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Post on 16-Aug-2015




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Let me tell you something that others in the financial newsletter business won’t…

Despite the assertion of quick and easy profits made by many in this industry,

trading isn’t easy at all.

Whether you’re just getting started in this game, or you’ve been trading for years,

you’ve probably noticed you’re prone to a few bad habits.

Maybe you’ve…

• Held on to a losing position, hoping for it to make a recovery.

• Sold a winning position for a small profit, only to watch the stock or

commodity skyrocket without you.

• Traded too much. Jumping around from trade to trade in hopes of finding the

next big winner, only to find you’ve churned your portfolio for zero profits.

• Tried calling tops and bottoms in the market.

What you see above are just a few of the bad traits that every trader tries or

experiences at some point in their career.

Let me be clear…

If you keep repeating the mistakes above, you’re trading/investing experience is

going to be painful and short.

To effectively distinguish these bad habits, you need to look at trading from a

fresh perspective. I’ve put together a short list of beneficial habits that

profitable professional traders adhere to each and every day.

Let’s get to it…

Let’s get the basics out of the way first…

Like everything in life, having a good attitude is essential to success in trading.

You’re not going to take consistent profits out of the market if you’re convinced

you’ll lose from the get go.

With that said, overconfidence is just as dangerous in trading as a lack of it. It

may take a while, but a finding a balanced attitude is essential to market success.

What do I mean by “balanced”?

1. Be selective. Don’t try to catch every move in every stock. It you’re loading your portfolio with a dozen or more trades, hoping that one of them will be a big winner, you’re inviting disaster. Have a trading plan and only take trades that meet that plan.

2. Always have a price where you’re willing to admit you’re wrong. There are a number of different ways to do this. It can be a simple 10% loss rule, or maybe it’s a technical point on a chart. Fact is, you won’t be successful in trading unless you keep your losses small.

3. Accept the truth that you won’t be right on each and every trade. Even the best traders in the world are wrong at times. The difference between these successful traders and those who consistently lose money are that the pros quickly admit they’re wrong and move on.

4. Have a profit taking plan. When you’re right about a trade, you need to get paid. To do this, have price points where you collect some gains- no matter what. But here’s a little secret- always leave a small portion of a profitable trade open.

5. Don’t try to be a hero by picking tops and bottoms. Over the long run you’ll notice trying to pick the exact point where a stock or commodity will reverse higher or lower is a fool’s errand. Instead, find the trend and trade with it.

6. Don’t get attached to your positions. This is big one folks. Getting emotionally attached to a stock or commodity is one of the worst habits you can have. It always leads to big losses because you’re not willing to admit you’re wrong.

But here’s the deal- even if you’re aware of these rules, it may be hard to stick to


That’s where discipline comes in. For long-term market success you must turn yourself into a cold, calculated, risk taker.

Speaking of taking risks, here’s a bonus tip…

Professional traders always ask themselves one very important question

before each and every trade...