css indo-pak history solved mcqs of paper-i (1985 till now)

NOTES: FASSI Indo-Pak History Solved Objective Indo-Pak CSS Paper-1 Objective (1985 till Now) Disclaimer: The risk of use, non-use and misuse of this material shall be solely borne by the user. Prepared by: Muhammad Faisal ul Islam M.A (English), L.L.B – Advocate Contact: 03337089089 / 03336587420 E-mail: [email protected] 12/2/2012 All rights are reserved, no part of this document may be reproduced, translated, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior permission in writing of Advocate Muhammad Faisal ul Islam

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Indo-Pak History

Solved Objective Indo-Pak CSS Paper-1 Objective (1985 till Now)

Disclaimer: The risk of use, non-use and misuse of this material shall be solely borne by the user.

Prepared by: Muhammad Faisal ul Islam

M.A (English), L.L.B – Advocate Contact: 03337089089 / 03336587420 E-mail: [email protected]


All rights are reserved, no part of this document may be reproduced, translated, stored in a

retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior permission in

writing of Advocate Muhammad Faisal ul Islam

Page 2: CSS Indo-Pak History Solved MCQs of Paper-I (1985 till Now)


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Indo-Pak CSS Paper-1 Objective (1985 till Now) by Muhammad Faisal ul Islam


(Solved Objectives/MCQ’s)

Who is who/what is what? (Each part of this question is to be answered in not more than ten words). i. Hoysals. Ans. A Kingdom of South during Ala-ud-Din Khilji’s period. ii. Raja Tarangini. Ans. It is a book on history of Kashmir written by Pandit Kachan. iii. Koshak-e-Siri. Ans. This was the name of the Palace of Ala-ud-Din. iv. Ustad Isa. Ans. He was the Chief Architect of Taj Mahal Agra. v. Iqta’s. Ans. A piece of land granted by the ruler to some of his subjects for his services. vi. Mahabat Khan Ans. He was a renowned General of Jahangir. He arrested Jahangir and Noor Jahan. vii. Malik Kafur. Ans. He was a General of Ala-ud-Din Khilji. He conquered Deccan. viii. Kaiqubad. Ans. He was son of Bughra Khan. ix. Alai Darwaza. Ans. It was the structure constructed by Ala-ud-Din Khilji near Qutb Minar in 1311 A.D. x. Padmavat. Ans. It is the work of Malik Muhammad Jaisi. xi. Demetrios. Ans. He was an Indo-Greek King who ruled from 165 to 180 B.C. xii. Tehrik-e-Alfi. Ans. It was a history written by a team of historians during the reign of Akbar. xiii. Mir Jumla. Ans. He was a minister of Sultan Qutb Shah of Golkonda. Later on he joined the

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Indo-Pak CSS Paper-1 Objective (1985 till Now) by Muhammad Faisal ul Islam

Mughals and served them in Deccan. xiv. Muntakhab-ul-Lubab. Ans. It was the history written by Kafi Khan during the reign of Aurangzeb. xv. Nasir-ud-Din Qubacha. Ans. He was a lieutenant of Muhammad Ghouri and served as Governor of Multan. xvi. Durgavati. Ans. She was the ruler of Gondwana and was defeated by Akbar in 1564 A.D. xvii. Maham Anaga. Ans. She was the foster mother of Akbar the Great. xviii. Himu. Ans. He was the Hindu Commander of Adil Shah Suri. He occupied Delhi but was defeated by Akbar in second battle of Panipat in 1556. xix. Gulbadan Begum. Ans. She was the sister of Mughal King Hamayun. She wrote “Hamayun Nama”. xx. Infallibility Decree. Ans. It was a document signed by Akbar in 1597, which authorized him to act as the supreme arbitrator in civil and ecclesiastical affairs.

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Indo-Pak CSS Paper-1 Objective (1985 till Now) by Muhammad Faisal ul Islam


(Solved Objectives/MCQ’s)

Who is who/what is what? i. Chachnama: Ans. This is a history book of Arab Conquest written by Hamid Kafi. ii. Alar: Ans. It was the Capital of Raja Jai Chand. iii. Kanauj: Ans. Kanauj is an ancient city lying in the Indian State of Uttar Pradesh, on the Ganga River. iv. Mathura: Ans. It was the birthplace of Lord Krishna. It is located between Delhi and Agra. v. Tabaqat-e-Nasiri: Ans. It is book of history written by Minhaj-us-Siraj. vi. Minhaj-us-Siraj: Ans. He was a historian in the period of Sultanate of Delhi. He wrote Tabaqat-e-Nasiri. vii. Amir Khusrau: Ans. Amir Khusrau was a great poet who flourished in the Sultanate period. viii. Tughril: Ans. During Balban period he was the Governor of Bengal and he revolted against Balban. ix. Hazrat Baha-ud-Din Zakariya: Ans. He was a great saint of Suharwardi branch of mysticism and flourished in Multan. x. Sidi Maula: Ans. He was a saint of Jalal-ud-Din Khilji’s period and was executed on charges of political treason. xi. Deogiri: Ans. It was the Capital of Raja Ram Chandar Dev in Deccan. Later on it was conquered by Ala-ud-Din Khilji and named Daulatabad by Muhammad Taghluq. xii. Juna Khan: Ans. Juna Khan was the original name of Muhammad bin Taghluq.

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Indo-Pak CSS Paper-1 Objective (1985 till Now) by Muhammad Faisal ul Islam

xiii. Ain-e-Akbari: Ans. It is the renowned work of Abul Fazl about the Government of Akbar the Great. xiv. Tarikh-e-Daudi: Ans. A history of Lodi Dynasty written by Abdullah during the Mughal period. xv. Khazana-e-Amra: Ans. A history of later Mughals written by Azad Bilgirami. xvi. Maathir-e-Alamgiri: Ans. It is a history of the Aurangzeb reign, written by Mustaid Khan. xvii. Malik Ambar: Ans. An Abysinian Slave who rose to the Chief ministership of Ahmadnagar. xviii. Khafi Khan: Ans. It was the Pen name of Muhammad Hashim of Kwaf in Khurasan, who wrote his famous historical work Muntakhab-ul-Lubab. xix. Sivaji: Ans. He was the founder of independent Maratha Kingdom (1627-1680). xx. Shayista: Ans. He was a maternal uncle of Emperor Aurengzeb, who appointed him in 1660 A.D. Governor of Deccan with special mission.

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Indo-Pak CSS Paper-1 Objective (1985 till Now) by Muhammad Faisal ul Islam


(Solved Objectives/MCQ’s)

Who is who/what is what? (Each part of this question is to be answered in not more than ten words). i. Faqir Ullah Saif Khan: Ans. A Governor of Aurangzeb who served in Bihar and wrote a book on music. ii. Tarikh-e-Mubarak Shahi: Ans. A book of history on Syed Dynasty written by “Yahya Sirhindi”. iii. Uch: Ans. A place near Bahawalpur district. It is the burial place of Makhdoom Jehanian. iv. Tabaqat-e-Akbari: Ans. It was the name of history written by ‘Nizam-ud-Din’ in 1593. It contains detailed account of Ghaznavids to the 36th year of Akbar’s reign. v. Buland Darwaza: Ans. It was built by Akbar the Great at Fatehpur Sikri to commemorate his conquest of Gujrat. vi. Baz Bahadur: Ans. He was the King of Malwa till he was deposed by Akbar. He was a renowned musician. vii. Fatuhat-e-Firuz Shahi: Ans. It is the autobiography of Firuz Shah Taghluq. viii. Sadr-us-Sudur: Ans. It was an Officer of Mughal administration. He served as a liaison officer between the Emperor and the people. ix. Shiqdar: Ans. A revenue officer who managed the revenue division called Shiq. x. Fatawa-e-Jehandari: Ans. This was ‘Zia-ud-Din Barani’s’ book on state craft. xi. Shams Siraf Afif: Ans. Author of ‘Tarikh-e-Firuz Shahi”.

