva Y. Tendencies of development of decorative and

semantic accents in the modern costume

Gryva O. Training of the features specialists in the field of culture to realization of

the strategy of the life creativity in the multicultural space

Antipova Y. New Year in the postmodern era (holiday concerts on television

channel «Culture»)

Mikitinets A., Mikitinets O. The mythology of modern man: the cultural and

anthropological analysis.

Donskaja E. Structural Properties of Pattern Language of Artistic Culture.

Grigorieva M. The leading methods of stylization of ethnic subject (on the

example of cafes and restaurants of Tatar cuisine in the Crimea)

Alekseeva E. The Role of private collections in formation of museum collections of

the Crimea

Elkan O. Musical sense of art heritage of T. Grochowiak

Normanskaya A. Designing of the picture of the world in the modern mass culture

by the example of TV series

Fyodorov Y. The modern theater through a degeneration phenomenon prism.

Part 3. The false bottom of the theatrical avant-garde

Dzhelilov A. Korean and English Mental Views Reflected in Phraseological Units

and Proverbs Based on Flora and Fauna

Voievodin A.


The article attempts to distinguish between the subject and the main function

of the theoretical and aesthetic rational forms in the structure of artistic

consciousness. The method – a fact of historical turnover artistic thinking. Rational

reflection of art practice took a number of successive historical forms –

protokanon, religious and artistic canon, canon of art, art theory. Methodological

originality ratio analysis of art history, aesthetics and art criticism is a genetic

reconstruction of their occurrence in the process of differentiation of functions of

artistic canon. Overcoming the canon went as reflection of the inside of the art

itself, and on the part of philosophy. Reflection of the artistic medium had resulted

in the appearance of fine arts. Art studies explores the language of art, the laws of

the material type of art in connection with the psycho-physiological characteristics

of their impact on the person's emotional sphere. Aesthetics is formed inside of

philosophical knowledge as a theory of aesthetic sense. Modern aesthetics

explores: 1) the specificity of the aesthetic sense; 2) the basic forms of its

representation in the human mind (the nature and structure of aesthetic

consciousness); 3) qualitative determination of aesthetic states (typology of

aesthetic feelings); 4) specific activities on modeling and aesthetic sense of man

and society (general theory of art). The functions of social control over the results

of artistic creativity belong to art criticism. Its mission - to "sentencing" emotional

evaluations fact that artists embody in works of art. The subject of criticism is: 1) in

determining the quality of a work of art excited emotions; 2) to establish their

justification consistent with those of social development; 3) in the characteristic

virtues of the art form, artistic discoveries. The development of art is impossible

without these forms of rational reflection.

Key words: art history, art canon, art criticism, phronesis, aesthetics.

1. Arnkheym R. Art and visual perception. - M.: Progress, 1974. - 392


2. Bruner Dzh. Knowledge psychology: Outside direct information. - M.:

Progress, 1977. - 412 pages.

3. Vanslov of V. V. Iskusstvoznaniye and criticism. Methodological bases

and creative problems. - L.: Artist of RSFSR, 1988. - 128 pages.

4. Garbuzov N. A. - musician, researcher, teacher. - M.: Music, 1980. - 303


5. Gregory R. L. Reasonable eye. - M.: World, 1972. - 209 pages.

6. Daniel S.L. Kartina classical era: A composition problem in the West

European painting of the XVII century. - M, 1986.-196 pages.

7. Zhitomir D. V. K to studying of the West European music of the XX

century - M.: Science, 1971, page 195 - 274.

8. About the theoretical concept of Yannis Xenakis//Crisis of bourgeois

culture and music. - Vyp. 3. - M.: Music, 1976. - page 106-134

9. Kostiuk of A.G. Vospriyatiye of a melody: Melodic parameters of process

of perception of music. - Kiev: Sciences. thought, 1986. - 190 pages.

10. Moselle L.A. Questions of the analysis of music: Experience of

rapprochement of theoretical musicology and esthetics. - M.: Owls. composer.-

1978. - 352 pages.

11. Moselle L.A. About the nature and means of music. - M, 1983. – 72


12. Medushevsky V. V. O regularities and means of art influence of music. -

M.: Music, 1976. - 254 pages.

13. Nazaykinsky E.V. About psychology of musical perception. - M.: Music,

1972. - 383 pages.

14. Nazaykinsky E.V. Sound world of music. - M.: Music, 1988. - 254


15. Rappoport S. H. Art and emotions. - 2nd prod., additional - M.: Music,

1972.-167 pages.

