culturales… learners (dlls) across clara pérez méndez ...€¦ · discussions… and...

Puentes Culturales… Clara Pérez Méndez & Susan M.Moore March 11, 2016 Workshop RESEARCH AND PRACTICE WITH DUAL LANGUAGE LEARNERS (DLLS) ACROSS EARLY CARE & EDUCATION SETTINGS IN VERMONT Discover the PossibilitiesSponsored by: Vermont Agency of Education This workshop was funded through a contract with the Vermont Agency of Education. The agency in not responsible for content shared by Puentes Culturales.

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Page 1: Culturales… LEARNERS (DLLS) ACROSS Clara Pérez Méndez ...€¦ · discussions… and exploration of myths and realities about DLLs that impact our practice. ! Exploring the research

Puentes Culturales…

Clara Pérez

Méndez & Susan M.Moore

March 11 , 2016





Discover the Possibilities…

Sponsored by: Vermont Agency of Education

This workshop was funded through a contract with the Vermont Agency of Education. The agency in not responsible for content

shared by Puentes Culturales.

Page 2: Culturales… LEARNERS (DLLS) ACROSS Clara Pérez Méndez ...€¦ · discussions… and exploration of myths and realities about DLLs that impact our practice. ! Exploring the research

¡  8:30 Regis tra t ion & Breakfas t : Networking Opportuni ty for Al l ¡  9:00-9:15 Welcome & Introduct ions: Puentes Cul turales & Kate Rogers , 619 Early

Educat ion Coordinator, Vermont Agency of Educat ion

¡  9:15-9:45 Beginning the Journey: Are we on the Same Page? Recogniz ing Our Princip les & Implement ing Recommended Pract ices… An Exercise in Sel f Ref lec t ion and Commitment to New Learning

10:15-10:30 BREAK

¡  10:30-12:00 Learning Languages: What we know and unders tand about learning more than one language and impl icat ion for pract ice…This content involves neuroscience of b i l ingual ism and updated research… video observat ions … smal ler group discuss ions… and explorat ion of myths and real i t ies about DLLs that impact our pract ice .

¡  Explor ing the research and the neuroscience of b i l ingual ism ¡  What def ines a dual language learner? Think-Pair-Share ¡  Myths & Real i t ies ¡  How do chi ldren acquire languages? Simul taneous… Sequent ia l? Other Factors of

Inf luence ~ Dic ta t ion Exper ience

¡  Impact of Disabi l i ty on Learning of Languages ¡  The Importance of support ing and maintaining development of chi ldren’s home

language- BENEFITS OF BILINGUALISM ~ What every parent should know!


Page 3: Culturales… LEARNERS (DLLS) ACROSS Clara Pérez Méndez ...€¦ · discussions… and exploration of myths and realities about DLLs that impact our practice. ! Exploring the research

¡  12:00 -1:30 Lunch ~ Table Top Talk: Share Your Thoughts about Learning

Languages in ECE

¡  1:30-2:30 Basic Ski l l s & Strategies for Ongoing Assessment: Different ia l ly Ident i fy

and Assess Young Dual Language Learners for Disabi l i t ies and Developmental Delays…

¡  Team Based Approach: TPBA ¡  Ethnographic or Person-Centered Interv iewing Process wi th Family ¡  Assessment Informat ion: Tools for Assessment of Home Language Environment ¡  Mult i - t iered Sys tem of Supports - Dynamic Assessment ¡  Appropria te Use of Interpre ters , Transla tors , Cul tural Mediators , & Community

Liaisons ~ APS Video

¡  2:30-2:45 Break ¡  2:45-3:30 A Three-Way Conversat ion

¡  3:30-3:45 Summary & Explanat ion of Exper ient ia l Ass ignments ¡  3:45-4:30 Indiv idual Ref lec t ions & Act ion Planning… Next Steps ~ What wi l l I do? ¡  Walkabout ~ Large Group Share ¡  P lease complete the Br ief Ex i t Sur vey…Thank you for your par t ic ipat ion!