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Indo-Pak CSS Paper-1 Objective (1985 till Now) by Muhammad Faisal ul Islam

xii. Fuwaid-ul-Faud: Ans. This was written by Zia-ud-Din Barani. xiii. Amiri Tarab: Ans. This is entertainment tax levied before the period of Firuz Shah Taghluq. xiv. Sheikh Jamali: Ans. He was the author of ‘Siyar-ul-Arifin’ and was also the tutor of Sikandar Lodi. xv. Vakil-e-Dar: Ans. An officer under the Mughal Sultanate administration. He was incharge of King’s household. xvi. Mirza Haider Dughlat: Ans. He was a cousin of Babur and author of ‘Tarikh-e-Rashidi’. xvii. Nadir-ul-Asr Mansur: Ans. The title was conferred by Mughal Emperor Jahangir upon his Court Painter Mansoor. xviii. DIU: Ans. It is a small Island of coast of Gujrat. It remained in Portuguese possession. Baha-ud-Din shah of Gujrat took refuge in this Island. xix. Muhammad Masum Nami: Ans. A Governor of Qandhar. He lies buried at Sukkur. He wrote “Tarikh-e-Sinkh” xx. Makhdum-e-Jehanian: Ans. A renowned Sufi of Firuz Taghluq period. His original name was Sheikh Jalal-ud-Din Bukhari

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Indo-Pak CSS Paper-1 Objective (1985 till Now) by Muhammad Faisal ul Islam


(Solved Objectives/MCQ’s)

Who is who/what is what? (Each part of this question is to be answered in not more than ten words). i. The Forty: Ans. This term refers to the forty slaves of Iltumish who played important role in contemporary politics. ii. Panipat: Ans. This is a famous town near Delhi. Three important battles were fought on this ground. iii. Gulbadan Begum: Ans. She was author of “Hamayun Nama” and sister of Mughal King Hamayun. iv. Moeen-ud-Din Ajmeri: Ans. He was a great saint of Chisti sect of Islamic Mysticism. v. Moasir-ul-Umera: Ans. It is a biography of Mughal nobles compiled by Shah Nawaz Khan. vi. Adina Beg: Ans. A Governor of Lahore in last years of Mughal Rule. vii. Syed Brothers: Ans. Hussain Ali and Abdullah Khan who flourished in the early part of the 18th century are historically known as Syed Brothers. They were King Makers for few years. viii. Mir Bakhshi: Ans. He was an officer under Mughal administration and was the paymaster of the state. ix. Rohtas Fort: Ans. The fort that was built by Sher Shah near Jehlum. x. Firdausi: Ans. He wrote “Shahnama” and was also a court poet of Mahmud of Ghazni. xi. Auqaf: Ans. Muslims Holy religious places are termed as Auqaf. xii. Bahagar Kabir: Ans. Founder of Bakhti Movement. He flourished in 15th century.

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Indo-Pak CSS Paper-1 Objective (1985 till Now) by Muhammad Faisal ul Islam

xiii. Kashful Mahjub: Ans. It is renowned work on mysticism by Ali Hajveri (Data Sahib). xiv. Muntakhab-ul-Lubab: Ans. This is a detailed account history of Mughals written by Khafi Khan during Aurangzeb’s reign. xv. Masjid Jamat Khana: Ans. This is a mosque located in Khangah of Hazrat Nizam-ud-Din Aulia at Delhi. xvi. Abul Fazl: Ans. A leading light of Akbar’s reign. He wrote “Akbarnama” which is the most authentic history of Akbar’s period. xvii. Tarikh-e-Mubarak Shahi: Ans. This was a book on Syed Dynasty written by Yahya Sirhindi. xviii. Mudrasa Rahimia: Ans. This Madrasa was established by Shah Abd-ur-Rahim at Delhi. xix. Jainism: Ans. This is a religious movement started by Mahavirs. xx. Nagar Kot: Ans. It is a sacred Hindu town located in Kangra district.

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Indo-Pak CSS Paper-1 Objective (1985 till Now) by Muhammad Faisal ul Islam


(Solved Objectives/MCQ’s)

Who is who/what is what? (Each part of this question is to be answered in not more than ten words). i. Khusro Khan: Ans. Khusro Khan was low born Hindu. He became the Governor of Deccan. ii. Tahmasap: Ans. The King of Persia who helped Hamayun to recapture his throne. iii. The Forty: Ans. This term refers to the forty slaves of Iltumish who played important role in contemporary politics. iv. Tarikh-e-Firuz Shahi: Ans. It is a complete historical account composed by Burni in Ghiyas-ud-Din Taghluq’s reign. v. Ushr: Ans. This is the name of a tax collected at the rate of one-tenth of the total production. vi. Dar-ul-Harb: Ans. A non-Muslim country where the Muslim feel that they are not given an opportunity to perform their religious duties properly. vii. Khulasat-al-Tawarikh: Ans. It is the chronicle of the reign of Aurangzeb written by Sujan Rai Khatri. viii. Qutb-ud-Din Aibak: Ans. He was a great commander of Muhammad Ghouri who laid foundation of Slave Dynasty. ix. Ghazi Malik: Ans. This was the original name of Ghiyas-ud-Din Taghluq. x. Amir Khusrau: Ans. A great poet and singer. He was a disciple of Khawaja Nizam-ud-Din Aulia. He flourished during the Sultanate Period. xi. Daulatabad: Ans. Deogiri was given the name Daulatabad by Muhammad Taghluq.

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Indo-Pak CSS Paper-1 Objective (1985 till Now) by Muhammad Faisal ul Islam

xii. Din-e-Elahi: Ans. This was new religion invented by Akbar to create tolerance and love among the people of India. xiii. Dara Shikoh: Ans. He was son of Shah Jahan, he fought against Aurangzeb Alamgir. He was mystic and writer. xiv. Panipat: Ans. A famous battle ground near Delhi, here three important battles were fought. xv. Bairum Khan: Ans. He was tutor of Hamayun and Akbar. He was chiefly instrumental in the victory of Mughals over Hemu in 1556. xvi. Madrasa-e-Rahimia: Ans. A famous religious institution started by Shah Abdul Rahim (Father of Shah Waliullah). xvii. Noor Jahan: Ans. She was a beloved Queen of Jahangir. She was an accomplished lady and assisted her husband in the affairs of the state. xviii. Abu-ul-Fazl: Ans. He was a son of Sheikh Mubarak. He was one of the “Nau Ratans” of Akbar the Great. He wrote “Akbar Nama”. xix. Fadawa-e-Alamgiri: Ans. This is a famous work on Islamic Jurisprudence compiled by a board of Ulema during the reign of Aurangzeb. xx. Sheikh Saleem Chisti: Ans. He was a Muslim Saint of Fatehpur Sikri who was contemporary of Akbar the Great.

