culture & civilisation project 2 - messages from the past

Script Introduction of all the characters and their roles (via slide w/ dramatic soundtrack) Intro of the Trojan War The Trojan War was a battle against the city of Troy waged by the Achaeans (Greeks) during the Bronze ages. The battle lasted from 1194BC to 1184BC. It is one of the most important event in Greek history and has been told a retold trough many works of Greek Literature. It is the most significant incident that occurred during the 12th century BC. Scene 1 ( origination of war ) The Trojan war is believed to have originated from a quarrel between the Greek Goddess of Wisdom, Athena Introduction of Athena and the Greek Goddess of Love, Aphrodite, Introduction of Aphrodite after Eris gave them the golden apple. Golden Apple being fought over by the two goddesses. Zeus sent the goddess to Paris who judged Aphrodite as the "fairest" and should therefore receive the Apple of Discord. Eris takes the Apple from the two and walks to Paris. Aphrodite, jealous of the fame of Athena amongst mortals, offered Paris the glory he would obtain once he made his enemy’s wife fall in love and abandon his husband, so long as he picked her over Athena. Aphrodite whispering and tempting Paris. Paris, enraptured by the idea, chooses Aphrodite Paris points to Aphrodite, Athena disappears. who in exchange, made Helen, wife of Menelaus, fall in love with Paris, who took her away to Troy. Aphrodite 'charms' Helen to fall in love with Paris. Paris pulls Helen away to his kingdom. Once Menelaus heard of his wife’s decision, he consulted in his brother, and this eventually resulted in a war between Agamemnon, the infuriated brother of Menelaus, and Paris, the king of Troy. The Greeks and the Trojans stand of opposing sides, with Menelaus and Paris at the battle front. Scene 2 ( Pre Battle ) The city of Troy was protected by a high wall roughly 20-feet high around the city with gates in the wall to let people in and out. Within the walls, were the citizens of Troy, their important people and their rulers. Introduction of Troy's people, their rank and summary of their daily life -

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Page 1: Culture & Civilisation Project 2 - Messages From The Past


Introduction of all the characters and their roles (via slide w/ dramatic soundtrack)

Intro of the Trojan War

The Trojan War was a battle against the city of Troy waged by the Achaeans (Greeks) during the Bronze ages. The battle lasted from 1194BC to 1184BC. It is one of the most important event in Greek history and has been told a retold trough many works of Greek Literature. It is the most significant incident that occurred during the 12th century BC.

Scene 1 ( origination of war )

The Trojan war is believed to have originated from a quarrel between the Greek Goddess of Wisdom, Athena Introduction of Athena and the Greek Goddess of Love, Aphrodite, Introduction of Aphrodite after Eris gave them the golden apple. Golden Apple being fought over by the two goddesses. Zeus sent the goddess to Paris who judged Aphrodite as the "fairest" and should therefore receive the Apple of Discord. Eris takes the Apple from the two and walks to Paris. Aphrodite, jealous of the fame of Athena amongst mortals, offered Paris the glory he would obtain once he made his enemy’s wife fall in love and abandon his husband, so long as he picked her over Athena. Aphrodite whispering and tempting Paris. Paris, enraptured by the idea, chooses Aphrodite Paris points to Aphrodite, Athena disappears. who in exchange, made Helen, wife of Menelaus, fall in love with Paris, who took her away to Troy. Aphrodite 'charms' Helen to fall in love with Paris. Paris pulls Helen away to his kingdom. Once Menelaus heard of his wife’s decision, he consulted in his brother, and this eventually resulted in a war between Agamemnon, the infuriated brother of Menelaus, and Paris, the king of Troy. The Greeks and the Trojans stand of opposing sides, with Menelaus and Paris at the battle front. Scene 2 ( Pre Battle )

The city of Troy was protected by a high wall roughly 20-feet high around the city with gates in the wall to let people in and out. Within the walls, were the citizens of Troy, their important people and their rulers. Introduction of Troy's people, their rank and summary of their daily life -

