crystal river us think that it ought...

N CRYSTAL RIVER DEVOTED TO THE INTEREST OF TOWN COUNTY AND STATE VOJ VIII CRYSTAL RIVER FLORIDA FRIDAY JANUARY 7 1010 C CG L l C I I NO 17 t t r r n- I r WS d NE = Hint for NewlyWed How many mothers Instruct their daughters that they must try to love their husbands relatives just as well aa they love their own Very few and many will assert that no such In- struction should be given but some of us think that It ought It Is a safe thing to the chances are 10 000 to one that no girl could ever go- BO tar as that try as faithfully she might But she can surely learn to love her husbands family and she will add Immensely to his comfort by so dolor Their ways are doubtless very different from hers they receive her with coldness and suspicion but by practice and and loving attentions she can usually win them It is her mothers part to teach her this patience and kindness before she Is married The art of being a rood Is a noble one and like all other arts It can to a considerable extent be taught Leslies Weekly What Doctor Can Beat This In less than three months a phy- sician of Portland Me has treated professionally five patients represent- ing flue successive generations of the same family beginning with a conte narian and following in the direct line of descent down to her greatgreat grandson He first attended the old lady who was ninetynineyears old for senile gangrene resulting in her death During her illness he was called on to prescribe for her daugh ter aged seventyfive Next this daughters son a florist aged fifty fell 111 and required attention Fol lowing him a son a clerk of twenty seven found himself in need of aid And lastly to the clerks wife was born a male child whom the doc- tor was called upon to assist Into the world as he had been summoned to ease the exit from It barely three months be- fore ftatt on People often why seafaring men are so fond of taking cats with them on a voyage This is explained- by two circumstances Marine Insur- ance does not cover damage done to cargo by the depredations of rats but If the owner of the damaged goods can prove that ship was sent to sea unfurnished with a cat he can recover damages from the shipmaster Again- a ship found at sea with no living crea ture on board Is considered a derelict and is forfeited to the admiralty the iflnders or the king It has often the I dofor y lon er hap kind- ness daughter In law medi- cal great euals ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ pened that after a ship has been aban doned some domestic dog or bird or most frequently a cat has saved the vessel from being as a derelict Our Latin American Trade Exporta from the United States to countries have in creased from 1108000000 In 1900 to 321000000 in 1913 a gain of 197 per cent Imports from them Increased 171 per cent in the same period Ex ports to other parts of tho world In creased 87 per cent The department of commerce in a statement says The most rapid gains In tho exports during this period occurred in the trade with Argentina and Brazil The value of merchandise exported to Argentina In 1900 was 111500000 and in 1913 over 52760000 to Brazil In 1900 11600000 and in 1913 666 000 Cuba showed a marked gain Human Skin as a Polisher I had always supposed that the chamois possessed skin best adapt ed for polishing purposes but recent in a leading jewelers shop I learned otherwise Nothing it seems can impart such a luster to plate as the human skin and all the best ar- ticles are polished Quito literally by hand rubbed gently by the lower arch of the hand at the base of the thumb We keep a girl to do noth- ing else said my Informant and I reflected that I had discovered a new Industry and a new definition of palm Chronicle Silenced A New York stump peeohlng in a neighboring city was lereral times Interrupted by a man who kept shouting Liar Llarl Fi- nally the politician said If tho gen tleman at the back of the ball who Is BO anxious that the audience should know isIs name will write it on a Blip of paper and hand It to the chairman Instead of bawling It at the top of otca he will himself a lot of trouble But the interrupter jpcace and hla Identity animala U 1 ollLondon hilt t kept con- sidered Lattn American save his ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ GIVE SYRUP OF FIGS TO CONSTIPATED CHILD Delicious Fruit Laxative cant harm tender little Stomach liver and bowels Look at the tongue mother If coated your little ones stomach liver and bowels need cleaning at once When peevish cross listless doesnt sleep cat or act naturally or Is fever- i Ish stomach sour breath bad has sore throat dlarrhcra full of cold Give- a teaspoonful of California Syrup of Figs and In a few