Page 4: Culturales… LEARNERS (DLLS) ACROSS Clara Pérez Méndez ...€¦ · discussions… and exploration of myths and realities about DLLs that impact our practice. ! Exploring the research

¡  Increased knowledge through research review and discussion of recommended EC practices in inclusive settings with DLLS, with and without identified disabilities

¡ Re-examine and use basic assumptions and beliefs for practice with all children but specifically children exposed to more than one language

¡ Enhanced understanding through a shared conversation about team-based practices in inclusive ECE classrooms that involve DLLs

¡ Use of evidence-based approaches and strategies for program implementation

¡ Ongoing exploration and use of resources to improve practices in ECE


Page 5: Culturales… LEARNERS (DLLS) ACROSS Clara Pérez Méndez ...€¦ · discussions… and exploration of myths and realities about DLLs that impact our practice. ! Exploring the research

¡  How are our ECE Programs providing service for each and every child including DLLs?

¡  What are our beliefs about services for children who

are learning two languages?

¡  What do we know about children learning two or more languages?

¡  Implications for practice: What are foundational principles and strategies with reference to a multi-tiered model that involves dynamic assessment and supported learning?


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¡ What are core components, specific procedures, and strategies for culturally and linguistically responsive teaching during the preschool years?

¡ What are key factors that influence family engagement and what supports for families are needed?


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Then Others


Page 8: Culturales… LEARNERS (DLLS) ACROSS Clara Pérez Méndez ...€¦ · discussions… and exploration of myths and realities about DLLs that impact our practice. ! Exploring the research

A personal cultural journey demands self-reflection. This involves a time and space for you as a participant to explore your own background, assumptions and biases.

Complete the Cultural Journey as adapted from Lynch and Hanson,.

Understanding Sel f Walk in the Shoes of Another Put your b iases on the Table


Page 9: Culturales… LEARNERS (DLLS) ACROSS Clara Pérez Méndez ...€¦ · discussions… and exploration of myths and realities about DLLs that impact our practice. ! Exploring the research

¡ Origins When you th ink abou t your own roo t s , wha t p laces o f o r ig in do you iden t i fy fo r your fami ly - Have you ever hea rd any s to r ies abou t how your fami ly o r ances to r s came to the p lace where you g rew up Are the i r spec ia l ce lebra t ions and t rad i t ions , foods , adv i se , o r say ings tha t you o r your fami ly con t inues to use . What abou t l anguages? Do you o r your fami ly members speak a l anguage o ther than Engl i sh?

¡  Feelings~ Bias ~ Prejudice Have you ever heard anyone make a negat ive comment about people f rom your p lace of or ig in? How did th is make you fee l?

Do you remember when growing up, the f i s t t ime you d iscovered your fami ly was d i fferent or d id th ings d i fferent ly f rom others? How did th is fee l?

Have you ever fe l t uncomfor table , upse t or surpr ised by something tha t you saw when t ravel ing in another par t of the U.S. or another par t of the wor ld? How did th is make you fee l?

Origins Feelings Bias Prejudice

Page 10: Culturales… LEARNERS (DLLS) ACROSS Clara Pérez Méndez ...€¦ · discussions… and exploration of myths and realities about DLLs that impact our practice. ! Exploring the research

¡  The National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education used principles and dispositions in its model leading to teacher competencies. These dispositions influence behaviors toward students, families, colleagues and communities that impact student learning, motivation, and development as well as the educators own professional development. Dispositions are guided by beliefs and attitudes related to values.


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¡ Children have the rights to receive a high quality, linguistically and culturally competent education.

¡ Knowing more than one language benefits an individual’s cognitive, social and emotional development.

¡ The development of the first language is critical in the development of the second language

¡ The social emotional development of young children is central for language learning

Do You Agree?


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¡ Family engagement and

involvement contributes to positive child outcomes, positive home interactions, and increase student success.

¡ Effective teaching for any child is founded on a strength-based approach to learning. The learner is perceived as possessing assets that positively contribute to his/her development.

¡ Reflective practice is a central component of teacher preparation and ongoing development.


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A Self ~ Reflection


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¡ Establish an ongoing commitment to building one’s competency and knowledge level about teaching young DLLs.

¡ Maintain a commitment toward developing cultural responsiveness in the teaching of children from diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds.

