cubs notes

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  • 7/27/2019 Cubs notes


    Cubs (2006) Running time 10 minutes

    Directed by Tom Harper

    Written by Tom Harper

    Produced by Lisa Williams

    Starring: Harry Eden, Jared Garfield, Tara Hodge

    Won British Independent Film Award for Best British Short

    Won BBC New Filmmakers Award for Tom Harper

    Shaky hand-held camera, makes us feel in the scene one of the kids.

    Loud chatter and shouting as the play football.

    Close-up boys face-important character. Watching the others.

    Quick camera movements-pans and tilts.

    Short shot of two in frame, boy and girl-have some sort of relationship

    Boy makes a kind gesture-different to others?

    She makes a brief attempt at looking cool.

    As soon as the main boy enters (kicks open gate), sound slowly diminishes as they get

    into a line. Showing him respect-alpha male.

    A deep whistle type noise accompanying close-up of alpha male-something almost

    sinister is happening.

    Costume-theyre all wearing cheap tracksuits and jackets. Alpha male is better dressed.

    Red jacket-danger? Wearing cap.

    Boy tries to talk, but alpha male shouts him down. Showing his power. Starts off by

    looking up at him, end by looking to the floor.

    Alpha male less violent towards the others, shows some level of acknowledgement to the

    boy at the start. Gets to the end of the line and commands the boy. Boys first kindness to the girl, now angry.

    Tight 4 in frame-close group

    Football cage graffiti, urban area.

    Relationship between boy and alpha male-guardian, looking out for him.

    With his group alpha male is violent, with just the boy he is more human-doesnt worry

    about losing face.

    Proxemics between boy and alpha male in frame is equal. Alpha male is deeper in the

    graffiti than the boy.

    Gender bias throughout, alpha male refers to the girl as a boy.

    Sound of train accompanying shot of bars-isolated. Night. Group is deeper in urban alley.

    Boy and girl descend into alley.

    Fast editing. Short shots of what member of the group are doing-primarily drugs.

    High pitch drone. Makes us wary, and builds tension.

    Two vicious dogs, stereotypically. Held by alpha male.

    Mention of blood.

    Background information let loose-boys brother in jail. Why alpha males looking after the


    Quick editing. Sharp sounds-dog barking, shouting, as they fill the tunnel. Adrenaline.

    Alpha male shoots gun, they start running. Like a race. Synethasised music as they run through the woods. Again quick editing upping the pace

    and the tension.

  • 7/27/2019 Cubs notes


    Calms down slightly, they see the fox, and they begin to run again, with the music getting

    higher and louder.

    Shots of members, heavy breathing, shouts.

    Music become lower and drone. POV from fox of gang approaching.

    Boy misses the fox, and the alpha male turns against him. Girl attempts to stand up for

    him, but shouted down.

    Boy goes off sulking and angry. Girl follows.

    Music becomes quieter.

    Boy sees fox, faces moral dilemma-kill the fox and risk not being accepted by gang, or

    dont kill the fox and risk not being accepted by gang.

    He chooses to chase the fox again.

    Sound of trumpets and horses mirroring real fox hunting.

    Push past woman in alley, hes the only one who apologises.

    Almost silhouetted, hidden by darkness.

    High pitch squeak of fox, as it is ravaged by dogs.

    Alpha male starts attacking it.

    Two in frame boy and girl contrasting earlier one. They are slightly disgusted.

    Alpha male give the boy option of initiating. He has to kill the fox.

    Hands boy the gun.

    Boy looks to girl-guidance? forgiveness?

    Boy eventually shoots the fox. Looks towards girl again.

    Alpha male wipes blood on boy-savage

    Can see hes having a slight inner turmoil. Shame.

    Alpha male cuts tail off-trophy. Although it was the boys kill.

    Sound of police sirens, and they begin to run again.

    Last shot of dead fox. Centre of the frame. Long take. Silence. Climax has happened. Gathered around on street with burning fire-almost like a tramp gathering.

    Symmetry of first boy and girl shot. She hands him back his gloves. Hes gained

    acceptance from the gang, but lost it from her.

    Last shot boy is looking at the camera. Asking the audience what would you have done?

    Making us question our morals?