culture orientation in - dk

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  • 8/9/2019 Culture Orientation in - DK


    Culture Orientation(Awareness and Inclincation is the only solution to bridge the gap)


    Strictly confidential

    Disclaimer : All the views expressed and shared are only from the author and are not supposed

    to be linked to the organizations view

    Venkata Prasad Kothe, 2nd August 2010

  • 8/9/2019 Culture Orientation in - DK


    Danish Culture - Jante LawIt is symbolic of the Danish cultural code to frown upon considering yourself

    better than others. The national perspective emphasizes fairness and equality for


    The ten rules of the Jante Law are: Don't think that you are special.

    Don't think that you are of the same standing as us.

    Don't think that you are smarter than us.

    Don't fancy yourself as being better than us. Don't think that you know more than us.

    Don't think that you are more important than us.

    Don't think that you are good at anything.

    Don't laugh at us.

    Don't think that anyone cares about you.

    Don't think that you can teach us anything.

    The Jante Law is believed to have influenced the current social structure of Danish

    Society and should be considered when dealing with the Danes in Business.(Wikipedia, Denmark- Jante Lae, 5-3-07, Page 1, Paragraph 1)

    Strictly confidential, Disclaimer : All the views expressed and shared are only from the author and are not supposed to be linked tothe organizations view

  • 8/9/2019 Culture Orientation in - DK


    Indian Culture - General

    Few of the said/unsaid rules are: The 'namaste' forms an important part of Indian etiquette and is generally used while

    greeting and saying good-bye.

    Respect to elders is of high prominence.

    Guests and Ladies are treated with utmost respect and courtesy.

    The activities are more oral than written contracts (except legal work).

    Have difficulty in saying NO, this could be a stumbling block in discussions.

    Emotional and protective about the job we are doing. We work hard to make sure not to let down the trust laid on us.

    Not everyone can take a joke easily. Highly sensitive on certain personal issues.

    Proficiency in English is very high.

    Friendship is highly valued, whether based on multigenerational family friendships, schoolfriendships or personal friendships.

    Treat life as a Race all the time.

    We standup when we have an elder or a person of higher designation comes as a mark ofrespect.

    We care about others more than ourselves.

    We tend to react personally to pressure from Society and peers.

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  • 8/9/2019 Culture Orientation in - DK


    Compromise Is it a Perception?

    The infrastructure available in the country and theworkplace generally are in a way thatdemands/requires people to optimize on theresources with what is provided and not demandfor quality, same is applied to an organization as

    well. The workstations and office space for theemployees in India is generally not of the samequality as its counterpart in other locations.

    Our Strength becomes our Weakness.

    Optimal use of infrastructure transforms toinefficient usage which is a compromise on thequality in the long run.

    Strictly confidential, Disclaimer : All the views expressed and shared are only from the author and are not supposed to be linked to theorganizations view

  • 8/9/2019 Culture Orientation in - DK



    Teaching is done a bit more loosely and in teams.

    For example Grades 4-6 will be taught by a team of teachers who each have thefreedom to choose their own textbooks, materials and methods of teaching. There

    are no official grades as you find in US schools. It is not until the 8th grade where

    grades are officially given and than in grade 9 the students take their final exams.

    Freedom to choose the fields of expertise even if they have limited financial returns

    is common as the govt. supports them. People are encouraged to get into sports and

    fun related activities.


    Teaching is done in teams in a slightly more stricter manner.

    Grades and Percentages drive us more than the freedom to choose what is of

    interest. There is a race to get higher scores which are treated as a mark of

    knowledge and get similar respect. The amount of applicability of knowledge is

    actually limited and is seldom encouraged. Education is the only basis of getting a

    good job and good salary which is of high value in the society. The intelligence is

    suppressed by the need to knowbasis jobsin the service sector. People are

    discouraged to get into sports and fun related activities.

    India : This behavioris more applicable forpeople born 10 yrs back, andis nowchanging in an optimisticway

    as people understand betterthe ill-effectsof this approach.

