csd newsletter · team for winning the conference and competing in the ncaa tournament! nina...

The next Speech and Hearing Club meeting will be held on January 28, 2009 in McGowan Rm. 2001. December 2008 CSD Newsletter Holiday Social FRIDAY DECEMBER 5 th 3:30-5pm **Don’t forget to bring a gift to the social if you would like to participate in the gift exchange (this is NOT mandatory). Keep your gift to $5 or less It’s all about the wrapping! We hope to see everyone there!! THANK YOU to everyone who helped with the Fall Harvest Party, and especially those who decorated a room! Christmas Giving Tree! Tags and directions are on trees around campus. It’s not too late to purchase a gift! Bring your unwrapped gift to the Holiday Social. If you are unable to attend the social but still want to donate a gift, drop it off in the marked box in the clinic lobby. Final Exam Schedule Phonetics Section 01: Dec 11 th 2-4pm Section 02: Dec 11 th 8-10am Intro to Communication Disorders: Dec 11 th 4-6pm ASL I: Section 01: Dec 10 th 6-8pm Speech & Language Development: Dec 11 th 4-6pm Linguistics: Dec 10 th 4-6pm Audiology: Dec 12 th 12-2pm Communication Disorders in Adults: Dec 10 th 10am-12pm Holiday Caroling to visit members of Aphasia Group and Our Lady of Peace residents will immediately follow the holiday social. Sign-ups are posted on the prep room door. (Be sure to specify what car you are going to be in).

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Page 1: CSD Newsletter · Team for winning the conference and competing in the NCAA tournament! Nina DePalma and Marissa Ruda for winning the Fall Harvest Party room decorating contest! Speech

The next Speech and Hearing Club meeting

will be held on January 28, 2009 in

McGowan Rm. 2001.

December 2008

CSD Newsletter


**Don’t f you wo


We THANK YOU to everyone who helped with the Fall Harvest Party, and

especially those who decorated a room!

Tags acamp


attenda gift


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Final Exam Schedule tics ection 01: Dec 11th 2-4pm ection 02: Dec 11th 8-10am o Communication Disorders: ec 11th 4-6pm

: ection 01: Dec 10th 6-8pm & Language Development: ec 11th 4-6pm

istics: ec 10th 4-6pm

logy: ec 12th 12-2pm unication Disorders in Adults: ec 10th 10am-12pm

Holiday Caroling to visit members of Aphasia Group and Our Lady of Peaceresidents will immediately follow the holiday social. Sign-ups are posted on the prep room door. (Be sure to specify what car youare going to be in).

Christmas Giving Tree!

nd directions are on trees around us. It’s not too late to purchase a


ng your unwrapped gift to the day Social. If you are unable to the social but still want to donate , drop it off in the marked box in

the clinic lobby.

Holiday Social AY DECEMBER 5th 3:30-5pm

orget to bring a gift to the social ifuld like to participate in the gift nge (this is NOT mandatory).

Keep your gift to $5 or less It’s all about the wrapping!

hope to see everyone there!!

Page 2: CSD Newsletter · Team for winning the conference and competing in the NCAA tournament! Nina DePalma and Marissa Ruda for winning the Fall Harvest Party room decorating contest! Speech


A Freshman… I cannot believe we are done with our first semester in the CSD major! It has been a very rewarding few months as the freshman started to become more aware of everything that being in the program entails. My friends and I always write phonetic transcription to each other on dry erase boards, in notes, and we tried to do it over facebook but there is no key on the keyboard for "Schwa". Observing in the clinic was a great experience, especially watching the artic. clients. This helped me personally because I am leaning towards working with children especially once I receive my masters here at Marywood. Next semester the freshmen have speech science and anatomy and physiology of speech and hearing. Wish us luck and I hope everyone have happy holidays!

Christina Mennella A Sophomore… As finals are approaching, the sophomore class is getting anxious to finish the semester. Everyone has a pretty good handle on our Speech Language Development class and are just doing some last minute studying before the final! Much to our relief, our first Language Sample Analysis and our research paper for Linguistics have both been turned in. Our ASL finals should be challenging but a good test to see how much we've learned. The sophomore class has also been working on getting in touch with SLP's outside of Marywood in hopes of observing in different locations over winter break.

Colleen Meighan A Junior… As the semester winds down, the juniors have been very busy in both their CSD classes getting ready for

finals. We just finished up our second test for Audiology and are now learning about Acoustic Immittance, its measurements and Auditory Evoked Potential Tests. In our lab we have been participating in objective testing that we've been learning about. In Communication Disorders in Adults we have been discussing disorders of the right hemisphere and how to assess those patients. We're definitely looking forward to the holiday break and a chance to relax before beginning again in the spring. Happy Holidays!

Julianne Szostak A Senior… Wow! It’s hard to believe we’re approaching finals already. Only two more weeks in our final fall semester as undergraduates at Marywood. In Dr. Bisset’s Communication Disorders in Adults class we just finished learning about traumatic brain injury and have started learning about dementia. In clinic, many of us are finishing up our last therapy sessions and writing the final reports. We’re all beginning to study for our finals and looking forward to break. We are all finishing up our graduate school applications and waiting impatiently to find out if we’ve been accepted. It’s been nerve racking filling out all of the components of each application and researching each school we’re interested in. Hard to believe it’s almost over! Several members of our class headed to the ASHA conference in Chicago, Illinois just before Thanksgiving break. We’re all excited to hear about their experience! Good luck on finals to everyone and enjoy your winter break!

Kristie Meehan Professional Phase 2… We are busy and cannot believe our first semester is about to come to end. In dysphagia, we took our final mid-November and will finish the class with our case study presentations. Language Disorders, Neuroscience, and Aphasia have ended with group presentations as well as research paper presentations.