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Indo-Pak CSS Paper-1 Objective (1985 till Now) by Muhammad Faisal ul Islam


(Solved Objectives/MCQ’s)

Who is who/what is what? (Each part of this question is to be answered in not more than ten words). i. The Mansabdars. Ans. They were different rank holders in Mughal Administration. There were 66 grades of Mansabdars but in actual there were grades ranging from commanders of 10 to commanders of 10,000. ii. Tozak-e-Jahangiri. Ans. It is the autobiography of Jahangir. iii. Mewar. Ans. Hindu state of Rajputana that was ruled by Rajputs. At the time of Babur’s invasion of Indo-Pakistan it was ruled by Rana Sanga. iv. Malik Ayaz. Ans. Ayaz was favorite slave of Kind Mahmud of Ghazni. v. H. Fakhr-ud-Din-Zanjani. Ans. He was renowned saint of his time. vi. Khandesh. Ans. This was the name of a small Kingdom during Sultanate Period. vii. Sabuktgin. Ans. He was the ruler of Ghazni. He ruled Ghazni from 977 to 997. viii. Abu-ul-Fateh Daud. Ans. He was ruler of Bengal and Bihar at Akbar’s time. He declared his independence and later on surrendered. ix. Bakhriar Khilji. Ans. He was celebrated slave of Muhammad Ghouri. He conquered Bengal. x. Terain. Ans. Terain is located 14 miles away from Thanesar. It is now called Tarqwari. It is famous for the Battles of Tarain. xi. Malik Kafur. Ans. A great general of Ala-ud-Din Khilji who conquered Deccan.

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Indo-Pak CSS Paper-1 Objective (1985 till Now) by Muhammad Faisal ul Islam

xii. Ibn-e-Batuta. Ans. He was a famous African traveler who stayed in the court of Muhammad bin Taghluq for several years. He traveled over the quarter part of the then world from China to India. xiii. Kanwaha. Ans. It is the historical place in North India where Babur defeated the Rajputs in 1527. At this historical place, Babur broke his wine vessels. xiv. Sarus Sadur. Ans. Guardian of Islamic Law and Spokesman of Ulema. xv. Qutbat-ul-Islam Mosque. Ans. It was built by Qutb-ud-Din Aibak near Qutb Minar at Delhi. xvi. Francis Bernier. Ans. He was a European traveler who visited Indian during Shahjehan’s Period. xvii. Muntakhbat Tawarikh. Ans. It is detailed account of akbar’s period by Abdul Qadir Badyuni. xviii. Khan-e-Saman. Ans. He was incharge Emperor’s department of manufacturers and goods for military and democratic purpose. xix. H. Kh. Baqi Billah Bairang. Ans. He was renowned saint of Naqshbandia order and was the spiritual guide of Hazrat Majadded Alf Sani. xx. Kitab-ul-Hind. Ans. It was written by Al-Bairuni. This is an authentic source about Indian culture and social life.

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Indo-Pak CSS Paper-1 Objective (1985 till Now) by Muhammad Faisal ul Islam


(Solved Objectives/MCQ’s)

Write the correct answers. i. Islam was introduced in India by: a. The Arabs b. The Turks c. The Mughals d. None of them. ii. Pirthvi Raj was overthrown and killed in 1192 A.D. at Thanesar by: a. Muhammad Bin Qasim b. Mahmud Ghaznavi c. Muhammad Ghouri d. None of the obove. iii. Qutb Minar of Delhi was designed as a tower of victory being the hallmark of the Empire of: a. The Arabs b. The Afghans c. The Turks d. None of the above. iv. Ibn-e-Batuta lived at the court of: a. Sultan Ala-ud-Din Khilji b. Balban c. Muhammad bin Taghluq d. Shahanshah Akbar. v. The famous garden Ram Bagh at Agra was laid out by: a. Sikandar Lodi b. Babur c. Jahangir d. Shahjehan vi. The Lodi Dynasty was founded by: a. Sikandar b. Bahlol c. Ibrahim d. None of the above. vii. Under Akbar’s Mansabdari System when a Mansabdar died all his property was confiscated by the law called: a. Law of Omrah b. Law of Mansabdar c. Law of Escheat d. Law of Diwan-e-Qazi. viii. In 1582 Akbar appointed his Diwan-e-Chief to: a. Jahangir b. Birbal c. Bairam Khan d. Raja Todar Mal. ix. Dara Shikoh in his religious thought was influenced by: a. Mujadded Alf Sani b. Mullah Shaida c. Shah Waliullah c. Khawaja Masoom. x. The famous manuscript “Shikasta” and “Nastaliq” were written by: a. Babur b. Aurangzeb c. Sheikh Ahmad Sirhindi d. Shah Waliullah.

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Indo-Pak CSS Paper-1 Objective (1985 till Now) by Muhammad Faisal ul Islam


(Solved Objectives/MCQ’s) Write the correct answers. i. Fawaid-ul-Faud was compiled by: Ans. Amir Hasan Ala Siji. ii. The Syed Dynasty was founded by: Ans. Khizar Khan. iii. The Tuzak-e-Babari was written in: Ans. Turkish. iv. The Buland Darwaza is situated at: Ans. Fatehpur Sikri. v. Jahangir was imprisoned by: Ans. Mahabat Khan. vi. The first Battle of Panipat was fought in: Ans. 1526. vii. Hujjatulla-hil-Baligha was written by: Ans. Shah Waliullah. viii. Champaner is a: Ans. General. ix. Mukhdum Jehanian Jalal-ud-Din Jehangasht was a saint of: Ans. Suhrwardiya Silsilah. x. Petticoat Government was headed by: Ans. Maham Angah.

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Indo-Pak CSS Paper-1 Objective (1985 till Now) by Muhammad Faisal ul Islam


(Solved Objectives/MCQ’s) Write the correct answers. a. Arhai Kin Ka Jhonpra was: Ans. A mosque. b. Futuh-ul-Buldan was written by: Ans. Allama Al-Buladhuri. c. Hazrat Nizam-ud-Din Auliya was a Sufi of: Ans. Chishtia Order. d. Manachi was a European traveler who come to the court of: Ans. Jahangir. e. Sultan Naseer-ud-Din Khusrau Khan (1320-21) had his origin in the royal dynasty of: i. The Slaves ii. The Khiljis iii. The Taghluqs d. None of these. Ans. iv. None of these. f. Bagh-e-Dilkusha was: Ans. A Garden. g. Battle of Chausa was fought in: Ans. 1539. h. Raj Tarangni was: Ans. A book. i. One of the earliest coming Saints to India was: Ans. Khawaja Qutb-ud-Din Bakhtiar Kaki. j. Ahmadnagar State was ruled by: Ans. Nizam Shahi.

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Indo-Pak CSS Paper-1 Objective (1985 till Now) by Muhammad Faisal ul Islam


(Solved Objectives/MCQ’s)

Who is who/what is what? a. Sindh and Multan were conquered by Muhammad bin Qasim under the reign of the Islamic Caliph: Ans. Walid bin Abdul Malik. b. Hazrat Ali Hajveri (popularly known as Hazrat Data Ganj Bakhsh) belonged to: Ans. Suharwardia Order. c. Fatawa-e-Jahandari was written by: Ans. Zia-ud-Din Barani. d. Mughal Garden, Wah was constructed by: i. Aurangzeb ii. Shahjahan iii. Sher Shah Suri iv. None of these. Ans. iv. None of these. e. Ala-ud-Din Khilji conquered Deogiri in: Ans. 1306. f. Under the Mughals capital of the lower Sindh was: Ans. Thatha. g. Kashmir was included into the Mughal Empire of Delhi in: Ans. October 1586. h. In a battle near Peshawar, Jaipal was defeated by Mahmud of Ghazni in: Ans. 1001. i. Pirthvi Raj, the ruler of Delhi-Ajmer, was defeated by: Ans. Shahab-ud-Din Muhammad Ghouri.