hours all the foul constipated waste undigested food and sour bllo gontly moves out of Its little bowels without griping and you have a well playful child again Ask your druggist for a bottle of California Syrup of Figs which con- tains full directions for babies chil- dren of all ages and for grownups Town and Gown In the thousand years of its history Oxford has never hnd a mayor from the university That event now Impends The election of Rev William Edward Sherwood mas- ter of arts of Magdalen and Christ- church Is considered certain Though not born In Oxford Mr Sherwood was an Oxford boy educated In the Meg dalen college school This choice of an academic mayor originates In the antagonism which used to exist between town and gown an antagonism which has long since been outgrown in Oxford but which Is readily understandable from the ex- perience of younger academic In the old academy towns of New England the feeling used to run high because education was then the privilege of the few As education In- creasingly comes within tho grasp of the many this antagonism evaporates- of Itself The probable election of Mr Sherwood as mayor of Exford may be read as an expression a trifle belated perhaps that In Oxford at least these Wd enmjtlajLapo entirely t Roman Coins Lone Hidden Discovery of Roman coins hae just been made by a workman at Balgrog gan Quarry In the parish of Stoney kirk Scotland While tho quarrymen were removing soil from the top of the rock they came upon n largo num- ber of coins about a foot from the sur- face On a further search being made over a hundred bronze coins wero found some of them In excellent pres- ervation They represent the reigns I past of five or Roman and ii0 cent ap- parently long de- ferred commu- nities six emnerorn ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ empresses and the portraits and fig- ures of men in various attitudes of tho chase and war are in many cases re markably distinct Part or an urn of baked clay was also found with the coins It is ribbed on the inside and probably contained the ashes of an- cient warriors as well as being a rt- positorf for the coins It Is believed that the coins have lain where they wer found for a thousand years Ar- ticles of antiquarian Intercut have al- ready been found in the district Had Fun With Bridegroom- An amusing sequel to the marriage- of a young Scots Orey bandsman and- a beautiful girl occurred not long ago At the wedding which took Place by special license at Mt Marys church Sheffield tho bride was accompanied only by a girl friend The secret leak ed out and the comrades of the bride groom flocked into the church The band was fulfilling an engagement at an exhibition In the city and the bridegroom had to hasten from the church his place for a perform ance To his amazement the band master as soon as tho musicians had taken up their instruments gave out a wedding march While the bridegroom was bravely playing his own marriage music some people In the stall showered confetti on him London Mail Thirst Strike Her Husband We shall see you ungerstrikln next time Sal His Wife Ho ho not thirst strike now thats me dream- ily an then theyd forcible drink me ah I London Sketch Futile Regret I sometimes wish tho beautiful star petulantly said that I had never become an actress Dont fret replied the manager who was becoming weary of her Come to Crystal River totake ungera rou- te er c11L pra e ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ + KITCHEN HATH CHARM CONTAINS POWERFUL APPEAL TO HUMAN NATURE Writer Insists That Protest of maids Union I Misdirected There Can Be No Better Place for Courting The housemaids of Cleveland 0 have formed a union and they aw greatly excited over the question Shall we or shall wo not consent to receive our gentlemen friends in kitchen Good for the Housemaids union I In it Better hours better pay better sleeping rooms I hope the housemaids will get all these things Why not Butaboutthls kitchen business Pause a moment dear Madame President of tho Housemaids union What is the matter with the kitchen IB there something disgraceful about it Pray tell And if so when did ita dishonor begin Ugly A good wholesome clean bright cheerful kitchen Why tony mind Its the prettiest room in the house declares Winifred Black in the New York American Whats ugly about- a shining floor and clean curtainsand a bright range and rows of good cook- Ing dishes Ive seen dozens of stiff little recep tlon rooms with stiff little gilt chairs In them and a stiff berosled carpet on the floor and a stiff gilt mirror on the solemn walls that werenthalf- so pretty as a kitchen to my eyes- I dont see anything disgraceful about a kitchen unless it is dirty Seems to me If I could