¡ Develop and sustain a consciousness of the broader social realities confronting DLL populations and maintain a commitment to care for, support, and nurture young learners and their families in their natural linguistic and cultural realities .


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¡ Develop and sustain a high tolerance for ambiguity while balancing competing priorities.

¡ Advocate for what is in the best interest of the DLL children and families.


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As a professional, I feel competent in:

¡ Meeting the needs of dual language learners in my classroom

¡ My knowedge about first and second language development and n bilingual behaviors

¡ Use of culturally competent strategies to enhance development of early languages and bi-literacy.

Key Competencies as a foundat ion for Cul tural ly Competent Pract ices


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In co l laborat ion wi th NCLR Nat ional Counci l of La Raza


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¡  Inequities at the Starting Gate Garcia & Weis (2015)… Not new information but now documented!

Early Education gaps by social class and race start U.S. children out on unequal footing. ¡ Social class is the single factor

with the most influence on how ready a child is for K…ethnicity and race compound the disadvantage…largely related to issues of social class


Page 19: Culturales… LEARNERS (DLLS) ACROSS Clara Pérez Méndez ...€¦ · discussions… and exploration of myths and realities about DLLs that impact our practice. ! Exploring the research

¡ “In real life we cannot disentangle black and Hispanic children’s race and ethnicity from the contexts in which they live, which put them at a major disadvantage relative to their average white and Asian peers. It is not race itself, then, but the poverty and other things that too often go along with being a minority child in America, that compound disadvantage. In addition to the high odds of living in poverty (as do 46 percent of black and 63 percent of non-English speaking Hispanic children), these disadvantages include living with one parent (as do 65 percent of black children), and lacking access to preschool (as do 53 percent of Hispanic children, compared with only 40 percent of white children and less than 40 percent of Asian children).”



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¡ A 20-year retrospective study, funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and published in the July 2015 issue of the American Journal of Public Health, suggests that kindergarten students who are more inclined to exhibit “social competence” traits—such as sharing, cooperating, or helping other kids—may be more likely to attain higher education and well-paying jobs. In contrast, students who exhibit weaker social competency skills may be more likely to drop out of high school, abuse drugs and alcohol, and need government assistance.

Development of Social Competency Early in Life Connected to Positive Life Outcomes


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¡  Updated research from UNC’s Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute (FPG) reveals high-quality early education is especially advantageous for children when they start younger and continue longer. Not only does more high-quality early education significantly boost the language skills of children from low-income families, children whose first language is not English benefit even more.

¡ “These findings show that more high-quality early education and care can narrow the achievement gap before children reach kindergarten,” said Noreen M. Yazejian, principal investigator of FPG’s Educare Learning Network Implementation Study. “Children from low-income families can improve their standing relative to their middle class peers.” § March, 2015

Double Bind Theory


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¡ But don’t consistently do…Expand access to high quality early care and education for all children and families to mitigate impacts of poverty

¡ Pre-k boosts children’s chances of thriving in K and after, with the biggest benefits for low-income children, especially those who speak a language other than English

¡ I told you so…

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Culture, Language & Learning

¡ To understand how young children learn a first and second language and how you can support their language development, it is necessary to understand the vital relationship among culture, languages, and learning in the context of family.



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¡ Culture includes “ethnicity, racial identity, economic class, family structure, language, and religious and political beliefs, which profoundly influence each child’s development and relationship to the world” (NAEYC & NAECS/SDE 2003). It may be self-evident that language and learning are inextricably intertwined; perhaps less obviously but equally important, language and culture are also integrally linked.


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¡ Culture and language are imparted to young children from their families and communities. Young children learn to “understand those around them and to express their own fears, needs, and desires in the distinctive vocabulary of a home language that includes not only words, but also rhythms, gestures, patterns of speech and silence” (Sanchez 1999).

¡ “it’s about listening to and understanding family stories”


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¡  Take a personal item out of your bag, backpack, or maybe something you are wearing that is very meaningful to you. Exchange stories about this item with the person next to you.

¡  Reflect upon what the stories tell you about yourself and your partner…are there messages that come through given the language used about:

¡  the powerful role of “stories,” ¡  the influence of “culture”and ¡  “relationship”as a foundational



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How does focus on “story,” “culture,” and “relationship” weave through this video?


