cultural transformation tools - insights2improvement

Supporting Leaders In Building Values-Driven Organisations Transformation Cultural Tools

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Supporting LeadersIn Building Values-Driven Organisations



Quick and Easy to Use Customised Fast Turnaround

Cultural Transformation Tools:


Service to HumanityEthics. Social Responsibility. Future generations.

Strategic Alliances and PartnershipsEmployee fulfilment. Community involvement.

Development of a Strong Cohesive CultureCommitment. Enthusiasm. Shared values.

Continuous Renewal and LearningAdaptability. Innovation. Teamwork.

High Performance Systems and ProcessesProductivity. Efficiency. Quality. Professional growth.

Relationships that Support the OrganisationGood communication between employees, customers and suppliers.

Pursuit of Profit and Shareholder ValueFinancial soundness. Employee health and safety.


Making a Difference

Internal Cohesion





The Cultural Transformation Tools (CTT) assessment instruments are based on theSeven Levels of Consciousness model. This model is an adaptation and extension ofMaslow’s model of the hierarchy of human needs.

A full account of the development of the Seven Levels of Consciousness model canbe found in Richard Barrett’s book, “Liberating the Corporate Soul: Buildinga Visionary Organisation” - available in Chinese, Danish, Dutch, English,French, Portuguese, Spanish and Thai.

The Cultural Transformation Tools are available for work in all types oforganisations including corporations, government agencies, institutions,schools, classrooms, communities and nations.

It is widely recognised that the success of an organisation is intimately linked to thestrength of the culture and the ability of an organisation to attract and retain talentedpeople. Who you are and the values you live by are becoming the most importantcriteria for success.

The Seven Levels of Consciousness model provides an ideal way of mapping the valuesof your organisation’s culture to determine what is working and not working, andto monitor progress towards achieving full-spectrum sustainability.

AffordableWeb-based Available in Multiple Languages

The effective way to design and monitor cultural transformation

Q. How can my organisation use the Tools?A. Contact a certified CTTconsultant to:

Identify the most appropriate survey instrumentCustomise values templates for your groupDetermine appropriate demographic slicesSpecify key survey questionsOversee survey processFacilitate interpretations of resultsDesign a cultural transformation programme

Company: Management (128)

Personal Values Current Culture Values Desired Culture Values

Values Plots

Identifies the top personal, current cultureand desired culture values.

Company: Management (128)

C = Common good T = Transformation S = Self-interest

Current CultureValues

Desired CultureValues





Plots the frequency distr ibut ion ofposit ive and l imit ing personal ,

current culture and desired culture va lues .

Values Distribution

Company: Management (128)

Current Culture Desired Culture

Identifies the business focus of yourorganisation’s current culture and

desired culture.

Balanced Needs Scorecard

Q. What are the Cultural Transformation Tools?A. They are survey instruments used for:

Culture AssessmentsTeam Values AssessmentsMerger and Acquisition Culture AssessmentsLeadership Values AssessmentsExecutive Search and Employee Entry AssessmentsIndividual Values AssessmentsCustomer AssessmentsSchools and Classrooms

Q. Why are organisations using the Cultural Transformation Tools?A. Corporations, government agencies, schools, communities and nations are using the tools to:

Support leaders in building values-drivenorganisationsDesign, implement and monitor culturaltransformation programmesAttract and retain the best employeesIdentify cultural strengths and gapsDefine the best set of core valuesCreate leadership development programmesIncrease creativity and commitmentDetermine the organisation’s current anddesired cultural values


CTT (Europe)14 Cliff Avenue, Summerseat, Bury, Lancashire BL9 5NT, UKTelephone: +44 (0) 1706 824692 Fax: +44 (0) 870 139 2199Please contact Phil Clothier at [email protected]

BELGIUM Banksys (Banking)EXXON (Chemical)Ministry of Flemish Culture (Government Agency)SPACEBEL (Space Research)Unilever Bestfoods (Food)

BRAZIL Copel (Energy Supply)Johnson & Johnson (Health Care Products)

CANADA CBC (Television)CIBC (Banking)Nortel Networks (Telecommunications)

HUNGARY Kraft/Jacobs/Suchard (Food Manufacturing)

ARGENTINA Contreas Hnos. SA (Construction)Legion of Goodwill (Not-for-profit)Petrobas Energia (Oil Services)

AUSTRALIA Adobe (Software)ANZ Bank (Banking)Foundation for Young Australians (NGO)McKinsey & Company (Management Consultants)Western Mining Corporation (Mineral Extraction)

DENMARK Foldbjergcentret (Drug Treatment)Holstebro Bibliotek (Libraries)TNS TNM (Information Technology)

GERMANY HEW (Energy Supply)MediaMarkt (Retail)Munich Re (Reinsurance)Siemens (Engineering and Electronics)


CTT (USA)1104 Oxner Cove Road, Waynesvi l le, NC 28786 USATelephone: +1 (828) 452-5050 Fax: +1 (828) 452-6999Please contact Bonnie Roxby at [email protected]

CTT Certified Consultant:

Banque Populaire - Paris (Banking)Caisse d’Epargne (Banking)Group GLON (Animal Products)


Or contact us at:

For more information about the Cultural Transformation Tools or CTT training programmes,please visit our websites:

A complete client list is available upon request.

IRELAND Irish Blood Transfusion Service (Medical)Department of Social and Family Affairs(Municipal Services)

JAMAICA National Housing Trust (Housing Finance)

NETHERLANDS ABN AMRO (Banking)Air Traffic Control (Government Agency)ING Bank (Banking)PricewaterhouseCoopers (Accountants andConsultants)Wageningen University (Agriculture University)

SOUTH AFRICA Kumba Resources (Mining)

SWEDEN Byggkommissionen (Construction Industry)Ericsson Business Networks (Communications)IKEA (Home Furnishings)SEB Bank (Banking)

USA Blue Shield California (Insurance)Ceridian (Human Resources)Corning (Manufacturing)Internal Revenue Service (Government)Methodist Health Care System (Hospitals)Wegmans Food Markets (Grocery Chain)

BP Beyond Petroleum (Energy)Mars Confectionary (Snack Foods)MTV Networks Europe (Media)L’Oreal (Cosmetics)PetCareCO (Pet Care Products)


SWITZERLAND Friedau (Senior Citizens Home)Swiss Agency for Development andCooperation (Government Agency)

NORWAY Kulturkontoret (Urban change)National Petroleum Department (Energy)TELENOR (Telecommunications)

SLOVENIA GENIS (Software design)KOTA (Refrigeration)

SPAIN B.C.COAT Recobrimentos S.A. (Automotive)Caritas Espagnol (NGO)HUF (Automotive Security Systems)

TANZANIA Placer Dome (Mining)

Robert Peter
Insights2Improvement, Inc. Tel 585.426.7520 [email protected]