cukeup nyc ian dees on elixir, erlang, and cucumberl

Cucumber and Elixir Ian Dees • @undees CukeUp! NYC 2013

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Post on 13-May-2015




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Elixir, Erlang, and Cucumberl Elixir is a new Ruby-inspired programming language that uses the powerful concurrent machinery of Erlang behind the scenes. Cucumberl is a port of Cucumber to Erlang. Let's see what happens when we put them together. In this talk, we'll discuss: How Erlang's concurrency makes it easier to write robust programs Elixir's approachable syntax How to test Erlang and Elixir programs using Cucumberl Attendees will walk away with a solid introduction to the principles of Erlang, and an appreciation of the way Elixir brings the joy of Ruby to the solidity of the Erlang runtime.


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Cucumber and ElixirIan Dees • @undeesCukeUp! NYC 2013

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Why Elixir?The sad state of concurrency

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int HandleMessage(MessageType type, unsigned long arg1, unsigned long arg2) { switch (type) { case SOME_MESSAGE: INFO* info = *((INFO*)arg2); doSomethingWith(info.field); return MEANINGFUL_ERROR_CODE; // ... } // ...}

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Semaphore& s = resourceSemaphore();s.acquire();laboriouslyCopyDataFromResource();s.release();doSomethingWithData();

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• Dangerous and hard-to-use message types

• Corruption- and deadlock-prone locks

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It doesn’t have to be this way!

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A taste of Elixir

Ruby style, Erlang substance

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Pattern matching

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defmodule Ackermann do def ack(0, n), do: n + 1 def ack(m, 0), do: ack(m - 1, 1) def ack(m, n), do: ack(m - 1, ack(m, n - 1))end

IO.puts Ackermann.ack(3, 9)

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Actor-style concurrency

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defmodule ShoutyEcho do def echo_loop do receive do {sender, msg} -> sender <- {:ok, String.upcase(msg)} echo_loop end endend

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defmodule ShoutyEcho do def echo_loop do receive do {sender, msg} -> sender <- {:ok, String.upcase(msg)} echo_loop end endend

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defmodule ShoutyEcho do def echo_loop do receive do {sender, msg} -> sender <- {:ok, String.upcase(msg)} echo_loop end endend

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defmodule ShoutyEcho do def echo_loop do receive do {sender, msg} -> sender <- {:ok, String.upcase(msg)} echo_loop end endend

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defmodule ShoutyEcho do def echo_loop do receive do {sender, msg} -> sender <- {:ok, String.upcase(msg)} echo_loop end endend

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pid = spawn(ShoutyEcho, :echo_loop, [])pid <- {self, "Your name here"}

receive do {:ok, response} -> IO.puts response after 500 -> IO.puts "Done"end

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pid = spawn(ShoutyEcho, :echo_loop, [])pid <- {self, "Your name here"}

receive do {:ok, response} -> IO.puts response after 500 -> IO.puts "Done"end

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pid = spawn(ShoutyEcho, :echo_loop, [])pid <- {self, "Your name here"}

receive do {:ok, response} -> IO.puts response after 500 -> IO.puts "Done"end

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pid = spawn(ShoutyEcho, :echo_loop, [])pid <- {self, "Your name here"}

receive do {:ok, response} -> IO.puts response after 500 -> IO.puts "Done"end

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Feature: Gray Code Scenario: Reset Given the LEDs read "ooo"

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-export([given/3, main/0]).

given([the, leds, read, _Input], State, _) -> {ok, State}.

main() -> cucumberl:run("./features/graycode.feature").

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$ cucumberl

Feature: Gray Code Scenario: Reset Given the LEDs read "ooo"

1 scenarios1 steps

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Feature: Gray Code Scenario: Reset Given the LEDs read "ooo" When I reset the counter

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a step definition snippet...'when'([i,reset,the,counter], State, _) -> undefined.

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a step definition snippet...'when'([i,reset,the,counter], State, _) -> undefined.

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-export([given/3, 'when'/3, main/0]).

%% ...

'when'([i, reset, the, counter], State, _) -> {ok, State}.

%% ...

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$ cucumberl

Feature: Gray Code Scenario: Reset Given the LEDs read "ooo" When I reset the counter

1 scenarios2 steps

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I know what you’re thinking...