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1. Paris: King of Troy: 2. Hector: Prince of Troy: 3. Cassandra: Rich Civilian: 4. Laocoon: Middle Class Civilian: 5. Anastasios: Poor Civilian: It provided protection from the outside and advantage in height for the warriors of Troy to rain arrows down on their enemies. The warriors of Troy standing high and preparing to shoot arrows. Meanwhile, the Greek army had been trying to breach the wall for roughly 10 years. The greek warriors fighting off arrows. Usually, before the battle, the greek warriors would conduct a ritual to honour the greek gods of mythology, who they believed to guide them during battle. This usually consisted of regular prayers and sacrifices. The warriors would gather around a bonfire during meal times and scrape off a generous amount of their bounty to the fire, which they believed to be an act of sending an offering to the gods in Mount Olympus. Greek warriors gathering around a fake bonfire with plates of food, scraping off parts into the flame before settling down to eat. Aphrodite and Athena at a higher ground, receiving the food and feasting. Prayers were conducted before the light of dawn, which were unique for every god. Greek warriors on their knees with their weapons around them, hands clased, or on their knees with their arms raised and swords across the palms. Saying: "  Athena of the steel-grey eyes and steady gaze, goddess who sees the battlefield entire, who knows each soldier on the field, who whispers in each general’s ear, who hears each one who sits at home and waits for word with hope and dread and desperate prayers, I call to you. Athena, a world at war is a fearful place, a place of pain and woe, a place where all we understand turns strange and terrifying, where all we know of life and love is cherished all the more. Athena, goddess who knows well of war and all it creates, hear my prayers, hear the words of one whose faith in you is full: I trust in your wisdom, goddess, I trust in your righteousness. Athena, I trust in you." However, during the Trojan War, after a decade of stagnant battle, the Greeks still could not find a way in no matter what they tried, and the Trojans were not able to drive the Greeks away. Scene 3 (Trojan Horse) Near the end of the war, the Greek warriors had had enough.

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Introduction of the Greek Army: 1. Odysseus (General): 2. Agamemnon (Commander in Chief): 3. Loukas (Random Foot-Soldier): Their general, Odysseus, decided to create a final ruse. This was called the 'Trojan Horse'. It was a giant hollow wooden horse (which was an animal sacred to the Trojans), The Trojan Horse replica is wheeled in. made from the wood of a cornel tree grove, and crafted by Epeius, guided by Athena. On the wooden creature, was the inscription: Odysseus: “The Greeks dedicate this thank-offering to Athena for their return home.” The plan was for thirty of the best soldiers to hide themselves in the massive horse, which would be led by Odysseus. Odysseus explains the plan to the soldiers, and selects thirty. They begin to pile themselves into the horse. Meanwhile, the remaining army would burn their camp and set sail for Tenedos – making it seem as if they had declared defeat and left. Soldier destroys the camps and stamps out the fires, before packing up and departing. After settling into the Trojan Horse, Odysseus and the thirty remaining soldiers in hiding began to wait... Scene 4 (Fall of Troy) Once the Trojans realised that the Greeks were gone, they began to rejoice in victory, believing that the war was finally over. Trojans begin to rejoice and cheer. In the midst of their excitement, they began to drag the Trojan Horse within the walls of Troy, claiming it as the symbol of their victory. The Trojans drag the horse into the city of Troy. Many debated of what to do with it. Some considered hurling it from the rocks, Actions of pushing it off a cliff, some citizens shaking their heads. Others wanted to burn it Someone suggesting fire. Others declining. And some of them thought they ought to dedicate it to Athena. Two of the Trojans, Cassandra and Loacoon, warned against keeping the Trojan Horse entirely. Laocoon: We cannot possibly keep this. It is a symbol of the Achaeans! It does not belong in Troy. Cassandra: I agree, we must get rid of it at once! Paris: Do not be ridiculous. We have conquered in perseverance over this war for the past ten years! This (gestures to the Trojan Horse), shall be our souvenir. Laocoon shakes his head fiercely. Cassandra: You must listen to me, my King! For I have been blessed by Apollo with

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the gift of prophetic tellings! I do not see any fortune if we were to keep this obstruction in our city. Hector: Silence! My father has spoken! The Trojan Horse shall remain here, where we will treat it as a relic of our strength. Hector and Paris walk away without concern. Cassandra turns to Laocoon and sighs. Laocoon: Be not troubled, Cassandra, for you have also been cursed by Apollo to never be believed. Your pleas will fall upon deaf ears. Cassandra and Laocoon walk off. Once the decision of the Trojan Horse had been made, all of the citizens of Troy turned to a night of reckless joy and celebration. They dined feasts fit for all of Troy, indulged in music and dance, drinking wine until the moon had risen high in the night. All the Trojans dancing around, drinking wine, eating and laughing. By the time they had worn themselves out and settled to bed with happy hearts, it was already too late Cue dramatic music. The Greek soldiers hiding within the Trojan horse snuck out of their hiding spot and opened the gates of Troy, The soldiers within the Trojan Horse climb out sneakily and creep to the gate, where they open it. Allowing the remaining army to join them as they massacred the people of Troy. Greek army slaying off the citizens, some Trojan warriors awaken and struggle to fight, but are soon defeated. This was the end of Troy and it’s people.