16. Smirnov M. A. Emotional world of music: - Research. - M.: Music,

1990. - 320 pages.

Akchurina-Muftieva N., Guseva Y.



This article describes the trends in development of decorative and semantic

accents in a modern outfit (dress). We have analyzed the collections of

contemporary designers such as John Galliano, Domenico Dolce and Stefano

Gabbana, Versace and others. World's catwalks represent ethnic motifs from

different countries, including Russian costume, won the well-known fashion

designers’ hearts. Having based on the analysis of collections of well-known

modern designers we considered the using of protection symbols (charms) as a

phenomenon of style, becoming widespread in the art of costume ensemble last

time. It was noted that most modern designers use symbols only as a composite-

decorative elements of art image. Only in rare cases they are used as decorative-

semantic (sense-decorative) ones. We can trace the trend of using sacred symbols,

such as crosses, swastikas, stars etc as a trendy decoration. Nowadays, one can

observe the promotion of using the Slavic solar protection symbolism in everyday

clothing, reflecting the increased interest in the return and revival of national

culture and traditions in modern dress.

Кey words: costume, decorative accent, Slavic, amulet, symbols

1. Kul'tura kak sovokupnost' znakovyh sistem i cennostnyh smyslov. Rezhim

dostupa: URL: (data

obrashhenija 20.10.2014)

2. Tkachenko N.N. Soljarnaja simvolika v kul'ture proshlogo i nastojashhego.

Rezhim dostupa: URL:

01_r_kvm-s5.pdf (dataobrashhenija 24.10.2014)

3. Gofman A. B. Moda i ljudi. Novaja teorija mody i modnogo povedenija. SPb.:

Piter, 2004. 208 s.

Gryva O.




Article is devoted to the peculiarities of training in the field of culture to

realize their professional goals in a multicultural environment in the context of the

concept of life creation.

The author argues that the professional training of the features specialists in

the field of culture in higher education should be combined with the philosophical,

historical and cultural representations of students with his life scenarios. In this

case we are talking about the outlook of how the system of knowledge, attitudes,

and students' attitudes toward life. Therefore, the training of specialists in the field

of culture in addition to the traditional objectives should include the following


- Knowledge of the geopolitical and ethno-cultural specifics of the region.

- Knowledge of the particular qualities culture of the peoples living in the region.

- Have philosophical and educational and socio-psychological training.

- Recognition of the right of all peoples and cultures on their identity.

- Mastering the special conceptual apparatus that will describe themselves and

others in cultural diversity.

Key words: concept of life creation, strategy, education, training,

multicultural space, culture.

1. Abrosimova E.A. Ekzistentsialnyiy vzglyad na problemu «zhiznennogo puti» v

tvorchestve S.L. Rubinshteyna.- Internet - rezhim


2. Vahromov E.E. Vershinyi zhizni i puti ih dostizheniya: samoaktualizatsiya,

akme, i zhiznennyiy put cheloveka. – Internet- rezhim


3. Griva O.A. Osoblivosti pidgotovki fahivtsiv do realizatsiyi strategiyi

zhittetvorchosti v multikulturnomu prostori // Filosofiya. Visnik natsionalnogo

pedagogichnogo universitetu imeni G.S.Skovorodi.- Harkiv: HNPU.- 2011.-

Vip.36.- S.113-117.

4. Karpinskiy K.V. Psihologiya zhiznennogo puti lichnosti.- Internet - rezhim


5. Leontev D.A. Zhiznetvorchestvo kak praktika rasshireniya zhiznennogo mira.//

1-ya Vserossiyskaya nauchno-prakticheskaya konferentsiya po ekzistentsialnoy

psihologii: materialyi soobscheniy Pod red. D.A.Leonteva, E.S.Mazur,

A.I.Soslanda. – M.: Smyisl, 2001, S. 100-109.

6. Sohan L. Iskusstvo zhiznetvorchestva. T. 2. – K.: Izdat.dom Dmitriya Burago,

2010. – 575 s.

Antipova Y.