cook well enough to hold a good place Id be proud of it not ashamed and whis per gentle maidens of the union I never noticed any Lou to the kitchen on the part of say man I ever met Tho average woman has to argue with her husband by day and by night to keep him from making some ex- cuse to get out into the kitchen Dont send your young men away from the kitchen gentle Hilda or sweet Eileen Lead him right in and see how mild and tamable the eight of that shiny range and those rows of I delectable spIces will make him H the be- lieve o dis- graceful House- maids aver ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ If I had a young man who wu a little slow in coming to the point of talking about the flat Id never sic him anywhere but in my kitchen and Id wear a good big clean kitchen apron when I saw him tooOh yes the tube skirts and the elaborate hair are well enough to catch his vagrant eye but when yeu want to really enchain hUn give him a doughnut of your cooking or a dofc en cakes or so with raisins in them and watch the caution and the reserve melt from his manner like show In the spring sunshine Ole isnt all for moonlight picnics and moving picture shows Hilda he just acts that way to please you What Ole really takes an Interest in is a good fire on n cool evening a comfy seat by it and to eat By this necromancy shall you hold him captive no matter what yel lowhaired siren tries to steal nl heart from Cider for Sufferers From Gout The unfortunate Individual loving the good things of the table yet with tho gout may now take heart of grace for there lflpjne ifr 10 CENT OASOARETS IF BILIOUS OR COSTIVE For Sick Headache Sour Stomach Sluggish Liver and Bowels They work while you sleep Furred Tonguo Bad Taste Indigent tlon Sallow Skin and Miserable Head- aches como from a torpid clogged k bowels which cause your stomach to become filled with undi- gested food which sours and ferments like garbage in a swill barrel Thats the to untold misery indi- gestion foul gases bad breath yellow skin mental fears everything that I horrible and nauseating A Cascaret tonight will give your constipate bowels a thorough cleansing and straighten you out by morning Thor work you IPceht boxy from your druggist will keep feet Ing good w youExchange liver and sleepa t J service- able something good aff- licted rat a you F t U ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ + EIB Girls Try tt Half a t aoffcffutfyahd i fct a 85 cent bottle v- it Danderlnc If you care fOr heavy halrlthat glis- tens with beauty and is radiant with life has an Incomparable softness andf is fluffy and ilustrous try Just one application double the beauty of your hair besides it dlatoly dissolves every particle vert dandruff You can not have heavy health hair if you hive dandruff This destructive scurf robs the hair of its lustre and its very life and if not overcome Itr produces a feveriahness and itching tho scalp tho hair roots famish loosen and die then the hair falls out fast Surely get a 25cent bottle of Knowltons Danderino from any and just try it Sorting the Twins Twin brother who have been called up for service a Paris regiment so alike that It is impossible to dlsfhv- gulsh between them day one of the pair was confined to but by changing his cap with its regimental number for that of brother the defaulter was able to pawi the guard with impunity wished to go out v The colonel of the regiment has now issued the following order et dler Bbnhomme oren wear his hair as long as the tlons construed with the Utnibst len- iency will allow and will flhave alt beard and moustache The Soldier Bonhommo odd number will allow his beard and moustache to grow full and will hair regularly cut as closely as possible by the regim tal Mail Husband Boosts Alimony The case of a man going supreme court and consenting to v separation agreement with bid feet aside so he will be Compelle Ife pay her raore occurs Base dom that when Justice it York set aside the separates- trtement betweno Samuel Polsa cotton goods merchant at 160 Canal Btrett and his wife Mrs Rose PaUIt aroused some Interest Mr and Mrs Pels were separated 1998 uader an agreement by whist Pets paid his wife 15000 in lieu of ROM DAmmUJJ blautlfu Its Strength In The Other barberDally Intothe Te- a 4 New Thither allmon Mrs Pelz TBIgKyr0I0 s fnime b drug- store are barr- acks whenever ke Iba number w1U regu4 have his recently < ¬ < ¬ > sued for divorce naming FfcaattMLe- fkowiti as corespondent Fetythought his wife was entitled to more in view of her divorce case and cop seated to an order by rich directing him to pay JlWOc 4 moor and 500 counsel fees FOR CHILDRENS COUGH You cannot use anything better for your childs tlian from with does not contain