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Indo-Pak CSS Paper-1 Objective (1985 till Now) by Muhammad Faisal ul Islam


(Solved Objectives/MCQ’s)

Who is who/what is what? a. At the time of Muslim invasion in 712 A.D. the town of Daibul was well-protected by: Ans. Brahmans & Rajputs b. Alaptigin founded the Ghaznavi Dynasty in: Ans. 962 A.D. c. The first expedition of Mahmud Ghaznavi was undertaken against: Ans. Towns of the Khyber Pass. d. Jaichand was defeated in 1194 A.D. by: Ans. Muhammad Ghouri. e. On his accession to the throne, Iltumish had to fight against: Ans. Taj-ud-Din Yalduz. f. The Qutb-ul-Islam mosque was built by: Ans. Ghiyas-ud-Din Balban. g. Who contributed largely to the spread of Islam in Bengal: Ans. Shah Jalal Tabrezi h. Hamayun left for Persia to get support of Shah in: Ans. 1543. i. Murshid Kuli khan was a genius Revenue Officer of: Ans. Auranzaib.

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Indo-Pak CSS Paper-1 Objective (1985 till Now) by Muhammad Faisal ul Islam


(Solved Objectives/MCQ’s)

Write the correct answers. a. The Syed Dynasty was founded by: Ans. Khizar Khan. b. The Alai Darwaza is situated at: Ans. Delhi. c. The Third Battle of Panipat was fought in: Ans. 1760. d. Baba Farid Ganj Shakar was a saint of: Ans. Chishtia Silsila. e. Hujjat-ul-Baligha was written by: Ans. Shah Waliullah. f. Petticoat Government was headed by: Ans. Maham Angha. g. Arhai Din Ka Jhonpara was: Ans. A mosque. h. Raj Tarangai was: Ans. A book. i. Jahangir was imprisoned by: Ans. Muhabbat Khan. j. Muntakhib-ul-Tawarikh was written by: Ans. Mullah Abdul Qadir Badyuni.

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Indo-Pak CSS Paper-1 Objective (1985 till Now) by Muhammad Faisal ul Islam


(Solved Objectives/MCQ’s) Who is who/what is what? a. Muhammad bin Qasim was called back by: Ans. Walid bin Abdul Malik. b. Jaipal fought with Mahmud of Ghazni near Peshawar in: Ans. 1001. c. Pirthvi Raj was defeated by Muhammad Ghouri in 1192 A.D. at the battle of: Ans. Tarain. d. The first amongst the Delhi Sultans to earn title of Sultan from the Baghdad Caliphs was: Ans. Iltumish. e. Khilji Dynasty was founded by: Ans. Jalal-ud-Din Firuz Khilji. f. Tuhfah-e-Akbar Shahi was written by: Ans. Abbas Khan Sherwani. g. Nizam-ud-Din Ahmad is the author of: Ans. Muntakhab-ut-Tawarikh. h. Akbar married the first Rajput lady which was daughter of: Ans. Raja Bharamal of Jaipur. i. Hujjatullah al-Baligha was written by: Ans. Shah Waliullah. j. Shahjehan’s forces captured Qanduz, Khost and Badakhshan in: Ans. 1647.

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Indo-Pak CSS Paper-1 Objective (1985 till Now) by Muhammad Faisal ul Islam


(Solved Objectives/MCQ’s)

Write the correct answers: a. Sabuktagin passed away in: Ans. 997 b. Khusrau Malik was the Governor of: Ans. Depalpur. c. Sindh was conquered by Muhammad Ghauri in: Ans. 1182. d. Qutb-ud-Din Aibak captured Delhi, Meerut and Ranthambhor in: Ans. 1205. e. Qutb-ud-Din Aibak was described as a “Typical specimen of the ferocious Central Asian warriors of the time, merciless and fanatical” By: Ans. V. A. Smith. f. Prince Khuram was entitled as Shahjehan on the recovery of: Ans. Qandahar. g. Malik Ambar died in: Ans. 1626. h. Festival of coronation anniversary was abolished in: Ans. 1677. i. Prince Murad Bakhsh was beheaded on: Ans. 4th December 1661. j. Hamayun was born at: Ans. Kabul. k. Adab-e-Alamgiri was written by: Ans. Abdul Fateh Qabil Khan. l. Bibar Khan was son of: Ans. Dariya khan. m. Peacock throne was erected by: Ans. Shahjehan.

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n. Abbas Sarwani is the author of: Ans. Tarikh Sher Shahi. o. Abul Talib Kalim was a famous: Ans. Poet. p. Malik Nazim-ud-Din received the title of Naib-e-Mumlikat from: Ans. Kai Kubad. q. Ali Mardan Khan surrendered Qandhar to: Ans. Shahjehan. r. Sher Khan capture the fortress of Chanar in: Ans. 1532. s. Fakhr-ud-Din Mubarak declared his independence in Bengal in: Ans. 1338. t. Peshkar was the personal secretary of: Ans. Subahdar.

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Indo-Pak CSS Paper-1 Objective (1985 till Now) by Muhammad Faisal ul Islam


(Solved Objectives/MCQ’s)

Who is who/what is what? i. Muhammad bin Qasim captured the city Daibul in: Ans. 712 A.D. ii. Sabuktigin attacked and defeated the army of Raja Jaipal at: a. Ajmer b. Kalangar c. Kanauj d. None of these Ans. d. None of these. iii. Alaptigin was succeded by his son in the year: a. 904 A.D b. 906 A.D. c. 910 A.D d. None of these. Ans. d. None of these. iv. The Temple of Somnath was situated near the peninsula of: Ans. Gujrat. v. The First Muslim to carry the banner of Islam into the heart of Indo-Pakistan was: Ans. Muhammad bin Qasim. vi. In the Battle of Tarain 1911 Muhammad Ghouri was forced to retire from the battle field by: Ans. Pithvi Raj. vii. Which of the following slaves of Muhammad Ghouri ruled in the province of Bengal? a. Aibak b. Kubacha c. Bakhtiar Khilji d. None of these. Ans. Bakhtiar Khilji viii. Arabic coinage was first introduced in Indian by: Ans. Iltumish. ix. Khilji Dynasty was established by: Ans. Jalal-ud-Feroz. x. Ghiyas-ud-Din Taghluq ruled in India during the period: Ans. 1388-1389. xi. Babur the founder of Muhgal Dynasty, died in 1530 A.D at: Ans. Agra.

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Indo-Pak CSS Paper-1 Objective (1985 till Now) by Muhammad Faisal ul Islam

xii. The biggest Mosque built by Shahjehan in located at: Ans. Delhi. xiii. Emperor Aurangzeb ascended the throne on: Ans. 1658. xiv. Balban ruled India for 20 long years from: Ans. 1266—1286. xv. Tughril Baig was ruler of the province of: Ans. Bengal. xvi. Ala-ud-Din’s expedition to Diogir (Daulatabad) took place in: a. 1280 b. 1286 c. 1194 d. None of these. Ans. d. None of these. xvii. The founder of Syed Dynasty was: Ans. Khizar Khan. xviii. Akbar the Great annexed the Province of Gujrat to the Mughal Empire in: a. 1556 b. 1568 c. 1572 d. None of these. Ans. 1572. xix. Daulat Khan became the Governor of Punjab during the reign of: Ans. Ibrahim Lodi. xx. Red Fort of Delhi was built by: Ans. Shahjehan.