The goal of Y. Antipova’s article «New Year in the postmodern era (holiday

concerts on television channel «Culture»)» is to identify the features of the so

called «local (or small) rationality» of postmodern age, cross-over tendency,

integration of different arts (music, dance, visualization, recital). Combination of

past and present traditions, unpretentious and high-tech features, convergence of

language means of academic, folk, popular music, postmodernistic games with

texts relating to different times and cultures, vast use of allusions characterize

these TV shows associated with era of information oversaturation and cultural


The method of complex analysis allows detecting following tendencies in a

contemporary show: performances mixing academic (profound), folk, and mass

(unpretentious) art; mandatory presence of foreign cultural, diverse national

elements, their rapprochement; tendency to excessiveness, hyper-lineups;

combination of unpretentious material and at the same time extremely technical

mastery and virtuosity of performing it. Yu. Antipova is the first to make art

(musical) review of “The Very Best New Year” (2011) TV show and studies the

mechanics of combining non-combinable styles and genres. For example, the

composition “In Wales the rain is warm” by Alexander Gorodnitskiy and Sergey

Nikitin combines bards’ song, Irish dance, Scottish bagpipes, tap dance. The

meaningful space of such «product» allows reflecting on Celtic and Soviet bards,

scouting, the «lost Russia», affinity of percussion dances, musical instruments of

different nations.

The article provides another view on studying the so called postmodern

polycentrism, new types of cultural globalization where centripetal and centrifugal

forces are at work. While the centrifugal forces maintain the situation of trends,

groups and microstyles variety, the centripetal forces seek out dozens of

alternatives for their interconnection and prove the proximity of contrary

phenomena. The article may be interesting for explorers of mass culture, music,

holidays, performances, and for those who study culturological issues of


Key words: post-modernism, mass-, academic culture, crossover, TV concert

1. Birshtejn A. I. Step da step krugom. URL: http: //

2. Kak zazhigali «Goluboj Ogonek». Sekrety novogodnego jefira. URL: http:


3. Man'kovskaja H. B. Jestetika postmodernizma. URL: http: //

4. Samyj luchshij Novyj god. URL: http: //

Mikitinets A., Mikitinets O.



The article is devoted to the actual problem in cultural anthropology –

analysis of the myths that have a place in modern culture. Among the many

problems of cultural anthropology myth has a special place, as evidenced by

studies of E. Taylor, C. Levi-Strauss, B. Malinovsky, M. Eliade, D. Campbell and

others. It is shown that the myth as a cultural phenomenon, not only has not lost its

effect on humans, but also in the development of civilization has acquired a

qualitatively new forms and features. One of the methods used in this article – is

the «survival method» by E. Taylor. In particular, it can analyze the superstitions

that are so common in modern everyday culture. In general, the article analyzes

the forms of modern myth, as the political, historical, geometric myths and the

national symbols. From the positions of the myth describes the brands that occupy

a place of totem of modern life. Modern art is analyzed as a repeater of mythology.

The form of the myth has become another while retaining all the traditional

attributes to him: totem, taboo and ritual. So it is shown that modern man is no

less than the mythologized his ancestors. But the belief that modern man is not

associated with the myth - this is another myth that allows a person to enjoy the

thought of his era and exclusivity itself as an integral part thereof.

Key words: the myth, the «survival method», the cultural anthropology, the

totem, the taboo, the ritual.

1. Bart R. Izbrannye raboty: Semiotika: Pojetika. / R. Bart; per. s fr. sost.

obshh. red i vstup. st. G. K. Kosikova. M.: Progress, 1989. 616 s.

2. Bredemajer K. Chernaja ritorika: Vlast' i magija slova / K. Bredemajer. M.:

Al'pina Biznes Buks, 2005. 224 s., URL:

3. Veber M. «Ob'ektivnost'» social'no-nauchnogo i social'no-politicheskogo

poznanija, Cifrovaja biblioteka po filosofii URL:

4. Kara-Murza S. G. Manipuljacija soznaniem, URL: http://www.kara-

5. Konovalova Zh. G. «Amerikanskaja mechta» v hudozhestvenno-

dokumental'noj literature SShA vtoroj poloviny XX veka: avtoref dis. kand.

filol. n.: 21.12.2009 / Konovalova Zhanna Georgievna, Kazan', 2009. 25 s.

Donskaja E.



Separate patterns and pattern constructions arise up in consciousness at

consideration of artistic work: there is translation of fragment of culture intertext

in some suggestion of pattern language. Here associations act large parts are

regular nascent connections between separate events, facts, objects or phenomena

reflected in consciousness and fastened in memory. These connections results in

urgent by us further to the associative reproducing of pattern – «read-out» of

artistic work with simultaneous translation of virtual «code» in pattern space.