anything harmful and is to expel the poisons from the Discovery Is antiseptic hills the loosens the cough and soothes the irritation off treatment Roughs and colds often lead to troubles It Is also good fox adults and the a bottle today All druggists o o Dr NeW Discovery It Is prepared Ir balsams It serI JnsUCd and s lt Phoebe Is Cautious The other day In my walk lasts upon two phoebet nests under hanging rocks both with half hedged young in them and In neither were the parent birds in evldeaoe Thor did not give their secret away by setting up the hue and cry that nesting birds usually set up OB BUC occasions I finally saw aa shadowy perched nearby with food in their beaks which they finally waltowediu Wr was prolonged And the nests both on a l were apparently flllfld only a motloaleM BUBS of Uulsk AB I getotly touched tAeal springing upf the j and dispose Juas1 The phoebe is eridentlyJstefr cautious bird though no blrd are Store about our porches and outbiilldlngai rbhnl Bdrrougni ia AHafitlc Kontfilyt Worth Trying the on a lotger day than those who t u li ivtt- hl h r Ct j tIi wtla Jet Rebf 1ur I1r1i d Y1tkf jkJ- D01I illj the seat In l1 tpet thi 0 J- c t in uhtaIa lYe 1e 1 t il v F- f them as sh stay mr ell tiff d young settled tkeaibelvea li w Those Who ell o tp brghtst oprAiy Ii1lltlsl < > > < < + LUtlii Pail Porpare life tBUle la ot leastmake nUM that mended like laughter anui- Jttj te8 irtiar ttablo at Cypress at- entft lat street he a cl 4 iliboBld cheered tninawl tUUcd tho MVTlw mole sort of paned and io oiu fU head but Heehaw Thea little Pats Irfe ln This time thmule I about mlckly raised his Hin neit eouids that Mile Keiutf of of the mute COBS biped surgeon from the German hospital bandaged up Paul lace and ho had slid along ttor tri t tt r alighting him homo New York Argues With the Hon little story IB told of of Inez Mllholland- 4t 4noiBtf Dutiful suffragette in- imerica aa been called who J married secretly during bet visit London According to the brines father ft seenrt that oven as a bab she Will Very strongwilled One day came in despair to Mrs Mil holland announced that she haft the top of a hiystacl- iat fth tk calld flatly refused tsi dowa r Mrs Mlfholland sallied natter To her mothers eatreatlesj Isis rt lled flrmty Theres a nasty old here that wont lay her eggs and Tm going to make her do- t an trlal Definition who in addition to be log a halted States sonior was fox many yearU president of tho beard oir dBeatlda 6f Atlanta received a visit afternoon from a Georglaa who wufcd his indorsement tor it- t romc Job Mr Smitb was a fjtitlii Bry as a flue day ertattoo After ho had flnBhe4 his explanation of what he wauted the senator observed urbanely My 5b r toy1 i beAr not the ellghteslf- crkdtffllafcahisf you but I cant forgot have opposed me for the nltkl hail heard 1 Ban Brti be Little Pall14ke 11SYGywJifcli i- n1IrJIwt I l W1il I dlda clang ana JI i11 Dc- lbeltin4tka baw The A the ear iI811 e wa to 1 on could do In tie ltl un seeker r Ulb he hid M47- r of mi rotl Mute akeahefair raadtauodjticek d bG sell whined moots ldetfbt1rN bee u Then lila mother took taint d s l f s o i- st fort to ieo whatihe t4 k one 1 Sit ayaa4 oh was that yeq > < > + jut suc years tMlher Aid Movement The International Commission for utk Hygiene has representa- tion fro 4 countries It In Berlin iriMW an the growth of the morement to hate dental Iai9 ction in schools has- t a i0Hmen l aermany estt- suliitnWiote ta vitality through dt- ffectlyeitetktob moro than 60000 i despite the fact that stablUaedr Teachers in the publje hv been ot great helpin- makttil aeceMltylIoif mbuth by certain family rudely was U d by itafi Duds of conflicting emenat 1 f Worn Ui4 den by- lhvcJAJ9 tou shant hang It th wl I will too Ill take it dowk 1 wont let You rill Magazine I Ii the OO 1 have been n I Text rnl rttrn oa lam of a Ili out Popolar t trtwo aliSiftlb hlEIIL9- ISWiP Isrdntt d UaWs t red ¬ > < = ww tip Yea will A tussle followed trk Mir iaterrentlon The bone 8tio to Miedi oarfl s tending Oo4 1 This is a story told of an old Evan lical l fyaui9 who a ion In fttiWWiKkAlUt Okenecccasloa the father jatd1 arlslt to hiso hlalNto IB ifftutd bulK Med to do so he at ltpfthteea at d sad chose the Hotitfy soothes the irritation Pino t hip Itl I then l1 found oJ 1 Rebuke Jl n ia came I ptet JI oh1ik ttit the olablaa rI lY d Dr PlneTarHone thus If aaA I l1 ffOlJQ Ji1iisbatbnn- sk 1t71UJW oney Inn r of bean ill lee Raihera Neat had T orders a y his t text- S lhsyeafererupon mysditifot- Ts Is11UU- Ai f LVS FINEIAl 1i011ET Fur your cold fur ypurcotigfifor throat nose and t del Bolls r oelgeetlon Flue far aso adtva reenltgehuraie wAx lfdr 4 niMltrcu Iknei- r iiir1dklt dm- Vvngmt tis n < > < = + >