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Indo-Pak CSS Paper-1 Objective (1985 till Now) by Muhammad Faisal ul Islam


(Solved Objectives/MCQ’s)

Write the correct answers: 1. Bahmani Kingdom was founded by: Ans. Imad-ud-Mulk Bahmani in 1437. 2. Muhammad Taghluq ruled in Indian during the period of: Ans. 1325-1351. 3. Bahlol Lodi died in: Ans. 1489. 4. “ The Arab conquest of Sindh was temporary event without any permanent effect”. Commented by: Ans. V.A.Smith. 5. The author of “Maasir-e-Jahangiri is: Ans. M. Saqi Mustaid Khan. 6. Qutb-ud-Din was conferred the title of “Sultan of Delhi” by: Ans. Ghiyas-ud-Din Mahmud. 7. Shahjehan died in: Ans. 1666. 8. The Lovely Moti Masjid is located at: Ans. Agra. 9. Francois Bernier was an/a: Ans. French Physician. 10. Which city was named as Shah Jehanabad? a. Agra b. Delhi c. Ajmer d. None of these. Ans. Delhi. 11. Mahmud Ghaznavi is described as “the first pioneer and path-finder for Islam in this country” by: Ans. V.A.Smith. 12. Sikandar Lodi sent expedition to Malva in: Ans. 1513.

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Indo-Pak CSS Paper-1 Objective (1985 till Now) by Muhammad Faisal ul Islam

13. Babur adopted the title of Padshah in: a. 1504 b. 1506 c. 1507 d. None of these. Ans. 1507. 14. Shah Husain Arghurl takes Multan in: a. 1521 b. 1525 c. 1524 d. None of these. Ans. 1524. 15. Hamayun ascended the throne in 1530 at the age of: a. 20 b. 21 c. 22 d. None of these. Ans. 22. 16. Buland Darwaza commemorates Akbar’s conquest of: Ans. Gujrat. 17. Behzad was a famous Persian: Ans. Painter. 18. Ranthambhor was surrendered in 1528 by: Ans. d. None of these. 19. Sher Shah was proclaimed King in: Ans. 1540. 20. The Battle of Kanauj was fought between: Ans. Hamayun and Sher Khan.

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Indo-Pak CSS Paper-1 Objective (1985 till Now) by Muhammad Faisal ul Islam


(Solved Objectives/MCQ’s)

Write the correct answers. i. Muhammad bin Qasim appointed ……..as his advisor. Ans. Sisakar. ii. Indian Mathematics was translated into Arabic by: Ans. Khuwarizmi. iii. Title of Yamin-ud-Daula was conferred upon…….by the Caliph of Baghdad. Ans. Mahmud Ghaznavi. iv. Balban ruled as Sultan for……years. Ans. 21 years. v. Ghiyas Taghluq ordered……..to leave Delhi. Ans. Nizam-ud-Din Auliya. vi. Fawaid-ul-Fuwad was written by: Ans. Amir Hassan. vii. Old name of Pakpatan was: Ans. Ajudhan. viii. Agra was built in the year: Ans. 1504. ix. Khan-e-Shaheed was killed in the year: a. 1185 b. 1285 c. 1385 d. None of these. Ans. 1285. x. The tomb of Babur is situated at: Ans. Kabul. xi. Akbar was born at: Ans. Umar Kot. xii. Rohtas Fort was built under the supervision of: Ans. d. None of these..

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Indo-Pak CSS Paper-1 Objective (1985 till Now) by Muhammad Faisal ul Islam

xiii. The Second Battle of Panipat was fought in the year: Ans. 1556. xiv. The author of “Safinat-ul-Auliya” was: Ans. Dara Shikoh. xv. Buland Darwaza was built by: a. Sher Shah b. Shahjehan c. Aurangzeb d. None of these. d. None of these. xvi. Jehangir was born in the year: Ans. 1569. xvii. Lahore Fort was built by: Ans. d. None of these.. xviii. Mumtaz Mahal gave birth to……..children. Ans. 14. xix. Aurangzeb died in the year: a. 1690 b. 1707 c. 1710 d. None of these. Ans. 1707 .

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Indo-Pak CSS Paper-1 Objective (1985 till Now) by Muhammad Faisal ul Islam


(Solved Objectives/MCQ’s)

Write the correct answers: i. After the death of Qutb-ud-Din Aibak……..was put on the throne: Ans. Aaram Shah. ii. Shams-ud-Din Iltumish led the funeral prayer of: Ans. Bakhtiar Kaki. iii. ……….was the last ruler of Slave Dynasty. Ans. Ghiyas-ud-Din Balban. iv. After the advent of Muslims in South Asia new Art which emerged is known as: Ans. Indo-Islamic Art. v. Tuzk-e-Babari was written in: Ans. Turkey. vi. Rana Sanga’s real name was: Ans. Rana Sangram. vii. The battle of Kanwah was fought in the year: Ans. 1527. viii. Din Panah Palace was raised at Delhi by: Ans. Hamayun. ix. Babur’s reign was from 1526 A.D. to……….A.D. Ans. 1530. x. The battle between Nadir Shah and Muhammad Shah was fought in 1739 A.D. at. Ans. Delhi. xi. The 3rd Battle of Panipat was fought in: Ans. 1761 A.D. xii. “Padshanama” was written by: Ans. Abdul Hamid Lahori. xiii. Secured many trade facilities for the English by Jehangir:

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Indo-Pak CSS Paper-1 Objective (1985 till Now) by Muhammad Faisal ul Islam

Ans. Sir Thomas Roe. xiv. Arjumand Bano was the………wife of Shahjehan. Ans. 1st. xv. The real name of Noor Jehan was: Ans. Mahr-un-Nisa. xvi. Haren Minar was built by: Ans. Jehangir. xvii. Aurangzeb was the………son of Shahjehan. Ans. 3rd. xviii. The tomb of Qutb-ud-Din Aibak is in: Ans. Lahore. xix. Ali Mardan Khan is famously known for his: Ans. Canals. xx. The Fifth Sikh Peshwa Guru Arjan Singh was executed by the Mughal Emperor: Ans. Jehangir.

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Indo-Pak CSS Paper-1 Objective (1985 till Now) by Muhammad Faisal ul Islam


(Solved Objectives/MCQ’s)

Who is who/what is what? i. Year of accession of Qutb-ud-Din Aibak was: a. 1213 b. 1215 c. 1210 d. None of these. Ans. d. None of these. ii. Year of accession of Ghiyas-ud-Din Taghluq was: Ans. 1320. iii. Year of accession of Muhammad bin Taghluq was: a. 1393 b. 1390 c. 1395 d. None of these. Ans. d. None of these. iv. Year of accession of Islam Shah Suri was: Ans. 1545. v. Hamayun did in: Ans. 1556. vi. Emperor Akbar died in: Ans. 1605. vii. Noor Jehan’s father name was: Ans. Mirza Ghiyas Baig. viii. Sir Thomas Roe was: Ans. Ambassador. ix. Shahjehan was born in: Ans. 1592. x. Aurangzeb was born in: Ans. 1618. xi. Nadir Shah invaded India in: a. 1733 b. 1735 c. 1738 d. None of these. Ans. d. None of these. xii. Wolseley Haig was: Ans. Historian.

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Indo-Pak CSS Paper-1 Objective (1985 till Now) by Muhammad Faisal ul Islam

xiii. Ahmad Shah Abdali invaded Punjab second time in: a. 1739 b. 1745 c. 1749 d. None of these. Ans. 1749. xiv. Bajirao was: Ans. Soldier. xv. The Sikhs were organized by: Ans. Guru Arjun. xvi. Zia-ud-Din Barani was a: Ans. Historian. xvii. Tabqat-e-Nasiri was translated by: Ans. Raverty. xviii. “Ain-e-Akbari” was translated by: Ans. Blochmann. xix. “Memories of Jehangir” was translated by: Ans. Beveridge. xx. Sultan Qaiqabad was the grandson of: Ans. Balban.