Thus exceptional a specific feed-back matters: simultaneously with perception of

separate elements of artistic work or all work on the whole there is (more frequent

than all unconscious) the address to virtual pattern space and extraction by an

interpreter from his own memory of patterns relevant to the elements of reading

text. These patterns extracted on association give an interpreter so-called pattern


A pattern language consists of some broadening set of base (in structural

sense – elementary) patterns and pattern constructions which are «large-sized»

patters. Pattern constructions are divided into linear suggestions, tied-up sets of

suggestions (subpatterns), hierarchical structures of sentences, and also sets of

suggestions, in which part and whole can not only to be perceived de bene esse but

also to «switch places, arbitrarily tied-up between itself». The parallel reading of

artistic work (grasping) can at once result in perception of difficult appearance-

structure at presence of large volume of knowledge of interpreter and his high

associative capabilities. Possibility of any variation of structures of patterns is

structural property of pattern language – from the simplest connection to including

and subpatterns, and their fine-tuning in the arbitrary place of the modified

structure. Other important properties of pattern language of artistic culture are his

expansibility – permanent addition by patterns and dynamic quality – property of

gradual changeableness, augment ability, and confluence of some patterns

additional to expansibility.

Key words: pattern language, structures of patterns, association,


1. Donskaja E.V. Metametaforizm i obraznyj jazyk hudozhestvennoj kul'tury //

Uchenye Zapiski Tavricheskogo nacional'nogo universiteta im.V.I.

Vernadskogo. Serija «Filosofija. Kul'turologija. Politologija. Sociologija».

Tom 26 (65). 2013. № 4. S. 225–232.

2. Donskaja E.V. Neodnoznachnost' obraznyh otobrazhenij. Sublimacija i

designat // Kul'tura narodov Prichernomor'ja. 2013. № 254. S. 181—184.

3. Donskaja E.V. Obraznyj jazyk kul'tury // Kul'tura narodov Prichernomor'ja.

2013. № 246. S. 125—128.

4. Donskaja E.V. Semioticheskaja metamodel' kul'tury // Kul'tura narodov

Prichernomor'ja. 2012. № 243. S. 126—129.

5. Donskaja E.V. Jempiriko-semioticheskij podhod k issledovaniju

muzykal'noj kul'tury // Kul'tura narodov Prichernomor'ja. 2007. №122. S.


6. Morozov A.A. Reminiscencija. Kratkaja literaturnaja jenciklopedija // Sov.

jencikl. M., 1971. T6. S. 254.

7. V.Ja. Propp. Morfologija "volshebnoj" skazki. M.: Labirint, 1998. 512 s.

8. Alexander Christopher. A Pattern Language. New York: Oxford University

Press, 1977. 1171p.

9. Alexander Christopher. The Timeless Way of Building. New York: Oxford

University Press, 1979. 552 p.

10. Werner Ulrich. The Art of Observation: Understanding Pattern Languages //

Journal of Research Practice. 2006. Vol.2. Iss.1. P. 2—11.

11. Pattern Language for Good Old Future from Japanese Culture / Megumi

Kadotani, Aya Matsumoto, Takafumi Shibuya, Younjae Lee, Saori

Watanabe, Takashi Iba. In Proceedings of CoRR. 2013.


Grigorieva M.




The analysis has allowed to establish that the decision of the imagery of modern

public catering enterprises on the territory of Crimea, the design of which reflects

the ethnic theme, you can select a number of General approaches: interpretation

peculiar to the specific culture techniques, solutions architecture, interior design

and their individual components, as well as the formation of associative

impressions for the implementation of a specific topic, in most cases, due to the

name of the institution. Approaches largely solved by the method of retrospective

review, allowing you to fill the space and detail, letting historically truthful

representation of the specificity of culture and style, based on the author's

interpretation of traditional architecture, interiors and their substantive content. In

some cases, the authors fill the environment with objects that play the role of

metaphors, and turn to the interpretation of design prototypes through the

grotesque, which opens up opportunities for the inclusion of the full range of

physiological processes in the perception of the interior. In domestic art sciences

revealed no holistic study on the systematization of leading styling techniques that

determine the characteristics of the formation of ethnic image, both within the

grotesque pastiche and copying traditional components. This leads to the fact that

designers often intuitively seek ways to implement project ideas, so that the design

environment of cafes and restaurants has the character of an authentic sample

copies or duplicates a previously created interiors. The need to systematize the

large amount of information on the design methods of solving ethnic issues in the

interior design of catering in the Crimea and on its modern incarnation, the

urgency of the stated topic. Identified approaches and methods design environment

of modern cafes and restaurants, will allow, first, to optimize the design process

and improve the quality of the art solutions in the formation of ethnic image of

public catering enterprises that meet the aesthetic requirements of modern society,

and also reveals the prospects of further research in the area of influence of ethnic

cultures in environmental design.