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¡  How many different languages are spoken by children and families in your setting?

¡ What are the different languages spoken in terms of % of representation?

¡ Have the number of dual language learners (DLLs) increased in ECE programs over the past 5 years.?

¡ What do you project will happen in the next 5 years?


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DLLs showed higher levels of self-control than their English monolingual peers at K entry and continued to achieve higher levels through fifth grade. ¡  Fluent bilingual Latino children

had higher levels of self control than native English speakers.

¡ DLLs found to have slower growth in internalizing and externalizing behaviors from kindergarten to fifth grade and lower levels of problem behaviors in fifth grade.

¡  Hal le , et a l . (2014) The soc ia l -emot ional development of dual language learners : Looking back at ex ist ing research and moving for ward wi th purpose. Ear ly Chi ldhood Research Quar ter ly, 29, 734-749.



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¡ Demographic data also tell us that the geographic distribution of America’s culturally and linguistically diverse families is changing—in some cases rapidly. A number of states, including New York, New Jersey, Florida, and the Southwest border states (Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, California) have a long history of working with immigrant families.


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¡ More recently, and often within a matter of a few years, many communities throughout the United States are experiencing significant influxes of immigrant families—at times because a new industry has attracted a particular immigrant group, at other times because of refugee resettlements or changes in migration patterns.

What is happening in Vermont?


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Compared to families headed by English-only speakers, linguistically diverse families are more likely to be poor, live in economically and linguistically isolated communities, and experience discrimination (Cannon, Jacknowitz, & Karoly, 2012; Skinner, Wight, Aratani, Cooper, & Thampi, 2010; Whatley & Batalova, 2013).


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¡ The nation’s Hispanic population has increased by about 58 percent in the last decade. People of Hispanic descent comprise about 12.5 percent of the general population, but children of Hispanic descent represent 21 percent of all the children under age 5. The U.S. Census Bureau projects that by 2025 the Hispanic population will increase from its current level of 35 million to 61 million, at which point it will constitute 18 percent of the U.S. population.



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¡ 42 percent of all public school teachers in the U.S. have at least one EL in their classes.

¡ There is a marked shortage of teachers certified to teach ELs. Fewer than one in five teachers who currently serve these students are certified to teach them.

¡  For example, currently in Colorado, students speak more than 235 languages, including Creole, Cantonese, Hmong, Portuguese and Russian; 83 percent speak Spanish. How does that compare to Vermont?


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¡ Many newly enrolled immigrant students come from rural/war-torn areas of Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Cape Verde, Central America, the Middle East, Southeast Asia and Africa, where access to formal schooling has been limited.

¡ Linguistic research has shown it takes 3-5 years to develop oral English proficiency, and 4-7+ years to master academic English, important for long-term success in school. …Implications?


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1.  Learning two languages during the early years will overwhelm, confuse, and/or delay a child’s learning of English.

2.Total English immersion from

preschool through 3rd grade is the best way for young children to learn English.


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3. Because ECE programs do not have the capacity to provide support in all of the languages represented by their children, they should provide English-only instruction

4. Native English speakers will experience learning and language delays if they are enrolled in dual language programs.

MY THS Cont inue….

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5. Spanish-speaking children show social as well as academic delays when entering kindergarten.

6. Latino children are less likely to be enrolled in preschool or ECE settings, because of their families’ cultural values.

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“One of the most widespread and harmful

myths in our society is that very young children will learn a second language automatically, quickly, and easily, with no special attention to their needs for an optimal learning environment.”

Catherine Snow


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¡ In spite of prevailing myths that bilingualism is detrimental to children’s development (Espinoza, 2008), recent brain research indicates that bilingualism promotes greater intellectual/cognitive flexibility and academic achievement over time (Bialystok, 2011).


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¡ Brain-imaging techniques are now being used to study how the bilingual condition changes brain functioning.

¡  Bilingual infants (10-12 months old) process language input in different parts of the brain than monolingual infants.

¡ Receiving input from two languages during the first year of life increases early brain plasticity and expands linguistic processing ability. See …

¡  An excellent review of updated research and discoveries …


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¡ What happens when young babies exposes to English are exposed to play and reading with Japanese speakers from 6-8 months… after 12 sessions?