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Page 1: CRYSTAL RIVER us think that It ought It Is a safe thing to the chances are 10 000 to one that no girl could ever go-






NO 17t

t r



=Hint for NewlyWed

How many mothers Instruct theirdaughters that they must try to lovetheir husbands relatives just as wellaa they love their own Very fewand many will assert that no such In-

struction should be given but someof us think that It ought It Is a safething to the chances are 10000 to one that no girl could ever go-

BO tar as that try as faithfully shemight But she can surely learn tolove her husbands family and shewill add Immensely to his comfort byso dolor Their ways are doubtlessvery different from hersthey receive her with coldness andsuspicion but by practice and

and loving attentions she canusually win them It is her motherspart to teach her this patience andkindness before she Is married Theart of being a rood Isa noble one and like all other artsIt can to a considerable extent betaught Leslies Weekly

What Doctor Can Beat ThisIn less than three months a phy-

sician of Portland Me has treatedprofessionally five patients represent-ing flue successive generations of thesame family beginning with a contenarian and following in the direct lineof descent down to her greatgreatgrandson He first attended the oldlady who was ninetynineyears oldfor senile gangrene resulting in herdeath During her illness he wascalled on to prescribe for her daughter aged seventyfive Next thisdaughters son a florist aged fiftyfell 111 and required attention Following him a son a clerk of twentyseven found himself in need of

aid And lastly to the clerks wifewas born a male child whom the doc-tor was called upon to assist Intothe world as he had been summonedto ease theexit from It barely three months be-


ftatt onPeople often why seafaring

men are so fond of taking cats withthem on a voyage This is explained-by two circumstances Marine Insur-ance does not cover damage done tocargo by the depredations of ratsbut If the owner of the damaged goodscan prove that ship was sent to seaunfurnished with a cat he can recoverdamages from the shipmaster Again-a ship found at sea with no living creature on board Is considered a derelictand is forfeited to the admiralty theiflnders or the king It has often




lon er



daughter In law














pened that after a ship has been abandoned some domestic dogor bird or most frequently a cathas saved the vessel from being

as a derelict

Our Latin American TradeExporta from the United States to

countries have increased from 1108000000 In 1900 to321000000 in 1913 a gain of 197 percent Imports from them Increased171 per cent in the same period Exports to other parts of tho world Increased 87 per cent The departmentof commerce in a statement says

The most rapid gains In tho exportsduring this period occurred in thetrade with Argentina and Brazil Thevalue of merchandise exported toArgentina In 1900 was 111500000 andin 1913 over 52760000 to Brazil In1900 11600000 and in 1913 666000 Cuba showed a marked gain

Human Skin as a PolisherI had always supposed that the

chamois possessed skin best adapted for polishing purposes but recent

in a leading jewelers shop Ilearned otherwise Nothing it seemscan impart such a luster to plate asthe human skin and all the best ar-

ticles are polished Quito literally byhand rubbed gently by the lowerarch of the hand at the base of thethumb We keep a girl to do noth-ing else said my Informant and Ireflected that I had discovered a newIndustry and a new definition ofpalm Chronicle

SilencedA New York stump

peeohlng in a neighboring city waslereral times Interrupted by a manwho kept shouting Liar Llarl Fi-

nally the politician said If tho gentleman at the back of the ball who IsBO anxious that the audience shouldknow isIs name will write it on a Blipof paper and hand It to the chairmanInstead of bawling It at the top of

otca he will himself a lot oftrouble But the interrupterjpcace and hla Identity









Lattn American












Delicious Fruit Laxative cant harmtender little Stomach liver

and bowels

Look at the tongue mother Ifcoated your little ones stomach liverand bowels need cleaning at onceWhen peevish cross listless doesntsleep cat or act naturally or Is fever-

i Ish stomach sour breath bad hassore throat dlarrhcra full of cold Give-

a teaspoonful of California Syrup ofFigs and In a few hours all the foulconstipated waste undigested foodand sour bllo gontly moves out of Itslittle bowels without griping and youhave a well playful child again Askyour druggist for a bottle of