Key words: compositional techniques, ethno-interior, cafes and restaurants of

the Crimea.

1. Kantor K. Dizajn v protivorechijah kul'tury i prirody v razlichnyh

regionah mira. Тekst vystuplenija dlja kongressa IKSID v 1975g. // URL.:

http://rosdesign. com/design_materials3/design_k.htm (data obrashhenija:


2. Novikova E.B. Inter'er obshhestvennyh zdanij: hudozhestvennye

problemy. M.:Stroizdat, 1991. 366s.

3. Stern R. Vozle kraja postmodernizma // Kritika koncepcij teorii i istorii

arhitektury. URL.: (data obrashhenija:


Alekseeva E.



The article traces the history of the formation of museum collections of the

Crimea in the first years of Soviet power in the peninsula. The significance of

private collections for their formation.

The study has identified a number of meetings, initiated the formation of

museum collections in the Crimea with the establishment of Soviet power in the

peninsula. These are the values that were in the estate of Ai-Todor Grand Duke

AM Romanova, a collection of works of art from the estate of "New World" LS

Golitsyn, a collection of antiquities, AL Bertier de la Garde, Alupka Palace art

collection, a collection of the estate "Selbilyar" Mistress of the Court of Emperor

Alexander III, NA Baryatinskaya, manor "Uch-Cham" MV Baryatinskaya, Livadia

Palace collection, collections, PA Demidov, AN Vitmer, as well as small private

meeting of the Black Sea coast of Crimea - Verigina, Plotnikova, Korsakov,

Tchaikovsky and others.

It is shown that a detailed study of the composition of private collections that

existed on the peninsula before the Revolution, was possible only in recent

decades, with the opening of archives.

On the basis of the study author identifying, in the first years of Soviet power

disbanded private collections, individual sites are included in the collections of

museums created by the new government. A significant number of monuments have

been lost as a result of planned actions of the Soviet government for the sale of

works of art abroad.

It was revealed that private collections LS Golitsyn princes Baryatinsky, PA

Demidov, AN Vitmer and Livadia collection of Emperor Nicholas II played a

leading role in shaping the foundations of Sebastopol collection of Western

European paintings. Thus, the natural development of the Crimea estate culture of

the late nineteenth - early twentieth century, favored the formation of the tradition

of private collectors, was broken events of the revolution and civil war.

Key words: museum collections , art, private collection

1. Androsov S. A. Sud'ba kul'turnogo nasledija Kryma na izlome

istoricheskoj jepohi (1917-1920 gg.) // Istoricheskoe nasledie Kryma. –

2004. – № 3–4. – S. 126 – 138.

2. GAARK. – F.R-361. – Op. 2. – D. 89. – L. 68–70.

3. Galichenko A. A. Usad'by Kryma v pervye gody sovetskoj vlasti //

Moskva – Krym. Istoriko-publicisticheskij al'manah. – M. – 2002. – Vyp. 4.

4. Grigor'eva N. V. Rol' chastnyh sobranij v formirovanii Sevastopol'skoj

kollekcii zapadnoevropejskoj zhivopisi // Materialy mezhdunarodnoj

nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii «Mecenaty i kollekcionery».–

Sevastopol', 2001. – S.33 – 43.

5. Petrenko L. V. Muzej, kotoryj byl. Vostochnyj muzej v Jalte //

Dmitrievskie chtenija. – 2009. – 10 nojabrja.

Elkan O.


V. Kandinsky’s ideas of symbolics of color and synthesis of music and

painting gained innovative development in works of the prominent German artist

of the XX century T. Grochowiak, one of the founders of the creative association

Junger Westen, the author of the original pictorial works created by an abstraction

method under the influence of music of C. Debussy, R. Wagner, W.A. Mozart. The

semiosphere singularity of the 20-th century art was largely formed under the

influence of theoretical and artistic activity of V. Kandinsky.

The art culture of the XX century already in the course of formation at a turn

of centuries struck by variety of manifestations, fantasticality of paints and images,

aspiration to cross the border, to come into contact with science, technique,

philosophy, policy.

The idea of synthesis is considered as the most important problem of that

epoch: synthesis of art and science, art and religion, different types of art among

themselves. V. Kandinsky, one of the founders of the new art language of the XX

century came to the theoretical justification of this idea and its practical

embodiment in the treatise Concerning the Spiritual in Art, in a large number of

articles, in pictorial and graphic works.