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Indo-Pak CSS Paper-1 Objective (1985 till Now) by Muhammad Faisal ul Islam


(Solved Objectives/MCQ’s)

Who is who/what is what? i. Mahmud Ghaznavi died in the year: Ans. 1030. ii. Sarai Adal was a: a. Court of Justice b. Inn c. Cloth Market d. None of these. Ans. Cloth Market. iii. Ghiyas Taghluq ordered whom to leave Delhi: a. Siddi Maula b. Sheikh Zakarya c. Nizam-ud-Din Auliya d. None of these. Ans. Nizam-ud-din Auliya. iv. Amiran-e-Sadda were: Ans. Foreign Nobels. v. ……….was appointed Ambassador to China by Muhammad Taghluq. a. Ibn-e-batuta b. Khawaja Jehan c. Amir Khusrau d. None of these. Ans. a. Ibn-e-batuta vi. Amir Timur attacked South Asia in the year. Ans. 1398. vii. The city of Jaunpur was founded by: Ans. Firuz Shah. viii. “Faud-ul-Fawaid” was written by: Ans. Amir Hassan. ix. Zia-ud-Din Barani was a: a. Poet b. Commander c. Social Worker d. None of these. Ans. d. None of these. x. Alai Darwaza was built by: a. Alaul Mulk b. Ali Mardan c. Shah Jehan d. None of these. Ans. d. None of these. xi. Battle of Kanwah was fought in the year: Ans. 1527.

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Indo-Pak CSS Paper-1 Objective (1985 till Now) by Muhammad Faisal ul Islam

xii. Original name of Sher Shah was: Ans. Farid Khan. xiii. Hamayun was born in the year: Ans. 1508. xiv. Akbar was born at: a. Agra b. Kabul c. Qandhar d. None of these. d. None of these. xv. Original name of Noor Jehan was: Ans. Mehrun Nisa. xvi. Under Shahjehan Qandhar was conquered by: Ans. Aurangzeb. xvii. Akbarnama was written by: Ans. Abul-Fazl. xviii. Gulbadan Bano was a………of Hamayun. Ans. Sister. xix. Fatehpur Sikri was built by: a. Babur b. Sher Shah c. Shah Jehan d. None of these. Ans. d. None of these. xx. Khiyal, a form of music, was invented by: Ans. Amir Khusrau.

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Indo-Pak CSS Paper-1 Objective (1985 till Now) by Muhammad Faisal ul Islam


(Solved Objectives/MCQ’s)

Who is who/what is what? 1. Tarikh-e-Farishta was written by: Ans. Muhammad Qasim. 2. Zaheer-ud-Din Babur had: Ans. Three Daughter. 3. How many times Mahmud invaded India? Ans. Seventeen. 4. Divan-e-Arz under Muslim Sultans dealt with offices of: Ans. Army. 5. Sultan Aram Shah belonged to: a. Khilji Dynasty b. Taghluq Dynasty c. Suri Dynasty d. None of these. Ans. d. None of these. 6. Fatwa-e-Alamgiri was edited by: a. Adat Sultan b. Molvi Nabi Beg c. Abdul Haq d. None of these. Ans. d. None of these. 7. Jalaluddin Khwarizm Shah came to India during the reign of: Ans. Iltumish. 8. Sultan Rukn-ud-Din Firoz Shah belonged to the dynasty of: Ans. Khilji Dynasty. 9. Deccan was conquered first under: Ans. Ala-ud-Din Khilji. 10. Abu Rehan Alberuni was a: a. Painter b. Poet c. Administrator d. None of these. Ans. d. None of these. 11. “Tabqaat-e-Nasiri” was a book on: Ans. History. 12. Jital was an item of: Ans. Currency.

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Indo-Pak CSS Paper-1 Objective (1985 till Now) by Muhammad Faisal ul Islam

13. Ibn-e-Batuta by birth was a: Ans. Moorish. 14. Nizam-ud-Din Auliya flourished during the reign of: Ans. Akbar. 15. Guru Nanak lived during the reign of: a. Babur b. Jehangir c. Akbar d. None of these. Ans. Babur. 16. Mahmud Gawaan was a minister under the: a. Khilji b. Mughals c. Bahmani’s d. None of these. Ans. c. Bahmani’s 17. Ahmad Shah Abdali was born at: a. Kabul b. Peshawar c. Multan d. None of these. Ans. Multan. 18. Akbar married his first Hindu wife from the house of: Ans. Jaipur. 19. Ruqia Sultana Begum was wife of: a. Babur b. Hamayun c. Akbar d. None of these. Ans. d. None of these. 20. “Histoire de Mogor” was written by: a. Fatehr Monserrate b. Dugarric c. Goerriro d. None of these.

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Indo-Pak CSS Paper-1 Objective (1985 till Now) by Muhammad Faisal ul Islam


(Solved Objectives/MCQ’s) Who is who/what is what? 1. Muhammad bin Qasim was called back by: a. Sulaiman bin Abdul Malik. 2. Mahmud Ghaznavi died as a result of: Ans. Illness. 3. Hazrat Data Ganj Bakhsh Ali Hajveri came to India with: a. Muhammad bin Qasim b. Sultan Mahmud Ghaznavi c. Sultan Masood of Ghazna d. None of these. Ans. b. Sultan Mahmud Ghaznavi 4. Qutb-ud-Din Aibak died during the game of: Ans. Polo. 5. Cahngez Khan came to India during the reign of: Ans. Iltumish. 6. The Second Battle of Tarain was fought in: Ans. 1192. 7. Razia Sultana Married with: Ans. Altunia. 8. Ibn-e-Batuta visited Indian in: Ans. 14th Century. 9. Babur assumed the title of “Padsha”? Ans. After the conquest of Kabul. 10. Syed Mehdi Khawaja was the husband of: Ans. Khanzada Begum. 11. A public kitchen famously known as “ Langari-e-Fukra”: Ans. Sher Shah. 12. Akbar was crowned as King at: Ans. Kalanur. 13. The color of the marble of “Taj Mahal” is:

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Indo-Pak CSS Paper-1 Objective (1985 till Now) by Muhammad Faisal ul Islam

Ans. White. 14. Aurangzeb Alamgir had: Ans. Four sons. 15. The original name of Muhammad Shah was: Ans. Raushan Akhtar. 16. The ninth Sikh Peshwa “Guru Teg Bahadur” was executed by: Ans. Aurangzeb Alamgir. 17. Jehangir’s reign was from 1605 A.D. to…….. a. 1625 b. 1626 c. 1627 d. None of these. Ans. d. None of these. 18. How many invasions Ahmad Shah Abdali made on the Sub-continent? a. 3 b. 5 c. 8 d. None of these. Ans. d. None of these. 19. “Tarikh-e-Firuz Shahi” the best source of information for the reign of Sher Shah was written by: Ans. Abbas Sarwani. 20. Tadar Mal was the revenue minister of: Ans. Akbar

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Indo-Pak CSS Paper-1 Objective (1985 till Now) by Muhammad Faisal ul Islam


(Solved Objectives/MCQ’s) 1. Sindh and Multan were conquered by Muhammad bin Qasim under the reign of Islamic Caliph: Ans. Waleed bin Abdul Malik. 2. Jaipal fought with Mehmood of Ghazni near Peshawar in: Ans. 1001 A.D. 3. Which city is name as Mehmoodabad: a. Agra b. Somnath c. Lahore d. None of these. Ans. Somnath. 4. Kitab-ul-Hind was written by: Ans. Al-Beruni. 5. The first amongst the Delhi Sultans to earn title of “Sultan from the Baghdad Caliph” was: Ans. Shams-ud-Din Iltumish. 6. Baba Farid Ganj Shakar was a saint of: Ans. Chishtia Silsilah. 7. Raj Farangni was: Ans. A book. 8. Akbar’s tomb is situated at: Ans. Sikandra. 9. ……….secured many trade facilities for the English by Emperor Jehangir. a. William Hawkins b. William Edward c. Sir Thomas Roe d. None of these. Ans. Sir Thomas Roe 10. Hamayun Nama was written by: Ans. Gulbadin baigum 11. Fatehpur Sikri was built by: a. Babur b. Shah Jehan c. Sher Shah d. None of these. Ans. d. None of these. 12. Hameeda Bano was mother of: Ans. Akbar.

