culture of engagement: women's leadership conference 2016

Creating a Culture of Engagement Women’s Leadership Conference

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Creating a Culture of Engagement

Women’s Leadership Conference

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Proud to Help Others Achieve their Goals

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What employee engagement is not …Employee engagement does not mean employee happiness.

Employee engagement does not mean employee satisfaction.

Employee engagement is the emotional commitment the employee has to the organization and its goals.

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My Story

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Your StoryWHAT IS YOUR STORY?• Why did you start your company?• What makes your company unique?• What drives your business? • What are your goals?

Are your employees part of your story?

“Storytelling is the most powerful way to put ideas into the world today.”

Robert McKee

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Your StoryThe 3 best ambassadors of your company:

• Owners• Employees• Customers

What story are your employees telling?

“Employees rank higher in public trust than a firm’s PR department, CEO, or Founder. 41% of us believe that employees are the most credible source of

information regarding their business.”2013 Edelman Trust Barometer

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Your StoryAre your employees engaged?• Engaged employees drive your company

toward your goals• Engaged employees are strong brand


Corporate Leadership Council

Engaged Employees are:

• 57% more likely to work harder

• 80% more likely to perform better

• 87% more likely to stay longer with the




29% Actively Disengaged



(Dale Carnegie)

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Engagement ChallengesSurvey Questions (Scale of 1 – 10)1. My organization has strong employee

engagement.2. My organization is very skilled at

communicating with employees.3. My organization trains managers to lead


“87% of organizations cite culture and engagement as one of their top challenges.”Global Human Capital Trends, 2015

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Agenda1. What engages employees?2. How companies communicate3. How leaders impact engagement4. How community engagement strategies impact

business & engagement5. Strategies to improve engagement

Today’s Take-Aways1. One action step2. One supporting statistic3. One new business contact

Scarlett Surveys International

“Employee Engagement

is a measurable degree of an

employee’s positive or

negative emotional

attachment to their job,

colleagues and organization

that profoundly influences

their willingness to learn

and perform at work.”

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What Engages Employees?EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION• Make employees feel informed about organization• Demonstrate management’s commitment to the

organization. • Give employees the opportunity to give feedback

“33% of employees say lack of open, honest communication

has the most negative impact on employee morale.”

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What Engages Employees?POOR COMMUNICATION = DISENGAGEMENT1. Lack of direction from management (38%)2. Poor communication overall (14%)3. Change that's not well communicated (12%)

“75% of leaders have no engagement plan or strategy – even though 90% say engagement impacts business

success.”  Accor

(, 2014)

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How Companies CommunicateThe three most used channels are: 1. Intranet (93%)2. E-mail (90%) 3. Leadership communications (84%)

Phil Simon, Message Not Received

“The average person receives 120-150 e-mails per day. It's very likely that a person will misplace, delete or not even see a

specific email, and therefore could miss a crucial piece of information.”

(Internal Communication & Technology Survey 2014)

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How Companies CommunicatePERSPECTIVE• An attitude toward or way in which

something is considered or evaluated.

“The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.” 

George Bernard Shaw

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Communicate To Engage4 Steps to Effective Communication

1. Say it – VERBAL2. Write it – WRITTEN3. Picture it – IMAGE4. Model it – EXAMPLE

Melcrum, 2012

“61% of employees need to hear information 3-5 times to believe.”

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Communicate To EngageFace-to-face communication is still considered the most effective channel.• Traditional team meetings (85%)• Offsite meetings (65%)• Senior management site visit (55%)

“When managers take extra time and effort to talk face-to-face with employees,

the employees tend to feel more valued and respected by the company,

which in turn makes them more engaged and productive.”Robert Cordray, Linked 2 Leadership

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1. Know Your Audience• Who is your audience and Why are

you communicating with them? 2. Determine Key Messages

• Determine top 1-3 points you want to convey to your audience.

3. Call to Action• What do you want the audience to do

after reading the message?