California Syrup of Figs which con-

tains full directions for babies chil-

dren of all ages and for grownups

Town and GownIn the thousand years of its history

Oxford has never hnd a mayor fromthe university That event now

Impends The election ofRev William Edward Sherwood mas-ter of arts of Magdalen and Christ-church Is considered certain Thoughnot born In Oxford Mr Sherwood wasan Oxford boy educated In the Megdalen college school This

choice of an academic mayororiginates In the antagonism whichused to exist between town and gownan antagonism which has long sincebeen outgrown in Oxford but which Isreadily understandable from the ex-

perience of younger academicIn the old academy towns of

New England the feeling used to runhigh because education was then theprivilege of the few As education In-

creasingly comes within tho grasp ofthe many this antagonism evaporates-of Itself The probable election of MrSherwood as mayor of Exford may beread as an expression a trifle belatedperhaps that In Oxford at least theseWd enmjtlajLapo entirely

tRoman Coins Lone Hidden

Discovery of Roman coins hae justbeen made by a workman at Balgroggan Quarry In the parish of Stoneykirk Scotland While tho quarrymenwere removing soil from the top ofthe rock they came upon n largo num-ber of coins about a foot from the sur-face On a further search being madeover a hundred bronze coins werofound some of them In excellent pres-ervation They represent the reigns



of five or Roman and

ii0 cent


long de-



six emnerorn








empresses and the portraits and fig-

ures of men in various attitudes of thochase and war are in many cases remarkably distinct Part or an urn ofbaked clay was also found with thecoins It is ribbed on the inside andprobably contained the ashes of an-

cient warriors as well as being a rt-positorf for the coins It Is believedthat the coins have lain where theywer found for a thousand years Ar-ticles of antiquarian Intercut have al-

ready been found in the district

Had Fun With Bridegroom-An amusing sequel to the marriage-

of a young Scots Orey bandsman and-a beautiful girl occurred not long agoAt the wedding which took Place byspecial license at Mt Marys churchSheffield tho bride was accompaniedonly by a girl friend The secret leaked out and the comrades of the bridegroom flocked into the church Theband was fulfilling an engagement atan exhibition In the city and thebridegroom had to hasten from thechurch his place for a performance To his amazement the bandmaster as soon as tho musicianshad taken up their instruments gaveout a wedding march While thebridegroom was bravely playing hisown marriage music some people Inthe stall showered confetti on himLondon Mail

Thirst StrikeHer Husband We shall see you

ungerstrikln next time SalHis Wife Ho ho not

thirst strike now thats me dream-ily an then theyd forcibledrink me ah I London Sketch

Futile RegretI sometimes wish tho beautiful

star petulantly said that I had neverbecome an actress

Dont fret replied the managerwho was becoming weary of her

Come to Crystal River




te er c11L

pra e












Writer Insists That Protest ofmaids Union I Misdirected

There Can Be No BetterPlace for Courting

The housemaids of Cleveland 0have formed a union and they awgreatly excited over the questionShall we or shall wo not consent to

receive our gentlemen friends inkitchen

Good for the Housemaids union IIn it Better hours better pay

better sleeping rooms I hope thehousemaids will get all these thingsWhy not

Butaboutthls kitchen business Pausea moment dear Madame President oftho Housemaids union What is thematter with the kitchen IB theresomething disgraceful about it Praytell And if so when did ita

dishonor beginUgly A good wholesome clean

bright cheerful kitchen Why tonymind Its the prettiest room in thehouse declares Winifred Black in theNew York American Whats ugly about-a shining floor and clean curtainsanda bright range and rows of good cook-Ing dishes

Ive seen dozens of stiff little receptlon rooms with stiff little gilt chairsIn them and a stiff berosled carpeton the floor and a stiff gilt mirror onthe solemn walls that werenthalf-so pretty as a kitchen to my eyes-

I dont see anything disgracefulabout a kitchen unless it is dirtySeems to me If I could cook wellenough to hold a good place Id beproud of it not ashamed and whisper gentle maidens of the

union I never noticed anyLou to the kitchen on the part of say

man I ever metTho average woman has to argue

with her husband by day and by nightto keep him from making some ex-cuse to get out into the kitchen

Dont send your young men awayfrom the kitchen gentle Hilda orsweet Eileen Lead him right in andsee how mild and tamable the eight ofthat shiny range and those rows of I

delectable spIces will make him







House-maids aver





If I had a young man who wu alittle slow in coming to the point oftalking about the flat Id never sichim anywhere but in my kitchen andId wear a good big clean

kitchen apron when I saw himtooOh yes the tube skirts and theelaborate hair are well enough tocatch his vagrant eye but when yeuwant to really enchain hUn give hima doughnut of your cooking or a dofcen cakes or so with raisins in themand watch the caution and the reservemelt from his manner like show Inthe spring sunshine