The prominent German artist of XX century Thomas Grochowiak (*1914 –

†2012) – the author of original abstract pictorial works. The fundamental artistic

and figurative means of Grochowiak is a color, symbolized in master’s oeuvre.

The influence of music (especially of Mozart) as characteristic feature of

Grochowiak’s painting appeared in the first aquarelles of a small format (the

thirtieth years of the XX century). Many works of T. Grochowiak are devoted to

embodiments of musical impressions in color: Allegro animato e grazioso

(Schumann’s Spring Symphony), La Primavera (Vivaldi’s The Four Seasons),

Hommage à Debussy, La Mer (Debussy), Allegro con brio (J. Brahms).

The cycle of abstract compositions "Requiem" may be considered as the most

pictorial example of synthesis of arts in Grochowiak's heritage – «Introitus»,

«Kyrie», «Sequentia»… The vivid art of T. Grochowiak embodied the synthesis of

spatial and temporal phenomena – painting and music.

Key words: abstract art, synthesis of arts, music, painting.

1. Grochowiak T. Bilder wie Musik [Jelektronnyj resurs] / Thomas

Grochowiak. Rezhim


k_rastatt_2000.html – Data obrashhenija 25.11.2014.

2. Ströle I. Der Maler Thomas Grochowiak [Jelektronnyj resurs] / Ingeborg

Ströle. Rezhim


homas_grochowiak.html – Data obrashhenija 25.11.2014.

3. Teuber D. Thomas Grochowiak. Vortrag anlässlich der Eröffnung der

Ausstellung im GKV-Spitzenverband, Berlin, am 4. August 2009. [Jelektronnyj

resurs] / Dirk Teuber. Rezhim dostupa:

erband_berlin.html – Data obrashhenija 23.11.2014.

4. Berestovskaja D. S. Sintez iskusstv i obraznyj jazyk hudozhestvennogo

tvorchestva / Diana Sergeevna Berestovskaja // Kul'tura narodov Prichernomor'ja.

– № 52. – № 2. – 2004. – S. 167–171.

5. Kandinskij V. V. O duhovnom v iskusstve / Vasilij Vasil'evich

Kandinskij. – M. : Arhimed, 1992 – 110 s.

6. Kassirer Je. Filosofija simvolicheskih form / Jernst Kassirer. – T.1.

Jazyk. – M., SPb.: Universitetskaja kniga, 2001. – 271 s.

7. El'kan O.B. Semiosfera kak simvolicheskoe jadro kul'tury (na osnove

tekstov iskusstva germanojazychnogo mira HH veka): diss. … kandidata

kul'turologii : 26.00.01 / El'kan Ol'ga Borisovna – Simferopol', 2010. – 188 s.

Normanskaya A.




The design process of a picture of the world in the TV series is examined in

the article. The development of new technologies enables translation of the

pictures of the world, therefore, in the XXI century, television plays a significant

role in the construction of representations of the person about the world and the

hierarchy of values.

As a world picture we understand world outlook structures lying in the base

of culture of a certain historical era. The terms pattern of the world, model of the

world, vision of the world characterize integrity of world outlook. The picture of

the world, represented by means of TV series, is a synthesis of events of everyday

life and ways of forming of interpersonal mechanisms of interaction.

Scientific interest in a problem of designing of the picture of the world in the

TV series is caused by changes in the sphere of production in modern mass

culture, in particular in cultural hierarchy of the video production.

The relevance of a problem of research is caused by the importance of

defining of the role of the contemporary mass culture in the designing of the

picture of the world in the life of each person.

Nowadays, the level of study of the picture of the world, created by modern

television, is not sufficient. It is necessary to reveal the nature of the interaction of

the television with the mass culture, to comprehend the fundamentals of the

designing of the picture of the world by the TV series.

The basic function of the modern mass culture as the most effective

mechanism of influence on the mass consciousness is to shape people's perceptions

of the world: the laws of social development, criteria of progress, sense of human

existence, degree of importance of phenomena of reality.

The picture of the world, presented by the mass culture product – the TV

series – enables you to create the image of reality, which will contribute to your

interaction with the people social, cultural and close to you, to harmonize your

relation with the world and to perceive it as regulated, logical, as not seeking for


Key words: mass culture, picture of the world, TV series.