    Education System

    Strictly confidential, Disclaimer : All the views expressed and shared are only from the author and are not supposed to be linked to the

    or anizations view

  • 8/9/2019 Culture Orientation in - DK


    Differentiating FactorsIndia Denmark

    Debating about ones view not encouraged

    especially by managers in corporates

    Debating about ones view is respected and


    Managers knows every answer Managers does not have answer for every

    question(In general the western culture)

    Lack of training in giving Feedback effectsthe way feedback is shared. Generally,

    Objective feedback turns to become

    Personal Feedback, which brings in the

    wrong view that all feedbacks are personal

    Straight feedback is a very common thingand people argue to prove their point.(In

    general the western culture)

    The above two beliefs discourage self

    decision and empowerment ability

    They are encouraged to take decisions. (In

    general the western culture)Less importance on Articulation on the idea

    makes even the best idea/view/solution not


    Good Articulation skills.(In general the

    western culture)

    Strictly confidential, Disclaimer : All the views expressed and shared are only from the author and are not supposed to be linked to theorganizations view

  • 8/9/2019 Culture Orientation in - DK


    Differentiating FactorsIndia Denmark

    Children are encouraged to stay with

    families all life critical part of culture,

    which is very good but limits the

    opportunity of taking decisions

    independently as it needs to be discussed in

    the family.

    Children are encouraged/known to grow on

    their own after 19 years which brings the

    necessity of taking independent decisions.

    The non-positive impact is seen when

    people need to involve members in a group.

    Strong family relations are a very good

    support of loyalty to the organization

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  • 8/9/2019 Culture Orientation in - DK


    Power Distance Index

    The distance from employeeto manager

    High Employees unlikely to

    disagree with orders Paternalistic/autocratic


    Low Consultative decision

    Easy access to Managers

    Equality and critics

    Ideal boss is a resourcefuldemocrat

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  • 8/9/2019 Culture Orientation in - DK


    Individualism Index

    The level of individualisticbehavior

    High (individualist)

    High degree of individualism

    Self centered culture Task matters, direct speech

    Low (collectivist)

    Group think, large families,we

    Bonds and society restrains

    individualism Group management

    Relationship matters

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  • 8/9/2019 Culture Orientation in - DK


    Masculinity Index

    The level of masculinity in society

    High (masculine)

    Alpha male dominance insociety and values (successand material)

    Decisive and assertivemanagers

    Fight and conflict

    Low (feminine)

    Soft, caring is a predominantvalue

    People and relationships

    Equality between sexes

    Intuitive managers

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  • 8/9/2019 Culture Orientation in - DK


    Uncertainty Avoidance Index

    The level of uncertainty avoidance


    Uncertainty and risk isshunned

    Strict rules

    Managers have all the answers

    Belonging is important


    Welfare society ideal

    I dont know is accepted

    open ended Deviance is accepted

    Motivation by achievement

    Strictly confidential, Disclaimer : All the views expressed and shared are only from the author and are not supposed to be linked to theorganizations view

  • 8/9/2019 Culture Orientation in - DK


    Tips to help

    Indians:1. Speak out and share your view2. There is no personal feedback, it is all about the work. Feedback is always

    objective driven.

    3. Try to have balance between just executing the job and innovation.

    4. You are empowered, realize and remember it .5. Unleash your creativity, use diagrams. 1 Picture = 1000 words

    6. Writing 1 time = reading 10 times


    1. Involve the Indian counterparts in discussion, this enables confidencethat their view matters.

    Strictly confidential, Disclaimer : All the views expressed and shared are only from the author and are not supposed to be linked to theorganizations view

  • 8/9/2019 Culture Orientation in - DK



    Thanks to Christian Rolin for the Slides about index.

    Strictly confidential, Disclaimer : All the views expressed and shared are only from the author and are not supposed to be linked to

    the organizations view

  • 8/9/2019 Culture Orientation in - DK


    Reminder of what we can achieve together

  • 8/9/2019 Culture Orientation in - DK



    Strictly confidential, Disclaimer : All the views expressed and shared are only from the author and are not supposed to be linked tothe organizations view