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Indo-Pak CSS Paper-1 Objective (1985 till Now) by Muhammad Faisal ul Islam

13. The first Battle of Panipat was fought in: Ans. 1526. 14. At the time of his coronation at Kalanour the age of Akbar was: Ans. Thirteen and Half. 15. Francois Burnier the English traveler visited India during the period of: a. Jehangir b. Shah Jehan c. Aurangzeb d. none of these. Ans. b. Shah Jehan. 16. “Zil-e-Elahi” means: Ans. Shadow of Allah. 17. Ibn-e-Batuta visited India during the reign of: Ans. Muhammad Taghluq. 18. Battle of Plassey (1757) was fought between: And. The ruler of Bengal and East Indian Company. 19. Aurangzeb Alamgir ascended the throne on: Ans. 1658. 20. Manuchi was a European traveler who came in the court of: Ans. Shah Jahan.

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(Solved Objectives/MCQ’s)

Question No.1 Select the best option /answer and fill in the appropriate box on the answer sheet. (1). After his second coronation Humayun could only rule for : a). Six months b). two years c). two and a half years d). none of these (2). At the time of his coronation at Kalanaur the age of Akbar was: a). Thirteen and a half years b). fifteen and a half years c). seventeen and a half years d). none of these (3). The Mughal troops captured Chittor in 1568 after defeating: a). Raja Pratab Singh b). Raja Amar Singh c). Rana Sangram Singh d). None of these (4). The Afghan power in Orissa was crushed by: a). Raja Todarmal b). Raja Man Singh c). Munim Khan d). none of these (5). Tabaqat-i-Akbari was written by: a). Khawaja Nizamuddin Ahmad b). Badanni c). Abul Fazal d). none of these

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Indo-Pak CSS Paper-1 Objective (1985 till Now) by Muhammad Faisal ul Islam

(6). The office of Vakil became prominent during the reign of: a). Jahangir b). Aurangzeb c). Akbar d). none of these (7). Which of the following officers was the guardian of Islamic Law: a). Qazi-ul Quzat b). Muhtasib c). Sadr-us-Sadr d). none of these (8). Who divided the Mughal empire into provinces for the first time: a). Babur b). Hamayun c). Jahangir d). none of these (9). Head of the civil and military administration of the province was: a). Diwan b). Nazim c). Bakshi d). none of these (10). The Mughal emperor who allowed a chain with bells to be hung outside his palace was: a). Akbar b). Jahangir c). Shah Jahan d). none of these (11). Which of the following was not a chronicler of history of Sultanate : a). Abbas Khan Sharwani

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Indo-Pak CSS Paper-1 Objective (1985 till Now) by Muhammad Faisal ul Islam

b). Amir Khusrau c). Zai-ud-Din Barani d). none of these (12). Foreign traveller whose account does not throw light on the history of sultanate was: a). Ibne Batutah b). Marco Polo c). Abdur Razzaq d). none of these (13). Who was the first Sultan of Delhi to issue regular currency: a). Amar Shah b). Iltutmish c). Balban d). none of these (14). Sultan who called himself Naib-i-Khudai or Deputy of God was: a). Iltutmish b). Balban c). Alla-ud-Din Khilji d). none of these (15). Timur (Tamerlane) invaded India during the reign of : a). Nasiruddin Muhammad b). Tughlaq Shah c). Nasiruddin Mahmud Tughlaq d). none of these (16). Rulers of Lodhi dynasty were: a). Turks b). Afghans c). Iranians d). none of these (17). Highest point of territorial expansion of the sultanate was during the reign of :

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Indo-Pak CSS Paper-1 Objective (1985 till Now) by Muhammad Faisal ul Islam

a). Alla-ud-Din Khilji b). Muhammad bin Tughlaq c). Firoz Shah d). none of these (18). Coming of Khiljis to power is known as: a). Khalji revolution b). Khalji Imperialism c). Khalji Coup d). none of these (19). Who selected the site for the city of Agra as his capital: a). Sikander Lodhi b). Bahlul Lodhi c). Muhammad bin Tughlaq d). none of these (20). Military officer of the Sultanate who was the highest in Military graduation was: a). Khan b). Malik c). Amir d). none of these

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(Solved Objectives/MCQ’s) Q.1. Select the best option/answer and fill in the appropriate box on the Answer Sheet. (20) (i) Raja Dahir’s wife name is: (a) Jodha Bai (b) Uddipana (c) Rani Bai (d) Shari Mati (e) None of these (ii) Raja Dahir wife: (a) was made hostage (b) was freed (c) committed suicide (d) accepted Islam (e) None of these (iii) Sabuktagin was: (a) Son of Alaptagin (b) Nephew of Alaptagin (c) Slave of Alaptagin (d) Son-in-law of Alaptagin (e)None of these (iv) The founder of Ghaznavid Dynasty was: (a) Mahmud of Ghazna (b) Alaptagin (c) Sabuktagin (d) Jaipal (e)None of these (v) Abu Rehan al-Beruni was a famous:

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Indo-Pak CSS Paper-1 Objective (1985 till Now) by Muhammad Faisal ul Islam

(a) Conqueror (b) Sultan (c) Poet (d) Historian (e)None of these (vi) The founder of Slave Dynasty was: (a) Qutb-ud-Din Aibak (b) Muhammad Ghori (c) Iltumish (d) Balban (e)None of these (vii) Razia Sultana was the daughter of: (a) Qutb-ud-Din Aibak (b) Muhammad Ghori (c) Iltumish (d) Balban (e)None of these (viii) Amongst the Sultans of Delhi who presented the “Theory of Kingship”: (a) Iltumish (b) Balban (c) Ala-ud-Din Khilji (d) Muahammad Tughlaq (e)None of these (ix) Warden of the Marches was the title of : (a) Ghiyasuddin Taghlug (b) Mahmud of Ghazni (c) Muhammad Ghori (d) Sultan Balban (e)None of these

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FASSI | Cell: 03336587420 | Email: [email protected]


Indo-Pak CSS Paper-1 Objective (1985 till Now) by Muhammad Faisal ul Islam

(x) Ibn-e-Batuta was: (a) An Arab (b) A Moorish (c) A Turk (d) A Persian (e)None of these (xi) Baburnama is: (a) Travelogue (b) Biography (c) Autobiography (d) Collection of poetry (e)None of these (xii) Shaibani Khan defeated: (a) Babur (b) Ibrahim Lodhi (c) Hamayun (d) Akbar (e)None of these (xiii) The Battle of Gogra, 1529 was fought between: (a) Rajputs and Babur (b) Lodhis and Babur (c) Marhatas and Babur (d) Mewatis and Babur (e) None of these (Babur and Afghan) (xiv) Hamayun died from: (a) Excessive alcohol driniking (b) Cholera (c) Battlefield (d) Fall from library stairs (e)None of these

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FASSI | Cell: 03336587420 | Email: [email protected]