Ole isnt all for moonlight picnicsand moving picture shows Hilda hejust acts that way to please youWhat Ole really takes an Interest inis a good fire on n cool evening acomfy seat by it andto eat By this necromancy shall youhold him captive no matter what yellowhaired siren tries to steal nlheart from

Cider for Sufferers From GoutThe unfortunate Individual loving

the good things of the table yetwith tho gout may now take

heart of grace for there lflpjne ifr


For Sick Headache Sour StomachSluggish Liver and Bowels They

work while you sleep

Furred Tonguo Bad Taste Indigenttlon Sallow Skin and Miserable Head-aches como from a torpidclogged

kbowels which cause your

stomach to become filled with undi-gested food which sours and fermentslike garbage in a swill barrel Thatsthe to untold misery indi-gestion foul gases bad breath yellowskin mental fears everything that Ihorrible and nauseating A Cascarettonight will give your constipatebowels a thorough cleansing andstraighten you out by morning Thorwork you IPceht boxyfrom your druggist will keep feetIng good w


liver and


t J


something good





F t U







Girls Try tt Half a t aoffcffutfyahdi

fct a 85 cent bottle v-

it Danderlnc

If you care fOr heavy halrlthat glis-tens with beauty and is radiant withlife has an Incomparable softness andfis fluffy and ilustrous try

Just one application double thebeauty of your hair besides itdlatoly dissolves every particle vertdandruff You can not haveheavy health hair if you hivedandruff This destructive scurf robsthe hair of its lustre andits very life and if not overcome Itrproduces a feveriahness and itchingtho scalp tho hair roots famishloosen and die then the hair falls outfast Surely get a 25cent bottle ofKnowltons Danderino from any

and just try itSorting the Twins

Twin brother who have been calledup for service a Paris regimentso alike that It is impossible to dlsfhv-gulsh between them dayone of the pair was confined to

but by changing his cap withits regimental number for that ofbrother the defaulter was able to pawithe guard with impunitywished to go out v

The colonel of the regiment has nowissued the following order etdler Bbnhomme orenwear his hair as long as thetlons construed with the Utnibst len-iency will allow and will flhave altbeard and moustache The SoldierBonhommo odd number will allowhis beard and moustache to grow fulland will hair regularly cut asclosely as possible by the regim tal


Husband Boosts AlimonyThe case of a man going

supreme court and consenting to v

separation agreement with bidfeet aside so he will be Compelle Ifepay her raore occurs Basedom that when Justice it

York set aside the separates-trtement betweno Samuel Polsa

cotton goods merchant at 160 CanalBtrett and his wife Mrs Rose PaUItaroused some Interest

Mr and Mrs Pels were separated1998 uader an agreement by whistPets paid his wife 15000 in lieu of



Its Strength


The Other





Thither allmon Mrs Pelz

TBIgKyr0I0 s






whenever ke

Ibanumber w1U


have his







sued for divorce naming FfcaattMLe-fkowiti as corespondent Fetythoughthis wife was entitled to morein view of her divorce case and copseated to an order byrich directing him to pay JlWOc 4moor and 500 counsel fees


You cannot use anything betterfor your childs tlian

from with

does not contain anything harmfuland isto expel the poisons from the

Discovery Isantiseptic hills the

loosens the coughand soothes the irritation

off treatment Roughs and coldsoften lead to troublesIt Is also good fox adults and the

a bottle today Alldruggists


oDr NeW Discovery It Isprepared Ir

balsams It






Phoebe Is CautiousThe other day In my walk lasts

upon two phoebet nests underhanging rocks both with half hedgedyoung in them and In neitherwere the parent birds in evldeaoeThor did not give their secret awayby setting up the hue and cry thatnesting birds usually set up OB BUC

occasions I finally sawaa shadowy perched nearby with

food in their beaks which they finallywaltowediu Wr was prolongedAnd the nests both on a l

were apparently flllfld onlya motloaleM BUBS of Uulsk

AB I getotly touched tAeal

springing upf the jand dispose

Juas1 The phoebe is eridentlyJstefrcautious bird though no blrd areStore about our porches andoutbiilldlngai rbhnl Bdrrougni iaAHafitlc Kontfilyt