Find out… ¡  Http://


¡ What does this tell us about how children learn the phonology (sounds) of their languages and what does it have to do with architecture of the developing brain?

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¡ The experience with two languages, no matter how short, changes the way language is organized in the

brain.Institute for Learning and Brain Sciences

¡ Typically developing bilingual children show more advanced skills than their monolingual peers in nonverbal executive control skills (inhibitory control; cognitive flexibility; working memory)

Barac , R. , Bia lys tok , E . , Cas t ro , D. C. , & Sanchez , M. (2014) . The Cogni t ive Development of Young Dual Language Learners : A Cr i t ica l Review. Ear ly Chi ldhood Research Quar ter ly, 29 , 699-714.


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¡ Consensus is that DLLs have two separate and connected language systems.

¡ Transfer exists between the two: consistent on phonological awareness, mixed on vocabularies.

¡ Transfer is influenced by children’s dominant language and the structural overlap between the two languages.

Hammer, C. S., Hoff, E., Uchikoshi, Y., Gillanders, C. & Castro, D. C. (2014). The Language and Literacy Development of Young Dual Language Learners: A Critical Review. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 29, 715-733.



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¡ L2 oral language predicts L2 literacy development

¡  Growth of L1 during

preschool years found to predict L1 & L2 literacy outcomes in k & 1st grade

¡  Similarly, growth of L2 during preschool found to

predict L1 & L2 literacy


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¡ In summary, the development of DLLs is different from monolinguals’ development. They have two separate language systems from very early in life; and the two languages influence each other.

¡ Young children have the capacity to learn more than one language, it does not confuse them or hinder English language development.

¡ Bilingualism has no inherent negative consequences for children’s development. It may benefit young children, cognitively, linguistically, and socially.

¡ Strong language skills in the first language will facilitate English language development for DLLs.


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Children who are proficient in their home language (or first language) are able “to establish a strong cultural identity, to develop and sustain strong ties with their immediate and extended families, and to thrive in a global, multilingual world” (Espinosa 2006). Is this information your parents/families need?


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Educational Advantage: Research findings even show that highly bilingual students reach higher levels of academic and cognitive functioning than do monolingual students or students with poor bilingual skills…(Hakuta and Garcia, 1989)

Economic Advantage “In addition,

students who are bilingual will have skills that enable them to take advantage of more career opportunities.”(August & Hakuta,1997)

Again, Is this information important to share with families deciding which language(s) their children will learn?



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Cognitive Advantage: Educators “should consider the cognitive advantage that can accrue from knowing and using two languages instead of considering only the possibility of disadvantages, this has been the case traditionally when consulting with parents about the pro’s and cons of bilingualism (Genesee et al, 2004)

Academic Advantage: “Research clearly shows that students in bilingual programs can develop academic skills on a par with, or superior to, the skills of comparison groups of their peers educated in English only classrooms” (Genesee et al, 2004; Lindholm-Leary,



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¡ Bialystok,(2009) Bilingualism: The good, the bad, and the indifferent

¡ Results indicate increase in executive function, and cognitive reserve, but potential complexity and effect on linguistic proficiency

(“control of smaller vocabulary than monolingual peers”) = complex pattern

¡ Rationale for early focus on language development and early literacy

More Research

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¡ Morton & Harper (2007) What did Simon say? Revisiting the bilingual advantage, Developmental Science, 10-6.

Call for better control in

differences in SES and ethnicity as an influencing factor



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¡ Bilingual children present a wide range of language proficiencies that are dynamic and change over time, this makes studying bilinguals more difficult than studying monolinguals.

¡ (Silva-Corvalan, 1991; & Figueroa 1994; Genesee, Paradis, & Crago, 2004; Grosjean, 1998; Kayser & Guiberson, 2008)



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A Continuum of Change

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Some variables adding to the continuum of heterogeneity:

•  Type of Acquisition: Age of exposure and interaction

•  Internal/ External factors •  Socio-cultural context for



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Simultaneous Bilingual

Simultaneous acquisition occurs when a child is exposed to both languages simultaneously from birth or a very early age

Sequential Bilingual

Sequential acquisition occurs when a child becomes exposed to and begins to learn L2 after developing his/her L1


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¡ Type of acquisition results in different developmental patterns and language behaviors (Arnberg, 1987; Cook, 1997; Harley & Wang, 1997; Krashen, 1982; & Tabors, 1997).