Our last day of classes in Diagnostics, we learned about voice assessments. When not in classes, we continue to develop our clinic skills. We have all established wonderful relationships with our clients and are sad the semester is ending; however, we look forward to clinic next semester. Some of us have taken or are preparing to take the Praxis for teacher certification. Each of us has spent quality time with our Blue Book demonstrating knowledge in a variety of areas to faculty members. Thanksgiving break was time to relax and unwind, but we also studied for finals. The first week of December brought forth our first finals week in grad school. After finals are over, we look forward to wrapping up the semester and enjoying winter break. We wish everyone a safe and wonderful holiday! See you in January.

Doris Golebiewski Professional Phase 1… Hi everyone! The 2nd year grads have been enjoying the fall semester and cannot believe that it is coming to an end. Our placements have all been nice experiences and it was exciting to be outside the walls of Marywood. It gave us the opportunity to apply all the knowledge and skills we've gained thus far. As we've learned a lot from our off-campus supervisors and clients, we still continued to learn in our Peds and TBI/RH/Dementia classes. Our presentations are finished and now we will be studying for our finals. What a feeling it was to attend our very last class of our graduate coursework! Steph, Dana, Lindsey and Lisa gave us our last presentation. As always, their comic touch made us all laugh. This time they added a glimpse of an outside perspective on Marywood's clinic. Now we can say that, not just some, but all are experienced student clinicians! Good job everyone and enjoy your well-deserved break!

Rebecca Masko

Page 3: CSD Newsletter · Team for winning the conference and competing in the NCAA tournament! Nina DePalma and Marissa Ruda for winning the Fall Harvest Party room decorating contest! Speech

CSD Fun Page

Happy Birth

Happy Belated Birth Dec 4th: Nicholas B Bethanie LDec 6th: Krista CullDec 7th: Jason BerrDec 14th:Sonni LyonDec 16th:Rachel HoDec 18th:Bethany Sa Shawn Sul

day Wishes! day Linda Sagliano!

ollinger (Junior) eCureux (Senior) en (1st year grad) y (1st year grad) s (Freshman)

yt (Sophomore) vacool (Sophomore)livan (1st year grad)

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Unscramble these Christmas Carols!






Congratulations Kaitlyn Miller and Tanisha Dorner and the entire Women’s Soccer Team for winning the conference and competingin the NCAA tournament! Nina DePalma and Marissa Ruda for winning the Fall Harvest Party room decorating contest! Speech and Hearing Club for being named SGA club of the month!

Page 4: CSD Newsletter · Team for winning the conference and competing in the NCAA tournament! Nina DePalma and Marissa Ruda for winning the Fall Harvest Party room decorating contest! Speech

ASHA: Research opportunities are a great way to not only strengthen your knowledge of a particular subject, but also to reach out into the student community. Last year, a group of seniors of the CSD department, including Moira Pope, Marissa Ruda, Bryna Rickenbach, and Bethanie LeCureux, worked on a research project with Vijay Ramachandra, and this year they are taking their work to the ASHA conference in Chicago, Illinois! We are eager to hear all about their research as well as their experiences with the conference... Q: Can you briefly explain some of what your project entailed?

Our project was focused on fast mapping (novel word learning based on a single exposure) and how it is influenced by metamemory (judgement of your performance) and gender. We presented a powerpoint slide with 6 aliens. There was a recording of the aliens name, it's favorite food, and it's home planet. Each participant (age 18-25) was exposed to the names of the aliens a total of 5 times. We did not find any gender differences, but this could be due to the small sample size (57) at that time. We now have over 100 participants since we have continued the research. However, we did find a strong correlation between metamemory and fast mapping.

Good performers on the fast mapping task were also strong in prediction. Q: How were you presented with the opportunity to attend the ASHA conference? Dr. Ramachandra thought ASHA would be an attainable goal for us and our research and decided to submit out proposal. ASHA is such a large conference and a great opportunity for young students. We found out we were accepted and immediately decided that we wanted to go! Thanks to Dr. Ramachandra'a hard work and faith in us to present, we were lucky enough to have the opportunity. Q: When did you attend the conference and what was your favorite experience there? We flew off to Chicago on November 20th and went to the conference November 21-23. The conference was so incredible and somewhat overwhelming for 4 college students from small town Scranton PA!!! There were so many people and so much going on every minute! My favorite moment was being able to present to highly respected individuals in the field, who really challenged us. Also, having the opportunity to meet individuals from all around the country who were interested in the same career. We met people from California, Kansas, and many other states. We learned so much from Speech Language Pathologists of all ages and backgrounds! Q: Did your experience at the ASHA conference strengthen your opinions about research or the field in general?

We weren’t aware of how many people had the same interests as we did. At Marywood there are only the few of us in this major.....at the ASHA convention, there were people with Super Duper bags walking around the city wherever we went! It was so neat to hear conversations about topics we talk about with our friends on a daily basis that people outside the major do not understand. We realized that research is so vast and is continually being conducted. The posters that we read and sessions we attended opened our eyes to how important research is. Also, listening to people who are so passionate about this career was very inspiring! Q: Would you recommend participating in a research project and/or attending an ASHA conference? Why or why not?

We would highly recommend participating in research because it gives you a new perspective about our field that you probably would not have experienced before. It allows you to be a part of providing new information for next generations to come. We would certainly recommend attended the ASHA convention because of the atmosphere and incredible opportunities that we feel you can not get anywhere else.

Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts with us! Congratulations on your wonderful achievements with this research project!

Interview by Christina Mastrolembo