Worth Tryingthe on

a lotger day than those whot u li ivtt-

hl h r





Rebf 1ur I1r1i d Y1tkf jkJ-D01I

illj the seatIn l1 tpet

thi0 J-



in uhtaIalYe

1e1 t il




them as sh


mr elltiff


settledtkeaibelvea li


Those Who

ell otp brghtst oprAiy Ii1lltlsl



> <

< +

LUtlii Pail Porpare lifetBUle la ot leastmake nUMthat mended like laughter anui-

Jttj te8 irtiar ttablo at Cypress at-entft lat streethe a cl 4 iliboBld cheered

tninawl tUUcd tho MVTlwmole sort of paned and io oiu fUhead but Heehaw Thea littlePats Irfe ln This time thmule

I about mlckly raised hisHin neit eouids that Mile

Keiutf ofof the mute COBS

biped surgeon from the Germanhospital bandaged up Paul lace and

ho had slid alongttor tri t tt r alighting

him homo New York

Argues With the Honlittle story IB told ofof Inez Mllholland-

4t 4noiBtf Dutiful suffragette in-

imerica aa been called whoJ married secretly during bet visitLondon According to the brines

father ft seenrt that oven as a babshe Will Very strongwilled One day

came in despair to Mrs Milholland announced that she haft

the top of a hiystacl-iat fth tk calld flatly refused tsi

dowa r Mrs Mlfholland sallied

natter To her mothers eatreatlesjIsis rt lled flrmty Theres a nastyold here that wont lay hereggs and Tm going to make her do-

t an trlal Definitionwho in addition to be

log a halted States sonior was foxmany yearU president of tho beardoir dBeatlda 6f Atlanta received avisit afternoon from a Georglaawho wufcd his indorsement tor it-

t romc Job Mr Smitb was afjtitlii Bry as a flue day

ertattoo After ho had flnBhe4his explanation of what he wautedthe senator observed urbanely My5b r toy1 i beAr not the ellghteslf-

crkdtffllafcahisf you but I cant forgothave opposed me for the

nltklhail heard

1 Ban Brtibe

Little Pall14ke 11SYGywJifcli i-

n1IrJIwt I l W1il I


clang ana J I i11 Dc-

lbeltin4tka bawThe

A theear iI811





could do In tie


unseeker r

Ulb he hid M47-r of mi rotl


akeahefair raadtauodjticek d



whined moots


uThen lila

mother took

taintd s l



o i-


fort to ieo whatihe






ayaa4 oh was

that yeq





jut suc years

tMlher Aid MovementThe International Commission for

utk Hygiene has representa-tion fro 4 countries It

In Berlin iriMW anthe growth of the morement to hatedental Iai9 ction in schools has-

t a i0Hmen l aermany estt-suliitnWiote ta vitality through dt-ffectlyeitetktob moro than 60000

i despite the fact that

stablUaedr Teachers in the publjeh v been ot great helpin-

makttil aeceMltylIoif mbuth


certain family rudely was U d byitafi Duds of conflicting emenat1 f Worn Ui4 den by-

lhvcJAJ9 tou shant hang Itth wl I will too Ill take itdowk 1 wont let You rill





1 have been



Textrnl rttrn oa lam of a








ISWiP Isrdntt dUaWst






ww tipYea will A tussle followed

trk Mir iaterrentlon The bone8tio to

Miedi oarfl s tending Oo4 1

This is a story told of an old Evanlical l fyaui9 who a ion In

fttiWWiKkAlUt Okenecccasloathe father jatd1 arlslt to hiso

hlalNto IB

ifftutd bulK Med to do so he atltpfthteea at d sad chose the

Hotitfy soothes the irritation Pino

t hip Itl Ithen

l1 foundoJ



Jl n ia came I

ptet JI

oh1ik ttit the olablaa


lY dDr PlneTarHone


aaA I

l1 ffOlJQJi1iisbatbnn-

sk 1t71UJWoney


rof bean ill


Raihera Neat

had T

orders a y


t text-S lhsyeafererupon mysditifot-

Ts Is11UU-


Fur your cold fur ypurcotigfiforthroat nose and

t del Bolls

roelgeetlon Flue far aso adtva


lfdr4 niMltrcu Iknei-r iiir1dklt dm-

Vvngmt tis






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