“Speak in such a way that others love to listen to


Listen in such a way that others love to speak to



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What Engages Employees?EMPLOYEE RECOGNITION• Praise and appreciation• Sense of influence• Opportunities for growth

(Harvard Business Review)

“43% of highly engaged employees received feedback at least once a week,

compared to only 18% of employees with low engagement.”

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What Engages Employees?



What Employers Think








What Employees Think




Boosting Morale

(Westminster College)

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Impact of Leaders on EngagementLEADERSHIP PERSPECTIVE• 57% learned their leadership skills through

trial & error• 89% possess at least one leadership skill

“blind spot” (DDI World, Bersin & Assoc.)

• Only 11% of managers are being groomed to be a leader by their organization. (Gallup)

“75% of people voluntarily leaving their jobs don’t quit their jobs; they quit their boss.”

Dale Carnegie

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Impact of Leaders on EngagementEMPLOYEE PERSPECTIVE• 98% of employees will fail to be

engaged when managers give little or no feedback.

• 69% of employees say they would work harder if they felt their efforts were better recognized.

“When employees understand their role in business, 91% will work towards that success,

but the number plummets to 23% if they don’t.”


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Providing Praise & Appreciation

• “I need your help.”• “Hey, everyone…listen to what Joe accomplished!”• “What do you need from me?”• “I noticed what you did.”• “Thank you.”• “What would you like to do here?”• “What do you think?”• “That’s okay. We all make mistakes.”• “I know you can do it.”

“Leaders become great, not because of their power, but because of their ability to empower others.”

(Finding Happiness, Todd Patkin)

John Maxwell

What Employees Want to Hear from Their Leader

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Providing Praise & Appreciation

Elements of Effective Employee Praise• Don’t Wait• Be Specific• Be Genuine• Save constructive feedback for later• Be Surprising• Treat Employees Like Snowflakes

(Inc. Magazine)

“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”Maya Angelou

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Providing Praise & Appreciation

THE POWER OF THANKS• Elizabeth’s Story


“Appreciation is a wonderful thing; It makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well.”

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Providing Praise & AppreciationActivity: Write a note of praise and recognition

Great job! Thank you! You rock! I appreciate you! Write a note of appreciation or praise to someone in your workplace.

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What Engages Employees?COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT• 93% of employees who volunteer are somewhat

or very satisfied with their employer• 57% of employees who volunteer would

recommend their company to a friend (Deloitte Volunteer Impact Survey)

“55% of employees feel proud to work for the company

when they frequently volunteer.”Deloitte Volunteer Impact Survey

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Impact on Business• Research has found that engagement boosts operating

income, increases employee productivity, lowers turnover risk, provides a greater ability to attract top talent and leads to higher total returns (Irvine, 2009).

• Unexpected costs of disengaged employees: disengaged customers, safety incidents & absenteeism

“61% of millennials trying to decide between two jobs offering the same location, job description, pay and benefits

would choose to work for the company that also supports charitable causes.”Deloitte Volunteer Impact


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Impact on Employees• The more available, hands on and integrated

corporate citizenship is in an organization the more it will positively impact employee engagement scores. (Northwestern University)

• 93% of employees who volunteer are somewhat or very satisfied with their employer. (Deloitte Volunteer Impact Survey)

“More corporations will support their communities via employee volunteer programs instead of just writing checks during tough

economic times.” McPherson, 2012

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Create Community Engagement

1. Donation Drives2. Volunteerism3. Company Sponsorships4. Environmental/Energy Efficiency Initiatives

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s

the only thing that ever has.” Margaret Mead

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Donation Drives

Dorenda’s Story

Mahatma Gandhi

“You must be the change you wish to see

in the world.”

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What is your action step?KEYS TO EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT• Effective Communication• Employee Recognition• Community Engagement

What is your strategy to improve engagement?

“Providing simple keys to unlock the power of your story.” Elizabeth King Consulting

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What is your action step?1. Complete survey. Leave it on the table. 2. Take your notes with you.3. Schedule a time to do your action step –

Put it on the calendar!4. Network – Tell someone about your

action step.

“By changing nothing, nothing changes.”Tony Robbins

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Thank you for coming!