¡ Sequential bilinguals demonstrate a great deal of variability in rates and stages of language acquisition (Roseberry-McKibben 2003;Kayser, 2002; Genesee, Paradis, & Crago, 2004).

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¡ Language aptitude, motivation, and strength of first language may all influence rate of learning L2

What are the implications for teaching? ¡ Exposure or input is critical in learning a new

language as well as maintaining language proficiency

Again, What are implications for teaching?

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¡ Type of acquisition results in different developmental patterns and language behaviors (Arnberg, 1987; Cook, 1997; Harley & Wang, 1997; Krashen, 1982; & Tabors, 1997).

¡ Sequential bilinguals demonstrate a great deal of variability in rates and stages of language acquisition (Roseberry-McKibben 2003;Kayser, 2002; Genesee, Paradis, & Crago, 2004).

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Child Variables ¡ Age of exposure ¡ % of usage in L1 and L2 ¡  Language use with ¡  siblings, and other family

members ¡  Language of play ¡ General language ability

External Variables

Adult language practices in the home

Sibling language usage

Language of Instruction in

Access to languages (language community)

Exposure to languages through media

Language Exposure and Usage (Patterson, Zuerer, Pearson, 2004)

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•  Silent Receptive/ Comprehension •  Early Production

•  Speech Emergence

•  Intermediate Fluency •  Advanced Fluency Krashen, S.D. ,1986

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Stages of L2 Development : 2 year study of observed stages By Tabors…

¡ Home Language Use: (Typically quite short) ¡ Non-verbal Period: (Varies in length) ¡ Telegraphic or Formulaic use: (“What’s up?; “I don’t

utterances beyond formula)

¡ Productive Language Increased fluency and proficiency

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Take out a piece of paper to write on or turn over your handout…

Clara will read a story…

Write down what you hear…

What did you learn?

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¡ How did you feel during this exercise?

¡ Use your handout…on pre-school stages…Where are you in learning a second language?

¡ What are implications for dual language learners in your settings?

¡ Preview of next workshop…

Dictation Exercise

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¡ “Language Loss”… can be transitional period/inter-language where students may demonstrate

semi-bilingualism ¡ Reduced Exposure ¡ “Codeswitching”… “Code mixing” ¡ Cross-Linguistic Influence …Transfer/

Interference Schiff Meyers,1992;Kayser,1993;Roseberry-McKibbin, 1994;

Genesee, Paradis and Crago, 2004

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¡  Questions to consider…Video Observation

¡ Did Soyul demonstrate the expected stages of a sequential learner according to chart?

¡ What did you notice about her level of frustration or anxiety or “affective filter?”

¡ What were observed internal and external factors (Yvette’s influence? Other external factors?) that influenced her learning?

¡ What did you notice about her rate of learning? ¡ What were her parents concerned about? What

information did they need?

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Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills/ Conversational Proficiency on the surface can lead one to think …you’re bilingual ! Cognitive/Academic/Language Proficiency (CALP) is fully developed for learning; Cummins, 1976

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Academic language is the linguistic glue that holds the tasks, texts, and tests of school together (Zwiers, 2005)

The set of words (vocabulary concepts~ “same different, before after, in front of or behind) and phrases that…

~ Describe content-area knowledge: “saturation”

~ Express complex thinking processes and abstract concepts: “compare and contrast”, “similarly” “justify and support”

~ Create cohesion and clarity in written and oral discourse: “as a result of”, “as evidenced by”



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Social- Cultural Factors ¡ Disprportionate

Representation in SPED

¡ Individual /Family Perspectives that question the “system”

¡ Society: Additive and Subtractive Perspective

Impact of a Disability


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¡ Just because a child has a challenge or disability, it does not mean he or she cannot learn two languages… “multiple container theory” (Tabors, 1997)

¡ The research shows that children with SLI

will be challenged in learning two languages, just as they are challenged in learning one language

(Genesee et al., 2004)

Impact of a Disability

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