1. Akopov A.Z. Teleserial nachala XXI veka v kontekste tradicij

otechestvennoj kinodramaturgii: dissertacija ... kandidata iskusstvovedenija:

17.00.03 / Akopov Aleksandr Zavenovich; [Mesto zashhity: In-t povyshenija

kvalifikacii rabotnikov televidenija i radioveshhanija]. — Moskva, 2011.

— 219 s.: il. RGB OD, 61 12-17/9.

2. Dzhejmison F. Postmodernizm i obshhestvo potreblenija // Logos. — 2000.

— № 4. — S. 63-77.

3. Zajceva S.A. Zhanr televizionnogo seriala kak kul'turnyj tekst: dissertacija ...

kandidata filosofskih nauk: 24.00.01. — Moskva, 2001. — 151 s.: il. RGB

OD, 61 01-9/402-1.

4. Zareckaja A.N. Kartina mira teleseriala cherez prizmu kognitivnoj

lingvistiki // Vestnik Cheljabinskogo gos. un-ta. 2013. № 24 (315).

Filologija. Iskusstvovedenie. Vyp. 82. S. 88-90.

5. Kostina A. V. Novyj vektor issledovanija kartiny mira v oblasti

kul'turologicheskogo znanija // Znanie. Ponimanie. Umenie. 2013. № 1. S.


6. Kostina A. V. Massovaja kul'tura kak fenomen postindustrial'nogo

obshhestva. — M.: Izd-vo Mosk. gumanit.-soc. akademii, 2003. — 405 s.

7. Kuznecova T.F. Kul'turnaja kartina mira: teoreticheskie problemy. M.:

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8. Lukov M.V. Televidenie: konstruirovanie kul'tury povsednevnosti:

konstruirovanie kul'tury povsednevnosti: Dis. ... kand. filos. nauk: 24.00.01

Moskva, 2006 167 s. RGB OD, 61:06-9/301.

9. Markruze G. Jeros i civilizacija. Odnomernyj chelovek: Issledovanie

ideo.logii razvitogo industrial'nogo obshhestva / G. Markuze; Per. s angl.,

poslesl., primech. A.A. Judina; Sost., predisl. V.Ju. Kuznecova. — M: OOO

"Izdatel'stvo ACT", 2002. — 526, [2] s.- (Philosophy).

10. Makljujen M. Galaktika Gutenberga. Stanovlenie cheloveka,

pechatajushhego = The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic

Man. — M.: Akademicheskij proekt, 2005. — 496 s.

11. Popova Z.D. Kognitivnaja lingvistika / Z.D. Popova, I.A. Sternin. – M.:

AST: Vostok-Zapad, 2007. – 314, [6] s. – (lingvistika i mezhkul'turnaja

kommunikacija. Zolotaja serija).

12. Shapinskaja E. N. Televidenie v sovremennoj kul'ture i obshhestve:

tehnologija i kul'turnaja forma // Massovaja kul'tura. — M.: Al'fa-M;

INFRA-M, 2004. — S. 230-255.

13. Shapinskij V. A. Massmedia na poroge XXI veka: teorii, problemy i

podhody // Polignozis. — 1998. — № 4.

14. Jeko U. Otkrytoe proizvedenie / Per. s ital. A. Shurbeleva. — M.:

Akademicheskij proekt, 2004. — 384 s.

Fyodorov Y.




This work is the final in a series of articles analyzing the problems of the modern

theater through the prism of the phenomenon of degeneracy (degeneration). The author

reveals the true cause is often veiled create some alternative theaters and "avant-

garde" theatrical associations. As an example, the Polish alternative theater «Suka

OFF» Theatre and Roman Theatre Academy «Sofia Amendolea». The article presents

an analysis of the painful nature of the occurrence of these theater companies and their

pathologically refracted "repertoire". Provides scientific and medical evaluation of

cultural studies and what is happening on stage pseudo-theatrical activity in terms of

the presence in it of pathological acts related to psychosexual disorders actors-singers.

Article affects issues related to the nature of the appearance of the "theater of

cruelty" and mental health of its founder and ideologist of Antonin Artо, determine the

direction and level of development of avant-garde theater of the XX century.

The author emphasizes that he proposed a series of articles about modern diseases

theater can play a role and perform the functions of the journal "Health", where you

can explore the ugly disease of the mind, the senses and the flesh of their symptoms and

clinic manifestations. For if the deformation characteristic of all not all, the risk of

negative progression amorphous threatens everyone, without exception.