Indo-Pak CSS Paper-1 Objective (1985 till Now) by Muhammad Faisal ul Islam

(xv) Sher Shah Suri snatched the throne of Delhi from: (a) Babur (b) Humayun (c) Jehangir (d) Aurangzeb (e)None of these (xvi) During 16th century the pioneer of efficient administration and administrative reforms in India in considered to be: (a) Babur (b) Akbar (c) Sher Shah Suri (d) Aurangzeb (e)None of these (xvii) The Suri dynasty was brought to an end by: (a) Sher Shah Suri (b) Humayun (c) Jahangir (d)Akbar (e)None of these (xviii) Fateh Pur Sikri was declared the capital of his kingdom by: (a) Jehangir (b) Akbar (c) Aurangzeb (d) Shah Jehan (e)None of these (xix) The Chain of Justice was hanged fro the convenience of people for quick justice by: (a) Noor Jehan (b) Jehangir (c) Akbar (d) Sher Shah Suri

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FASSI | Cell: 03336587420 | Email: [email protected]


Indo-Pak CSS Paper-1 Objective (1985 till Now) by Muhammad Faisal ul Islam

(e)None of these (xx) Taj Mahal was constructed as his queen mausoleum by: (a) Shah Jehan (b) Jehangir (c) Akbar (d) Bahadur Shah Zafar (e)None of these

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FASSI | Cell: 03336587420 | Email: [email protected]


Indo-Pak CSS Paper-1 Objective (1985 till Now) by Muhammad Faisal ul Islam


(Solved Objectives/MCQ’s) 1) Chachnama was originally written in: a) Persian b) Arabic c) Turkish d) Sindhi 2) First Muslim Expedition sent to India by: a) Hazrat Umar b) Hazrat Usman c) Hazrat Ali d) Hujjaj bin Yousaf 3) Muhammad Bin Qasim stayed at Makran before entering Sind for: a) 3 Months b) 2 Months c) 1 Month d) 2 Weeks 4) The first Mosque in South Asia was built in: a) Sindh b) Bhopal c) Baluchistan d) Bengal 5) The Ghaznavid Rule over present day Pakistan areas lasted for: a) 300 years b) 250 years c) 200 years d) 150 years

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FASSI | Cell: 03336587420 | Email: [email protected]


Indo-Pak CSS Paper-1 Objective (1985 till Now) by Muhammad Faisal ul Islam

6)Ibn-Batuta travelled for: a) 35 years b) 28 years c) 20 years d) 15 years 7) Sultan Qutb ud Din Aibak could rule for a) 35 years b) 18 years c) 15 years d) 5 years 8) The Khilji Dynasty enjoyed India rule for: a) 90 years b) 70 years c) 50 years d) 30 years 9) The Khayal System of music was founded by: a) Amir Khusrau b) Husain Shah Sharqi c) Mian Tan Sain d) Maiju Bawara 10) Queen Noor Jehan was born at: a) Delhi b) Iran c) Chaghi d) Agra

Page 52: CSS Indo-Pak History Solved MCQs of Paper-I (1985 till Now)


FASSI | Cell: 03336587420 | Email: [email protected]


Indo-Pak CSS Paper-1 Objective (1985 till Now) by Muhammad Faisal ul Islam

11) In the year 1719 how many Mughal Kings sat on throne? a) 5 b) 4 c) 2 d) 1 12) Ahmad Shah Abdali launched his early invasions against: a) Mughals b) Marhattas c) Sikhs d) Rajputs 13) When the thrid battle of Panipat was fought? a) 1526 b) 1757 c) 1761 d) 1764 14) The British fought Plassey War against: a) Haider Ali b) Tipu Sultan c) Sirajiddaula d) Marhattas 15) Darsi Nizami was named after: a) Nizamuddin Auliya b) Nizam ul Mulk c) Mulla Nizami d) Nizamul Mulk Junaidi 16) Maharaja Ranjit Sing ruled Punjab for: a) 60 years b) 50 years c) 40 years d) 20 years

Page 53: CSS Indo-Pak History Solved MCQs of Paper-I (1985 till Now)


FASSI | Cell: 03336587420 | Email: [email protected]


Indo-Pak CSS Paper-1 Objective (1985 till Now) by Muhammad Faisal ul Islam

17) Karachi was occupied by the British in: a) 1820 b) 1839 c) 1842 d) 1843 18) Delhi fell to the British Army in: a) 1796 b) 1803 c) 1849 d) 1857 19) When the first Anglo Afghan War was fought: a) 1813 b) 1820 c) 1839 d) 1843 20) Before 1857 how many universities had been established by the British: a) 16 b) 13 c) 3 d) Not a single.

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FASSI | Cell: 03336587420 | Email: [email protected]


Indo-Pak CSS Paper-1 Objective (1985 till Now) by Muhammad Faisal ul Islam


(Solved Objectives/MCQ’s) 1- Daulat Khan Lodhi was the governor of? Ans. He was the governor of Lahore during the reign of Ibrahim Lodi, the last ruler of the Lodi dynasty. Due to disaffection with Ibrahim, Daulat invited Babur to invade the kingdom. 2- Sheikh Mubarak was the father of ? Ans. Faizi and Abul Fazal(both were real brothers) 3- Dilwar khan sent to welcome baber? Ans. Daulat Khan Lodhi 4- Rani Ladi was? Ans. widow of Dahir 5- Majority of the people of Sindh was? Ans. Buddhist 6- Abu Mansur Sabuktigin died in ? Ans. August 997 7- Battle of Tarain was fought in? Ans. Battles of Tarain were fought in 1191 and 1192 near the town of Tarain (Taraori), near Thanesar in present-day Haryana, approximately 150 kilometres north of Delhi, India, between the Muslim Ghurid army led by Sultan Shahabuddin Muhammad Ghauri and the Hindu Rajput army led by Prithviraj Chauha 8- Qutbudin Buhktiyar Kaki came from? Ans. Aush in the Fergana Valley (present Osh in southern Kyrgyz Republic 9- Qutub Minar was built by? Ans. Qutub-ud-Din Aibek 10-Nazim-ul-Mulak was the wazir of? Ans. Shams-ud-Din Iltutmish 11- Muiz ud Din Bahram was dethorned on? Ans. May 15, 1242 12- Balban was appointed Amir-i-Hajib by? Ans. Behrah Shah (miwatioo ki bagawat ko kuchlny ki waja sy)

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FASSI | Cell: 03336587420 | Email: [email protected]


Indo-Pak CSS Paper-1 Objective (1985 till Now) by Muhammad Faisal ul Islam

13- Jalal ud din Firuz Khilji ascended the throne on ? Ans. 13 June 1290 14- Bughra Khan was the son of ? Ans. Nasiruddin Bughra Khan was the Governor of Bengal in 1281-1291 CE. He was the son of Sultan Ghiyasuddin Balban. 15- Fawa'id Al-Fuad (Morals of the Heart) is the book of ? Ans. Malfuzat (Sayings) of Hazrat Nizamuddin Awliya Dehlavi (Rahmatullah alaih) ی���������� ����ء ریام �����ت ۔��������hazrat ameer ullah sanjre 16- Devagiri was made capital with name of Dultaabad by? Ans. Muhammad Tughluq subsequently renamed the city Daultabad. The kingdom was annexed by the Khilji empire in 1317 17- The Second Battle of Panipat was fought on? Ans. November 5, 1556 (Panipat, Haryana,) 18- Qandahar was conquered by Humayun? Ans. Sep 1544 19- Battle of chausa was started on? Ans. 26 June 1939 20- Battle of Haldi Ghati fought on? Ans. Mughal Empire and the forces of Mewar on 18 June, 1576 at Haldighati Pass 44km north of Udaipur in Rajasthan,