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What happens with the next “When” step?

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Feature: Gray Code Scenario: ... ... When I reset the counter

Scenario: ... ... When I press the button

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Pattern matching!

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'when'([i, reset, the, counter], State, _) -> {ok, State};'when'([i, press, the, button], State, _) -> {ok, State}.

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$ find . -type f




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$ find . -type f




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Just a .beam file!

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And now in Elixir!

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Feature: Gray Code Scenario: Reset Given the LEDs read "ooo"

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-export([given/3, main/0]).

given([the, leds, read, _Input], State, _) -> {ok, State}.

main() -> cucumberl:run("./features/graycode.feature").

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defmodule :graycode do def given([:the, :leds, :read, input], _state, _) do {:ok, input} end

def main() do"./features/graycode.feature") endend

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$ iex

c("src/graycode.ex", "ebin")

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$ find . -type f




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$ cucumberl

Feature: Gray Code Scenario: Reset Given the LEDs read "ooo"

1 scenarios1 steps

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Feature: Gray Code Scenario: Reset Given the LEDs read "ooo" When I reset the counter

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a step definition snippet...'when'([i,reset,the,counter], State, _) -> undefined.

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a step definition snippet...'when'([i,reset,the,counter], State, _) -> undefined.

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def 'when'([:i, :reset, :the, :counter], _state, _) do {:ok, '...'}end

== Compilation error on file src/graycode.ex ==** (SyntaxError) ./src/graycode.ex:6: syntax error before: ')'

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How to translate?

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Hacking Cucumberl

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%% cucumberl_gen.erl

When = process_clauses('when', lists:reverse( sets:to_list(dict:fetch('when', Dict)))),

When_ = process_clauses(when_, lists:reverse( sets:to_list(dict:fetch(when_, Dict)))),

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%% cucumberl_gen.erl

When = process_clauses('when', lists:reverse( sets:to_list(dict:fetch('when', Dict)))),

When_ = process_clauses(when_, lists:reverse( sets:to_list(dict:fetch(when_, Dict)))),

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%% cucumberl_parser.erl

string_to_atoms(StrWords) -> lists:map(fun (Y) -> list_to_atom(string:to_lower(Y)) end, string:tokens(StrWords, " ")).

list_to_valid_atom("when") -> list_to_atom("when_");list_to_valid_atom(Str) -> list_to_atom(Str).

string_to_atoms(StrWords) -> lists:map(fun (Y) -> list_to_valid_atom(string:to_lower(Y)) end, string:tokens(StrWords, " ")).

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%% cucumberl_parser.erl

string_to_atoms(StrWords) -> lists:map(fun (Y) -> list_to_atom(string:to_lower(Y)) end, string:tokens(StrWords, " ")).

list_to_valid_atom("when") -> list_to_atom("when_");list_to_valid_atom(Str) -> list_to_atom(Str).

string_to_atoms(StrWords) -> lists:map(fun (Y) -> list_to_valid_atom(string:to_lower(Y)) end, string:tokens(StrWords, " ")).

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def when_([:i, :press, :the, :button], state, _) do {:ok, _next(state)}end

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$ cucumberl

Feature: Gray Code Scenario: Reset Given the LEDs read "ooo" When I reset the counter

1 scenarios2 steps

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def then([:the, :leds, :should, :read, expected], state, _) do {expected === state, state}end

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Scenario Outline: Counter Given the LEDs read "<n>" When I press the button Then the LEDs should read "<nplus1>" Examples: | n | nplus1 | | ... | ..o | | ..o | .oo | | .oo | .o. | | .o. | oo. | | oo. | ooo | | ooo | o.o | | o.o | o.. | | o.. | ... |

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def when_([:i, :press, :the, :button], state, _) do {:ok, _next(state)}end

defp _next(leds) do case leds do '...' -> '..o' '..o' -> '.oo' '.oo' -> '.o.' '.o.' -> 'oo.' 'oo.' -> 'ooo' 'ooo' -> 'o.o' 'o.o' -> 'o..' 'o..' -> '...' endend

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1. Cucumberl has no idea about the Elixir runtime

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2. Who will do whatabout When?