The modern theatre as a model of the world and a mirror of social processes and

contradictions deals with the sociocultural regression, spiritual crisis, the problem of

progressive cultural degradation, degradation of the inner world of man, its

pathological pseudo creative manifestations. And the theater, as a model of the world

and a mirror of social processes and contradictions is very revealing in this respect.

Key words: person, art, theater, play, director, performance, avant-guard,

degeneration, pathology, illness, psychosexual deviations

1. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa –

ua/cultura _articles/alternativnij polskij

2. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa –

3. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa – http://www.teatre-fest.bsu.dy /2010/


4. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa – http://www.wedsmi.dy/2010/10/


5. [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa – http://lagushatnik.dlogspot. som

/2010 /10/ western-theatre-rednecks.html

6. Ju.V. Fedorov. Nereal'naja real'nost', ili Rozhdennye zanovo /

7. Arto A. teatr i ego Dvojnik / [Jelektronnyj resurs]. Rezhim dostupa – i


8. Arto A. Teatr i ego dvojnik/ A. Arto.; per. s fr., komm. S. A. Isaeva. – M.:

Martis, 1993. – S. 91-109.

9. Arto Antonen. Teatr i ego dvojnik. [Jelektronnyj resurs.] Rezhim dostupa:


Dzhelilov A.




The article deals with lexical background of Korean and English

phraseological units, proverbs dealing with flora and fauna. Phraseological fund

of different languages reflects peoples’ identity – the facts of history, economic and

geographic features, social relations, law, customs, household rules, superstitions


The lexical structure of phraseological units of the Korean and English

languages is very various. Each nation uses its local realities in proverbial


Each phraseological unit, each proverb has the set of names of the subjects

connected with local features. However the sense of sayings and their form at the

different nations often coincide. Each nation imprints in language, besides other

facts of real life, some natural phenomenon, that is that is close and clear to it.

The Korean proverbs illustrate representatives of flora and fauna. For

example, the wild animals (a tiger, a fox, a bear) represent greed, an ingratitude; a

deer, a roe, a hare - embody mildness, fearfulness, cowardice, inoffensiveness,

vulnerability. A turtle, a crab, a cancer personify sluggishness and slowness. Pets

in the Korean proverbial sayings (an ox, sometimes a bull or a buffalo) are

peasant's support. A dog in the Korean proverbs has the negative and positive

characteristic. A rooster is a multiple-valued symbol. It reports time. Besides, the

rooster is a ladies' man, a fighter, a tease.

The Korean and English have many phraseological and set phrases

containing fitonima – names of plants. They include names of trees and bushes,

flowers and herbs, cultural and wild-growing trees.

The influence of the called factors in combination with other features of

culture and mentality cause a considerable divergence of idiomatics of units based

on flora and fauna of the Korean and English languages.

Key words: Korean Phraseology, English Phraseology, Linguistic aspects of

Country Studies, Cultural peculiarities Lexical Units.

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288 s.

2. Vetrov P. P. Frazeologija sovremennogo kitajskogo jazyka : sintaksis i

stilistika / P. P. Vetrov. – M. : Vostoch. kniga, 2007. – 368 c.

3. Vojcehovich I. V. Prakticheskaja frazeologija sovremennogo kitajskogo

jazyka / I. V. Vojcehovich. – M. : AST : Vostok – Zapad, 2007. – 509 s.

4. Kornilov O. A. Zhemchuzhiny kitajskoj frazeologii / O. A. Kornilov. – M. :

CheRo, 2005. – 335 s.

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6. Mosunova N.I. Paradigmaticheskie i sintagmaticheskie svojstva

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7. Novikova T. A. Kitajskie ieroglify v korejskom jazyke / T. A. Novikova, Ja.

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8. Pak Son Gu. Nacional'naja specifika frazeologizmov russkogo i korejskogo

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Krasnyh, A. I. Izotov. – M. : Dialog – MGU, 1999. – Vyp. 7. – S. 33 – 47.

9. Sanlyer D. F. Kul'turno-nacional'noe mirovidenie cherez edinicy

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lingvokul'tur : avtoreferat diss. ... doktora filologicheskih nauk : 10.02.20 / Sanlyer

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10. Selіvanova O. O. Narisi z ukraїns'koї frazeologії (psihokognіtivnij ta

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11. Martin Taylor. Writing and Literacy in Chinese, Korean and Japanese. /

Taylor Martin. – Amster¬dam, 1999. – P. 13 – 36.

12. Minjung’s Essence Korean-English Dictionary 3rd edition. Seoul, 1996. –

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